Lewis Goodall rejects LBC caller's 'boomer' views

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@ThomasKing19933 Жыл бұрын
The first caller doesn't realise that this is 2023 and not 1973.
@stephanguitar9778 Жыл бұрын
And is far too young to be espousing the views predominant amongst 80 year olds.
@TheSurrealWolf Жыл бұрын
He could barely do 2023-23
@ight001 Жыл бұрын
Took a look at the data based on around the time of his claims. In 1992 he would have been 26, in Dublin that same year properties were available for £28 per week, lowest wage would have been somewhere around £3 per hour. 40 hour week = £120 £28/£120 = 0.2333 So the first caller telling people to 'tuck in their belts' was paying around a quater of his incone on rent. I spend half of my income on rent, but lets keep these numbers consistent. Minimum wage right now for 25+ y/o is £10.42 and a flat share in dublin costs €200 per week 40 hour week = £416.8 converted to Euros €485.99 €200 / €485.99 = 0.4115 Meaning if you were in the same situation in 1992 as people are in right now in 2023 you'd be paying almost double the portion of your income on housing. All the talk about cutting back is nonsense. And before people jump saying that Dublin isn't the UK, you're right, but it was the rental data I could find after searching Google for 5 minutes.
@ThomasKing19933 Жыл бұрын
​@@ight001A brilliant point backed up with facts, figures and personal experience. 👏
@David_Baxendale Жыл бұрын
Even at the one minute mark the caller had shown he was out of touch without actually to say it. How a person today can get like that is beyond me, maybe he should be asking younger people rather than just lapping up memes on social media.
@cupguin Жыл бұрын
There's a very deliberate attempt to blame the poor for being poor. They wouldn't be poor if they didn't waste their money or if they were working harder. Makes it easy to ignore the growing wealth inequality and the actual figures if people feel poverty is a moral failing rather than a structural problem.
@anonitachi6966 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to Britain.
@Peppeblackmetal Жыл бұрын
That is true for a portion of poors, the other portion is guilty of being poor.
@consolo4870 Жыл бұрын
It's ok for them when they can easily get into the position of working towards something, When you can't get into the position of working towards something you might as well have a new phone
@alanhat5252 Жыл бұрын
@@anonitachi6966 welcome to Dickensian Britain, this mess really isn't new. It can get much much worse or it can get dramatically better, since 1918 we have had the choice whether or not to vote for morons, clowns & sheisters. It's time we started voting for decent human beings.
@jase_allen Жыл бұрын
@@anonitachi6966 If it weren't for the accent, he'd sound almost exactly like an American Republican. They're fed the same basic script.
@aoneill Жыл бұрын
Thick as a barn door. He just reiterates the nonsense from the Daily Mail. These people have no idea about anything.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
...you read the DM?....and nothing wrong with that...😊
@1inchPunchBowl Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 Where did he claim he did then?
@riccagiaco Жыл бұрын
But than they complain we won’t vote the party that created all this mess…
@guyplessier7935 Жыл бұрын
@@riccagiaco who ? The socialists I take it !
@riccagiaco Жыл бұрын
@@guyplessier7935 nope, those in charge now, the party of the old codgers and the home owners, the Tory
@richardgroves8565 Жыл бұрын
I'm 57 and so embarrassed by these callers. Utterly deluded and out of touch, but above all selfish.
@pete_lind Жыл бұрын
Things are not the same now that in 1980s , new housing prices have had over 600% inflation , while the average inflation has been 100% and wages have not followed .
@jonburnett90 Жыл бұрын
I cancelled my Netflix subscription and sold my smartphone and now can afford a mortgage..... ....Said No-one
@serinadelmar6012 Жыл бұрын
Me too, that and the cursory belt tightening, et voilà! I've now got a house. So glad I tuned in!
@DennisMoore664 Жыл бұрын
You forget to skip the coffee. That'll fix it!
@vinlondon8904 Жыл бұрын
​@@DennisMoore664 maybe he should skip food altogether. That'll fix it for sure.
@IshtarNike Жыл бұрын
It's interesting how they always avoid the actual maths. The presenter points out multiple times that netflix subscriptions will never add up to £14,000 so the called just ignores the point because he knows it's an absolute destroyer of his argument. So he pretends it wasn't said. Or at one point he acknowledges it but then carries on regardless!
@laxeystu8096 Жыл бұрын
There was something about meal choices as well ... avocado and toast
@rtjames Жыл бұрын
Bob knows two things: 1) cancelling your Netflix at £8 per month and not spending, say £1,000, on a phone, will not amount to £14,000 childcare costs. 2) at the same time, you can get to £14,000 from your £8 per month cancelled Netflix and no phone, if you pull your strings in. 😂😂
@diverguy3556 Жыл бұрын
At 8 quid a month it'll take 145 years to save 14 grand, not taking into account compound interest. Problem solved.
@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 Жыл бұрын
He must have had very long strings. {:o:O:}
@wynwow Жыл бұрын
🎶I've got no strings to hold me down...🎶 ...well I didn't until Bob came along... Now I just fret and frown...
@matthewsemple Жыл бұрын
They pick on Netflix because it's new and didn't exist when they were young. They have no idea what it costs or that £8 today is worth about the same as £3 in 1983 - or enough to rent one VHS tape for one evening from the local video library.
@gregmoore167 Жыл бұрын
I suggest u read "The Richest Man in Babylon", u may learn something! £8 a month if invested over 10 years equals over £1600! The problem is so many of us are financially illiterate!
@bentleycreative6407 Жыл бұрын
These Boomers who moan there's no housing stock left are the ones with a portfolio of 2/3/4 flats on buy-to-let mortgages. They don't want new housing stock because it'll degrade their rents. The average house price back then was 4 or 5 times salary, it's now 25x the hypocrisy is staggering!
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
I have land that I would happily develop into affordable apartments. Sadly the local council won't grant permission, area of beauty (despite homes all around it). They are happy to take backhanders to let large companies make money developing though, just not average Joe. Go figure
@firebyrd437 7 күн бұрын
That boomer, stop lumping all boomers in together. You're doing exactly what that boomer did in reverse.
@TalesOfWar Жыл бұрын
He complains about the generation that "want, want, want". He's of the generation that got, got, got.
@Eyclonus Жыл бұрын
Every generation is "want want want", the difference is that this time someone pulled the ladder up and is making rude gestures at those waiting below.
