Long term Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Symptoms

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Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide

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Carbon monoxide symptoms can reoccur and cause lasting changes in the way the brain and body functions. About 40% of those who survive carbon monoxide poisoning have permanent problems, including brain damage. Brain damage after carbon monoxide poisoning impacts, cognition (the way you think and remember), mood, behavior and neurological function. Heart and lung problems also occur. carbonmonoxide.com Call 800-992-9447.

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@FellowWorldCitizen 6 жыл бұрын
I got poisoned in January 2017 with 26%. Got hyperbolic treatment right away. I have been sort of dizzy ever since (feels like i am staring, but then constantly even if i try to focus). A few weeks after the accident i felt my heart bouncing strange. Shortly after this the symptoms changed to hyperventilation and panic attack’s. Then chronic hyperventilation and a severe drop of energy. I got psychology treatment (very helpful). But still 6 months after the accident i got into a depression (most likely because of the symptoms, i hardly was able to do anything). I saw no other way than using an anti-depressant. I am against this type of medicine, but there was no other way. it did help a bit. Depression lasted for about 2 months. Then it slowly got a bit better, the panic became less, even the constant hyperventilation became less (about 1 year after accident). Then i slowly got a bit more energy again. By that i mean i am able to do groceries and go for a walk, even talk to some friends. I definitely still can’t work. My symptoms feel very much like a burnout. I still have to limit very much information input. Talking to people one on one is ok. Talking to many is much more intense, many times cannot handle it. It feels like I became 20 years older in less than a year (physically and mentally). Since the accident life has been very hard. Luckily i have a lovely wife and lovely parents. They helped a lot. This injury has not to be underestimated. If you feel you took a serious hit like me. Take the time to heal! Stop working and make sure you’re fine first (few months). Best to all! Feel free to reach out to me by replying to this comment.
@SF-qf8yw 5 жыл бұрын
How are you feeling now any changes? Im guessing it may be getting worse since there is no cure. Do you have trouble speaking and breathing?
@FellowWorldCitizen 5 жыл бұрын
@@SF-qf8yw I still feel small improvements but it goes very slow (months). I have no trouble speaking (never really had, except because of exteme tiredness/energy drop), and my breathing issues got a lot better. I still feel the constant staring, no changes there :(. My energy improved a bit but is still far from how it used to be. I am not doing any sports yet, but I go every day for a walk. It is going better also because I am better able to cope with my problems (you get used to them). That said, there goes no day by without feeling bad at some moments. But there is still hope for further improvements! It has been almost 2 years since the accident now. Still not working, but I am raising a daughter and doing some household activities.
@michaelgeorge819 5 жыл бұрын
@@FellowWorldCitizen Thanks for your post. I am happy that you are feeling better. From what I've been reading, there is an expectation of improvement in many. I suspect that I might have been poisoned and, some time after the fact, will seek out some medical advice. Could you share how you initially suspected you might have been poisoned, and how it happened, length of time, etc. TIA
@bobbivaneman1584 5 жыл бұрын
A couple of months ago (after I had put up a drop cloth separating the living room from the kitchen), I cleaned my very small kitchen of mold spores & other contaminants. I live in an apartment. I left the drop cloth up & layed down in the living room & started to fall asleep. I began to get a bad headache but why I got up to check the kitchen is a mystery to me ... GOD ? A 6th sense ? I pulled back the drop cloth only to smell the strongest odor of gas I had ever smelled in my life. I ripped down the drop cloth & that's when the carbon monoxide alarm went off (not before, huh?). I opened the front door & fanned the gas smell til it died down. Since it was late & the manager wasn't in & I had calmed things down, I decided to wait until the next day to go to the hospital. I walked to the emergency room (3-4 blocks) & told them what had happened. They gave me a breathing treatment, THEN decided to check my blood for carbon monoxide. Since I WAITED until the next day, WALKED to the hospital, got a BREATHING TREATMENT & THEN got a blood test, wouldn't a large portion of the co be out of my system ? My level was 1.9 % if I remember correctly. The next day the maintenance man came up to my apartment with a gas meter that he had NO idea how to use & stood in the living room (not the kitchen) & proceeded to tell me everything was ok, I let it go. I went to church that weekend & was literally bumping into people. I had no balance whatsoever.I cleaned the living room & the kitchen & I still can't go in there for long time as It makes me shake & become nauseous. I have been stuck in the bedroom I have been having heart palpitations, panic attacks, extreme anxiety, trouble sleeping & tremors (my hands shake). Since I have hypersensitivities to mold & mold spores (there is mold throughout the building & in the walls), I assumed it was because of that. I still can't go into the other 2 rooms & it's starting to affect me now in the bedroom. The management won't listen to me. What do you think it might be & now what do I do ? I feel horrible. BLESS you for sharing your story & BLESS the creator of this video. 💝
