Lay Up Treasure In Heaven - Tim Conway

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I'll Be Honest

I'll Be Honest

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Пікірлер: 41
@illbehonest 3 жыл бұрын
0:00 - Logo intros. 0:33 - Brief history of GCC and money and giving. 5:13 - Opening prayer. 6:21 - What level of faith do you and I have? 9:42 - John 2 speaks of a deceptive faith that some have. 11:30 - John 8 speaks of many who "believed". 15:24 - What is the question? Do you really believe that Jesus Christ is real? 17:29 - Are many too fearful and too cautious? 18:51 - Do not lay up treasures on earth! 23:46: - Money tests what we really believe. 30:20 - Our life is brief. 38:16 - What about saving up? 42:00 - Don't lay up for YOURSELF. 46:58 - How do you get treasure into heaven? 54:51 - Christians can be fools. 58:34 - What about inheritance to my children? 1:00:19 - Think about the Rich Young Ruler. 1:06:21 - Jesus Christ is Lord. 1:09:58 - Closing prayer.
@camo4635 3 жыл бұрын
Best to just do it urself rather than someone else right? Lol
@lupefalcon9110 3 жыл бұрын
I came through San Antonio a couple of years ago on a Wednesday evening, you welcomed me into your own home, and fed me and treated me as a brother, I will never forget your loving kindness, this message is the answer to the question I asked you that night. Thank you for your work, commitment to God and your Christlikeness.
@faithijn8338 3 жыл бұрын
LOVE this.f
@jayhamilton2704 3 жыл бұрын
Incredible story. I wish there were more Christians out there.
@comrade_matthew 3 жыл бұрын
The more i watch this channel the more i realize I've been in error...I've been void of understanding.
@faithijn8338 3 жыл бұрын
This is such a timely message I believe. We are in such a time of great need and right now as the wealth of the world is being divided even more. I have so much much compared to so many many more in the majority of the world is suffering. In the USA even the poor have cell phones and an abundance of food and most have shelter. I live below the poverty level but my cup overflows. I see precious sights seeking help for people in 3rd world countries that have nothing ZERO NOTHING...and yet they have huge smiles and a Love for Jesus they Believe the Bible and Jesus for the blessed hope eternal Life not for prosperity and a big new house. They are in survival mode and they struggle for donations to feed the widows and orphans and the poor. I pray every day Hearts will be moved in this country to stop passing by the Needs of others and give of our hearts and our pockets to feed these souls the Love of Christ through donations to buy food, or shoes or medicine to help our Brothers and Sisters. IN 60 PLUS COUNTRIES IT IS TO PUT YOUR LIFE AT RISK TO FOLLOW JESUS ....BUT THESE PEOPLE DO NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURN BUT LOOK FOR THE SAVIOR. PLEASE OPEN YOU HEARTS AND YOUR POCKETS TO GIVE TO THE NEEDY SOME WHERE ANY WHERE THE NEED IS SO URGENT. ALL GLORY TO GOD
@stevenhooser9410 3 жыл бұрын
Showing love from your heart is how you store treasure in heaven. Loving thy neighbor as much as yourself-giving of yourself (time, effort, energy) to a neighbor in need, is how you show love from your heart. Every pure act of love is noticed and remembered in heaven. Every charitable act given without pure motives, regardless of how much money you gave, means absolutely nothing in heaven.
@alexgeorge4575 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother Tim. This is the true test of regeneration ,of the will primarily.
@69Applekrate 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent thank you
@faithijn8338 3 жыл бұрын
Another great message Pastor captured it beautifully.
@MsLakeri 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bro. Tim. Well taught. This will stick with me.
@sampitrone 3 жыл бұрын
Great message 👍
@3rdtimesthecharm376 3 жыл бұрын
I have been wrestling with this for some time. I have no love of money, and have few posessions that are really 'mine', but I do enjoy forgein foods- perhaps too much. Granted, I don't go out to restaurants and festivals every day, perhaps once a week at most, but I tend to spend upwards of $20 to $40 on food and drink for myself and my friends- yet walking through the streets of Dallas broke my heart, and caused me to reconsider the way I've been spending on weekly Russian Cakes or Indian Curry. I might not have much, but I work hard, and my needs have been met- why should I hoard what I have and spend it on vanity? But how might I give to the poor, with both my own safety and theirs in mind. In Dallas especially, we have a great problem with drug addiction, and I do not wish to fuel an unhealthy habbit, nor put someone in danger of assault and theft. What can I do?
@stevenhooser9410 3 жыл бұрын
Buy a bag full of pop top cans of tuna and chicken and keep it in your car, so when you see someone who is homeless you can give them a few cans.
@juliolicea2818 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, I also live in Dallas and lately I’ve been feeling the same way. I see a lot of homeless and these past few weeks God has really pressed in my heart to give to homeless. I don’t have much but just to give them maybe some food, a couple of bucks, and the gospel.
