Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม EP. 11 | REACTION

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This upset me
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@tashaneva4575 7 ай бұрын
the thing is, rung's death is a pretty recent event for mhok. and the guilt he carries around is immense (if i answered the phone, she would still be alive). he never fully processed his trauma i feel like, and to jump from that super traumatic experience straight into a caretaking job where he also happened to fall in love with the person he's taking care of - well, that was a recipe for an inevitable disaster. he's also doing all the emotional labour (i honestly hate this phrase but i don't know what else to call it) in the relationship, expecting day to lean on him constantly, but never allowing himself to lean on day - look at how reluctant he is to discuss his own pain, how he doesn't open to day about having nightmares, how he just bottles all that shit up presumably because day's already dealing with too much stuff and he doesn't need mhok's problems on top of all that. now, i will say that I'm not a big fan of separate growth and i do think that this is something they could've worked on together without having to separate, but ah well. it's aof after all, so I'm not too surprised at this turn of events (also i keep having war flashbacks to the chaos that bad buddy episode 12 preview caused only to turn out to be misleading as hell so like... there's also that possibility lmao)
@Moxxxix 7 ай бұрын
I think it's less of Day feeling like he's being pitied and more of feeling like he's holding Mhok back from bigger opportunities. He used being pitied as a way to hit something in Mhok and to somewhat convince himself as well. I am sure that they will be together again, Mhok had promised to never let go of his hand (and to take him to Hawaii). There is also this running theme of forever and never being lonely again. Our MhokDay will be back but they need to grow as individuals and re-evaluate their places in eachother's life. This is a romance, right? Romances should always end with a happy ending or a happy for now. Though what I'm concerned about is the duration. I am not sure if 1 episode is enough to wrap things up. It needs to show their seperation, meeting again, getting back together, and a small epilogue/monologue about the future. There should also be time to cut off loose ends with the other characters as well. Oo~ what if Master Aon becomes a father? Night and Projai will likely get married as well. Enough with that..... I AM ABSOLUTELY BROKEN. PLEASE. as compensation, I am willing to trade tears for an Our Skyy 3 where they are happily in love and married. Thank you! *sigh* Time for a comfort rewatch of Vice Versa
@janesierra9606 7 ай бұрын
I felt crushed for Mhok, Day at least had his family to help him through the breakup but poor Mhok is left alone to deal with the fall out.
@LauraRodriguez-mc3zi 7 ай бұрын
I think the break-up was totally necessary, day needs to find his way to understand he is capable to do everything by himself and show his familly *his mom * he'll be fine and he does not need a caretaker, or someone on his side capable to care of him, when we think as a romantic parter we look for something more *i beleive lol* From Mhok side, he needs time to forgive himself because of his sister situation, and understand that what she did wasn't his fault. These two need time to work on it and finally be together or I'm gonna cry
@foxpolitics8934 7 ай бұрын
I think P'Aof wanted Mhok to overcome his trauma. In reality, Mhok should learn that he can't protect everyone. He had to get over his guilt. I think we'll see that both Day and Mhok will grow individually. And when they are both at their very best version of themselves will they be able to fully be together again. Here's some hope for you Freddie, there were some pictures from the previous shooting of a clip of Day and Mhok dancing. The theory is that they will dance at Night and Porjai's wedding which will be held in Songklha based on the pictures. There are also pictures of Mark and Sea at the aiport and Night is wearing like a tuxedo so we might see Day say good bye to Mhok. So we'll either see them reconcile before Mhok leaves or Mhok leaves and goes back to Thailand for the Wedding and reconcile with Day. Don't worry Freddie. In P'Aof, we trust.
@neoporticulis 7 ай бұрын
I mean... why should they reconcile though? It's of course nice for us watching a live story that they do, but since we're taking realism so seriously here, the fact that the narrative is their current relationship is unhealthy doesn't mean they have to evolve themselves just for the sake of getting back together again. Wouldn't that be a contradiction and taking a risk of regression? When Mohk broke it off from Porjai because he didn't want to drag her down, didn't Porjai move on? What's good for the goose must be good for the gander, right? Sry... any frustration here isn't directed at you at all. I do think, though, that I wouldn't be happy with them just getting back together without some really good justification of why they would rebuild a dangerous bridge they agreed to torch for everyone's benefit. They can still be close friends like Porjai and Mohk, but waving the magic wand of true love is just not going to be good enough for me.
