Letter To The ARRL: Ham Radio Is More Than A Great Hobby And You Should Know That.

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Jim W6LG

Jim W6LG

3 жыл бұрын

Please watch to the end. I will add again that I am not angry. I just wanted to make a few points to the ARRL leadership. And, express my sincere disappointment in the lack of response and support from the ARRL and the CEO. My video does have a number of edits with some being jumps. Those happened because I had to shorten the video and concentrate on the things that seemed important to me. Thanks for watching and please add constructive comments.
JugSouthgate • 53 minutes ago
I want to ask W6LG one question:
Is that the best you can do?
Jim W6LG
• 12 minutes ago
Very good question! And, the answer is probably I can do better. I am just one guy, 71 years old, using oxygen when not on camera, use a walker, mild emphysema, heart failure, severe osteoporosis, lost part of my lungs, thyroid disease, anemia, blood clots, multiple pulmonary embolisms, heart attack and minor strokes and not likely to live many years longer. I never smoked and hardly ever drank alcohol. Thanks for asking and offering advice. But yes, I can do better and hope to do just than. 73 from your friend, Jim Heath W6LG

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@DrHWO 3 жыл бұрын
It wasn't anger that came across, more the disappointment and the feeling of being let down. If there was ever a time for the ARRL to step up to the plate........
@JugSouthgate 3 жыл бұрын
What would you have "ARRL" do to "step up to the plate"?
@DrHWO 3 жыл бұрын
@@JugSouthgate Thanks Jugs, My understanding of the ARRL's mission statement is as below. My request is that they should be advocates for growth of and access to the hobby ( as per the mission statement) as opposed to placing barriers in the way. Accepted, it isn't a lot of money now, but this is how it begins. Hence step up to the plate and uphold their views - after all, they are are our views! "To support the awareness and growth of Amateur Radio worldwide." "To advocate for meaningful access to the radio spectrum"
@JugSouthgate 3 жыл бұрын
@@DrHWO But what does "advocate for growth of and access to" mean in real-world terms? For example, does "growth" simply mean "more licensed hams", even if huge numbers of them are inactive? Does "access" mean "make the licenses easier to get, with more privileges"? As for HOA/CC&R antenna restrictions, how should ARRL proceed when a significant number of amateurs don't agree with overriding such rules?
@DrHWO 3 жыл бұрын
@@JugSouthgate For me, the ideal type of growth would be a push towards youth. Anything which makes the hobby less attractive ( including cost and HOA covenants) will not help. The ARRL is often followed in its ethos by sister organisations around the globe. In that respect, its effect is like radio waves, they don't respect geopolitical boundaries. Access for me means being presented with an opportunity to go further and not a reduction in the standards we strive to uphold or an extension to the privileges we enjoy.
@JugSouthgate 3 жыл бұрын
@@DrHWO But how would a "push towards youth" actually be implemented?
@brianjrichman 3 жыл бұрын
Not an ARRL member here... Why do you think I am not a member? Everything Jim says.
@hertzkot 3 жыл бұрын
sadly the same situation exists in Greece
@lateshow63 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim for speaking up. I’m a licensed amateur radio operator since 1958. One of my incentives for radio license was to help in emergency’s. My Elmer never thought of amateur radio as a hobby. Operating was simply an exercise in preparation for emergency traffic or communication. Just as I listened to the tragic Nashville, TN floods a few nights ago all municipal communications went down. I did here emergency traffic being forwarded to rescue agencies by calm and organized amateur operators. When I started in radio the ARRL was! amateur radio. I have a very small station now but I keep up with our emergency tornado nets that are necessary where I live in Texas. I regret the loss of the ARRL as our advocate to the FCC.
@k8byp 2 жыл бұрын
We dont need an advocate with FCC. We can go directly mow. Youre living way in the past... My comments to FCC in re RM 11759 are the reason the free license scam was ended. See my video on that topuc here on KZbin..
@charlescartwright6367 3 жыл бұрын
I think ARRL has been out of touch with most Amateur Radio Operators for a number of years just my opinion AH7Y Chuck
@kg5pte 3 жыл бұрын
ARRL told me to learn by watching youtube videos. And by reading there books and Manuel’s. Same reason I left some of the veteran service organizations. Because they did nothing for me.
@hertzkot 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Jim and respect to you, my name is Alexi and I live in Athens Greece. So touched by your video so here are some ham facts from Greece. 1) In 1986 the city of Kalamata was badly hit by an earthquake. Communications were all cut off during the first week, disabling rescue operations and mobile co-ordination. It was only thanks to ham operators that bridged Kalamata with Athens via HF (and provided local V/UHF) that enabled operations until normal comms were restored. There was no internet in Greece back then. Hams struggled and successfully provided a round the clock infrastructure that saved peoples' lives. They were honorably mentioned in the news, hats off! 2) Every year we have trouble with summer forest fires, and before the advent of GSM mobile networks and digital trunked radio optimized comms, it was the hams (again) who would bridge VHF & UHF frequencies so that the fire brigade / ambulances / police / civil protection services could DIRECTLY communicate with each other. This used to happen year after year after year. 3) So many kids started with ham radio and gained such an interest they continued to study physics / electronics, so I am saddened to hear the mighty ARRL's views regarding ham radio as just a hobby, this is really paranoid demeaning inconsiderate and erroneous, all at once. Take care my friend and I'm glad to have met you! If I had an HF rig I'd love to chat with you on the air. '73 and aloha from Athens. PS: how can people thumbs down this video, what is wrong with you?
@davidhayden6724 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Jim! You definitely did not come across as angry but you did convey great concern. I have been a Ham for only about two years but I do not look at Ham radio as just a "hobby". My club, as well as our members, are involved in local emergency management, support of our local community, and provide communications support for various foot and bicycle racing clubs in our area. I fully enjoy all aspects of Ham radio but am most proud of our abilities to provide emergency and community services. The ARRL needs to recognize and fully embrace that if they wish to represent us effectively. K4UVX
@lawrencefusco3096 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent points, why does it always have to be a crisis before someone takes action! No way should they be charging a license fee and the ARRL That used to do so good sticking up for us seems to be lacking. Very sad!
@feeatlastfeeatlast5283 3 жыл бұрын
What makes you think the ARRL is not sticking up for you? They fought like hell at the FCC about the fees. But the silly fees are a penny a day. $3.65 a friggin YEAR!
@ProperLogicalDebate 3 жыл бұрын
I certainly hope that the fee increase is the magician getting us to look at one hand while something worse is going on in the other.
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
People who are upset about the license fee are freeloaders riding off the wallets of GMRS license fees for decades ever since ham radio went to no cost around the 1980s.
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
The ARRL fought to get the fee dropped from $50 to $35. Both fee prices are still lower than the amateur radio license fees cost in the 1970s.
@umajunkcollector 3 жыл бұрын
Funny belly aching about a fee, but will spend untold thousands of $ to talk (brag or give a 5/9 location) on a radio, CQ CQ CQ! (crickets)
@jes4596 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim for all that you do ! You are certainly my Elmer for years. God bless you and your family. 73 for now sir, Don WU3D
@lf7961 3 жыл бұрын
The ARRL has pretended too long. The recent video has exposed their incompetence and lack of direction for all to witness. The evidence is overwhelming. The ARRL at a minimum needs a house cleaning with all new leadership but many of us would like to see a completely new organization.
@Shmitty1690 3 жыл бұрын
Let the ARRL go... start a new one and let them fail on their own doing.
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
The evidence is overwhelming? What evidence? Which video?
@Shmitty1690 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammiller6631 save face? Or honest question?
