Land Wars - South Africa

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Journeyman Pictures

Journeyman Pictures

17 жыл бұрын

July 1995
South Africa's farmers are still throwing their black labourers off land they have lived on for generations.
Many other people are fighting for land they legally own. After 15 years struggling on a marginal farm, a white farmer is threatened with losing his home. The government may force him to return his land to black families evicted during Apartheid. He wants adequate compensation or he's refusing to go. Another family has to trespass to visit their ancestors' graves - they've been forced out by a white landowner fearful that legislation may soon change and prevent further evictions. Battles such as these are brewing all over the country. A luckier family dances for joy in a dusty field. After years of living in a township they've finally come home. Their land was taken during the Apartheid years but now is formally handed back by the local city council.
Produced by ABC Australia
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

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@macafricascot 15 жыл бұрын
mugabe the hero who lives in a palace, has food flown in daily from the UK. While outside his palace walls black zimbabweans starve to death. What a hero.
@tinacampbell6227 3 жыл бұрын
Was this is so what does this have to do with stolen land
@drevil5001 16 жыл бұрын
If land was taken illegally by the state and sold to someone else then it is the responsibility of the state to return the land but also to compensate the person they sold it to because the transaction was illegal.
@Nelson_Mandela_ 2 жыл бұрын
Phambili nge chemurenga ✊🏾 2022 and beyond
@dermantolbert7796 Жыл бұрын
All of that is they land so what the hell you mean illegally them maggots need to go back to the Netherlands
@dermantolbert7796 11 ай бұрын
Taken Illegally these people never owned any land they in the wrong country and continent need to go back where they belong at
@godblessyou7962 4 жыл бұрын
So they build their township there without farming the land. What a difference. Wow
@PieterDuPreez 17 жыл бұрын
Where land was disappropriated by the previous Government and sold to a citizen, the new Government carries the responsibility for correcting the injustice, not the individual that purchased land in good faith.
@lukecf 16 жыл бұрын
This is the first un-biased video I've seen about the land issue in South Africa. Well made, if a little long...
@whitezulu3793 4 жыл бұрын
Crystal clear - the Municipality owned the land. They should compensate the farmer.
@MakeUp4Art 10 жыл бұрын
What utter lies and anti-farmer propaganda! Wow!!!
@theimplacableauthoritarian2938 6 жыл бұрын
The so called progressive Botswana was cheated immensely because they historically tried to keep Cecil Rhodes out but he got in any how. They were forced to work for merger pay in the mines to buy back the land which was rightfully theirs but stolen. A whole generation was relegated to the mines to buy back the land. Had it not been for the guns from the missionaries the dutch would have owned tswana territories as in the above case. People are not aware that the land was Botswana was a retreat from their original lands in the so called South Africa. Johannesburg, Pretoria, and all these areas. May God avenge the great injustice on them together with their servants the Indians.
@suryavajra 15 жыл бұрын
I see you are all having a pleasant conversation...LOL!
@lesibamurphy2150 10 ай бұрын
You'll never be comfortable in a stolen property.
@suryavajra 15 жыл бұрын
Well, if we follow this logical progression about stolen land and right to rule, then one can argue that the only legitamant owner of land in Southern Africa are the Khoisans..... So the question is where are they now??
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb Жыл бұрын
Like whites they also dispossessd of their land. Anyone against the Monarch and it's Rothschilds banking system isn't allowed basic human rights not even their own land
@sidensvans67 15 жыл бұрын
Pay the man, don't steal his land. What will happen when the real farmers are gone..? Starvation and misery.
@tinacampbell6227 3 жыл бұрын
@tinacampbell6227 3 жыл бұрын
The community did not sell the land and they did not give the land
@HeavyFungus 12 жыл бұрын
Too many chancers! just too many! Its just like Zimbabwe, People who were allowed to stay with their families in a house all for free and even given schooling by a farmer able to then go and claim the farm itself. Yes there are valid claims, and may that land be returned, but just wait and see what happens. There are 50+ examples of decollonisation all over Africa, why expect a different result? Half a century and show me one improvement. Lets see something that didn't slide downhill just once.