@Jrdhn02 7 ай бұрын
Actually kinda sad that Mhok and Day broke up, but they actually need this to understand each other more deeply. Also i love how Mom mention about their relationship, Mhok was his caretaker, since then he was with day for like 12 hours a day, even if he was home, he knew Mom and Night would be there to takecare of Day. That's why when it's only two of them and Mhok is working, Mhok worried about Day, esp his trauma with Rung. Bcs no matter how he treat Day great without feeling pity but deep down he actually did, he just didn't realized they're broke up Mhok would see that Day can takecare of himself just fine. And also Day can proof peoples that he can do it by himself. And hopefully Day would understand Mhok's side why he act like thaf since trauma isn't easy to deal and he has nobody take care of him
@Tirpse87 7 ай бұрын
I do wonder if a big part of Day's reaction is him having this idea of "setting Mhok free" so he doesn't have to miss out on great opportunities. Hence Day's question to his mom. If he did the right thing. I would not be surprised if next week we see more of that specific moment where Day explains his reaction. I do think though even if Day did this truly just out of hurt, it's still in character. Day shut himself off from the world once he started losing his eyesight. Day seems to have strong gut reactions sometimes. I do believe Mhok would have still declined the job even if Day wasn't blind because this truly wasn't about Day or his blindness but totally about Mhok's trauma of losing his sister in such a dramatic way and feeling imense guilt. Regarding the finale I am totally sure they will get back together, no open ending of maybe some day or whatever. But unlike you I did not expect this to get resolved within days. I think it's safe to assume Mhok will take the job now. To get away from everything. And I think Porjai and Night will get married. Which might get Mhok back from the States to Thailand. Hence it feeling like the time jump will be significant and the opportunity for Day and Mhok to meet again after having done some individual growth. Day graduating, becoming more independent. Mhok hopefully having worked on his trauma. Therefore fully seeing Day as the capabalbe individual that he is. Trusting in that he doesn't have to be there all the time for his loved ones to be okay. That's my current prediciton.
@dalgichaeng5716 7 ай бұрын
Omg you put exactly what I was thinking and couldn't think of into words, I completely agree. And Day wanting to "set Mhok free" really explains why I understood his decision to break up with Mhok. And I've also made the observation that day tends to act very impulsively when he's mad/gets hurt because of past experiences and also because of his personality and the way he copes. I also think that this break up is actually rly good for them so that they get to work on themselves because their unresolved traumas and past experiences were pretty much the root cause of this whole fight/argument and the miscommunication and lack of communication that led to this fight and break up.
@multilicus5773 7 ай бұрын
(1) About the eye surgery: it felt like the showrunners wanted to deal with this issue and remove it from the narrative. This might have been partly because a transplant was mentioned several times and Day was, even by ep. 10, still having some hopes of getting it, and partly to wrap this thread up, sort of for the audience, to prevent questions about it (will he get it? will it work? will it change him? etc.). Storywise it wasn't important - this is, after all, a love story, the main plot is about Day and Mhok falling in love with each other and the results thereof; everything else is just serving that main plot. (2) Beware of GMMTV's and/or P'Aof's preview tricks! Misleading previews are something of a staple of GMMTV, so ep. 12 of "Last Twilight" can be a lot like the last ep. of "A Tale of 1000 Stars" or it can completely different. The preview revealed what looks like glaring similarities to the ATOTS finale: the main couple split and separated (the breaking up part seems like a P'Aof favourite - remember last ep. of "Bad Buddy"?), one of the main characters moves to the US (and the other main character is convinced that this is for the best, that he can't hold his loved one back), they both attend a wedding reception of a person close to both of them, but don't actually meet nor talk to each other. I don't like rehashing ideas. I seriously hope the preview for ep. 12 is misleading - and that we won't get a rehashed ATOTS finale, with Mhok and Day meeting at Porjai's and Night's wedding and reviving their relationship once Mhok becomes financially independent. (3) About a finale I want: I'd love to see Mhok visiting Day the next day, telling him how he feels, them two just talking it over, like people ought to, addressing Mhok's biggest issue (fear of something bad happening to Day while Mhok is not around) and Day's biggest issue (him assuming that Mhok rejected the job offer because he feels pity for Day). I'd love to see them have a huge argument, but then conclude that breaking up on the spur of the moment was/is dumb - and working things out from there. They could sit in Day's room for half of the episode and just talk, feed the fish and talk some more - I'd watch that episode. That would be much better than "and they separated for 2 long years and didn't talk to each other, but still longed for each other, but we can't really show you that so we'll make a silly time jump here". Grow up. (4) Also: the "dramatic music" used in LT is annoying.
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
This, like why separate when they could talk it out, compromise and grow as people TOGETHER. How can you know each other if you separate for years apart from each other and not be there for each other it would be like meeting a stranger again.
@k-micalreaction3750 3 ай бұрын
The chef was also cast in A Tale of a Thousand Star series he is one of the villagers in Pha Phun Dao village.
@Lari_ann 7 ай бұрын
23.5 is gonna come out soon, maybe after Last Twilight finishes. You should definitely check that out!
@BLlover1020 7 ай бұрын
24:54 to answer your question, the phrase Day’s mom said to Mhok should be “ฉันก็อยากจะหาคนที่ดูแลเดย์ก็ได้จริงๆ” and the verb she used is ดูแล, which I think means to take care of, to watch over someone in a broad sense; in this case it probably also implies financially. I’m only a beginner in Thai so I could be wrong though.
