Knee Tendonitis, A Medical Myth, And What Is Required To Fix It

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7 жыл бұрын

Knee Tendonitis, like all tendonitis, is made up of multiple factors all working together to cause pain and problem.
Doctors, of course, push a very dangerous myth, which is that where you hurt is where the problem is. If your knee tendon hurts they'll tell you that you have a tendon problem.
Part of why doctors have a poor success record with fixing knee tendonitis and eventually tell their patients that knee surgery is their only remaining option is because they don't know or understand what knee tendonitis is nor why it developed nor why it's stays and gets worse over time.
The good news is, it's not rocket science. Tendonitis of the knee is a very predictable process, and is 100% reversible.
Knee tendonitis from Levaquin or Cipro is a VERY different problem/mechanism.
Find out more at

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@jokerzai105 6 жыл бұрын
usually doctors have no idea how to treat these problem. Only those who experienced it can help.
@opbrankicatomic1029 5 жыл бұрын
This is the best explanation EVER. thank u
@BeardVsTheWorldUK1 8 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for this. Always knew there was something more to my condition than could be healed with a stretch, an exercise, medication, etc etc.
@sanan22 5 жыл бұрын
I got an inflammation in the lower portion of the patellar tendon after running. the physiotherapist told me it's due to the weakness of the quads and told me to do 30 reps of bodyweight squats every day. 5 days later, the inflammation had spread to the entire knee joint and I could barely walk without twitching in pain. by that point, I was icing knee 2-3 times per day and taking prescription anti-inflammation drugs for 11 days but still had massive amounts of pain. then I came across this video today and decided to foam roll. and the pain just melted away after like 30 seconds. it felt amazingly simple and I felt like heaven as all of the tension in my knee just disappeared thank you very much for making this video
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Great! Sometimes it's easy (sometimes it's not). There are multiple factors at play, but if you can affect one of them and it makes all the difference, great!
@Flowmotion1000 5 жыл бұрын
sanan22 Could you recommend a video guide for using a foam roller please ?
@MrUndauntedShadowYT 4 жыл бұрын
I actually found this video fairly helpful. Unlike other users who continue to critique the video, he truly informs you of the biology that takes place during tendonitis. How the knee is solely a "hinge" between the ankle and the hip, and tightness anywhere in-between can case issued with your knee. I say, that this video is well-informed and trulely educates an individual on how to begin the proper steps towards recovery.
@BLACK05GO1 5 жыл бұрын
My dad had a lot of knee pain. They had him stretch his legs (quads, calf muscle, etc) and his knee pain went away. So for many people it works, especially people that are not active (sit all day).
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Sedentary lifestyles cause more pain than active ones. Stretching is absolutely a good thing.
@kyleevo7939 5 жыл бұрын
I have Jumpers knee/PT for years now from excessive jumping. Which is necessary for sports like basketball and volleyball. Straps and braces don't really fix the pain but will help keep your tendon in place. To reduce the pain I've learned u have to be flexible! Do leg/thighs stretches daily! Land on your toes not your heels.. And ice your knee after a good workout !
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Can't argue with that.
@shamunra3621 5 жыл бұрын
Kyle Evo what kind of stretches do you perform?
@kozed130 2 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert you can argue with icing after a workout
@TendonitisExpert 2 жыл бұрын
@DK People can and will argue about everything and anything.
@kozed130 2 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert icing is good after impact.. not every training.
@danielchapiro6252 5 жыл бұрын
Following your advice (prior videos), I no longer have pain in the quads and adductors :) I hope that this will do the trick for the patellar tendons. Thanks a lot, Martin!
@joshuajurado2565 5 жыл бұрын
Daniel Chapiro what exercises did u do?
@jahmalbaptiste9915 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video! I found it very informative and will definitely try out relaxing my muscles (I know they are very tense, and even have many "knots"...). I have patella and quad tendonitis on both knees and damaged cartilage... (I've been doing a lot of cycling in the past couple years)
@djfipc 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, your video has given me hope and lifted my depression. I was given a diagnosis of calcification in my knee by a doctor 2 days ago. I am 34 and a keen runner. I was frightened, yet after I watched your video I simple touched my thigh muscles and on the leg with pain below my knee - it is rock solid compared to my other leg (pain free). I am going to stretch more regularly. Thank you!
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! Yep, your doctor gave you a diagnosis, but no explanation for why it's calcified, what caused it, or how to fix it. Which is a bummer, because in general, it's fixable and it's causes are reversible.
@supersurfer1 5 жыл бұрын
Gold. The only video I've seen that makes real sense.
@andreagang5263 5 жыл бұрын
this is a great, helpful and informative video thank you
@peterbulloch4328 4 жыл бұрын
I think you should start with the feet first, as our toes are scrunched together by standard footwear & heel lift that causes posture misalignment putting stress on different parts of the leg. This can also result in collapsed arches leading to the incorrect tracking of the patella. I agree with a lot of the other stuff you point out but start from the ground up & your other techniques will benefit.
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
I agree that shoes (as a general statement) are bad etc. However, arches collapse because they lose the musclular support. And as a general statement, that structural arch support is from muscles in the lower leg that turn to tendon and attach to the feet's bony structure. Shoes/bad shoes can help that happen (faster).
@Stygova 5 жыл бұрын
What an interesting video! 4 days ago while snowboarding I hurt my knee and the doctor told me I have pattelar tendonitis, he did exactly what you were saying, told me to rest and prescribed me anti inflammatory medicine. However, as you I believe that in order to heal you need to treat the cause not symptoms which normally consists of many things. As I understood the best way for me to heal my knee is be more careful with my diet, make sure I get enough nutrients, treat inflammation and stretch my all leg muscles. Is that what you are saying?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
In a general sense I'm saying that, yes. Though if you have pain etc, it's highly unlikely that diet is going to provide one with enough specific nutrition to replete an insufficiency.
@cabeto3 4 жыл бұрын
I totally alleviated my knee pain with massages around the knee and over the muscles of my leg. I agree with you about this is a more extended problem related with leg muscles not only with tendons. Nutrition is also very related. Our tissues need perfect food. I suspect that "tendonitis" could be also related in some cases with a kind of bacteria. Thank you very much for the video.
@iliasshalloul9878 5 жыл бұрын
Hey guys! I have a knee problem too! It’s on the left back side of my left knee, it hurts so much when I exercice, the tendent feel like it’s moving and rubbing against the rest of the muscles or the bone itself, it doesn’t hurt when I stretch it and try to trigger the pain but when I release it goes back to normal! A massage therapist that I know ”Kora” said that I need to stretch more often but my anxiety tells me that I’m gonna lose my knee! Thanks for any potential responding on this, it matters a lot and want to collect as much opinions. Thank you.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Is anxiety a thing with you? I ask because, anxiety eats up magnesium, and lack of magnesium results in anxiety...and muscles require magnesium to relax. So if you don't have enough mangesium and you're anxious you're not going to get as much benefit from stretching as one might like to think that one is going to get.
@gipsiesrealm 6 жыл бұрын
You are right I just had to see the areas which is entire leg and nutrition
@phoenixodin 11 ай бұрын
I'm having pain on my teardrop muscle on left leg, whenever I squat down and reach parallel my knee and square (teardrop muscle) hurt soo much that I cant squat, what is the cause of this and how would I fix this?
@yoErico2251 Жыл бұрын
isometric holds/ wall sits, hip/ ankle mobility, quad tempering/ flexibility, glute/ posterior chain engagement. icing does nothing but prolong healing. instead look up knee flossing
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
That statement is pretty ripe for disagreeing with, but in general yes vodoo floss is good stuff.
@yoErico2251 Жыл бұрын
disagree with what? you gave zero info on how to fix it just gave an explanation of why it happens. knee pain of any kind is a problem with the hips and/ or ankle/ feet. loose muscle doesn’t do anything if you’re hip or ankle doesn’t have the correct mobility to safely load the knee, otherwise other muscles will compensate and continue to pull on the tendon even if loose. isometrics strengthens the tendon and teaches your muscles how to fire correctly. inactive glutes/ posterior chain will put even more stress on the quads to pull even harder on the tendon. take it from a D1 athlete whos had patellar tendonitis for 2 years now. icing has done absolutely nothing to help. voodoo floss on the other hand has worked wonders.
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Why would I 'take it' from anyone that's had (and still has) tendonitis for 2 years?
@yoErico2251 Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert and why would i take it from an “expert” that doesn’t practice what he preaches. there’s a difference between reading a textbook and actually experiencing it and overcoming it. no one truly understands anything until it happens to them
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Because i know how to fix tendonitis. You clearly don't.
@JohanLiebert47 Жыл бұрын
what do you think about fixing patellarfemoral pain ?
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Well, that's a very broad vague question. I will respond with: I think one should find and then fix the causes of said pain. Tightness (any number of places, pulling things out of whack), inflammation process (most of the actual pain that is felt), and nutritional lack (so muscles can't relax, for instance).
@cap7502 3 жыл бұрын
what about quadricep tendonitis? I am a track and field runner and have had quadricep tendonitis twice now. Would it be the same process?
@TendonitisExpert 3 жыл бұрын
Same process, yes. The tendonitis dynamic is the tendonitis dynamic everywhere/wherever it shows up.
@saalifetv5062 5 жыл бұрын
What are good nutritional food for the tendon??