@umajunkcollector 3 жыл бұрын
We hams have a sense of humor, a crummy amateur vid is good for laughs, a lid vid by HQ, hi hi lol lol
@edwymer2226 3 жыл бұрын
Very good video Jim, Thank you for standing up for and Representing The Ham radio community, You are a Great American, 73 KC3GHC,
@4MTL4p 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, Thanks for your insight. I’ve been an amateur for 37 years. I’ve struggled a long time with the decisions, priorities, and behaviors of the ARRL leadership. As we lost the 3.5 GHz band to the well financed mobile phone providers, the league kept its focus on raising the Titanic’s radio gear from its watery North Atlantic grave. As league membership has contracted even as the number of licensed amateurs has grown, the board has focused on censuring its members and internal political strife. As the membership gentrified the league wasted millions on fighting BPL (which never amounted to anything...). It’s no surprise to me that you received no support or so much as a phone call. It also doesn’t surprise me to see the poor presentation from the league. The league has taken our money, spent it on all the wrong priorities, and declines accountability. Perhaps now is the time for creative destruction. Let us disband the ARRL and start with a clean slate of leadership in a new organization. Maybe then there will be real vision for a sustainable future for our service.
@lasrpm 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim. I left the ARRL many years ago because I felt they were doing a really poor job in representing the HAM radio community to the FCC. Congratulations in having the courage to call them out. 73s
@n4hnhradio 3 жыл бұрын
Same here! 73, de N4HNH
@nivlac5 3 жыл бұрын
I wrote the ARRL a letter 3 years ago with similar concerns as to the direction of the future of ARRL. I included the board of directors, all the vice-presidents, and pretty much everyone else I could find.... I never got any reply from anyone at the ARRL. I have not renewed my membership since.
@rockymountainhigh1207 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not a licensed operator, however I really enjoy amateur radio. Some that I know love it and take it very serious. Keep up the great work!!
@bille3rd 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, very thoughtful words and thought provoking. I too believe that you didn't come off as mad at ARRL but disappointed. I agree, with the last issue with the FCC over fees, ARRL owes its members an explanation as to what they did as a lobbyist on our behalf. (I am an ARRL member)
@umajunkcollector 3 жыл бұрын
Moreso a critic, but constructive criticism, admonishment - ARRL can do better.
@mikedevita5558 3 жыл бұрын
Take a look at the poorly written email pointing to the FCC warning sent by the ARRL insulting radio amateurs not to use the HF spectrum for criminal activity. "That's the best they could do?"
@ai4gk 3 жыл бұрын
The FBI announced that, in the aftermath of January 6 they seized several handheld radios programmed for amateur radio frequencies. Instead of asking the FBI is they had information that these were licensed amateurs, they just dutifully passed on the warning, assuming that we were guilty of something. It's time that the League actually sticks up for and supports its constituents. Dan, AI4GK.
@mikedevita5558 3 жыл бұрын
@@ai4gk that's like telling private pilots not to ram their planes into buildings in the wake of 911.
@ai4gk 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikedevita5558 you're 💯 correct!
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
@@ai4gk You don't speak for everyone. Some hams are tired of the rude, petty and possessive hams in the airwaves and in the forums. If people think ham radio is dying, snobbery and exclusive cliques is one reason why.
@ai4gk 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammiller6631 I don't pretend to speak for everyone. Obviously, no one speaks for everyone. @Sam Miller I've looked over my post and for the life of me I cannot see what I may have said that caused you to reply as you did. I don't consider myself parochial at all. I don't think that you and I are in that big of a disagreement. I actually do hold a field position with the ARRL, but I believe that the League could, as Jim said, do better than they are. So, I am sorry if I said something that could be interpreted to indicate that I am not the way that I really am. ( Did that make sense?) 😊 I am happy to discuss this further if you would like. If you don't, that's fine also. Please be well and 73, Dan AI4GK
@robincross4625 3 жыл бұрын
I also feel that the ARRL failed us on the point of renewal fees. You DO speak for us. Thank you for being there and saying your opinions that come from your heart.
@blogger1947 3 жыл бұрын
How does that renewal fee compare to the money you have invested in your station?
@miketaylor9231 3 жыл бұрын
@@blogger1947 Maybe we should be asking the FCC what justification is there for applying the fees. What exactly is the value being provided in terms of services not already available which to my knowledge only consists of accessing a database and printing off documents. Will fees help promote amateur radio to help get new people interested? Is the ARRL asking questions? I'm new to amateur radio, having been in it for about a year and a half. Personally, it's been a blessing to me during the pandemic as I've learned to explore electronics, learn about how radio communication work, building antennas and small transceivers from kits. Being a new member of my community, I've found and joined a very active club where members encourage learning and getting new members enthused which will only help to further the advancement of technology. We are also very active with our local club as we conduct frequent emergency exercises and activate a weather net to keep each other, and anyone who's listening informed. Long term members help new members learn and grow. As Jim said, amateur radio is more than a hobby. I'm all for modest fees if they result in providing the value of further promotion of the science of radio communication which results in new people getting excited enough to join and become active. Mike - W4MWT
@blogger1947 3 жыл бұрын
@@miketaylor9231 Since FCC is simply rubber stamping the license exam results obtained via ARRL, perhaps only one of the two organizations is justified in collecting a fee. Honestly, I have not seen very much relevance to amateur radio for the last couple of decades, which is why I'd let my license lapse until 3 years ago. Nothing I have heard at club meetings or on the air since reactivating has changed my thinking.
@miketaylor9231 3 жыл бұрын
@@blogger1947 "I have not seen very much relevance to amateur radio for the last couple of decades" Just don't try to convince one of the young club members in my local amateur radio club who just earned his degree in electronic engineering of that.
@Idahoanghost 3 жыл бұрын
It's really hard to feel like we get our money's worth to pay the membership dues. There are many of us that would gladly help out but the heirarchy doesn't seem interested.
@JugSouthgate 3 жыл бұрын
What is it that you would do to "help out"?
@raykiii 3 жыл бұрын
Why should you become a member of the ARRL? That is a great question, Jim. I have been an Amateur Radio Operator since July of 2017. I upgraded to General Jan 2ND this year. I became a member of the ARRL in 2018 because the club that I am a member of needed 50% of it's membership to also be members of the ARRL to keep the association with the ARRL. I love our club. I respect the members. We were close to not having the 50%, so I joined to improve the percentage. I look at the ARRL as a publisher, and not as an advocate or lobby group. They have never done anything on my behalf. The club has asked for our regional rep to talk to us many times, but it has never happened. Why should you join the ARRL? I have no idea. 73 KE0OAP
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
Why should you join the ARRL? QST has been published since 1915. It's a treasure trove of information.
@raykiii 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammiller6631 That is true ,but QST can be purchased at HRO.
@davehockaday5247 3 жыл бұрын
It really is no longer that treasure trove of info. I have a collection dating back 60+ years. The last 10 years or so seems a boring read, to me.
@raykiii 3 жыл бұрын
@@davehockaday5247 Well said!
@richb.4374 2 жыл бұрын
@@sammiller6631 If you enjoy seeing ads for ham gear and contest scores enjoy your QST.
@VictorDenisov 3 жыл бұрын
Is there any link to the video in question? I would like to witness it first hand.
@tomatkinson4616 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, thank you. Been licensed since 1978, just a kid in the hobby. I see the ARRL as a book, teeshirt and coffee mug seller. I am currently a member and for a while all I saw from them were emails selling novelties. The books are important, but I generally do not buy books any longer. Most of my studies are electronic. We really do not need anymore coffee mugs! I too wish they would update their website and publications. I wish they would really push to get school age children in the hobby. If they are not careful they will go the way of most legacy, another word for old, organizations. The appear to be there for salaries. I hope the is not true. I love ham radio and am elmer'ing much these days with younger hams. I do hope we can stay relevant the the organization move forward. If they cannot, then it is time for a new body to represent the Amateur Radio Community. N2NUT
@liontomh 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, you are on point. 2 years in Amatuer Radio and still trying to understand what ARRL is doing to support us. I do like their On the Air magazine, sad they can only get it our quarterly. Newbies need more positive reinforcement.
