Lessons Learned: General MacArthur's Dismissal

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Council on Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations

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@jamesanderton344 5 жыл бұрын
Underestimating Truman was a fatal mistake. Under that Missouri haberdashers hat was a man who ordered the nuclear attacks on Japan. Appearances can be deceiving. Only one sheriff in town and Truman made sure everyone knew he wore the badge.
@mintheman7 Жыл бұрын
Not that hard of a decision really. Drop the a-bombs or millions more die.
@garybender432 Жыл бұрын
That’s why they had a saying in the 50’s “ I wish I was a dog and Truman was a tree”. Politicians should stay out of military operations unless they carry a rifle on the front line. Failure to use the Atom bomb on China led to a draw in that and every other war since. We will never win another war only get thousands of troops killed for a draw.
@dab8551 Жыл бұрын
If President FDR had included his VP Harry S. Truman into his plans prior to his untimely death. Truman may have been better prepared for the job he was trust into. He did the best decision to save American lives and those of the Japanese.
@itjustlookslikethis Жыл бұрын
@@dab8551 That's right. FDR never told Truman about the Manhattan Project. Truman only found out after FDR had passed away.
@watchgoose Жыл бұрын
@@dab8551 the Japanese had a minimum of 110,000 KILLED by the bomb.
@stefyneyrich 8 жыл бұрын
my great grandfather served both WW1 and WW2, he and Macarthur survived for many years until my great grandfather passed away on November 1st, 1989 at the age of 90. R.I.P. Willard L. Brandt. Thank you all for serving.
@林阿水-s7x 5 жыл бұрын
Wow .... That's great. Mine was a 中堂 with the Qing Court.
@firemangan2731 4 жыл бұрын
Some relatives of mine served as partisans when the Japanese occuiped the Philippines, all of them died as heroes.
@renatodemavibas4844 Жыл бұрын
.My father fought in WWII under McArthur's USAFFE (United States Army in the Far East). He was assigned to defend Mindanao in Southern Phil. He was taken prisoner when they were ordered by High Command to surrender, however escaped and survived the war.
@mpralinsky 5 жыл бұрын
Great men have to have egos to drive them to greatness, and also must have other great men to hold their egos in check. I am grateful that the United States had such leaders as Franklin Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, and George Patton. They were imperfect men, but of human beings we can only expect progress, not perfection. They were the best men for their times.
@ianmarvin5013 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with you, all people in this comment section is just morons they simply don't know what they say. Shame.
@John-vq8rk 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't Truman green light the nukes which were dropped on 2 cities, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians?
@John-vq8rk 3 жыл бұрын
Douglas MacArthur was against the dropping of the nukes on Japan
@dlr6666 2 жыл бұрын
@@John-vq8rk Douglas MacArthur was also a dumbfck. so it doesn't matter
@demef758 2 жыл бұрын
@@John-vq8rk I would modify your statement to read "Truman greenlighted the nukes on Japan, the country that was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent civilians throughout all of southeast Asia, and was determined to kill millions of American soldiers to prevent the loss of their emperor." Somebody had to make the decision, one way or the other. Who would you have selected to make it?
@alilirara 5 жыл бұрын
"Nuke em' "No" "Nuke em'!" "No!" "Aw c'mon" "You're fired"
@stealthjet2566 5 жыл бұрын
Lara Gem Ali Academia oversimplified😂
@redjirachi1 5 жыл бұрын
I think after 1945 Truman realized that nuclear bombs weren't something to be taken lightly
@hypothalapotamus5293 4 жыл бұрын
Here's a more detailed version: MacArthur: There's no way that the Chinese will intervene in Korea. Subordinate 1: Our friends in Taiwan have spies in the PLA. They say that there is a massive Chinese buildup on the Korean border. Mac: That's a bluff. Subordinate 2: We captured some Chinese soldiers. A few of them are speaking Cantonese (note: Guangdong province is crazy far away). Mac: They're either Korean residents of China or just walked over the border. Mac: I was right all along. We have to nuke China! Truman: You were adamantly saying that China would not intervene. Mac: You know what? I should be president. If you commie loving democrats had listened to me, we'd have won this war already. Truman: ... but we let you do what you wanted and it was a disaster. KZbin commenter: MacArthur died for our sins, but he shall return and lead us to victory over the communists...
@Haunt888 3 жыл бұрын
@@hypothalapotamus5293 lmfao he's overrated af
@coronavirusisacommunistchi845 3 жыл бұрын
Truman made the biggest mistake in all of history when he didn’t nuke China.
@firemangan2731 4 жыл бұрын
In the Philippines we praise McArthur as one of our greatest heroes.
@zes3813 3 жыл бұрын
@rileyen4608 3 жыл бұрын
That’s beautiful thank you friend. I as a Texan have always heard the Philippines as a people very close with America
@marcalvarez4890 3 жыл бұрын
McArthur chose a campaign that caused unneeded american deaths so that he could have that famous photo of him walking onto the beach. I get that Filipinos would appreciate that, understandably, but it was the wrong strategy and it killed americans unnecessarily. An island hopping campaign to the north would have ended the war sooner and with less deaths overall.
@marcalvarez4890 3 жыл бұрын
@O. a Thats among the dumbest things I've ever read. Congratulations.
@marcalvarez4890 3 жыл бұрын
@O. a Ok, i stand corrected, THAT is dumber than what you previously wrote. Congratulations.
@tvgerbil1984 4 жыл бұрын
It wasn't Truman that did not listen to the advice of the military. He actually listened to the assessment by the Joint Chiefs rather than that from MacArthur. In the 1951 Senate hearing behind closed door on the dismissal of General MacArthur, the Joint Chiefs disclosed their assessment on the military situation not just on the Korean peninsula but also the European theatre. They roundly criticised General MacArthur's narrow assessment and their conclusion was that direct attacks, conventional or nuclear, on Chinese bases would prompt overwhelming military response from the Soviets and the Chinese army. Also, MacArthur's idea of using the Chinese Nationalist army from Taiwan to attack China was dismissed as impractical. It was the Joint Chiefs' conclusion that a limited war in Korea was in fact more advantageous to the US than to the communists. The transcripts of the hearing were available to public after 1971. It was clear why political support for General MacArthur to run for the presidency disappeared completely after the hearing.
@alanwrobel8455 11 ай бұрын
Excellent statement - this program's narrator should have included the Joint Chiefs' advice to Truman in his analysis
@Kruppt808 7 ай бұрын
Joint Chiefs offices have had a extremely negative relationship with MacArthur. Some if his own doing no doubt but also some of his careers biggest antagonists. He was convinced that starting in ww1 on Pershing staff there was a sect of Washington people who were out to destroy him. I don't think it was like that but some of the events that played out do kind point at least a little 🤷
@timsparks1858 4 ай бұрын
The Joint Chiefs in those days who sat around at the Pentagon were not fully aware of what was going on in Korea. Even Eisenhower went to Korea to find out for himself. At that point we were already at war with China when they invaded North Korea when UN forces reached the Yalu. Because we didn't blow the Bridges because of Truman's order it changed the dynamic of the war. Mac Arthur wanted those Bridges blown not half blown. This mistake on Truman's part brought on calls by Mac Arthur to widen the war to mainland China to cut off their Army's ability to supply and reenforce itself.