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
I'd wager that bone broth (home made, from organic pastured bones/joints) is the best tendon nutrition. See: See:
@kd1687 5 жыл бұрын
Would tight hip flexors be part of the issue with tight tendons and patella femoral sydrom?
@kd1687 5 жыл бұрын
Your description in this video screams everything I feel!! Knee pain, tightness, inflammation all of it . It's been months Of this( easy 7 at this level) and anti inflammatory are not working everything feels tight and painful.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Anti-inflammatories don't fix anything. See: Tight hip flexors absolutely can/do play a role. Reduced gait length, rotated leg affects stride and knee, tightness elsewhere as connective tissue pulls on things, etc.
@kd1687 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert thanks
@benpayne4663 12 күн бұрын
excellent. thank you.
@prayalways 3 жыл бұрын
Yessssssssss. Great video.
@Free-SpokenMedia Жыл бұрын
I really don't like this feedback loop. Is it safe to reduce inflammation with an Osmo patch so I can workout with less tightness and pain?
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Well, it's safe in the sense that less inflammation is better, even temporarily. But inflammation is only one of the three main factors at play. You can probably work out more, over time, but ultimately the dynamic is going to progressively get worse, quickly or slowly.
@KartikRoad 5 жыл бұрын
How can i consult with you personally? As I noticed giving all the information here isn't gonna work. If it's possible, please let me know.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Kartik. A Phone Consult ( is a great place to start. And/or you can use the contact form (button on the left side of the site's webpages) to start that conversation.
@KartikRoad 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert Alright. Thanks a lot.
@jimpollard113 3 жыл бұрын
I have been dealing with knee tendonitis in both legs for nine months. This video makes sense and describes my symptoms (my various doctor visits were useless). Lately, I intuitively came to the conclusion that I need to strengthen and stretch all leg muscles to improve function, and began experimenting with diet to see if it might be playing a role. The question is, what are the most likely dietary deficiencies to address?
@KevinRyan-qb4ef 7 ай бұрын
Any updates or tips? I have been dealing with this more months now currently
@lebronjames7041 6 жыл бұрын
I am a basketball player and both of knees or tendon will hurt during and after practice but if your saying to relieve all these 3 major parts that cause patelliar tendinitis , if I do will it pain automatically be cured??
@TendonitisExpert 6 жыл бұрын
Yes. Pain shows up because structures aren't working/can't work correctly, and that results in pain symptoms (basically). Reverse the factors that are causing the lack of correct function, and pain goes away.
@TendonitisExpert 6 жыл бұрын
Here you go.
@jalenmcintyre1660 Жыл бұрын
How is your knee now?
@hamidman6974 Жыл бұрын
What about if the problem appeared through an acute injury, and not something slowly building up? I have a problem near the lateral retinaculum area, after a fall in a shoulder to shoulder while playing european football. It's been around 3 weeks now. The first 3 days I lost most range of motion, especially at extremeties. Then slowly got back the range of motion, but now I have a painless knee clicking when fully extending the leg, or when almost fully flexing it. (the clicking is some bone moving, at the right of the patella, right leg. ) I don't know if I should get back to play football or running. I can do squats, leg extensions, and walking without problems. Doctor tested my ligaments, and they seem to be ok. Doctor didn't seem good enough to know exactly what's the problem imo, she said it's a tendon problem and I should stretch, relax etc.
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Well, let's say there was no tendonitis dynamic (tightness, inflammation, lack of nutrition) in play before this happened. Unlikely, but all in al let's go with that. So there was some kind impact event...which either caused some actual rip/tear injury of any size, or it just caused the body to SUDDENLY try to adapt to a lot force going where it shouldn't go, and the brain kicked in a defensive response (pain, tightness, inflammation, locking muscles down to 'protect' the perceived possible injury 9the brain can't really tell the difference between an injury and thinking there's an injury). 1. Did you get an MRI or any other kind of imaging (to determine if there actually was or was not an actual rip/tear injury)? 2. Please describe what/where is moving. You said a bone to the right of the patella.....meaning....the knee joint is loose? Or the tibia joint is moving. Or just the patella is clicking on something? 3. Probably shouldn't play right now (don't want to add new irritation into an already irritated dynamic), but also, rest doesn't fix anything (if you just irritated things rest gives it time to settle down, but if you have a small tear or the brain thinks you do, rest just isn't going to resolve things.
@mark2073 Жыл бұрын
My patellar tendonitis started from whacking it a little bit one morning, then riding 50 km on my bike ignoring the pain. All downhill from there and eventually I got it built back up again. 10 years ago. Now, whenever there's a problem of inactivity with me, or whatever, it comes back. I am now getting its strength back but it will be a while before I can do hard core movements with no effect.
@thepowerwithin8254 2 жыл бұрын
Totally right
@matteochow6762 5 жыл бұрын
Went on a week break from my hockey team and my first practice back I had bad knee pain. My teams athletic therapist believes it’s patellar tendinitis. How long do you believe this will last as I started treating it pretty early and would it be bad to play through pain? Thanks
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know, no way to tell from here. Your knee had been 100% pain free with hockey, no problems during the week off? And exactly who what how where why did it start hurting first practice back?
@matteochow6762 5 жыл бұрын
TendonitisExpert well I actually partially tore my acl earlier in the year and with physio therapy I returned to play in November. Haven’t had problems until after that week break. Nothing really stood out pain wise just gradually started getting more sore during the practice.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Well that definitely changes things from what you said in the first post. :) What physio did you do for that/how long since the tear, had a new mri to see what it looks like now? That spot is problematic, but one can argue that the cause of the tear is your other (muscle) structures aren't working properly. The less well a muscle works, the less force it can absorb, and that force has to go the acl. And that lack of function is (almost certainly) still in place, so going to cause more/future pain/problem.
@Rick-tm3vs 4 жыл бұрын
Outstanding video!.
@slimreapzzzyt3330 5 жыл бұрын
Hey so I’ve gotten diagnosed with patellar tendinitis and I play 4 or 5 hours of basketball everyday and my doctor told me I had to not do any physical activity for a month ! I’m devastated and am desperately trying to figure out ways to speed up the healing process because my season starts soon! Any tips ?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
I'd start here: (video here on youtube) or here:
@skamin2000 5 жыл бұрын
Depends. I had this my sr year in high and durning college playing basketball. I am now 42 still playing basketball and still dealing with it. Had 2 patella tendon debridement surgeries last year. One helped the other did not. Rest has never helped mine. I grew a lot in H.S. and I think that caused it. Try to strengthen your quads hammers and hips. It sucks. Could try taping or getting a patella knee band to put pressure on the tendon. It helps relieve the pain some but doesn’t fix the problem
@namepending155 Жыл бұрын
So, can "increased tightness" present as restless legs.
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Essentially, yes. 'Tightness' is really constant contraction. You have millions and millions of muscle fibers in a muscle, let's say. They're supposed to take turns firing and relaxing, some working while others resting, constantly rotating. 'Increased tightness', and 'constant tightness', and 'constantly increasing tightness' results in more and more muscles constantly working while less and less are resting. That uses up energy, results in more and more constant fatigue, and....uses up more nutrition, which increases one's nutritional requirements. Which leads to the restless leg syndrome cause nobody talks about (not that anybody talks about causes anyway....) which is nutritional lack. When muscles don't have the specific nutrition they need to relax, they literally, mechanicaly can't. They less they have of what they need, the less they can relax. Which results in increased(ing) and constant tightness, and can/does result in restless leg 'syndrome'. The label 'syndrome' is applied by doctors to describe a range of symptoms when they have no idea what the cause is. Unfortunately in todays medical world, there is little to no investigation into the WHY of a problem. The norm is to investigate the mechanism of the symptoms and then create a drug to suppress the symptoms, but ignore the cause(s). It takes Calcium to fire a muscle and Magnesium for a muscle to stop firing.
@fmls8266 5 жыл бұрын
I get tendonitis in my left knee, I admit my left leg is incredibly tight. But the most annoing pain is on the back of the knee area, where hamstrings and calves insert, or maybe sciatica nerve. No doctor has ever found the issue, I did several exams, multiple MRI, ecography, rx of knee and back, seen multiple doctors. Can this be caused by tightness aswell?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
"Can this be caused by tightness aswell?" Yes. The reason doctors and various diagnostic imaging options often 'fail' to find a cause of pain/problem is because they don't take tightness into account I understand why machinery doesn't but I do not understand why medical professionals are blind to it. Tightness causes problems. There are various causes of tightness, of course, but tightness over time becomes the norm, so one doesn't relax more than that tightness while resting/sleeping/etc.
@fmls8266 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert I have no idea why they don't, probably orthopedics are too much focused on finding some damaged structure or trauma. I would maybe be better with a PT or such. Rest doesn't do shit to me honestly, no matter how long. I'm trying to stretch more, sometimes I'm very sad, this thing has been tormenting me for 10 years
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Dp you have classic sciatica symptoms?
