Lindsay Hansen Park's Year of Polygamy - Mormon Stories Ep. 551

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Mormon Stories Podcast

Mormon Stories Podcast

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In this episode, we interview Lindsay Hansen Park about the completion of her Year of Polygamy podcast project.
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00:00 Introduction
04:00 Lindsay on things in childhood or upbringing that might have informed doing a podcast
06:37 Relevance of prophets being polygamous and jokes about the subject
09:28 Baptists send DVDs. FAIRmormon refutes. Lindsay finds out about Joseph's polygamy.
12:56 Quick overview of the history, starting with JS
16:40 Date of revelation
18:40 Church literature about polygamy. Secret vs sacred
21:09 Why did polygamy explode in 1840?
22:14 Joseph Smith's wives
25:07 Role of sex
27:10 Tactics used to convince women
31:40 Being rigorous about using the term pedophile
33:35 JS's polyandry. Role Emma
35:52 Joseph Smith vs Warren Jeffs
39:00 Women's spiritual experiences as a way to justify polygamy
42:18 Brigham Young's polygamy
45:15 LDS church telling stopping polygamy in 1890
49:38 John Taylor telling his son to carry on the practice?
52:00 LDS Splitoffs
53:40 Polygamists in LDS temples today
56:25 Main concentrations of Mormon fundamentalists. Numbers
59:50 Fundamentalist LDS members reaching out to Lindsay with a faith crisis
1:06:42 Polygamy looking cool and fun? Centennial park
1:12:09 Making the case for or against polygamy
1:16:02 Obedience to one leader is where the problem starts
1:16:30 Opinion on legalizing polygamy
1:19:26 Comparison with LGBT community fighting for same sex marriage
1:20:36 Feeling in danger or feeling uncomfortable because of this podcast?
1:22:39 Worried about the church taking action?
1:26:28 Testimony after studying polygamy
1:28:44 Other arguments trying to defend polygamy
1:31:11 Argument that JS never practiced it
1:32:24 Brian and Laura Hales
1:38:00 Church decanonizing 132 possibly?
1:40:49 Effect of Church Essays, and curriculum. Getting rid of polygamy?
1:43:32 Reactions to the podcast?
1:44:42 How did it touch people?
1:46:59 Did fundamentalist people stop believing because of it?
1:47:57 Did the podcast change Lindsay herself?
1:50:28 Wisdom or truth gained?
1:52:34 How can you support Lindsay?
1:55:08 Start Q&A
1:55:37 Advice for distancing from the LDS church
1:57:20 Contradictions in doctrine about the subject
2:01:49 Did the LDS church tell the truth in the early years? Framing.
2:07:10 Connection between polygamy and appeasing women
2:09:19 How does society finally pull the plug?
2:13:10 How did the podcast affect relations with e.g. your husband or family?
2:17:05 How do fundamentalist Mormons deal with LGBT children?
2:18:30 Allowed to being part in masonic rites as a reason to allow polygamy
2:21:36 Closing words

Пікірлер: 501
@Electrosocket44 9 жыл бұрын
I attended this, and there was such an incredible feeling in the room. Lindsey's unbelievably thorough and honest research has been so needed for so long! I appreciate both of you, you guys are doing great things and helping people more than either of you could ever fathom. Thank you!
@creeksidechiro 9 жыл бұрын
Corinne Evans How did you find out about this event? I would have loved to go!
@Electrosocket44 9 жыл бұрын
I follow both john dehlin and mormon stories podcast on Facebook, that's where I heard about it :)
@DeathValleyDazed 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the first hand review.
@certainlyitis 7 жыл бұрын
Reading through theses comments I was surprised by the lack of understanding in the comments. I think she shared her feelings of wanting to help the families that have been victims of the vile theology of past and present "prophets" very well. I think her effort of wanting to practice compassion and empathy is commendable.
@mylesmarkson1686 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, a lot of people think she is still a believer, but I didn't get that. What she is saying is that Mormons caused the whole polygamy-mess, so we need to do what we can to fix it whether we are still believers or not. So she considers herself still a Mormon in the social and cultural aspects (by being raised in it), but not in the doctrine.
@livehealthyfinishstrong Жыл бұрын
I have been a big fan of Mormon Stories for quite awhile, but this is my first time hearing Lindsay Park and this is 7 years old! She is great! I’ll be searching for her videos now!
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
This was a fascinating video. I'm a Humanist, but I LOVE the way that Lindsay has processed all the information she's learned during this project. If more people adopted her "let people be complex" philosophy there would be a lot more compassion in this world. I also love the freedom of being an "Independent" and listening to their own truth, because I've had quite a spiritual journey that has led me to Humanism, and who knows where that journey may take me next. Thank you Lindsay.
@khadijagwen 7 жыл бұрын
I think that Emma was a wonderful, faithful woman who went through so much at the hands of her loony husband. I officially resigned, but have not gotten my confirmation letter back. This has been so hard and tearing.
@cheryledempster4562 4 жыл бұрын
Watching this Jan.2020......excuses,excuses,always excuses. I reigned and got my letter June 2019. He was a crackpot alright.l think a lot of Mormons make excuses for him because they feel foolish and embarrassed that they ever believed his made up stories his lies and massive deceipt.
@Cate7451 3 жыл бұрын
Ellen Brown hugs for you.