@EyebrowsGaming Жыл бұрын
@@Eyclonus Her name was Margaret Thatcher. The weaknesses of the UK economy today can all be linked back to the dismantling and privatisation of public services back in the 1980s.
@lewip1991 Жыл бұрын
My dad sustained wife and 2 kids on one income. And brought the council house for £52k when he earned 18k. Now the same house has just sold for £350k and me and my working partner earning combined income of £60k can’t afford to buy the same house.
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
Do you live up north? People get round this now by living in cheaper areas and working from home online
@EskiLdn Жыл бұрын
Your making 30k a year, you're in the top 40% of earners, both you and your partner
@rustynail1194 Жыл бұрын
My old man was a paramedic for 35 years. My mum cleaned the lady's house down the road part time. Bought his house in 74 for £3k. He had yo do it up, place was a tip, but still, amazing value. It's worth £450k now. There's absolutely no way anyone from the area can afford to live there anymore, everyone that moves in is from London. How can this be sustainable?
@50021E Жыл бұрын
I'm considered to be a 'boomer' but life was much easier then than it is now. We bought a property on one wage, circa 80£ per week. I despise my fellow boomers who just seem full of hate, and are determined to wreck this country for our grandchildren by supporting Brexit - makes me ashamed
@TalesOfWar Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 "Up North" really isn't much better, and we're paid less. So it's pretty much the same shower of shocking amounts of sewage wherever you happen to be right now.
@antonlevii6426 Жыл бұрын
That first caller "if you're homeless just buy a house" 😂
@dansegelov305 Жыл бұрын
I had this argument with my mum recently. She argued that they got a mortgage and worked hard to pay it. They didn't have much left over for luxuries. I explained that when they got their first home, the average house price was 2.8x the average annual salary. Now, it's 12x the average annual salary! The Tories are returning us to a feudal society where rich landowners control everything and everyone else is stuck forever, paying rent for the privilege of living on their land.
@CerveloS5rider Жыл бұрын
Did she tell you that when houses were 2.8 x salary interest rates were higher so mortgage as a percentage of income were no less than they are now? Deposits are expensive but mortgages not so much, having said that Liz Truss did break that somewhat. I’m not arguing that it’s best or worse now but house prices as a multiple of salary means nothing without context of interest rates(mortgage payments)
@dansegelov305 Жыл бұрын
@@CerveloS5rider . Adding the context of interest rates is completely useless when you realise that nobody is going to give you a mortgage worth 12x your annual salary! For the majority of those under 40, the privilege of worrying about interest rates is a distant dream because for almost all of them, home ownership is an impossibility.
@terryhall818 Жыл бұрын
Labour are doing it too. New Labour lived of cheap credit. They let millions in from Europe which pushed house prices up hugely & it pushed cheap credit too buy properties too get a loan on your property to help your kids because the prices were unaffordable for most without help from family.
@okfakit3350 Жыл бұрын
Inflation it is not the same
@jean-lucpicard5510 Жыл бұрын
​@@terryhall818 Oh dear, beating the immigrants drum are we?
@brianarmstrong3731 Жыл бұрын
I'm a boomer (67) but I appreciate the difficulties faced by the youngsters today. Housing is a massive problem. People like Bob are simply out of touch with the real world.
@RichieBedfellows Жыл бұрын
The caller isn't a boomer, mate. He's a generation x. Though I get your point. Every generation thinks they had it harder than the others. Its like a form of self-preservation
@nicholasdickens2801 Жыл бұрын
They are the sheeple that Tories rely on.
@Recuper8 Жыл бұрын
​@seckie1001 just look at the empirical data. It's more than just ageism.
@RichieBedfellows Жыл бұрын
@@Recuper8 What is??
@robtyman4281 Жыл бұрын
​@@RichieBedfellows ...yea I know. 57 is not a boomer - just a thick X'er! Boomers are all over 65. Anyone between 43 and around 60 is definitely an X'er. Anyone between 25 and 43, a Millennial.
@tommyboy87ify Жыл бұрын
It's scary how out of touch some people are
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
....and you're really on the pulse of the working classes...😊
@tommyboy87ify Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 chill out nimby I'm a civil servant
@volusiasorange Жыл бұрын
imagine needing a phone in 2023 amirite
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
@bigtom...no need to apologise...nobody's perfect....😊
@TheWaveGoodbye-Music Жыл бұрын
I just want a home that doesn't fall apart, rent that's not sky high, education that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and 3 meals a day... Not exactly the same as asking for an Audi or BMW really
@BuIIetBiII Жыл бұрын
the caller will still insist that you're being frivolous
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
Erm an old BMW costs a lot less than those things now. Get real
@twolessba1087 Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 get real if your struggling to afford 3 meals a day you cant afford to drive. total nonsense.
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
@@twolessba1087He said a house and an education. Do you have any idea the cost of University in other countries like the USA? Its 100s of thousands, a house is too. A used BMW might cost 6k. Stop being such a tool
@waqasahmed939 Жыл бұрын
Housing is also more expensive due to speculation I technically "own" my house (ie: the bank owns it) The costs to run the house are still £1300/month or so
@joperhop Жыл бұрын
"im just an ordinary lad, worked hard all my life" and with that, I knew what he was going to be like, thinks the economy is still like it was before his generation f**ked it up.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
...and are you going to be responsible for your generation....thought not...now go away...
@joperhop Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 aw, sorry did i offend you boomer?
@eddouglas Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 you can say "I always thought it was horseshit and shameful" and "I never voted for it"...I'm guessing you just joined in and helped yourself to the looting and now get citric when people point it out though eh?
@markwilliams2620 Жыл бұрын
​@@eddouglas It's a Farage subscriber.
@serinadelmar6012 Жыл бұрын
@@markwilliams2620 says it all.
@riccagiaco Жыл бұрын
What’s really striking for me is all these old codgers that know all and everything on the world and this country, yet we find ourselves in these dire straits after them being in charge
@jeremymerrifield7244 Жыл бұрын
He is only 55.
@riccagiaco Жыл бұрын
@@jeremymerrifield7244 goes to show how quickly things have gone wrong. Say, 13 years?…
@kanedNunable Жыл бұрын
@@jeremymerrifield7244 2nd caller seemed much older.
@timmyb7734 Жыл бұрын
Boomers and Generation Me took all the freebies, then took them away and blamed their kids for their mistakes...
