Living History with Dr. Thomas McConnell

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The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza presented an interview between Dr. Thomas McConnell, a physician who served as Medical Officer of the Day at the Pentagon on November 22, 1963, and Museum Associate Curator Stephen Fagin. Dr. McConnell was assigned duties at the White House, U.S. Capitol and Arlington National Cemetery during the weekend following President John F. Kennedy's assassination. Dr. McConnell's book, "Dead Wrong: And Other Episodes from a Life in Medicine" (2011), chronicles his long career as a physician from a trainee at Dallas' Parkland Hospital to his service in Jackson, Mississippi in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement and beyond.
This presentation took place at the Museum on August 24, 2013 as part of the 50th anniversary Living History Series. To see related films, photos, documents and oral histories from The Sixth Floor Museum's collection, visit our online collections database ( Or make a research appointment to explore the books, DVDs and other materials available in the Museum's Reading Room (

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@Nyquil5 9 жыл бұрын
This doctor is an absolute delight!
@johntexas8417 4 жыл бұрын
I just love the doctor
@sherryirbvin7448 2 жыл бұрын
What a funny man.
@prant8998 3 жыл бұрын
Conley, was right of course. The first bullet missed entirely, the second hit Kennedy then Conley, (Completely proven by modern trajectory methods.) The third hit Kennedy in the head and fragmented. There were three shots in relative sequence, it stands to reason they all came from a single location and rifle. The second shot trajectory proves the general location of the shooter at the snipers location. Having visited the museum on the sixth floor, what struck me, was how incredibly close the limousine was to the sniper location. You could hit the car with a brick from that location, it was that close. I always wondered why Oswald shot the third shot at all? Clearly, he hit the president right in the back, seriously wounding him if not killing him, then he took the time to shoot again?
@abbottmechanicalservicesll4464 3 жыл бұрын
How did a full metal jacket bullet fragment? Not possible. Research Geneva Convention on why full metal jacket bullets were the desired bullet for war
@johnd7435 2 жыл бұрын
The 'head shot' of the Zapruder film shows the bullet hit the metal dash, creating a spark/ light that easily shows. Case closed.
@normagrimstad8869 Жыл бұрын
I agree. That’s how it happened.
@tokenjoy Жыл бұрын
Absolutely correct. All the forensic evidence and Connally's recollection are consistent with three bullets fired. The first bullet striking a tree branch or more likely a light pole (hence fragmenting); the second exiting JFK's throat and beginning to tumble producing the distinctive "keyhole" entrance wound in Connally's back (so-called magic bullet); and the third hitting JFK in the head (and also deflected and/or fragmenting). Connally recalls hearing the first shot, but not the second. Makes sense since the bullet traveled supersonically and hit Connally before the sound arrived. He recalls hearing the shot that killed JFK.
@peterfraser9070 6 ай бұрын
I guess maybe Oswald could see Kennedy was still upright and he didn't know for sure if he'd gotten him and wanted to be certain to finish him off.
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
That is also consistent with the first bullet missing.
@phylliscutshall9650 5 жыл бұрын
Does he not sound like Tom landry and could be a brother.
@donbartels153 3 жыл бұрын
Put a Fedora on him and bingo another Tom Landry. Great observation.
@davidmoser3535 Жыл бұрын
he is
@tex.45 5 жыл бұрын
Whose talking over these videos? There seems to be people talking in the background...
@philwright2480 4 жыл бұрын
@jerrymarshall2095 4 жыл бұрын
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
He sure does.
@bradparker9664 Жыл бұрын
There's always that one guy in every crowd. Usually I like for it to be me.
@lindagioannazambanini 8 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this guy's oral history! Very interesting, serious, but very humorous anecdotes at times. Loved his WH "ashtray" story. LOL! Not that I agree with him about the SBT and there being no conspiracy. If he had looked at the medical evidence, detailed by the Parkland Doctors, it's obvious JFK was hit in the head and throat from the front. He seems to have some cognitive dissonance going on about this!
@peterfraser9070 6 ай бұрын
"If he had looked at the medical evidence, detailed by the Parkland Doctors, it's obvious JFK was hit in the head and throat from the front.": Can you possibly explain such a claim??