@fmls8266 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert some of them. My pain is mostly on the back of the leg, when I flex the knee past 130 degrees, or when I stretch the calves/hams with a straight leg, in this second case it radiates a bit to the hip area. Mostly left leg and a very tiny bit on the right, left leg is much more stiff. Kneeling quad stretch or the frog pose (so with hips extended) seems to trigger the pain much much less. My back seems fine, no pain, exams and doctors never found issues in my back.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
No issues in back, good. Then sciatica is coming from nerve compression in the hips/gluets (probably not the back, maybe could be some, depending). I really need to get to work on a Reversing HIp Tendonitis program. We could focus on your knee but hip/low back is more likely the cause of the knee symptoms. You could of course have other stuff going on helping the knee symptoms develop (lower legs, very likely). The real estate involved can get real broad real fast so gotta pick a battle and focus on it. I'd do this: Get my Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program, , apply it to lower legs AND the same concepts/technicques up in the hip area (you could do some quads to maybe directly help the knee etc but that's not where I'd first put my first efforts). See what you find, see what happens, contact me through the site we'll make sure you get moving in the right direction results-wise. (Don't let the program title fool you, there's a ton of overlap as tendonitis dynamic is the tendonitis dynamic no matter where it shows up. Tightness is your big overall program, we dial that down, see what happens, and reassess as necessary).
@nicksteroni 5 жыл бұрын
Figures, my situation is sort of this but no cigar. The pain is at the top of the patella and it only hurts walking down the stairs. My legs are well developed. I've trained my whole life, and am in construction. Never had issues but now after a day of climbing ladders and stairs, i will pay for it that night ( Now) and the next day or so. I'm exhausted trying to figure this out. I'm already very flexible and don't really see how I can be any looser. This only started after PT for a torn meniscus in my other knee. Thats healed perfectly, now this !
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
"I'm already very flexible and don't really see how I can be any looser." 1. Define/describe your level of flexibility. 2. Regardless of that, it can be less about flexibility and more about function. For instance, if your muscles (more accurately for flexible people, if parts of your muscles are stuck tight/too tight and other things are overflexible to make up for it) then they can't work properly/can't absorb force...and that force has to go your meniscus.
@nicksteroni 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think its quad / tendon tightness. I can easily sit back all the way, while on my knees, and rest my elbows on the floor at my sides. I think it must be function. How do I figure which of the quad muscles is stuck/tight and then address it? I just started to use the hyper volt to work lengthwise with the quad. This is a weird tendonitis because it can be bad one day and then after a nights rest much better. I've never known that to happen with any kind of tendonitis.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Well, that is pretty darn flexible! That does kind of point to the lower leg being more the area to focus on (first at least). Meaning, lower legs needing work so they can absorb force correctly (so it's not transferring up to the knee). Definitely use the hypervold on the quads (and the TFL that controls the IT band). And, I'd (primarily) get into the calves and deeper. "I've never known that to happen with any kind of tendonitis." In my experience, it can look a lot of different ways for a lot of different reasons. It can be constant, come and go, slow get worse or suddenly get worse, etc, etc. Maybe your system is really good and dialing down inflammation symptoms and 'recovering'..but that doesn't fix the causative forces and so you go be active and it comes right back. That you've had meniscus surgery (and that causative forces resulted in the torn meniscus) points to that the area is still easily irritable due to the same forces doing negative things. Maybe not at the exact same spot, but the same forces are at work.
@parvez7106 3 жыл бұрын
Whats your thoughts on lateral knee plica?
@TendonitisExpert 3 жыл бұрын
Presuming you mean the 'syndrome' and not the membrane structure....the National Institute of Health describes plica syndrome as "Synovial plica syndrome (SPS) occurs in the knee, when an otherwise normal structure becomes a source of pain due to injury or overuse." Sounds like the predictable result of a tendonitis dynamic to me. Too tight muscle and connective tissue, inflammation process, and lack of nutrition, reduce the body's ability to function properly, force/load doesn't get absorbed like it's supposed to, that force has to go the knee plica structures. For the record, an 'otherwise normal structure' doesn't become a source of pain. It may hurt, and if it does, that's a symptom of a bigger 'source'...i.e. the actual causes of the pain and problem....i.e. the tendonitis dynamic. Since we're at it, a 'syndrome' is not an actual illness/disease/problem. A syndrome is a name for a (specific) collection of symptoms that occur together.
@parvez7106 3 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert thanks. Your insight makes me understand this better. Im due an mri in the coming months. Probably will pinpoint exactly if its the syndrome or the membrane. Though i reckon myself its the syndrome. I do work long hours standing ( hotelier ). Plus i had the clicking/catching sensation after a month of doing squats. Bad form on my part contributed i guess also to the synovium being injured.
@lightrider6635 5 жыл бұрын
Today I went for hiking and with the very first step I felt the pain! After a few steps I unintentionally put my sole on the ground and pushed my body upward, then I realized that I'm not feeling pain any more! I tested it again and found that it's really helping me. So basically no heel touch no pain. (sorry for any grammatical problem)
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
So...a heel strike results in pain where exactly? And a forefoot strike doesn't? (Forefoot/midfoot striking is better...generations of shoe wearing has turned us into heel strikers.)
@lightrider6635 5 жыл бұрын
Right under patella. a heel strike would result in pain in tissue under the patella but after forefoot strike I didn't feel pain there. I felt like the tissue is freer to move.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
One could argue that that's a biomechanical chain issue, and they would be correct. I'll more argue (for simplicity's sake) that your lower leg isn't working correctly (muscles aren't working correctly), thus force isn't being absorbed and is transfering up to the knee (and other musculature firing when it shouldn't/doesn't have to. Forefoot/midfoot strike allows more muscle activation to take place (more than a heel strike), thus more force absorbed. Checkout 'barefoot walking' and running, there's a ton of info on that out there in the google.
@lightrider6635 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir.
@peanutbutterjelly1249 5 жыл бұрын
I have always had trouble with my knees and their durability, never been diagnosed but always had discomfort. I like to compare my pain to a creaky door- meaning that its worn down after years of impact from volleyball and whenever I'm running it starts to ache and not feel very fluid, I'm not the best at describing things haha.The pain does not have a specific point its just focused on my knee area. I have always thought it is just tendonitis so I could put a name to my pain but I am not so sure. Any ideas of what may be wrong??
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Abby. 1. How old are you? 2. Still play volleyball? 3. Any other joint pain (besides knees). 4. Constant pain or comes and goes? Or, only when active? or....?
@lebronjames7041 6 жыл бұрын
So how do I prevent a rupture?
@TendonitisExpert 6 жыл бұрын
Ruptures for the most part happen because muscles aren't working correctly. Muscles are supposed to absorb force. When they're not working right they're not absorbing force like they should be...and that force still has to go somewhere. That' somewhere tends to be where a rupture happens. Said another way, it's not that too much force was applied and that caused a rupture, it's that the muscles couldn't do their job so couldn't absorb force the should have been able to, and the unabsorbed force did bad things. Another way of answering your question is: Reverse the factors that are causing the lack of correct function, and risk of rupture decreases.
@Silvester1470 Жыл бұрын
What most people don't know is that not all knee tendonitis problems will be solved in the same way. I am a sportsperson and had a nagging tendonitis problem, and many physios recommended strengthening my thigh and calf muscles, but the problem didn't go away. I have pretty strong muscles in the legs, so it didn't have any significant impact. Sometimes later, a colleague told me to try squats and stretching before sessions. Boom, the problem disappeared within a few weeks. Turns out my problem originated from a tight hamstring and calf muscle. So not everything works for everyone, but I am sure it is always connected in one way or another to leg biomechanics.
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Absolutely everything is connected. Absolutely tightness always plays a role (for all the reasons). And it's ALMOST absolute that 'strengthening' isn't gonna work, despite that being the go to 'fix' for PT's (and the doctors that send all their patients to PT).
@abhirammadathil-bt1yu Жыл бұрын
How long it took get completely recovered. I do have tight quads still I got tendonitis. Took a 2 months rest from volleyball. Then when I started playing it triggered. Does doing squats heals ?
@bernardpavlovic4489 Жыл бұрын
​@@abhirammadathil-bt1yu do isometrics on knee (wall sit, knee extension machine). They must be hard, your all body must shake, also do knee extension with slow eccentrics, and lot of reps(20+), two different exercises(normal movement 20+ reps and eccentrics you can go up to 10 reps,but increase weight every training). Do your hamstrings also. Drink magnesium 400mg, omega3 1000mg, collagen 50mg and vitamin C 1000mg every day. And you can try massage, dry needling,etc.
@willarroz6703 5 жыл бұрын
today i went to m schools training office and they suggested that i put a heating pad on at night and ice my knee asap after practice (TRACK), would what they suggested do help me??
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Heating pad will make things feel better. It brings blood to the area (basically, and that does good things). Ice after practice A. reduces the inflammation process that increases pain levels and B. pushes fluid and inflammation's pain enhancing chemical out after which the body pushes new blood in. Alternating hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold is good too, possibly better depending. Unfortunately, neither heat nor cold will help the problems CAUSING the knee pain in the first place (well, cold does help in a variety of ways, but figure it's more secondary than primary). Did the training office at all look at how you run, your stride, your range of motion, etc?
@veyzi4488 5 жыл бұрын
i’m 17 and have had patellar tendonitis/tendonosis in both knees for a year and a half now. ive had to take months off sports multiple times because its gotten so bad. i know rest alone doesnt fix it. ive done eccentric squats and various stretches and foam rolls but nothing fully cures the problem. ive tried icing, braces, just about everything. any advice on where to start or what to try?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Do you actually have tendonosis?