@colintroy3831 Жыл бұрын
@@jeremymerrifield7244 I find that the older Gen X & younger Gen X (like me) are people who don't seem to belong in the same generation. Younger Gen X grew up with home/school computers, camcorders and Walkmans, for example. "People want these phones..." A large part of the modern economy relies on people owning these phones. "They want Netflix" Tell me you didn't know a family who rented a TV/video recorder from Bungalows when you were younger. It's just nonsense. And of course, a Milennial like Lewis Goodall knows nothing according to this guy.
@franktreml3145 Жыл бұрын
1st caller argument ‘if you don’t buy a coffee you can afford a mortgage instead’ 😂😂😂
@anghusmorgenholz1060 Жыл бұрын
In America it is all avocado toast the millennials crave. Avocado toast.
@craigsmith7457 Жыл бұрын
My personal favourite is 'You could buy a house if you didn't have Netflix' Over 10 years that would save just over £1200. £1200 isn't really a lot of money in 2023 and will be worth even less in 10 years!
@gregmoore167 Жыл бұрын
@@craigsmith7457 You would have £1600 if u invested it ate the very least! Don't buy coffees and store-bought sandwiches, and u could double that! Don't know what I am trying to say here, yeah, house prices pretty extreme no matter which way u slice it!
@SoSo-li6dn Жыл бұрын
mortgage brokers will look at your spending habits they say , coffee, ubers, and gambling is the big signs that you cant control yourself.
@christinac127 Жыл бұрын
@@gregmoore167 depends how its invested, you can make up any number or it could be 0.
@Kraken0000 Жыл бұрын
First guy is the reason the phrase "Ok boomer" exists
@mikedaknight8854 Жыл бұрын
Sad thing is is he’s not even a boomer. He’s gen-X
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
...well...if exists now...because you just made it up.....😊
@allip4226 Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 It’s been around for years - as everyone but hopelessly out-of-touch Boomers know!
@spiritualanarchist8162 Жыл бұрын
Should be ' Ok genXer ' . But ' Ok boomer ' sounds better, It covers everyone from the last of the lost generation up to to older millennials .
@Coelacanth1 Жыл бұрын
X marks the spot
@lizardgod3671 Жыл бұрын
I like how the second guy switched from "We should use it to farm" to "its so terrible that all the wildlife is dying" without making the connection that intensive farming is a large part of why that wildlife is vanishing. Then switches back to "We should use it to farm" again!
@headgirlblues Жыл бұрын
@EskiLdn Жыл бұрын
His main concern is not building houses on it which the left once were all for. Strange how the left now want houses built all over this same land.
@lizardgod3671 Жыл бұрын
@@EskiLdn Except he is happy for it to be used for farming. which does a massive amount of damage to the environment as well(Killing all those butterfly's he apparently cares so much about). He also complains about the idea of having wind farms on the land, something that, relative to either homes or farms, would do far less damage help the overall environment far more. I don't have much of a opinion on what is built where in england. I just find his self contradiction and NIMBY nature amusing
@deanolium Жыл бұрын
The problem with people like this is that their view of things such as farming and rural life is based on Cider with Rosie and Goodnight Mr Tom - far, far removed from reality especially now. This view that if we just went back to how things were during the mid 20th Century then all the problems would disappear, which is so incredibly idiotic yet so pervasive. There's a reason why British TV keeps making content based around that time.
@Hill_Walker Жыл бұрын
Also he forgot to mention who was going to be doing the bulk of the manual labour on the farms. I tell a lie, he did mention them. But only to scapegoat them, for the problems he and others like him caused.
@RobynLeSueur Жыл бұрын
'Bob, the world has change since then' *Bobs brain breaks and he resets to the start of the conversation* 'You have to pull your strings in'
@jeffsuter344 Жыл бұрын
He ought to pull his neck in.
@pastlife960 Жыл бұрын
Which strings Bob… which strings
@darkforest4891 Жыл бұрын
Make point. Get Point refuted. Make point again, possibly with different words. Every single time.
@tommyahearn9177 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the 90’s as a teenager, they said the same garbage then about my generation. It’s literally a tired BS talking point like rock&roll is devil music. The first caller should remember that garbage but instead he has become one of those idiots.
@SimplySketchyGT Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the 90/00s this guy is still there 😅
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
...rock n 'roll is the devil's music...😊
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
If they said the same stuff, and you were fine, then clearly the kids will be fine too, so chill
@tommyahearn9177 Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 ok that is the dumbest thing ever, hey just because every generation says the same moronic statement and everyone turns out fine we should just keep saying moronic stuff. NO you correct it and we progress as humanity dumb-dumb.
@tommyahearn9177 Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 by your logic we would as a species just stand still in knowledge, art, philosophy and technology, that’s why your comment is dumb and moronic.
@Alex-cw3rz Жыл бұрын
How embarrassing and out of touch with reality do you have to be to say stuff like this. A generation that works more ours for relative lower pay is apparently people who want something for nothing.
@petersvillage7447 Жыл бұрын
The eternal hobby of The Older is to insist that younger people are bone idle and materialistic etc. You can guarantee this bloke's generation was seen in exactly the same way by some older people when he was young...
@RichieBedfellows Жыл бұрын
​@@petersvillage7447That's true, mate. Every generation think they had it harder. You can guarantee millennials will be telling people about how they couldn't even get a mortgage when the next are complaining about having to cancel their annual 10-week break on the moon. (this fella isn't a boomer btw, he's a gen x)
@EnforcerX71 Жыл бұрын
Never mind the "boomer" generation lived off the merits of the "greatest generation" and have been in control of most major governments on the planet this millenium, driving almost all of them into the ground.
@jefflinton Жыл бұрын
​@@petersvillage7447 there was a decade of global recession,mass unemployment,strikes and low paid workrates,bedsits all the way through the eighties. These things are well documented so repeating the mantra that "they're picking on us" is total rubbish.I know that's not the boomer generation but Generation X however the circumstances were extremely middle income/poor.
