Q&A: How to Move to Italy Part 2 (and Responding to Haters)

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Kylie Flavell

Kylie Flavell

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@Opulentsimplicity 7 жыл бұрын
"Haters = People who's secretly wish to be you." Also small minds can´t comprehend big spirits. To be great you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. But you will stay strong! :)
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
In Case Of Need this is so kind of you. Sorry I'm just reading it now but I hope you know how much I appreciate your support.
@yankee2666 5 жыл бұрын
I don't see any "haters" on these pages. Perhaps those of you who are so readily finding them, have some issues to deal with.
@carolinewilson2069 5 жыл бұрын
@@KylieFlavell Wow - You're quite inspiring and great energy! Hate comments ? That's very sad that to have that attitude. I don't hate - my grandmother used to travel to Florence each year. I've been to Rome, Florence, Milan and Lake Como. Would love to go back to Italy - loved the country! Wish I knew Italian.
@clairelivefreeordie2551 3 жыл бұрын
@@yankee2666 one if the many reasons I like this channel is the absence of any malice. I find the comments on the videos overwhelmingly positive & I love it!! Am trying to surround myself with only positive peoplw/things as there's already far too much hate in the world
@hannest1996 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie Im so glad I came across this video. You are such an inspiring individual. I fan girled when you called me out! 😂 I never knew my words would mean so much. Im so glad. You are one of the few individuals on youtube that has helped me so much. Your videos are captivating and a true work of art. People are living their dreams through you. Thank you for what you do and inspiring others like me. I hope you continue on this path. Love, Hannah ❤xx
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Hannah Estebal thank you again, sweet girl! Of course your words mean so much to me and they lifted my spirits when I needed it most!!
@jennifersnook8486 7 жыл бұрын
My husband and I love the beauty and honesty of your offerings. He was diagnosed with cancer in July and the Dolce Vita Diaries completely changed our language about life. Thank you so much. Now, in January, his treatment is over and his scans are clear. We are planning a trip to the Amalfi Coast as the cherry on top of our "good life." Keep doing what you're doing and be encouraged.
@miriamO212 4 жыл бұрын
I love that you say that you're a guest in Italy. When I moved to Spain for the first time to teach English, our payments were late for several months. I took your approach and figured out how to make it work and empower myself to find a solution rather than just sit and complain or go and cause a ruckus somewhere. I chose to go during an economic crisis. Yes, it was difficult, but it taught me a level of resilience and problem solving that has served me well nearly 10 years later. Love your videos!
@jerrysabino9079 4 жыл бұрын
To hell with any and all haters. You are enthusiastic and it comes out deeply in your words and actions. Never let anyone change who you are.
@carmentartaglia7133 4 жыл бұрын
You are an inspiration and should be proud of what you do because you do it with love, grace and genuinely. There is no self centerness, thoughtlessness, or rough edges and that comes through. You are a free spirit who lives the life you want and understands the heart and soul of Italy and for this alone you should be applauded and appreciated. God Bless and may all your dreams come true💝
@hannaho888 5 жыл бұрын
Omg... I’m in love with your channel. I was just thinking about going to Italia for 6 months and study the language, but I do want to work part time during the 6 months. Your video is very encouraging! And I would love to see your dress you made under the candlelight!! Sounds so romantic and poetic!!! Love you, Hanna:)
@valeriellauke2179 6 жыл бұрын
crap wish i was in tune enough to follow my heart when i was younger. DO NOT WAIT !! GO!!
@untubero 7 жыл бұрын
I can't believe someone had to defend you. People has to be extremely sick to attack someone who's just trying to help others and to share her experience in such a lovely and fun way. You're a blessing for many.
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
untubero your perspective is so comforting to me. Thank you very much. 💕💕💕
@th3d0kt0r 6 жыл бұрын
Da cittadino italiano, solo per l’amore, la gioia e la gratitudine che dimostri nel vivere in un paese bellissimo ( ma pieno di problemi) come il nostro meriti di avere subito la cittadinanza. Siamo noi italiani che dobbiamo ringraziare le persone come te, che vanno oltre i pregiudizi e mostrano quanto comunque ci sia di bello in Italia. Grazie e un abbraccio. 🙏🌹
@itsjustmyopinionbut1671 6 жыл бұрын
I love you because you get it. There may not be many like us in the world, but it’s quite exciting to know I’m not alone in my vision and dream of a life living permanently abroad.
@SosaLife1919 5 жыл бұрын
I have the same passion as you. The feeling inside to just be their in Italy has always made me glow and since junior high school, that's where I belong,my gut just tells me over all the years I need to live their and I've never been able to visit before. Thank you so much for these videos. It makes me want to be there ten times more.