@bobbivaneman1584 5 жыл бұрын
Marie & little man S Thank you so very much, Marie . It's called TOXIC MOLD ILLNESS & CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome).People do not understand how deadly MOLD is or they think you're crazy. I have done extensive research on the subject. Look up- microbalance.com & survivingmold.com & DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System). MICROBALANCE has an array of products which are quite helpful. I love their EC3 CANDLES. They really do clean the surrounding air of mold spores (ask for Kevin). People/Drs. are becoming more aware of the problem as the world gets worse with TOXIC MOLD. Hang in there, Honey. You are not alone either ! We have GOD & each other's prayers. There will be a solution for this epidemic. Keep in touch. I will be praying for you. GOD BLESS you. 💝
@solgato5186 4 жыл бұрын
The place I worked for paid me severance and I was so burned out from working night shift already that I didn't do anything about the poisoning. I just heard that it can cause immune system problems for the first time, twenty years later. I'm too bummed out to finish typing this, what a waste it's been not getting treated for this.
@paullesho2693 2 жыл бұрын
Try the 90 essentials from youngevity and half a cup of silver colloid a day. kills all virus. and the 90 will give you what you need to restore your organs. I would be dead without this.
@michaelgeorge819 5 жыл бұрын
great series but some feedback: even with volume maxed out, I'm having trouble hearing your presentation.
@gavinmurphy4510 5 ай бұрын
6 months ago i fell asleep in a sealed shed with a gas heater burning most of the night. It luckily ran out of gas at some point which is a miracle because the bottles last for ages. I don't remember the next week. I was sick and acted out of character. I did not go to the doctors or hospital for two weeks and after waiting a number of hours without been seen I left. A few months passed and I started with seizure, then tremors, massive depression headaches and the worst of it is the fatigue. My left leg seems to not have power sometimes. I have been out of work for weeks and hospital twice and the doctors 4 times. No one has put 2 and 2 together. instead i was put on anti physcotics, sleeping meds and anti histamines. I think this is what is wrong with me.
@anyh9337 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Guys, I can relate I to was in a diesel truck for 3x12 hour shifts. I understand what you have gone through and continue to go through. I would research Dr. David G. Penny aka carbonmonoxidekills.com. He used to be a physician for 30 years and now strictly does carbon monoxide for the last 11 or so years, he is amazing and testifies in court and can help with rehabilitation. I would suggest as I have had to continuously do is sing loudly while walking etc, singing teaches you to breath properly, from the diaphragm, which in turn creates more oxygen in blood and tissues, exercising and strengthening the lungs to. Another piece of advice I received was from a toxicologist who said to sweat and get into the sun daily, at minimum approximately 2 hours by helping to remove the toxins from the body. A cellular detox is a must and oxygen therapy. Cognitive function aka stimulate the brain functions, you have brain trauma, I treat mine like a concussion, some days it no cell phone tv or even people if my brain needs to rest I have to let it. also they will tell you that you will always have some sort of damages to live with for the rest of your life, I believe given the right tools our bodies can heal completely. I have recently found Bowen therapy ( don't listen to Wikipedia🙄).......mine treatment is focusing on the Vegus Nerve... KZbin it.... Amazing of how and what it's linked to...... Aka everything in the body. This treatment is allowing my autonomic system to "reset", as it is in complete fight stage....the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems are to work in harmony to balance each other out, I can't even eat food without my body fighting it, my body goes into complete shock, nausea headaches, flush weakness, trembling etc, after being so traumatized my body thinks it has to fight everything that it comes into contact/ingested. I'd also do a blood analysis, it will let you know what is going on in your blood, vitamins, allergies, oxygen and how damaged it still maybe. Relief of such ailments is a blessing. It's a long hard road, hopefully it comes to an end soon. I hope this helps yous💕💙
@carsongoodman5581 5 жыл бұрын
Ashley Nyhus man I just got poisoned today. I was 17% and I got to the hospital 2 1/2 later. I was cutting concrete in a bathroom and I thought I was going to die. I stood up stumbled out the door and sat on the ground for about 30 minutes. I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t speak because I couldn’t get enough breath to. I remember at one point I thought I was going to die and my dad was going to find me there dead for no reason that I could think of. The room was ventilated. Doors open windows open, I had a respirator on and it still got me
@ItsJonoWong 4 жыл бұрын
Have you had any improvement since this post?
