GH 8/29/2023 | Trina welcomes Curtis home

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@jehlaaa6336 Жыл бұрын
Those looks at the end 😮 I am ready to get to the stage of this story where Trina finds out all Portia has done against her. Bring on the fall out cause I can’t wait to see Tabyana bring it!
@blackbutterfly3364 Жыл бұрын
Same here. The look from Trina and then Portia. Such a stark contrast in how each of them reacted to the situation.Trina looked gutted and disappointed in herself for not being what someone wants or needs. To her, she did all the right things but it isn't working. Portia's face tells an entirely different story. I saw underlying rage. Portia acting as if Trina revamped that whole house by herself when this was likely all her idea, but was willing to allow, Trina to take the brunt of Curtis's obvious disappointment before going in and telling her she wasn't helping. That's your house Portia. You made those decisions. Trina might've helped but those major decisions on getting the house set up for Curtis who is now paraplegic were yours. Anyone thinking this going to work are sadly mistaken. Everyone running around with false smiles. I find interesting how Portia tells Trina "we can't pretend as if nothing's changed" Wow, Portia. Pot meet kettle with that statement. Isn't that what you were doing to Trina, Curtis and Taggert as you carried on with your life after the results of the DNA test showed that Curtis is Trina's father. You turned your back on Taggert without a single thought to how your 20 yr old lie would affect him going forward. You instead shoved him towards Jordan as if she was his ex or the person responsible for the situation. You're the one who was running around town seeking and expecting forgiveness from those you deceived when your secret had been brought to light. I can't with Portia.
@sophiasmith-james129 Жыл бұрын
Such a waste. What have they done to Trina, and why are they throwing Taggart under the bus 🚌 rolling back and forth. Oh, I forgot Portia is a piece of work. I'm so sorry to see TA having to portray Trina as a 12 year old. Hearing Trina call Curtis dad was painful, and it's embarrassing to have Trina being written in such a silly manner.
@blackbutterfly3364 Жыл бұрын
The looks by each of the women is unsettling. Portia dictating the idea that they all love each other in order to maintain the idea of a perfect unit that's already broken. Her saying love while she continues to lie, gaslight, and manipulate both her daughter and Spencer. Trina looked deflated and likely sees herself as a failure. Everything hinges on making others feel better because when she does, she matters, she feels valued. It's seeking validation. Go back to her conversation with Marshall when he asked her: How does Spencer make you feel? He makes me feel as if I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him. Validation. Let's flip it and look at Spencer. Spencer wants so badly to be accepted by others and seeks to impress those who feel he's unworthy of Trina. Just like him buying Curtis that painting. He could have gone simple and spent less money but he wanted to impress her family; doing this made him feel somewhat accepted. Trina not seeing him in a negative light as others seem fit to, makes him feel as if he's not as bad as what some deem him to be. He feels seen. He feels valued. Poor Trina and Spencer.
@lawandahenderson9615 Жыл бұрын
Agree 💯
@bklynduchess Жыл бұрын
When Trina called Curtis "dad".... I literally screamed at the TV. This is not Trina... just like how Spencer is acting is not Spencer. It's so sad of how these actors have become. But as always I appreciate your words of wisdom....they really need you in the writer's room.
@flacagonzales Жыл бұрын
Always on target 🎯💯.
@blackbutterfly3364 Жыл бұрын
@@flacagonzales Thank you 💯
@blackbutterfly3364 Жыл бұрын
@@bklynduchess Thank you as always for your kind words. I'm hoping like hell this is all leading to one big blow up and Portia being revealed as one of the two villains in this story. Her scolding and talking to Trina as if she's some babe in the woods is working everyone's last nerve. She's twenty one for god sakes.
@scifigrl92 Жыл бұрын
I hate how it’s implied that trina trying to make Curtis feel comfortable in a new situation, being positive, and welcoming him home is her being too much when I feel like it’s being polite.
@amusicfan25a21 Жыл бұрын
I like Trina's outfit with flowers today and I think that in order for Trina to blossom and grow and mature as a person that Portia isn't going to be around and that this going to be as humiliating and hurtful as possible for Portia as possible in my opinion.
@LeanneChristian-ob2pb Жыл бұрын
This episode is just a follow up from yesterday still very boring discussing the same subjects for the 100th time. 😂😂
@dria4ever Жыл бұрын
This whole scene bored me. Why are we rushing the "dad" title all of the sudden and writing Trina's dialogue as if she were 15 instead of 21?