@SaidSabirOfficial 7 жыл бұрын
I hit like before i watch the video, and i was right, Can't wait for the next episode. Thank you for inspiring me, you are such a great person. P.s: We are your family
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Said Sabir this is such a supportive beautiful thing to write and I do feel like you are my family. 🤗
@lifearchived 5 жыл бұрын
Everytime i on the verge of giving up....i come back to these vids...to remind myself of why i started.
@soraya.0208 6 жыл бұрын
You are a beautiful soul. Thank you for giving me the courage and inspiration to live out my dreams.
@martinacampi5237 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Kylie, I saw the video Move to Italy part 2 just yesterday night. Reading the comments of people under it, I have to say it, made me feel really really uncomfortable and very sad. All the haters were Italian! That's, make me sick. I am an Italian woman living in Italy so yes, I do know how hard it can be finding a job even for someone that's Italian himself, and sometimes this can bring entire family in a very bad situation all af a sudden. Althoug, ther's people opening new activities at the very same time, so I think the reality is different and that there are many reality as people. Italy is a good place to live. Italian people usually forgot how lucky they are, and instead of considering all the skills, the quality, the beauty we live in,oh, and also the quality of life despite the crisis we could count on, the prefer to complain and complain and complain. This kind of poeple usually became very sad inside, living a very sad life; so, I think, they really can't coprehend or even imagine the enthusiasm and the creativity, and the things you are disposed to do in order to achieve a goal, or making your life a living dream, and really build it solid, with real action, because they lost, or think that, the same feeling and the sensation that vibes in the inside long long ago. Or maybe just yesterday. And your words and smile, and attitude in rough time just remind them what they gave away, and what they could really do, insted of being sad smoking a cigarette on a sopha and watching a sad television just before going to bed, waiting the same empty routine rising with the sun and thrilling with the alarm clock. And yes this is a part of Italian people right now, at any age. You can almost feeling this mood in the air while walking, and even breath it. Certainly they will not encorauge you nor became a friend of yours. But. There is the other Italian people, always creating something, planning meetings, festivals of any kind (artistic, relating to food, or wine, or food, wine and their environment, or celebrating some saint, or type of food, or the recorrence of that writer, or dancer, or tradition and on and on and on, up and down the "Stivale"). Because this is part of being Italian, live the little things of the day, or family, or friend feeling like they were big ones, just the one you would had ask, and at the same time, make theese little thing so big that they became your italian lifestyle (your job, creating a brand, family, friends, travels around the world, the moment you look at the sunset, near someone you love ore someone you have just met but it feels like you have been friend for a lifetime and you don't even speak the same language. And you are in Italy watching this sunset, which means that you could be wherever you want: on tha sand behinde the sea, or a lake, or on a mountain between the trees and the sky, maybe behind a lake too ;), or having an aperitivo in the center of Rome, or Milan, or Siracusa, or Verona, or Venice, Or Genova, or Florence. You mayby are in the countriside, between the yellow of the weat fields and the orange falling from the sky, or why not? On the changing green of the sweet hills of the Marche (I stop, promise, but we were going towards the infinity here ;) ) and that you, right there, is the best you you ever felt, loved, belonging, part of the universe, and surely part of that living beauty, with your drink in your hand, or the cigarette, or a camere, a book you like to have with, and part of these funny group of people: you are strangers and even you are family, or vice versa. And remember, you are in Italy right now, living your opportunity, and right now you know: Italy is tricky, all that burocracy, the infinite slowliness, time wasted waiting something, all the heavy thoghts are visible as paper and mail layng on the table. But now you feel the balance, beside that trickyness :) and you are living it right now, so you can choose if you are vaporizing your words for the cold of the winter, while looking at snow, or just breathing the breeze coming down on your hair with the spring evening, or in a pleaseble way weeping under the summer sun like your icecream drop thru your finger. Because, Kylie, I don't know if you are still in Italy or not, but no matter haw it has been, or is it for you, what you saw, and felt, and sent when you made your decision was right, it is right. Maybe sometimes the time is a long long time, the places are beautiful, but not every beautiful place is the one for us.