@tvgerbil1984 4 ай бұрын
@@timsparks1858 Setting aside the argument on how to cross a bridge which was half blown, the Yalu was in fact frozen solid at that time of the year. The Chinese were crossing the Yalu at many locations. So having bridges fully blown, half blown, or quarterly blown would not make that much a difference to the immediate pressure the UN forces were under. The joint chiefs' main criticism of MacArthur's proposed expansion of the war into China was that MacArthur held a narrow view of the war and he only concerned with his own theatre whereas the US president had to take a wider view. Hoyt Vandenberg, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force disclosed to the Senate that the Air Force had to move tactical air assets from Europe to Asia if MacArthur's plan to bomb China was implemented. The situation in Europe was already tense after the Berlin blockade by the Soviets a year earlier. It was the Joint Chiefs' view that Stalin was only using the Chinese to divert US forces, and in particular the USAF, from Europe and would then use his superior armored forces to crush the Western Allies in Europe. Omar Bradley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in his testimony to the Senate made it clear to all, the Korean War was the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy. The Korean peninsula in 1950 had very limited strategic value to the US and the pre-NATO Europe was where the focus should be. That was the Chiefs' advice to the President and Truman had to listen to them.
@nathanielwilliams 4 ай бұрын
The president has the last word. Look at the JC and Truman compared to MacArthur, who is the most accomplished. Who's been there and done that. MacArthur Acton in starting ww3 was not based on facts. Look at what the JC's opinion has cost Americans in lives and money right up until this day
@barnabascollins1956 4 жыл бұрын
"Civilian control of the Military" is what diffentiates us from many other powerful countries.
@BeraubtWerden 2 жыл бұрын
And then continue to support many military government to prevent communism, practically installing dictators that loyal to us and opposed USSR, my country is one of its victim, 32 years of military dictatorship
@jsinp 9 жыл бұрын
He is certainly the hero of mine, as an immigrant from south korea
@lastknowngood0 8 жыл бұрын
+uannoyme74 lol
@johnmclaughlin3181 8 жыл бұрын
+jsinp we need the kind of hard working patriotic americans like you
@Jeshuasys 8 жыл бұрын
+Publius Enigma you folks have no idea how general macarthur's action helped save my country (Malaysia) from communism. thank you!
@brandonfredrickaldwych4179 7 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't thank the US, I would thank MacArthur. The president ordered him to leave and abandon Philippines. It took 3 times for the president to try get MacArthur off Bataan. Finally, Roosevelt lied to him when he said there was an army waiting for him to command in Australia to retake Philippines so he left. He changed his orders from evacuate to Australia to report to command post in Melbourne. He was enraged when he gave his famous " I shall return " speech. There was no army waiting for him. He had been tricked. The U.S. had no to plans to return to Asia, they would have happily abandon Philippines and Asia to the Japanese during WW2. Not even a rescue plan for the U.S. troops trapped in Philippines. It took Macarthur 3 years to get to the President and he finally blackmailed him. The President folded and he gave Macarthur his fleet to return and drove the Japanese out of Philippines. And the President took all the credit for Macarthur's success so he can be elected again. Whether he did for his own glory or not, he did more to force the U.S.and the President to save Asia from Japanese aggression and military cruelty than the U.S. was willing to do. Afterwards, he left the region with the ability to rebuilt and form healthy relationships. Philippines, South Korea, Japan and the U.S. had very good relationships under his leadership after the war. In fact, they remain in very good allies to this day (except perhaps Philippines with Duterte) because of the decisions Macarthur made contrary to what the U.S. congress and politicians wanted. So thank you, General MacArthur. I wish Truman have allowed you to go to North Korea in the Korean, then we wouldn't have this menace of a regime, and Korea would be united in peace again.
@Draconisrex1 7 жыл бұрын
And yet his mistakes cost the Army it's airpower. It's supply. And made the conquest of the Philippines inevitable. His demanding control of the Navy lead to a near destruction of a huge part of the US Pacific fleet and only some heroism on the part of US Destroyers going up against Japanese battleships and the Japanese eventually making a strategic mistake in over-estimating the US forces prevented the destruction of the three Taffy Fleets at Leyte Gulf. His mistakes in Korea got the Marines encircled at Chosin in North Korea, and almost got them wiped out because Mao understood McArthur and baited him in. He out-ran his supply lines. He threw his troops into battle without adequate ammo or support. Even worse, the US had intelligence that the Chinese were involved and had multiple divisions ready to strike. They'd captured well over a score of Chinese troops spying out US troop locations in Korea. All from different battalions and divisions. So, no, I'm not terribly impressed with his "I Shall Return" grandstanding. Or his campaigns. Too much failure rests on his shoulders.
@georgiamule 6 жыл бұрын
As great an American patriot that he was, MacArthur had lost his perspective. He had come to believe that he was subordinate to no one. He had become a victim of his own ego. He resented Truman’s audacity in questioning his military advice. He had forgotten a basic principle of our constitutional republic, that the military must be subordinate to civilian authority, the President. Throughout our history, Presidents disregarded their military advisors and made poor military decisions. Truman did the right thing by reining in MacArthur.
@Brighteyes95866 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree, Truman was right , MacArthur's head was too big .
@dennismombo4343 4 жыл бұрын
From Kenya. Truman stands as my best US President. Very humble yet very decisive. America have had the fortune of always having the best president at the best time and Truman was one of them.
@melonshop8888 3 жыл бұрын
YES. 👍👍👍
@CooManTunes Жыл бұрын
Of course, Truman is the best. He ended WWII! Any president, that puts his country first, deserves credit. This can't be said of any modern democRAT.
@jamesrecknor6752 4 ай бұрын
@@CooManTunes Chairman Biden and The Party want to know your location
@kysersose3924 4 жыл бұрын
As a career Air Force Officer, We must never forget...The President is the "Commander-in-Chief" of the Untied States Armed Forces. Period.
@WMJCPA 4 жыл бұрын
Here, Here an awesome proper reply. I often had this argument.for years with my Dad whom I both loved and respected. My Dad came.down.on MacArthur's side, while I took up for Pres. Truman. Through the years I spoke to many military people, friends of.mine. They all.said the same.thing; if the Preaident gives an order to his military commander in the field. That is the end of discussion. The military commander's duty is to carry it out to the best of his ability. If MacArthur felt, for whatever reason he could not obey the order, then he should have resigned. MacArthur is one.of America's great generals and will always be fondly remembered,but in this case he was wrong and Truman was well within his rights to fire him. One of the greatest things about this country, and most modern day democracies as well, is civilian control of the military. This prevents us from having a police state.
@WMJCPA 4 жыл бұрын
@Timothy Verrinder That is true, but many of the more ethical ones chose not to follow the fanatic and resigned. In the case of Field Marshall Paulus, commander on the Russian front, allowed himself to be captured by the Russians. This made Hitler furious since no Field Marshall had ever been captured before. Hitler expected.he would commit suicide. He was quoted as saying why does he think I promoted him to Field Marshall. So there it is. Either obey the designated authority or quit.
@WMJCPA 4 жыл бұрын
@Timothy Verrinder and you are a moron
@WMJCPA 4 жыл бұрын
@Timothy Verrinder I used Von Paulus as an example of a person who understood that Hitler was a fanatic and an imbecility when it came to miltary strategy and tactics. For week.Paulus made the case that his troops were surrounded and about to be overrun. For weeks he requested permission to leave Stalingrad and form a more defensible line. For weeks he pleaded with the fanatic that he could not hold. In return all.he got was a bigger dose of fanaticism, the Hitler Youth playbook. If Paulus was a traitor, I would ask a traitor to what? To Nazi Germany? The only way not to be a traitor was to kill yourself. Rather be a traitor. That was not a just cause, in an unjust war. The Germans were the invaders not the liberators. I believe Von Paulus surrendered to save his men, or what was.left of them. Anyway, the argument is moot. I simply was illustrating a point that many German generals.found they could no longer follow the fanatic.
@WMJCPA 4 жыл бұрын
@Timothy Verrinder Please disregard my moron comment. It.was a moment of a brain fart.
@halwheeler3124 10 жыл бұрын
Though I ""hated"" Truman for firing MacArthur at the time ( was 14 years old),and for some years after that, I gradually came to realize that the risks involved in invading mainland China were much to serious to undertake. I know regard Truman as one of our most courageous Presidents. But I still admire MacArthur, especially for his amazing transformation of Japan after the war. I doubt anyone could have done it better, or as well. he the right man in the right place at the right time. the world owes him a great debt of gratitude for his genius.
