Drowning in love My heart is excited But I'm anxious The risk is great This delicate distance Makes my heart beat But I'm scared I can't take a step Confused emotions A dead end situation It's not going well What should I do? My heart is upset My head is confused I can't see where I should go Even though I'm infatuated I'm also anxious But I can't give up Because I love this love I always look back I hesitate But I regret missing the chance to move forward A dilemma that seems within my reach But I can't My heart is captivated by temptation The pain of not being able to take the next step A troublesome relationship called love I want it so badly But I'm so scared I'm obsessed with it But I hesitate because I'm afraid of getting hurt I know it's dangerous But I can't stop myself While being tossed about by this dilemma, the path of awkward love that wants to move forward