@j3ss_r237 7 ай бұрын
As much as it broke me when day decided to end things I feel like although it may seem harsh I think it was necessary as mohk due to unresolved trauma has become completely codependant on day and in order for them to be happy in the long run they need that time apart. Not just for mohk to deal with his past and come to terms with what happened to his sister was out of his hands and not his fault but also for day to prove not just to mohk but to himself that he is independent he is still himself and that living a normal life is possible. Through the break as hard as it may be it gives them both the chance to accept themselves as individuals so then when they come back together again at a later time then they are prepared for each other and can be together happily. It's better realistically for them to sort it out sooner rather than later as the longer they bury their separate issues the more damage it will have on them together and their relationship in the long run. But to end it p'aof when I catch you it's on site!😂
@j3ss_r237 7 ай бұрын
If they continued like how they were it could easily be considered an unhealthy dependency that mohk has towards day and easily in later life could cause feelings of spite or lead mohk to feel resentful of day as he gets old and although they clearly love each other this break up it to help prevent that from happening. I don't think day necessarily is angry that mohk lied but its more of a cry for independence he wants them both to grow and that won't ever be an option until they are able to focus solely on themselves so that in the future they can continue to live and love each other whole heartedly with no feeling of regret or resentment
@anateresamatteoli7832 7 ай бұрын
I agree with what you said, but still I'm totally devastated with the outcome of ep 11 and I've got stressed with P'Aof! If Mock and Day don't be together again at the end, it will be the end of me! 😭😭
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
But Day is known for making bad decisions when he is overwhelmed and gets angry
@j3ss_r237 7 ай бұрын
@pagesinked I wouldn't necessarily say it was a bad decision cause it is what was needed for both of them.Tbh the decision day made was out of love for mohk as he felt like he was holding him back and that breaking up is the only way he could have got mohk to go and do something for himself instead of for day like he usually does. That was his way of allowing mohk to change his own life as I guess a thank you for how much mohk has changed days life since they met
@taeshain2026 7 ай бұрын
I completely wholeheartedly agree. I have always noticed how Mohk just got more and more dependent on Day each day, but without actually focusing a part of the relationship on him. Of course it's understandable, due to the life-changing trama that Day is going through, but at the same time Day has become such a huge focus of the relationship that its almost as if Day is dating just half Mokh, the other half has just attached to Day completely, it was absorbed by him. Again, nothing wrong with our precious Day, of course, it's completely understandable and even "predictable". But I had been hoping for quite a few episodes for Mohk to start opening up a bit more, focusing at least a little part of the relationship on him a bit more. Since that did not actually happen, this was pretty much bound to happen sooner or later. And I think it will be very beneficial for the both of them. I am sure they will make it work, and I don't even think it is gonna take thaaaat long. Because the story has always been consistent, well-portrayed, and especially believable. And I think that them coming back to eachother would not only be the cliche finale of such a series, but also just the natural flow and direction of things. It would not only be the best finale ever, but it would also make total sense. And that's what I love the most about this series, the trauma has always been portrayed in a believable and natural way, it has never been exaggerated, or too much soap opery. It's always been very warm, even in the saddest moments. I will never forget Day and Mohk, just like I never forgot Tian and Phupha. P'Aooofff stop making us suffer so beautifully, plz 🥹💕
@blairlim9974 7 ай бұрын
I hate that Day missed the point.It's not about him but it's Mohk learned from his mistake and just want to do his best for not regret again.I love the mom knows best about relationship and said she cares about Mohk's feeling.
@j3ss_r237 7 ай бұрын
I don't necessarily think that day missed the point and thought it was about him.i know he was most likely influenced by his disability and his want to be treated as normal and for mohk to allow him to be independent but if anything him breaking up with mohk was not something he particularly wanted to do but believed it was the one thing he could do for mohk and his way of showing how much he lives him and wants doesnt want him to feel held back and trapped.i think he justifies them breaking up as his way of allowing mohk to grow and reach his full potential alike what mohk did for him (building his confidence and getting him out of his room and showing him he's still normal.)
@chloconut7433 7 ай бұрын
Maybe consider checking out 23.5 after this? Not a bl but something I’m super excited for, and hoping it gains more traction and attention for more gl series in the future :)
@hhardaway1228 7 ай бұрын
@heathery6396 7 ай бұрын
I've been waiting for your reaction after watching ep11. It broke my heart to see Mhok cry😭
@maxctavares 7 ай бұрын
I know it's not a Bl but 23.5 of MilkLove is probs going to replace Last Twilight and I think it will be interesting to check out since it would be GMM first Gl
@goska12345 7 ай бұрын
They are not separating for months. They are separating for years. They are signs for this.