@petersvillage7447 Жыл бұрын
​@@jefflinton Well I was in fact born in the 1970s, so I'm certainly not saying 'they're picking on us', because I'm not part of the Us, but rather one of the They. I'm of precisely the right age to know that many of the things said about younger people today were said about me and my generation thirty years back, and my father's before that. I'm also of exactly the right age to know what it's like to look at young people today and think they're all astonishingly ignorant and wouldn't cope with some of the stuff I had to cope with as a kid. I think I'm probably right about some of that too - but not all of it, and I think I should have the self-awareness to recognise that every generation thinks this of its younger people, and to not find twisted pleasure or self-affirmation in it - as plenty of older people seem to. That too is a well-documented and long-parodied human trait. My assertion is that the first bloke in the video is one of those, somebody who spouts about netflix, phones and whatever - even though it seems pretty certain that nobody has ever complained to him about these things - and even if they had, it has absolutely nothing to do with the REAL privations REALLY faced by REAL people today. You correctly say that the 80s were a rough time for many people - and I saw a little of that myself, actually - but that does not preclude the possibility that lives are materially harder in a broad variety of ways for a broad variety of people than was true during the recession of the 80s, say. It's not a competition, and the first caller is an example of self-serving uselessness in that he dismisses the idea that anybody could possibly experience difficulties today that are not a result of their trivial materialism - because after all, Obadiah, in our day we had it tough.
@vivburgess4300 Жыл бұрын
I'm the same age as this caller and disagree with him entirely. Boomers had so much to help them. I had free education and grants for college, free healthcare and support when things were difficult. People should expect to be paid enough to house, feed and support themselves and this is not happening. This guy is the typical Tory voter who has no sense of what is happening to people. I'd suggest he stops reading the Mail!!!
@happyapple4269 Жыл бұрын
Its not bobs fault.
@alanhat5252 Жыл бұрын
@@happyapple4269 "it's not Bob's fault" he reads the Mail? That he votes Tory? Or something else?
@kat2023. Жыл бұрын
Ffs Bob. Just because you struggled everyone else should struggle. Bob is a nobber, dont be like Bob!!
@attackpatterndelta8949 Жыл бұрын
The man is a massive throbbing jon thomas
@ThomasKing19933 Жыл бұрын
The first caller sounds like a typical tory but without the accent or the money.
@BadgerBoy59 Жыл бұрын
He does sound like a typical Tory voter because he's spouting all the usual ignorant nonsense that the Daily Mail and Express publish
@alanthomson1227 Жыл бұрын
Absolute epitomises the Tory brainwashing machines Mail and Express .
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
@Thomas King.....still middle class Thomas....and nothing wrong with that...😊
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
@Alan Thomas.....which you have read and thus reached this informed conclusion...😂
@alanthomson1227 Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 both comics a must read to see the lies they are spreading daily .
@stephen25uk Жыл бұрын
Ok I get it now. I buy a cheap phone & cancel Netflix then I can get a mortgage. I wish I knew that earlier.
@verystripeyzebra Жыл бұрын
Something doesn't add up with the first caller. Working on the bins and sending his daughter to private school....what did his wife do, did he or his wife get a nice little inheritance. Did he sell a house down south when he moved up north. Had he amassed savings. He said she was 23, so born around 2000. Some important detail is surely missing.
@verystripeyzebra Жыл бұрын
@Jerry Falwell not all private schools are Eton style fees. But even a cheap one would be quite a chunk out of a bin man's wage. About 250 a week he said he was earning. If he could find a school for 5k a year, I suppose it might have been possible. But I'm still inclined to believe there was some highly relevant missing information.
@keithscothern3398 Жыл бұрын
@@verystripeyzebra taking backhand ers for prompt service
@nigelhaworth1353 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Claimed he earned £250 a week. If he worked 52 weeks a year he’d make £13000 pre tax. Essentially 100% of his pre-tax earnings would go on private school fees.
@himoffthequakeroatbox4320 Жыл бұрын
Unless the kid got a scholarship, which is pretty unlikely if she's as dim as her dad.
@himoffthequakeroatbox4320 Жыл бұрын
@Jerry Falwell As if she wouldn't be anyway.
@hks2377 Жыл бұрын
Boomers have forgotten that the Greatest Generation called them the “Me Generation”, when they were young. Some Gen X forgot Boomers labeled us “slackers”, too.
@waqasahmed939 Жыл бұрын
The boomers were the ones who changed that from that name too. They're narcissistic
@Fletch_18 Жыл бұрын
Many older people are so out of touch. They keep comparing things to decades ago. Some of these people bought their house for 10 grand, now it costs 200 grand. They just wont accept they had it easier.
@ThomasKing19933 Жыл бұрын
Simple but brilliant point. I geuninely couldn't have said it better myself.
@martinquinn9007 Жыл бұрын
I'm same age as him . But money then went further now it's expensive for housing
@andrewrobinson2565 Жыл бұрын
I'm 62, but not as thick as this chap in his fifties....😅
@johnatkinson7126 Жыл бұрын
Compare wages to house prices ago as well
@andrewrobinson2565 Жыл бұрын
@@johnatkinson7126 +1 Very important point on what wages were. 👍 Working people's access to mortgages was rare in 1960's UK. My parents got a mortgage from the people who sold them their house 🏠.
@blackrider7631 Жыл бұрын
The boomers had it great and pulled up the ladder behind themselves. They’ve f’d everything up through greed and selfishness and do not want to take any responsibility. Get these fools out of power…
@Thegreycomrade Жыл бұрын
I work for the NHS, i drive a cheap Suzuki, i cant afford to move out.. i dont think id even be able to afford having a child?! i really want to know where this caller gets his info cause its impossible now! Absolutely clueless!
@scottpauley4363 Жыл бұрын
People like this have failed the younger generation.....they can't get mortgages mate.....Netflix!!!!! Have an actual proper argument
@philwill0123 Жыл бұрын
Basic netflix is 5.99 a month. People take out Netflix because they can't afford to go to the cinema. Or the pub . Or for a night out! Next one is... " Thought about getting own brand instead of brand names". He's talking about cutting back 5.99, ignoring sky high rents and energy bills going up couple hundred a month as well as cost of living
@scottpauley4363 Жыл бұрын
@@philwill0123 unfortunately lots of people ( mostly old) have this outlook..... completely selfish
@waqasahmed939 Жыл бұрын
@@philwill0123 Equally, piracy has rose considerably There's a reason for that. I've heard of people who think broadband is a luxury too when it's realistically a requirement for modern life. These boomers also don't exactly mention how people in the depression still smoked and still drank. They want poor people to just be joyless
@anghusmorgenholz1060 Жыл бұрын
My kid described it like they used every sheet of toilet paper but the last two on the roll and proudly say we didn't use it all. But on the world scale.
@johnrussell3961 Жыл бұрын
The boomers had the mutuals. They limited borrowing to twice your salary, and in doing so limited what house builders could expect. The boomers had endowment mortgages which actually paid the mortgage with a surplus on top. The boomers wanted tax cuts and would never have accepted the triple lock for their own parents..