@martinacampi5237 7 жыл бұрын
Because Italy has uncontable differences. You can experience any graduation untill their own limits. We have differece in almost everything. Lifestyle, Instructions, prospective, way to think, and consider everything about the society, the dialects, the food, the traditions, the way we live the relations, the job, friends... you name it! So sometimes it's difficult just to understand the place we would feel like home. And once you hopefully find it, and start the everyday life, it tooks a while before you find the right people to go out and tne once you can call friends. But this moment always arrives, it just take long sometimes. Some situations are more friendly, I think, so as some places. I think that if you are a student in Bologna, that moment arrives faster. In Bologna (beautiful town, by the way, not too small, not too big, rich of events and situations that cover any kind of taste, passion, hobbies, free time, there is everything you coul wish. And it's almost all near, most of the time you don't even need a car. People is from everywhere and it's easy to know people. It is also geographylystrategical, because it's near at any kind of environment, hills around it, an hour an a half to Ravenna and the sea, half and hour to Florence by train, three from Rome, less than 2 from Milan, near the mountain Appennini, and some rivers. And may other places). But the most important thing is that once you begin to feel comfortable and open up to someone and becaming friends, other friends will arrive. And that's what happens: tthese new friends will be happy to open their door to you, and once you walk that door, you became part of the family. I lived this moments and my family is larger now, and richer, because it is a little world, and we love each others today, 20 years after, like the first. And it' funny, wonderful, solid). Hope you and all the other people that are in Italy right now, could find their lifefriends, seat at their family table on holiday, feeling loved). I am greatefull to every person that love this tricky Italy so much to come here. I hope they could find their home and know the generosity of this strange people called Italians, as much as they will discover the generosity of this wonderful land.
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Martina Campi I read your message twice with this feeling that I was reading a letter from a dear friend I have known a lifetime. I laughed at certain points and read out the more poetic passages to my mother. I can't believe you took the time to write such a thoughtful and elaborate message. I agree there are positive and cynical Italians, just as anywhere in the world. I continue to have challenges in making a life in Italy but I will always continue to look for the beauty in your culture and your people. And you, tesoro, are one of the best examples of this beauty. Grazie di cuore. 💕💕💕💕
@weeatlovetravel2809 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie, you are so beautiful. Inside and outside. Your point of view on life and your positivity is amazing. Every time I feel sad or discouraged I just watch one of your videos and I feel so much better! Please never stop making such beautiful videos. Lots of love!
@theresia1881 7 жыл бұрын
As you rightfully said, these are YOUR experiences and often people tend to overlook that little detail as they themselves can't see past their own POV. It's great to see you so smiley, bubbly and oozing happiness - well, at least it comes across that way :) Truly enjoyed this episode and I love the way you transition so seamlessly between your short "film" pieces to your conversational bits with us - really amazing! Can't wait to see what's coming next. I wish you a wonderful start to 2017, Kylie. You've inspired me in more ways than one! Be brave, be humble and be happy to be alive!! GO GET IT! Lots of love, Theresia x
@gnrfinkployd 6 жыл бұрын
You inspire me. I am moving to Naples in September. Luckily I have a teaching contract along with accommodation but everything else you have filmed has helped me to understand what kind of attitude I need to have in Italy and also you inspire me to be happy and enjoy life. Thank you x
@canaldoklausgrosche 5 жыл бұрын
IHey Kylie ! I've been to Italy 3 times and l loved Roma since the first trip! This last trip I spend 15 days only in Rome with my mom, and is my dream to live there in Borgo and Prati area
@JenShea 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie Flavell Dear Kylie. You said exactly what I think whenever I see hateful comments. If the video or presenter doesn't align with my heart, if the content is of no interest... I just move on. Why waste time watching? Why waste a second of my precious life? Some may be envious, some just trolls. Good for you for addressing their comments. Now they are released and you get to move on. I am always looking forward to your next video, what ever it will be. They are touching AND exceedingly well edited. You just do your thing and good people will follow. You've truly inspired me. I finally made it to Europe from Canada and I am living life in Portugal. Hugs and Happy New Year 🥂🎉🍾
@janinem5196 3 жыл бұрын
Scrolling and scrolling through the comment section, and cannot find a single negative comment. Not one. On any video, not just this one. I'm trying to comprehend what she's talking about, but all I see is everyone singing praises. Maybe the haters finally left?
@stephstravelandeats 7 жыл бұрын
Love how tenacious you are! Please don't ever let people behind the screen stop you from doing what you love! (I guarantee they would never say it to your face) You could make a video on cute puppies and there would be at least one person complaining about how that particular breed hasn't been proven to be cute or criticizing you on the lighting or the angle at which you portrayed the puppy. 😂 Haters will always be there! Just keep doing what you love and people like me will continue to love every minute of it! Can't wait for part 3! 💕😘
@prodigalretrod 5 жыл бұрын
Good on ya! The world is full of potential with the right attitude.
@paulaleon2935 4 жыл бұрын
I adore your spirit and beauty on the inside and outside. You exude joy and an inner peace. Be you, don't change a thing.
@sohappy8580 6 жыл бұрын
Ok I love you!!!!! You are such a bright spirited person!!! I love that not only do you talk about your experience but you provide information that maybe a person would t have noticed. You are so positive!!!!
@janalavtizar4426 2 жыл бұрын
This is inspirative (as all your videos I've seen), but above all, SO informative! Even if one does not search for a job in Italy, much of what you are communicating is appliable anywhere! Thanks Kylie!
@gaditya4625 5 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your attitude towards life from the bottom of my heart.