@kelceygerman1400 7 жыл бұрын
We don't have these worries in Canada because Justin is going to give Canada back to the Aboriginals one chunk of land at a time, but first it is going to be sold to large multinationals and then the 2 of them can duke it out.
@macafricascot 15 жыл бұрын
land will be destroyed within 5 years. Too many people using out dated techniques.
@kingmufasa8929 7 жыл бұрын
people with hate comments must leave the country! anyone that can farm and can do so must stand together, killing is not going to solve anything
@TrendNowMarketRelated 2 жыл бұрын
Stop the farm killings happening now in South Africa 🇿🇦.. see us
@Database78 14 жыл бұрын
3 million Boers would probably win unfortunatley. Like them or Loath them the Boers are some of the hardest people going, but I think SA should work together as a united country Whites should except land reform and blacks should accept the country and economy needs the whites or it will be Zimbabwe 2
@DADAMANism 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah right.The most defeated nation in South Africa.
@rooigladiator 15 жыл бұрын
Yes ,at a 100 trillion zimbabwean dollars for a loaf of bread
@11UncleBooker22 11 жыл бұрын
" I got my check!! "
@johnmerton3630 4 жыл бұрын
How were they "force " off the farm.
@sirvagrant 14 жыл бұрын
I can dance like the rest of themm
@vicferrmat4492 11 ай бұрын
How can the people pay for land which was stolen.
@JamesCMilton 15 жыл бұрын
I wonder whats left of that poor farm.... Could anybody give some feedback about it? Keeping quiet would also be an answer....
@kingdick5611 Жыл бұрын
The farm gone be fine Africans can grow n take care of land n I say to get whites out ur no good but wait till u get back to Europe n watch how y'all act against each other y'all always find some to hate
@godworden2768 4 жыл бұрын
Unless they are Khoisan’s there is no graves of their ancestors.
@themessiah1324 3 жыл бұрын
Educate yourself
@PieterDuPreez 17 жыл бұрын
I do not know about turkey shoots, rape, chains and other statements. What I do know is that such issues were not the norm and where they happened the law did take its course.
@walterx1555 7 жыл бұрын
Video is very old
@gregdiffenthal2384 8 жыл бұрын
If I was a farmer who was ordered off my land, I'd take the money. Then I would bulldoze everything. All the buildings, all the fences, fill in the dams and plough up the crops. You want the land ? .... you can have it back the same way I bought it.
@kikikiki2057 8 жыл бұрын
we don't care just leave
@gregdiffenthal2384 8 жыл бұрын
I did. 27 years ago. By the way, Pretoria is looking great. Oh wait, the South African Broadcasting Corporation refuses to show any footage of rioting, vehicles burning or people looting property. It's worse now that it EVER was.
@gregdiffenthal2384 7 жыл бұрын
What damage ? I'd be returning the farm to the state in which I bought it. And there is no execution in South Africa anymore. Maybe you should do some research into what Zimbabwe has become since Mugabe's "land reform".
@gregdiffenthal2384 7 жыл бұрын
Bullshit. The country is fucked. Only country with a trillion Dollar bank note which isn't enough to buy a loaf of bread. And that bread would have to be imported. Latest story I read was that people are now sleeping outside Banks in the hope of being able to withdraw $50US. Zimbabwe has even ditched it's own currency.
@gregdiffenthal2384 7 жыл бұрын
I note that in your list of countries recently visited, Zimbabwe wasn't one of them. If Zimbabwe is doing "great", why are so many people crossing the border illegally to go to South Africa ? That's a rhetorical question by the way. EVERYONE know why.
@ruffenuff7618 6 жыл бұрын
Big up black people at home . We were out here were stolen away an brought to the islands we wud love to come home . Pray for us.
