Level up FASTER on Zwift // No Cheating Required!

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Shane Miller - GPLama

Shane Miller - GPLama

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 191
@ZwiftInsider Жыл бұрын
This is why we’re friends. Ride on, Lama!
@davidrowe8747 Жыл бұрын
I like to do a lot of climbing and wish Zwift would introduce XPs for ascent, not just distance, to encourage us climbers.
@kaseycarpenter73 Жыл бұрын
yeah, would like to see the same mechanic for how they double drop while climbing...
@mrm95 Жыл бұрын
I wish we would get more legendary mountains like the Mortirolo, Stelvio, Col de Tourmalet, Col du Telegraphe, Col de Granon, Peyresourde, Corkscrew Rd. in Adelaide, Teide in Tenerife, Sa Calobra in Mallorca etc.
@kaseycarpenter73 Жыл бұрын
@@mrm95 ^ this 1000x this. I'd also like a dedicated vEversting course
@CheSemah Жыл бұрын
You do get easy XP boost for descent. On ADZ it is 12.44km asecent so it's 15km-ish free distance if you pedal through the descent with ease.
@davidrowe8747 Жыл бұрын
@@CheSemah good point - but in all the times I have ascended AdZ and Ven Top (probably close to 50 times), I've never continued riding and come down! Must be a mental thing, I guess; in my mind the whole point is to go UP. Maybe I need to give myself a good talking-to. ;-)
@inferno4001 Жыл бұрын
Nice one! Big motivation to do more climbing for sure!
@sambrown1779 Жыл бұрын
I have always wondered, how many kms per level? This kind of answered this. Cheers 🎉
@justusbeckmann8073 Жыл бұрын
You could have also created another workout for the descent. Another ~12 minutes at 12xp/min would have increased the result by 144xp. 😊
@gplama Жыл бұрын
12km at 20 XP per km in free ride gains more. And it doesn’t require earning the star. (Workout mode means distance XP isn’t awarded)
@justusbeckmann8073 Жыл бұрын
Okay! 👌🏼
@fieldwalker Жыл бұрын
Blerg! I've done the Alp dozens of times. I've done it in under an hour. I've worn the KOM jersey briefly. I've won the helmet and gloves EVERYTIME. Hearing you've got it 3x in a row blows my mind. I've come the conclusion it's rigged so I will never get it. I don't even bother to look at it anymore. So annoying.
@vizarpa 10 ай бұрын
Is it my impression or you are not granted XP point anymore if you ride downhill without paddling?
@gplama 10 ай бұрын
You’ll still get XP doing that. Drops require you to be producing power.
@vizarpa 10 ай бұрын
​@@gplama thanks for the insight! I've actually tried that a few times on Alpe du Zwift while aiming for that wheel, but even though I'm not seeing the +20 XP pop up for each kilometer when going downhill without power, I'll check if it's tallying up behind the scenes. If not, I might reach out to Zwift support to see if there's something quirky happening in the app.
@guybadman Жыл бұрын
That worked well :) I split the 70 mins into 7x 10 minute interval blocks, and it gave me 119xp per block (not on fast track). Got the wheels at the top and spun big XP for 250xp, also picked up a 10xp on the way back down. Totalled 2473 xp.
@leetaylor9368 Жыл бұрын
You should descend ADZ on a TT bike. You get those 10/20xp power ups. Times three for the descent this is an extra 30/60 xp. Do a few ascents/descents and this soon adds up.
@MeiMeiDoggy Жыл бұрын
Great idea!
@yans-1 Жыл бұрын
Would you still get those if there are no arches/banners along the route?
@leetaylor9368 Жыл бұрын
Free riding down ADZ you go through three power ups. On a tt bike this would net you 20xp (if acclerated) 10xp if not.
@Artur.Chmielewski Жыл бұрын
@@leetaylor9368 In total, these are five bonuses. The first after laping at the top and traveling at the banner, the second between the turns "3 and 4", the third between the turns "13 and 14" (near the excavator), the fourth between the turns "20 and 21" (in the tunnel train) and the fifth bonus at The bottom of the statues itself (in front of the green zone). So we have to win 50xP in normal mode and 100xp for an accelerated path.
@EricWohnig Жыл бұрын
10:26, I was a little caught off guard to see my name pop up giving you a Ride On!
