Is Pornography Adultery?

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Leslie Vernick

Leslie Vernick

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Пікірлер: 34
@SassyG17 3 ай бұрын
Well said!! I have decided to divorce after 25 years of Marriage. I am in the middle of a divorce as I speak. 🙏🏽
@nikkivass1029 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@robertcoskrey9860 26 күн бұрын
Is it adultery for a single man to view porn? Isn’t it possible that Jesus or Peter were referring to marriage?
@mimiholand1063 5 жыл бұрын
Jesus is very clear about sex and him being that final Judge on Judgment Day it would be foolish not to take it seriously.In these Last Days,just before the Judgment falls like a heavy axe upon mankind,it is wise to clean up your life.That is if you don't want to be destroyed forever. Satan is still here putting his garbage into our face,wishing we would succumb to his temptations.Hate what is bad,says God.Hate of what is not loving,good and beneficial is an armor which one must wear all the time.Like a solder, we must be tough with ourselves.. fight the fine fight knowing your deliverance is getting nearer by the hour.. To gauge your eye which is stumbling you simply means to refuse the temptations.Hate Satan and his ways.It was him who brought all the suffering upon mankind.He is everybody's enemy number one.Sin =death.
@Lacuna1122 9 ай бұрын
We all just keep waiting for invisible man's judgment day........keep on waiting 😂
@melodycrawford9943 5 жыл бұрын
Well my husband tells me it’s all my fault , so I stopped trying to talk to him about it 🙁
@evacharles498 4 жыл бұрын
Melody Crawford He is blaming you for his actions. That is not biblical. He is responsible for his sin. Blaming you is an attempt to deny his sin and control the whole situation. Google Power and Control Wheel.
@rubberducky1507 3 жыл бұрын
Leave him !!
@saylijoshi3371 3 жыл бұрын
Leave him
@jenniferberg9239 3 жыл бұрын
I don't blame you for not speaking to him any longer. And I truly hope you've left him by now. For his good and your own ....and God's glory.
@sarahguenther2395 2 жыл бұрын
Yes , mine told me it was my fault too , even tho I never withheld physical intimacy from him. I left him .
@1stwastheword 2 жыл бұрын
perfect 🥰👍 thank you
@thomasjacks4287 3 жыл бұрын
The definition of fornication used in what is considered the exception clauses found in Mt. 5 and Mt. 19 is not the very loose very wide range popular definition you find in Bible translations and dictionaries today, sexual immorality. That is a very obscure and unclear definition used for the definition of fornication today. To define fornication as sexual immorality makes allowances for a divorce without there even being any sexual intercourse involved whatsoever. There doesn’t even have to be another actual person involved in order to have committed fornication according to that very liberal definition of the word. According to that definition you can commit fornication without actually having sex but just by thinking about having sex or by just looking at someone and wanting to have sex with them and that according to your definition is equivalent to actually having sexual intercourse and would be the act of committing adultery. That is a false teaching and misrepresentation of the word fornication. You are saying every time that a man or woman looks at someone of the opposite sex walking down the street and lusts after them that it is equivalent to actually having sexual intercourse with them and is the act of committing adultery and fornication and even a biblical grounds for a divorce even though there was no sexual intercourse. Yeah I don’t think so. Fornication means illicit and unlawful sexual intercourse. To use the principle that Jesus used concerning looking upon a woman to lust after her and teaching that it is actually committing the act of adultery is also a misinterpretation and a failure to be true to the what Jesus said. Jesus said that whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after her hatch committed adultery with her????? No no no!! That’s not how it reads. Jesus said that whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after hath committed adultery with her already (watch it) IN HIS HEART not in his body. It is his evil heart imagining it but it is not an actual reality and it certainly isn’t physically being committed with another person therefore he could not have actually committed adultery or fornication. Committing a sin in the heart such adultery or murder is not the same as really going out doing it. Jesus was establishing the truth and principle that sin starts in the heart. That’s where sin is first committed before it becomes a reality. What a horrible and dishonest to the scripture teaching to say that looking at the opposite sex and lusting is committing the actual sin of adultery and yes it is a sin to look at porn but it is not the same as having sexual intercourse with someone and the Bible makes that clear by saying that when two people have sexual intercourse that they become one flesh and joined together. You can’t be joined together and become one with another person without there being sexual intercourse and you can’t be by just looking and lusting after someone. Paul also says that every sin that a man sins is without the body but he that commits fornication sins against his own body. If you are going to teach that looking is equivalent to committing the actual act of adultery then you have to go all the way and that hating someone is the same as getting a gun and going out blowing that person’s head off. This dishonest teaching of this scripture reminds of when someone tried to saying that money is the root of all evil. No that isn’t how it reads it say that THE LOVE OF money is the root of all evil. BIG BIG DIFFERENCE!!