@VirgoKat 3 жыл бұрын
Oh @Kylie Flavell I found Your Beautiful channel and exquisite creative and kind soul tonight and have been bingeing all night, it is now 5.30am. So heartwarming to find a fellow HSP and immerse myself in your wonderful art, truly with love and gratitude Kat, fellow Aussie xx ps - I understand how deeply felt the vibrations of cruel comments can be, their comments say everything about them and they are unhappy people, but know you are the light to so many and the ripples your work and those who are blessed to spend anytime with you are surely left much the better for it, you are definitely a light worker 🕯 God Bless💞.
@farider-rahmani6656 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Kylie, Some people are limited in their way of thinking; don't bother yourself with haters! When you have them, it’s a measurement of your success. Your work is soooo amazing! Keep up what you’re doing! You are soooooo beautiful and courageous person, I really love you. Wish you all best. (farid from Morocco)
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Farid ER-RAHMANI thank you my friend and please give my love to your spectacular country! 🙏🙏🙏
@RZH-kv2fu 7 жыл бұрын
"go find someone who inspires you"...ciertamente!, you do that!
@vancejones4804 5 жыл бұрын
Sewing a dress by candlelight. How you enrich the soul to hear your words That party you were going too. If you told any person there that you done that they would take you into there hearts.
@Arise492 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for having such an appreciative point of view about a country which is not your country of origins. All i can say to the haters is : you have no idea of what you are talking about. People like Kylie should be admired for their initiative their strength, for making their dreams come true, a difference from these who all they can do is moan! You go girl don't stop! Forza Italia! Gianni
@girlnotlocal 7 жыл бұрын
i think a very mature and creative way to respond to the hate Kylie. you state your facts and evidence to back up what you say. I know it hurts, but it really streams from envy, i think they feel life is cruel to them, and seeing people happy makes them feel its impossible because they don't find happiness.
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Natasha Jerjomina I was so anxious about how to word things respectfully so your comment really means a lot to me. Thank you. 🙏🙏🙏
@othmanelekhal441 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Kylie, you really doing a great job by sharing with us all your experiences and let us learn from them. Which none of them haters would do. So keep your head up. I'm sure that all subscribers loves you as I do too 🤠 Can't wait for the next part! Take care while that. And peace ✌🏼#MuchLove 💯#TheyTheyBlock 🚫
@sergio_tx 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing tips! And I have to make some observations about your job as a filmmaker. You have the techniques and the feelings for your shoots!
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Sérgio Teixeira thank you so much!!!
@ninaev2 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Kylie, First of all, I love your video content especially the travel videos where it gives us, the viewers, a peek into other ways of life. It's good for the soul and broadens the mind. Thank you for being the courageous person you are to make these awesome videos and share those worlds and people you encounter with us! Secondly, I'm a fellow Australian living in Italy, can't believe it, but now in my 11th year here! I've had random jobs in random sectors but always come back to the typical English teaching positions that are so easy to find. I keep putting my real dream of opening a creative business off because I tell myself, "If I were in Australia or America, opening a small business would be so much easier and could be done with much less money." But I'm sick of putting things off just because I live in a foreign country, have limited finances and ultimately get discouraged. Italians always tell me that it's better not to start my business because the Italian taxes will kill me and my dreams and that small businesses don't have a chance here. How do you overcome these tax issues and dealing with Italian bureaucracy and/or pessimism? Do you think it's worth it anyway despite the challenges? Thank you for showing us what's possible! Nina
@leyvincastillo6635 4 жыл бұрын
I love Italy as much as you do! Planning to move there in the future 🙏💙❤️
@scottstephenson4423 4 жыл бұрын
Kylie I think you are incredibly awesome. You are inspiring, refreshing, and my wife and I are looking at Italy for a possible place to live and in part we have enjoyed all the information you have bestowed upon us ! Thankyou for being you!
@hamidramchoun933 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Kylie, dont listen to these negative people. Cary on, you 're doing an amasing work. Congratulations
@darkknightwithanidea1845 4 жыл бұрын
Knock it out of the park ... you go Girl.