@PahrumpStudios 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the the time to do this. I believe you speak for all of us.
@michaelbrown-ns4dl 3 жыл бұрын
Great Job Jim. I am saddened to see ARRL embrace a model of perpetuating their existence over the interests of ham radio itself. I was very impressed, in a negative way, with my interactions with their staff in the past. The attitude was the league knows best and you should support your betters! The condescension was amazing and very disappointing at the same time. I feel they have lost their way...and it makes me sad because I learned electronics reading ARRL Handbooks and their other publications when I was growing up. From my dad's 1955 ARRL Handbook all the way until the early 2000's. QST really was something in the 40s, 50's, 60's, and 70's. So much great information and so well written. Your experience with them is...unfortunate. And mine was as well. They only represent what they think is best for the league....they should be ashamed of themselves.
@ham-radio 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mike. I am upset that the ARRL has changed what I said. The title was "More Than Just A Great Hobby." Again, more than was what I said. I was not going to go any further but based on comments from the ARRL spokesperson, I am probably going to answer or respond. I think that they should make their video public. Thanks and 73, Jim W6LG
@johngeven9660 3 жыл бұрын
Respect for Jim. He is one of the reasons of me being a HAM operator and love and enjoy what i am doing. Greetings from The Netherlands. John, PD8JMG
@jberk8529 3 жыл бұрын
I am due to reup with arrl in a few months and I just don’t think I will. I do like your videos and enjoy watching them. Keep up the great work Jim.
@DonDegidio 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim, You hit the proverbial nail on the head. All your points are valid. A good video and you didn't seem to be angry, just a concerned amateur radio operator. I have often thought the same of the ARRL, but still became a life member as it's really the only game in town with respect to having a voice concerning our Amateur Radio needs with the FCC and Congress. Wonder if you will ever get a reasonable response to you letter. You and the family stay safe. 73 from your ham friend. WJ3U
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
Not all the points are valid. If he thought he could make a better presentation, he has the video equipment already. Why does he need to wait to be handed a response? Be proactive. His reasons might not be the president's reason, but that gives it a personal touch. If he can't think of any reasons, then his time would be better spent on a different topic.
@Midtnfishing937 3 жыл бұрын
I just passed the test for Technician. I don't see it as just a hobby. The reason for me getting into HAM was for emergencies.
@FreeStuffGuy916 3 жыл бұрын
Bill-N6EF-Congratulations on passing Technician. Welcome to the amateur service.
@Midtnfishing937 3 жыл бұрын
@@FreeStuffGuy916 thank you.
@wd8dsb 2 жыл бұрын
There are lots of reasons why one should belong to the ARRL, and it's sad that the ARRL did not respond to you Jim. People that say the ARRL does nothing for them are really short sighted and they have no understanding on some things the ARRL does that benefits us all which are not necessarily obvious. One example is the work being done by the ARRL regarding RFI which involves a direct line of communications between the ARRL and the FCC as well as the ARRL working directly with manufacturers to change their designs to mitigate RFI and an example of this is the ARRL working with several manufacturers of solar systems that are wreaking havoc on our bands. I'm glad you're asking the ARRL to do better, but it's very short sighted for people (many of the people responding to your video) to not belong to the ARRL as there really is no one else that has the resources to represent us like the ARRL. Some other obvious benefits of the ARRL are publications such as QST and QEX, as well as the contests, special events, and rewards that the ARRL sponsors which helps keep our bands active and enjoyable for many. Way too many people are short sighted in not supporting the ARRL. 73, Don (wd8dsb)
@alldash7 3 жыл бұрын
New technician studying for General next month before the fees start. Joined a local club and doing vhf/uhf on repeaters. Just finished my HF setup - an older Yaesu with an SDR addition + SDRuno going to a wire ground loop antenna for receive only with OFC wire dipole for transmit. Even after just 2 months, it's clear that it is a community of Individuals that helps and serves. All the resources I needed for technical questions, process, operating procedures and general how to have come from individual sources. Thanks Jim and the rest of the you tube Ham radio presenters. As in the rest of life, it is the individuals and their efforts that will make Amateur Radio what it should be.
@kenknox6860 3 жыл бұрын
Whoa! I understood what you had to say but I've got to say, I see Mr. Minster's comments from a different perspective. I actually wrote an article for our club newsletter referring to the POSITIVE aspects of his Keynote address to the QSO Today 2021 virtual gathering. After viewing your well-done video, I went back and watched the keynote address again. While there may have been more instances, I only heard him refer to "the hobby" once. That's the only one that stood out to me. As such, I don't find it something to dwell on. Instead, I noticed the references to where we have been as an organization, where we find ourselves, and where were after going with a pretty clear strategic vision, clearer than it's been in quite a while. I found his analysis to be clear and concise and a view similar to the one I have. I consider it a small thing to be developing an antenna kit or small products to compete against advertisers and look to it as ARRL's attempt to become relevant to more hams. Using ARRL's skills as content providers and taking that into the digital era is appropriate in my mind as the younger generation, which we are challenged too attract, focus almost solely on digital media. I see so much that is inspiring in the keynote address. And I appreciated those comments that related to all levels of the ARRL membership. I thought the video quality was acceptable, I found no issue there at all. BTW, I subscribe to your channel and watch almost all of them for your perspective. I acknowledge the unresponsiveness of the ARRL staff and CEO in your requests. I also find that troublesome. Your requests seem reasonable. You aren't angry but it sounds like you really could be. Getting the current ARRL logo in a confusing environment seems like a request that any member could expect So I disagree with your assessment on the key note address. I'm some ways, your analysis is a bit nit-picky but I know I may not have a mainstream opinion.
@ham-radio 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Ken. You are a voice of reason and I very much appreciate your comments. Thank you. The ARRL chose to attack me in ways that I had not expected. What's done is done. I am moving on and won't comment further. I was tempted but I would rather teach a few things via KZbin. Take care and again, thanks for writing. 73, Jim
@ReedAB8AS 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU Jim for speaking what all of us were/are feeling.
@tradedate 3 жыл бұрын
Well said Jim. We provide a service. We buy our own equipment, and pay for all installations to our homes and vehicles at our own expense. All the time we spend studying to pass exams and practicing to master our craft is for free. We volunteer all of our services as we are not allowed to receive compensation. The FCC is charging a fee and provides no additional services or benefits. This should have been an open and shut discussion a long time ago.
@DK-vx1zc 3 жыл бұрын
Good points Jim. To emphasize that we are hobbyists, and not emphasize all the other contributions such as emergency/disaster communications, public service, advancements of communication technologies, etc, misses the mark. These politicians really have no idea who we are, or what contributions we have/can make. I would hope that the ARRL would educate/promote the areas where we are/could contribute to our country. Frequencies are a hot commodity, and we will lose more and more, as the politicians see an opportunity for $$$. I do believe, as you have done, is to express to the ARRL our concerns over their inadequate attempts to represent us. The ARRL has much to offer, and has done some great things, but they need to step it up. Once we lose rights, they wont come back. Not sure who else now is representing us to the politicians, so I don't think abandoning the ARRL is the right thing. They do offer a lot, and can offer a lot. I know you are not advocating abandoning the ARRL. Good input today! oh, selling antennas should not be ARRL business..
