I have both. I bought the Cricut when it was half priced. The htvront blows circuits. I had to have my htvront in the basement with a dedicated line otherwise my lights flashed and the circuit would blow. The cricut doesn’t. I can run my Cricut in the same line and at the same time to my 16x20 press without issue. You can’t run an htvront and Cricut at the same time on the same circuit. I do have a pullout press that is 16x20 that I use the most. It is not the machine but rather the pressure. If you use 2 pads on the Cricut you will actually get better ink saturation on the Cricut and likewise you can use the same on the htvront. Htvront blowing circuits is a known issue.
@DotComMomm2 күн бұрын
Where did you get that table that you have the HTVront on?
@Emily_enjoy_crafting6 ай бұрын
Like the shape of the HTVRONT one! It's really pretty!
@taraalzino8394 ай бұрын
I'm loving my HTVRont. The button with the 'A' is the auto button. Press the 'auto button' and when you slide the carriage all the way in, you will feel a 'click' and the heat press will lower by itself. It's a great feature and very handy for mass production.
@laurieweitl707717 күн бұрын
You can not do hoodies very easy on HTV Ront. Your fingers are to close to top platen trying to adjust garments. The butcher paper sticks to the top platen again not safe. You need to keep it unplugged to not hear the beep or blinking light. I feel like to many safety issues compared to other presses.
@barbaranewman2977Ай бұрын
Don't you need to use butcher paper to protect the heat press for sublimation?
@barbra4296 ай бұрын
Can someone PLEASE tell me why the switch (on) light keeps blinking non-stop, is this some type of malfunction?
@matthewlawson9416 ай бұрын
I prefer the simple design of HTVRont, and the operation is super simpler!
@joericcardo93513 ай бұрын
what sublimation printer do you use?
@Princess_karen2 ай бұрын
The Cricut is half price on Amazon and I like the Cricut much better my sublimation items come out much better. I also bought the Htv Ront manual press and it is not even 6 month old and they won’t answer my request for a new control pad, it never worked and won’t beep when it comes to temp and won’t beep when the item is finished. I will never buy from Htv Ront again