@alejogarciajr9837 10 жыл бұрын
@Dirtyharry340 10 жыл бұрын
Wheeler, Truman should have just let MacArthur finish the job.
@halwheeler3124 10 жыл бұрын
Dirtyharry340 I have been thinking about that recently, and the question I can't answer is: if MacArthur had stopped moving north after the Inchon success, what would have become of North Korea? Were we prepared to install a new government?
@8aleph 8 жыл бұрын
+Hal Wheeler Look at what's there today, the only way to have prevented the DPRK as we know it was the obliteration of Korean communists and the defeat of Mao's China.
@dkupke 7 жыл бұрын
Truman did the only thing he could do. A lot of people try to deflect with "Well sure MacArthur was insubordinate-BUT..." except that really is the bottom line: he was insubordinate. That alone is an a offense that soldiers can face court martial for and MacArthur pushed that envelope again and again. Truman would have been well within his rights and legal powers to have done it even sooner-but he hesitated because MaCarthur was, after all, the hero of the Pacific. The fact that MacArthur was putting the world at risk of a third world war only made Truman's actions even more correct.
@idolhanz9842 4 жыл бұрын
"I fear the day (2020!) when the Chinese achieve their full military potential " General of the Army Douglas MacArthur
@user1firstnameuser1lastnam70 3 жыл бұрын
The Democrats have been working for China & AGAINST America since Truman!
@megaham1552 3 жыл бұрын
Is that an actual quote? I couldn't find it
@jimzafiriou7808 3 жыл бұрын
@@user1firstnameuser1lastnam70 China became the worlds 2nd super power on Trump's watch.
@jimzafiriou7808 3 жыл бұрын
@@crayneo6187 Very true,and rightly so.
@marcalvarez4890 3 жыл бұрын
@@user1firstnameuser1lastnam70 That kind of talk isnt just historically inaccurate, it's also anti american. I hope youre proud of yourself.
@dancingwithczars 8 жыл бұрын
Civilian control of the military is a cornerstone of the American republic. Korea came on the heels of WW2. It was a U.N. intervention in which the U.S. was key player, but America had no appetite for another blood orgy. Truman made the right call.
@dkupke 7 жыл бұрын
When I saw the most recent coup unfold in Egypt, I gained a sense of how easily that is taken for granted.
@fmlye5105 7 жыл бұрын
dancingwithczars short sighted Truman assholing liberal. caused destruction. should have taken out nk while still under militarized.
@metaparcel 7 жыл бұрын
+Fm Lye. Wow your genius and tactical diplomacy are amazing. Shit man, running for president anytime soon?
@tyronekim3506 7 жыл бұрын
dancingwithczars With the current state of North Korea, do you still think Truman made the right call? Messing around with North Korea now is going to be very costly and ugly as compared to the cost to continue to fight to have united Korea in the 1950's. Remember, China and North Korea did not have nukes in 1950. This is what happens when the undertaking ends in a compromise, an incomplete victory. In 8-10 years Iran will probably have nukes due to Obama's timid policy on Iran. It remains to be seen how Trump is going to deal with Iran and North Korea.
@brownlettuce1810 7 жыл бұрын
Truman simply lost his nerve and blinked bigly. We're still paying for it today. Who knows how much more it will cost before, somehow, it comes to an end. Having lived in Asia, off and on, most of his life, MacArthur knew the effect of a little "saber rattling" on Mao. Tragically, Truman had lost his nerve. The Chinese didn't surprise Mac, it was the shaky, little, near sighted clerk in the White House who surprised him by firing him in the press, instead of supporting him in what would have been the easiest victory of them all for Mac. As for Mac's ego... he had seen war up close and personal his whole life. Highly decorated in war and peace by this country and others including former enemies... at 70 years old in 1950... Truman should have been listening to him and supporting him and our soldiers 100%... instead, Truman caved to the communists and gave us all... hell. Hopefully, our current President can "Trump" all the bad cards he's been dealt by Truman and many others.
@jerryumfress8340 5 жыл бұрын
McArthur was a glory seeker, unlike his dad who was one of the youngest generals in the union army. His dad was brave and heroic,fighting along side his men, his son however was a different story. He was very jealous of his power and would transfer any staff member smarter than himself. Truman did the right thing
@michaelmapes4119 Жыл бұрын
Yeah like turned the war into a war of attrition for two more years causing more unneeded Casualties for a couple of miles of territory and installing one of Mac's successors (Mark Clark) who showed in Italy in WWII that he could not get along with other countries other Generals!
@mtx1212 10 жыл бұрын
MacArthur was a soldier, soldiers are responsible for tactical maneuvers, not making strategic decisions. If DM had gotten his way and marched beyond the Yalu River, pretty sure WW3 would've started immediately between the US and China/USSR at the time, and to prevent this, Truman made the right decision, regardless of it's perceived lack of popularity.
@halwheeler3124 10 жыл бұрын
You're essentially right, except to say that generals are not responsible for strategic decisions is really far-fetched. MacArthur planned the Inchon landing, not Truman, or the Joint Chiefs. If that wasn't brilliant strategy, wha was?
@alejogarciajr9837 10 жыл бұрын
@deadbutmoving 8 жыл бұрын
The President should always have the power to intervene in any and all military matters he/she wants to. He/she should have the power to dismiss any generals he/she wants to at any time. The Presidents is the Commander and Chief of the military and has been chosen by the people for that role. You can argue about whether or not you agree with certain President's military decisions. But you cannot deny that the President has the right and power to make those decisions.
@성연중-l7h 2 жыл бұрын
As a south korean, with great honor to general McArthur, he was greatest hero of all time
@donaldjones8881 Жыл бұрын
He did a good job of organising American air power in the pacific war .he had a mighty military machine behind him.but on the northern beaches of new guinea he gave little credit to the guts and grit of the diggers who did most of the terrible groundwork that defeated the japs
@jinroh516 Жыл бұрын
i pity you south korean creature, he is a demon like Mao and Park Chung Hee
@jamesrecknor6752 4 ай бұрын
ROK forever
@kerriwilson7732 6 жыл бұрын
Thoughtful & informative. 75 years of hindsight doesn't mean 20/20 vision, but a helpful example to consider facing immediate crises.
@haggis655 8 жыл бұрын
The basic issue is not whether MacArthur or Truman was right. The basic issue is the subordination of the military at all times and in all cases to civilian command. Truman was right.
@Ogisito 8 жыл бұрын
+Haggis The question is who was right on military matters. When you order your military to fight a war there is no substitute for victory. Left alone the situation continues to simmer and will likely explode again in the near future Look what happened to Japan and Germany. We occupied them and made sure they don't militarize again. Look at North Korea and its nukes. Look at China and its expansion in Asia. It is too late now. Just as you don't trust a politician to decide on military strategy you don't trust the military on politics If you don't have intention to have total military victory don't wage war period
@haggis655 8 жыл бұрын
This is my final post on the subject. The fact is WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN. Period. You cannot second guess history. Chamberlain tried peace and was wrong. The U.S. military tried war in N Vietnam and look what happened. But as I said in my original post. All of that is irrelevant. And I'm always amused when people think a president acts ALONE. Like Truman woke up one day and say, "Gee, let's get out of Korea or stop advancing into China." That's patent nonsense. An entire Congress and Pentagon are debating these issues all the time. They're not going to debate them on the Milton Berle show or the morning news shows of the era. But no president acts alone. He bears the brunt of the criticism alone. That's his job as president. I doubt if that was the critical issue anyway. But HEAVEN HELP US ALL WHEN THE MILITARY TAKES CONTROL OF THIS COUNTRY. If you don't understand THAT MUCH, I'm wasting may time anyway. A fundamental rule of American democracy is the military is under CIVILIAN CONTROL AT ALL TIMES. Period. END OF ARGUMENT. As for experts, I have NO USE FOR THEM AT ALL. And keep in mind, the goal of actors is to act. The goal of prize fighters is to fight. The goal of the military is TO FIGHT WARS. That's another thing you should understand. That's their lifeblood. And of course it's great when our civilian leaders say there' a war we must fight. But it's DANGEROUS when the military decide thata. That's all I'm going to say on this issue ever. Because there's really nothing more to discuss. You have stated your views, I have stated mine. Let the readers decide who makes sense.