@jadeyes12 7 ай бұрын
freddie im totally with you on this one. the breakup shit is one thing, but seeing mhok break down all alone while day (the one who made the choice to end things) had people by his side seriously fucked me up. listen, mhok has nobody to turn to and this is one of those things that no one will properly get if they havent experienced it. i have, i dont have family either. ive also lost quite a few friends to self destructive habits/su!c!de. i totally understand him. i thought it was fucking cruel to do him like that. i do agree that mhok needs to work on his trauma first, but day also needs to come to terms with his blindness. the break up stunt is one thing as i said, but this was just cruel. yes, mhok didnt need to lie. he was in the wrong, but breaking up just like that without even communicating properly when they were alone seems wrong to me as well. as i said, no one will be able to understand the character of mhok deeply if they havent experienced losing people to su!c!de and struggling without family like he has, which is why seeing him sobbing alone while day was being comforted ruined me. also, mhok shared such an important reason why he was the way he was, being the loss of his sister. shit like that isnt easy to share and day just completely brushed past it like it was nothing and continued going off on him? please just listen to this poor man jesus christ. losing someone is fucking horrible as it is, but losing someone to su!c!de is traumatizing and it will haunt you forever. the guilts and regrets as well. i hated how day ignored that when its a big reason why mhok did what he did and its also sensitive as hell. in all honesty, i loved LT so far but im not excited for next week rn. i understand day's character but my heart goes out to mhok at this moment because i empathise and relate so much.
@ainsomary13 7 ай бұрын
aahhhh Freddie THANK YOU!!! for your reaction and beautiful thoughts as always💜💜 tbh this episode became so frustrating to me; my main problem is day stealing the spotlight from mhok and making it all about himself; i know mhok lying to him wasnt the right thing to do, day has all the rights to be mad but id rather see them fight bc day feels upset with mhok not sharing with him his worries than making it all a complete pointless mess idk if it was in the character or not, real or not, im upset either way bc in the end mhoks feelings werent heard and talked about regardless; saw some people say day did that on purpose to 'let mhok go heal and grow' but im still not buying it im sorry, its still dramatic cause mhok left being wronged and blamed for his own feelings and trauma and in the end he got left all alone with MORE guilt of the second time losing his loved one, bc obviously after hearing all of those accusations hes gonna think the blame is all on him; sorry but this is not how you 'make a mature decision' im not the person to judge i know day has also been through a lot and they're still young and miscommunications happen and thats okay but i still feel so sad about the way they decided to handle this, idk mhoks experience not being valued just triggered me also about the whole separation thing, im not against the general idea of it, couples who are lost often do that and i find it very nice and mature however i dont understand how it was necessary for mhok and day? as someone said in the comments as well, mhok could go to therapy heal grow and everything with day still being by his side supporting him, yeah he started being paranoid but he didnt cross the line (lying doesn't count, i mean if he started telling day to spend less time alone, dont go anywhere etc) so i genuinely dont understand how that would be a problem, all they needed to do is just talk and listen to each other !ALSO an important ad, even when people decide to separate for a while they still TALK it throw know their reasons and understand their goals, and none of it happened either, so no they didnt make a decision to take their time alone, they just broke up, thats a different thing ugh i have so many thoughts on this but im also tired thinking about it cause the whole image of them as you say 'love is real' :(( is ruined for me, i love them i love paof i really want to trust him, but im just really not in favor of 'making the person i love think i hate them for them to move on' trope, personally its more dramatic to me than mature (also dishonesty) and im not talking only about the show but life in general so yeah but either way lets all respect each others opinions even tho we might disagree and just hope for the best🙏🏼 aahh sorry for typing so much 😭😭but thank you so much for your reaction love you sunshine, hope you have a great week and fun at the birthday celebration 🎉🌻❤🤍💜💜🫂🫂
@YinJennifer-ft1st 7 ай бұрын
This is the episode that shocked me the most. I paused countless times while watching it. He created the characters of mhok and day to make people feel the same.
@R0dv0ss 7 ай бұрын
Acho que essa separação por mais dolorosa que seja pode ser necessária para o amadurecimento dos dois. Ambos estavam muito dependentes um do outro e precisavam superar seus traumas e dificuldades... Agora podem se reencontrar e viver felizes para sempre 💜🩵🇧🇷
@anateresamatteoli7832 7 ай бұрын
All right, however I didn't want them to break up and staying away (not in touch) from eo for so long and for important steps in their lives. It's too much pain!
@gosiame1 7 ай бұрын
Day thinks he's releasing Mohk from this 'burdensome' relationship. Hence the question "Did I do the right thing?' Sad all around because they were both motivated by LOVE.
@vgzlz 7 ай бұрын
I really, really hope it doesn't end with the ~longing glances~ because Lord have mercy, that would be cruel.
@pulapumpkin 7 ай бұрын
The Chef you recognised is actually P‘Au, Assistant Director! 😊 He’s been the Assistant Director next to P‘Aof in almost all of his recent work.