@sam-di7vc 7 жыл бұрын
I can't see why anyone would make hate comments on your videos, they're beautiful
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
sam that's very kind of you - thank you! 😊
@MeriliMm 7 жыл бұрын
I am so glad to find your videos. You are making very beautiful content and it is a pleasure to watch! Your videos are inspiring me to keep going and dream big and follow them. Sometimes we forget it but your videos are great reminder :) Last 4-5 years I learned how to travel alone, moved to another country and pushed my limits. Right now I live in Antalya for the last 5 months, near to the sea and mountains with beautiful sunny days. Yes, it is hard to get use to totally new culture, language, people and burning hot summer but it is amazing when I find myrself thinking and being grateful for what I have. Thank you for reminding that life is a challenge but worth to hustle and to be grateful :)
@Ilnaracalou 7 жыл бұрын
I loved every single minute i heard you expressing your feelings and thoughts Kylie..haters just don't understand how can you deal so well with adversity and see so much beauty and possibilities while they only can see what their poverty of spirit is able to make them see..When you have to deal with adversity, you learn to be more creative and pay more attention to details and mainy, learn to be truly happy by learning to value the little things that life gives you because you become able to see what is going on around you, instead of just worrying about yourself and so you become less selfish, more grateful and happier, despite the difficulties.Perhaps they intend to make you change your mind by continuing to follow you and leaving such comments but, sooner or later, the only thing they're going to end up with is to realize how stupid is their attitude, and who knows, learn to be better human beings. Wishing you lots of success and a marvelous New Year..!! beijos
@zina6653 3 жыл бұрын
I love your videos Kylie…I’m binge watching them now. Stay true to yourself and keep your bubbly charismatic personality…you rock!!🌸
@isabela3551 5 жыл бұрын
I love your videos!! You seem to be such a kind loving happy soul!! Haters will always hate. Just smile back at them :)...Watching your dolce vita diaries now... You bring back so many memories...i literally was thinking...questa e la mia dolce vita... riding my scooter on the amalfi coast....miss it so much..seeing this makes me so happy again. Thank you!! Please keep up your smile, happy spirit and videos. Bless you!!❤
@jrodgingerich8872 5 жыл бұрын
Kylie! Got yourself another subscriber. I'm going to be moving to Italy in early spring of 2020 with my service wolf. Excited to see the world for what it is, have a serious challenge in my day to day job, and be out of the concrete jungle of San Diego.
@thefilipinojoe 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I am interested in knowing more as I am planning to move to Italy next year- probably Southern Italy where it is warm and very affordable. I have already spent a month in Palermo. I know that it can be hard getting people's comments when they are ugly, undesired, or unpleasant. Personally, I think the secret is to dump their thoughts out the other ear immediately- delete and block if possible, as those thoughts have no business sticking around in our heads, affecting us or our mission negatively. As far as your blissful, ambitious spirit, it is completely inspiring to me and others. But your bliss is also something that some people can not relate to because they live their lives on the opposite end of the spectrum. Your love for Italy is contagious and matches mine and I am sure a lot more people's. When I share my love for Italy, some of my friends want to move there, too. :) I am a writer, artist and filmmaker. Last week, I wrote down a thought that came to me and watching your video just now made me recall it and have to leave this comment to share what I wrote down.. "Failure is not an option. Improvise and succeed." You embody that spirit! If you want, take a look at my channel.. my latest THINKING OUT LOUD video talks about Thinking To Succeed, which I think has an important message about the thoughts that enter our heads. It is especially important for us who are creating bliss and intentional lives that we love living to dump yucky thoughts in the garbage can and savor all of the yummy ones. Hugs, Gio
@10xSmiles 3 жыл бұрын
I love that this your journey and your willing to share it with all of us. So lovely to have found your channel. Binge watching your content. Your film making is lovely.
@Charitylace30 7 жыл бұрын
You're incredibly inspiring, and have such a beautiful soul! I have such a wanderlust, and am planning to visit Europe in a couple months. Thank you for such genuine and sweet advice. Keep doing what you're doing 💛
@RussianwithAnastasia 7 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful video, Kylie! ❤ And so many useful tips! Thank you for inspiring me with every video of yours! If you ever come to St.Petersburg in Russia I will be so happy to show you around! 🤗
@arnefangberget8819 7 жыл бұрын
For some people hate is a full time occupation. Sadly there are many haters when it come to subjects like immigration, refugees and people in desperate need of aid and help because of war and difficult situation in the country they left. As you unfortunately experienced in your excellent video from The jungle in Calais. But love trumps hate anytime, and you as a person and what you do is the quintessence of love, compassion and the heartly wish to help other people. So don't let a handfull of haters stop you or limit you in any way, keep bringing your wonderful videos to everyone who appreciate and love what you are doing.
@ynesstudioarts2665 7 жыл бұрын
... Awesome job And make sure Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves; because you're a reflection of what they wish to be Keep going and never look back 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Younes Barhdadi maybe you're right. But there's nothing to envy with me - I'm not wealthy or famous!! 😂
@ManuelaLanzaSpeaking 7 жыл бұрын
that's totally well said :) that's exactly what happens
@ynesstudioarts2665 7 жыл бұрын
you know them better than me hhhhh i really enjoy and i thank you about all what you share with us .. thank you so much ..... Kylie
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you again! Your words are so motivating! 😊😊
@EvaWright 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful content and channel. Haters and trolls have nothing better to do than hate on beautiful people and beautiful places and things.