@robertmiles4022 8 жыл бұрын
Hansen Park you are awesome. I am an independent Mormon. I have spend 20 years researching Mormon history and you are truly deep. Thank you for standing up for truth, and justice. I love what you say and how you say it. Great Job.
@tlotus3032 6 жыл бұрын
How can you stay mormon and teach your children this? I can't breathe listening to her; the mental gymnastics she has to go through to try to turn a sick man into a saint in her mind. creepy. multi-generational apologist delusion. You bind your kids minds hearts souls and spirits to this sickness. You aren't free. Only you can set yourselves free.
@jamesmoss7919 9 жыл бұрын
Great interview! Lindsay Hansen Park is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing :)
@artbydawnae 6 жыл бұрын
Totally agree this polygamy mess is a “Mormon” mess. As much as the LDS church tries to disavow themselves, the evidence says differently. I personally feel a responsibility to these women and children! Thank you Lindsay!!
@carolinehaley3528 2 жыл бұрын
Pedophiles and bullies hiding behind religion
@warrick7689 Жыл бұрын
The church has a habit of telling you not to look at their history because a history of bad choices exposed it for what it is
@aromaathome 6 ай бұрын
Lindsay is a ROCK STAR! She shares the tough Mormon history in such a human way. Absolutely LOVE her! ❤️
@SD-co9xe 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that the young girls in polygamous cults are brainwashed into it from a young age. It is child abuse and should never be legalized. In fact these cult compounds should be dismantled. I find it disturbing that someone so personally bothered by polygamy would say it is ok and should be legal. These aren't adult women who had a choice in the matter.
@ginafrancis4950 2 жыл бұрын
Agree- Another thing that was not elaborated enough on is the fact that these FLDS compounds in part are run on child labor and our tax dollars. These polygamous families rely in part on the Government to operate and feel entitled to it. These men get away with these polygamous lifestyles at tax payers expense. That disturbs me. But so much more than that is the preying on little girls for the taking of new wives under the guise of gods command. Purely Disgusting and heart wrenching. If polygamy were to be made legal the men would have to think twice about the expense but since to them it is a spiritual god ordained marriage then making it legal in the eyes of the law really makes no difference to them. After all people decide to live together all the time and there is no law against it. But when children are involved it’s a whole other reality. Frustrating all the way around. Just keep the children safe from predatory behavior. That’s the main thing for me. I don’t care what consenting adults do. The fact that these coercive cults can thrive right under our noses in this country astounds and saddens me. Just don’t let them get away with hurting children. Easier said than done of course. Time and again we’ve been shown the horrors of not being able to keep innocent children safe.
@sidstovell2177 2 жыл бұрын
Not legal in Canada. Have you seen the YT about Winston Blackmore?
@BlueSkiesofIdaho Жыл бұрын
I am so inspired to be "rigorous". She put into words the things I feel when we use labels. People ARE complicated. And the nuances matter. And I'm so thankful for intelligent discussion, the courage to voice unpopular opinion. I might not agree with someone, but rigorous thought at least makes the discussion worthwhile-- and less a war of emotions.
@whothinksforme 2 жыл бұрын
1:31:27 is a great summary of the Mormon journey and trying to make sense of it's doctrine and especially plural marriage/polygamy.
@shaleceelynneartdesign387 4 жыл бұрын
I like that she leaves all of us space to be complicated and figure out truth for ourselves. It’s a good discussion.
@athb4hu 2 жыл бұрын
Another great post, very interesting for someone who has never been part of any kind of Mormon culture.
@anthonycahoon791 4 жыл бұрын
“If you have to defend something that’s wrong, and say it’s in the name of God? Don’t do that to me... Don’t do it so you can harm other people.” Yesss. Preach! Lindsay is incredible ❤️
@katyselby97 4 жыл бұрын
This just seems like really intense apologetics. She seems so negative towards the church and yet still fundamentally believes and I cannot fathom that.
@acetrades1524 3 жыл бұрын
She is still in? Mind blown. 😫
@s.a3099 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve listened a lot to Lindsey’s pod cast, and I think for her it’s a matter of “you can take the girl out of mormonism, but you can’t take mormonism out of the girl” she feels that Mormonism is apart of who she is, even if she doesn’t really believe in it. It’s a cultural thing.
@trukeesey8715 2 жыл бұрын
Which church? There are 4,000 Mormon denominations.
@Cocoon68 9 ай бұрын
Give her time to figure it all out. She will!
@sallyostling 5 ай бұрын
She's out. I mean, porn shoulders!
@BensonsHandyAndy 8 жыл бұрын
Thi shit sounds absolutely BAT SHIT CRAZY!!
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
Prob'ly because it is.
@AJ-et3vf 2 жыл бұрын
great video! THank you!
@StephRivera 4 жыл бұрын
I agree that we should be rigorous about our research. If we are easily discredited, then people will not believe anything we say.
@khadijagwen 6 жыл бұрын
I've finally left the church for sure, though it was not the quiet exit I had planned. Jacob Chapter 2 is a big issue, and the polygamy in heaven directly violates the bible.
@Cate7451 3 жыл бұрын
Take care of yourself.