@DarenC Жыл бұрын
At level 43 after being on Zwift since 2015, I need to make use of this. Or just ride more... 🤣
@eloyzwift Жыл бұрын
I think both. It has a correlation :D Happy days and RRRIIIIDDDDDEEEEE ON!
@mikew466 Жыл бұрын
There isn't a lot of point in speeding through the levelling process. None of the rewards are very good and this isn't a game you are going to put away after 6 months. This is likely an app you will use for years on end.
@CodyMH Жыл бұрын
Hi @gplama, I've heard a lot of conflicting numbers over the years on how much XP per minute an interval block yields, so I ran my own experiment to try and debunk all the conflicting info for myself and thought you might find the results interesting. I built nine different workouts using the smallest interval block possible (4 sets) that were comprised of the following durations: 0:58 x4, 0:59 x4, 1:00 x4, 1:00/1:01 alternating x2, 1:01 x4, 1:52 x4, 1:56 x4, 1:58x4, and 1:59 x4. I had heard somewhere that 1:52 blocks yield the same as 2:00 so I thought I’d try that out along with other durations close to it. I rode all nine workouts at the same power (170w) in ERG mode. The winner turned out to be 1:59 blocks where I earned 94 XP over the course of four 1:59 sets at 476 seconds total, which comes out to 11.97 XP per minute. The next two closest interval blocks earning 11.95 XP per minute each were 1:58 and 0:59. The lowest was 1:00 sets at 11.75 XP per minute, so we’re talking very marginal differences here, but gains are gains! It sounds like the most XP you can possibly earn per minute using zone blocks is around 10.8, so interval blocks definitely seem to be the way to go. If all of this isn't nerdy enough for you, let me know and I'll share my full spreadsheet with you!
@bengoodfellow1937 Жыл бұрын
Can I see the full spreadsheet? interested since I agree 1:59*4 is 476s but if it gives 94xp. Would it not be 94/476*60=11.849xp/min
@CodyMH Жыл бұрын
@@bengoodfellow1937 Sorry for such a delayed response, but I looked back at my data and realized 94 XP was a typo. I actually earned 95 for the 1:59 x 4 blocks, which results in 11.97 XP/min. Below is all my data from the 9 tests! * 0:58 intervals x4: 262,466 -> 262,512 = 46 XP = 46 for 3.866 mins = 11.896/min * 0:59 intervals x4: 262,512 -> 262,559 = 47 XP = 47 for 3.933 mins = 11.95/min * 1:00 intervals x4: 262,559 -> 262,606 = 47 XP = 11.75/min * 1:00/1:01 intervals x4: 262,735 -> 262,783 = 48 XP for 242 secs = 4,033 mins = 11.90/min * 1:01 intervals x4: already tested and saw 48XP every time = 48 for 244 secs = 4.066 mins = 11.8/min * 1:52 intervals x4: 262,626 -> 262,715 = 89 XP = 89 for 448 secs/7.466 mins = 11.92/min * 1:56 intervals x4: 263,148 -> 263,240 = 92 XP = 92 for 464 seconds = 7.733 mins = 11.89/min * 1:58 intervals x4: 263,240 -> 263,334 = 94 XP = 94 for 472 secs = 7.866 mins = 11.95/min * 1:59 intervals x4: 263,544 -> 263,639 = 95 XP = 95 for 476 secs = 7.933 mins = 11.97/min
@zwifting Жыл бұрын
Amazes me how when someone just posts a helpful little video like this, that is no way controversial or has any fuel for negativity, manages to somehow attract people with something negative to say. I'm enjoying reading most the comments that are grateful for the tips or have some nice suggestions to leverage some extra XP points, but of course you come across the usual people that just have to their negative little digs - the irony being some of the comments are about how Zwifters interested in XP points and levels are wasting their time, yet the time spent watching a video you have no interest in and then going to the effort of actually typing up a comment with your negative thoughts on the matter is somehow time better spent 🤷‍♂ Anyway - thanks Shane. I'll be implementing these tips over xmas to try and level up to 26 where I can get a couple of new frames I want. All part of the fun.
@WahWah91 Жыл бұрын
So much easier watching someone else climb the Alpe du Zwift, than dragging my fat butt up that mountain.