@rvsc2277 4 жыл бұрын
Hola! Kylie , Bobby, life is like a road never there is a straight road, it goes left and right, up and down and sometimes detour. But do not forget we are the captain, the driver, and we can stir the direction to a better situation. You are brilliant, intelligent ,and beautiful. Move on Be happy, healthy ,and safe, life is short. Visit the Philippines I'll be here to assist you.
@hediabadr3849 7 жыл бұрын
Hello Kylie ! The thing is, for some reason, the world is always after negativity.. My first "Kylie experience" was your video in Morocco and I was overwhelmed by so much sincerity, grace and hope. And I realized after seeing many of your videos, that was actually your view.. I mean it's the glass philosophy: some see it half empty when others see it half full.. You are part of the few who see it almost full and I love it.. By the way, I speak about you around me as a source of positivity saying that I would need more this kind of people in my life :)) You're not saying everything is easy. You're saying everything is possible for who wants it enough, who does some sacrifices, who works hard.. Briefly, when you're saying we're capable of, some people say that you're not.. But guess what ? You're already doing it ! And even assuming that you had a pinky vision of life, you're actually inspiring people !! That in itself is so great ! I wish be able to do that ! To end up with, satisfying everyone is something impossible so please don't let negative comments affect you !! Big hug ;))
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Hedia Badr I just read your comment out from start to finish to my parents as we're washing up plates from dinner together and so you see you're spreading positivity into my family's life too. Thank you with all my heart!! 💕💕💕
@hediabadr3849 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie Flavell Thank YOU ! :)) You made my day !! :* :))
@Luolabutterfly 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Kylie! You've been a big help in my preparations for moving to Italy. One love.
@Nidhi-ll3yq 7 жыл бұрын
need part 3 ! You are so inspiring Kylie ! you've got so much courage ! I wish to make such a change in my life even if it's for a year. thank you for making these amazing videos !
@ItsMrsCJ 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Kylie... Last time when I finished watching your video, I read some comments and I still can't understand how could someone say you're selfish for following your dreams!! Unbelievable, since when do we need someone's approval to do what we want?... Another thing, I know some Italian people think you're lying or showing off the "perfect fairytale" but I truly believe everyone has their own reality, so there's no need to say you're lying. As I told you before, thank you for being so inspiring and passionate!!! Un bacione 😘✌
@NYGAMER29320 6 жыл бұрын
Wow you’re actually amazing. I just found this channel. It’s been a dream of mine to move there. You inspired me to start saving and actually diving into how I could pull it off. Thank you! And screw those haters. People just like to hurt other people to make themselves feel better. Also your quote from the last one, I had never heard. Loved it, “live for a short time as others won’t so you can live for a long time as others can’t”. Haha well you inspired me to get off my tired ass and get stuff done. Thanks again.
@sudhirkiran 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing Kylie, yet again. I wait to watch your videos. Haven't missed any! You're such a gift.
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Sudhir Kiran GN I'm so grateful to you for being so supportive!!! 🙏🙏🙏
@robbuglass6199 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie , sad but true haters are going to hate . Perhaps it's envy ? Keep doing what you do .
@emmanuelalcantara787 4 жыл бұрын
Just ignore those haters. They are envious of your achievements.
@MartinezGardenia 5 жыл бұрын
Your videos are amazing ✨✨ they make my day! Keep being who you are and shine bright. A true inspiration!!
@QuynhNhu17 7 жыл бұрын
i love your videos so i dont really care what they say...lol. Italy is a beautiful country and if anyone is able to live there, why not? Italy is mydream country to live in..
@williamErouse 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie your awesome!!! Your story never ceases to inspire
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
William Rouse AH that's great to hear - thank you, William!!
@suefhaere5789 5 жыл бұрын
You are the most positive person i ever saw , thank you for these nice helpful videos..
@jimcregan1618 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, you really flipped out. I showed up in Bologna 40 years ago with a backpack and a guitar & I have grand children here now. But I can't say I share your enthusiasm about this place anymore. After you've seen a thousand churches or so, it gets old.
@bomitalia3588 6 жыл бұрын
Kailey your a very cool person so much respect for you before I found you video I was getting ready to move to Italy kinda the same way you did I'm a cook working 11-14 hours shifts a personal trainer and volunteering as a fire fighter all while saving up to make the move I don't speak Italian but I've been there a few times have a few friends I was scared having doubts about things but kept on thinking I need to be there a lot of my friends don't get it you helped me push out those fears I wish you all the best and pray all you dreams come ture smile lots
@marthaguevaram.1783 4 жыл бұрын
You are the most amazing person.. Wow. And this is why "people's insecurities" will never match with you.' Lots of Love...❤️💛🌷💛🌷👍
@krislynpandolfi354 7 жыл бұрын
I remember hearing that you're fluent in 3 languages. I have eagerly been trying to learn Italian. Can you give advice & tips on becoming fluent in a language maybe in a future Q&A? Thank you! 💕
@mamelification 7 жыл бұрын
Not everyone has an humble and open mind to appreciate little things in life, cause that's what Italy's about!! Won't miss italy's bureaucracy, berlusconism etc but i'd exchange some of that for a bit of tube jammed packed train in Lndn :D
@titobryantt 7 жыл бұрын
love your videos Kylie! you have no idea how much you have inspired me and thank you for that.