@fayskidmore2714 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly.
@vjones4769 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully the rushing of the “dad” is because Selina Wu did switch the test. Of course by the time they figure it out Curtis will be the “stand up” parent and Taggert will likely be a full blown alcoholic 😔
@taraingram7595 Жыл бұрын
I think Trina feels guilty for pushing away Curtis when the DNA results came in and that's why she's calling him Dad
@carolharris2401 Жыл бұрын
​@fayskidmore2714 What do you call your father? The formal father or the childish daddy. Seems to me most adults call their father dad even when said adult is an elderly child. Honestly these critiques are silly. She is trying to sound excited and positve
@dria4ever Жыл бұрын
@@carolharris2401 Respectfully, you missed my point and these aren't silly critiques. Until this episode she was calling him Curtis, and the man who raised her "Dad". They found out they were related all of 2 months ago, and haven't had time to bond.
@aleshathompson2697 Жыл бұрын
I may "NOT" like "PORTIA", but I'm luvin her "CLOTHES"!!! She has been wearing sum "BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES"!!! I want her shirt!!!
@tlee5398 Жыл бұрын
Nobody cares about Curtis and Portia I am so ready for her sit down when is it coming.
@hiveship1 Жыл бұрын
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
Well, Trina looks beautiful as always… These scenes are rough. I assume they’re meant to be uncomfortable to watch.Trina overcompensating bc Curtis is in a chair. I have to call out the use of Dad here. It’s said at least 2-3 times in a 4 minute span. It’s not an aspect of their relationship that’s been earned. It just feels forced. And maybe it’s meant to. Like, in Trina’s effort to make them feel like a family she keeps reinforcing it. That’s my generous guess….
@lawandahenderson9615 Жыл бұрын
Poor Taggart was thrown under the bus. The scene felt forced with Trina calling Curtis dad. The writers should have taken more time with "DaD" being said ,because Taggart has always been her father. A little more time would have been more realistic. Trina should be focusing on school, work and being more transparent to Spencer about how she really feels about his living arrangement with Esme and Ace. Other than that the wardrobe had Tabyana dressed on point.
@toshawnaburgher3700 Жыл бұрын
The thumbnail of Trina is such a contrast from how she was acting at the start of the scene. She is truly and honestly miserable. That is the truth behind her words. If anything she's seeming less like any of her 'supposed' selfish, hypocritical bio parents. She seems more like this version of Taggart who is also suppressing how he feels to make everyone's life easier and hence staying away after that weird conversation with Trina at the diner.
@hottan79 Жыл бұрын
@kenneyldj Жыл бұрын
You know what I was just thinking the same thing. Even before tab started playing Trina the character herself always sacrificed her feelings for everybody else so everybody around her to be good and she suppress her feelings. I agree that she got that from Tiggart. Also partial needs to calm down because Trina go back to her old ways and having attitude and still holding that anger that she has for her and a little bit towards Curtis
@shirleyoreggio9720 Жыл бұрын
Obviously Trina was trying too hard. I know she wants to make Curtis feel comfortable but she's making him feel uncomfortable , she's acting like everything is okay and it's not. He's in a wheelchair and he can't walk so they can't just ignore that elephant in the room. Something tells me that Curtis might not be living there for too long. He hates that they moved the funiture, and he hates that they have to walk on egg shells around him because they want to take his mind off the fact that he can't walk. What's bothering me the most is the whole " hi dad" thing ; if he was shot and he could walk and came home would Trina be calling Curtis dad? I don't think so even Portia the one who I thought would be acting like this she's the one telling Trina to tone it down. You could see the look that Portia and Marshall were giving each other when Trina was talking even they knew she was over doing it. I feel like Trina needs to stop calling Curtis dad because 1) it doesn't seem natural and 2) it just might come out that he's not her father after all. They haven't shown Taggert in weeks or even mentioned him ; Trina hasn't gone to see him or him visiting her. I bet he's avoiding her because he doesn't want to get in the middle of her and Curtis bonding. They said nothing was going to change and it has , and that's what Trina was afraid of. In the end Trina left to go and be with Spencer ( so they say) and after Portia told her that she was making things worst by being too positive I bet she'll go crying to Spencer and blame herself ; like she is with their marriage.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
I am ready for this story to end right now. I don't particularly appreciate how they are having Trina call Curtis's dad so quickly and she is having difficulty saying it. She also looks like she is overdoing it. Trina it is time to move away from the little girl welcoming home her dad, you are grown. GH have Trina return to the Art Gallery and get her college schoolbooks. I saw Portia thought she was overdoing it, she learned from her.
