Hi 沉变, 谢谢你的赞美.....其实在李光耀执政的时候新加坡还有很多优秀的领导者是很多外国人所不知的.....李光耀的妻子就是其中之一.....李老夫人一直在李光耀背后默默的帮李光耀.....做他的军师.......他们都是60到70年代李光耀的战友......其实新加坡作为一个小红点有这点成就全是李光耀同他的战友还有我们的先辈一起用汗,血和泪一起建成的......因为我们先辈与李光耀的政府一条心和互相尊重与信任所以新加坡才有今天的成绩不是靠运气得来的......我们不是大国而且没有natural resources(天然资源)......只能靠我们先辈的努力和李光耀的智慧打造出现在的新加坡......Hope you can read our history and you will know more.......李光耀最喜欢的其中一个中国历史人物是......孙文......孙中山......欢迎您看李光耀写的书.....Do you know why he writes books & published because he wants to use these books to remind us especially new generation about history......is not just to earn $.......To us Singaporean his books is precious asset he leaves behind before he go heaven.....To us Singaporean regardless races, languages or religions......All of us appreciate what Lee Kuan Yew and his cabinet that is the ministers in 60s and 70s do for us......Do u know why most Singaporean are bilingual bcos LKY is a practical and far sighted man he knew how important English is as a international language but he also want us alway remember who are we..... don't forget our root that is where we come from.....他要我们这帮下一代不要忘了自己的根和我们的祖宗.......不像香港那些年轻的示威者的leaders.....忘了自己是炎黄子孙反而崇洋.....为了港独或民主而做汉奸.....伤害自己的同胞.....悲哀....
gdai mail 我想在這裡說一下我對香港示威者的看法。其實你所說的「香港那些年輕人的示威者的Leaders」他並不是忘記自己祖國是誰。他們之所以去示威是因為他們認為行政長官林鄭月娥正在推舉的法案可以得到改善(建議過三種政策),不過林政月娥並沒有理會。 所以你所說的「Leader」並沒有錯。 不過事情鬧得那麼大的主因是警察與示威者的矛盾。我如果相信喊港獨或者拿著其他國家的旗子的人,都是一些不理智或有心人士,想讓國家分裂的人。而我敢保證示威者最少有80%的人都是希望香港更進一步的。 自己想說的話: 你白痴嗎?漢奸?港獨份子?多查點資料再出來說話吧!這樣只會帶給大家錯誤的訊息。
@donutsweet18755 жыл бұрын
Wang Johnathan 問題是,示威的按照手段分為和平示威者和暴力示威者。按照理念有想香港更好的,想一起攬炒的和港獨的。現在的問題是暴力的示威者裡面可能有港獨,有激進的示威者,有純粹出來發洩的,有根本唯恐天下不亂的,有純粹為了錢的。本來的和平示威者就被這些人騎劫。真的有多少和平示威者是支持說只要達到目的可以不擇手段的?究竟有多少人認同香港可以大家攬炒?如果不認同又不站出來表明“嘿那些暴力港獨攬炒的人不代表我們”,那當然就當做他們是支持的是一夥的啊。可是你如果是真的想讓香港更好的,你可以允許這些連來歷和目的都不明的人代替你們用這種方式發聲嗎?不要以為在前線的勇武派都是因為政治理念。不要以為後面沒有一雙手在操控。如果沒有人領導,連幾個朋友去哪裡碰頭吃晚飯都決定不了,你覺得會有這麼幾千個人統一的行動嗎?一千個人可能有幾百個意見,誰最後確定說今天去深水埗明天去荃灣的?