@TheDavidlloydjones 8 жыл бұрын
Ogisito, The main Chinese "expansion in Asia" that I see on the map is that Mongolia, the former province of Outer Mongolia, is now an independent country. -dlj.
@dkupke 7 жыл бұрын
If victory means starting yet another conflict on an even wider scale-then its not victory.
@TheVaughan5 7 жыл бұрын
@Daniel Ryan. I agree. MacArthur was a great General no one would doubt that, least of all President Truman, but we have to see the situation in the light of those post WW2 times and not today. Truman rightly feared another large scale war with many American casualties, I guarantee those who are now criticizing him would be branding him a war monger if he had gone ahead with MacArthur's plan.
@normanbraslow7902 6 жыл бұрын
MacArthur himself thought that his performance in the Japanese Occupation was by far the most important duty he did.
@scottsmith4612 4 жыл бұрын
And it was. That task is SO underappreciated.
@16denier 6 жыл бұрын
I think your presentation was excellent. And the problem is a general one with the military. They are so concentrated on the mission that they forget the overall picture. MacArthur is kind of an odd, almost crazy case. Possibly led on by his ego and the sycophants that generals seem to accumulate, it appears that he began believing that because he could some things well (the occupation of Japan, Inchon) that he could do everything well. It's a trap any famous person could fall into. And for him it was career-ending.
@Gracie18841 5 жыл бұрын
the country was tired of war some countries have learned drag it out long enough
@mushroom11g55 2 жыл бұрын
It wasn't a mistake though, because of Truman, Kim Jong Un is threatening us with nukes TODAY. Even though we spared them when they were defenseless. Very ungrateful, not as ungrateful as the Chinese who never thanked us for saving them from Japan.
@chrisbuffum4835 Жыл бұрын
He was a horrible general!! Only good he did was rebuild Japan! He should have been sacked for no response in the Philippines! He had ample warning and did nothing!!!!
@malgusvitiate7002 8 ай бұрын
⁠@@chrisbuffum4835I would argue that he actually failed to rebuild Japan, because he refused to prosecute Japanese war criminals responsible for the comfort women and Unit 731 biological warfare unit.
@mnj8480 Жыл бұрын
Truman called him an 'SOB' on a few occasions!
@dallasyap3064 Жыл бұрын
Though I like him as a General, in this case I agreed with Truman's decision to relieve MacArthur of his command as Commander, US Forces Korea and Commander, United Nations Command. After ww2 the US military was sizing down significantly, its budget was also getting cut and cut repeatedly, to the point that even some forces stationed in Japan that were dispatched to fight in Korea, were also ill-equipped and poorly trained. The American leaders and public didn't want to get involved in another global war, and MacArthur's strategy of continuing to push through to the Yalu river would have just result in Chinese intervening, and would draw America into a larger war which is what Truman didn't want. The Inchon assault was brilliant but I believe that's where MacArthur should have focused on, 2 things; annihilating the remaining North Korean forces south of the 38th and push the NK forces north of the 38th back a little bit while simultaneously buying time and space for the establishment of a very solid defense across the 38th, eventually to be reinforced by more US forces arriving from the US mainland as well as forces from other countries. A strong and solid defensive position would have been really difficult for the NKs or PRC to penetrate through or launch sudden huge human wave attacks, that took the US forces by surprised and push them back south so far. I also believe that MacArthur learnt his mistake here of pushing through to Chinese border bcoz in the late 50s or 60s he did warn, Eisenhower, Kennedy or Johnson or someone in their administration that going to war in Vietnam will be a huge mistake, and it will be like the Korean War all over again and more American troops will needlessly die. And MacArthur was right, whoever he told didn't listen to him, and eventually Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam and in the end over 58,000 American service members unnecessarily died there.
@hubertwalters4300 4 ай бұрын
We are reviewing this now in hind sight 74yrs after the event, and I'm sure all that we know now wasn't clear in 1950,and President Truman,along with the JCS should get a large dose of the blame for the turn of events in Korea in 1950,not just MacArthur.
@CLASSICALFAN100 7 жыл бұрын
Truman didn't regret anything about firing McArthur. DM constantly criticized Truman's actions, which threw a GIGANTIC roadblock into his ability to govern. Remember, generals are subordinate to the Prez, and "the Boss may not always be right, but he IS always Boss"...
@CLASSICALFAN100 7 жыл бұрын
P.S.----It was the same reason that Patton was sidelined throughout most of WW2: his monumental ego & his inability to act as a vital part of a team...
@치리리칰 2 жыл бұрын
As korean, I respect him. Thankyou for saving korea
@claudeyaz 2 жыл бұрын
George Marshall was the real ww2 hero
@fredrickmillstead2804 Жыл бұрын
Not only WWII but instituting the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe.
@brianrajala7671 4 жыл бұрын
Admirals and Generals should be experts on waging and winning wars, and keeping our country safe, but it is President's and other elected officials who are elected to determine policy. It is a simple formula MacArthur never seemed to understand. Thought MacArthur received a great amount of credit for efforts in WWII, he well knew how to promote his own brand. I believe Admiral Nimitz had a more difficult assignment. More major battles and and important strategic targets were in his area of responsibility.
@joshuawillis602 4 жыл бұрын
Brian Rajala precisely. Admiral Nimitz went through tough times trying to take islands like Iwo Jima and Okinawa
@angrycat3525 8 жыл бұрын
MacArthur was the general who drove the Bonus Army marchers out of Washington DC in 1932. He ordered a new attack against the orders of President Hoover, claiming that the Bonus Army March was an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government - a move which predated his overriding President Truman in 1951 over military policy in Korea. When Japanese troops took over Corregidor, he rode out, telling his soldiers, "Bye!" Those left behind were treated to the Bataan Death March; it was only after the military managed to retake the Philippines that MacArthur rode back in - and for THIS he's considered a hero? Nope - just another privileged character. My Dad served in the Pacific during World War II, and he had nothing good to say about him either.
@angrycat3525 8 жыл бұрын
BTW phil lamonica, my Dad did not serve in the Philippines; he was stationed in Papua New Guinea, an even more atrocious piece of real estate than the PI was. Since my Dad was born in 1919 and would be 97 today if he were still alive, the odds that you were there are pretty damned slim - and you've got a lot of nerve minimizing his personal, first-hand experience in favor of something you read in a book, an old magazine or a web page. YOU could never understand the "joys" of being drafted during what was peacetime and then, when your time was almost up, found yourself involuntarily extended for the duration, because you weren't there. I trust my Dad's opinion a hell of a lot more than some author who earned a paycheck writing to put the most positive spin on a truly bullheaded jerk who would've led the U.S. into a land war with China had he been left alone. Thank God for Harry Truman! In conclusion, allow me to broaden your horizons just a little further by providing a useful phrase in Vietnamese: Phuc Hu.
@angrycat3525 8 жыл бұрын
18tangles Ah yes - my mistake. I was trying to capture the emphasis of the regional dialect ... heh heh.