@julietspaghetti 5 жыл бұрын
My stove was leaking all winter November thru May. I kept windows open all winter even in polar vortex. I called 911 Jan 14 2019 because I thought I was going to die. I walked to the emergency dept. I was in the emergency dept 10 x but no one ever tested me for carbon monoxide poisoning. I have asthma. They treated the asthma. It's a blessing I had asthma because I wheezed so much in the apt, but after 2 days away from the apt I didn't wheeze. The landlord didn't do anything even tho I complained 15 20 times. A lawyer wrote to him and he said I could move out, but pay the rent for May. The gas company turned off the stove gas when they heard my complaint 1st time. It's been off a few days. I can actually breathe. It almost killed me.
@annahatori2779 4 жыл бұрын
Sue landlord
@jeffknysz8123 4 жыл бұрын
I got low muscle tone because when my mom was pregnant with me my mom dad and my brother stayed at a hotel and there was carbon monoxide from the water heater because the hotel owners didn’t take good care of there water heater and that is why I have low muscle tone and my brother got effected to he had a not as sever case of autism but the carbon monoxide poisoning made his autism worse and he also got low muscle tone
@kitkatslowedreverb 5 жыл бұрын
Very informative and helpful. I attempted suicide 3 weeks ago using carbon monoxide from charcoal inside of my car, however I was unaware a friend of mine called the police as she knew what I was doing. I was in a remote area in the woods, and the police managed to ping my phone and they found me. I regained consciousness inside of the ambulance and my carbon monoxide levels were at 72%. They said another 5 minutes and I would’ve been dead. I was placed on oxygen for 3 hours in the ER and my levels would not drop below 38% and I was waiting to be transferred to the hyperbaric chamber as it was around 3am in the morning. While in the chamber I ended up having a seizure which I don’t remember and spent the rest of the day in the hospital being monitored and eventually transferred over to a psychiatric facility for 8 days. During this time I feel like I have been more forgetful and that my memory has worsened. I already suffer from major depressive disorder, anxiety, and panic attacks. Nobody told me any of the long term possible consequences and now I am afraid I may worsen over time.
@diaz6884 4 жыл бұрын
Katie S I hope you are doing well I don’t know you but I’m glad you are still among the living depression is something I have lived with my whole life. I started working out 4 months ago and I have been happier than I ever have maybe give that a try. Best wishes
@lordhadez3900 16 күн бұрын
Chronic Carbon monoxide poisoning 2 years Exposed I have Chronic Migraines and secondary Blood Disorder because of it and severe anger and irritated most of the time anxiety/panic attacks balance issues dizziness, Double vision Strokes etc my list goes on still trying to find someone for treatment.
@Makkino 4 жыл бұрын
Could loss of taste and smell be a symptom of poisoning?
@TheAlixir 3 жыл бұрын
I had seizures and lost consciousness. It’s a miracle I’m alive. But what do I do now? Could it have damaged me? I didn’t realize it what happened until weeks after the last incident
@gonzalodominguez229 2 жыл бұрын
how do you feel now. Me landed in the Psychiatric after 5 x Faints.. it all started in the car while driving in a gongestion and breathing in to much.. now 3 Months.. still Symptoms.. looking for a speciallist. Good luck to you🌱
@TheAlixir 2 жыл бұрын
@@gonzalodominguez229 I fainted in at a show and had to be carried out by security 5 months after. Cognitive ability was for sure affected and loss of motivation.
@gonzalodominguez229 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheAlixir i could not find any remedy for this online.. usually walking or swimming has helped me eith lots of other.. even severe problems. Now a little walking seems to help but to much walk has worsen my symtoms. For now.. lyin in Bett several times the day is what has reduced the symtoms.. before i was really energic fit all day.. now some activities have to wait..
@TheAlixir 2 жыл бұрын
@@gonzalodominguez229 sadly the only “remedy” for the irreversible damage is learning how to accept it and live with it the best we can. It’s incredibly depressing to be honest. But I’m a struggling single mom and I have no other choice. I’m exhausted.
