因為旦哥嘅疫情音樂show subscribe咗呢個channel,但一直冇留意個channel。今朝KZbin pop 呢個節目出來,我睇完覺得好有意義。好多人有情緒病自己唔知,就算知都怕認,變咗冇去處理,越唔理就越嚴重。如果多D人好似你哋咁公開哋討論,大家就認識多D,亦唔會再咁顧忌。
@gigi-hd4js Жыл бұрын
@liiileung55563 жыл бұрын
@makeung39902 жыл бұрын
Thank you, 森美
@Agnes_k.2 жыл бұрын
@sharonng95733 жыл бұрын
I would like to Thank you both for sharing your own experiences. One of the problems is identifying or not knowing yourself having problems. There hasn’t been much recognition in the past to talk about these topics openly. It’s very much needed.