@s.a3099 3 жыл бұрын
Marriage in heaven violates the Bible
@groworforage342 6 ай бұрын
yep. I knew of 2 families for certain in my Sandy ward in the early 2000s. One was discovered and their family stopped attending but continued to live in the neighborhood. Another was open that her kids went to a private school that was known to be run by fundamentalists. It really seemed as if most the people in my ward didn't make the connection. I was obsessed with all things church history and then polygamy and scared that I might "have" to become a polygamist and this ultimately ended in me leaving the church in my teens. And spot on, both these women "presented" as divorced women in the ward with 8+ kids and they attended but declined callings. We also had one young couple without kids "convert" to fundamentalism from our ward. Again super hush hush but definitely some people knew. My bishop told me about it because we had been having discussions about my church history readings lol. A few years after I left the church essays started coming out and I always wondered what he thought about my research then. SO glad I didn't become a fundamentalist and became an athiest instead lol.
@ElderJoseph 9 жыл бұрын
Just watched the whole interview and Lindsay is one highly commendable and tough girl and rightly so. If only all LDS women would take a similar stance and stand for something better. This is how society and the wider world improves. Reminds me another wonderful strong girl - Martha Brotherton who had the guts to say 'NO' to cult leaders Joe Smith and Brigham Young, something most of the LDS men were too wimpish and weak to do and instead even offered over their wives on command. Just outright ridiculous. This was far better, more inspiring and honourable than any LDS conference I ever saw.
@mylesmarkson1686 2 жыл бұрын
Now here's an Elder that I can relate to!
@marylamphere2112 5 ай бұрын
About 22 mins in she references the "polygamist primary song", anyone know which one it is? Cause I've deleted most of those memories and I am dying to know which one it was!
@leeanncornett5246 2 жыл бұрын
I just got the notification for THIS video LMAO 6 YEARS late 🤣🤷🤦
@tracy8359 3 жыл бұрын
"They're everywhere! Wash your hands!" Bwahaha.
@mikhailv67tv 8 жыл бұрын
Every religion needs Women like this one. I am not a Mormon and find the religion fairy Tail, but so are most religions. But I listened to this woman throughout her message. She's really really good. She's healing people and finds religion useful in the 21st Century
@michaelhunt3576 7 жыл бұрын
Most? Try ALL!
@haileyjayceelynhyderr835 7 жыл бұрын
Michael Hunt Islam is no fairy tale at's a DISGUSTING nightmare (;
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
I agree!
@MC-tw1jg 2 жыл бұрын
A German fairytale then.
@cestmois9959 4 жыл бұрын
It must be nice I tried to talk to my Stake President about why the church seemed to turn it's back on me a long time ago. (My relationship with the church is atypical) I basically got Nene, Meme, Tekel, Upharsin. Makes for an interesting and frustrating life.
@dianethulin1700 11 ай бұрын
I was reading the journal of Isaac Haight (available on line). When he went on his mission to England in the early 1850's he talks about the converts murmuring about polygamy on the ship back to the United States and onto Utah. He talks about how it was a problem at that time. He also talks about organizing their wagon train. It's interesting although he barely mentions MMM. We are Cherokees on my mother's side so a Lamonite. She has an GGG Aunt who was a polygamist wife in the Packard family back in Nauvoo. I think she identified as white
@lukeslc-xd8ds 7 жыл бұрын
Paraphrase from General Conference October 2016: Joseph Smith did not let his questions paralyze his belief. Yet, so many today allow just that to happen, sadly.
@rayma66 5 жыл бұрын
It's facts that paralyze belief, not questions.
@utah133 7 жыл бұрын
She is being too easy on Joe! It was his male sexual lust quite a bit. She can't personally relate to that. He also displayed clear symptoms of psychopathy and narcissism.
@rayma66 5 жыл бұрын
And megalomania.
@HelenEk7 8 жыл бұрын
JS married 18 wifes in one year.. (1843). That is almost impressive (had not some of them been so young..)
@ukerry1458 5 жыл бұрын
How would you want to burden yourself with so many problems
@mckster56 2 жыл бұрын
I know just thinking of him messing with my 14 yr old baby sister....
@DeathValleyDazed 7 ай бұрын
This is the real Marvelous Work And A Wonder. Exmo women rock salvation!
@HelenEk7 8 жыл бұрын
So some people live as polymamist while going to LDS. How do they hide it? Live in different houses?
@desiadaven 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow. That last bit about women taking power wherever they can. It is so true! There is so much underhandedness and passive aggression in the LDS church. I bet this is a good bit of the reason why.
@Geoplanetjane 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not just a Mormon problem. Women, most of them, feel nothing wrong to step on other women to get what they want. Husband stealing/family destruction seems to be the specialty of some. I see that happening among not just folks like us, but also among the billionaire class. One in particular is Jeff Bezos whose marriage was destroyed by one Lauren Sanchez
@ginafrancis4950 2 жыл бұрын
@@Geoplanetjane Where’s the blame for Jeff Bezos? If it hadn’t been Lauren it would have been someone else. He was more than likely half way out the door of his marriage anyway. It always takes two.
@joecook5689 4 жыл бұрын
Nice insight and answers, Lindsay! Hope you like hell. Ha, only joking. But seriously nice research and being so well spoken. I'm exmormon myself.
@vestynensign2395 9 жыл бұрын
I can tell that she has an internal conflict. She is trying to keep her faith together by balancing her problems with church history and keeping her faith together. She is using typical apologetics. She should come clean and cut the whole strawman statements such as "oh where is the primary sources?" and "there needs to be consistency across the boards." I am tired of apologetics. Tell the truth about it and call it the way it is.