@teetrevor 3 жыл бұрын
When Jim speaks, it’s worth listening
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
I'm listening but I still don't understand.
@submarineradioman5535 3 жыл бұрын
Hear, hear... well said! - de WA3MCK
@kensmith5538 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, I have the highest amount of respect for you and what you do.... over the years, I've listened to you on the radio and you're the consummate ham... I agree with you... I stopped supporting the ARRL about 25 years ago when I kinda lost interest in the hobby... I've been back at the mic and keyboard for about 5 years now and been licensed for 36 years.. unfortunately, it is the best they can do... most of those people don't keep up with technology, get paid too much money and have people that actually do the work for them that they are supposed to be doing... and the antenna sales thing... unbelievable... Hopefully things improve... thank you for your videos... I always enjoy seeing them and you.. hope to work you one day on the air... Ken Smith de KE8KW Intervale NH
@ronchampagneve7bfm906 3 жыл бұрын
Very well put. Whether or not your a new amateur operator or one that's been here for 57 years a national organization should be a positive and professional representative of the membership. Ask for help from the membership, we have a huge representation of every profession you can think of! Speaking of thinking, was any thought into how the big picture will look like to the general public out there!
@N7RD 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jim for speaking the truth! I'm a new guy next to you, only 34 years here. The ARRL should step up to the plate for us, they never do and I only see that continuing in the future. Amateur Radio for me began while serving my country in Viet Nam, they were doing me and my family a great service. I was just a young kid, fighting a war nobody at home agreed with. It meant so much to be able to talk to my family via MARS, it was then I knew one day I would become a Operator and try to give back. You are 100% correct, and yes I do believe that is the best they can do. It's like government, some times things need to be cleaned out and start over fresh. I enjoy you being so honest, many great viewings you have made, this is one of the best yet.
@FreeStuffGuy916 3 жыл бұрын
Bill-N6EF-Thank you for your service to our country.
@jarneskegge 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, I am KN4VDG. I have been licensed for about 19 months. I have learned a lot from your videos and they have kept me interested in the Amateur Service. I renewed my ARRL membership for a second year in early January 2021. I agree with every point you made, including your questioning of their making a wire antenna to sell in competition to their advertisers. They did not stand up for Hams when licensing fees came up, or at least that is my perception. I want to remain a member. Ham operators need representation, and a place to seek training, especially when getting that first license. So I want to encourage others to join. But I intend to upgrade to Extra Class this year, which will cost me 50 bucks. 15 for the test and 35 for the upgrade fee. Oddly enough, that is about what my annual ARRL membership costs. So I may need to cut my next ARRL renewal from my budget to pay for my license upgrade. We will see. Jim your are a gentleman and an inspiration. Thank you for your service to us all. 73. KN4VDG
@Joe-KN4IFI 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100% Jim. I was first licensed around 1980 WL7AKW. I subscribed to them back then but not anymore. The organization is a shadow of its former self. Jim have you looked at their KZbin channel? 10 videos in the last year! 34 videos in the last 4 YEARS! They have 13.4k subs. What is the average age of viewers on KZbin? And this is the best ARRL can do? Here they have a great and vast audience just waiting to be taped and ARRL blows it with crappy videos spaced out so far apart that no wounder they only have 13.4k subs! They are never going to attract younger people to Ham radio working this way. No disrespect to Bob Allison WB1GCM but his "review" videos are a joke. A first year KZbin creator can do a better job. The videos are supper sort and very vague. And this is the best the ARRL can do? They have failed in my option and have lost my support. A ham friend of mine from Great Britain asked me what was going on with ARRL these last several years and all I could say was "I have no clue". Its a shame it really is. Its time for a major shakeup at ARRL and bring in younger talent or older talent just get some talent!. 73 Joe
@davidvaughn7752 3 жыл бұрын
I am so glad to hear somebody finally stand up and bring the issues to light. I am sick of people I hear - all the time now on air even - constantly refer to the service as a "hobby". The FCC does not support hobbies. I was recently the recipient of the Amateur Radio Service when my house burned down. The Red Cross (who were all Amateurs) gave me emotional and financial assistance and some reference resources. I was actually out contesting when the fire broke out and heard about it about 3 minutes after the fire started from another Amateur who lives near me and contacted me on 2m. Our local repeaters are sounding more like 11 m. Commercial entities are band hungry and all they need to do is make recordings of some of the many QSO you can hear now (drunks talking politics/religion, etc.) and is all that is needed is for this to be used as exhibits for the next congressional hearing to decide which part of the spectrum is now available for other "serious" services. Thank you Jim for your courage in bringing this up and we all should support you by checking people we hear on-air sounding like idiots and by becoming involved more in the ARRL by being more pro-active. If we become more involved by writing letters and having a say in the agenda and by organizing, then we can make a difference. HF isn't so bad but it seems like the higher bands are becoming more like CB - if what is supposed to be a premier organization is not providing the leadership to keep Amateur Radio distinct and prepared to help others, then I feel it may degrade past a point of no return. 73 K7GYB
@ham-radio 3 жыл бұрын
David!!! I am so sorry to hear about the fire. As a Building Inspector, I dealt with families who were going through the tragedy. I went to QRZ and see that a lot of progress has been made. i quickly skimmed what you wrote about the regulator. Our BBQ is under the patio cover and against a bedroom wall. I think I better move it. Yes, yes and yes, it is a great hobby but first a licensed radio service under the Communications Act, etc. My brain is still processing the fire you had. I saw that so many times on the job. I know that people never fully recover. It is not possible. Good on the little amazing IC-7300. If I can help you, let me know privately. I was WN6JZC and them WB6JZC in 1964. 73, Jim
@timtim4664 3 жыл бұрын
It would be nice to have a link to the video Jim is talking about. I can't find it.
@mikeo1568 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! I just got my Extra 3/27/21. Granted I barely know CW. Ex Navy vet. ARRL member, NRA Life member. I hope we can bring this group back together and keep our voices heard. May our ham voices be with us!
@SbrGrendel65 3 жыл бұрын
NRA is a joke they don’t care about gun owners. If your serious about your rights GOA is where you should be.
@filianablanxart8305 3 жыл бұрын
If you're serious about your Rights , you need to support the SAF , and your most active State Level Organization .
@FreeStuffGuy916 3 жыл бұрын
Bill-N6EF-Congratulations on your Extra upgrade. Thank you for your service to our country.
@mikeo1568 3 жыл бұрын
@@FreeStuffGuy916 Thank you sir.
@HALEdigitalARTS 3 жыл бұрын
What AARL video are you referring to?
@HALEdigitalARTS 3 жыл бұрын
Little help?
@HALEdigitalARTS 3 жыл бұрын
AARL member here, asking about the video? I don't see any keynote speeches that are recent. Is there a link? Thanks.
@twohandsandaradio 3 жыл бұрын
Well the way I see it.... you don't need the NRA to own a gun. You don't need to join AARP to retire and you certainly don't need the ARRL..
@paul.phillips 3 жыл бұрын
Is there a link somewhere to the original video? Why you should join the ARRL is a very simple question. I got my general license 4 years ago, and I would love to know the answer to that.
@kziadie 3 жыл бұрын
I have been looking for the video myself without success. If Jim’s assessment is halfway accurate, and I have no reason to believe it isn’t, then that might be a blessing... the FCC commissioners will have a hard time finding it as well!
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
Why do you need the ARRL to hand you the answer? Be proactive instead of waiting on a response, like in the video.
@paul.phillips 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammiller6631 If they want to sell memberships, it's on them to hand us the answer. I'm not going to go out of my way when everything's just fine on this end.
