That's my whole love life you are describing, which I just get out from a very manipulating and abusive relationship, he kicked me out from his house, and I have nowhere to go. 😢I'm very glad and lucky that I found some nice people to help me for a place to stay, and I found a spiritual response therapy to remove my negative energy, I never feel so peaceful and happy in my life. I am trying hard to forget about him to move on and look forward to start a new life.
這樣的心理創傷問題, 在傳統的中國女性身上, 有時是形影相隨地“代代傳承”。 五十多歲以後,母親告知很多她的母親的經歷 - 自幼喪母, 被老公常年無視+精神虐待, 喪子......因而, 苦難也追隨著我的母親, 而她又極其聰明、勤奮、努力、好學、善良、受人尊敬.....成功。 但是, 她從不放過自己, 一再要證明自己的能力。 ......這樣的動機與行為, 又一再無意識地反复出現在我的姐妹身上........直至這些年心理知識的普及。 Thanks Joseph! We witnessed those pains happened on us and our friends, neighbors. They are so common in Chinese society. We need the whole society to well nuture mums, or future mums.❤