@lindagioannazambanini 6 ай бұрын
​@@peterfraser9070 It's not some fantastic "claim". I have a biology and medical background and am quite well versed in JFK medical evidence, and have read and studied it all. I have also read Dr. Vincent DiMaio's "Gunshot Wounds" - the bible of forensic pathology, which describes and shows gunshot wounds in all their gory detail. So, look at the medical evidence - it's all there if you take time and have the intelligence to read the medical evidence from Parkland and Bethesda. Everyone present at PH who saw the hole in the back of his head - in the right occipital-parietal skull - said it was HUGE - the size of the orange or baseball. Everyone from Dr Kemp Clark, Chief of Neurosurgery at Parkland, and chair of neurosurgery at the University of Texas Southwestern, to Diane Bowron, RN, who washed JFK's body and wrapped his head and body, before he was put in the casket. That huge wound was an EXIT wound, if you know anything about exit wounds, and these doctors did - they were a trauma hospital, and had tons of gunshot wounds every day they dealt with. The huge exit wound was low on the skull (in the occipital area), and was SO BIG it was noted by several doctors including, McClelland (at the head of the gurney, right by his head, and Dr. Clark, Chief of Neurosurgy, that the cerebellum (the lowest part of the brain, which has a characteristic look, different from other lobes of the brain) was extruding/exuding out of the huge hole onto the gurney, and floor (a kick bucket was provided to catch the blood and brain matter). In addition, 8 MDs at Bethesda described the same large posterior head wound: Drs. George Burkley (JFK's personal physician), Robert Canada Calvin Galloway, John Ebersole, Robert Carei, Edward Kenny, David Osborn, & John Stover. Entry wounds are small and neat, and exit wounds large and ragged. The entrance wound in his rt fronto-temporal skull, was a small, neat, round hole buried in his right hairline, in his shock of bloody hair, and no one at PH saw it. It was seen at Bethesda. (You can see it on one of the Bethesda autopsy photos). In addition, Dr. Mantik a forensic radiologist, who has studied the autopsy Xrays at NARA, has noted that there is a sting of metallic fragments that show up from the right fronto-tempero entry wound and go rearward, with the largest collection of them deposited frontally, and they diminish as as the bullet proceeds rearward. This is a classic sign that the bullet trajectory was from front to back. All of the PH docs who saw the NECK WOUND, incl. Dr Perry who did the trach, incision, and those who assisted or watched, said it was "small and neat" - about the size of a pencil eraser, with an abrasion ring (a classic tattoo left by an entering bullet) all classic signs of an entry wound. Perry made it larger to put in the trach, but Perry, McClelland etc denied he made that huge gash we see on the Bethesda autopsy photos -and Dr. Crenshaw described Perry saying, "he was a master with the blade". Using retractors and a light he, and several others assisting looked inside and saw the bullet track went from FROM LEFT TO RIGHT (absolute proof of a shot from the SOUTH KNOLL - it could come from no where else! There is no possible way it came from the Grassy Knoll, with a left to right trajectory!). Upon viewing the trachea, the doctors saw it tore a small, ragged, hole in the rt anterior-lateral trachea, as it passed between the lateral trachea and the adhering strap muscles adhering to the trachea (the ragged look is the sign of a tangential wound - and in fact it entered "tangentially" from left to right), and it ended in the pleural cavity just OVER the apex of the rt lung leaving a large hematoma, but there was no sign it had penetrated the actual lung. The Parkland Docs were totally perplexed about where this bullet could have gone, since they couldn't see the bullet itself, and there was NO exit wound in the right chest wall, in line with its LEFT TO RIGHT trajectory. So they posited among themselves out loud while they were working on JFK, that maybe it had hit a bone and ricocheted up the neck into the head and blown out the back of his head! During the Bethesda autopsy, they said they couldn't find a bullet in his chest by Xray, or by visual examination after the chest was opened. So neither the throat wound bullet, or the back wound bullet was found in his chest cavity. (I'm of the belief that Hume's performed "surgery" on JFK and dug the throat bullet out of his chest via the widened throat incision, when his body arrived early before the actual autopsy - then lied about its existence, this would explain the ugly, widened "gash" of a trach wound - Perry and others denied Perry making, and the fact that allegedly, "no bullet" was found in the chest cavity.) Dr. Hume's probed the BACK WOUND with little finger and a metal wound probe, and found it only went in about an inch on a 45-60 degree angle, and then stopped - with NO EXIT. In other words, this proved IT DID NOT EXIT out of the throat wound. (Which also proves the Single Bullet Theory/Magic Bullet Theory, later concocted by Warren Commission Counselor, Arlen Spector, to explain how three bullets could make all the wounds, and thus support the lone gunman theory, was pure unadulterated bullshit, still used to gaslight the public to this day!). They couldn't find where THAT bullet (the back wound bullet) went either. I believe it was the bullet SSA Landis found in a tract adjoining the back of the back seat of the Limo, which had penetrated shallowly and fallen out when he was thrown violently backward on the seat, by the head shot from the front. The Bethesda autopsy docs manual and Xray exam showed the back wound bullet did NOT enter the pleural cavity, and they were at a loss as to where it could have gone. They X-rayed the entire body thinking it may have ricocheted down into his hip or leg (such weird things can rarely happen). Hopefully this lengthy post will enlighten you and others who are not versed in the medical evidence, but I encourage you and others to read the documents yourself. They are all available on the Mary Ferrell site.