@freddieshouse 7 ай бұрын
I knew it!! Thank you
@TrineMortensen 7 ай бұрын
I think Day overreacted tbh.. I think I'm sad that Day, after everything Mhok has done for him just cuts him off like that.. Day seems to forget he has people around him to help him, Mhok doesn't.. This whole thing was not about Day it was about Mhoks trauma and insecurities.. Now he's going to another country for a job and doesn't have ANYONE to help him work on that trauma.. In the preview it looks like Day is happy and have lived well, with people around him for 3 - 4 years.. Mhok honestly just looks sad, and I totally get him 🥺 All the things Mhok have done for Day was out of love, even turning down the job.. He NEVER once pettied Day, he also made that clear to the mom at the hospital.. He just needs to work on all the trauma he has in his baggage, and I'm a little disappointed that Day doesn't even consider that and try to help him instead of pushing him away 🥺 I have so much more to say but I wont since I don't want to write a novel
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
He always overreacted. Day really should have had a therapist from the beginning and his mom should have tried getting him out of the house sooner and not let him be angry and depressed for a year cut off from the world. I blame her the most. Agree so hard on what you said too. I commented on reddit that Day had his mom and brother there for him to comfort him but who does Mhok have now? No one because he's alone outside crying. Even Porjai is gonna be focused on her baby now and she's getting with Night even she's leaving him? I don't blame Mhok if he takes the job to get far away from all of them who treated him like that.
@TrineMortensen 7 ай бұрын
@@pagesinked Thank you.. I agree.. I feel like this show is mostly about Day, and not them both.. I still don't like how they just sugarcoated all the things the mom did.. Also Day being angry with Mhok, but never with his mom, which btw has done far worse things.. I don't like people lying, especially not in relationships, so I can understand Day being mad about that.. But EVERYTHING Mhok has done for Day has been out of love, and I never feel like I have seen Day really stand behind Mhok.. Mhok needs someone to stand behind him too.. After this EP I'm heartbroken, but I'm also like "Fine, maybe Day's not the one, because he doesn't understand Mhok at all".. They could have just had a ldr, and Mhok would still have someone in his life when times would get tough.. We all know that if they stayed together, but Day still asked him to go, for both of them being able to grow, Mhok would.. He does everything for Day
@jonatanl1125 7 ай бұрын
Let's see the break up things this way. Mhok already change Day's whole life -- Just like their song 'Better Days'.-- He makes Day overcome his fear to going out from his room, makes him accept his condition, forgive his brother, have a warm family and live his life just like other people (including fell in love and have a romantic relationship). It's selfish for him, if Mhok miss the opportunity to going abroad because of him. (Mhok's past made him hard to get proper job, so this opportunity is a golden chance). By let him go, Day wants Mhok to have better future and can change his life just like what Mhok did to Day's life. Eventhough the break up things is not easy for them (and us). Just like the mom said, they will get through this feeling together, and if one day they still love each other they will eventually get past it. After the storm, you will not be the same person anymore (cause what doesn't kill you make you stronger). You will see the rainbow after the storm, right?
@TrineMortensen 7 ай бұрын
I think I'm sad that Day, after everything Mhok has done for him just cuts him off like that.. Day seems to forget he has people around him to help him, Mhok doesn't.. This whole thing was not about Day it was about Mhoks trauma and insecurities.. Now he's going to another country for a job and doesn't have ANYONE to help him work on that trauma.. In the preview it looks like Day is happy and have lived well, with people around him for 3 - 4 years.. Mhok honestly just looks sad, and I totally get him 🥺 I have so much more to say but I wont since I don't want to write a novel
@chloconut7433 7 ай бұрын
Okay yes- definitely an overreaction. But are we surprised? Day is extremely emotional and an emotional decision maker- think about when he fired Mohk after like a day. I feel like, however infuriating it is, it makes sense with his character. He tends to see things as revolving around him (ie thinking everyone pities him), so he just couldn’t stand the one person he trusted lying to him.
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
I HATE this episode. I knew the eye donation wouldn't work and Day would be disappointed again. Breaking them up in ep 11 is so lame I can't even be sad I am disappointed in the writers and P'Aof for doing this damn trope again like in ATOTS. Like I want them to TALK actually ot just make split seconds decisions. Why go separate ways when they could talk it out, compromise and grow as people TOGETHER. How can you know each other if you separate for years apart from each other and not be there for each other it would be like meeting a stranger again. They have only been together a few months time but already have this bond together. Breaking up for years is just cheap tactic and lazy writing and I'm so tired of this trope. We can all predict every 2nd to last episode.
@neoporticulis 7 ай бұрын
Isn't it worse than TOATS? At least in that there was a conversation of why it was that Chief Phupa was being all tsundere at the end of the episode. This was just an accusation and poor vulnerable Mohk having confessed his deepest trauma to an audience that wasn't necessarily always friendly to him (I'm looking at you Day's Mom) was left shattered outside their house that he'd been kicked out of. The audacity for some people to call this necessary for Mohk to heal. Mohk is not a thing you can keep throwing and expect to come back.
@AnimeStarwind 7 ай бұрын
My heart broke for Mhok, though I understand why it happened I feel like it could have been done a different way. That being said, did anyone else notice that Day was just walking around without his guide stick!? Excuse me??? Did he get an eye transplant after all? And the reason he didn't notice Mhok was because he's never actually seen him before? Aaaahhhhh!