@miltononyango 5 жыл бұрын
wish you pple dont fight over the land agree come with agreable solutions to both parties...
@FMCLAW777 15 жыл бұрын
Correct, but they have been pushed so far north they you hardly see then where we live and where the land is developed. They were originally from the cape, known as cape town, then the black man came and nealry wiped them from the face of the earth so that he can have their land.
@SamSpadeLives 11 жыл бұрын
as a black african man, i am ashamed to say us black people we lack leadership skills, true, democratic leadership skills to lead our own people out of poverty. And i find it humiliating that most of the advancement in civilisation in modern day africa came from white european settlers, and many countries after achieving their so-called independence, have run down their once beautiful countries. zimbabwe, mozambique, angola, DRC, Sudan Nigeria the list is endless, RSA seems to be heading down
@silk2smooth542 6 жыл бұрын
Sam Spade your not black 😂😂
@losixxt 6 жыл бұрын
Im white then..
@shaunhill817 6 жыл бұрын
We know your white lol
@aaronsteven8961 6 жыл бұрын
Troll read your history and not that propaganda bullshit
@Temimayo 4 жыл бұрын
There was nothing beautiful about colonised Nigeria. Under Britain it had only one university college affiliated to London, there are now over 170 universities. There were very few roads and the ancient railway built by the British led to the the coast to ship goods exploited to Britain. Education wasn't free, it was provided by missionaries and natives had to pay for it. White minority rule in Africa only benefited the whites. It was exploitative in nature for the benefit of the colonisers. Virtually all the infrastructure in Nigeria today was built by Nigerians. Of course, the country at a stage far beneath its potential, however Nigeria though troubled is miles ahead from where the exploiter left it.
@zendros 10 жыл бұрын
This is really biased in favor of the blacks. Very unfair to the Afrikaner!
@diskriminator4351 9 жыл бұрын
***** How is that fair!? You are attempting to arbitrarily dump the blame of black people's ill treatment on some Afrikaner farmer!? What the hell? I am sure I can trace your lineage back to some people who mistreated some other people at some time in history - maybe you should also pay for that!! - Of COURSE it's not "fair"!
@diskriminator4351 9 жыл бұрын
***** What "systematic discrimination"? Are you referring to the Apartheid? So is it ok with you then that tend of thousands of white South Africans have been brutally murdered, maimed, tortured and raped by black South Africans? Do you also justify the genocide of the white South African (over 70'000 dead since 1994) on the basis of the Apartheid!? - If so, you sir are sickening!
@diskriminator4351 9 жыл бұрын
***** And you want to talk about "systematic discrimination"!? - I lived there for 7 years and have dozens of friends and family there - and they tell me how there is now systematic discrimination against white people in South Africa. Is that ok with you? Is it ok with you for blacks to be racist against whites, but not the other way around?
@tieniehenning 9 жыл бұрын
***** They had many centuries to achieve something, yet could not even invent a wheel. They could not develop to more than a mud hut, while Europe advanced to highly complex engineering and science. No system was in place 2000 years ago to stop them from developing. Yet the Romans already had palaces back then. So who's fault is it that they are too stupid to figure out one brick can be placed on top of another and build something. Even if clothes was not introduced to them they would be running around in hides and skins until this very day. You are ill informed as to what the role of the Afrikaner Farmer was and is to this day. Go do some research.
@nduduzomngomezulu7253 8 жыл бұрын
+zendros it wasn't fair when the afrikans were kicked out of their homes and forced to live in shacks
@prossynannyanzi7072 4 жыл бұрын
The question is who sold the land? The person who took the money should be the one to pay... BECAUSE whoever him the land, had NO right it at all. It is like i steal something and turn around and sale it.. And letter you found out that, the item in question was stolen. So the responsibility should go to the person who took the money.