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
@@paul.phillips It's not on them to hand you the answer. The 80/20 rule says that 20% of clients make up the bulk of revenues. There are YT channels for ham radio that put out loads of content and have over 100k subs. Would they be a better investment of time than those channels who wait for someone to hand them an answer? If they can't think of any reasons to talk about the ARRL, then why would they consider doing that?
@paul.phillips 3 жыл бұрын
​@@sammiller6631 If the ARRL considers themselves relevant, the burden is on them. They can't even bother to respond to a 50+ year veteran who has made an effort. Right now, I don't really care that they exist. Are you saying that I should care and that it's on *me* to figure out why I should support them? I've got a job and a family to care for, I'm not jumping through unnecessary hoops to ascribe value to an organization for which it may not exist. Apparently the ARRL considers ham radio nothing more than a "hobby". Doesn't sound like an organization that has the best interest of amateur radio in mind. Why should I waste my time trying to prove otherwise when they don't really even care?
@technowey 3 жыл бұрын
During Hurricane Bob here years ago, amateur radio operators were key in providing communications for the city where I live. Amateur radio operators also provide communications at the Boston Marathon, and other local events. Much more is done than those two examples.
@donl1846 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Jim, let me start off by thanking you for making this video and posing these questions to the ARRL. Like you I have been licensed since 1968 and I gave up my membership with the ARRL several years ago. My reasons at the time were the lack of transparency to its members during the issues they had at the top. It also looked like they were more like a “good old boy” organization, giving praises to Section Managers who, for a lack of a better word, were “lax” in their duties. Also, more politics within the organization than ever before, you really had to know someone to get any answers. I for one sent many letters to them (no response back) suggesting they restructure the annual fees as follows; Adult $50.00, Seniors $35.00 and Under 18 $20.00 per year. Good luck with your questions and maybe they will respond to you because you have a KZbin channel, 73.
@sovereign_shadowquester 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for speaking up Jim. This is for every ham, there is only one you. You are unique so share your knowledge and experience to promote amature radio. Only thing I've found useful from joining the ARRL is QST, and it's full of advertising. Very little in the form of information. From Kentucky, station KN4PLR saying 73.
@cliftonhead9665 3 жыл бұрын
What video from ARRL I would like to watch it, but cant find it. Can anyone help direct me in that direction please.
@blogger1947 3 жыл бұрын
You could have made your point in 3 minutes or less by not repeating how personally insulted you feel. I have been licensed, on and off, since 1963. Joined ARRL for one year, because a local Club required it. There was no real benefit from that club membership, either. I became a life member of NRA for similar reasons, and ever since have regretted it. But I'm afraid that after 6 minutes of listening to your spiel, admittedly at double speed, I do not know a single thing that I didn't know before. Some kind of call-for-action might have added meaning. In the meantime, I'm sad that you seem to be getting so little out of something that has consumed a lot of your time and energy for a lifetime. DE W3STN
@jefcon.1 3 жыл бұрын
Jim thanks for bringing this to our attention. You are recognized on my QRZ page as a key influencer and inspiring resource for me obtaining my license. Thank you sir for all you do. 73, K3DHJ
@ham-radio 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic! Thank you for that. I will go look. I need to fix my QRZ page with new pictures. None will be of the ARRL trip many years ago. Thanks Davis & 73, Jim W6LG
@jefcon.1 3 жыл бұрын
@@ham-radio Hope I was able to fix a few of those links fixed before you checked it. Somehow I had your callsign pointing to Jason at HamRadio 2.0! Oops... All fixed now!
@JRLaffertyJr 3 жыл бұрын
Right on, Jim. I shared with my dad-WA6HRR, (formerly W8NYA) who’s been licensed since 1953, since he doesn’t do KZbin. He agrees and so do I. I actually left the ARRL last year, I just really saw no overriding benefit to it. Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight. You are a legend. Jim W6NYA-Redlands, Ca.
@Roanokekidstech 3 жыл бұрын
This is not a counter-argument to your video, I just want to share my perspective. I am a "younger" ham, I am 21 years old and a computer engineering student. I have been programming and building circuits for around 8-9 years now. I consider myself an electronics "hobbyist", I use the term "hobbyist" more in line with the root of the word: "amateur" meaning "love". I ended up getting into amateur radio because it is the ultimate form of electronics. Ham operators, open their equipment, and have a desire to always know more. I am operate as a hobby, fairly active as well, I have hf antennas at home, on my car, and I set up in the park. I do not consider what I am doing a service. For my universities weekly net, I have served as control operator and I operate to the best of my ability to aide in a potential emergency, but I mostly enjoy meeting others to chat ham-stuff with. The one area of service that I do feel that I am contributing to is preserving airspace. The radio spectrum, has been sold off to the highest bidder over and over again, and it is my duty to protect part of the spectrum for the average person. Unused frequencies seem like an easy cash grab for governing agencies, and we all know that once a part of the spectrum gets sold it will never come back. You make some great points in the video, and I almost started laughing when you mentioned the ARRL wants to start selling antennas, their idea is complete nonsense, I am glad we have people like you trying to keep them in check.
@shalomcu 3 жыл бұрын
Well said... I think there should be a place for enjoying Ham Radio as a a "hobby". Nothing wrong with the "service" and the "hobby" both being an important segment of the community. As you suggested, the more people using the spectrum the merrier.
@PatrickTice 3 жыл бұрын
ARRL has easy direct access to its logos and use policy on ARRL.org. Every QST has a list of your local ARRL representatives and their contact information as well as services, and ARRL.org shows even more detail. Past ARRL videos did indeed emphasize public service - but remember that was in the days before reliable cell service and the internet. If you look at what is really happening with Amateur Radio in the day-to-day lives of the typical user, you will see hobbyists, not "public service communicators". That is just a fact. While some clubs support EMCOMM and host severe weather spotting classes with regular nets, the reality is that most hams do not participate in them and many of those who do, do so half-halfheartedly are woefully under prepared for any real emergency. So yes, we are hobbyists, along with other hams around the world who participate in what they call "Radiosport" instead of some kind of public service. Frankly, it is simply not productive to keep pushing the fiction that the "service" in the Amateur Radio Service means more than that some hobbyists may be available as communications support in a public emergency. In the bigger scheme of things, Amateur Radio perhaps has more to offer in the furthering of interest and education in RF technologies and science for young people. To me, liaising with the local school district's science teachers makes as much, if not more, sense than EMCOMM. But if it's EMCOMM you want, the ARRL courses are available and up to date on ARRL.org. The trick here is for the Amateur Radio Service to stay viable in the 21st century, and that means change, uncomfortable as change can be. We have to begin with acknowledging reality, and reality is what most hams are and what they do - and that's not public service communications. We cannot and should not pretend otherwise, and that means ARRL needs to operate in the world where hobbyists with interests from electronic design and construction, software engineering, competitive on the air operation in contests, antenna design, mobile operating, EME, satellites, and all the rest must be served by their services and publications. I would argue they are doing so, and as with any organization confronting change, they could do better. Nonetheless, the publications have gotten better and more welcoming to newbies while still supporting traditional activities. And I will help them do better by continuing my ARRL membership.
