As a chinese, it's true that recent years have been eye opening for us Chinese even. I grow up in the surburban areas of Shanghai, my family has previousy all been farmers. Through the opening in the 90s, I went on to receive a good education domestically until high school and received international education overseas for higher education. Growing up, we lived in the power and the myth of the greatness of the American culture and dominance. With time goes by, we start to see the things we did right and the things they didn't do right. We now can objectively view the progress and development of our position in the world. Sooner or later, we are going to play on the level field, by then, let's see whos really is the most smart and hard working people. Bring it on.
@woonfaseng8737Ай бұрын
transformation happened to many east asian countries before china.... japan. S korea , taiwan and singapore. what happened to PRC commie china is really nothing amazing . dont cheat your own self due to nationalistic bias. these are all due to Western led trade system and USA willling to help china in earlier decades. not due to china's strengths or people's characteristics or nature...which all yellow skinned majority nations all shared in Eastern Asia/Western pacific
新加坡的实用主义外交,在今天的地缘政治气候下,能否持续下去,将是一个巨大挑战。首先,新加坡在国家安全领域不能说对中国没有戒心。新加坡长期以来在军事领域与台湾和澳洲有广泛的合作。如果说新加坡真的认为中国与自己的理念更加相近,为什么不去和这样一个志同道合,更加强大而有威慑力的邻居合作, 而是每年花费巨资把军队和装备千里迢迢送到澳洲来演练?其次,新加坡外交的两面性,对其盟友造成的风险在不断上升。新加坡一贯对于西方的批评多于对中国的批评,是因为中国的制度更加完美还是因为西方对批评更加容忍?聪明人并非没有意识到。希望新加坡人去看看2016年东亚论坛上一篇 Australia-Singapore Defence Deal is Smart But Not Risk-Free的文章。新加坡不想得罪中国可以理解,但是如果凡事只讲利害不问是非, 盟友们就需要考虑还要不要在合作下去了。
Relationships with EU and US is not less favorable, but hostile. LHL has been diplomatic, catchy sentences.
@catinbootsnow4267Ай бұрын
But the relations are not one dimensional. Politician-to-politician relations may be hostile, but business to business, people to people relations are more complicated.
@tang702Ай бұрын
Can't believe the difference in foresight between the two prime ministers in this family is so significant.
Singapore has always produced precise and sophisticated politicians, well done Singapore
@hellencx88Ай бұрын
@louishe115Ай бұрын
虎父无犬子 李家父子都是华人之光
@chwong3783Ай бұрын
事实是。。好奇这么看好,为何要把资金撤走?!Temasek Holdings Pte’s investments in China are now smaller than those in the Americas for the first time in at least a decade, underscoring persistent caution among global money managers toward Asia’s largest economy.
Mr. Lee is very clever transferring his position to PM Wong while mentoring him. This has increased the of confidence of international society to the long term prosperity and stability of Singapore.
@@chenghonggoh4746 The stock market doesn't represent the economy, especially in China. The stock market is where the rich get richer, not the overall prosperity of the country.
@chenghonggoh4746Ай бұрын
@@wallstreetzoomer Duh? The part where foreign investors park their money represents their confidence in the country.