@kingdick5611 Жыл бұрын
U dummies originally the land was envaded not sold mean native Africans were killed n some forced out get it now if u don't god help ur soul
@kimnoel9873 Жыл бұрын
My Favorite Animal is a Cattle. ⛹🏾‍♂️🐄🥤💙⭐️❤️
@wingedbull1257 5 жыл бұрын
Rainbow Nation my Ass, good job ANC
@jondyfed4980 Жыл бұрын
No body owners anything, we are all caretakers. Just passing through. Fighting over something you can never hang on to is pointless.
@Kelvin-yj2ol Жыл бұрын
Then let it go
@incumbentvinyl9291 Жыл бұрын
OURLAN- D ISBA- CK Blimey, this guy is actually literate!
@khae74 7 жыл бұрын
Most blacks were chased without any graves to point. The land reclaim system is Kaak
@jubilee203 13 жыл бұрын
@koffiekpatcha We don't own land outside Africa. If we own them, we pay for them.
@gusfil8404 Жыл бұрын
@boereriem 13 жыл бұрын
@nacaaswanacas Read your history Piet Retief was sold a very large part of Kwa Zulu by Dingaan for helping the Zulus against a waring tribe. Dingaan then invited Piet Retief to a festival to celebrate the chasing away of the other tribe. At the festival he slaughtered Piet Retief and all his men to steal the land back. So, historically, you guys were the thieves. I'm willing to look at the historical piece you are talking about though though I do think you'll have a problem showing proof.
@asiimwemorris6645 4 жыл бұрын
What are those worinng tribes you are talking about?
@DaveS859 4 жыл бұрын
@@jstreet2852 All emotion and no facts
@gusfil8404 Жыл бұрын
How come they just don't go back to Germany
@suryavajra 15 жыл бұрын
Well...does that logic apply to other peoples as well??? Does Africa only belong to the black man, the entire Western Hemisphere only to the Native Americans, and Asia only for the Asians??
@Titoscudd 14 жыл бұрын
@koffiekpatcha Stupid question, simple answer. Blacks haven't gone to ANY continent and forcibly dispossessed indigenous peoples of their land. Can the same be said of Europeans? Let me ask you, is it also okay for Blacks to go to the Netherlands in the manner similar to what the Boers did and take possession of said lands in similar manner?Would the Netherlands or Europe recognize a "Black Tribe" of the Netherlands or Europe?Can you see how simplisticly idiotic your line of questioning is?
@thomasbeer7615 6 жыл бұрын
nothing was TAKEN by white settlers, EVERYTHING was negotiated for, yet again, educate yourself.
@cockoffgewgle4993 Жыл бұрын
1) Blacks are incapable of invading western lands because their civilisation and technology is still in the Dark Ages. 2) Blacks have been invading and stealing from the west for decades. They come to western countries and have the highest rates of violence and lowest rates of education. Which means they take far more than they contribute. Then there's all the "diversity" policies which discriminate against native whites and for blacks.
@azanianlion 12 жыл бұрын
If you are a citizen of South Africa you have every right to be there,regardless of colour so cut the history lessons.
@gameking50P 14 жыл бұрын
i agree with you there and im black. What position would the white people have in your opinion?
@MisterMarvelous21 3 жыл бұрын
sounds like a repeat
@daithemuff 15 жыл бұрын
Give the farmer his money back and let the people have the land back. Justice for once
@kingdick5611 Жыл бұрын
Fuk no 😂😂😂😂 y'all white pasty asses need to go back to Europe n I'm pretty sure they want them out of America to
@cockoffgewgle4993 Жыл бұрын
You shouldn't be able to force someone off their land. If people were robbed of their land by the government or laws, then they should be compensated with cash-- by the government.
@FMCLAW777 15 жыл бұрын
Howsit Boerboetie, heard much about you on youtube and have seen the support for your comeback!! welcome back!! Is their any way that you can tell me where I can find the video where the san was chased from their land by blacks?? their are a lot of fuckfaces on youtube that do not get this point !!!
@gusfil8404 Жыл бұрын
0:21 they look silly dancing like that.. is that really a dance or are they just being clowns?