@gdaimail44915 жыл бұрын
@@匿名-w1h8m I believe you are the hongkonger that support them or part of them!!!! 我想你才是那个不明白the true fact没查质料的白痴吧!!!!! U say I didn't do the research then how about you???? Stupidity!!!!....😄😚😆😆可怜又悲哀.........我说得没错他们是汉奸....throw your own country flag (China flag) into the sea...... few days ago they even step on it....but yet proudly carry and wave other country flag when protest.....sorry i shall use riots... ..more appropriate!!!!爱国人是不会这样糟蹋自己的国旗!!!!! 一个香港大婶在机场抢夺那个美国旗黑衣暴徒就打她.. ....这不是汉奸叛徒是什么......根本无法无天!!! After the airport incident the British condemned the rioters and stopped them carrying their flag.....Say they have no right to do so! see.....多可怜连英国人都歧视这班“为民主”而示威的暴徒.....U say they love and loyalty to their country China and admit they are 中国人.....😀😁😂😄😅😆😆what a big liars you are...if yes please provide the evidence show me how much they love their country......what I see is reverse.......if they love their country (china) today won't have these stupid foolishly riots!!!! If the citizens love the country no matter how unsatisfied they are they shouldn't hurt and mess up their country and state (HK) economy and stability!!!! Moreover if not satisfied with the policy then the opposition leaders shall try to talk to China govt (internal home affairs) and NOT SEEKING HELP FROM OUTSIDERS (UK and USA) and make use of naive youngsters mess up the HK!!!! 谁才是白痴........who didn't do research.....Did you read "Donut Sweet" comment on you........exactly is how I think只是我一个外人不想说得这么白!!!!Please do your research before scold and condemn on others.....If you people is not happy with the govt policy....then shall have a more civilised and harmony protest for democracy, human right and use a more wise method however these ppl because hk govt ignored then use this kind extreme idiot method.....hurt innocent people and still blame on others especially policeman......this is very irresponsible and coward way........When they need policeman they call them but when they don't need help they beat the police and accuse police as 黑警......Let me tell you the hk policeman is consider very mercy......U guy tried this in Singapore or any other countries!!!! 这些暴徒and their leaders只有他们说的算(因为他们说的是皇命)如果你的观点不跟他们一样他们就打和骂你just like you!!!!如果连老人家也打请问这就是这些黑衣香港人and their leaders所谓的民主自由与人权吗? I am NOT the ONLY person say they are traitors (汉奸).....说他们是汉奸, 搞香独.....你就说是白痴.......哇塞!!!!那这世界有很多人就是你口中的白痴咯.....只有你和那班垃圾不是咯......拜托只有脑残的白痴才不相信这班暴徒和他们所谓策划幕后黑手没想搞香独......反"逃犯条例"只是这班幕后黑手用来洗脑影响majority hongkongers to protest.....A hongkonger who stay in Canada is right....in the video he say if you didn't commit crime why you afraid of that policy!!!! Moreover I really can't link that policy with democracy!!!! You sure 80% of 7 millions+ hongkongers support the protest???? Prove me the statistic......don't just say.....if yes why so many hongkongers who is the victims especially elderly stand up and support the events call 反暴力救香港and scold these trash as 废青和暴徒.....in the video I ONLY see people condemned these trash and traitors......if they are doing right thing why the old folk in HK scold them and why they dared not show public their face!!!! I think they also know if they show their face........I don't know other countries but at least in Singapore they are not allow to come in.......the way they did in this protest is already consider terrorism....I don't think our govt or police officers will let these ppl come into our country....furthermore no matter how desperate you want to fight for democracy and human right but you people have NO RIGHT and NEVER OVERRIDE your COUNTRY LAW (国法)!!!! Go and do your research.....
The last sentence, so powerful! Thank you Mr LKY for believing in that right from the start! You have kept us Singaporeans safe!
@莫寒-b4o6 жыл бұрын
@shengchuangfeng2276 жыл бұрын
@gzSING4 жыл бұрын
A strong, confident and purpose-driven leader for his beloved country. Despite being small and young as a nation, this Prime Minister stood his ground and earned his respect.
Every once a while listening to him is a source of inspiration.
@JusmeAdriano4 жыл бұрын
Yellow Stone can’t agree more . It’s 2019 Dec 25 Xmas day now and I’m Watching this again
@madscientist925 жыл бұрын
He has a spine. He has his own idea of running a small nation. He is a great Chinese and Singaporean
@wangwenli84624 жыл бұрын
Yanigami yeah , you are right
@facethefacts90144 жыл бұрын
As he clearly stated he is NOT Chinese he is Singaporean.
@ivysn134 жыл бұрын
@@facethefacts9014 many chinese migrated to Singapore. he said he is ETHNICALLY CHINESE. many chinese had intermarriage with singaporeans because many chinese were discriminated and they wanted to marry off to the natives there
@facethefacts90144 жыл бұрын
@@ivysn13 regardless of anyone's ethnic background, Chinese, Malay, Indian, British etc. The people of Singapore are Singaporean. Just like China it's made up of many different ethnic groups, though they are all "Chinese"
@mosemanavan4 жыл бұрын
He knows what he wants for his country. He definitely got spine. Not lot of the leaders nowadays have basic quality to be a leader. They just want to be in power like friends from Malaysia. That country is ruined the moment Islam came, and it's cancerously eating up the nation inside out without acknowledging it.