@TheDavidlloydjones 8 жыл бұрын
Roland, There's an odd coda to that: when he was ruling Japan MacArthur was utterly blind to the quite serious threat the Communists there might have grown into. It took George Kennan, in an interlude away from his Russian work, to go to Tokyo, take the good General like a babe in arms, and tell him how it all worked. In the Hoovervilles case, MacArthur was a sucker for the dopiest of right-wing fantasy about how radical agitators were a threat to the state. In Japan, where there actually was a possibility of such a threat, he was all goo-goo about what he imagined were sweet and charming social reformers. Cheers, -dlj.
@richardfrost4936 6 жыл бұрын
Roland St Germain He locked his soldiers weapons in the arms room. McArthur left and ordered them to surrender as soon as he was safety gone. I was told this by a uncle of mine who almost was one of them except for a stroke of luck he got transferred out of the Philippines just in time
@TheRealLaughingGravy 6 жыл бұрын
@baboonie minks - You left out the part about Elvis leading the Martian Rebellion. Without that, your comment almost sounds a little crazy.
@Gracie18841 5 жыл бұрын
I work at the Truman house and Harry seemed to really think about the consequences before acting .
@darugdawg2453 8 ай бұрын
now were in this fuking mess
@boli4203 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who has read Gen. MacArthur's biography would agree that he was an extraordinarily good military leader. That said, nobody's perfect and Truman really had no choice but to do what he did. Sad that things had to come to that.
@jacktattis Жыл бұрын
MacArthur was not as good as he was in his own mind.
@SandfordSmythe 8 ай бұрын
Truman's military advisors thought very little of his skills.
@boli4203 8 ай бұрын
@@SandfordSmythe I would imagine that the feeling was mutual...
@AngryitNerd 6 жыл бұрын
if we had listened to mcarthur and patton, we wouldnt have all the problems today we have around the world
@joshuawillis602 5 жыл бұрын
Rional Gaming what are these problems? Truman made the right decision
@maryannmarcelino8101 Жыл бұрын
We Filipinos love General Douglas McArthur!!!! he fullfilled his promised to us❤
@thomasmcdaniel6264 6 жыл бұрын
President Truman had cajones!! He never did anything rash. He talked, listened, and discussed every move. The Bomb was not something that was done out of haste or emotion. Neither was firing MacArthur.
@arthur682 5 жыл бұрын
icecool1616 ? You don’t make sense at all. Your spelling is trash, you don’t even know what you are talking about and saying the US can’t recover from wars is actually the dumbest crap I’ve heard.
@crunkalac 5 жыл бұрын
Yes the bomb was a huge mistake.
@erich2432 Жыл бұрын
@@crunkalac The bomb was a statement to Stalin.
@chadzahirshah2588 Жыл бұрын
@@crunkalacIf the bomb was a mistake what do we make of the tens of millions of bodies that were lying in rows including babies boiled in Shanghai by the Japanese?
@crystalperry6370 Жыл бұрын
I agree with Truman.
@matshagglund3550 6 жыл бұрын
Admiral Leahy and president Roosevelt understood better how to defeat Japan with minimizing own military losses. MacArthur would have pushed American soldiers to island to island bloody land warfare. The fact is that WW2 had just one combat with decisive and crucial result: The Marianas. Americans won it with own military deaths of 5 000 and every Japanese high commanders knew immediately that the war was lost totally. Looks like Navy men had indeed more wisdom.
@jacktattis Жыл бұрын
Well my friend they still fought in New Guinea Borneo Burma Bougainville they must not have heard the the Mariannas was the death knell
@dougfredricks2017 Жыл бұрын
Truman was a "Tell it like it is" Leader
@TickleSalty Жыл бұрын
MacArthur thought he had supreme authority, even above his Commander-in-Chief. His ego was his own worst enemy, and it cost him the chance to be President. I can only imagine how he felt seeing Eisenhower taking the oath of President.
@thodeus 6 жыл бұрын
Who got the parade? Who got booed? Who is loved? Who is hated? History will teach us. that is lesson learned period.
@jimkaipanen6577 5 жыл бұрын
I was 11 years old when PRESIDENT TRUMAN fired MacArthur our teacher must have been a Republican, she downbeat TRUMAN in class and praised MacArthur ,after graduating and thinking back not the smartest to stand in front of the blackboard.
@samwecerinvictus 5 ай бұрын
Lol, you aren’t very bright.
@DavidRamirez-ww5kv 4 жыл бұрын
As much as I respect and love General MacArthur, I believe that President Truman was justified in relieving MacArthur when he did.
@vicvega4415 3 жыл бұрын
Your a fool
@jimzafiriou7808 3 жыл бұрын
@@vicvega4415 Yes because you know more than Omar Bradley and the Joint Chiefs did. MacArthur was a dud in WW2 and Korea.
@carlhicksjr8401 6 жыл бұрын
MacArthur was a living example of why our nation separates the military and executive government so stringently. A general officer DOES NOT get to call the President 'the temporary occupant of the White House' without repercussions. PRIVATES can call the President an effing moron, that's their prerogative, but an officer is expected to behave better than that. MacA was a complicated man. Like Patton, he grew up in time when Civil War styles and standards of leadership... of grabbing the regimental colors and yelling 'ONWARD, MEN!' was expected of an officer... especially so in MacA's case, as that was how his father won the Medal of Honor at Missionary Ridge. Furthermore, MacA was very solicitous of his men. He never failed to visit hospitals, award decorations personally, or avoid casualties whenever possible. And it is completely reasonable to call the man a genius in a generation that was replete with towering personalities, both in the military and out. But he was also vain, arrogant, and ambitious to his very considerable fault. He was petty, going so far as to pursue grudge matches against peers and subordinates for decades. His loyalty to that batch of useless courtiers called 'The Bataan Gang' was legendary. Whatever they said was right, and whatever evidence went against them was wrong. Period. This led to several near debacles *including* the disaster that was the opening months of Korea. Douglas MacArthur was the US Viceroy in Japan **and** the Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, on 01 June 1950. More specifically, he was the effective commander of occupation forces in Japan. This command was WOEFULLY unprepared to fight when the NKs crossed the border on the 25th of June. While it is true that SecDef Louis Johnson had savagely cut the military budget in the wake of War Two, troops of 1CAV, 24 & 25 INF went to Korea in that summer **without even having zeroed their personal weapons** . Most of the draftees had highly shined boots and starched uniforms, but hadn't been on a road march since Basic Training much less a rifle range. The troops did not have even a basic proficiency in their basic tasks as soldiers, so busy were they on occupation duties. Failure to train their troops to the best of their resources isn't a failure in government, it's a failure of command. That failure of duty rests with the commander. And that commander was Dugout Doug.
@jds6206 2 жыл бұрын
"Complicated man" = out of touch dinosaur....
@carlhicksjr8401 2 жыл бұрын
@@jds6206 And Patton was delusional. Norman Schwarzkopf had a legendary temper and held grudges that ruined careers. Petreus eff'd up his career with his by boffing a subordinate. McChrystal pulled a 'MacArthur' and talked shit about the POTUS in front of a reporter. Commanders are not automatons, to be activated when needed and deactivated and stored for later. They're human beings with all the faults that entails. Same thing with Presidents. But men like US Grant and Douglas MacArthur are the shining examples of why we don't require our politicians to serve in the military. Some of our best politicians never did a day in the service, while some of our worst did.
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 Жыл бұрын
wow talk about issue what you failed boot camp
@bodasactra 8 жыл бұрын
MacArthur later was considered reckless and inciteful in asking to expand the war and use nuclear weapons in China. It is good the army answers to the president.
@dddhhh2612 6 жыл бұрын
Explained so that it is easy to understand. And only 6 minutes. Please keep doing these!
@kreativeminds5522 5 ай бұрын
I Think that General MacArthur's removal from command during the Korean War was a wise decision made by President Truman. We were not prepared as a country at that particular point in history for hostilities to escalate. In addition, the entire world required a break from the threat of yet another global conflict. The importance of war just cannot be confined to generals. It should mainly be the President's prerogative to become involved in any and all military affairs. Any general that he or she wishes to fire should be able to do so at any time. The people have elected the President to serve as the country's commander and chief of state.