@gonzalodominguez229 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheAlixir i have found something called ME CFS which has symtoms are very similar to those i have.. and those of Carbon monoxide poisoning. but anyway.. as i still do not have a diagnosis.. I started to do things very slowly..like walking, drinking Zeolith and working a little out with a gym ball... the trick here is to go to rest inmediatly after and to increase very little day by day. Will come back and tell you how it unfolds. I am in a Psychiatric facility now and can try things while having sort of protection. I appreciate so much your Situation with a child or children. It must be difficult. We have to live with it and try to beat it slowly. So far i found that what ever you do.. not overdo and get very often rest or sleep. Sleep is the next thing i will adress and buy an Air Mattress to help a deeper sleep.. you see.. i refuse to believe its non reversible.. there must be a way to make things a little better.. i wish you find such ways.. i wish one day this will be gone.. wish you rengenerate soon!!*👀🙏☘️
@carlosaguilar4599 3 жыл бұрын
How many days after exposure Will blood test still work?
@maggsbufton1969 2 жыл бұрын
I went into a industrial kitchen FILLED with the natural gas as the stove was turned on full. I I was only in for a few minutes to turn it off and air the kitchen out… I didn’t know natural gas displaces oxygen and replaces it with carbon monoxide . I’ve had difficulty with shaking, coughing, breathing, headaches and vision problems and bowel problems.
@gonzalodominguez229 2 жыл бұрын
i suspect having had carbon monoxide poisoning. 3 Moths ago while driving during huge congestion in a tunel. No Air was given to me by the ambulance... even not after clearly expressing the need for Air. Anyway.. after lots of Dizziness..5x Ambulamce because nearly loss of conciensness... specially very related to what you say about the eyes.. i'm now in the Psychiatry.. they say "anxiety disorder" i would like to now how to help myself now after 3 Months still having Eyerelated, Focus related and dizzyness Symptoms..
@BillieJean1974 6 жыл бұрын
I can totally relate with a lot you are are saying! I got Carbon monoxide poisoning in a diesel armored truck. I was in it for over 10 hours. I didn’t go to the hospital the next day because I wasn’t thinking right and thought I could sleep it off. The next day almost a day later, went to hospital and still had some in my system. I was estimated around 30% something percent around the time of exposure. My lips and tongue and extremities are numb/tingle no matter what I do. Any suggestions please?
@FellowWorldCitizen 6 жыл бұрын
Billie Johnson, unfortunately I can’t answer your question. But take the time to heal! Listen to your body, stop working if necessary before you regret it when its to late. Don’t underestimate this injury. Many doctors don’t know much since it is uncommon.
@BillieJean1974 6 жыл бұрын
FellowWorldCitizen thank you
@bobbivaneman1584 5 жыл бұрын
Billie Johnson Take CHLORELLA (Fresh Health Care-Amazon). It is a great detox & puts oxygen into your red blood cells. Your body needs oxygen to get rid itself of the carbon monoxide. I'm trying to get oxygen but my pulmonologist won't prescribe it to me. He said my body might become dependent on it. I went to the ER when I had monoxide poisoning & they have me an oxygen treatment. It felt SOOOO good. There are private companies that sell it but I can't afford it right now. Be careful to not use it all the time...PLEASE. For now get some CHLORELLA. It's a good start . GOD bless you. Keep the faith. You will be ok. 💝
@sl4983 5 жыл бұрын
@@bobbivaneman1584 how did you know you had cm poisoning? And does the chlorella really help you yourself noticeably?
@bobbivaneman1584 5 жыл бұрын
Esoteric Mystery Hi Esoteric Mystery. I left you a message but it disappeared ! I went to the hospital & they took a blood test. I could smell a strong scent of gas in the kitchen when I went behind the drop cloth I had up (I was cleaning one room at a time & didn't want to contaminate the other rooms with mold spores). The alarm went off so I tore down the drop cloth & opened the door. I became dizzy, nauseous & fuzzy headed. This was 2am & I didn't go to the ER until the next day. It showed up in my blood. The CHLORELLA does noticeably help. It helps supply oxygen to your red blood cells (they are the cells that carry the oxygen). I have TOXIC MOLD ILLNESS & It depletes my oxygen. It is also a great detox. I have more energy & I feel better overall. I hope this helps. God bless you & yours.💝
@BillieJean1974 4 жыл бұрын
After doing some research, I was the one talking about the Carbon monoxide poisoning from the armored truck that was diesel. The truck was blowing blue smoke that day and I figured out that oil was mixed with the diesel fuel. Oil poisoning is hydrocarbon poisoning. I was looking back on my work notes and I noticed that I had documented other times I was working and fumes were coming into the truck. But over the years of working there I probably got small poisonings and I think they might have caused health issues I was having. Because I used to get colds all the time and now that I’m off work, I don’t. Do you know any attorneys that practices law that is familiar with Carbon monoxide poisoning in Ohio, since you don’t practice in Ohio unfortunately.