@Anonymous42316 3 жыл бұрын
I’ll Be Honest, what should I do if my parents won’t allow me to go to church? Also, will not going to church make it harder for me to go to Heaven?
@BillBiggs1 3 жыл бұрын
Is there a particular reason they are not allowing you to go?, maybe it’s one of those scam churches that fleeces their congregation, otherwise, pray about it, nothing is impossible with God. Lastly not going to church does not make it harder to get to heaven, we go to heaven not through our works, but through the grace of Christ.
@Anonymous42316 3 жыл бұрын
@@BillBiggs1 But how do I receive that grace?
@rogerwalters6443 3 жыл бұрын
Seek God. Don't give up. Read the word. There is coming a new administration with the presentation of Christ our Lord. No longer will men obstruct the institutions of God and those who have overstepped their bounds will be punished and each one will receive accordingly to what he has done. Daily repent and go to Jesus for forgiveness and pursue a pure heart without which no one will see the Lord. Attendance of church building is not a mandatory for we will all dwell within an eternal building set up by Christ and those building will be put into the ternary fire but a pure heart is mandatory and only attained by the washing of sin by the blood of Christ and that is through His word. He says "if you love Me you will keep My commandments." Read, seek pursue the living God.
@BillBiggs1 3 жыл бұрын
@lightofeloah5919 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a Christian but here is something I’m struggling with. We all know heaven is the final goal, and I’ve come to anticipate heaven so much that the things that I imagine that are in heaven are things you’ve probably never seen or heard of before, and the size of the heaven I imagine is basically endless, and has endless wonders and possibilities. But here’s the problem, when I read the Bible’s version of it, it sounds incredibly limited and confined. For instance: why is heaven only 1,500 miles, roughly half the size of the United States. Then that gives lead way to God being limited. If God is going to be 𝙞𝙣 the city, that would have to mean that God is small enough to fit in. So that would mean he is smaller than the new earth and the golden city. Instead of a whole new plain that we can’t imagine, it’s just a new earth. What makes it even worse is that Islam’s God sits above everything that he has created so he’s bigger than all of his creation including heaven. The Islamic heaven is described to be right under his throne and the ceiling of their heaven is the bottom of his throne. Islam’s heaven seems to be bigger and more majestic than the Bible’s version. According to them, just one Muslim’s property there is 10x bigger than the universe, and they have multiple properties. We are supposed to anticipate heaven but things like this bring me down. How am I supposed to anticipate heaven when the way it’s described sounds way less magnificent than my own imagination? I’ve heard some people say that the new Jerusalem is just symbolic of how beautiful heaven will be, and I hope that is the case, not because new Jerusalem is too big and too fantastic to be true but because it’s too small and underwhelming. God bless whoever answers this question, it’s much appreciated.
@jacobpeterson2405 3 жыл бұрын
Heaven is going to be extremely wonderful, just because God is going to be there
@kingdomready4798 3 жыл бұрын
Trust me heaven is going to be beyond words, it makes this world looks like a dumping ground for sewage.
@kb27787 3 жыл бұрын
The picture given in Revelation is not so much a picture of a literal heaven, but of the Church in her perfection. The numbers and dimensions are solely symbolic--want proof? The heavenly city is described by John as a square with 12,000 furlong sides (Rev 21:16) however, the very same city had already been described earlier by Ezekiel as only 4,500 cubits on each side and 18,000 cubits (4500 x 4) all around (Eze 48:30-35); now a cubit is much much shorter than a furlong such that Ezekiel's city seems much, much smaller if the numbers are taken literally, but the fact that they both saw the same city is certain from parallel descriptions such as Eze 47:1-12 compared to Rev 22:1-2. At any rate, one would have good reason to believe that the numbers are symbolic--but for what? (I for one have nowhere near enough wisdom to figure this out) Some people believe the numbers represent a sort of geometric ratio (a square inside a circle, or a circle inside a square) and that these are basically saying that the Church would fill the whole earth (by which a circle is denoted) and that the whole earth would be contained inside the Church. Of course, this is purely conjecture, and I for one take it with loads of salt (although I do find the possibility of this being the intended meaning of this passage interesting).
@3rdtimesthecharm376 3 жыл бұрын
You're reading about a City, New Jerusalem. The New Earth and New Heavens will by no means be anything less then what exists now- might even be bigger. The very cosmos will be within our reach.
@rogerwalters6443 3 жыл бұрын
God can open the mind for this truth. The Bible describes our God as much more powerful than man made gods. It is of this God that Solomon says concerning the temple on the mount THIS TEMPLE CAN NOT CONTAIN YOU Our minds can not even interpret the new Jerusalem. Here's a good example of something New Jerusalem won't have. The antagonist. Imagine a movie without an antagonist. You can not. Even without a person being the antagonist, objects, physical limitations, internal self are all antagonists. Would life even be life without something to struggle against? But yet, in new Jerusalem, there will not be an antagonist. We can not fathom this mystery.