@Nygaard2 6 жыл бұрын
McArthur ignored the Chinese warnings as well, it wasn’t as if the Chinese had any real desire for at war right after their own civil war. He should have listened to Truman.
@林阿水-s7x 5 жыл бұрын
Precisely that was Mao immediate occupation which led to Chiang Kai Shek's escape peacefully to the island of Taiwan. So history has it. Chiang was a lucky man.
@bluemarshall6180 5 жыл бұрын
Magnus Nygaard Truman sucks.
@RobTheNotary 4 жыл бұрын
I think it’s kind of interesting that on the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay the signings were done by all the politicians but yet MacArthur was there running the show. I wonder why Truman choose not to be there.
@jrbrassow4325 4 жыл бұрын
I believe MacArthur and Nimitz ran the show and were equals. Nimitz seems to be overlooked due to his soft-spoken demeanor.
@japsley6172 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Useful history perspective.
@jeffersonwright6249 Жыл бұрын
Mac was a master of PR, and a disastrous military commanders ever: he lost the Philippines in 1941, he then got sucked into a war of attrition with the Japanese during the battle of Luzon in February 1944 that resulted in the total destruction of manilla a historically beautiful city that was 500 years old. And he then almost trapped the world into a nuclear war. What a humbug!
@hubertwalters4300 4 ай бұрын
He didn't lose the Philippines, with the Pacific Freet mostly destroyed there was no way for the American troops there to supplied,eventually as usually happens with a besieged force they ran out of food,fuel,ammunition and medical supplies, they had no choice but to surrender or be massacred to a man. Alot of the blame must be laid at the feet of the JCS and the Navy,all of them knew the Japanese were going to attack but the JCS and the Navy all believed the attack would fall on the Philippines first,when anyone mentioned that Peal Harbor might be attacked they were told that could not happen,Pearl Harbor was too far away from Japan and they could not move a fleet all the way across the Pacific to within striking distance of Pear Harbor without being spotted and attacked,they believed it to risky and the Japanese would not do it,I don't know if MacArthur's opinion was asked,it was his job to get the Philippines ready to repel a Japanese invasion, he did his job,but to be successful he needed to get supplies and reinforcements in and with the Pacific fleet mostly destroyed at Pearl Harbor he could not be resupplyed,and repeling a Japanese invasion became an untenable task.
@1999glock 8 жыл бұрын
Greatest military leader this nation has ever produced. PERIOD. Read and study your history before you disagree with that assessment. However great as a general, he was 100% wrong in his defying of the president. From a military standpoint Mac was right. From a political and legal standpoint, Truman was correct in dismissing the general.
@fundamentos3439 6 жыл бұрын
President Truman did the right thing. During the Civil War, President Lincoln dismissed General McClellan from command of the Army of the Potomac, for not following his orders. Both Presidents were under tremendous pressure, but they were right.
@bighands69 6 жыл бұрын
+Fundamentos Truman was wrong. He simply did not understand the communist USSR or PRC threat. He just assumed that the likes of Korea was separate from the issues of PRC and USSR. If it was not for the Brilliance of McArthur North Korea would have conquered the whole of the peninsula. That would have allowed a further expansion of the communism. There is a lot of people out there who do not understand that the Vietnam war was about stopping the spread of communism.
@fundamentos3439 4 жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Here we must deal with several topics : a) China - and the USSR - as well, warned the UN forces not to cross the 32nd. Parallel. b) General MacArthur was carried away by his successful landing at Inchon , and dismissed the Chinese army as well as Chinese resolve to restore the Pre - June 1950 satus - quo. c) McCarrhyism was at its climax in the USA , and many innocent people were accused of ' being communist '. d) Ho Chi Minh was more a nationalist than a communist. He greatly admired the USA, and wanted to work with the US Presidents more than anything in the world. e) Ignorant people , such as Senator McCarthy , biased people , such as the Dulles brothers , and vested interest groups headed by BIG BUSINESS & Mainstream media - Henry Luce at the forefeont - created the ' Communist threat ' and the ' Domino theory ' , which had such a great impact in the Post WWII world.
@edmundcharles5278 4 ай бұрын
He had his vices as any other human does, he was very talented and devoted to the Army and his country , but he was a man of his times and thinking! He had a keen eye for all phases of military campaigning: strategic, theater, and tactical! He was also the right man to rebuild Japan. By the time of the Korean invasion in 1950, he was in his seventies and he had seen snd done all that a military general could. Although he had clashed with FDR, the two men had mutual respect for each other’s personality and knowledge; not so with the new President Harry Truman. It wails a mixture of oil and vinegar! There was mutual disrespect and antagonism, yet the two men needed each other early in the war. MacArthur knew that a decisive victory and strategy was needed, so he planned and executed the Inchon landings perfectly and won back all territory which had been lost. He kept pushing forward and the Chinese thought that they were going to be invaded by MacArthur. The Chinese invaded Korea and the war became a quagmire. MacArthur decided to take the war against Chinese targets and this was against President Truman’s directive against widening the war. MacArthur fully pushed his authority and plans fighting that he had very little to lose at his stage of life. Truman naturally fired him. Politically the President was quite correct; yet given the status in Korea and China, were are few military strategy critics to contend that MacArthur was militarily wrong! Sometimes it takes decades or centuries of a given historical event. The world is paying for the outcome of the Korean War.
@catandpiddle 11 жыл бұрын
very interesting, jim. thanks for making and posting this.
@texaspete33 4 жыл бұрын
MacArthur's ego got a lot of men unnecessarily killed.
@JRobbySh 3 жыл бұрын
McArthur did not know that Stalin had spies in London who knew that the US would not attack Communist bases in Manchuria. The policy had already been set before he went north.
@grumpyoldman8661 11 жыл бұрын
I think President Truman was right to ask for his resignation. I admire Gen. MacArthur, indeed like Field-Marshal Lord Alanbrooke I think he was the greatest military commander of WW2. However, the strength of both the US and UK political systems are that they are built on the primacy of the civilian arm. Elected politicians rule (subject to recall at General Elections) and generals obey.
@evyalley 5 ай бұрын
Personally, I think it's a good thing Presidents have the power to make such decisions. They should absolutely listen to military advice given (a perspective they don't have and knowledge they don't have) but the president also has the power to zoom out and look at the big picture of things. He can get the deeper information without bias being involved. The president would have the right to turn down military advice if he sees that, big picture, it will cause more harm than good or there's a certain small detail or two that would prevent a certain plan from working how they want it to.
@二十一世纪新青年-n3d 5 жыл бұрын
Underneath were comments 99% coming from one direction - American and her allies (many of them South Koreans), for no reason other than the language barrier that confronts the general public of Chinese people. I for one, who doesn't have such a problem, would very much like to leave a lonely message here to all of you, not who cheer the bravery of the ally soldiers (especially MacArthur) even though I would rather believe the then Chinese Volenteer Army deserves much more credit as their military power was indisputably far inferior to that of the USA-led United Nation armies, but who have not seen the lesson in this war. There are 3 points I would like to lay bare in the following : First, in humanity, partial justice is no justice no matter which direction it comes from, how and what it concludes. Second, any form of unwarranted self-congratulation will lead to the ultimate humiliation no matter who you are and how powerful you are. The last but not the least, deal with all people with respect and dignity no matter who they are, how they are, and where they come from - not the least if they happen to have come from China! I am proud of my country (it happenes to be China) just as you yours!
@domdenazareth5542 Жыл бұрын
You do understand that China fought against South Korea just in order to end up like South Korea after having experienced the life of North Korean peoples for so long that Chinese were exhausted ?