@alexanderkoch4830 Жыл бұрын
You need to play with the length of the intervals a bit as in some cases you can earn one XP by making a workout block slightly longer. According to Zwiftinsider it's 1 XP every 5.55 seconds for zone blocks. So for zone blocks the most efficient way to earn XP are 111 seconds blocks as you lose no XP (with 60 seconds you lose about 0.8 XP every block) and if you fail one star you don't lose much. BUT there is a caveat. I run Zwift on a 2019 iPad (or sometimes an older MacBook Pro) and with that Zwift's internal timinings are a bit off and after a while the running stopwatch in the top right corner is lacking behind a few seconds. One hour workouts never lasts an hour (according to the stopwatch) on my hardware. It doesn't seem to affect you as your 70 minutes workout ended exactly at 1:18:40 and you started at 0:0:8:40. Every so often I don't get the full 20 XP (only 19 XP) for a 111 seconds block. Second in line is a 50 seconds block (0.009 XP lost) but with that I also sometimes don't earn the 9 XP (only 8 XP) it should give me. I think it has to do when Zwift can't put out the frames fast enough you lose fractions of a second and thus makes the block virtually a bit shorter. Only with 28 seconds blocks (or 139 seconds) I could get a constant output of XP on my hardware (this would be 6th place in the "losing the least XP on a zone block" ranking; 0.045 XP lost every block). Would love to see your findings on interval blocks and playing with the length of these in seconds.
@maxbarj Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the analysis! How many xp should I get for a 139 sec block ?
@alexanderkoch4830 Жыл бұрын
@@maxbarj 25 xp
@austingarland4346 Жыл бұрын
Zone blocks only earn 10.8 xp per minute for a 111 second block compared to the interval blocks in the video which are worth 12xp per minute.
@mrjoshuagordon Жыл бұрын
Let's rush from 50 to 60 then wait 4 years for 70 to be released
@leoaz02 Жыл бұрын
Great information GP, Thanks. Currently slogging my way through the 40's. Will definitely use this option. On a similar note. I think Zwift have missed an opportunity here to keep the long time Zwifters happy. Why not just add a multiplier x2, x5, x10 to routes. This could be as simple as showing the multiplier on the users achievement screen, or for those who like to show there wears perhaps a multiple stamp on the jersey pocket for the user when riding the route in game (ridden the route 7 times, then x7 on the rear pocket). From a game perspective perhaps match XP points to multiplier. eg: x7 + 1.7 XP points per km. The guys and girls at Zwift could create an infinite chase by letting users multiply their routes on an individual and set base, be that full set (PRL full..... eeeek) or by world, Watopia, Richmond, France, etc. Pinball machines were around when I was growing up and part of the draw to the game was levelling up, getting points faster or chasing a prize in the game that required a level of skill not ordinarily seen. Whilst there are some Zwift achievement badges based on this, speed, power, thumbs up for those who **chase** these it's easily obtained by level 30's. One other thought that comes to mind. Some video games have easter eggs. There are enough roads on Zwift to create a one off easter egg route. The user would not know where the route starts or finishes, thus for those who wish to search for the route it increases usage of a specific world or roads not popular. If the route is ridden within a specific set period of time say a month. Then the user collects that unique badge. Obviously with the internet word will get around, hence the short period of time to search and collect. Zwift can then recreate a new easter egg at a future date increasing the gamification and enjoyment for habitual users.
@robin_stevens Жыл бұрын
Additional benefit of this method: double drops as well
@Spongeblunt Жыл бұрын
I thought you didn't get XP for freewheeling but I've just realised it's drops you don't get - not XP. Next video maximising drops? 😁😁
@eloyzwift Жыл бұрын
That would be interesting. Do you get more drops riding up the Alpe with a lot of Ride ons or is it more benificial to pick a Robopacer and go for a 2,5x bonus.
@peckproject-keithpeck7766 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video Shane! I commented over a year ago on one of your videos about using the prize wheel at the top of the climb as a way to level up faster than some of the more popularly discussed methods. Back then I thought the big bonus odds were increased by having an unused power-up when you passed through the summit arch. Your idea to switch to a workout to get XP by time on the climb instead of distance is pure gold!
@eloyzwift Жыл бұрын
Change immediatly to a TT bike and you will get every PU place a 10 extra XP in that pocket.
@NathanLipkeEvilN8 Жыл бұрын
I always continue right to the jungle arch. It’s almost all downhill and you get another 2k plus 10 at the arch.
@SnappyWasHere Жыл бұрын
If you make those intervals 61 seconds it’ll rack up faster. Just adding 1 second to each interval gives you one extra xp. And lots of stars and xp if you make each interval separate and not part of a repeating loop like you did.