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
I will say, as someone who’s had first hand experience with a parent who had to learn to walk again, Trina’s response felt pretty spot on regardless of age. She was almost uncomfortable with the silence and tried filling every second with sugary positive energy. Overcompensating for sure. I almost feel bad for Donnell who’s described this as hero’s story, bc I don’t think this will end up being as uplifting as he wants. I’ve been mostly unmoved by what I’ve seen and even Trina can’t make me like it. Also, the “dad” stuff isn’t working. It’s a perfect example of telling the audience what to feel without showing it to us.
@lawandahenderson9615 Жыл бұрын
The writers should have just let her call him Curtis a little bit longer,because Dad is to forced at this point.
@fayskidmore2714 Жыл бұрын
Trina acts more mature around Ava and Spencer. I want the Trina we saw in Greenland.
@marshagreen9759 Жыл бұрын
@@nfgc86 Thanks for explaining my dear and sorry that you experienced that with a parent but the difference with you, you grew up with your parents and Trina didn't grow up with Curtis. Maybe that is what I didn't see at first, it was the silence and maybe Portia should have told her what to do or not do, being a doctor. I thank you for giving me the overall viewpoint that you went through. GH should have let Trina keep calling Curtis by his name and work the dad part in later. I hope your love was able to walk again.
@nfgc86 Жыл бұрын
@@marshagreen9759 I love hearing different perspectives. No one is wrong for questioning the choices around this dialogue in this scene and how she shrinks a little when interacting with Portia. Thank you. And yes, she was able to walk again. Her journey had a ton of speed bumps, surgeries on her back, PT, back brace/using a walker, etc…I hope the show doesn’t just jump past these potential stages. I was very young, but there was an expectation to help out…I think Donnell could do very well with this material. But I really want this story to be a catalyst for change for Trina. Maybe this will allow her to step back and view her family as being the flawed unit it is. And that will make her out herself and her wants first.
@GirlieTrini Жыл бұрын
How to Bore an Audience 101.....the whole course!!!!Does anyone care about this prolonged story with the always tearful, woeful, Portia on Curtis, Curtis, Curtis ...followed by my girl Trina with the 'I am to blame' mantra becoming tediously repetitive with only conversations on fixing said Portia and Curtis. Sigh! It is so tiring that the storylines in GH are so woeful, lacklustre and joyless.
@AlexMaxwell2000 Жыл бұрын
@SandraCathey-z5r Жыл бұрын
Portia Portia Portia UGH 😫 I really can't stand how she pulls out the feel sorry for me card ! Give Trina a break concerning her having some pleasure with a man Spencer be fair !! Every day is not doom & gloom for none of us so that means give the fans a break by letting us see Spencer & Trina for a night or day of bliss with no interruptions !!! Head Boss make this happen the fans would appreciate that !
@loulou20200 Жыл бұрын
Boring storyline. And why they made Trina talking/acting like that. Im so over it.
@loulou20200 Жыл бұрын
@@lisacox3750 you and me both
@hottan79 Жыл бұрын
Ouch, this scene was hard to watch. Which is crazy because it should've been a beautiful moment of Curtis returning home. I'm not going to get on Trina being over the top because I believe she was suppose to be. Trina is a natural people pleaser and all we have been hearing from the very beginning is that its her fault. Trina has blamed herself since her parents wedding day of messing things up. So her calling Curtis "dad", she trying her best to please him and make him comfortable. It did backfire because it wasn't genuine and everyone knows it. I believe Trina believe the more she says it she will feel it. Its disheartening that Trina's feelings seems to be more suppressed and I wonder if the writers will bring back her anxiety.
@SonnyWinning Жыл бұрын
It's Time That BOTH Spencer & Trina Buys A Place Of Their Own Because They Living With Esme & Ace, Curtis & Portia Ain't Working Out For The Both of Them. I Hope That Spencer & Trina Leave Port Charles Without Any Interruptions From Nobody.💯
@danielleis.9109 Жыл бұрын
I would like to see this storyline changing Trina character kinda dark and edgy. She's always like a rainbow and it would be nice for her and Spencer to swap places, so she can be a dark princess. With everything that's been going on with I want her to act out. The way Trina is written now I doubt we will get that great blow-up we want against her mom and Evilene.
@nadhegedavid Жыл бұрын
Waste of a storyline
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