@Retroscoop 4 жыл бұрын
I don't understand: I thought MacArthur wanted to drop nuclear bombs on bridges to prevent the Chinese and eventually Russians to enter Korea, not to "take the war to China", or did he ? With hindsight, would he have done so, that might have changed the world completely: the Chinese communists took power only one year earlier (1949) and didn't have a big army yet. The USSR had nuclear bombs, but not yet missiles that could reach the USA, only bombers. But of course, Moscow could have reacted immediately, by invading Germany and the rest of Europe. The USA couldn't win a war on two fronts at the same time...
@christopherbowen2547 4 жыл бұрын
Korea began the no-victory wars we have mistakenly got into since.
@vonGleichenT 12 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that the founding fathers made the President commander in chief. I don't think that we wanted it the other way around.
@greencacti7 5 ай бұрын
1) It's important to note that the founding fathers' main intentions when placing a civilian at the helm of the US Military was intentional to limit the chances for the military to become a dictatorial force. The reason a military general is not given the opportunity to lead the military in its totality is to prevent cases like these, where MacArthur could have completely started a whole different war and costed far more American/Chinese/Korean lives if he was totally in charge. 2) The President should give some deference to the military about necessity and strategy, but should also be informed about how these actions and precautions could produce potential downfalls. In this case, Truman did what he thought was right for the American people, even if it was an unpopular decision to fire MacArthur. Truman likely saved many lives by not listening to MacArthur, ignoring his advice, and going on the path of less bloodshed.
@kingmiura8138 7 жыл бұрын
MacArthur did some good things and he did some bad things. He was too old for the position. I think the whole war in the Pacific should be reviewed by the military. Hindsight is 20/20 but maybe some more of the islands and the Phillipines should have been skipped over instead of invaded. Japan was the target and after the Japanese fleet and most of the supply ships were destroyed, the troops on the islands could not be supported......they would have surrendered when Japan surrendered.
@johnmanuel2666 6 жыл бұрын
King Miura Philippines has not been invaded by Japan if America was not too greedy to take over the island after US-Spanish war!!! America had no rights to take over Philippines!!!
@soshoux 6 жыл бұрын
The Filipinos in the US today would never have been here if the US had not taken possession of the PI.
@bighands69 6 жыл бұрын
Japanese empire goal was to form their empire over the whole of the pacific region and that even includes Australia. How any of you could think that Japan only invaded places because of the US is just insane. Japan also invaded China and slaughter millions include babies.
@chadzahirshah2588 Жыл бұрын
@@bighands69Welcome to the anti-west hate club
@Kruppt808 7 ай бұрын
This needs to a 3 hour deep dive
@markgrunzweig6377 5 ай бұрын
Excellent video! Too bad these realistic shorts are not mandatory "public service" segments between current political claims.
@jackjohnsen8506 Жыл бұрын
Mac Arthur was a lover of self to the very max. If Truman would have not caned Him, we would have been in a nuke war, with Russia..US Army veteran
@captainamerica6525 3 жыл бұрын
MacArthur was insubordinate and Truman was absolutely correct in relieving him. Mac's first duty and oath was to uphold the constitution which in disobeying Truman as Commander In Chief, he failed to do. I also understand that MacArthur moved atomic weapons without approval of the president into the pacific arena during the Korean War.
@melonshop8888 3 жыл бұрын
@JM-xl2cs 6 жыл бұрын
There are two points to consider: the form and the content of the matter First point is if the dismissal was justified or not. MacAthur didt’n commit any illegal action justifying his dismissal by law reasons. MacAthur didn’t disobey orders from the president or from the military high command; he didn’t commit any kind of insurrection. Truman fired him just for expressing a different opinion to his, even if Truman pretended other reasons. Also MacAthur didn’t speech his thoughts directly to the public or to the media, he just wrote then in a letter to a congressman, who reads it to the media. (Did MacArthur ask the congressman to do that? I don’t know) The president decided that a general could not express a different opinion, and he felt he had the right, even the duty, to fire him because of that; but it was just Truman`s opinion, not a clear rule, and of course not a law. The MacAthur opinion could be politically inconvenient, but not illegal. I must point out that there was no law that prohibited MacArthur or any other military from expressing his opinion, even if it was different from the president opinion or policy. I think it was the first time in US that a president fired a general for expressing a different opinion, this created a precedent So I think this a question of individual opinion. Mine is that dismissing someone for expressing a different opinion is not the response from a democrat leader, but from a weak leader and despot who can’t admit collaborators contradicting him, and is not able to impose his opinion/policy by other means Concerning the form chosen by the president, I think it was very clumsy, disrespectful with MacArhur, and unnecessarily negative for its own reputation and popularity. Clumsy because the politically smart way would have been to announce something like "generational relief", "retirement after fulfilling the mission", etc, but avoiding the veiled accusation of quasi-traction (something clearly unfounded legally); and publicly thanking MacAthur “the immense services rendered to the country and the world” or similar. But announcing a dishonest dismissal was unfair, petty, and unnecessary. Disrespectful and dishonest because MacAthur should have been informed before the media and the public, but it happened at the opposite: MacAthur learned the news by the media, he received the official communication one day later, looking for an additional humiliation. The form chosen by the president, can be understand as a typical response from someone who wants to show that he is the alpha male whom nobody can contradict. A typical first visceral thought, but a poorly studied response and a political clumsiness
@privateeye8023 7 жыл бұрын
General MacArthur is, was, forever a HERO in the Philippines and South Korea. - From a Filipino -
@melonshop8888 3 жыл бұрын
@robdow6348 11 ай бұрын
What would have happened if Truman listened to General MacArthur? The purely academic principle of a civilian authority over the military….ego vs pragmatism. North Korea and China could have been defeated. Resulting in no North Korea and Red China threat to the USA Today. Of course the principal of civilian leadership of the military is sound policy. But McArther was right and Truman decisions based his decision on presidential ego. General MacArthur saved the UN forces from defeat, through his brilliant strategies. Truman’s strategy’s insured a stalemate. As General MacArthur stated in his book. There is No Substitute for Victory. Would China be as powerful today and would North Korea threatening its neighbors, if Truman listened to his General and didn’t consult his ego?
@tomt373 2 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one here who has read the book "Operation Broken Reed: Truman's Secret North Korean Spy Mission that Averted World War III" by Arthur L. Boyd? In it, the author explains how as part of a "black ops" team to infiltrate China and report what he saw, how if MacArthur had had his way and seriously made moves on his threat to invade China, just inside of their border with North Korea, they had an air base loaded with Russian Bear bombers and their Mig 15 escorts, equipped with thermonuclear weapons, ready to attack any and all capitals/major cities of countries supportive of the U.N. forces. Obviously with his ego, MacArthur could care less, making it NECESSARY for Truman to discharge him.
@Scrunchymage 2 жыл бұрын
Man, the more I hear about this guy the more I dislike him. The adoration he had with the public was so misplaced. Sounds like the real story is that he was a completely inept and incompetent leader.
@vrmartin202 Жыл бұрын
Interesting and timely questions to consider. Fortunately we have an exchange of ideas, and no one person controls the narrative all the time. MacArthur is a fascinating character - but so is Truman. When giants collide …
@CoronaVirus-gb5qi 4 жыл бұрын
Gen. Mc Arthur is also our hero in the Philippines, he liberated us from Japanese invader. U.S soldiers are liberators not invaders.
@chriscolton6329 Жыл бұрын
At least he wasn't bumped off, like poor old Patton...
@shyloswick 12 күн бұрын
Trumen showed he was indeed the commander in chief of the military
@jinroh516 Жыл бұрын
Truman saved the world getting rid of Old Fossil Douglas
@paulryan147 Жыл бұрын
I believe Harry Trumen is one of the finest presidents the US had.
@TheAmerican1963 3 жыл бұрын
Truth be told, he was not up to the task.....when Ridgeway stepped in, he fired almost all of this knuckleheads staff, citing them absolutely unfit..........