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Bryant Maldonado I'm so glad you find my work useful in some way! Keep dreaming! 😍😍
@Jabin670 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot kylie You got a lot of positive energy ,Thanks a lot you inspire me soo much Thanks for the time and hard work you have put in for your excellent videos .
@vicenterodriguez8132 6 жыл бұрын
Kylie Flavell You're awesome girl, Thank you for giving me something to write. I said to myself 1 year ago that i will move to Italy on 2021 it's going to be awesome i already speak Spanish to English to Italian lol Stay motivated
@emmakleiner8470 7 жыл бұрын
i have just found your channel , and watched your video , i think that was a sign for me '' finding you '' i am in the emptiest periode in my life ,i'm still studying , and i was thinking of having master degree and Phd , but i stopped and asked my self , is that what you really want ? yes i want it because it would be something great , but am i so passionate , exited and long so much to it ? No , i know it is not it is not my dream , my dream has always been having a ''Life '' i wanted to learn langues so that i can use them when i travel , not to have a job ! i wanted to learn from people and learn about them , i've always hated it when my parents says to me '' stop bothering yourself learning that much spanish , italian , turkish , frensh, portugese .. etc when you don.t need it and you are not going to use it ! it is always seemed to me like they Do not believe in me , and it uppset me , but after watching your video i felt like something has changed in me '' thank you so much ''
@EnzoMaisanoTELLTHESTORY 7 жыл бұрын
You know I am a big fan Kylie. Love these chats. Happy new year from Australia, Enzo
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Enzo Maisano Thank you so much. Happy new year!! 🙏
@EnzoMaisanoTELLTHESTORY 7 жыл бұрын
Would love to see a new and current "what's in my camera bag" video when you get a chance. Are you still using GH4's??
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Enzo Maisano Yes, still using two GH4's but my lenses and audio kit have changed quite a bit so you're right - I should do a video on this.
@madisonmacdd 7 жыл бұрын
Love your channel!! I'm planning on moving back to Italy in the fall so all of your videos are so helpful :)!
@tonyscala3895 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie, your honesty and approachability is so refreshing. Let the haters go watch CNN. There is more bias, self-servicing BS on there to keep them entertained for a lifetime. I've made my choice ( because it's all about choice now isn't it? ) and it's to watch your lovely and inspiring films. They make me happy! Hoping you have a great 2017. Xx
@Julia-ny2wt 7 жыл бұрын
This is incredibly inspiring. I can't wait to graduate and chase my dream!
@echa9446 6 жыл бұрын
gosh....i wish i could be as bold and tenacious as her....you just got yourself a new sub :)
@RadcliffeWatson 7 жыл бұрын
Love your content Kylie. Keep up the good work! :) can't wait for the next episode :)
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
RadcliffeWatson I'm editing it right now!!! Thank you for watching! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
@heminrasul 7 жыл бұрын
You are wonderful! Thank you for sharing your information. I'm thinking of moving to Italy soon this is really helped me.
@Hellohannieh 7 жыл бұрын
I really really love your videos especially these ones. I learn so much and i get so inspired!
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Jacqueline Ait Zaid this is my hope! Thank you SO much for making time to watch my work. 😘
@luistoneatti4347 7 жыл бұрын
Tutti i tuoi video sono dei capolavori. Complimenti e continua a fare video meravigliosi come questo.
@chetnayaduvendu1460 7 жыл бұрын
Yoi can't be anymore motivating Kylie. You're an inspiration. It requires lot of courage to follow your heart. But i think i should give it a try. I would regret i dont.
@marthaguevaram.1783 4 жыл бұрын
You are somebody exceptional. ' and not à lot of people are like that
@regalplanet-mn9qd 6 жыл бұрын
Keep your head up is what i say To myself all the time.
@sylviay.5863 4 жыл бұрын
Hello from New York 🗽😊🍎 I live by curiously thru you ... you are an inspiration😘 not too many ppl can have the courage to move to a foreign country and stay so humble. I enjoy watching you vlogs so much and I love everything about Italy my favorite country I hope one day get go on holiday. Thank you 😘
@onlinebusinessconsultant 7 жыл бұрын
Here's another idea for someone like you Kylie who has all this incredible information: invite your subscribers to a private Zoom hang out so they can ask questions and then, invite the peeps that are super serious and committed to work with you one on one via Skype so you can be their virtual guide (or in person if they live in Italy). And voilà, another service created and a beautiful new stream of income.