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
Will be interesting to see where her journey takes her.
@pootdaggy2657 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe she'll get lucky and realize that ALL of religion is about con-men using fear to coerce the gullible.
@CatskillsGrrl 8 күн бұрын
Re her observations of rising fundamentalism… And here we are 8 years later with Chad Daybell.
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
I have seen Polygamists in Portland, Oregon but I did not think of them as being LDS. There is non-religious polygamy, especially among the 20-35 age group.
@radiovikings2713 8 жыл бұрын
Yes, and that was surprising to me. There are a lot of non religious polyamory groups. I researched a few groups, and they say they are happy having their form of romantic relationships. I couldn't imagine living in a home where there are such intricate and complicating relationships. Hmmm.
@khadijagwen 8 жыл бұрын
MsYogaGrrrl It is difficult thinking logically about this since in my Muslim background is rife with it and it is "legal", up to 4 wives.
@tamarablack6046 2 жыл бұрын
Her chewing gum & playing with her hair was too distracting for me to start with, however, once I stopped watching her, placed the phone down & just listened, she’s interesting, articulate, smart and relatable. A talented communicator with many solid points. Don’t agree with everything she said but agreed with much of it.
@davidsarif2481 9 жыл бұрын
1:23:19 LOOOOOL!
@Mormonfan 8 жыл бұрын
+David Sarif ha... The gum is so distracting for me ha I can't watch.
@gaozhi2007 8 жыл бұрын
The thing about "lying for the lord" that she probably understands but doesn't make explicit--it's not really about keeping sacred things from the world so much as it is about keeping inflammatory practices from the enemies of the Church, especially in the Nauvoo period. When polygamy was introduced in private, Joseph was facing the near constant threat of extradition for this or that, and the enemies of the church were mounting. He was acutely aware of the hatred for polygamy and what the consequences would be if it were known in public and this provides a much more solid justification for secrecy--his very life was on the line--and we see that when it was finally, irrevocably made known, it directly precipitated his murder.
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
There were NUMEROUS dodgy practices Joseph was involved in that led to his jailing and eventual death. He greatly abused his power where he was and there were people who weren't too fond of that. He was a lawbreaker and jail was what he deserved... He wasn't some innocent martyr. Someone going into the jail and shooting him wasn't right, but he was far from being a martyr. He wronged a number of people and that was more than likely a response to that.
@karinwells8507 4 жыл бұрын
She is still so brainwashed
@heatherbrown5463 8 жыл бұрын
Interesting to hear someone talk about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' doctrine, and we didn't hear anything about Jesus Christ at all.
@mikhailv67tv 8 жыл бұрын
She hasn't been asked about Jesus...I like this woman, She's a historian, Jesus was ancient history not modern...
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
The Jesus of mormonism is VERY different from the Jesus of Christianity. The Jesus of Christianity is based on a true historical person. The Jesus of mormonism has a lot of strange alterations done to Him and is very different. Compare the Jesus of the Bible with the Jesus of ALL of the different Mormon texts... Even the Mormon texts don't all agree with each other. Jesus and Satan/Lucifer were NOT brothers... EVER. Jesus is God. Lucifer is a fallen angel.
@ukerry1458 6 жыл бұрын
Deborah Ruth Trotter; You say "The Jesus of Christianity is based on a true historical person" Of all the many writers recording history of the time be they Romans, Greeks, Hebrews, etc. Not one ever mentions the presence of Jesus and all his miracles and the preaching to large crowds. And even the gospels themselves don't agree with each other. Every religion is a set of myths sold to people as truth.
@jillstewart6582 5 жыл бұрын
@@ukerry1458 The gospels do not disagree. They are individual accounts and they give different perspectives. Also -look up Cornelius Tacitius, he was a Roman senator, orator and ethnogragher - he was not christian but he did write about one called Christ (Christus in Latin) and that he had been executed in the reign of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate.
@ukerry1458 5 жыл бұрын
@@jillstewart6582 One politician writing about a greater than life being. Maybe was trying to consolidate all the different religions so they could be controlled
@belinacollins6041 6 жыл бұрын
the movement of Mormon church polygamy and l.d.s. church has destroyed my family from joseph smith time all the way up to now ...many generations in my family has been torn apart because of choosing to follow this movement. I forgive but it took many years to crush my resentment and even hatred for all this church has done to my family and me....this church kills the very soul and spirit of many......Jesus christ did not teach or do what mormons do...I'm thankfull to my ancestor who was a governor for walking away from joseph smith when he gave his masonic distress call
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
I am really sorry. I'm not Mormon, but you've clearly stated why I don't affiliate with any specific formal religion They all have their "crimes". I wish you peace
@warrick7689 Жыл бұрын
The problem with religion is everyone says God didn't teach this he taught what caters to my personal beliefs.
@andrewfredrickson8678 Ай бұрын
Wonder why we have off shoots? Look at the first book in BOM. They go against church at their time and leave…
@TheHypnotstCollector 4 жыл бұрын
If you look at the Census statistics for Utah from 1850 onward you will see that it conforms to everywhere else. Thus Mormon Polygamy, of Necessity, was Always polyandrous. Mormonisms first victim to Mormon poiyandry was Lucinda Morgan Harris. Her first husband was William Morgan of "The Morgan Affair. He was kidnapped by Freemasons and ritually murdered because he wrote a book on the first three degrees of Freemasonry. She married Mr Harris. JosephsMyth was rooming with them in 1838 and got to liking Lucinda so he married her. And when JS took his swan dive and dirt nap at Carthage, Lucinda married him Again!! For Time and Eternity And Mr Harris, he got Time only. Mormonism is more than Peculiar and a Mystery Religion, it is a Political Machine It is Freemasonry and the two share a Secret Tow Line. Lucinda lost Two husbands to ritual murders by Freemasons.