@jackiewaramalepe8439 11 ай бұрын
@dandylion18 10 жыл бұрын
If you want a 21st century lifestyle, you're going to have a 21st century job. And subsistence farming is not on that list, These people need jobs, not land. A 21st century economy has 5% of the people in the agricultural sector, making enough food for themselves, the other 95 %, and for the export market. The 95% are bakers, bankers, lawyers, doctors, factory workers, etc. There's no room in that picture for a bunch of people to show up, invade the land of an efficient commercial farmer, and then start to grow just enough food for their tribe/extended family to live on. The numbers just don't add up,
@dandylion18 9 жыл бұрын
***** why is affirmative action necessary for the poor to get job skills?
@dandylion18 8 жыл бұрын
***** Which do the poor need more, equality or food, shelter, education, and all the other goodies that come with a 21st century economy?
@dandylion18 8 жыл бұрын
"Closer to equality", then. And who's more greedy and arrogant than Zuma, Malema, and most of the top ANC people? Again, subsistance farming will not allow anything close to all of the poor to live normal lives. Specialization of labour, with commercial farmers and without land invasions, is what they need. They need jobs, not land. But it's hard to attract investors, whether foreign or domestic, when due process and the rule of law are not abided by. In turn, this worsens the unemployment situation. Murdering farmers, or anyone else for that matter, and invading farms are activities which are detrimental to all South Africans, Black, White, Coloured, and Asian. (And yes, the ANC still uses those categories.)
@dandylion188 8 жыл бұрын
+Hevian S "They do not need the comforts of the 21st century. All they need is a subsistence based life style": A bit patronizing there, aren't you? In any event, subsistence farming doesn't work with a population many, many times the size it was before 1648. To feed a population as large as that of SA in 2015, the efficiency of commercial farming is needed. The poor Blacks need jobs, not land.
@cockoffgewgle4993 Жыл бұрын
This is Africa we're talking about lol.
@northernleg 16 жыл бұрын
bananarepubluc2 do you know what you should do, you should you should complaine about yourself to you tube for overly sensitive
@ranjithm1985 15 жыл бұрын
I think then they are gonna face the fate of Tasmanian aborigines....?
@Kenzo_x 8 жыл бұрын
Soon there will be justice in South Africa. Too many injustices
@Mankindatwar 8 жыл бұрын
be ready for an ak-47 round
@cyndeewi 8 жыл бұрын
+Mankind at war bullshit. Don't you think they have the same thing. The labs is not yours. It belongs to black South Africans.
@woden20 8 жыл бұрын
Then fuck off out of Europe it belongs to White Europeans. We can do a swap. We'll have all our people back and we'll send yours back to you.
@woden20 7 жыл бұрын
Bobby Y Have you been in a FUCKING CAVE open your sleepy eyes clean that shit out your ears. Wake up
@ricoElGallo 6 жыл бұрын
imagine the world if whites stayed in europe
@goodafy 4 жыл бұрын
@Rico please ignore these colonial chancers like @Richard When whites loose land they scream, blacks won't use the land well When blacks loose land, it's good for economy, white will it better. These blind supporters of wrong most times they remember rhodesia, good old South Africa; past glory While it was good, they don't know it was bad for others. Africans take what belongs to you legally if necessary by force. Remember you were forced off the land, whites then called it black spots in white SA, isn't it insane? Call them 'colonial chancer'
@vanessahindle3243 4 жыл бұрын
No Jesus
@angusyates828 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder myself. Much pain would've been avoided.
@cockoffgewgle4993 Жыл бұрын
Imagine the world if blacks had stayed in Africa.
@WW2veteran1 11 жыл бұрын
I can like you
@cockoffgewgle4993 Жыл бұрын
14:43 - So it's in the same condition basically the whole of Africa was in before white Europeans arrived. What's stopping them installing all those things?
@makheyi 14 жыл бұрын
@koffiekpatcha The land is ours.