@scowentz1 Жыл бұрын
Agree with this. I did 1 x 5:01 UOs, and I also added a 1 second steady state partition in between the intervals such that I could pause the workout without risking losing the points in case I needed to take care of something and then could come back to my workout. The TT bike does also rack up the extra XP points on the descent so switch to that prior to the descent.
@chicagoan Жыл бұрын
Yep I do 56secs which gets rounded up to 60secs. That’s the most efficient way. Just tons of O/U 56sec intervals at the same power.
@TheBublecorp Жыл бұрын
I tried setting 5:01 intervals but I'm receiving 54XP per interval only.
@bighammer3464 Жыл бұрын
Shane, can you try changing your units to get more xp. I think I’ve seen that if I go from miles to kilometers I get the xp for the mile even though I got xp just a little bit ago for the km. ie 1km 1mi(1.6km) 2km 3km 2 mi(3.2km) etc. that should end up getting almost double xp right. A lot of manual effort though.
@Realciderreviews Жыл бұрын
At the top of the mountain, put in a massive sprint over the line to increase the chance of getting the wheels
@donb965 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been doing the 90 minute riders choice workout which lets you pedal at whatever power you want. You will always get the star even if you stop peddling to take a break for a minute.
@jefferycampbell2243 Жыл бұрын
Riders choice (or free ride blocks) only yield 5.5 XP per minute vs interval blocks that yield 12 XP per minute.
@user-vn9js9yn1j Жыл бұрын
@@jefferycampbell2243what exactly is interval block?
@altern8tive Жыл бұрын
Being able to sell bought, unused items in the garage would also be a great way to gain back points or add some additional XP
@kurastyles Жыл бұрын
You spend drops in the shop. Not XP.
@RealShkillz Жыл бұрын
Shane what are your thoughts on the current issues when people are hitting level 60. Apparently people aren't getting back all that XP they had banked over the years waiting for more levels. Some people are even reporting no longer receiving XP at all. I could be wrong but I remember when it went from 25 - 50, once we hit 50 we got back all the XP they had taken. Almost doesn't seem worth it now to rush to 60 if when you get there nothing will happen.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
What should be happening is people should be on the the 2x pathway through to the XP they had accumulated prior to the Level 60 update. If that's not happening... they'll need to fix it pretty quick! :)
@mikeymouse4629 Жыл бұрын
Wow ! Thank you for working that out for us. You might want to try 'String Theory' next - should be a 'walk in the park' after this. 🙂
@stennan Жыл бұрын
So would picking a regular Zwift workout with intervalls/time that allows me to get to the top still Pay 12xp/min? Scheduled to ride up Alp de Zwift, but I have become something of a "big Chungus", so I was planning on selecting a workout to help with motivation and break the monotony.
@ChrisP978 Жыл бұрын
Any workout is fine, just need to make sure you hit all the marks and get the stars so it bonuses.
@pierrex3226 Жыл бұрын
So I did that this AM. 12662-10817=1845XP for 1.5h of moving time, or 1230xp/hour. I got the helmet, not the wheel. I climbed at c.210W, and didn't pedal on the way down (hence moving time). Activity was
@TheoreticalCyclist Жыл бұрын
Oh it's so easy! Wait...it's the "road to sky" route. I think who manages to do this definitely deservs the gained XP.
@MrSTRDDD Жыл бұрын
I’m enjoying this method. I currently have my intervals set at 28 seconds 139 seconds Repeated twice. =66xp With a 30 second rest block between. =5xp A total of 71xp every 6:04. Does anyone have a better ratio? What interval timings are better?
@austball13 Жыл бұрын
I still think it's silly that they haven't made it so miles and kilometers earn equal XP per distance ridden. All Zwift has to do is make it so miles earn 32 XP per mile, and then people wouldn't have to use a unit of measurement for which they have no frame of reference.
@backroadcyclist Жыл бұрын
Well... Those XP aren't worth that amount of clicking and distraction from riding and having fun. Just my two cents...
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Having fun is riding bikes outside. 🤣
@hbmedia4381 8 ай бұрын
Or you can ride Tempus fugit and go through the banner at the end of flat is fast 😅.
@mikescholz360 7 ай бұрын
Just tried this but i screwed up my watt targets and didnt get my stars so all i got waa lousy fitness and minimal xp! Lesson, dont mess that part up.