@scottjosen2606 3 жыл бұрын
My initial, 'first' impressions on watching her within seconds was that she is exceptionally attractive and chomping gum. Only after listening to her, appreciating her command of language, confident delivery did i realize her to be highly intelligent. Amazing how chewing gum drags a person's perceived intelligence, sophistication down on first notice. She is certainly not one prone to idleness hence the hand movements, flipping hair. Though perhaps not MENSA brilliant, I find it discomforting that she, as intelligent as she likely was then, had been duped into a polygamous arrangement. I'm not LDS but have been fascinated by Smith's craft in constructing this 'faith' system and the way a modern, seemingly sophisticated community accepts the absolutely bogus notions that comprise the BOM, POGP, BOA and subsequent texts and supportive publications.
@Cate7451 3 жыл бұрын
scott jansen , there just seems so much that is just a lie. She seems to be justifying lies. It's just hard to get out I guess.
@warrick7689 Жыл бұрын
The funny thing is that Gum is an excellent tool for recollection
@dannykay3598 8 ай бұрын
Hey guys - y’all say JS just wanted us all to be together. Then Lindsey and John seem to believe that JS indeed believed his revelation about the celestial kingdom where families can be together.
@mikhailv67tv 8 жыл бұрын
sO WHAT'S THE MORMON POSITION ON WOMEN IN your MINISTRIES??? This woman knows here stuff and takes a positive view to it. Are the mainstream churches conservative to these views
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
Great question. They are not allowed as far as I've ever seen.
@valeriebenson3380 8 жыл бұрын
*excluding married women
@videoluvr4204 2 жыл бұрын
"John Taylor is a Bad A" ...this girl wants to be sealed to John Taylor!
@catht9653 5 жыл бұрын
She's brilliant and awesome.
@ylekiote99999 8 жыл бұрын
Just leave the mormon faith and finally be happy.
@Chrissiela 8 жыл бұрын
Extremely interesting!! As to how Mormons (FLDS or even LDS) can justify the practice of polygamy in light of the Book of Mormon's condemnation of the practice, the "loophole" is found right in the Book of Mormon, in the very same book that so many claim unequivocally condemns the practice: Jacob. Jacob 2:30 states: "For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I WILL COMMAND my people; OTHERWISE they shall hearken unto these things." Basically, if God commands polygamy it is OK, OTHERWISE it is not. And, of course, LDS doctrine is that God commanded polygamy through Joseph Smith. According to LDS scripture, God also commanded Abraham to take Hagar as a polygamous wife. He also blessed David with many wives. So polygamy can be an is used to support the doctrine of polygamy, despite the fact that the practice is also condemned. It's not seen as a contradiction at all. The difference is whether or not it's being practiced by commandment from God.
@Chrissiela 8 жыл бұрын
No He didn't. But, as I said, according to LDS scripture He did. (Maybe you missed that part?)
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
David did have multiple wives... just not as many as Solomon... and they weren't commanded by God either.
@Chrissiela 7 жыл бұрын
Deborah Ruth Trotter Who are you talking to? If you are talking to me, I never said David didn't have many wives. My comment: "No, he didn't" was in agreement with sheriwhisper's statement that "God did not command Abraham to take Hagar as anything." That was the part of my previous statement that she was trying to correct, even though I made it perfectly clear that this is what THE LDS teach, as it is in the LDS scriptures (not a claim that I was making). That is the only thing in her comment that I addressed. I had already acknowledged David's many wives and how the LDS use that to support their claims about Abraham. in my previous post.
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
Chrissiela You claimed that God blessed David with many wives as if his polygamy was in any way commanded by God, but it was NOT in any case commanded by God. Thus, claiming that God blessed him with many wives as opposed to that he just took many wives is inaccurate. Having multiple wives led to PROBLEMS... incl. a son raping his half-sister and another son starting a rebellion against him and stuff like that... The Bible records HISTORY and sometimes things that happened are examples of what NOT to do rather than what to do. One thing that God was very clear on was not to take sisters as wives for the same person, but that is something that has been known to happen in Mormonism.
@Chrissiela 7 жыл бұрын
Are you simply incapable of comprehending the fact that I was talking about what the LDS Church teaches and what Mormons believe and in no way suggested that I agree with them? I never suggested that God commanded polygamy. I very explicitly states that he did not, though LDS SCRIPTURES state that He did. I simply pointed out that MORMONS use David (as well as Abraham and others) to support THEIR CLAIMS about God not only condoning but COMMANDING the practice of polygamy. I don't know how to make that any clearer to those who can't seem to distinguish the difference between me talking about what I believe and what I know about what others believe.
@francomui7509 8 жыл бұрын
@rogerresendiz2416 6 жыл бұрын
Franco Mui ...The Mormon christ. and their god is not the true God in the bible...
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
44:16 BDSM. I had wondered.