@trytellingthetruth.2068 Жыл бұрын
Borrowing using an endowment mortgage didn't guarantee the loan would be paid off with a nice little earner on top. You took out an insurance, which was built into the mortgage. The endowment paid off the lump sum, the insurance paid the interest. If the Policy didn't make enough to pay off the interest, then you would need to find extra money to make up the difference. That's why endowments aren't sold anymore, because of the PPI scandal with mis sold endowments.
@brutallyhonest9140 Жыл бұрын
No they never Endowments never paid off the mortgages there was a shortfall that's why Endowment Mortgages were stopped. Still had the outstanding debt. Just had to dig yourself out as no one came to help. Dig yourself out of trouble not play the victim mentality and the government will bail you out. Didn't happen.
@johnrussell3961 Жыл бұрын
@@trytellingthetruth.2068 . They paid up when the boomers had them!
@trytellingthetruth.2068 Жыл бұрын
@@johnrussell3961 In 2010, the Prudential estimated that up to 75% of endowment policies would fail to pay off the mortgage. So according to the Pru, you're wrong.
@johnrussell3961 Жыл бұрын
@@trytellingthetruth.2068 . 2010? Boomers had paid of their mortgages well before then! It’s those that followed who where stuffed.
@thefirm4606 Жыл бұрын
Out of touch and clueless to the realities of life right now. A smart phone is not a luxury, the internet is not a luxury, its an essential, I would not have a job without one. He comes from a one salary household. Two salary households immediately made enough to send their kids to a public school. Gen Z and beyond will be lucky to own their own homes; lucky to have access to healthcare in a world dying around them. Now tell them they have to conform and watch them give you the finger.
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you need to move up north where its cheap
@simonmarshall3869 Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 OMG you have solved it!
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
@@simonmarshall3869 That's what most immigrants do, they move to Bradford etc. You can buy an apartment there for £40k still. London is £300k minimum. Food and going out are also cheaper. Yes, I solved it. Money in vs money out Well done for not only not offering any ideas, but also being a sarcastic idiot, top class What is your idea? Let me guess "tax the rich" or some other vague waffle
@thefirm4606 Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 I’m not speaking for myself, I’m speaking for those silent in this conversation. It’s not about north or south, it’s about the them and us mentality, and I’m alright, in my day… I’m 49, a few years younger than the first guy, and imo he’s a tool. Absolutely clueless to the realities of his own daughter’s future. But he’s alright…
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
@@thefirm4606 Don't ever have the audacity to speak for others in a free country, they can speak for themselves. Lay out specific facts and or give your opinion. It's very narcissistic thinking for other people
@charlesunderwood6334 Жыл бұрын
Most employers now assume you have a smartphone and it is essential for many jobs.
@oB19o Жыл бұрын
I had this exact same conversation with my parents the other day. They’re highly educated and compassionate people and they cannot see/accept the difference… it truly hurts, knowing that they think a whole generation is “lazy” or whatever
@IshtarNike Жыл бұрын
Gotta walk then through it step by step. Do you accept that inflation between then and now is x%? Let's Google it together. Do you accept that average wages are X grand a year now. Do you accept that inflation adjusted pounds they would be Y (much higher figure)? A netflix subsrcosts 8 quid a month, coffee is 4quid a day. This adds up to X pounds a year. To get a mortgage you need an income of Z thousand pounds plus a deposit of D thousand pounds. Do you accept that in order to save for this mortgage I'd need to not only live without netflix, coffee or any modern comfort, PLUS increase my income by 10k, and do so for 9 years before I could afford a mortgage? But usually they'll never actually stay for the hard numbers because they know they're wrong and are too chicken to have the courage of their convictions and try to actually prove their point.
@oB19o Жыл бұрын
@Black Brit I try but... (I don't wanna offend nobody) none of us are debate lords 😅 they don't care enough
@OldGreyMulletTest Жыл бұрын
It's so frustrating! Certain older family members of mine moan about how easy it is for my (very nearly grown up) children - "They've all got big tellies and flash cars these days." These things are relatively cheap, and I explain that my mum and dad's first house (a modest 3 bedroom semi) cost three times his annual wage and he was in his early twenties. The house we live in now (a modest 3 bed semi) is worth over ten times my wage and I've been working for the past 30 years. I feel very lucky that we first bought a property before it was almost impossible, and I have no idea how my children will ever afford their own flat, let alone a house.
@Alex-cw3rz Жыл бұрын
£250 in the year 2000 with inflation would be 443.25 today... but this does not take into account that housing, energy, food, transport even private schooling was relatively lower on top.
@tonycowin Жыл бұрын
The average price of a terraced house in Clitheroe has risen by over 300% since he moved there.
@mrbearbear83 Жыл бұрын
Wages haven't risen properly
@tonycowin Жыл бұрын
@@mrbearbear83 Wages have generally not even risen at all but had years of real-term cuts.
@craphead9842 Жыл бұрын
250 quid in 2000 would be over 500 quid now in 2023...
@craphead9842 Жыл бұрын
£250 in 2000 is equivalent in purchasing power to about £538.39 today, an increase of £288.39 over 23 years. The pound had an average inflation rate of 3.39% per year between 2000 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 115.35%.
@danielbaguley2483 Жыл бұрын
It's terrifying to think people will spend their whole life in this mindset. This NIMBY attitude along with 'I worked hard all my life so up yours'. The belief that they did it so you can too without taking into account any of the massive economic changes of the last two decades. This guy is more or less 20 years older than I am. So I should give up the car I don't have, and give up netflix I share with someone cause I can't afford it, and downgrade my 7 year old phone and I should have some cash, yeah? Cheers mate. Right on the pulse there.
@Mike_TGL Жыл бұрын
Ask this caller how much he paid for his first house.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
....and how much the average wage was...
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
You can still buy an apartment cheap, if you are willing to live and work in Bradford. My guess is you are not though. Who's fault is that?
@fomoran Жыл бұрын
​@Tobias McCallum how many of the London jobs that need a London commuteto get to can survive the commute from Bradford though... and if everyone moves to Bradford for these well priced abodes...won't the Bradford House prices rise as they all, become so in demand?
@steveholmes11 Жыл бұрын
@@tobiasmccallum9697 Not so convenient if your job's in London or Edinburgh through.
@philwill0123 Жыл бұрын
​@@tobiasmccallum9697most work from home jobs still require you to be part office based. So you still have to pay for your commute. And what you save has been offset by energy rises and food costs.
