いつも楽しく動画を拝見させていただいています。 でも今日ばかりは、楽しく、という訳にはいかず、溢れ出てくる涙を拭いながら拝見させていただきました。 大迫選手の旅がもうすぐ終わりを迎えるということについては、一人のファンとして寂しい気持ちでいっぱいで、正直気持ちの整理がつきません。 市民ランナーの末席の私に、走ることを通じて勇気を与えてくださったことは、感謝してもしきれませんし、何より、同じ時代を生きることが出来たことを誇りに思います。 8月8日の42.195km、旅の終わりにふさわしい集大成の走りを、勝負を、最高の笑顔を、楽しみにしています。 Lose Yourself,JUST DO IT.
I'm truly surprised and saddened by this. He seems like he has SOOO much more left in the tank. But hey mad respect to him for deciding to retire on his own terms. Congrats on a great career Suguru!!!
I really didn't expect him to retire, he seems that he has even more to give in the next 5 years
@jazzjingjing3 жыл бұрын
I think we all hope so. But one thing for japanese, they are serious with their words and goal. So, its 50/50 for me. I also feel that he still can compete at Paris, if he wish.
@jeffliu38963 жыл бұрын
I think he means that his highest peak and best chance of winning a medal for his sport career would be this Olympic ; of course he can still run and perform after this Olympic but it would be even harder to maintain that performance as you get older
@david093 жыл бұрын
We all hope so that. Actually Suguru Osaka is also a person like us, he has his family. Maybe he got tired about those hard training days. He wants to see his children’s childhood. If I were him, I will do that. Actually he didn’t stop, he just start at other ways.
Congratulations on winning the 6th place! You are amazing. The last kilometers were hard but you made it to the end. You made me cry with your incredible determination. Good luck in the future!
Team osako, you're a huge inspiration suguru. One of the only, if not the only runner I actually look up to, nothing but well wishes in tokyo, bring gold for japan 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Even though you didn't medal, you're a huge inspiration to thousands of people and I know japan and the world loves and admires you regardless ❤. You gave it your all and that's all that counts
@abrightp3 жыл бұрын
After watching this, I am heading out for my run today. This should be the best reaction I can make for this video.
It is sad that my favorite runner is gonna retire soon, thanks to you I found my running form and got motivated to train for marathon. I know that you gonna make history the 8 of august Suguru-san ❤️ You always will be my running inspiration.