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
Khadijah Brown I've seen other Mormon women with steel collars
@Charalldredge 3 жыл бұрын
They are all weirdos. Good people can still be weird.
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
It is confusing that the Book of Jacob could so condemn polygamy, but then suddenly it is OK. I believe it is OK in the proper context, women alone with children, abandoned widows and so on.
@ElderJoseph 9 жыл бұрын
Khadijah Brown " It is confusing that the Book of Jacob could so condemn polygamy, but then suddenly it is OK. " There is nothing confusing. The Book of Mormon is fiction, made up for the purpose of exploiting others, which Smith went on to do, though not without causing problems for himself. " I believe it is OK in the proper context, women alone with children, abandoned widows and so on." There is no context at all for Polygamy. Women alone with children can find their own marriage partner ( single man), they don't need a cult leader exploiting them. They can be looked after charitably without the need to screw them. It was a complete false theology that Brigham Young taught, that his and fellow cult leaders purpose was to provide as many as possible white skinned tabernacles for the more righteous spirits waiting to receive bodies. In other words screw as many women as possible. The whole thing is hideous. Brigham Young threatened Hell to those women to get them to obey his demands. The guy was a Dictatorial Cult leader.
@TheHypnotstCollector 9 жыл бұрын
Khadijah Brown D&C132 is what defines Mormon polygamy. Not what you or I say polygamy is. And Mormon polygamy is a manipulative violent treasonous document. And from where does all the Mormon polyandry come from? It's never mentioned but it's there. Hidden in plain sight.
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
***** I have long suspected that Polygamy is still done in the SLC Mormon church. Unless these women come forward, I doubt it can be stopped. People do what they want to do. I have seen it in non Mormon, non religious populations in Portland, Oregon and do not know how stable these relationships are.
@TheHypnotstCollector 9 жыл бұрын
Khadijah Brown I've wondered the same. But their sealing ceremony is basically the same filth. These Free Love cults always fall apart. Sometimes violently.
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
***** Have you been to one? How would you know? I only know about them for the last 4 years. Religion is full of evil and hypocrites. The good are that way in spite of them. You do not want to know the experiences I have had with Evangelicals.
@beverlyhartshorn3097 8 жыл бұрын
Is she saying she is from the LDS church centered in Utah? If she was she wouldn't be dressed like that.
@andieeleniak9619 7 жыл бұрын
She used to be.
@karenpierce2137 6 жыл бұрын
So, what is she now?
@whatiam143 6 жыл бұрын
dressed like what? you have thoughts about her clothes?
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
She called herself an "independent"
@tymeyers1503 4 жыл бұрын
Omg her shoulders are exposed!!! She is sinning.
@algallego 8 жыл бұрын
This girl is living in a world of MORMON confusion!
@johnfleming7879 3 жыл бұрын
you can understand how crazy mass movements like The Khmer Rouge, Maoism, and Naziism take hold
@rmhutchins7 4 жыл бұрын
I am sixty years old; I have experienced a lot in my life. After being married for thirty years with nine biological children, I have, finally, discovered a purpose for polygamy! I have experienced that some women want husbands and children; other women (including my wife), just want children! Once my wife was done having her children (nine of them), I was, no longer, "useful" for her -- I did my job as a stud, and she was done with me; she, really, just didn't want the responsibility to have a husband. My wife would make a great four, tenth, fortieth, ... wife. She, just, wants children!
@tamarablack6046 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe she was tired after bearing 9 children. Then caring for them, teaching them, raising them etc. Why criticize her as “using you as a stud.” How about admiring her for pulling that off as the mother of your children. Maybe she needed just one person, her husband, to nurture & be there for her. Give her a soft place to fall. Maybe viewing her as the amazing mother & human that she obviously is would have inspired her to “need you” beyond those child bearing years. Kindness and admiration go a long way towards maintaining attraction with women.
@yeshalloween Жыл бұрын
@@tamarablack6046 You don’t know that he didn’t give her a soft place to land or offer her plenty of affection and admiration. Why assume that he didn’t nurture her or see her for all that she contributed? For all you know, seeing as you weren’t in the relationship, she really didn’t ever care that much about the marriage and was just interested in having a bunch of children. I hate when fellow women jump all over men for sharing their experience and just assuming the man’s being insensitive. if he was used as a means to an end, that’s sad
@videoluvr4204 2 жыл бұрын
her favorite words are "coercive" and "reductive"
@Djarvis2 5 жыл бұрын
I’m trying to focus on what she’s saying but get distracted by her constant fight with her hair 😳
@bandstand7835 4 жыл бұрын
People do that when they are nervous, try not to get distracted.
@raz8657 8 жыл бұрын
you think but you are not sure of anything!!
@blakeniflis7071 8 жыл бұрын
Some animals have many mates, some animals have one mate. What else is there? I doubt there is just one single way a human being should live their life.
@Kismet1 8 жыл бұрын
The Good That's funny what do you mean by that statement? Abraham, Jacob and several other biblical Prophets were Polygamist. Utah could not become a stated until the Polygamy stopped. All the polygamist left and moved out of the state. The church didn't recognize polygamy since.
@helenlay7287 8 жыл бұрын
Matthew 22:30 and the Book of Mark chapter 12 verse 25
@ufxpnv 8 жыл бұрын
OMG bare shoulders? That's the Mormon Burkha. TBS no not Ted Turner, but Total Bull Shit.