@barrytelesford5244 7 жыл бұрын
The President had spoken.
@frankrobinsjr.1719 5 ай бұрын
Though he was a great military genius, General MacArthur wanted everything under his control. Even during WWII this was clear in some of his statements and letters that he wrote. Sadly, in my opinion, both men were right and couldn't/wouldn't find a way to compromise. The main reason for President Truman's low rating was because he had promised veterans that they would only be recalled last if they stopped taking the country's coin. Instead, knowing he was only buying time with lives and needed to keep as many alive as possible, Truman recalled those officers who had combat experience first. Secondly, because of the actions of the Truman Committee, training had taken a hit. Less training meant less familiarity with weapons, tactics, etc. Finally, Truman did listen to his military advisors. None of them liked MacArthur's plans as they would have left the United States weak in other areas of operation that had nothing to do with the war. Finally, General MacArthur was more interested in loyalty than effectiveness. If you were part of "The Bataan Gang," your opinion mattered more than those who might have more experience or knowledge. Sadly, their "loyalty" was to General MacArthur rather than to the United States. (Which is why there were no Chinese in North Korea until Chinese troops were sent into the Dai Ichi building. Sadly, though he remained on General MacArthur's staff, General Charles Willoughby would forever have his opinions checked by others. MacArthur hated a failure of his subordinate that could make him look bad.)
@Dafttar 11 жыл бұрын
The problem in this situation wasn't Douglas MacArthur. The problem was Truman's lack of leadership. Had he given clear, direct orders to MacArthur instead of the vague guidelines he suggested, there never would have been a problem.
@Scrunchymage 2 жыл бұрын
What MacArthur suggested would have been suicide. It would have escalated the conflict into a Third World War. None of the higher ups in command were behind macaurthar. By the sounds of it he was a self obsessed ego driven idiot. Thank god Truman had the balls to sack him.
@kurtiseschofield 7 жыл бұрын
MacArthur led the Army's attack on the bonus marchers in 1932. If he was going to disobey a presidential order, that would have been the time to do it. He should have been tried for treason in 1942. His "defense" of the Philippines was a national disgrace. His strategy in New Guinea was merely a repeat of the meat grinder tactics of WW1. His only successes were his leadership of post-war Japan (however, he should have prosecuted Japanese war criminals with more vigor) and his Inchon landing in Korea. However, I would expect a 1st year West Point cadet to be smart enough to have come up with that strategy. To his soldiers he was no hero. To them he was "Dugout Doug".
@delilah1717 5 ай бұрын
I think this question depends on what the real situation is. We have to trust that our president understands what it actually needed. If it affected peoples way of life, I believe that the president should interfere, and adjust the military to what they should do.
@autokorrektor8166 Жыл бұрын
Sounds alot like Patton...... At least MacArthur was allowed to live.
@donnypueblo1330 5 ай бұрын
I think the president should be able to take advice from the military but not be controlled by it. The military does not always have the presidents policies and promises as well as the best interests of the country in mind so the president should be the one to weigh the costs and benefits of the military’s plans of action and then from there choose what course they wish to take. In the situation of a massive loss of lives, wether military or civilian, or another situation that might endanger our country or another, if the president believes military advice will worsen the situation then it should be overruled.
@patrickeh696 6 жыл бұрын
The MOST obvious lesson is that Presidents should NOT engage in illegal wars. Truman should have been shot for violating the Constitution.
@joshuawillis602 5 жыл бұрын
Patrick EH what lies are you spewing?
@isaacfritz4971 5 ай бұрын
The president should give much deference to the military when it comes decisions pertaining to the war and battle strategies and plans when it’s in the boundaries of the planned war. Since the military has more insight on the matter than the President dealing with political issues. While the president has the right to overrule military advice when it can cause a mass political issue, whether it changes the status between the two nations or if world peace and ethics are at risk of being violated. Since the president is representative of the American people, it would make sense if overruling the military’s advice protects/secures the interest of the American people.
@caomhan84 11 жыл бұрын
Cool heads make the best decisions. Truman was correct and prudent. If given his way, MacArthur would've opened a huge can of worms. War with China (and nuclear war with Russia soon after) would've been devastating for this country. Chiang Kai Shek found out that a superior army could be crushed in China...MacArthur would've found that out too. Hawkishness without foresight showed why MacArthur was the employee and Truman was the boss.
@Time2Act 6 жыл бұрын
War is too important to be left to generals!!!! And 5 Stars General was to exception - THE END.
@AshuA-uk9dz 5 ай бұрын
Presidents should give deference to the military in regard to battle tactics because they are trained to interpret warfare conflict over citizens. Military leaders should be granted liberty to execute orders as they see best fit in regard to efficiency and cost. However, presidents should overrule military commands when civilian deaths and soldier casualties are taken into account. It is the president's duty to mitigate war and save the lives and economy of a country in the best interest of that nation.
@shawnmichaelduncan5951 6 жыл бұрын
Believed if we had gotten communists out of North Korea and win their wouldn't of been Nam.
@thedude9024 4 жыл бұрын
Unrelated, but these circumstances with highly respected martial commanders being relieved by political control, have happened throughout history. If you know about Islam, during the Rashidun period, Khalid ibn al-Walid was a competent commander, so competent that when Uthman became Caliph, he relieved him from command, even though he was highly respected by his troops... Its funny how the world works.
@allenwatkins4972 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent summary.
@miguelencanarias 6 жыл бұрын
From Max Hastings' book "Military anecdotes" (Oxford University Press, 1985) "Almost at the very moment yesterday that the news of General MacArthur's relief was coming over the radio at the divisional command post on the western front where I have been spending a few days, a terrific wind blew across the camp site, leveling a couple of tents. A few minutes later, a hailstorm lashed the countryside. A few hours after that, there was a driving snowstorm. Since the weather had been fairly springlike for the previous couple of weeks, the odd climatic goings on prompted one soldier to exclaim, 'Gee, do you suppose he really is God, after all?'" E. J. Kahn
@phillamonica4471 11 жыл бұрын
Before commenting, one should do their homework. By any standard, Mac Arthur was an ego maniac and a "glory grabber". No doubt. But, he was also the greatest military leader this nation has ever produced. A general officer in three wars, WWI, WWII and Korea, he was Supreme among military leaders. Love him or hate him, his accomplishments in battle are unequalled.
@ajibang9416 7 жыл бұрын
Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur Thank you. I shall return.
@Larry-pp7cu Жыл бұрын
His dismissal was a big mistake!
@DP-8964 Жыл бұрын
Truman was naive.
@rodbutler4054 Жыл бұрын
General McArthur was a genius by keeping the Emperor of Japan in place. Any GI stationed in Japan never witnessed retaliation by the Japanese citizens on the occupation force and further developed a closer admiration for each other’s cultures.
@dougtheviking6503 Жыл бұрын
Yes they did as told by a soldier that it happened to. The General also was laxed on finding a persecuting war criminals.. The troops in the Philippines suffered horribly when he left . Abandoned basically by our Government while he was there he lived a good life and a mistress while understaff saw what was happening trained the men best they could.. Give him credit on the Korean thing . Taking on more or stopping while he was ahead might have kept him around .. Toss up might of caused another WW.
@jacktattis Жыл бұрын
I don't give a rats bum about the Jap culture Not after the bastards used our soldiers as meat. Yes even Americans
@edmundcharles5278 4 ай бұрын
A President defers military decision making to a given military or naval officer when there exists the full faith and confidence in the given GO/FO. Sometimes this decision is correct as in the case of Eisenhower’s role as Supreme Allied Commanded in Europe and it was misplaced by placing faith in General Westmoreland (and McNamara) during the Vietnam War.
@ronjamski3911 5 ай бұрын
For his conduct in losing the PI he should have been court martial education, not given a MOH. He failed to prepare.
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