@genaroflores835 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert What should one do if its tendonosis or tendonopathy?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Tendonitis, tendonosis, tendonopathy, all caused by the same causative factors. So same thing(s) as tendonitis. Reverse the muscle and connective tissue tightness, inflammation, and nutritional lack.
@kideira7279 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve had it for the same time it’s finally going away I’m playing basketball again better than ever Stretches for a LONG TIME A LONG TIME EVERY DAY ICE MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY don’t over work your knee everytime it will get stronger just don’t push to hard work your way back
@shamunra3621 5 жыл бұрын
Bob Bob what kind of stretches do you do?
@kofestar 5 жыл бұрын
Soooooo how do I fix it exactly
@supra2k8 4 жыл бұрын
get a foam roller, work on your quads, hamstrings, hip flexor and calf muscles, foam roll before your sports/activity, and do a recovery post workout/activity and your knee pain should go away.
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
Yep. Try that. If it works, great!
@sahilpreetsingh7199 4 жыл бұрын
@@supra2k8 do you know how long it will take
@vdog3248 4 жыл бұрын
Fix muscle imbalances. Hip flexors are tight, low back is tight, calves are tight, quadriceps are tight. Abs are weak, glutes(specifically glute medius) are weak, hamstrings are weak. Stretch what is tight, strengthen what is weak. Get on a good anti inflammatory substance and have an anti inflammatory diet.
@rudesback5013 5 жыл бұрын
What causes my knee to become more inflamed? Ive been stretching my calfs, quads been doing hamstring, hip, and quads excercises. Im not sure if thats right or wrong
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know, I'd need a lot more details. What's going on with your knee? who what how where when?
@rudesback5013 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert it hurts under my knee cap and it has been hurting for like 3 or 4 months. Im 17 and yea i rested for all that time and i barely started doing doing excercises. Should i do squats or does that hurt me more?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Still need more information. What does 'become more inflamed' mean, exactly? Sharp pain? Dull pain? Constant or comes and goes or only when active or...
@qtdidit 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert Slight discomfort of the patellar (bottom of the kneecap) right at the end of leg extension (Not the exercise just the motion). Can feel the same discomfort when initially doing squat but goes away as I go lower. Can sometimes feel this way on a weird step, it doesn't feel like pain but feels like an "Oh crap, is my knee about to give out right now" moment. In that moment its a sharp sensation. Not sure if I should see a chiropractor or how to loosen the muscles in my legs or which muscles because none of them feel tight to me. Or if I need to strengthen muscles in my leg. This feeling is only in my right knee. I'm athletic, never had a knee injury. Left leg is my dominant jump leg. Thank you so much for putting out info and giving your time
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
There's tendonitis symptoms....and/but 'Oh crap, is my knee about to give out right now' pretty much isn't one of them. So either it really does feel like that, or you're overexaggerating some (hard to tell with just the written word). So tell me more about who what how where when that 'give out' feeling.
@derrickg5612 5 жыл бұрын
Do you recommend taking a collagen supplement to help heal a tendon?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
If one has actual tendon damage, then extra collagen/protein is a good thing. If you don't have actual tendon damage....not so much (for the specific topic of 'tendon healing' anyway).
@GO-gh2cp 4 жыл бұрын
thank you for the lesson ! 👏
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome!
@draculacepesh1382 5 жыл бұрын
Hello. What am I supposed to do if none of the 3 factors you mentioned are applicable? I am sort of figure skater. I was doing stretches for a long period, good diet and so on. I got my tendinitis after falling really hard from a jump on a knee exactly at the spot the tendon responsible for everything is. I also have bad landing technique : I land on flat feet and don't have soft knees skill yet. Also before and after injury I increased my training amount significantly, so I would do something like 200 jumps per days and some of ice. (Also started doing all of my off ice jumps on stone floor bare footed instead of soft linoleom). Obviously I can't continue like that and I am working on my technique, but the problem is it gets worse every day to a point I can't bend my knee fully without losing control due to pain. Topical anti-inflamatories don't help much. What should I do? It seems like I am an exception to your treatment strategy since if not for a fall I would probably wouldn't get tendinitis.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Topicals don't do much, agreed. "What am I supposed to do if none of the 3 factors you mentioned are applicable?" If you didn't have any before, injury/new pain starts the progress of the tendonitis dynamic factors: too tight muscle and connective tissue, inflammation process, nutritional lack. Having said that, if you have an impact injury, then you have pain/bruise/etc. So before I continue...Tell me more: you tried a jump, camp down on a flat foot/feet...and then...fell forward and landed on your knee (knee cap, side of knee, etc?
@draculacepesh1382 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert place between femur and knee cap. I did some some squats on tilted plank they really helped, since ice/KT tape/Knee support only relived it to small extent. Now I can kneel without pain, but if I start jumping it slowly comes back. I think I was on the verge of having runners knee before I fell : I felt some pain in the both knee joints (definitely different location and intensity from current pain ), but if I did ice and rest for a day I could skate for approximately for 3 hours before it came back and then I carried on for 2-3 hours ignoring it. Is previous overuse of other parts of the knee contributed to tendonitis? Thank you.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын the pain from the knee joint compressing (like when there's weight coming down? Or is it -tendon- location pain?
@draculacepesh1382 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert I would say tendon mainly, but when I skated really long I got pain on the cartilage surfaces location, but it was negligible comparing to tendon.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
If you have a tendon bruise, it's a lot like a bone bruise. See: So it's going to hurt for a while, and you can speed that up with icing and massage. Working on your technique is, as you mentioned, vital for the future of your ability to perform without pain/damage. Having said that, your -ability- to function could use some attention. That's the workings of the muscles of the lower leg (and probably upper leg too). Massage, stretching, etc, so the muscles can work (more) correctly. If you already have knee/joint pain, then it's a safe bet your muscle structures aren't working as well as they should be. Landing 'wrong' doesn't help, obviously, and banging your knee on the ice is, well, a lot like hitting your knee with a hammer, and bad/painful things result from that....
@robinbrar1602 5 жыл бұрын
I have a right knee injury about two weeks ago.. swelling has gone and knee looks normal but when i extend the knee after bending it completely.. and looks like something is preventing it to extend and pop sound is audible not the normal sound like bones crushing around but then knee extends normal seems like bone comes in place..worried about that.. please suggest me
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
1. What happened that caused the knee injury? If I was watching, what would I have seen? 2. Describe what seems to be preventing the extension? 3. At what point when extending does the prevention happen? 4. 'the normal sound like bones crushing' that a normal sound for you? If so, tell me more about it who what how where when.
@allthatrouble 4 жыл бұрын
Very good. Thank you for this.
@lonewolf4663 Жыл бұрын
But some people claims that if you have jumper's knee you shouldn't stretch your quads. What do I do to remove tightness from quads?
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
When muscles are stuck tight, stretching puts too much torque on the attachments (because the muscles don't stretch, but length still has to happen). So, very light stretching/lengthening, and/or massage.
@lonewolf4663 Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert is rolling the quads viable?
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
@mjau 5 жыл бұрын
I am a runner. I now have quadriceps tendonitis on both knees (MR). Six months ago I was diagnosed with patellar tendonitis. I did 2 months rest and PT, then I resumed running with medium intensity 40-50km/Week) for 2 months but my Vastus medialis was very painful on foam rolling and massaging for no apparent reason so I stopped running and did second MR where I got my current diagnosis. Kind of weird I got rid off patellar tend but instead got quadriceps tend on both of my legs. I have been doing PT for 7+ weeks (4x/week) and shockwave therapy 7x (once a week) and so far I'm very unsatisfied with the treatment because I get increase in pain after each shockwave and after 5-6 days it decreseas and then again it increses since I have next shockwave appointment... Now I feel like I am at same point where I was 2 months before. Good thing - I have been able to exercise with almost no pain at all during all this time (6 months). But I experience mild pain when sitting, sleeping or driving in a car. Not a sharp pain, but it is definitely not pain free and it is between activities and if I do more in practice, I will feel it more later. Because of that I don't want to exercise as I could irritate it more and make it worse. I can't manually stimulate it to hurt but it can start to pain at any moment out of the blue. I am thinking about injections either cortison injection or platelet-rich plasma injection. Do you have any thoughts on this in my case? Afaik they can't make it worse.
@666goats 5 жыл бұрын
great question, I hope it is answered here.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
1. RE: Corticosteroid injections: Let me know if you have any questions that would be good to be added to that page. Small chance that corticosteroid injection could make it worse. 2. There's a ton of reasons why foam rolling would be very painful to a runner...all centered around muscle tightness, inflammation chemical, nutritional lack, etc. 3. At a certain point of nutritional lack, massage stretching etc won't be much help because the muscle doesn't have what it needs to stay lengthened/relaxed. 4. You got a lot of benefit from foam rolling. Great! That tells us those tendonitis symptoms were a function of muscles being too tight, and that you could/did relax/lengthen them (and other good things that happen from rolling and your other therapies. But you still have some symptoms, which tellsus the tendonitis dynamic is only reversed that much. 5. PRP is only good if you have actual rip/tear/wear and tear damage/tendonosis damage to a tendon. If your tendon is uninjured but hurts, PRP isn't going to help it.
@blak_dice5514 4 жыл бұрын
I think its severely under rated how important strength training and diet is to recovery and balance. Try improving your diet if you haven't yet, drink water almost exclusively cut the soda and high sodium foods. Increase your fish diet. Work on strengthening the gluts and calfs
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
Can't argue with that in general. I'd say fish and red meat, but hey. Also, nothing wrong with sea salt sodium (as opposed to table salt), especially for an athlete. 'High sodium foods' generall means processed foods, so yeah, no reason to be eating that junk.