@dna100 Жыл бұрын
I wish they'd add more levels for runners. Not fussed about level kit but it would be nice to see your level increasing. I guess the half hour it would take to add the extra levels is too much hassle
@liam_c27 Жыл бұрын
I've never understood the point of the levels. Just to unlock socks or a jersey? You get better stuff just taking part in events. I love zwift & but couldn't care less what level I am (or what anyone else is for that matter) 🤷
@D.J.Hunter Жыл бұрын
I used to do something similar when trying to get the Tron bike, as I wanted to still get good XP whilst climbing. I did 61 second under and overs (sometimes 60seconds would get 1 XP less than 61 seconds) to minimise risk of losing a star and XP. It was a LOT of stars/blocks so I used to edit the workout xml in a text editor so it would only take a couple of minutes to make. I'd mostly use it for recovery rides though, slow up hill but same XP as if I was smashing hard intervals.
@MeiMeiDoggy Жыл бұрын
I am very new to custom workouts, can you please explain this further on what you did with xml? Anyway you can share it? Thanks
@1984rbarker Жыл бұрын
If you happen to befriend someone at the top and then ride with them you can get 240XP on a free descent prior to starting your workout.
@michaell3134 Жыл бұрын
Shane I spoke to you on Zwift the other day! was this what you were "secretly" testing? hehe
@mathewrose2951 Жыл бұрын
I clicked on the video, and. found out your method is . . . exactly what I've already been doing with the exception being that I'm not doing it in workout mode. I'm somewhere between 100 and 200 ascents of the Alpe at the point because I use it as an interval training game, picking either odds, evens, or every third segment and trying to pace them above threshold for a segment PR. I also do Fire and Ice (slightly less efficient) because I like the 20 something minutes of lead-in before the climb to get my music choice and fan angle dialed in.
@Furui93Shin Жыл бұрын
Some really good ideas in the video and in the comments. I think I might know what I'm doing this weekend 😂
@jonathanzappala Жыл бұрын
Yeah I always try to finish my workout before that km xp comes up 😂
@TheGladstoneFamily Жыл бұрын
Not sure if the 100KPH badge adds XP, but if you switch to the time trial bike before the descent you can hit 100KPH by revving it up at the top.
@AlbaTech 9 ай бұрын
Any chance of a an update video using the new (lvl60-100) accelerator? I tried this yesterday and I don't think the XP is doubled like it was in the lvl50-60 days.
@TheZwifter Жыл бұрын
Got the 1000xp wheel bonus last night
@gplama Жыл бұрын
It's 'uge! I'd love to see an even bigger prize wheel on Ven Top!
@TheZwifter Жыл бұрын
@@gplama 👍👍👍👏 for sure! P.s I split out the workout to 1min 52sec blocks of Z2… works a treat for the ⭐️ 2336xp up and down the Alp (with the wheel xp bonus)
@julianallen515 Жыл бұрын
What is How do you get the roulette style s[ining bonus at the top of the Alps? I'm unclear on that.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
You need to complete the ascent in full. At the top the spin wheel will appear.
@nomeatnovember5908 Жыл бұрын
200w @ what weight??? I've packed on the pounds... 😂
@kbennehoff Жыл бұрын
2.6 w/kg
@paulmorrison30 Жыл бұрын
Excellent and informative as always 👌🏾
@BigMeanyVids Жыл бұрын
Good timing for me as been on zwift about 1.5 months so starting to dig in more to the details.
@genelee7869 Жыл бұрын
I tried this and kept tracked the wheel-Spin-Bonus amount (250 XP vs 1000) over the last 18 ascents. 48% were 1,000 and the other 52% were 250 XP. Average therefore is 600 XP per wheel spin
@CatTerrist 9 ай бұрын
The easiest 1000XP hour that doesnt rely on events or workouts is 1) Set world to be Scotland (Of course use a TT bike) 2) Select Crit City (3.3km) 3) At 38 kph or roughly 200w, you do 11 laps, with two bonus segment gates (1 sprint, 1 KOM) you get - 760XP for the riding, 230XP for the gates = 980XP So thence go a touch quicker (39kph) and you get exactly 1000XP repeatably.