@itsgoingdown_im_yelling_timber 7 ай бұрын
I don’t agree with a lot of the comments here, lemme tell you why… Not gonna lie, this episode had me ANNOYED!!! You mean to tell me after ALL THAT!? THIS is what we get???? Nah P’Oaf better pull some cat in a hat type of magic in the next episode! Firstly, I do see how Day’s reaction is fitting for him as a character. Someone mentioned how Day having very guttural emotional reactions is a “him thing” - and I agree. BUT I still think its such a huuuuge overreaction to the situation. Mhok messed up with the lying though. I think Mhok’s decision is trauma related and I think Mhok would’ve done the same if Day wasn’t blind. I believe he could’ve gotten therapy and dealt with it whilst they are together. In the same way that Mhok helped Day reintergrate into everyday life, Day could support Mhok the same in dealing with his trauma and Mhok will eventually understand that he can’t protect his loved ones all the time. They can talk it out and decide on having a long distance relationship. That way they can each still grow together while physically being apart. Mhok loves Day so much that I believe he would take the overseas job and have them workout their stuff while he’s over there. That solves the needing distance and time aspect of this. I understand the sentiment of Day wanting to set Mhok “free of his burden” but it has the potential to backfire sooo bad! What if Mhok doesn’t take this as motivation and instead falls into a deep state of despair and ruin and his life just completely crumbles? Then what? Also Mhok is going to be alone in a foreign country with no immediate support… my mans already looks MISERABLE in the preview! While Day has all the support and love he needs to hold him up. Feels very unfair to me. Also Day also needs to learn that not everybody who is not Mhok pities him. Like in the dance party scene, my mans was dropping it harder than anybody there and when he rightfully won the prize money he chugged it off to the people pitying him. Day still needs to learn that people being considerate does not equal pity. Entlek this whole breakup situation annoys me so much cause talking could lead to them atleast understanding eachother and working it out in a more efficient way without the unnecessary angst. Now it all just feels wasted mahn Idk 😒
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
Yeah it's really unfair to Mhok because he doesn't want to have this dream if Day is not there in his life in some capacity
@fantasyseoul3083 7 ай бұрын
Thank youuu!! I agree with everytthing you said. I truly do not understand how people are justifying Day breaking Mhok's heart like that as a necessary step in their relationship. How?? Mhok has to grow and deal with his trauma completely alone? He was basically abandoned by someone he loved! What happened to always being there for each other and supporting each other? What happened to open communication? They don't have to be together if that is what's needed for Day to prove his growing independence or for Mhok to let go of his co-dependency, BUT there are a lot of other ways for them to resolve their conflict without emotionally scarring a person. What frustrates me more is HOW Day broke up with Mhok. Unnecessarily cruel. No regards for Mhok's feelings and haunted past. How could you knowingly hurt someone and ask if that was the right thing to do? Obviously not if you had to even ask! Day apologists are really disregarding Mhok's mental and emotional state. It's unfair that Mhok had no say in how that ended. He deserved better than what he got! Sorry, not sorry.
@itsgoingdown_im_yelling_timber 6 ай бұрын
@@fantasyseoul3083 100% and now having watched the finale, I’ve personally decided that Last Twilight has 11 and 3/4 episodes. For my own sanity
@fhannyreyes574 7 ай бұрын
Next week is my birthday, on the same day the last episode airs, if it’s not a happy ending I’m going to be devastated 😢 and I really don’t want that happening on my birthday. I’m so afraid guys 😔😭
@Ace_lonelysoul 7 ай бұрын
Belated Happy birthday, Sweety 🥳🎁🎂🍫💃 It's a happy happy ending. I hope you're happy too 😊
@Doyoungismyfave 7 ай бұрын
I love this show so much. I am just really disappointed that they went the breakup route for episode 11. I truly expected better. 😩
@Vispi78 7 ай бұрын
I don't know, even if you don't have a happy ever after with someone, it doesn't mean that the relationship means nothing. I'm turning 30, i've been in multiple long relationships, two major ones which ended, but it's not meaningless. Of course we are rooting for them and everything but I won't be devasted if they don't end up together, what they lived together was already so beautiful. You can sort of hear Day POV in the main ost. So I'm ready for everything 😂.
@charliezhang9107 7 ай бұрын
23.5 is coming soon, would it be possible to see your reaction to this series?
@lovelovefti 7 ай бұрын
I love your reaction!
@calvinarrow 7 ай бұрын
The "Pity" thing has gone overboard. I thought after Day's full understanding and acceptance of him being blind in the mountain, that pity thing is over. I know it's Day's final excuse to push Mhok to go abroad and be successful in life, but conveniently using it in their break up scene was a bit, weird and unecessary.
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
This! Mohk told him he loves him and Day seems to understand that. He just went backwards on his character development by blaming everything on pity again.
@mahaR4N1 7 ай бұрын
If you enjoying The Untamed, maybe you should check out Word of Honor.