@jenniferberg9239 3 жыл бұрын
It is the Spirit of the law, not the letter. Love towards Christ and honoring His Name matters to a true believer......and that means, all of the word of God. Until you get that, you won't understand anything. (the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom). Your loophole is why there is a HUGE book for laws for the state you live in. Humans always look for loopholes. A sinful person will look for a reason their spouse shouldn't leave them. When, actually, if you have broken the covenant, they have every right to leave if your heart is hard and unrepentant toward your broken vows. Porneia is sexual uncleanness (see the blue letter bible) unrepented the key here...the ABSOLUTE key ---- the unrepentant sexual uncleanness. Matt 18 also applies would 1 Cor 5. A woman (or a man) who desires to honor God in their home and to keep their marriage bed pure.....because God deserves that....will separate if needed. Implement consequences for the offender. Out of love. That God might wake him up before he takes his soul to hell via the immoral women he's being led astray by. sad deal.
@thomasjacks4287 3 жыл бұрын
@@jenniferberg9239 This is incorrect. The definition of the Greek word Fornication is not sexual uncleanness, it is unlawful sexual intercourse. It is not I that is looking for loopholes it is your false teaching on this particular subject matter that has created a loophole that scriptures just simply doesn't give. It is you that is lacking in your understanding of God's love. You are teaching from your emotions and not from the truth of God's word which is why you really shouldn't be teaching at all. You are using what Jesus said in Mt. 5:28 as a grounds for divorce and Jesus never gave a grounds for a divorce saving for fornication which is not the same word as adultery used in Mt. 5:28. Fornication does not mean sexual uncleanness it means unlawful sexual intercourse and is not referring to adultery at all but rather a sin of unmarried people even though you and many others try to stretch that word and include the act of looking and lusting as equivalent to sexual intercourse with another person. Unless the other party being lusted after consents to having sexual intercourse there can be no joining together, no becoming one body. It is not possible to commit fornication unless at least two parties are involved in sexual intercourse. You are cherry-picking your sources of study references and using the definitions that best suit your own preferences and desired outcomes rather than letting the scripture interpret itself. In Mt. 5:28 Jesus didn't use the word pornia he used the word, moicheuo which means unlawful sexual intercourse with another's spouse not sexual uncleanness from which passage you are basing your whole argument. It is you that is looking and not only looking but created non-scriptural loopholes. The way you are interpreting this scripture isbeing dishonest to Christ and his teaching, this is the way in which you are quoting this scripture in Mt.5:18 "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already. Stop right there. That's as far as you go and it is dishonest and false and deceptive teaching to do so. There are three words added to the interpretation of what you are trying to cherry pick out of this verse of scripture, "In his heart" and if you leave those three words out which is what you are doing in order to excuse someone from their marriage you are guilty of teaching a false doctrine. Jesus said, "in his heart" not, in his body. You miss the principle of what Jesus is saying completely. This is not a matter of me trying to excuse sinful behavior but rather you encouraging a divorce through teaching a false doctrine. I like how you tried to take me to task by talking about love and the law. You took those scriptures out of their context in order to establish your false interpretation of this particular subject matter. You teach and interpret the scripture out of your emotions and not out of a love for truth and a dedication to proper interpretation of holy writ. You really shouldn't be teaching the way you do it is dangerous and damning.t use the word pornia he used the word, moicheuo which means unlawful sexual intercourse with another's spouse not sexual uncleanness from which passage you are basing your whole argument. It is you that is looking and not only looking but created non-scriptural loopholes. The way you are interpreting this scripture isbeing dishonest to Christ and his teaching, this is the way in which you are quoting this scripture in Mt.5:18 "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already. Stop right there. That's as far as you go and it is dishonest and false and deceptive teaching to do so. There are three words added to the interpretation of what you are trying to cherry pick out of this verse of scripture, "In his heart" and if you leave those three words out which is what you are doing in order to excuse someone from their marriage you are guilty of teaching a false doctrine. Jesus said, "in his heart" not, in his body. You miss the principle of what Jesus is saying completely. This is not a matter of me trying to excuse sinful behavior but rather you encouraging a divorce through teaching a false doctrine. I like how you tried to take me to task by talking about love and the law. You took those scriptures out of their context in order to establish your false interpretation of this particular subject matter. You teach and interpret the scripture out of your emotions and not out of a love for truth and a dedication to proper interpretation of holy writ. You really shouldn't be teaching the way you do it is dangerous and damning.