@RustyRacer Жыл бұрын
I used to make a workout that would take around 900 metres (depends on terrain and effort), then I'd get the XP bonus for each kilometre as well. I did that because I think you don't accrue kilometre XP when you are getting workout XP, but I'm not sure.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Correct. No distance XP in workout mode.
@jjay718 9 ай бұрын
Does this not work anymore since the big change and going to 100 levels? I grabbed a TT bike and rode around o the volcano circuit but did not get any extra points.
@phoenix1453 Жыл бұрын
Im new to Zwift. I have 500k drops. Which bike should i get? Tarmac SL7 is 674K
@eloyzwift Жыл бұрын
Now the Climb Portal has changed probably the most efficient way of mining XP. I think it is a good video to test every climb or a part of it and do a lot of reps.
@tonykflai Жыл бұрын
Does the workout have to be finished before riding under the alp du Zwift finish line to still activate the wheel to get the points?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure... I didn't want to risk it to find out. 🤣
@VfLRocker Жыл бұрын
I don't think so as I got the Meilensteins in workout mode when I did Four Horsemen last Friday
@kevinscott3656 11 ай бұрын
I have a question. I noticed that when I looked at the routes that I have done already, the XP have been crossed out?? I do some routes on repeat, do I still get XP for doing the km??
@ingolfstern9873 10 ай бұрын
what is this "fast track" thing?? I dont get it tbh
@gplama 10 ай бұрын
It's for people who have already banked a ton of XP beyond the previous level limits.
@G_Widdicombe Жыл бұрын
Thanks, great tip which worked for me. Just one query - I put 10secs in between each interval in the interval block but Zwift still only showed 1 star for the whole workout and didn’t give me any XP after each interval. Did I do something wrong?
@DennisNowland Жыл бұрын
Great, thanks for sharing.
@zwifting Жыл бұрын
Have since done 2 ADZ climbs in workout mode. 2nd effort was a PB 🎉 - however still no wheels and that’s 5 times up now 😂 But I did leverage enough XP to get to 26 and get my new Canyon Frame. Wondering if setting up a 5min workout that ends just before each KM would get you the 5x12 XP for workout and then the 20XP for the KM = 80XP per KM - just have to start the Workout at the start of each KM 🤔
@titaniumben9923 Жыл бұрын
I don't usually do workouts natively in zwift (I use Xert app with the trainer control using that and ride in zwift) but I did a workout natively in zwift and noticed the fast track didn't work in workout mode.
@stewartmurray5016 Жыл бұрын
Levelling up quickly is excellent, but one cannot afford the unlocks if you don't earn a good amount of drops.
@donvape336 Жыл бұрын
This seems like a lot. I only recently learned another app slows your speed on hills for non interactive smart trainers so trying to remember all this is next to impossible. I can't remember what I ate yesterday.
@TheUnrevealer Жыл бұрын
Well, realistically you'll get wheels every 10 climbs (3 wheels until masochist for me), but still lot faster
@veloaddict Жыл бұрын
So let me get this, I should pay for a subscription and can't have access to all the routes? And have to ride more to get some fantasy points to change how my bike looks? What is this? Slavery with extra steps?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Why so angry? Maybe just go ride a bike?
@brandonamos2532 Жыл бұрын
TT bike for the down hill would have got you some addition XP.
@stephenpalfreyman4755 Жыл бұрын
I think you get an extra XP if you add a second to your workout? marginal gains 😅
@donb965 Жыл бұрын
There is also a 60 minute riders choice work out and I suppose you could create your own at whatever length of time you want.
@Ultegra10SPD Жыл бұрын
Paging Cameron Jeffers
@gplama Жыл бұрын
He’s no help, he didn’t do the levelling up on his account. 🤣
@pauldamian2988 Жыл бұрын
I dunno... "gamification" and "zwift"??? I don't see it. At least not by any game I have ever played. I WISH someone would come along and make a REAL game with my Kickr. OR, anyone know of a FREE software? I hate paying Zwift the monthly subscription just to have it load up my Kickr variously.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
GTA Bike.
@74_Green Жыл бұрын
Robbed on XP by Zwift AGAIN ;) Level 57 (.4) Should be at 60 already but missed the first week or 2 of the new L60 update. Would have been nice to know this a couple of weeks ago! Torn whether to try this or just plod along to 60. Also, Shane what was the little update yesterday??? GV 1.32.1 (106405)?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
The little update looked like just a bug fix release.
@TrickyTree84 Жыл бұрын
If you have badges to get that always wins right?