@fazeranchdressing9896 5 жыл бұрын
Hey, I’ve been playing volleyball now for 10 months and have now reached the varsity level. I need to be mobile for my position, but my knees just won’t allow me to perform how I used to. I feel pain right under the patella almost always; usually after practice it’s hard to walk or go up any flight of stairs. My season is starting soon and I’m afraid that if I don’t fix this problem, I’ll be playing on the JV level if I even play at all. Please help, volleyball is my new motive; I love volleyball :(.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
High school? Let's hope it's growing pains but if so there's not much to do about that. So let's assume it's not: Is it a grinding? Or just a pain? How new is this 'almost always ' pain? Did it come out of the blue or grow slowly?
@fazeranchdressing9896 5 жыл бұрын
TendonitisExpert it grew slowly. It grinds, causing pain.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Ok good. Let's do the stupid/easy thing first. Go get some peanut oil. Slather it all over the knee(s). Repeat. I still have a hard time believing it works/worked, but when I was in highschool i had to drop out of football because my knees were hurting/grinding. Acupuncturist told me to do the peanut oil thing. Even at 16years old I thought it was stupid but did it anyway and lo and behold, the grinding totally went away. (Probably any oil works but I can only vouch for peanut oil since that's what I used). Try that for a few days. If it works, huzzah! If not, then we'll have a more complex conversation.
@fazeranchdressing9896 5 жыл бұрын
TendonitisExpert thanks! Will try it!
@fazeranchdressing9896 5 жыл бұрын
ohiostatemodz1 I foam rolled every day. It improved
@quincymarquis-brown5803 2 жыл бұрын
What about actual damage to the tendon. Like tendon tears is that a thing? How can you fix that?
@TendonitisExpert 2 жыл бұрын
Depends. What size a tear are we talking about?
@ashmorosin Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert im experienceing tendon pain 1 year after a small tear "intrasubstance" that caused a whole cascade of negative effects, my knee now feels 'grabby' at the tendon and it makes it sore after a few sets in the gym, just simply wont go away
@neglectedurchin 5 жыл бұрын
My patellar tendinitis is pretty severe. I can only walk a few steps then the severe pain kicks in. Originally, i injured my knee 3 years ago between squats, muai thay and running. X-ray and mri were good. Nothing broke or torn. It took over 6 months to heal. And now it’s back. Im a nurse and I work 12 hour shifts, over 50 hours a week on a busy floor. There was no specific traumatic event that I remember. The pain just sort of came back after a very busy shift and now I’ve been having this pain again for almost 2 months. I’m doing physical therapy, taking NSAIDs, putting heat, and resting a lot. I haven’t been able to return to work. Idk what else to do.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, in that 6 months the pain went away, but nothing healed per se. If you don't have a rip or a tear, there's nothing TO heal. Pain just comes on over time as the several factors of the tendonitis factor get worse and worse, until one day you have pain (and things continue to progress) and then you have disabling pain (still no rip or tear, and still the negatives progress). I'm getting enough interest on here I'm getting motivated to put together a Reversing Knee Tendonitis progrmam. Until then, I suggest: And rest, well, rest never fixes anything tendonitis-related. 1. Get Barton's Patella Femoral Solution. He comes at Patella tendonitis from a particular direction and I send a bunch of people to his program. If that works, GREAT, that gives us a lot of information about what's going on with your dynamic. If it doesn't work, then things are more/differently complicated and you definitely need to my direction. 2. Or, start with my Reversing Achilles Tendonitis program. You don't have achilles tendonitis but you have all the same factors involved...and lower leg can/does have a lot to do with knee problems up the line....and you can use all the same concepts/techniques elsewhere in the leg(s). If/when you go this direction contact me on the site and I'll make sure you get started out right. Ultimately your leg isn't working correctly and all the pain is showing up there at the knee. The pain isn't the problem per se, the causes of the pain is.
@shamunra3621 5 жыл бұрын
TendonitisExpert what are your thoughts getting surgery for knee tendonitis?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Depends on the specific scenario, but generally I give it a thumbs down in favor of actually fixing the problem and causes of the problem, which surgery does not do. What's going on specifically with your knee?
@natethetoe386 6 жыл бұрын
I read over your website and watched this video, and I think I had Patella Tendonitis but it is almost cured. I was having pain, but I started doing ice, strength training and foam rolling, and the pain went away. I now sometimes only feel a small bit of presser around my knee, but no pain. For exercise I run about 20-30 miles a week. I did not cut back my mileage during the process. I know it may be hard to say, but do you think that I am recovering correctly?
@TendonitisExpert 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Nate. Foam rolling is great to help keep muscles and connective tissue from getting too tight. Keep at it. (You're doing the whole leg and hips, right?) Strength training can be good, depending. (as long as it's helping the mechanism, and not slowly setting it up to get worse down the line). I don't know if you're recovering correctly, but if you're keeping yourself out of pain/keeping pain from progressively getting worse, that's pretty darn good!
@TheKid_88 4 жыл бұрын
What about pes anserine bursitis????
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
What about it?
@ShubhamSingh-ik3yb 5 жыл бұрын
You have a very 1960's voice
@Crxven Жыл бұрын
Can PCL strain cause the tendinitis in the front ? I’ve got my military fitness test soon and this is holding me back so much
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Short answer: yes. Longer answer. Yes, or the strain/sprain can be a result of the tendonitis dynamic (reduced ability to function thus less ability to handle a load resulting in strain/sprain),
@Crxven Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert I’ve been stretching and the pain in the front seems to be going away but the behind the knee pain is still there, should I start up jogging again or wait till the behind the knee pain has completely gone? Thank you for you quick response btw :)
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Describe the behind the knee pain.
@Crxven Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert it’s like a sharp pain behind the knee but in the front it’s like a stretching pain
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
There's a little muscle behind the knee. It hurts like that when A. it's too short and B. one takes too small of a stride over time. If that's what that pain is, make yourself take longer strides (it stretches/lengthens that muscle). It works itself out surprisingly fast.
@getoffthisrocktravel2054 3 жыл бұрын
Yin yoga and acupuncture helped relieve my tendonitis knee issues
@SkipinlLA 3 жыл бұрын
basically summed up my left leg
@michaelmilfort6319 5 жыл бұрын
I am confused due the fact that I can rest for 2 weeks and put ice on my knees and feel much better but as soon as I get back on the basketball court the pain just comes back again. What should I do because I don’t know what else to do. My diet is good and everything else is in check but nothing is really working
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
1. Rest doesn't fix anything. It does reduce new irritation into already irritated dynamics, and that's a good thing, but it doesn't fix anything/make anything better. See: 2. Icing is very effective at reducing pain levels and temporarily dialing down inflammation. But various factors continue to cause inflammation, if you're not reducing those...then pain comes back.
@eghoseisiramen1892 5 жыл бұрын
Stretch your quads a lot, I had the same problem but as I started to stretch the quads a lot they went away
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Can't argue with that. If it works, do it. If it eventually stops working, then it's tiem to broaden the strategy.
@eghoseisiramen1892 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert yeah it still works and I've been doing some other things to strengthen my patella, so it's getting better and better
@evansotall5136 5 жыл бұрын
Me too nothing works
@benjaminleavitt3666 5 жыл бұрын
Soooo, do stretches?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Sure, absolutely do that. If it helps, great. If not or if not enough, then gotta go bigger.
@wildbee5186 4 жыл бұрын
Very helpful. Thank you. Forget those negative comments. Peace no war.
@abdul.arif2000 6 жыл бұрын
so stretch out body?
@TendonitisExpert 6 жыл бұрын
Overall, stretching is helpful. So yes, stretch.
@jaconova 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. Stretch and develop strenght (doing proper form rehab exercises). For example I had weak glutes and hip muscles, those were the reasons my hip was rotating and making my knees bend in a improper angle when I practiced sports. If I never focused on those factor, the patellar tendinosis will never have healed (I had in both knees, it for 10+ years!). Calves, ankles, hamstrings, quads, like the video states: is all a system you must take care of.
@johna5428 2 жыл бұрын
What if you have a large bump below below the knee cap also ,had it exrayed they said a boney protrusion also called patellar tendinitis
@TendonitisExpert 2 жыл бұрын
Where exactly is the bump/boney protusion? where the patella tendon attaches? If so, you almost certainly have patellar tendonitis, but tendonitis causes bone spurs. Tendonitis is not the same thing as 'boney protusion', so definitely not 'also called'.
@manewhairstyle 11 ай бұрын
if u have a boney protrusion right below, it is most likely osgood schlatter. im a sufferer of osgood myself since young, so i know pretty much everything about it
@TendonitisExpert 11 ай бұрын
So, doctors don't have aything helpful to say about it. Did they say WHY you developed this particular diagnosis?
@doumkatekz 5 жыл бұрын
Hmm..who is this expert and what are his credentials? Seems like good info but telling my doc it was just some video on the internet isn't going to fly.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
If your doc can fix the problem, it's a moot question. And if he can't, then telling him about what anybody else is saying isn't going to keep him from continuing the prescriptions for rest, braces, anti-inflammatories, quitting the sport/job 'responsible' for the problem, corticosteroid injections, PT, etc, etc.