@lindagioannazambanini 6 ай бұрын
​@@peterfraser9070 ​ It's not some fantastic "claim". I have a biology and medical background and am quite well versed in JFK medical evidence, and have read and studied it all. I have also read Dr. Vincent DiMaio's "Gunshot Wounds" - the bible of forensic pathology, which describes and shows gunshot wounds in all their gory detail. So, look at the medical evidence, it's all there if you take time and have the intelligence to read the medical evidence from Parkland and Bethesda. Everyone present at PH who saw the hole in the back of his head - in the right occipital-parietal skull - said it was HUGE - the size of the orange or baseball. Everyone from Dr Kemp Clark, Chief of Neurosurgery at Parkland, and chair of neurosurgery at the University of Texas Southwestern, to Diane Bowron, RN, who washed JFK's body and wrapped his head and body, before he was put in the casket. That huge wound was an EXIT wound, if you know anything about exit wounds, and these doctors did - they were a trauma hospital, and had tons of gunshot wounds every day they dealt with. The huge exit wound was low on the skull (in the occipital area), and was SO BIG it was noted by several doctors including, McClelland (at the head of the gurney, right by his head, and Dr. Clark, Chief of Neurosurgy, that the cerebellum (the lowest part of the brain, which has a characteristic look, different from other lobes of the brain) was extruding/exuding out of the huge hole onto the gurney, and floor (a kick bucket was provided to catch the blood and brain matter). In addition, 8 MDs at Bethesda described the same large posterior head wound: Drs. George Burkley (JFK's personal physician), Robert Canada Calvin Galloway, John Ebersole, Robert Carei, Edward Kenny, David Osborn, & John Stover. Entry wounds are small and neat, and exit wounds large and ragged. The entrance wound in his rt fronto-temporal skull, was a small, neat, round hole buried in his right hairline, in his shock of bloody hair, and no one at PH saw it. It was seen at Bethesda. (You can see it on one of the Bethesda autopsy photos). In addition, Dr. David Mantik a radiologist, who has personally, intensively studied the autopsy Xrays at NARA, has noted that there is a sting of metallic fragments that show up from the right fronto-temporal skull entry wound and go rearward, with the largest collection of them deposited frontally near the entry wound, and then trailing off as as the bullet proceeds rearward. This is a classic sign that the bullet trajectory was from front to back. All of the PH docs who saw the NECK WOUND, incl. Dr Perry who did the trach, incision, and those who assisted or watched, said it was "small and neat" - about the size of a pencil eraser, with an abrasion ring (a classic tattoo left by an entering bullet) all classic signs of an entry wound. Perry made it larger to put in the trach, but Perry, McClelland etc denied he made that huge gash we see on the Bethesda autopsy photos -and Dr. Crenshaw described Perry saying, "he was a master with the blade". Using retractors and a light he, and several others assisting looked inside and saw the bullet track went from FROM LEFT TO RIGHT (absolute proof of a shot from the SOUTH KNOLL - it could come from no where else! There is no possible way it came from the Grassy Knoll, with a left to right trajectory!). Upon viewing the trachea, the doctors saw it tore a small, ragged, hole in the rt anterior-lateral trachea, as it passed between the lateral trachea and the adhering strap muscles adhering to the trachea (the ragged look is the sign of a tangential wound - and in fact it entered "tangentially" from left to right), and it ended in the pleural cavity just OVER the apex of the rt lung leaving a large hematoma, but there was no sign it had penetrated the actual lung. The Parkland Docs were totally perplexed about where this bullet could have gone, since they couldn't see the bullet itself, and there was NO exit wound in the right chest wall, in line with its LEFT TO RIGHT trajectory. So they posited among themselves out loud while they were working on JFK, that maybe it had hit a bone and ricocheted up the neck into the head and blown out the back of his head! During the Bethesda autopsy, they said they couldn't find a bullet in his chest by Xray, or by visual examination after the chest was opened. So neither the throat wound bullet, or the back wound bullet was found in his chest cavity. (I'm of the belief that Hume's performed "surgery" on JFK and dug the throat bullet out of his chest via the widened throat incision, when his body arrived early before the actual autopsy - then lied about its existence, this would explain the ugly, widened "gash" of a trach wound - Perry and others denied Perry making, and the fact that allegedly, "no bullet" was found in the chest cavity.) Dr. Hume's probed the BACK WOUND with little finger and a metal wound probe, and found it only went in about an inch on a 45-60 degree angle, and then stopped - with NO EXIT. In other words, this proved IT DID NOT EXIT out of the throat wound. (Which also proves the Single Bullet Theory/Magic Bullet Theory, later concocted by Warren Commission Counselor, Arlen Spector, to explain how three bullets could make all the wounds, and thus support the lone gunman theory, was pure unadulterated bullshit, still used to gaslight the public to this day!). They couldn't find where THAT bullet (the back wound bullet) went either. I believe it was the bullet SSA Landis found in a tract adjoining the back of the back seat of the Limo, which had penetrated shallowly and fallen out when he was thrown violently backward on the seat, by the head shot from the front. The Bethesda autopsy docs manual and Xray exam showed the back wound bullet did NOT enter the pleural cavity, and they were at a loss as to where it could have gone. They X-rayed the entire body thinking it may have ricocheted down into his hip or leg (such weird things can rarely happen). Hopefully this lengthy post will enlighten you and others who are not versed in the medical evidence, but I encourage you and others to read the documents yourself. They are all available on the Mary Ferrell site.
