I liked this kind of transparency of humble revision of the vision after 30 years!! Both the perception and practice gap in terms of the Great Commission can be tackled with this kind of humility! Let's get back to the Jesus method of missional discipleship! It was intentional, relational, transformational, missional, and reproducible!!
የሉቃስ ወንጌል 2:12፤ ይህም ምልክት ይሆንላችኋል፤ ሕፃን ተጠቅልሎ በግርግምም ተኝቶ ታገኛላችሁ። …not just a particular baby; but it is the eternal Logos/logic/ of God that wrapped up the entire cosmos !
Your comment lacks courtesy, oh my God when do we become civilized ?
@coffeepulseexportingco.52076 күн бұрын
እህቴ ሚዲያሽን አታቆሽሺ።ይህ ሰው የታይታ እንጂ ውስጡ ከሞተ ቆይቷል
@birhan32829 күн бұрын
ሌላ ቃል አጥተሽ ነው የለጠፍሽው
@amentvethiopia9 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching
@nigistmengesha684 күн бұрын
You don’t know about this evil guy!!!!!!!! If you know him in person …believe me you will be so mad to see him in public trust me God will reveal soon.