@supersurfer1 5 жыл бұрын
So then let your doc fix it... With pain killers of course
@undeadMahrukh 4 жыл бұрын
I had pain just above the knee cap after sitting with my knees bent for an hour I was drawing with notepad in my lap. Maybe I stretched my quadriceps tendon too much for too long
@cap7502 3 жыл бұрын
Mahrukh Shabbir I have this every time I sit and it never has gone away
@iwantlee9510 3 жыл бұрын
Piss poor ankle mobility is irrelevant, as long as the knee tendons are strong enough to handle the increased load. Weakness is the problem. If it was strong enough to handle the load, it wouldn't have gotten damaged and inflamed to begin with.
@TendonitisExpert 3 жыл бұрын
"Piss poor ankle mobility is irrelevant, as long as the knee tendons are strong enough to handle the increased load. " Sure, but tendons aren't designed to do all the work/handle all the load. So 'irrelevant' is very incorrect. Along those lines " If it was strong enough to handle the load, it wouldn't have gotten damaged and inflamed to begin with.", it's not strong enough. Thus, damage etc happens. They're tendons, not magic ropes.
@rapzombie5720 5 жыл бұрын
5 steps to fix patella tendinitis give resting time to knee when needed strengthen knee tendons build your legs muscles ( quads, hamstrings, and especially glutes) Stretch; hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves, and back, Ice and elevate your knee Note : Take this process slowly ( goal is no pain )
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Why would that fix patella tendinitis? Rest doesn't work. See: 'Weak' tendons arent the problem. Even if they were, what made them 'weak'? Athletes, bodybuilders, gym rats, etc, with 'built' leg muscles get knee tendonitis. So is 'unbuilt' muscles really a significant factor? Icing is good for pain reduction, absolutely.
@rapzombie5720 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert In my case I injured my knee because my muscles were way to tight when I went to play a basketball game, in my defense I had no knowledge about muscle and knee care at the time and my patella tendon suddenly gave out. This orginally weakened my tendon. Only rest if you think you should. Also weak glutes and legs muscles contributed to the pressure that got put on my knee and it gradually got worse after that because i had no knowledge about tendon care Evently I stopped playing for a month and a half whilst building leg, glutes and tendon strength. I rested because my case was quite extreme and had to wait for inflammation and swelling to subside. Only give reasonable and adaquete rest. Example accidently pushing your tendon a bit much, rest a couple days. Originally my left knee wasn't the problem it later became the problem as my legs got stronger and was waiting for the tendon to catch up. You are right though weak tendons aren't originally the problem.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
"my knee because my muscles were way to tight " That's the key right there, basically.
@shamunra3621 5 жыл бұрын
cubeupnigga how do you build tendon strength?
@kevinbr00n 5 жыл бұрын
cubeupnigga how is you’re knee now!?
@fatalradius 4 жыл бұрын
I can agree with this, but I am not sure what your website leads to. There are many videos on KZbin that show people demonstrations on how to fix these issues through stretches and massages. Jeremy Esther, Athlean X, and many more show it for free. Why not just show a demonstration of how to fix it through a KZbin video? Unless you want to make profits then that's a different story.
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
1. You think anybody on KZbin isn't doing it to try to make a profit? 2. They show what they show for free, sure. Not hard to put up a video of how to do a stretch. If that works, great. My clientelle is the people that stretching etc isn't adequate to decrease or fix the problem. If tightness was the only factor, stretching would be the key and everybody that stretched would be good as new. Doesn't really work that way though.
@skaizu 4 жыл бұрын
Its not a myth when your tendon is in a reactive or degenerative state..
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
Sure it is. Being in a reactive or degenerative state is a symptom of the larger problem.
@flockadelrey 4 жыл бұрын
Boom roasted
@skaizu 4 жыл бұрын
@@flockadelrey How was that a roast? He didnt proof my point wrong
@skaizu 4 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert That didnt make what I said a myth...
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
1. It is a myth, because it's still not a tendon problem. The tendon issue is a SYMPTOM of a larger dynamic that causes unhappiness to the tendon. Focusing on the tendon ignores the cause of the tendon symptoms. 2. "Stress related injury is a tendon problem just like broken bone is a BONE problem." Incorrect due to false correlation/bad analogy. A broken bone is a symptom of something else. Sure you then have a broken bone, and in that scenario, the bone itself has to heal. But 'stress related injury', (presuming there's actually some rip/tear and/or wear and tear injury (which is usually misdiagnosed in cases where there is pain but no injury) is also a symptom of a larger dynamic [decreased ability of the muscle to function and absorb force], so that force goes to the tendon which isn't designed to handle it). In the tendon scenario, the forces causing the problem/symptoms are still in place and get ignored (because of the myth that tendon pain is a tendon problem). In the broken bone scenario, the forces that broke the bone were a one and done thing, no longer present, such that only the actual injury has to be dealt with.
@8Galego 5 жыл бұрын
I believe I’m with tendinitis on the outside of my right knee, I play soccer and the pain started very low and I kept playing for a month and the pain got worst, now I can’t put my weight on my right knee, at the beginning when I took ibuprofen and my blood got hot I could play, but right know It’s impossible, any idea if it’s tendinitis or could be meniscus?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
'Very low' meaning what exactly, down by your ankle? Where exactly is the worst of the pain right now?
@8Galego 5 жыл бұрын
Sometimes is inside the knee and other times right on the tendon on the outside of the right knee, the tendon that connects with a bone that feel like a little ball
@8Galego 5 жыл бұрын
“very low”, that I only fell a little pain on the warm up, but after my blood gets hot, i was fine to play, and after playing like that the pain got worst and worst, right now the pain is establish
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Where is 'very low'? Or do you mean, 'a little pain'? ALso, 'inside the knee' if you run your fingers around there, does it hurt in the joint/spot where the upper leg bone and lower leg bone come together? Or are we talking 'it hurts somewhere on the outer layer?'
@8Galego 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, a little pain, sorry for my english. When I touch the whole knee, it doesn’t hurt at any place, only when I bend my knee contracting the knee, and when I land my whole weight only on my right knee.
@ynyslochtyn 5 жыл бұрын
Also they may fob you off by saying it is arthritis.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, it's really common to get an arthritis diagnosis or 'concern' so sent to an rheumatologist. Not that they know how to fix/prevent osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Which they should, as they're doctors and it's not a mystery.
@Samclarkp 5 жыл бұрын
Everything else I have read/watched indicate that this is an overuse injury resulting in tendon degeneration. You don't even address degeneration... Is this because you don't think it exists? Or do you not address it because it's just another symptom and not a root cause? I'm asking because after I watched this my take away from it was "keep doing what you're doing, just start foam rolling" and not "take it easy for a few weeks, foam roll, and slowly start easing back into activity to allow for tendon to regenerate itself before you start mashing on it again"
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
"Everything else I have read/watched indicate that this is an overuse injury resulting in tendon degeneration. " Yes, that's the common forefront of what one sees if/when one starts looking for information. And that's why unfortunately) even doctors focus just on the tendon. Because if there's degeneration, it must be a tendon problem, right? "You don't even address degeneration... Is this because you don't think it exists? Or do you not address it because it's just another symptom and not a root cause?" Actual degeneration can exist. Tendonosis. I don't address it because A. the video can't contain everything but B. more to the point of your question, it's just a symptom of a larger, causative problem, which is what the video addresses. Something causes that degeneration (when and if there is any degeneration). "I'm asking because after I watched this my take away from it was "keep doing what you're doing, just start foam rolling"" That's what you got from the three factors that I said needed addressing? "and not "take it easy for a few weeks, foam roll, and slowly start easing back into activity to allow for tendon to regenerate itself before you start mashing on it again""and not "take it easy for a few weeks, foam roll, and slowly start easing back into activity to allow for tendon to regenerate itself before you start mashing on it again" True, I don't say those things. Rest doesn't work ( And that whole 'easing back into activity thing MIGHT be a good idea if tendonitis was just a matter of 'letting' the tendon regenerate itself...but it's not, because the forces that caused the degeneration are STILL in place. Which is a huge problem with the 'rest and ease back into it' theory. The whole 'overuse' thing is also a flawed theory/working model. If guy A and guy B both run 40 miles a week, and one gets knee tendonitis and the other doesn't, it's clearly not the 40 miles that is the problem, nor 'too much running'. The problem, I assert, is not 'overuse', it's the body not functioning properly (which results in all sorts of problems). So instead of ignoring the causative factors and hoping rest and time and maybe some foam rolling with fix everything, I prefer to focus on effectively address the causative factors.
@Samclarkp 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert Wow thanks for the quick reply! Sorry, I'm not trying to be dense with my questions. I have recently developed this tendonitis and you've got my hopes up that maybe I won't have to be out of commission for the next two months (as everyone else seems to indicate), and I want to make sure I am fully understanding what you're saying. After addressing the three issues from your video, how do I know how quickly I can return to activity? I'm assuming it won't do me any good to return to skiing or biking with a strained tendon.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Sam. No worries. When doing enough of the right things you may or may not be out for two months, just all depends on your scenario. Having said that, in my experience, once one learns what to do, does it for a bit and becomes confident in their ability to decrease pain/symptoms (by increasing body's ability to function) then You can still stay active with some pain (because pain isn't as scary as it was when you didn't know how to fix it). Meaning, you can stay active with some pain as long as you're A. paying attention and adjusting accordingly and B. doing (enough of) the self care. I can say more about that if you want, let me know if it wasn't clear enough. Also, the strained tendon isn't as big as a problem as the factors -causing- the strain. (And I'm presuming you mean 'painful', not actul injured with an actual strain (which is a kind of muscle/tendon tear).