@MusicaErika 4 жыл бұрын
What a useful information and beautiful video. Thank you for sharing, I appreciate it! I’m a new subscriber to your channel, loving it.
@BUBearsFan 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of man would direct their hate and ignorance at a woman. Smh. Great video! I'm following.
@alemassa6632 3 жыл бұрын
Jerks are jerks in every latitudes. We love you Kylie.
@byandersonx 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being amazing and so inspiring, hope to live like this after college :)
@Dovid2000 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent video with sound advice.
@chris949141 7 жыл бұрын
You are inspirational
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Christian Cruz ✨✨✨ Thank you!!
@charlz7112 6 жыл бұрын
Girl your soul is beautiful !
@freecma 6 жыл бұрын
Non so perché… ma mi sento spinto a scriverti. Mi incuriosisci perché quello che dici mi spinge a pormi tutta una serie di domande su me stesso. Al lavoro, quando ho tempo, giro il web per trovare ispirazioni per dei viaggi o per delle cose da fare in casa o anche solo nella mia vita. Mi sono imbattuto in uno dei tuoi video, poi in una altro e così via. Ho sempre detto quello che pensavo e per questo ti dico che in un primo momento ho pensato che, anche se sei tecnicamente molto brava nella scelta delle inquadrature, dei soggetti ed del montaggio, alla faine fossi come tante altre che fa dei video solo per “pubblicizzare” sé stessa. Vedendo altri tuoi video ho cambiato opinione. Il fatto che hai un lato umano molto sviluppato (cosa che in me è più “controllato” e che quindi capisco poco) cosa che mi fa fatica capire certe tue espressioni… quindi alla fine è un mio limite. Un consiglio che mi sento di darti è di non far vedere solo le cose belle. Fai vedere (e non solo raccontala come in questo video) la fatica giornaliera. Le cose belle si apprezzano e risaltano di più quando confrontate con la fatica necessaria per raggiungerle. Nel mio piccolo ho qualche blog uno dei quali di viaggio dove, senza mai nascondermi troppo, rivelo ogni mio timore, paura e fatica nel programmare un viaggio e poi partire e viverlo da solo. Puoi provare a fare un video nei panni di una persona comune, di quelle che seguono il tuo canale, e che dandoti retta fanno un cambio di vita e tu sei la narratrice di quella storia. Può essere un’idea, no?
@lodelagrainge880 7 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work! can't wait for the next episode. Wishing you a loving, creative, colorfully 2017
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Lode Lagrainge thank you for continuing to follow me! 😊😊😊
@lodelagrainge880 7 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing all your beautiful video's, photo's and thoughts !!
@ManuelaLanzaSpeaking 7 жыл бұрын
wow bella, sei una vera artista! I wonder (sorry if you explain this in your blog) how the hell you get those amazing self-shots of you carrying the suitcase, having breakfast, eating on the stairs... etc (healthy curiosity hehe) I didn't know the Italian production company cut you off of being paid, I'm so sorry for that, I'm in shock, but I have your same mentality, always turning something negative into something positive :) loved the part of you sewing the dress, would love to see a pic! un besazo guapa! xx
@KylieFlavell 7 жыл бұрын
Husband Hunter thanks for your understanding! I shoot everything alone but with my tripod or if I can't fit the tripod I hide my camera in cracks in walls or on bookshelves or street signs!!! 😂 Sometimes a stranger will walk past and see that I'm filming alone and kindly guard my camera on its tripod without saying a word to me and then continue on their way with a smile when I'm done. I truly hope you get the success you deserve with your own project. I have had infuriating things happen and almost been taken to court in Italy but then equally I've had networks and brands I never dreamed would look at my work offering to pay me to do exactly what I love so know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Un bacione!!
@ManuelaLanzaSpeaking 7 жыл бұрын
Kylie Flavell I normally kindly ask totally random strangers to film some shots I can't do on my own haha, so thanks for sharing your tips! still working on my shooting creativity. I wish you so much success with you amazing work too bella, you deserve it. I'll keep following your adventures and learning from you personally and professionally :) if you believe in your dreams there's always light at the end of the tunnel! :) bacionino xx
Q&A: How to Move to Italy Part 3 (Learning Italian)
Kylie Flavell
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CONVERSATIONS IN ROME: Moving to Italy, Dating, Staying Positive
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Q&A: How to Change Your Life (and Move to ITALY)
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ITALIAN PHRASES FOR DATING (and avoiding a broken heart in Italy)
Q&A: Finding Love, Moving to Italy, Travel Filmmaking
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Q&A  How to Move to Italy, Florence Vs Rome, Freelance Life
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DATE WITH MY HUSBAND: Cosy Italian Lunch in Orvieto, Umbria
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Rome Italy , Current Situation in Rome- 4K60fps With Captions,
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