@oliverjamito9902 3 жыл бұрын
Everything according to men's will. Will pass away! But YESHUA Jesus's foundation Will REMAIN. 1st. Love God the blameless 1. Why is so vital to 2nd. Love thy neighbors as thyself truly without ceasing but delight. BASICALLY doesn't matter how much riches, utterance, nor how thick the book of thy doctrines. YESHUA Jesus will only look at. May thy intent based upon God's Will. Can you and me uphold 1st. Love God 2nd. Love thy neighbors as thyself truly without ceasing but delight. Then thy utterance, intent, nor how thick the book indeed. Can be eaten. Is like what can be eaten in the kingdom of God and its righteousness upon all the tribes of judah upon all dry GROUNDS. Trees produces fruits beyond measured can be eaten by our innocents youngs sons and daughters upon all the tribes of judah. Truth and peace reunite. The world is God's footstool indeed. It's your feet is YESHUA Jesus's feet upon all the tribes of judah. God's Will be done upon all the tribes of judah. Father my only father who is the blameless 1. Your Will be done. Is not what we possess but is what we can do without. God thank you for thy existence. Can't help but glorify thee! Specially knowing what you can do my blameless 1. With sincere tears I came unto thee God. A TWIG I am in front of you God. May thy your WILL NOT MY WILL BE DONE. GOD I WANT MY INNOCENTS YOUNGS SONS AND DAUGHTERS UPON ALL THE TRIBES OF JUDAH TO BE YOUR OWN LIKE I WANT TO BE MY OWN. MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD. I JUST SO LOVE FATHER GOD. BECAUSE YOU ARE ABLE TO LOVE ME. THANK YOU FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF LIFE YOU HAVE SHARED UNTO ME AND MANY LIKE ME UPON ALL THE TRIBES OF JUDAH. LIFE GIVEN AND LIFE KEPT INDEED. UPHOLDERS OF GOD'S WILL AND COMMANDMENTS. FEET RESTING UPON 1ST. LOVE GOD 2ND. LOVE THY NEIGHBORS AS THYSELF TRULY WITHOUT CEASING BUT DELIGHT. WHAT WILL REMAIN. WAS LAID BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD WAS LAID INDEED. GLORY, BLESSING, HONOR, AND PRAISE UNTO THEE OUR BLAMELESS 1. GOD OF THE LIVING. WHO WAS AND INDEED TO COME. THE TREE PRODUCES FRUITS CAN BE EATEN OR SPIT OUT!
@mtecgrad 3 жыл бұрын
Is saving up money to buy a home wrong? I can't get financed so I've been saving for many years to pay for it in full.
@aheartonfire7191 7 ай бұрын
No of course not
@kpballa1009 3 жыл бұрын
18:51 - Pastor John Macarthur I found out owns 3 mansions. Since this is John Macarthur that is highly respected for being all about the Bible, it must not be an example of laying up treasure on earth. So what would be a practical 21st century American example of laying up treasure on earth?
@huntere5149 3 жыл бұрын
I enjoy listening to him and I’m not saying this because of that but because it is what the Bible says. The Bible says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then for the rich to enter into heaven, but nothing is impossible with god. Now that means that it is possible through god, and I’m not defending him because I like him but I am saying that if you look at his theology and teaching and then to compare that to someone like, Joel osteen then you will see that John is much more in the position to be one of the few that can handle being rich, if that makes any since. Whether he truly is saved or not I don’t know but I do know that he is way more likely to be rich and make it into heaven then some of these preachers like Joel and Steven furtick and so on
@johanneperron3098 2 жыл бұрын
Good observation. Not wanting to judge, I do wonder, however, why someone would need 3 mansions; perhaps 3 places to lay your head if you travel here and there, but mansions, well, you have a good point.
@watmedia4521 3 жыл бұрын
How do you store up treasures in heaven though? Like do I make a deposit orrr….. like how can I do such a thing ? Do I ask god or ?
@illbehonest 3 жыл бұрын
Tim deals with this at 46:58 in the sermon.
@iThinkBiblically 3 жыл бұрын
I'm quite concerned about this message. Especially the part about Christians commanded not to have savings. I know most of the people in the church he is preaching in and they are poor (most of them). They don't have their own houses and the places they rent are pretty run down. No driveways or carparks. My question is this: Do you (Tim Conway) have your own house? Do you have any savings?
@johanneperron3098 2 жыл бұрын
As much as I enjoy his teachings, I hear you on this one. I am going to pray 'really hard' about guidance here. I wish he would have answered you, but I don't think that will happen.
@mikeswaney4917 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus said you must leave your riches to be born again how many HIRELINGS actually are born again as most started getting rich in Seminary? Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom cursed rich in spirit Their soon to be lost kingdom already came! Let's be honest!?!?! Christian means missing the mark but to themhegavetheright to become sons of God even to those believing in his name to do even greater works than he did.. seems like better archery than missing mark but you teach intimidating mark ditch? Already. Disqualified as son of God as paid HIRELINGS so misery loves company?
@mtecgrad 3 жыл бұрын
Huh? Jesus didn't say you can't be saved and born again if you have money.
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