@DavidAnkeney Жыл бұрын
I wonder what I might be doing something wrong I have climbed Alpe du Zwift 9 times now and still haven’t won the wheels. Is there a trick to that?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
No tricks... just keep going until you get them :)
@bat502 Жыл бұрын
If I come out of the Everest challenge to look at/try another challenge will I have to start the Everest challenge from the beginning? Thanks
@gplama Жыл бұрын
It should resume where you left off.
@timrhodesjones Жыл бұрын
So with that tactic Shane, how many kilometres would you need to cycle to get to level 60? Just as a comparison to the 37k you mentioned at the start for doing it as standard? Cheers.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Working it out from what's on screen for this ride: 31.3km for this ride @ 4502 XP. 143.83 XP/km. 5215km to get to Level 60... double that for the real answer as it'll be non x2 fast-track. That's also winning the wheels on every ascent too.
@krismcgowan4308 Жыл бұрын
can you game this even further and head back down the alpe for 500m and then turnaround and go back through the gate again?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Sure. You won’t get the spin wheel again though.
@lechprotean Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't some challenges or events orgnised by Zwift be more beneficial (when available?)
@kurastyles Жыл бұрын
Yes that is correct. However, this is a great way to continue fast earning xp once those challenges have been done.
@billfrith2005 Жыл бұрын
Shane, please tell me how you get to earn 2 x Acceleration XP points?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
I’d banked around 800k XP at the time Level 60 was released. This update reverted everyone who had over 500k XP back to 500k XP and put them on a fast-track back to their previous XP balance.
@stevek8829 Жыл бұрын
What happens to your points of you drop membership for a summer? Do you rejoin as a beginner? There is no yearly membership offered and I don't plan to ride enough during the warm six months to maintain a monthly subscription.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
It’s all retained. Levels / XP / Drops. Just as long as you don’t select ‘Delete Account’ when you unsubscribe.
@stevek8829 Жыл бұрын
@@gplama thanks!
@cdchriste Жыл бұрын
Why is your power bouncing around so much when you are in ERG mode?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
I don’t have ERG smoothing on.
@stewarthinsley6995 Жыл бұрын
What's the fast track??
@gplama Жыл бұрын
I had around 800,000 XP banked as Level 60 was released. That update reset my XP to 500,000 XP (Level 50) but then I get x2 XP all the way back to 800,000 as a 'reward'.
@DavidCConnor Жыл бұрын
@@gplama, I'm assuming anyone currently on Level 47 won't be eligible for the "Fast Track" 2x?
@74_Green Жыл бұрын
@@DavidCConnor Correct. You needed to be at level 50 already before the new level 60 started.
@justinmbr5619 Жыл бұрын
Dear Mr Llama sir. Could you not do a work out on the way down too; but in the name of recovery put the intervals at something really low like 50 watts?
@percyveer2355 Жыл бұрын
was wondering the same, dont know if gravity would still result in a short interval and therefore limited time to gain points.
@VfLRocker Жыл бұрын
Ofc you could but it is not efficient as you don't get km-xp and workout-xp together and instead just one of them. So if you do a workout for the descent you only get 11 min * 12xp/min = 132 xp instead of 12km downhill * 20xp/km = 240 xp
@WestKernowCyclist Жыл бұрын
@jeskli11 Жыл бұрын
...or you can just free ride, not stick to any route, and hit the "Not now" button when Zwift tells you your trial has expired 🙊.
@kurastyles Жыл бұрын
Hey Shane, did you also know that if you ride on for 1 minute after going under a banner you can u-turn and go under the banner again and collect again. Making it 2 minutes between banners and not 3 average on Dolphin course. Easy to on Tempus as it’s flat where banner is. 👍🏼
@CodyMH Жыл бұрын
I do this with the start/finish banner on the beach in Watopia all the time. I select the Figure 8 Reverse route, ride a TT bike, and flip a U-turn just before the left-turn option at one end, and near the big tree on the right at the other end. Depending on your speed/power, you may have to ride a bit further before the U-turn. It can be annoying to keep U-turning after a while, but if you don't mind doing that, I average anywhere from 850-930 XP/hour and don't have to go to the trouble of riding up the whole Alpe with the custom workout and all that nonsense. Yes, you can potentially earn a bit more per hour using other methods, but this one is so simple.
@tommylobotommy Жыл бұрын
@@CodyMH interesting, how do you know when to make an U-turn?