@shamunra3621 5 жыл бұрын
TendonitisExpert is tendon degeneration see in a MRI?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
As a general statement, yes MRI's visualize tendon degeneration. Not so much as degeneration as size, inflammation, etc.
@ahmedelansary7006 Жыл бұрын
Do i ice or heat it and should i compress it
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Ice. Or ice and heat to make circulation turn over even faster. Compression doesn't do much unless you have a lot of visible swelling.
@ahmedelansary7006 Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert it hurts a lot when i bend it what do i do to fix that quickly
@ahmedelansary7006 Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert what's the best cure for stiffness
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Stiffness is muscle tightness (and when pain is involved, inflammation process)....and to whatever extent, nutritional insufficiency (because muscle requires certain nutrition to stop contracting). So, go after the tightness. Massage, gentle stretching, etc.
@watermeloneong6459 Жыл бұрын
How do y’all heat it?
@lilkyu282 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, I noticed you sometimes point out that doctors and physical therapists do not tell you that its a problem with tightness, inflammation and nutrition. What do you mean by muscle tightness? Is the doctor you are referring to an orthopedic doctor? Mines pointed out that I have severe weakness in my quadriceps and hamstrings while my calf muscle and quad tendon are looking/feeling almost a strong as my healthy leg. He refused to recommend anti inflammatory meds at all. This imbalance is overloading my tendon too much and needs to be solved with physical therapy or strengthening. It seems you would agree with my doctors assessment that a combination of weak and overworked muscles is causing this? I have tried to address this issue with my PT order but am running into some problems: I will follow the PT every day (said do it every day) for about a week then notice some soreness near the patellar tendon. I will then take a few days off but think I am wasting time. After a week of rest, I will try to return to therapy every other day but then get pain again and think I didn't rest enough. This cycle of thinking that I overworked it + resting too much goes on and I am not sure how to tackle this dilemma. I had an entire month of rest/just light walking once and came back, then thought I rested it too much and decided to cut my rest time, only to think I didn't rest it enough after several aches and pains. I also feel like I am overreacting to the slightest bit of pain, I always get a bad feeling that something is tearing or slowly building up to a tear. Sometimes it can feel tingly or sometimes it can be sharp and sudden, only last a few seconds and not bother me again. The doc is thinking of doing blood flow restriction because they think that the muscle needs more stimulus to grow and regenerate the tendon as a secondary effect but that the tendon in its current state is too weak to allow the muscle grow and be overloaded a sufficient amount. Do you have any opinions on incorporating BFR into PT?
@TendonitisExpert 3 жыл бұрын
" It seems you would agree with my doctors assessment that a combination of weak and overworked muscles is causing this?" Not really, no, because 'weak' and 'overworked' aren't particularly accurate, and thus, remedies that will be advised for weak and overworked are unlikely to be effective. "The doc is thinking of doing blood flow restriction" What?? No. Just no. Please no. "Do you have any opinions on incorporating BFR into PT?" My opinion is definitely don't do that. "but that the tendon in its current state is too weak to allow the muscle grow and be overloaded a sufficient amount. " That doesn't even make sense. In my professional opinion you are getting some terrible advice. The tendon isn't weak. And if it is, WHY is it weak? This is what your doctors don't have answers to, and never ask. They focus on the tendon as if the tendon is the cause. But anything the tendon has going on is just a symptom of a larger dynamic. Did the physical therapy or strengthening work? Are you all good now?
@musicmeister1313 2 жыл бұрын
literally how i feel. at this point i. convinced resting isnt good for it at all. do isometrics and isotonics til it gets stronger and the pain should allegedly subside. my doctor also said not to fear tearing with tendonitis cuz it wont happen
@ratoya.1885 5 жыл бұрын
I am obese (the kind where you vouldnt tell just by looking at me you'd have to weigh me and then you'd know. I guess that's muscles. Im not sure) and recently hurt my leg. I used to dance and i did a split and i gelt pain but not much and while walking moments later i crouched and all of a sudden i couldnt walk! Found out it was a 'tendon issue'. I dont know what to do to stop the pain but i xan tell there is tightness because i keep feeling like im about to have a charlie horse in the leg thats hurting. What can i eat (i already started a lifestyle plan), what can i do for exercise. I am determined! Ill fo whatever except surgery if i dont need it
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Well first we'd need to know if you have an actual rip/tear injury or not. If not, great. If yes, well, that could be very very problematic (meaning, diet and exercise [or anything else but surgery] can't help a tear. Where is the 'tendon issue'? Lower leg or up by the groin, or?
@ratoya.1885 5 жыл бұрын
Geez okay, its lower knee. Pain only when i bend leg all the way back. Any other time its just uncomfortable and im afraid to put pressure on knee because it might break or something i dont know
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
"all the way back". Meaning what? Like the yoga pose where you hold your ankle behind you and pull it up/back (like bow, sort of, I don't remember the name of the pose)? Or do you mean bending your knee all the way? Or? Charlie horse is in the calves just below the knee? Does just standing upright with weight evenly on both legs/knees/feet result in pain/knee pain?
@ratoya.1885 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert bending, but nit in a yoga pose but as runners do when they stretch before a run. I stand all day for work so sometimes my legs feel numb and i stretch that way and i did it with the knee injury and i almost fell. Not from excruciating pain but i didnt expect that particular pain i got from doing that. Standing up right feels okay. I have been practicing walking straight but slowly and i have learned that i cannot walk straight with this injury because (you know how when your standing and your knees are comfortably locked to keep you holding up. I can't lock my knee back to assist me in standing for a long time so i am constantly putting weight on my left foot and im afraid this will cause plantar faciitis soooo ive been using a wheelchair until i figure it out)
@johanesterhuizen1842 5 жыл бұрын
Why wouldn’t a good PT be able to solve this? I thought they are qualified to do this
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
If they can, great! (not everybody's specific scenario is the same, and not all PT's are created equal some are definitely better than most)). If not, there's reason why they failed. And I admit I'm biased, I primarily work with people who have been failed by doctors and PT's, so I don't see the success stories.
@johanesterhuizen1842 5 жыл бұрын
TendonitisExpert yes I agree.. I’m a biokineticist, and our focus has always been to find the cause of the problem then fix it, that’s why I get so annoyed with this cookie-cutter approach from doctors and most PT/ Physiotherapist
@mr808steelers 4 жыл бұрын
Too much information leads to brain inflammation 🤯
@ducamorisable 5 жыл бұрын
I've had jumpers knee for about 6 months now, and if i'm being honest i've never really made an attempt at treating it... I got it in a pickup game of basketball after a dunk. It was pretty bad at that point, but a few days later i could walk again, and go up and down stairs with virtually no pain. At that point i started doing heavy deadlifts and squats again - i'd feel a bit pain during a heavy squat, and some the day after, but nothing too bad. About a month passed and i go out and dunk (a few times) and after one of the dunks i land and my knee is just fucked up to no end. I mean it looks normal on the outside, and i didn't have any trouble walking back home, but when i sat down and tried extending my leg - well, i couldn't. So after that i stop doing heavy squats (frankly i could barely go to 40% of my 1RM - so i just stopped all together). I pretty much only did romanian deadlifts - an exercises that didn't cause me any pain. I didn't really know what to do for my quads - since any quad exercise that was even remotely close to a weight i'd normally use (i'm talking below 50%) would cause pain. Anywas the knee stopped hurting (somewhat) but it didn't really get any better. Fastforward another 2 or 3 months and it's doing pretty good, i'm starting to do squats again, and my quads are finally getting trained. Then one day i'm coming home from college i run to catch the bus and my knee is completelty shot, basically same as last time... So i've finally decided to do proper knee strenghtening exercises. My question to you is, which ones would you recommend? Also, should i feel any pain when doing said exercises?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
1. I don't suggest knee strengthening exercises (that's for post-pain and post-injury helping). You were strong and athletic, what they're weak all of a sudden adn that's why you hurt? Seems like a weird argument. I'd argue it's a lack of ability to function correctly (that progressed and then led to the ouch and resulting current scenario), not weakness, and thus trying to make your poorly working structures work harder to work better just doesn't make sense. 2. So what exactly hurts? 'Knee' is too broad a descriptor. Specific details please.