@davidvaughn7752 3 жыл бұрын
FCC doesn't support hobbies. Amateur Radio's mandate is that of being a public service. Most clubs around my locale are public service-oriented and their activities and procedures keep them honed for when they are going to be needed. Public education for what to do during an emergency and letting the general public know that their community has a disaster plan in place is just part of what they do and frankly, are whole-heartedly prepared for real emergencies. I know because I was the recipient of Amateur Radio Services when my house burned down last year. They were not "pretending" to be a public service and you are kidding yourself if you think they are not. Enjoy your hobby. K7GYB
@davidvaughn7752 3 жыл бұрын
@@notgiven3114 I'm glad that you point these other aspects out as delineated in part 97.1. You actually start to make sense when compared with the ignorant statement that Hams "keep pushing the fiction that the "service" in the Amateur Radio Service means more than that some hobbyists may be available as communications support." which was your point, not mine. Our state recently challenged the privilege of Amateurs being allowed to use microphones while driving (like law enforcement has or other emergency services which are not "hobbies") as we were, as a state, updating our distracted driving laws. It wasn't the subsidiary argument that Amateure Radio is a "hobby" and that the State Legislature should allow us to use our mobile systems because we are "pretending to be a public service". Your argument is bankrupt when looked at from a utilitarian and historical perspective. We now continue to have the privilege of communicating while mobile because we provide a public service as is the primary mandate put forth in Part 97.1. I certainly want you to enjoy your "hobby" and there is a vast continuum of activities contained within the broader discipline of the Amateure Service which all end up, in the end, serving our community. You merely stand on the shoulders of those who preceded you. Again, enjoy your hobby. K7GYB
@davidvaughn7752 3 жыл бұрын
@@notgiven3114 First, I"m talking to you. Second, it's a direct quote from your post (I cut-and-pasted it). Your deflection and ad-hominem response pretty much says it all. I'm not going to engage in a tit-for-tat dialogue with you. Good luck with all that. Again, enjoy your hobby. K7GYB
@Michael-nd7gh 3 жыл бұрын
Never been to a bicycle race or an ultramarathon in the hills, have ya sport?
@Happy-Scamper-Adventures 2 жыл бұрын
Sincerely delivered points.. I have been in Broadcast Radio and Television for over 40+ years. I remember when you had to have a license just to run the boards. Ham serves the public interest. I remember when Broadcast Did too. I am sorry to say that I can't say that now. I am studying to get my Technicians license and again serve the public. Thank you for your thoughts.
@ohyeawhosurpoppy 3 жыл бұрын
Nope, won't join so I can send ARRL execs to exotic places. Was a time they were our voice to protect and develop the application of amateur radio. You were spot on about the current ARRL.
@peschpit 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Jim for your input/Video. I love the hobby and yes it has far fewer young people than I would like to see. If the A.R.R.L. were to do anything, it would be to get more younger people interested. The cell phone seems to have their attention right now. Maybe they could focus on using the computer more as an interface to the RADIO i.e. FT8 and other modes. Be safe, Go POTA.
@petshwark 3 жыл бұрын
As a brand-new Ham, I guess I don't know what I'm missing when I look at what ARRL has to offer. It would have been interesting to see them in their glory days, if they had them. In addition, when I heard that the FCC was going to start charging for licensing operations, I shrugged it off. I was a bit surprised that there was no fee for getting my license (besides the one I paid at testing) or when I applied for a vanity. After all there are fees when we register our vehicles or get a driver's license or fishing permit. Going straight to $35 from zero is probably excessive, however. Just my newbie opinion. Thanks, Jim, for your videos. They are very informative.
@sammiller6631 3 жыл бұрын
The FCC charged for amateur licenses until the 1980s. It wasn't "free" because there are still government workers and computer system upkeep that needs paid, but GMRS licenses had to pay $70 for 5 years to pay for hams too. Now it's a balanced $35 per 10 years for both.
@kenchilton 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Jim. I agree with the heart of your message. We need the ARRL and for it to be the ARRL we need. Your words are kindness, indeed. Keep working to get us back on track. I appreciate it. 73 de W1OT
@edwillett1358 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Jim, I've been licensed since 1955, I dropped my ARRL membership last fall 73 Ed W7MAD
@Siskiyous6 3 жыл бұрын
Why have licenses renew? There is no reason to have licenses expire, NONE!
@KevinDurette 3 жыл бұрын
It frees up the callsign pool so inactive hams don't forever consume desirable callsigns. I wouldn't have gotten my vanity callsign if it hadn't previously expired. Also, I'd imagine silent keys aren't always updated against death records, since those are each handled by different levels of government that don't do a good job at talking to each other. (According to a quick records search, if the previous owner of my callsign is still alive, he's now 82.) 73 de K7COI
@markhyman359 3 жыл бұрын
Is there a link to the ARRL "keynote" address that we can see?
@timbrusky1 2 жыл бұрын
The ARRL I agree is going in the wrong direction as well. They are our last stopping point to help clarification with the FCC from the amateur radio, and why it is important to have a service we provide, around the world, globally. Without amateur radio, a lot of technology would of never been created. Thank you Jim, for a well thought of presentation. You never disappoint! You are always right on key.
@ham-radio 2 жыл бұрын
I have started a conversation with someone at the ARRL. I don't know if it will help. We have agreed to continue the conversation and to be civil. The first conversation went very good. From the other side, I am very much out of phase with where the ARRL seems to be headed on several areas of concern. Both of us realize that what happens there at the ARRL is very important. At some point, we will open the discussion to comments and perhaps a "town hall" if they agree. The other person was cordial, responsive and listened. And I can't ask for much more than that. 73 Jim
@amomentoftruth290 3 жыл бұрын
What / where is this ARRL Video that you are referring to?
@joeblow8593 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, what ARRL presentation? Where can we see it?
@thirtycrows 3 жыл бұрын
I was licensed two years ago and never joined. Still looking for good reasons. Looks like they don't know either. By the way thank you for all your videos. This channel is probably the best source a beginner can find. 73
@exfed1811 3 жыл бұрын
I just saw this video. It is spot on. In so many ways ARRL leadership has lost its way. You are correct about the poor production quality of videos and podcasts. Unfortunately, it seems that really is their best. I just watched that keynote video of the ARRL CEO. A small observation, he mentioned how much cash ARRL had at its founding, but not how much they have today. That information is reported on the tax form 990, available on the ARRL website. I don’t think we need more “diamond” members. I won’t object, however, if the board votes to purchase that guy a necktie.
@ham-radio 3 жыл бұрын
Along with a proper fitting shirt. 73, Jim
@Billiemarie1000 3 жыл бұрын
I felt the same was when the fees were announced. This was also the Ajit Pai FCC under Donald Trump. This new administration perhaps would go back to appreciating the community again? There was good reason why the fees were dropped in the first place. Do they need another national emergency to change their minds? This is not being handled well, you are right.
@MatthiasLenardt 3 жыл бұрын
Very well presented opinion. Worth watching and listening to it. Hope many people will follow and agree. And I wish you lot's of multiplication among all interested and involved people. God job!