@edwardwhite221 7 жыл бұрын
soooo, they want the land and everything on it as well? for free besides? big balls for sure.
@godworden2768 4 жыл бұрын
Lies, South Africa was founded by Boers
@godworden2768 3 жыл бұрын
Cara DD There we’re not inhabitants and you know it. The Khoisan weren’t living down that far and were escaping Bantu genocide by running South and they ran into De Boers living in the Southern tip and they housed and defended Khoisan’s with their rifles in return for labour.
@godworden2768 3 жыл бұрын
Cara DD Not at all, Africa is a continent dood, not a Country. They weren’t even in the same Country area. Plus De Boers didn’t even colonize more than they needed it was England that took over and colonized and is responsible for apartheid.
@godworden2768 3 жыл бұрын
Cara DD Well referring to Italy and Italy isn’t very big.
@arthurm9517 3 жыл бұрын
Who's your source, a white man??? Unreliable
@godworden2768 3 жыл бұрын
Arthur mlamli Mpotulo Source? It’s well documented History that people have been trying to erase.
@carolelandry6793 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a white person, and I love you all black and white people, black people are also just trying to survive and stand up for themselves. Jesus loves all black and white people. I hope and pray that black and white people comme together in agreement.
@donttalkpish2012 2 жыл бұрын
The blacks stood up for themselves in rhodesia, mozambique, Uganda ect..... And how has that went so far in those countrys? Absolute failure
@dermantolbert7796 Жыл бұрын
They reason they are trying to survive is because there are in a white present either pass slavery are colonialism so being in the present of a maggot whether pass or present
@AfricaNetworks-dq4co Жыл бұрын
What Africa need urgently are: 1. A common Defence Pact and a Military High Command. 2. A common Foreign Policy 3. The creating of an “African Currency Unit” representing all the Currencies on the Continent in a basket, with the backing of our minerals such as GOLD and others and hence serving as a forerunner for a common currency later. 4. Borderless Africa for Africans and Friendly Nations 5. The African General Relief Brigade. Whilst some NATIONS are destabilizing the REGION, ARABS are pressing to acquire parts of the SAHEL. Therefore, the NEED becomes imperative. More importantly we must protect the citizens, Infrastructure, Assets and Environment. The African young ladies and gentlemen enrolled in the military service of the USA, UK and France could join such a Force. I am confident that Africa can create a Force of about Ten million soldiers to guard against our wealth, whereby the demand for every need should be created and supplied within Africa from African Industries, and not from outside, irrespective of whether the demanded items have less Quality. The creation of such an Armed forces must be purely Pan-African and not in any joint Venture with any Foreign Nation. REMEMBER, THE COMPANIES CAN ONLY GROW OR BE PERFECTED THROUGH R&D. Africa must start to coordinate jointly, the Production of CAPITAL GOODS resulting from creating Platforms for Private and National Engineering Entities. Such Activities must be backed by and with National sovereignties. This thought is imperative of which African Historians may examine and see that this is the right time to embark on such ventures. Please revisit carefully which historical events boosted the Independence Achievements in Africa, especially North, West, and East. Let us remember what President Mugabe once Said: “We had to arm ourselves under the liberation committees created by the OAU in 1963 - 1964 and so all that could not be achieved through passive resistance could only resolved through the means of armed struggle. Our fathers shall always be revered for having fought for Unity, a unity with a punch; a unity that said, the ENEMY will not listen, if you said go away because this is our country he will not listen because he came with violence and hence does not listen to any verbal request, therefore we also employed violence and we won to kick him out of Africa but the story of Unity of the continent did not succeed or emerge immediately.” President Mugabe, a Great Son of Africa, was right. Here, he tells us what we should do and how and when we should do anything.Consider Kwame Nkrumahs book on : “Revolutionary Path” South Africa, go for the Land and do not allow any White Nation to be erected within South Africa. South Africa is a Nation belonging to Africans and he who cannot live together as neighbours must quit the borders of South Africa for peace to prevail. The same applies to Namibia. The time is due! Africans simply must take over or make corrections without awaiting permission from anyone. What we seriously must notice is that: Without SECURITY - DEFENCE there will be no peace and without peace, there will be no effective Industrialization and Without Industrialization there will be no Prosperity, Employment, Economic Freedom, and hence all other THINGS will fall short and there will be no peace in Africa and presumably in the world. Nonetheless, Peace is a mental construct which underlies permanent control. AFRICA MUST UNITE BEFORE THIS WAR ENDS. THIS IS THE GREATEST CHALLENGE.