@kevinj5738 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds like this lady is not a Christian. She sounds like a Mormon.
@carolinehaley3528 2 жыл бұрын
This cult is disgraceful
@allim.5941 4 жыл бұрын
She seems brave, number one. But she seems Uber naive.
@lauriecarlson4672 6 жыл бұрын
Wow! Lindsay Hansen helped me understand polygamy very well now. Thanks!! I agree it should be legalized so there are no more secrets and yes, heaven does need to be restructured! Thank you so much for this lengthy speech you gave! It was worth it!
@jcny11 6 жыл бұрын
Agree. she really helped me understand how the secrecy and shame promote many of the dysfunctional behaviors that seem to occur in polygamous communities, or other closed communities for that matter.
@ukerry1458 5 жыл бұрын
@@jcny11 Maybe it shouldn't be legalized but simply get rid of the law. We need to stop relying on the State to tell us what is or is not allowed. If there is no harm done, it is none of other people's business
@videoluvr4204 2 жыл бұрын
Heaven needs to be restructure? what do you mean by that?
@mckster56 2 жыл бұрын
No more welfare under fakeo names for all extra wives. The husband must actually support them totally. Do this first and maybe it could be considered for law changing.
@kirklandmeadows 8 жыл бұрын
You're very "delightsome"
@tlotus3032 6 жыл бұрын
When I told my niece that the book of mormon was racist, I told her about the 'white and delightsome' part and she said they took it out. It's still a knock off bible and inherently sexist and racist.
@whyme760 8 жыл бұрын
I don't know why she is chewing gum and playing with hair so much. So now there are indepentant mormons who follow themselves and not the lds church's leader? Now that I am listening to her answers to audience questions, I think that she is no fan of the lds church.
@Jesusandbible 8 жыл бұрын
The Muslim religion teaches polygamy (forbidden by Jesus) then tell the lie that Jesus taught you can have as many wives as you want to, but Mohammed limited this to "only" 4 (but had more himself). So where is the evidence from history that in the 600 years from Jesus to Mohammed Christians taught polygamy? THERE IS NONE because Jesus taught marriage is for life to one woman, saying divorce and remarriage is ADULTERY, which it NEVER is if you can commit polygamy, thus in his NEW COVENANT teaching Jesus banned polygamy in Matt 5:32 and Matthew 19:9.
@shkoder123 7 жыл бұрын
Orgie "Marrige" dirty mind it people
@Jesusandbible 7 жыл бұрын
Even remarriage is Polygamy. Never heard it called an orgie before to have many wives, as that would imply having sex with more than one at he same time
@Jesusandbible 7 жыл бұрын
So is eating pork. So is marrying you dead brothers wife. So is stoning. We are in a NEW and BETTER covenant, with new law. Read Hebrews 8.
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
It's IN the OT, but never commanded by God. The OT teaches HISTORY and reveals some of the damage that can be done by polygamy.
@Jesusandbible 7 жыл бұрын
I dont know how people who swear online to Christians expect to be anything but blocked.
@beverlyhartshorn3097 8 жыл бұрын
She is talking about the other Mormon church not about the one that has it's headquarters in Utah. The do not practice polygamy. The early church did but not any longer.
@deborahruthtrotter2154 7 жыл бұрын
Either way, that doesn't change the fact that Joseph Smith and some of the others in high positions in the early Mormon organization practiced polygamy and used manipulation in order to accomplish this at times. The only reason it changed was to open the doors for statehood for Utah and gain some political acceptance while conveniently being disguised as a revelation given to the prophet of the time that it was time to change. A god/God who changes his mind on so many things so often is not a god that can be trusted. The different mormon scriptures contradict each other... 1 place will push polygamy as a requirement and another will condemn it.
@whatiam143 6 жыл бұрын
what did God think about polygamy... such as with David and Solomon
@ukerry1458 5 жыл бұрын
@@whatiam143 He sent Jesus to tell people: hey there's a shortage of women, from now on, only one per man is allowed.
@swedishlina 2 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, oh boy are you wrong… they swore off polygamy in 1890 but but they kept practicing polygamy until 1904. LDS still believe in the doctrine of polygamy, and teach it will be again. They do kind of practice polygamy as in a man can be sealed to one woman that dies and can then get sealed to an other woman, which means he will practicing polygamy in the celestial kingdom.
@bobbypaluga4346 8 жыл бұрын
Like like like OMG she would be far more interesting if she could avoid the unnecessary use of "Like", the habit makes seem very young as well as well as difficult to listen to. I never make negative comments, and I feel a little guilty writing this, call this effort constructive and friendly.
@muhammadx656 7 жыл бұрын
Polygamy in Islam is te right for woman to choose her husband regardless of man status. It is woman right to have wider choice not man...
@haileyjayceelynhyderr835 7 жыл бұрын
Muhannad X your lies make me nauseous. You're just another idiot attempting to make Islam look like something it's not-more decent and other than woman's self respect for their bodies there's nothing decent about islam. The Quran literally commands Muslims to kill infidels and to deceive people not to mention the "prophet" was nothing more than a pedophile, rapist, mass murdering, DISGUSTING, abusive PSYCHO
@mrs.cupcake7523 8 жыл бұрын
I am an indepent Mormon and got baptised 20 years ago when I lived in the U.S. Would love to have sister wive's.....never got a chance
@collj86 4 жыл бұрын
Mrs. Cupcake hello I’m new to all this Can u explain how this would work? Sister wives? Do you share one husband? Take turns Tuesday Friday etc Also not to be blunt but what about a ménage à trois? I’m kind of a knoob to pyolygomy. But it’s interesting to hear it’s something u were interested in
@craignorton7070 7 жыл бұрын
12 minutes in and the hair flipping has gotten to me. I feel like I've been subjected to water torture. I'm out.