@phil2544 Жыл бұрын
Caller hasn't a clue.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
....but thankfully you do...
@ffsytube Жыл бұрын
​@chatham43 anything more to add oh enlightened one, or are you just going to carry on with the sarcastic comments on every other post.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
@JD....not particularly enlightened....just being realistic enough to know that there are no simple answers....if you think there are then I would venture to suggest you are being simplistic....or just playing politics.....take your pick...😊
@phil2544 Жыл бұрын
@@chatham43 I spoke to my dad about his wages and house prices in the 1960's, comparing that to now. Bearing in mind house prices (especially in SE England) have rocketed in recent years, you don't need to be an expert.
@ilikelampshades6 Жыл бұрын
Imagine not having netflix and not eating avovado toast once a week. You might be able to save £40 a month. In 12 months you've saved £480. But during those 12 months the house you wanted to buy for £350,000 is now worth £380,000. The deposit needed has increased by £3000. So even by making greater sacrafices, you are still further away then when you started. You can never save enough, we need huge pay rises!
@cropcircle5693 Жыл бұрын
Here in the US we used to be able to work an unskilled day job and not only earn enough to pay rent and live, but save enough to pay for college as you go. Now we have people dying with their school loans unpaid after a lifetime of making payments. THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. You will not find a major city in the US where the low scale jobs will pay for basic living costs anymore. People survive in a constant state of failure. Just barely figuring out what they can fail paying each month in order to move forward next month to fail to pay something else, and so on. Even the "professional class" jobs are like this. If you work in a city it is increasingly the case that you can not afford to live in the city. This is a big problem.
@tc-tm1my Жыл бұрын
Makes you wonder where the breaking point is when the system finally buckles.
@philwill0123 Жыл бұрын
Strange how when younger generation complains its priced out, and govt isn't helping it's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps, you are spending beyond your means". Yet when those boomers suffer, they will blame immigration instead of acknowledging the government have hamstrung us all
@AB-zl4nh Жыл бұрын
The vast majority of immigrants live in overcrowded flats, don't buy a house for decades & live in urban areas. The reason 2 & 3 bedroom housing is expensive is because too mamy older people like these callers buy 2nd properties & vote Conservative who defund the affordable housing budget & cancel housing targets.
@lightweightben Жыл бұрын
And many in this generation do not downsize and live in larger homes with rooms they don’t need, plus many are divorced and taking up two family homes. They also are living longer meaning those family homes are not coming available as often. But yes let’s blame immigrants.
@superkingoftacos2920 Жыл бұрын
"If you save one penny a day, in 20 seconds, you'll have 20 billion dollars" Conservative maths is really something
@julielevinge266 Жыл бұрын
I’m a boomer my first flat in Tooting London cost £7.000 things have changed Bob!!🙄
@40yearoldvirgil15 Жыл бұрын
Its hard for boomers to admit they had it easy and handed to them on a plate compared to any other generation.
@josephcooper8754 Жыл бұрын
“I’m sorry to say you’ve caused me considerable distress” what an introduction!! 😂
@stevendurrant1724 Жыл бұрын
Boomers enjoyed the best of liberal capitalism and democratic socialism, but many still find time to moan about it.
@johnrussell3961 Жыл бұрын
Much of their wealth is based on EU membership. Once they became pensioners they dragged us out.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
...you're the one doing the moaning evidently....😊
@robmoore396 Жыл бұрын
How much do these people think Netflix costs?
@Dlipton01 Жыл бұрын
50 a month, they probably think it’s the same as their cable tv package, which ironically people our age don’t have.
@robmoore396 Жыл бұрын
​@@Dlipton01 - that's it mate, it's not Netflix our gen avoid - it's Sky Sports
@toriesout8692 Жыл бұрын
£10 per month does not cover the cost of a house.
@rachelhart3531 Жыл бұрын
Even an expensive phone contract say £70-80 doesn’t come close to rent or childcare costs.
@waqasahmed939 Жыл бұрын
Yup. My Netflix subscription and sim contract combined come to £12 or so
@himoffthequakeroatbox4320 Жыл бұрын
It does, but it takes you a long time. If you'd started when the Normans invaded you'd be halfway there by now.
@johng.1703 Жыл бұрын
23 years ago I was doing alright too, but today isn't 23 years ago. and I very much doubt he was earning £200 a week and sending his kid(s) to private school. I think this caller has a touch of dementia. 23 years ago I wasn't supporting a family and I was earning over £200 a week and I could just about afford my rent, council tax, water, gas, electric, TV licence, internet and telephone, a non contract mobile and one night out a week.
@nigelhaworth1353 Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t add up. He claimed £250 which is £13000 pre-tax income if he worked 52 weeks a year. Private school fees would take about 100% of his pre-tax income!
@damianleah6744 Жыл бұрын
Part of the problem is you can’t live on one wage now, both parents have to go to work to pay the bills. Child care costs nearly one of the take home pay of the parent. It’s insane.
@johnchrysostomou9417 Жыл бұрын
As James o'Brien would say " you feel like you've been punched in the face so you want the same for them "
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
....sounds like his nonsense for the benefit of the gullible...
@NeverQuiteAlex Жыл бұрын
Boomers don't know how easy they really had it...
@barnabywild2215 Жыл бұрын
Are you kidding? The following generations never shut up about it.
@fraser-b3494 Жыл бұрын
Honestly with callers like this you may as well hang up.
@Lezzyboy87 Жыл бұрын
The elderly are holding us back, why should they have the vote?
@brutallyhonest9140 Жыл бұрын
Because knowledge comes with experience you will understand when you grow up.
@blazzz13 Жыл бұрын
@@brutallyhonest9140 Knowledge like giving us Boris, Truss,Tories and Brexit?
@brutallyhonest9140 Жыл бұрын
@@blazzz13 When you work hard and achieve something material you will not want it taxed away after all your hard work. Well known fact the older you get the more you achieve the less you want to have it taken away in Labour give it all away tax regime.
@harrismazari5484 Жыл бұрын
@@brutallyhonest9140 What are you on about? I am happy every year when I see I have paid more than 50 grand in taxes. I would not have been in such a position if my country had not invested on me when and given me free education and a chance to shine. I am happy because I want other children to have the same opportunities. I am happy because I want our national pride the NHS to prosper. Only narrow minded and low IQ individuals think the way you think. Sorry for calling you out for being low IQ because I am a brutally honest person.