@kingdick5611 Жыл бұрын
Russia helped trained there ppl n supply them with heavy artillery they been doing business Russia for a long ti.e he told African leaders they needed to evict whites n since they don't respect them
@cyndeewi 8 жыл бұрын
Compensated my ass. The land was stolen.
@georgev9170 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, right, it was stolen from the bushmen who had lived there before being massacred by the bantus. Time to go back to the congo.
@Dantewinning 7 жыл бұрын
+Sigmund Leid time to go back to Europe
@discouniverse 7 жыл бұрын
stolen from whom???? and who told you that only blacks have got any rights to Africa???? maybe even to the whole world???? the land belongs to the whole humanity and those who first settle it they become the owners of that land, but not by claims and wishes of some racist blacks who immigrated here from zambia, angola or mozambic, or nigeria
@rynoburger1780 7 жыл бұрын
The land wasn't stolen. It was won through war. Just like Chaka won the land he had, through war.
@yesplease4410 6 жыл бұрын
Are you FUCKING kidding me!? It was PURCHASED from them you dipshit! And if it was "stolen" then it was through war and bloodshed! The winner of a war has every right of ownership over that land! By your logic Germany can go to Poland and claim the land they lost after WW2 back from them. The people there have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to take back that land. It is absolutely ludicrous and dangerous the way you people think. Entitlement at it's finest.
@jessicacontreras3207 6 жыл бұрын
Black power✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
@BedBug38 6 жыл бұрын
Jessica Contreras yeah work for nothing just cry till you get your way
@hokeyjoel 5 жыл бұрын
This chit is a joke when I look at Caucasian people owning land in Africa. You remind me of a house owner who when away and the cats to guards the house. They lefts a lots food in the bowls and the cats ate so much that they fell into deep sleep and the mice came having tons of fun and the cats still sleeping from all that chit was put in the food to keep it fresh. The mice are running free it's like heave to them. A week has gone by and one cat starts to yarn and open his eyes and what do he see nothing but mice chit all over the place, the rest of the cats are awaken and oh chit it's open season on them damn meces because they hate meces to pieces.
@theskead8834 4 жыл бұрын
Shit and mice
@snath9974 7 жыл бұрын
Why are farmers always so evil and want slavery :( people shouldn't be allowed to own so much land. Farmers land needs to be split up and given to the poor.
@yesplease4410 6 жыл бұрын
good lord. Communism and liberal left-winged bullshit at its best. How happy I am that people like you aren't in power. The world would be a place full of misery, poverty, slow development and no strive for improvement. Have you not learned from history. In this case your splitting the land would lead SA to become similar to Zimbabwe. Well fucking done. You have just fucked the already poor people over even more. No food, no money, no jobs. Why are you people against Capitalism I don't understand? What is so bad about it? Every person has the theoretic chance to make millions, something that can never be done in Communism. I don't get it
@H1MLA 14 жыл бұрын
Julius Malema for President, nuff said!
@edwinclarke3140 5 жыл бұрын
The European gentil have and end time on this earth Obadiah edom
@sherryB5 6 жыл бұрын
The were lying
@elvisshikale474 6 жыл бұрын
It's so clearly written in ur bible's that wat was so shall it be so you africaners had reap this so you shall saw it
@kenford4550 5 жыл бұрын
Long live EFF!!! B1✊
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