@CodyMH Жыл бұрын
@@tommylobotommy There's no perfect way to know the shortest distance you can go before flipping a U-turn and still get the 10XP at the banner, but I've learned over time about how far I need to go depending on my power output. For anything up to about 2.5 w/kg, you can flip a U-turn at the following locations and still get the XP: if the beach is on your right, turn around at the big tree that hangs over the road before you go through the little mini tunnel. If the beach is on your left, flip a U-turn right before you're forced to turn left or stay straight at the T after the right turn. You should've gone far and long enough at those two points to get 10 XP each time you cross through the banner. If you're riding above 2.5 w/kg, you'll need to go a little further. If the beach is on my right, I'll go until I'm almost at the mini tunnel past the big tree, and on the other end I'll choose the option that sends me straight at the T, then turn around before the climb starts. Likewise, if your power is very low (as mine often is as I'm warming up), you can turn around even sooner, but there's a minimum limit on that. I'm not sure if it's based on time or distance or both, but you obviously can't just flip U-turns every 10 seconds and expect to get 10 XP each time. Just pay attention to your power output and whether or not you're getting the 10 XP at the banner and adjust your distance or power accordingly. Happy XP farming!
@tommylobotommy Жыл бұрын
@@CodyMH cheers! I will try that, after the 80 minute climb up the Alpe du Zwift today :)
@gregbianchi2689 Жыл бұрын
I'm at level 60 now what ???
@sonicboom923 Жыл бұрын
@velogoo Жыл бұрын
I’m surprised you don’t already have the Masochist badge!
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Strava tells me I've done the Aple 25 times.... Not sure what the go is there.
@lehtjug Жыл бұрын
@@gplama how many attempts you did to alpe before you get lightweight wheelset?.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
@@lehtjug I think it was 18 or more.... Here's me winning them on livestream: kzbin.info/www/bejne/m5DUpqCIm86UpcU
@NicolasLongueville Жыл бұрын
Does xp workout also work for runners?
@gplama Жыл бұрын
It should. ZwiftInsider should have the running XP details.
@NicolasLongueville Жыл бұрын
@@gplama I’ve tested it, and it did work!
@lehtjug Жыл бұрын
At a beginning when I start to Zwift XP:s seems to be important to get them much as possible because Zwift was new to me and want to get more new wheels and frames. But that was then, now today XP:s means nothing to me, I ride only because I wan't to stay fit. Now I have too many bikes and wheels in my garage which I probably never use. Good for them who are excited about XP:s if that keeps them coming back to Zwift, everything for everyone.
@bontakun1 Жыл бұрын
Or you can do a lot of short workouts in order to take both the km bonus and the workout bonus. For example, an 80 second workout would give me 16xp (32xp on x2). The workout would finish before crossing each km line, so I would get 20xp (40xp on x2) for km bonus as well. Applying this to heartlandsg's method I get 82xp (164xp on x2) for a lap, thus 1640xp (3280xp on x2) for 20 laps. This is about as efficient as your method when you grab the 2000xp wheel🤣
@Mr._Moose Жыл бұрын
I must be using Zwift incorrectly. I use it to keep my fitness and not be bothered with garnering XP or drops. I've never spent any drops; just use the bike that came with it. I must admit, I did change my kit colors and avatar once I saw that ability so I can better pick myself out in a crowd. Guess if I was interested, would switch to km v. miles, but it's not important to me. However, if it keeps you motivated or gives you bragging rights, who am I to criticize?
@Ampteks Жыл бұрын
Yet you found yourself here and watched the video. I feel the same way about e-bikes. Fitness is of course #1
@PhilCrombieMTB Жыл бұрын
Wow, big brain moments!!! @))
@donb965 Жыл бұрын
Maybe starting another workout at the top of the Alpe. It wouldn’t be a long one but maybe extra XP.
@thefox2205 Жыл бұрын
Does this count as cheating? Create trial account and use on 2nd device, make friends to ride with as you leap frog up the alpe without any riding required. Park this “friend” at the top. On your account/device select ride with your new friend who is at the top of the alpe and freewheel descend. 240XP each time. 4-5 times an hour 🙈
@DomH1994 Жыл бұрын
Jeez you trainer people need to get outside and touch the grass.
@gplama Жыл бұрын
Lots of outside here: www.strava.com/athletes/11525
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