Thank you! Jin Nyodo Kyorei is for me as well a very beloved piece to play on my 2.4 jinashi from Gyokusui II. I might upload a recording once. Keep ringing the bell!
@taylorclarkpao6 жыл бұрын
Wow! That made my morning! Beautiful sound. Thank you!
@yamabiru45536 жыл бұрын
This is amazing, thank you!
@brianmyozen27847 жыл бұрын
played really well. thank you.
@daviderath8337 жыл бұрын
Thank YOU.
@siyotanka4you7 жыл бұрын
great recording -
@daviderath8337 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@siyotanka4you7 жыл бұрын
Thx too - especially for your nice website and your Music sheets. Its very good that you play this Kyorei Version exactly as it is written in your sheets. So i can easily follow the played music. This was a great help
@daviderath8337 жыл бұрын
Great! I'm glad to hear it. I try to play all the honkyoku exactly as written, since that is the way it's done in Japan and in the honkyoku tradition. The Seien Ryu version of Kyorei is quite different from this one, and played faster, as you noticed in my other (Seien Ryu) Kyorei video. I need to get around to adding more notation to my website. I do have a good bit.
@siyotanka4you7 жыл бұрын
Dear David, thx for your answer. As you can hear on my videos, i am not so strong interested in the tradition and i even dont play the shakuhachi (not yet :-) but i am interested in flute meditation or meditation with my flutes. Of course the shakuhachi is the kings way to this but it is a very difficult instrument. I like the sound of my native american flutes, the Anasazi and Xiao flutes. Easier to play. And with the pentatonic scales you can even play completely by ear and intuition. So you can completely concentrate of breath and sound without musical theory or technical problems with the instrument. Great feeling of freedom :-). But with you recordings according to your sheets i can hear and learn more details about the wonderful shakuhachi playing.
@mokuho Жыл бұрын
I play daily kyorei but i play faster, this track is slow and large tones...🙏