@blazzz13 Жыл бұрын
@@brutallyhonest9140 Strange that, I've worked very hard for 13 years of my adult life and I don't mind being on the 40p tax rate to help others less fortunate than me. Well done for confirming the stereotypes once again, much like the caller of how selfish your generation is and the Tories. "Labour give it all away tax regime". Is it Labour enabling Mogg to fleece the taxpayer through Eire? Or Sunak? Or Cameron when he dodged tax from his dad's inheritence? Very flimsy points you're standing on.
@Cheebasonic Жыл бұрын
£5.99 Netflix and £35 for a phone every month is not gonna help you get a mortgage of 8 x salary plus affording £14k for childcare to have a job in order to pay that mortgage
@ebutuoyYT Жыл бұрын
Why didn’t the presenter ask the most obvious question to the caller. How much were his housing costs, back then? If he had a cheap council tenancy, his housing costs may have been a low fraction of his actual salary. Today, even if you are “lucky” to get a housing association property, thanks to the Tories, you will pay up to 80% of market value, market values which have been manipulated to extremes, by the banking and property developer sectors.
@axeavier Жыл бұрын
he could've also asked about wages vs inflation vs cost of living based on the year
@mickreaddin4979 Жыл бұрын
Typical! "Back in my day everything was cheaper, so everything must be cheap now." Like nothing has changed whatsoever!
@markhoney3044 Жыл бұрын
Bob in st Helen's aint the full ticket. Love to the family Bob❤
@DavidBennell Жыл бұрын
love the refrence
@robertstraw9881 Жыл бұрын
People these days want a phone, YES, Try doing anything in this country without one. These are Thatcher's children. The country's budget is like a household budget is nonsense.
@lordchaa1598 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this. It reminds me of the discussions I have with my parents and used to have with my grandparents. Unfortunately, they can’t see that the systems they created are no longer applicable in modern society. I live in the states, so it’s slightly different, but my family owns a farm and our local government won’t allow us to put up solar or wind turbines (even small wind turbines). It’s maddening
@barnabywild2215 Жыл бұрын
I'm a boomer, so you can, obviously, disregard everything I say. But when I was a kid, we didn't have childcare. Dad worked. Mum stayed at home and raised the kids. My parents spaced us out as their income improved. Dad didn't have a new car - he had a third / forth hand car and spent at least a portion of his weekends underneath it keeping it going. Holidays consisted of a day trip to the beach or a weekend in the country visiting relatives. Things were similar for us kids when we became adults. Houses were more affordable, but we worked long hours. I had two jobs for years - exhaust fitting from 9-5 then hanging leather skins from 6 - 10 in the evenings. By the time I was able to afford kids, my wife and I considered ourselves too old, so we didn't. The way younger generations tell it, Boomers had it all. We didn't, but we didn't compound issues by trying to live a lifestyle beyond our means. I concede things are getting worse - that's what you get after years of rich folk running a country for other rich folk.
@steveholmes11 Жыл бұрын
Tell us more about being spaced out as income improved.
@nigelhaworth1353 Жыл бұрын
Bob’s argument is that if people didn’t buy 5000 coffees a year they’d be able to afford childcare!
@davepubliday6410 Жыл бұрын
At 57 years old, this fellow is NOT A BOOMER. He’s GenX. Time passes, generations age. Catch up with the times. Boomers are senior citizens now, they are retired and in their 70s.
@alanfalcon6280 Жыл бұрын
why do old people not want there kids and grandkids to have a better life than they did
@paulmessenger9836 Жыл бұрын
Because your spoilt and entitled
@bearrybrandon Жыл бұрын
Bob - “they’ve got more help” Bob - (beginning of the segment) “they want everyone to help them out” Bob pick a lane, your all over the road
@neilz. Жыл бұрын
Does Bob understand that times change? "Back in my day, back in my day, back then.." yeh bob, i wish it was.
@steveholmes11 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately this style of reasoning looms large in eduction policy debates. "Back in the '50s when I went to the county Grammar we didn't have any special needs" etc etc. We're encouraging the least able to steer policy. It's happening all the way up to cabinet level.
@edders2009 Жыл бұрын
If you don't want to build on green land, build skyscrapers
@BuIIetBiII Жыл бұрын
So sick of this insinuation that people now are somehow not working hard enough and if only they worked harder and saved up a bit, they'd have no problems at all.
@attackpatterndelta8949 Жыл бұрын
Boomers wouldn't survive in the modern workplace.
@paulmessenger9836 Жыл бұрын
Lol four houses three mortgage free own a car worth 500 pound
@donttrip8282 Жыл бұрын
"People wouldn't be poor if they didn't try to exist and function in modern society, just do what I did several decades ago when everything was different and cheaper..."
@aidangorman6292 Жыл бұрын
I bought my first house in 1997, the total cost of the 5% deposit and legal fees , searches etc cost me £3500:00, even if wages had gone up ten fold, which they haven't this generation still wouldn't be able to afford to buy a home. I feel so sorry for them.
@nigelhaworth1353 Жыл бұрын
My first house which I bought for £106k in 2000 was back on the market recently. It was priced at £290k. Can assure you salaries haven’t nearly trebled in the last 20 years.
@curmudgeon1933 Жыл бұрын
To answer the second caller:- Solar panels could be mounted on south-facing motorway embankments...no houses being constructed or food grown there. Wind turbines could be built on the ridges of hills, as is done in Portugal...again, no food grown there. Also, high ground is the best onshore location for wind capture, in a country which has the best wind generation index in Europe. Being 67 years old, I am massively disappointed in others of my generation, for their selfishness and short-sightedness. I really thought in the '60's and'70's that we were starting to become a more caring, inclusive society...that's what decades of Tory and Neo-Liberal New Labour misrule will do, I guess. Very sad.
@DaddyWorthers Жыл бұрын
I take it that fella who doesn't want houses being built on fields, didn't mind his own house being built on a field?
@JRHainsworth Жыл бұрын
Actually, I'm with the first caller on this. I cancelled my Amazon Prime package and got a college scholarship instead.
@matthenley3886 Жыл бұрын
He went from talking about people wanting Netflix to people wanting brand new BMW’s/Audi A3’s in the space of a couple of seconds 😆😆😆😆
@Human_Herbivore Жыл бұрын
We'd save 83% of current farm land if we all switched to a plant based diet. If the discussion about tackling climate change doesn't centre around animal agriculture, it isn't serious.