@ve3dvy 3 жыл бұрын
I think one thing that needs to be a taken away from this one is that we need to band together and provide good feed back to the ARRL. This is what will keep the hobby alive. I am disappointed at those not supporting them, They are just as much part of the problem and why the ARRL lacks resources to have a stronger voice. They need both support and gobs of member feed back like this That is what can effect change. Not abandonment. I have said for years that the ARRL is terrible at promoting the hobby. Its marketing people are hams not marketing experts. This needs fixing badly. most members dont even know what they really do, they think its just a magazine. I do have great respect for you Jim. your videos are fantastic. Many technical and operating videos that really help the new and old hams. I am a little disappointed on this presentation however. as it has some of the same poor production quality rambling stumbles and jump cuts in this video presented to complain in part about that very issue. PLEASE provide a link even a title or where to find this video for either context or for us to form our own opinions and and thoughts. You said it was an open letter Its a video, Did you send a written letter as well? If you did could you publish it as well since its open? As for disorganized and jump cuts. you also ramble and stumble on many things yourself. This presentation could have been done in the professional and organised way that you expect from the ARRL as an example but it was not. I know you have both the skills and equipment to do very professional stuff. "Amateur radio is a hobby". Why is that wrong? It is a hobby. Some of the many aspects include providing public service but its only part of the hobby. People think because its labeled Amateur Radio SERVICE by the FCC that it means we are to provide a public service but that is not the meaning of that word in this context. Just about every use of radio defined by the FCC is a radio service. Citizens Band Radio Service. Family Radio Service GMRS MURS. MARS LMRS. And on and on. There are many hobbies that require licences that do not provide public services. they are not killing those are they? Fees. This was NOT an ARRL decision. I know that the ARRL and many hams strongly argued against it. It was reduced by the FCC from the original $50 to $35. Not ideal but better than nothing. His suggestion it should have made it a penny then round it was not an option. the FCC rammed it at us. The reasoning is in the FCC budget and charging fees for all licenced services was mandated in a federal bill two years ago. Blame congress and the FCC. Its the FCC that needs to explain the rational for the fee not the ARRL. If you think a relatively small organization like the ARRL has the lobby powers to make changes to a major bill like that that effected all licensed services provided by the FCC your mistaken. Its much like the HOA situation. ARRL total budget is chump change just what the real-estate lobbies put into preserving HOA rules. Lets keep this in perspective. Who made the Film.... oops I mean video? Where is it? Was it an individual board member, some volunteer, or written by ARRL head office? Who was it presented to and for what reason. I'm NOT saying the ARRL is perfect. Far from it. They have many flaws. The only way to fix it is to get involved and become part of the solution including registering concerns. Kudos to you Jim because you did that and good for you. Jim thanks. Dave Moes VE3SD formerly KA9ORM.
@ham-radio 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Dave, I won't comment on most of what you wrote at this time. You are a very skilled writer! For now, just this one comment. As far as I know, the ARRL has not made that video public. My guess is that they will make it public since they had no problem with its content. And, they may want to rebut my review of the presentation. I do have a copy on my hard drive. But, I think I don't have the right to show it because it is their production. I am working on a video about amplifiers. I have been doing real poor job on an animation. Disney was is my hometown. They would never have hired me. I did deliver electronic stuff there in the late 1960's. 73, Jim W6LG
@Aarthek 3 жыл бұрын
Well said, can someone point out why I should renew my membership when it expires soon?
@umajunkcollector 3 жыл бұрын
ARRL survived over 100 years
@KevinDurette 3 жыл бұрын
I recently joined because nobody else will fight for our spectrum. It was an act of desperation, to be honest. To give that up is to give up the whole service and hobby.
@douglasw.plummer8138 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jim, W6LG. I hope I got that call-sign right. I got into Amateur Radio just a couple of years back after I retired from military service. My hope and intent was to be involved in emergency service. I joined ARRL, got my tech license, joined 2 clubs, tried to a small degree to get involved with the emergency service arm of this and felt a little beaten down about hearing how it has all gone so badly since 9/11 with NIMS and other security restrictions. Locally, emergency management would like to see an organized, fully-funded, fully-outfitted, trained, organized and established group come in and say, here we are, this is what we have, this is what we do, this is how we do it and we are waiting for you to use us so that they can say something like, "We got so caught up in the emergency we just didn't think about calling you guys." Basically like they did the CERT that got organized trained and told, "We really set you guys up so that we had a CERT on paper for the federal dollars." I am still a dues paying ARRL member and I will probably stay on with my membership but, my experiences with the local, district, and area ARRL leadership is about the same as my experiences with the local, county and state agencies. Thank you again Jim for such a well organized message.
@FreeStuffGuy916 3 жыл бұрын
Bill-N6EF-Thank you for your service to our country.
@williamfritsche8014 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comments Jim. It’s pretty frustrating, trying to be a team player, requesting cooperation, and being blown off. As a creative and helpful volunteer educator and mentor, you have earned your place as a respected elder in the Ham Radio community. You have also earned a wide audience and significant influence in that community. Wishing to be a booster for the ARRL, your potential influence could be enormous. Being ignored, and then treated as an adversary? Really? Is that the best the ARRL can do in responding to W6LG? Unfortunately the organization looks seriously dysfunctional and impervious to member influence. We can wish there was an alternative to ARRL but unfortunately there is none. It’s my belief that this kind of dysfunction thrives when there is cover-up and secrecy. We can hope that there are some individuals in the headquarters that are fighting for constructive and healthy change and growth. Sharing your perspective publicly exposes the problem to the light of day. Can’t hurt. I hope it helps. I appreciate your respectful manner in addressing the ARRL and voicing your concerns and frustrations. Exposing the problems publicly without name-calling or using “gotcha“ tactics, reflects your integrity. I hope you continue to clearly communicate your opinions, express your feelings, and ask for what you want and for what you believe to be the best interests , not only of radio amateurs, but of those we serve. 73, Bill (K0SDZ since 1958) cc to ARRL
@Mike-yq7ce 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you are speaking up it does seem like the ARRL is going along the lines of the NRA AARP and the likes. I've only been a Ham for 10 months. I know there is great service provided to communities via Amateur Radio. I agree that the ARRL should do a better job of presenting Amateur Radio.
@Ferret488 3 жыл бұрын
I wish we knew what Video he is referring to? Maybe it is only an ARRL Video on their web site? My comments are these: 1. I don't mind the $35 / 10 Years. If you spent $$$$$ on your Ham equipment, then $$ isn't going to hurt you. You pull more from an ATM in a day or spend at Starbucks in a week (day?).I know from spending 40 years working at Government sites that most Departments do not have a lot of cash on hand. The greedy Politicians siphon it off for their own political gains and give it where it is not needed. Case in point: They sold off parts of L and S band (1435-1540, 1750-1900, 2200-2500 MHz) that were designated for decades to the Military for Telemetry Bands for Billions. They forced the Military to C-band, which cost Millions, but on their Annual maintenance budgets. The FCC is no different. We have CBers running amok without licenses and with 5kw Linears? And no one is catching them or the Manufacturers of these "kits" they sell on Ebay. The FCC no longer has the Field Agents or Mobile Vans (Uncle Charlie) to catch them. Which brings up my next point: 2. Re-instate the CB Radio License. Wishful Thinking here, but MAYBE what is afoot is to re-instate PAID CB licenses again. Back in the 70's and 80's you paid upward of $35 / year for a CB license. And, with LEGITIMATE CBers you had better behavior. People were content to stay within 5 / 12 Watts and behave like human beings. If you wanted farther reach, you bought a Beam like a Moonraker. It 2was a stepping-stone to Ham Radio. If you couldn't grasp Morse Code, then it was a way to get in. After the lawsuit and dropping the Licenses and fees it fell apart IMHO. Now we have every kind of trash on 11 Meters. If the FCC takes in more money and prosecutes the offenders, I am all for it. 73's. KF0ETS
@RoyRetreat 3 жыл бұрын
Me too, and several others, ...
@markjohnson5081 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to see some discussion around this. After email exchanges with the new ARRL CEO, it seems to me they are at a loss as to what their mission is, and they have no defined, or measurable, objectives. I wasn't convinced they really wanted opinions beyond those that align with their current direction. If they are not serious about why they exist or unwilling, or unable, to protect amateur spectrum then who will? Manufacturers wont. When I asked a prominent Yaesu Rep if they, Yaesu, are part of an amateur radio products manufacturers association to lobby governments about the benefits of amateur radio, I was told no, they, Yaesu, depended on the ARRL to do that. I'm not confident about the future. VE3LU.
@petermacpherson4192 3 жыл бұрын
I've only been a ham for a year and joined the ARRL when I got my tech license. I was very disappointed with the ARRL for not fighting these new license fees so I didn't renew my ARRL membership. I'll put that money towards the fees they weren't interested in fighting.