@ducamorisable 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert Well first of thanks for the reply, i really appreciate it! As far as your questions go... Well i was doing squat everyday, and i was at the end of my 4th week (last heavy week before a deload) and for some reason, despite my better judgment i went ahead and did a pick up game of basketball... And so i got what i self diagnosed as 'jumpers knee'... Basically i don't feel any pain when walking, but i do feel pain when going up and down the stairs. Like i said at my worst, i was still able to walk (at least a short distance) with no pain whatsoever, i was also able to bend my leg back (using my hamstrings) with no pain. However when i'd sit down, and try and extend my leg - i couldn't, at least not without pain. As far as where it hurts? Well in the knee cap area i guess, it's kinda hart to explain where over message. It's not something that's sensetive to touch... I mean from what i gather i basically overdid it with squatting and jumping, to the point where my tendon took a beating. I did go to a friend of mine who's a physician, and he basically checked my meniscus and told me that from what he could tell they weren't torn. I started doing like a 20min routine the past few days that basically consists of foam rolling, stretching and a few glute exercises, along with some terminal knee extensions... I do feel my quads, hams, and calves being a bit looser, but i don't really feel my knee getting any better. To be fair though, i've only been doing the routine for about 3 days now so... Do you think that's a decent routine for fixing my problem? As far as nutriotion and inflamation goes, well... icing my knee is pretty much the best i can do for inflamation, and i don't really think my nutriotion is a problem
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Yes it's gonna take more than 3 days. :) HOpefully you've kept at it all week. First, loosen muscles/connective tissue, then the tendon/attachment can 'get better'. Ice packs on the knee will help push old fluid out and new in, will help speed things up. 2 mins on, 5-10 off. Nutrition is always an issue, and everybody thinks their nutrition is fine, but let's see what happens and add that in if this doesn't get better soon.
@Gamingbros69ers 5 жыл бұрын
Man same thing with me but I’ve had it for longer, there’s that one specific point when I squat or bend my knees where I feel the most pain
@rashidpipfa 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice it address the core problem but drug industry is just reaping money not telling the right reason of tendonites
@user-uu1wx6bw5q 3 жыл бұрын
@leoh4103 4 жыл бұрын
What about Prolotherapy?
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
Prolotherapy can be good for specific spot healing on a tendon/ligament. But it ignores all the factors that caused the spot problem in the first place.
@thepowerwithin8254 2 жыл бұрын
Started actually feeling my left leg thats hurting compared to my right and my left quads are super tight like ridiculously tight my I hurt my knee playing basketball dunking
@thepowerwithin8254 2 жыл бұрын
Long amounts of time without much recovery specially jumping off my left leg more than my right
@autonomyseeker6082 2 жыл бұрын
@@thepowerwithin8254 have u gotten it checked out?
@zacharyjune7510 5 жыл бұрын
I just want to say that all the examples of doctor treatments were accurate I went through that.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that. But's a common experience. Probably the majority experience, based on how the system works, though I don't have numbers to make an actual claim of truth about that. 100% of the experience of people I work with, so I'm probably biased.
@zacharyjune7510 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert thanks for this video it helped me understand exactly what the problem was.
@lh1690 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert Probably worth mentioning ankle and hip mobility as causes too.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Sure, but what reduces ankle and hip mobility? Muscle and connective tissue tightness. Stretching is great IF the muscles are able to lengthen and stay lengthend/relaxed. At a certain point in the tendonitis dynamic progression, they can't.
@carfuen1073 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for not explaining how to fix it wich is the title of the video waste of time
@TendonitisExpert 2 жыл бұрын
Nowhere in the title is there a promise nor an implication that the video contains explanation of how to fix anything. And the contents are only a waste of time if you ignored what was said.
@thisone3519 Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert ..." and what is required to fix it". No not misleading at all
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
Correct. The video explains the factors that a fix requires, the 'targets' if you will. Notice the title doesn't say 'how to fix it'.
@HorizonCityMonster1 5 жыл бұрын
How to fix it. That's why so many dislikes.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Sure, but that's like clicking dislike on a video about apple trees because it doesn't tell you how to make apple pie. This isn't a 'how to fix' video. It tells you what needs to be fixed, so you can make better decisions about the strategies/therapies you say yes to.
@apoorvjoshi7488 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert The title literally says "and how to fix it" at the end. This video was really helpful though. I've been struggling with a lot of pain in my left leg for about 5 years and never really figured out why it's always tighter and visibly bigger than my right leg. Any suggestions on how one could go about fixing their nutritional insufficiency?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
LOL oh my gosh you're right. I haven't looked at it for a while and forgot about that! I just adjusted the title to 'what is required to fix it'. Still, it does answer 'how to fix it' but describing the three primary factors that need to get dealt with to fix it which most therapies ignore or treat ineffectively. Do you have any history of injury/trauma to that leg, hips, or back?
@apoorvjoshi7488 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert well no history of such but I used to play competitive tennis and I always thought that may be the main reason.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Activity certainly plays a role. And each different activity will have things look a little different. But the underlying issue is your ability to play tennis (muscles' ability to function correctly) decreased, so then the activity seemed to take a greater toll as you continued. As per your earlier question, see:
@michaelmonstertoad2461 2 жыл бұрын
@10splay 5 жыл бұрын
Why so many dislikes?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
I get a ton of mean comments (that I delete) that I repeat myself too much. Which I do, but on purpose, because what is repeated is really important....but often overlooked. That's my guess.
@10splay 5 жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert that's silly because your video is great. Im a tennis coach. Past summer I was so fit, stretching and exercising daily. This fall I stopped exercising/stretching regularly because I was working a different job, and I gained about 10 extra pounds. Now, out of shape, I overdid it while moving out of my apartment and began to feel very tight, so I went for a run the next day, since runs usually makes me feel better. But afterwards I felt pain in my upper shin right near my knee. I think this must be tendinitis. Should I stretch and take it easy for a few weeks?
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Well I won't win any awards for production values, but the content is pretty darn good if I do say so, thanks. So are you describing shin splints or is it definitely 'knee'?
@endthedrugwartoday Жыл бұрын
Let me give you my condensed two second version of this theory, the IT band takes over when you are lazy and it wrecks shop. If you can do the work to heal the damage you've done from allowing your IT band to rain hell, well, then you'll be a man. Ok, that wasn't two seconds, and it's just a bunch of frustration being vented at the realizations that it took me from 2 years of trying to figure all this out, so...
@TendonitisExpert Жыл бұрын
I'm not really sure what you're saying, but, you're working on the TFL muscle which controls the IT band, yes?
@endthedrugwartoday Жыл бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert I have deep tendonosis at 51 in a bunch of places. Long story short IT band was driving when I just needed slow down, go deeper, slower, more frequently, get blood flow to areas that weren't seeing it enough.
@kraaijer 5 жыл бұрын
You really are dealing with very bad PT's apparently. I know of no PT that would only treat the inflammation.
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Nowhere was it said in the video that PT's only try to treat the inflammation.
@flockadelrey 4 жыл бұрын
Boom roasted
@53glowe 4 жыл бұрын
Ecology??? Ecology is the interelationship between different organisms. Physiology is the relationship between different body parts. It's physiology man, not ecology. You kinda lost your creditibility when you said that 🤔
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
It is also the relationship of parts in systems. For instance: stream ecology: Healthy streams foster healthy rivers, lakes, and estuaries. For human function, it can be and is commonly used to talk about parts functioning well or poorly within the systems of the body. A particular muscles interelationship with surrounding muscles, the nervous system, it's local environment, etc. Oops, now you'll tell me that that the human body is not an environment. :)
@FTroop37F 4 жыл бұрын
The guy questioning you isn't a doctor. Based on his youtube interests he's into drones, welding, photography and beer. Thank you for this video. I'm normally healthy and had this exact injury do to over exertion in a new sport. I'm 90% now but it' taken 2 months of rest and stretching. You described exactly the location of the pain. I have large, strong thigh and calf muscles....that are clearly too tight. Thanks again
@TendonitisExpert 4 жыл бұрын
You're welcome!
@matthewmckee6751 11 ай бұрын
This video is inaccurate and not based on any research or science. It’s effectively KZbin rubbish.
@TendonitisExpert 11 ай бұрын
The above comment is inaccurate and not based on any research or science. It's effectively KZbin rubbish troll comment.
@inkinky 2 ай бұрын
@@TendonitisExpert Unfortunately, the original comment is right. Starting with inflammation - all current research accepts that inflammation does not typically play a role in all of those tendinopathies, as there is basically no research that ever finds any inflammatory markers present.
@kizitoagbainjo823 Ай бұрын
These videos just provided a solution to my problems which have refused to go away after 10 months, from herniated disc,to lateral shift,to hip bursitis, to sciatica, to excruciating pain in my calf. I just figured out four days ago,the missing link for me was nutritional. I started eating alot four days ago and the pains have been reducing without any medication.
@TendonitisExpert 19 күн бұрын
That may be, but there's more to the story. The tendon (where they look for inflammationn) is just a location of a symptom, not the broader problem. And there's no inflammation when exactly? 'Doesn't typically play a roll in ALL of those tendinopathies', ever? At any point? Research findings are only as good as they are. Like the cold plunge research that says cold/ice plunging is bad because it gets rid of inflammation and inflammation is necessary for repair. Hooooorible 'study' (or at least, horrible conclusion). Cold plunge will never get rid of all the inflammationn, doesn't turn off the triggers of inflammation. Thus, it's worthless research. Or at least, their conclusion based offf the research it bunk.
@chrisrambo4295 5 жыл бұрын
@TendonitisExpert 5 жыл бұрын
Technically maybe. But people use and google search for 'tendonitis' over 'tendinitis' by a factor of minimally 10 to 1.
@user-Red5hield-exp0ser 5 жыл бұрын
No. Tendon. Enflamed Tendon= Tendonitis.
@Whassevah 5 жыл бұрын
I suspect that my knee became bad to worse with stiffness, swelling and pain when I put layers of cushion or other kinds of inserts in my shoes, believing that these would make my feet more comfortable with the added bonus of adding centimeters to my height.
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