@Lily-dn4zx 2 жыл бұрын
God's word is not that hard to understand. Hate is the same as murder just as lust (sexual form) is the same as adultery. He says so in Matthew 5:27-28. When men look at porn what do they usually do? I ask you because you are a male. They usually masturbate. Well, that is sexually lusting after the women you see on pornography and in your heart thus adultery!! I see the men on here are the ones coming up with the loophole to make excuses of why it is okay for them to look at porn and commit adultery. Frankly, I am so sick of it. I am sick of men and their false teachings and loopholes that benefit them, well that is until you are judged before God. Make no mistake. You will get away with nothing. Look at 1 Corinthians 6:15-20. Please go there are read! As a Christian, you are to flee sexual immorality just like Joseph did from Potiphar's wife. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so how dare you say that what Jesus said in Matthew is not Adultery when He, our Savior said it is!! Last time I checked if God says it is so then it is so!! 1 Corinthians 7:4-5 states that neither spouse has authority over their bodies but the spouse does and not to deprive one another unless fasting for a time. If you are on porn you are wrong. You are stealing what belongs to your spouse and you have no right to watch porn at all because you have no authority over your body. I encourage you to repent of even thinking this way Thomas, because scripture is clear, so a man thinketh so is he. Repent and stop twisting the word for your advantage and obey the Word of God before it is too late.
@ruggedlifejewelry Жыл бұрын
porn is a new age loophole to allow men to cheat on their wives with both harlots and terribly so, sex trafficked victims...there is nothing holy or Godly about this sexual immorality. It is simply a way for them to get what they want without consequences. Mine said to me "oh I wouldn't cheat on you with a real person because it would require too much effort"....their hearts are sick and it overflows into the home and into how they abuse you, neglect you, objectify you and now the genres on porn sites are so vile that men are walking around looking at children and teens. How could you ever ever argue against this video?!
@muma6559 11 ай бұрын
When you see someone walking down the street... (as you say) and you lust after them... why? You can admire someone's beauty, but you don't even know them. People are not an object. Sex is for someone you know intimately. It is not healthy in any which way to lust after someone we have just merely seen with our eyes... Check your cognitive thinking and values Thomas...
@rubberducky1507 3 жыл бұрын
Leave those sick men !! Thr are good ones out thr !!
@sandmanrelaxation1584 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Thomas Jacks. You have to understand the language and literary style. Jesus uses hyperbole. If lust of the eye is literally adultery then shouldn't the person pluck there eye out to avoid further lust of the eye?
@FuzzyZit Жыл бұрын
She is just an angry crazy lady
@Lacuna1122 9 ай бұрын
Jesus wasn't real
@kimyarosh9313 3 жыл бұрын
thank you
@bluesee2018 4 жыл бұрын
Allah's Messenger the prophet Mohammed (ﷺ) as saying. Allah fixed the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in. There would be no escape from it. The adultery of the eye is the lustful look and the adultery of the ears is listening to voluptuous (song or talk) and the adultery of the tongue is licentious speech and the adultery of the hand is the lustful grip (embrace) and the adultery of the feet is to walk (to the place) where he intends to commit adultery and the heart yearns and desires which he may or may not put into effect.
@jenniferberg9239 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Jesus is God.......he clarified the commandments of Moses so that men may know the severity of the judgement. He stops sinners from justifying ourselves before a holy God. There is no escape from judgement without a sacrifice...a perfect, holy sacrifice. If we do not trust in Christ Jesus, the Messiah having bore God's wrath in our place....we will be judged for lust, greed, anger as the same as murder, lying, everything..... There is no other name given under heaven by which men can be saved. Only Jesus. It's why we sing. It's why we have hope and assurance. It's why we love our enemies....because Jesus did. "For while we were yet enemies, Christ died for the ungodly, to bring us to God."
@iknowthisone6844 3 жыл бұрын
during your rant 23.2 million souls released some satan
@Lacuna1122 9 ай бұрын
Invisible men aren't real. You need medication
@lanceallenmcginnis1105 2 ай бұрын
You interpret poorly. Porn is a deplorable act of unchastity. Take extreme measures to purge it. However, based on the same verse you are using, your logic would conclude that hate in our hearts would "maybe" justify life in prison for murder or the death sentence. The purpose of that verse is to point out our need for a savior. Using it to break families apart is disgusting. Do better.
@Lacuna1122 4 жыл бұрын
This woman wants to see your manager
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