@kath8983 7 ай бұрын
Your reaction to the preview is so funny ijbol. We be overthinking, i feel so validated lol But nooopeee I do think we'll get a happy ending. Cause no way these amazing characters and love story will end badly? Nopee MhokDay deserves a great and happy ending. AND WE DESERVE IT TOO! LOL P'AOF WHEN I CATCH YOU P'AOF!!! But anyways, i do think that Day thinking of "break up" as a conclusion of their conflict is also rooted not only because he doesnt wanted to be seen as pitiful but in fact he doesnt want Mhok to hold back in getting a great opportunity just so he can protect him. Because ngl, mhok's reaction and when he said he won't let something happen to day when he is not around is like a confirmation that he will NOT LEAVE. So Day asking his mom "Did I do the right thing mom" is his way of showing his real reason why he wanna break up.. HE WANTS THE BEST FOR MHOK TOO😭 because imagine them getting back the next day, but Mhok not leaving? Day will forever have "what ifs", and will deep inside think he was the reason why Mhok rejected the offer. And the mom saying, it will be hard for Mhok, yess huhu I feel so bad for Mhok. He just love Day so much and wants to protect him. It's his trauma. But iguess same with other opinion, the break up is actually kinda needed to resolve their own inner conflict within their own selves. Day will improve his independence, and Mhok will probably accept his trauma and will understand and trust Day more. But ngl, cant they just grow and develop together? Huhu i dont want to see them suffering. I dont even know what i am saying i just wannaaaa rant lol😂
@neoporticulis 7 ай бұрын
I just want to say, that however much it may be true that it will be better for them to get some distance and centre themselves a bit more, it's a little arrogant for Day to unilaterally decide that, and cruel to not help Mohk in some way at least by ensuring he Mohk does have a support system to get over his guilt. After all, if they are equal lovers, Day should help Mohk through his trauma as much as Mohk has helped with Day's. I would also say, I'm not comfortable subjecting a character to this kind of pain with the idea that alone they, specifically Mohk, will somehow work on the trauma, and will magically be better, and be conveniently ready when Day is also ready to be back in a relationship. I think Mohk has actively helped Day through all his tangled trauma and issues while Day's only credit was ooening his heart to Mohk AFTER Mohk proved his sincerity in a big way with trying to live like a blind person for a day. Not that everything has to be equal in a relationship, but reciprocity is a big part of it. This isn't setting someone free, this is pushing someone off a cliff. Whether Mohk survives this or not will depend on his own effort. This is a love story, so I know P'Aof will have them end up together, maybe even have Day bring up the question to Mohk, while Mohk is all still puppy-eyed, but to he honest, I'd prefer if they just end up as friends, since apparently they both need to learn to be independent emotionally and physically, and Mohk is not supposed to need to rely on Day to overcome the greatest trauma thus far in his life, and that feels like the distance and boundary that defines a good friendship that doesn't cross the line, rather than lovers who stand by each other through thick and thin.
@miyakkibon6721 7 ай бұрын
Isn't it ironic that it was Day who twice reiterated to Mhok in the part that Mhok should not disappear on him yet ended up being the one to send Mhok away hurting? Regardless of his reason whether it was an impulsive decision or doing that out of love, you should not blatantly hurt the one you love by sending a wrong signal he would take with him alone in a far away place. The pity thing, forcefully associated in their break up was stupid if I have to be honest. Then the mom who chose to never speak anything during the break up scene between Day and Mhok suddenly became the voice of reason in the end? I mean, what she told Night was the truth but she could have said something during the confrontation instead of shutting her mouth especially that Day listens to her as if he treats her like a God. It seemed to me that she let it happen because she also wanted this break up for whatever reason. The truth is whenever she opens her mouth, it is always about her as what she showed in the last episode. And to those people saying they needed to break up to have time for themselves to heal and work on their issues, come on now. That's not even half realistic. Why can't they properly communicate, make compromises, grow and heal together while still in a relationship? Then in next week's episode, after like 3 years or so, when things have drastically changed in their lives, they meet again "accidentally" and would still feel the same and magically be together again like all the weird endings in some series? I hate to say this but I'd roll my eyes if that happens. 🙄
@LizardOfOzzz 7 ай бұрын
Not going to lie, I could not rewatch the ending with you or any other reactors. I don’t want to cry frustrated tears again. I skipped just to hear your thoughts and I agree with everything you’ve said. And being someone who understands Mhok’s trauma to a whole other degree because of my own experiences, I can’t believe that the one moment he decides to open up, his feelings are completely disregarded. Maybe Mhok and Day do need some time apart for them both to grow independence, but this was not the way to go about it. Once Day sleeps on this, I hope he speaks to Mhok and apologizes about his outburst. I don’t care if they don’t immediately get back together, but I need Day to at least acknowledge that he could have handled that way better. If we go a long time without them talking AT ALL or the show tries to pretend like Day did nothing wrong, I’m going to be pissed.
@pablocibella9593 7 ай бұрын
My problem with this is not the breakup itself nor their need to grow as individuals, but two things: 1) The 2 or 3-year breakup that seems to be depicted in the previews of the next episode, seems unrealistic to me. Could Day have broken up with Mhok abruptly due to ONE argument? Yes, because he is impulsive and sensitive to the 'pity' treatment. Could Mhok have easily accepted it? Yes, because he always respects Day's decisions. However, could they have stayed apart for such a long period? I don't think so. I'm sorry, but to me, it seems highly unrealistic and doesn't align with the story or the characters' personalities. If that turns out to be the scenario, I hope they at least stay in touch during the breakup time; otherwise, it would feel like I'm watching a completely different show with unfamiliar characters. 2) we've seen these endings before, so it feels kind of a lazy argument to a perfect series that had been flawless until now.