@tristanmills4948 3 жыл бұрын
They had zero chance. The FCC was obligated by law to impose them. They managed to get them reduced I believe, but there's no way they'd succeed in changing the law.
@DanCalloway 3 жыл бұрын
Good on you, Jim. I thought your video was very calm, reserved, and well thought out. I commend you for sticking to your guns that the ARRL is not all about "amateur" radio operators. As you mentioned in this video, you guys perform a very important and all-too-often unrecognized or under-recognized service that you do for the public good. My hat's off to you. Stay the course. Happy 58th anniversary for broadcasting on shortwave and ham radio operation. Good luck to you. Love watching your channel.
@FromthehamshackwithNJ4Z 3 жыл бұрын
Jim, I am fairly new to amateur radio, 5 years next month. From my observation point, the ARRL does seem to be disorganized in it's operations and apathetic towards it's membership. On a national level, I have observed very little advocation for nor support for the membership or the amateur radio community in general. The first opportunity for the ARRL to prove their worth to me as an advocating body was the Parity Act. They seemed to be in a solid position to provide protections for amateurs living in HOA communities, and then ultimately rolled over and caved to the HOA's representation and the FCC. I have seen very little to impress me since the Parity Act. I do applaud the efforts to get new Amateurs on the air, with the new magazine, that has been the one bright shining moment I have viewed on the national level. I am still a member of the ARRL, have been since I was licensed. I can can tell you, on a local level our current section manager is very much in our corner and works hard to help Amateurs. If only the national organization would take a cue from at least our local section manager. I am not sure how we effect change in this body, to put some teeth in the organization. It seems they are content to let Amateur Radio die on the vine. The seem to have forgotten that Amateur Radio, aside from being the best damn hobby on the planet, is the largest unfunded communications asset in the county. In times of need, amateur radio is there. It has been proven, time and time again, when all else fail, Amateur Radio gets the message through. Look at the disasters in Haiti, California, the Caribbean and Gulf coast in the past decade. The one service that was there and provided communications to begin the recovery was Amateur Radio. There is so much that, to use your words "The Amateur Radio Service" has to offer: Art, Science, Technology, Education, Service, Community, Legacy and Adventure. The ARRL needs to remember who and what they are, the key is how do we as members remind them. All the best Jim and thank you for having the courage to post this content. 73 de NJ4Z
@blainecolbry3192 3 жыл бұрын
Good video Jim. Sad reality is there are a lot of incompetent people nowadays in powerful positions.
@Joe-629 3 жыл бұрын
What was the ARRL video in question?
@k4adz 3 жыл бұрын
As a new amateur radio operator I looked to the ARRL site for information and guidance, and to answer those very questions... Why join? I didn't find an answer, and have not found an answer in any online content... My best guess was for LoTW.... But there are other logs and I like to write it by hand anyhow. I also take issue with organizations not standing up for their members, in this case much like the NRA, it seems the ARRL is going by the wayside. What do they offer that we can't find online from good folks like yourself or from just listening then listening more and then trying on our own.
@HokeyBugle 3 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree with you more, Jim. Well said
@spacemountain08 3 жыл бұрын
What is the link of the video presentation?
@Dave_N2OA 3 жыл бұрын
I think you made some fair points especially about the keynote video but I don't believe that you can blame the ARRL for the new fees. The fee was part of a congressional act that requires the agency to become revenue neutral. Personally I would pay an additional fee to provide more enforcement but that's another discussion. As the leader of the ARRL I expect David NA2AA to respond to polite criticism such as this, not take his ball and go home. I am an ARRL member and am very disappointed in his response, I thought he was going to be a better leader than this. Dave - N2OA
@Ria_J 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this entire video and hear all of your concerns. A lot of us *do* listen, and share the frustration. If you'd like to reach out, feel free. My phone number is in QST, but I do better with email. It's listed in QST. This goes for anyone. 73, Ria, N2RJ - Director, Hudson Division.
@130bowman 3 жыл бұрын
Organizations have a primary concern for their own interests first and the membership second
@rogerlafrance6355 3 жыл бұрын
So what's new? Wayne Green W2NSD, publisher of 73 Magazine was ranting about the ARRL back in the early sixties and even started the IOAR to try and compete with them. That was the heyday of hamradio. Now ARRL competes with a long list of electronic and technology hobbies and they communicate on their global I-phones. It no longer leads, it follows and uses other hams ideas.
@om0wt 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jim, where's the video you're referring to? Can you post a link of it? Good luck and stay safe and healthy! 73, Pavol
@KE8UYV 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Jim! I just passed my technician exam this evening, and have started studying for my general ticket already. I have been interested in amateur radio for many years, and have always seen it as much more than just a hobby. I will look more in to ares/races/skywarn so I can serve the public in some capacity. I have been wondering if joining the arrl is a good thing for me to do, or if it is a waste of money. It sounds like they aren't representing amateur radio the way it should be, or representing their members well. I'm all ears... I would love to hear your opinion. If you have made a video on the arrl besides this video, please send me a link! I will try to figure out how to refine my KZbin query down to find any others. Otherwise... I have subscribed to your channel. I think your content will help me greatly. I hope to one day speak with you on the radio! Take care!
@ham-radio 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Life Member of the ARRL. They need to fix a lot of what they do. They are loosing members as compared to the total number of amateurs. In my view of them, they do not have a voice at the FCC. The increasing age of the average amateur needs to be addressed very quickly. They need to stop talking about amateur radio as just a hobby. They should replace the 3 newly hired editors who are not amateurs and know nothing about it. Heck, they can't even proof read. 73, Jim
@ai5dd 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, you make great points. The main point is the ARRL focusing on the Hobby aspect. I know our local radio club has been marginalized from the local emergency services for some reason and that's kind of a let down for us. I do hear local news on one of the repeaters we call the "super net" that spans 3 states, and during bad weather local news casters that are Hams, get on and get info from armature spotters. Just from my prospective of our local group, it seems like less emphasis on armatures being a resource is destroying our viability. 73 de AI5DD
@jrjr1273 3 жыл бұрын
I understand what You are saying. Thank You for doing something.... 73’s
@barrywells9486 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I had the same questions about the fees. You present these facts very well.
@mikeoswald8053 3 жыл бұрын
Well and properly said. Housecleaning? Most likely needed. My concern is that in organizations structured like ARRL, are there sufficient, for want of a better word, "type A doers" to handle the demanding day to day and also joist with the FCC, not just at the attorney level?
@jsteinberg48 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I think all of the money spent on QST (make it on-line only) should be redistributed into national/state legislative lobbying (where is the Parity Act been lately-It has been dead as an ARRL issue), education and newcomer onboarding. Is there a link to the ARRL video you are discussing? K2MIT
@kb6dxn 3 жыл бұрын
My letter to the ARRL: To the Board: Amateur radio is not just a hobby!!!!!!! If I wasn’t a life member back when you use to represent the Ham Radio community I would not give you a dime after you call Ham Radio JUST a Hobby. As a LIFE MEMBER maybe I should run for President of the ARRL and get it back to doing what the member’s expect of the ARRL!!! You are PAID to represent the member in FCC matters and premotion of Ham Radio. BTW, I will never buy a Antenna from the ARRL, I’d rather buy it from a manufacture of Ham Radio gear not the origination like the ARRL, the NRA doesn’t sell guns either for a reason.. Pissed off member James E Bowen KB6DX
@daniell8387 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for speaking up Jim. I reluctantly joined the ARRL this year and I'm beginning to regret it. Perhaps it is time for new leadership there.
@Darth_Sepharious 3 жыл бұрын
If he won't support someone of your experience and longevity in the "hobby", what chance do the rest of us have? And I'm a diamond club member. It makes me reconsider my ongoing investments in the organization.
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