@karenpierce2137 6 жыл бұрын
Same here. I really wanted to see/hear this, but just couldn't.
@cheryledempster4562 4 жыл бұрын
And the gum chewing...not good. A women acting like a girl....super creepy.
@sidstovell2177 2 жыл бұрын
@@Apbt-rv7zw A friend should tip her off on how to behave in front of an audience. It's all self-soothing behavior.
@sidstovell2177 2 жыл бұрын
@@Apbt-rv7zw All you have to do is listen and not look, when it's on YT.
@zelphx 6 жыл бұрын
I would believe whatever she told me.
@GaliSinatra 2 жыл бұрын
Stop making prophets and profits.
@natebillings147 7 жыл бұрын
1:33:37 'It's kind of dishonest how people interpret and spin the evidence is dishonest' literally sums up this entire interview to the T. read the book of mormon, dont let these clowns deceive your soul.
@ukerry1458 5 жыл бұрын
Nate Billings, you're right, let the book of mormon deceive you
@chumark54 6 ай бұрын
Why did these women defend, even enjoy polygamy? I'll say it's cognitive dissonance. When it's not possible to change behavior to be in line with your thoughts, you change your thoughts to be in line with your behavior.
@brandtmunden4869 2 жыл бұрын
Joseph had a tiny unit
@davidharrington95 7 жыл бұрын
If you where not married I propose lol
@julieannetoole-seraphin2661 6 жыл бұрын
She's seriously chewing gum!
@organicemily1745 Жыл бұрын
I had to stop listening to her. It drives me nuts and is completely unprofessional.
@ivanreynarodriguez6470 10 ай бұрын
Mmmm….The way she thinks about Joseph smith is like if she wants to justify him in a way but when she said that she dislikes when people called him a pedophile I was like …he was a pedophile he married a 14 year old and he knew he was messing with a child so therefore he was a Pedo. No excuses. Personally I don’t like the way she think.
@mikhailv67tv 8 жыл бұрын
She's so pragmatic
@Uploadedimages 6 жыл бұрын
Knowing what alot of you know.. and remaining in such a church is pretty dangerous, and foolish.. if u
@rayma66 5 жыл бұрын
Basically, it's letting the church make a fool of you. I couldn't do it.
@tag7528 7 жыл бұрын
i never knew that in america pepole mary more than 1 woman
@JohnSmith-im5di 6 жыл бұрын
The mormon church has more than it's fair share of attractive women. Lindsay is a perfect example....
@AJ-et3vf 2 жыл бұрын
creep incel
@khadijagwen 9 жыл бұрын
1:17 I agree with Lindsay, it should be legal. However, no more than 4 wives, no younger than 16, no throwing out the boys...
@carlitos2012ace 8 жыл бұрын
hi , are you in a plural marriage, what's your understanding?
@khadijagwen 8 жыл бұрын
carlitos2012ace No, I am not. However, under the right conditions I think that God would honor it.
@HelenEk7 8 жыл бұрын
Khadijah Brown If it should be legal or not, I don't know. Where I live polygamy is a non issue. Here the tradition has never been more than one wife. (Norway) BUT - looking at how things where meant to be from the start - God did create Adam and Eve. Not Adam, Eve, Ruth and Elizabeth.... So the original design were for one man and one woman to live their lives together.. And looking at the challenges and heart breaks of polygamy families, I do understand why.
@khadijagwen 8 жыл бұрын
Helen E I think that polygamy can be dangerous in that it can lead to birth defects from inbreeding. And never having met a woman who wanted to share her husband, I'm not sure exactly how it could happiness. When Abraham took a slave to wife, there was trouble.
@HelenEk7 8 жыл бұрын
Khadijah Brown I agree - I have never heard of polygamy marriage without problems.
@stefancelmare3383 8 жыл бұрын
Is Lindsay Hansen Park open to have 2-3 husbands? I am still confused. Is your husband okay to bring in your home 2-3 husbands? Jeez
@whyme760 8 жыл бұрын
She seems a little screwed up. Rather strange. John seems to make such mormons rather famous for 15 minutes but such is social media these days. I feel sorry for the mormons. So many people wish to destroy their faith with postmodernisms.
@andieeleniak9619 7 жыл бұрын
1:48:10 - Sorry but it drives me nuts when people misuse the term antisocial. Someone who is antisocial is a sociopath. Someone who is reclusive and doesn't want to be around people is asocial not antisocial.
@sussydelatorre9328 3 жыл бұрын
I would have love to see her not chewing gum
@brodyschrodinger8371 8 жыл бұрын
For the love of God, quit playing with your hair and don't chew gum on camera! Otherwise very fascinating.
@davidlowellwalch3821 6 жыл бұрын
Please, stop the hair thing...
@OssieRichards Жыл бұрын
I had the same thought. LOL
@cestmois9959 4 жыл бұрын
It wasn't child sex because in IL at that time 14 was marrying age.
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