@philwright2480 4 жыл бұрын
To answer the question about three shots, only one bullet found, one was found in the grass by a police officer he put it in his pocket and a naval officer claimed he found one in the limo and turned it over..never to be seen again
@stddisclaimer8020 3 жыл бұрын
@Phil Wright: Your comment is filled to the brim with factoids.
@philwright2112 3 жыл бұрын
The " magic bullet " might have actually been found on a gurney used for a young boy brought into the ER and not the one used for Connally
@stddisclaimer8020 3 жыл бұрын
@@philwright2112 There was no "magic bullet." 'Twas a single bullet, which hit two men, a fact borne out by the ballistic, photographic and autopsy evidence. That bullet was "used" by no one but Oswald, in the assassination of JFK.
@philwright2112 3 жыл бұрын
@@stddisclaimer8020 wrong, BS created by Arlen Specter, no Fact proven either way, but the single bullet theory is proposterous
@stddisclaimer8020 3 жыл бұрын
@@philwright2112 SBT was proved by, among other evidence, the non-circular hole in Connally's suit coat which matched the shape of the wound in his back. Non-circular means it was a tumbling or yawning bullet, because it had gone through JFK first. Your story is the one that's "preposterous," but it's worse: you don't even have a story.
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
Wonder what he would have thought of the Trump riot?
@paulrobinson5492 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. And, Steven, you're an excellent interviewer and host.
@peterfraser9070 6 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed listening to this man - until his odd and completely uneducated theory about the shots - about Kennedy being hit by the 1st bullet and it not having enough force to penetrate his neck tie - and THAT was the "pristine bullet"? Well first, what "pristine" bullet was that?? The bullet was not pristine and why in heaven's name would it have been flattened on one side unless it had entered Connally sideways and smashed into his ribs? Why would it have entered Connally sideways? Because it had just gone thru Kennedy's neck and tumbled. From the TSBD, it had to have hit Kennedy first before hitting Connally. And why on Earth would the bullet have gone only thru soft-neck tissue and yet be so spent that it couldn't penetrate a tie? How would a separate bullet have hit only Connally where it did without having hit Kennedy first? Why would a separate bullet have entered Connally tumbling? Connally was sure he was hit by the 2nd bullet....and so was Kennedy. If you watch Connally's interviews, he says he turned after hearing the 1st shot but did not see Kennedy and did not know if Kennedy had been hit. It was only because his wife Nellie and so many others at the time were saying the 1st shot hit Kennedy, that Connally said, well, in that case, we were hit by different bullets cause I know I wasn't hit by the 1st. Nellie was mistaken and the evidence has proven they were both hit by the 2nd shot.
@jerrymarshall2095 4 жыл бұрын
Where is Rice University,in japan?
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
@M4xlos 3 жыл бұрын
@@randyharris3175 I think the question was supposed to be a joke.
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
@@M4xlos You're right man
@sodapop83 2 жыл бұрын
@@M4xlos yeah, a quite dead joke
@stephencabrera9476 Жыл бұрын
Yea ah so
@waltonwarrior7428 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting theory about the "pristine" bullet. Not sure a tie knot would stop a high powered bullet, but most interesting regardless.
@lesliefullerton7337 4 жыл бұрын
Walton Warrior Interesting that Phyllis Hall, RN who first saw JFK in Trauma room 1 also said she saw this loose bullet inside the collar before the doctors did the tracheostomy. I believe this is significant, but not noted. This loose pristine bullet is possible according to Dr. McConnell. Two different knowledgeable people with the same conclusion. Do they know that they agree?
@stddisclaimer8020 3 жыл бұрын
@Walton Warrior: Both your sentences exemplify the straw man argument.
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
Not plausible theory
@randyharris3175 3 жыл бұрын
@@lesliefullerton7337 She saw it but nobody else did didnt happen.
@peterfraser9070 6 ай бұрын
Very interesting theory about the "pristine" bullet. Not sure a tie knot would stop a high powered bullet, but most interesting regardless.: His theory seems to be based on Connally being sure he was hit by the 2nd bullet; well he was hit by the 2nd bullet - and so was Kennedy. The doctor's theory has no connection to the reality of the evidence.
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