@JayGarche 7 ай бұрын
Omg, please react to My Love Mix Up when it airsss!! For geminifourth
@user-lv7md9wh9l 7 ай бұрын
This breakup was needed because this relationship need time. For Mohk, He need time to overcome his trauma. Day did right because if this relationship continues like this, Maybe not now but later their relationship will left with nothing but burden. Day himself was not certain whether he did right breaking up with Mohk so he can pursue his career or not. Day also need time to accept his inability completely. In conclusion, Let's pray for next week to get a happy ending. PS: Thanks Freddie, Loved your reaction.
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
They could do all that stuff together though there's no need for a last minute break up it's cheap and lazy writing
@taeshain2026 7 ай бұрын
"P'Aof you're a menace" hahahahahah on point 🥲 this is totally giving ATOTS vibes, and that's why I am loving this show SO freaking much. I literally didn't think much of this show, didn't even remember it was part of the GMMTV line up for this year, I just started it because the story seemed interesting after all. And then FROM THE GET GO I HAVE BEEN SO IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW. So beautifully done. By the way, you said... months? 🥲😂 We all know P'Aof, T&P were separated for over two years... P'Aof likes to make us suffer. I think it will be closer to a year, a year and a half, unfortunately 🥹
@Doyoungismyfave 7 ай бұрын
Random…I know it’s not a series, but I would love to watch your reaction to Zee and NuNew’s horror movie “After Sundown” 👀 Even if it’s on patreon only. 😊
@ngannguyen-kx4vr 7 ай бұрын
I hate to see Sad Ending like this🙃
@sprinkles4375 7 ай бұрын
I understand why writers do this. The drama maybe makes the story more interesting, but i don’t like it. Is this twist really realistic? Would a couple go through so much just to have a job opportunity separate them? Maybe, but i am now bummed.
@calvinarrow 7 ай бұрын
It's not realistic and it's the same boring trend from all other korean dramas. Break up before the last episode, someone goes abroad, then this time gap (years), then reconciliation. It's getting old.
@sprinkles4375 7 ай бұрын
@@calvinarrow Agree. This is first time that i have felt underwhelmed by what has otherwise been a series i could not criticize. Notwithstanding the exceptional acting, this development was predictable and, yes, old. Come on! Day learned to entrust his life to Mhok but overacts to this? Makes no sense, whether due to not holding Mhok back or pride.
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
This, like why separate when they could talk it out, compromise and grow as people TOGETHER. How can you know each other if you separate for years apart from each other and not be there for each other it would be like meeting a stranger again. It's just a cheap emotional tactic and I thought better of the writing for this series. 🙄
@sprinkles4375 7 ай бұрын
@@pagesinked Exactly! Writers couldn’t have come up with anything better? So disappointing.
@ka.liin.02 7 ай бұрын
I'm cry 😢
@Thai_BL_Lover88 7 ай бұрын
Heerrrrreeee watching with you
@_tinaa_sz3145 7 ай бұрын
@vdub9171 7 ай бұрын
Freddie: If you are not aware, GMMTV, other BL series, and even P'Aof use the hackneyed "breakup" plot device way too often and unnecessarily in their productions. While I agree with and appreciate your insightful perspectives about Day's overaction and Mhok's behavior, we've all had to tolerate their penchant for offering maudlin melodrama. Frankly, I feel it is a disservice to queer couples (and other couples) to portray relationship dynamics without finesse and the benefit of proper maneuvering. Heaven forbid these productions depict healthy resolutions to the issues these couples experience. It's all about the dramatic effect that hails from a ridiculous time jump and the trite love conquers all trope. At this point, I feel a nearly perfect series might be ruined.
@Chubbylito11 7 ай бұрын
post series promotion from their manager!!!! God! this series is soooo good and top tier. im saddened it doesnt have more views!!!! i wish there was more promotion
@pagesinked 7 ай бұрын
Huh? This is one of the most popular Thai series at the moment.
@Thai_BL_Lover88 7 ай бұрын
I want Secret Crush On You Plz, we need to chill together after Last Twilight dry our eyes
@Ananyapp 7 ай бұрын
it's one of the worst bl drama
@Thai_BL_Lover88 7 ай бұрын
@@Ananyapp I believe our tastes are not similar 😬😬😬
@Ace_lonelysoul 7 ай бұрын
​@@Ananyappagree 😅
@Ananyapp 7 ай бұрын
plzzzzzzzzzzzzz react to the sign series and its just masterpiece ❤😢
@stars4dunkntc 7 ай бұрын
1:14:07 thing is i believe they were separated until 2027 from what i understood 😭😭
@Thai_BL_Lover88 7 ай бұрын
Yeah but in Thailand dates is very serious matter, you can’t just go change couples every day, it’s totally different of western society , so yeah, it’s normal she is talking about future
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