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
....and life wouldn't be worth living...but it's the future....😊
@anonymousceleb1148 Жыл бұрын
Theoretically yes, but there are many other nuances to this discussion, but being plant-based is deffo a positive thing to do :)
@Hybridsteel Жыл бұрын
bob needs to live the life we live now and not the life he lived 20 odd years ago.
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
No, maybe we should be living more like we used to. 2 parent incomes are far easier than 1 parent incomes. Childcare costs a lot less when the parents do it....
@kylesmoran Жыл бұрын
​@@tobiasmccallum9697you're N idiot. We have 2 income households that can't afford a mortgage. That's the point.
@kylesmoran Жыл бұрын
Child care is t paying for people to raise your kids it the added cost if living per child.
@tobiasmccallum9697 Жыл бұрын
@@kylesmoran Yes, which is significantly less when in a 2 parent home. You need that explained? 2x rent etc means less money per child. All costs increase, including a nanny
@billyb7852 Жыл бұрын
It’s only ageism when it’s aimed at them, it’s not ageism when they tell young people to buy less avocados 🥑
@TheJesselopez1981 Жыл бұрын
Its the same here in the states. The boomer generation made use of free college, and had a great job market that haven't been outsourced or shipped overseas,, with minimum wages that were actually a living wage. Along with the generational wealth that their parents had accumulated and used to benefit boomer kids. They had an open field to make a comfortable living for themselves. Then they got rid of free college, as well as limiting federal aid to college. They gained control of politicians through bribery which they then legalized. They lowered their own taxes, shifting the burden to the middle class and stagnated our wages. The whole time running an anti-union propaganda campaign to limit workers power. And they have the nerve to tell us to stop buying cell phones and avocado toast to become prosperous, or to pay our own student loans, or buy a house.
@jakien Жыл бұрын
I love when they say "I bought a cheap car for £500" lol a cheap car is 3 grand now mate big difference. Even if you just looked at that one metric you'd see!!
@richtownsend4104 Жыл бұрын
More Lewis Goodall please
@Poemiserable Жыл бұрын
The caller is completely correct. I'm only 34, and it's patently obvious to me that the current generation is by far the most affluent to date, just also the least responsible and reasonable.
@Poemiserable Жыл бұрын
What the disingenuous presenter forgets to mention is that people aren't just spending £30-50 a month on a phone bill and paying for Netflix. They're typically frittering away ten times that on takeaways and overspending on food alone, let alone other subscription services and going out. It's very easy to make a budget work in this day and age.
@David-bi6lf Жыл бұрын
It's great that the people worth listening to on such matters are those who generate their opinions based on facts and figures rather than sweeping generalisations then isn't it.
@jackhemm98 Жыл бұрын
@@Poemiserable that’s because food has also increased massively, what are people meant to do? not eat
@MrHoopski Жыл бұрын
some people dont realise the cost of things, for example I've just been let go from work so I'm on universal credit ,my benefit is £336 - now my 2 main bills are electric and council tax - this equates to £260 quid of that money - so there fore I'm left with 96 quid to live on for the whole month without my small bills of broadband/phone water - how are we meant to survive !! its horrible
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
..U/C payments are disgracefully low...
@paulmessenger9836 Жыл бұрын
Its dog eat dog
@MrHoopski Жыл бұрын
@@paulmessenger9836 that's helpful
@supermajink Жыл бұрын
Why do so many lack comprehension? Bob and his boomers hold this country back
@chrislaurenceleo Жыл бұрын
Bob is unstoppable! Tell a person like Bob something they do not want to hear and they suddenly have invisible ear muffs that makes it impossible to listen
@baul997 Жыл бұрын
It's called selective hearing
@mcooley88 Жыл бұрын
It's hilarious that these clowns reckon it's still 1985 my car is 23 years old. My phone is an Iphone 7 - I don't even know how many models behind. I had student debt. I do not have a fancy life. I pay nearly 45% of my income on my rent and bills. Where exactly does Bob consider I tighten my belt to afford a house?
@RachelFayLovelyDay Жыл бұрын
We're living in an idiocracy. He lived in a shoe box in the middle of the road therefore everyone is just greedy these days.
@grimTales1 Жыл бұрын
A shoebox, we used to dream of a shoebox!
@anonUK Жыл бұрын
​@@grimTales1 It would have been a palace to us!
@TheJamesbeagle Жыл бұрын
What the first guy is saying is that back in his day a low wage worker could get by, now an average wage gets you next to f-all
@ActualDav Жыл бұрын
Lewis has the patience of a saint talking to these people.
@satiricgames2129 Жыл бұрын
So what I'm hearing is basically poor people and the working poor can't spend $10 a month on themselves to keep themselves occupied while they sit in there houses wasting away trying to get enough money for a house......right
@davidmurphy7332 Жыл бұрын
This is a myth that I've seen percolating through the internet over the last year or so that rich people aren't the ones with huge incomes and/or access to vast amounts of capital, they're just better at saving and not spending money. Like all internet "theories", there's a grain of truth to that but also a huge amount of wilful ignorance - as ably demonstrated by this caller
@tc-tm1my Жыл бұрын
They're better at hoarding money.
@Capybarrrraaaa Жыл бұрын
'save £8/month to afford £14,000 per year' and 'expedite climate catastrophe so I can see more butterflies'... How are these people not in care homes.
@SpottedHares Жыл бұрын
“Remember your never to old to not grown up”
@mike7920 Жыл бұрын
"my anecdote is more important than the nationwide data"
@seanmccannwildcamping Жыл бұрын
can we create a small pop up book of basic economics for people like this so they understand how inflation works?
@chatham43 Жыл бұрын
....by printing endless money to fund the disastrous lockdown for instance which Labour warned against....
@tc-tm1my Жыл бұрын
These rising costs existed long before lockdown
@json5467 Жыл бұрын
These boomers do not truly know what hardship is like.
@Alex-cw3rz Жыл бұрын
I would also point out that solar pannel and wind turbines can have animals on the land as wel, in fact it is encouraged. Crops don't grow well where wind turbines work, solar panals is a little different however there are work arounds for this.
@Kung_Fu_Jesus Жыл бұрын
The two callers smacked of being ‘I’m alright jack, it’s not a problem to me’
when you have plan B 😂
Andrey Grechka
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Something Terrible Is Happening To Boomers
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Do younger generations have it easier? | LBC
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when you have plan B 😂
Andrey Grechka
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