@sl4983 5 жыл бұрын
MY GOSH, this is under diagnosed!!!!!
@sixtysix2632 5 жыл бұрын
I had carbon monoxide poisoning. I dont remember how long I've been poisoned. Anyway my stove was leaking gas for a long time. I would get headaches I would feel ,weak, tired and sleepy. Many times I would dose off. I couldn't understand why. What was the last thing was one I was cooking. And I felt so weak and I felt like I was having a heart attack. I called the gas company. And they sent someone . Thats when the guy said he can smell gas. My husband refused to believe me. So, this March we got a new stove. I know I should have the oxygen. But, I didn't the doctor told me once I breathe fresh air I'd be okay. Now, I would like to know is something wrong with me? I feel very confused I do feel dizzy and my legs would feel so weak like I don't feel like walking. Actually I kinda drag my legs especially when I get up from sitting. My head feels funny and I feel disoriented. My legs hurt and arms. And my vision isn't too good. Many days I just don't feel like doing anything. I do have ibs I feel depressed and I don't feel like myself. I do feel all these strange things. Could this be from the carbon monoxide poisoning?
@Diana3229 2 жыл бұрын
I was poisoned by CO for almost 5 months and my symptoms afterwards feel a lot like what you described in your post. Hope you are doing better now
@sixtysix2632 2 жыл бұрын
@@Diana3229 thank you. No I'm not feeling better at all.......my legs hurt so bad. Especially at nights i just feel wrong. I know that gas did something to me. That is why I dont feel right. I also hope your doing well. I wish good health Aameen
@Diana3229 2 жыл бұрын
@@sixtysix2632 I’m so sorry. I’m not sure if doctors have been able to help you in the past, but keep insisting that something is wrong until someone helps. I had to figure out it was CO by myself. I guess people don’t really think about that possibility. Research helped me understand a lot of it. Maybe you can find something helpful for you. But please keep fighting the issue. Thank you and I hope one day you can find some relief
@kodyknutson1618 2 жыл бұрын
@@Diana3229 did you get over your symptoms over time? I had an exhaust leak in my car for about a year and didn't realize the damage it could do. Now I have pressure in my head and feel disoriented every day, and just down right do not feel like my self anymore. I just feel so much mess conscious anymore and this is no way to live 😭
@Diana3229 2 жыл бұрын
@@kodyknutson1618 I’m sorry this happened to you, too… It’s been 4 months since my last known exposure and I am doing better. Some symptoms I’ve had: fatigue, nerve pain (hate it), stumbling, migraines with aura, losing my train of thought/forgetting what I was just doing, heart palpitations… Most are getting better, albeit slowly. One of the big things for me was that disorientation/confusion you are talking about, as I really need this for my job and it was v frustrating, but it is significantly better. I did a good amount of research on it since my past comments and, from the studies and sources I looked at, recovery can range from months to years, and it can really depend on how much of the gas you were exposed to and for how long. No way to accurately determine this. Also, for some people, they can be fine a few weeks after exposure and then feel much worse, before they start getting better. This happened to me and, although it is more uncommon than not, Im letting you know just in case. Also, Im not completely sure if my exposure was to natural gas, CO or both. I wont go into it bc this comment is already so long, but symptoms are pretty similar. There needs to be more information of the dangers and prevention of gas exposure. You will get better and please reach out for help (neurologist). The only cure now is to rest, let your body heal, but also keep your mind sharp whenever possible to help your brain recover. Idk if you can do this on KZbin, but feel free to message me with more questions, or leave me another question. Best of luck
@maine1940 Жыл бұрын
Wow great video👍🏾👍🏾
@eddieyang1373 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative!
@lisapink9391 3 жыл бұрын
Just found out that our gas fire and heating has been leaking 12ppm Carbon monoxide. This fire/heating hasn’t been serviced in the 6 years I have been renting the house. What are the chances that I have long term poisoning? I get headaches and migraines which are unexplained and I do have vision issues as you described, difficulty focusing only.
@forrestdawson3190 5 жыл бұрын
I want to talk to you. How do I get in touch??
@GordonSJohnsonJr 5 жыл бұрын
Call my office at 800-992-9447
@godschildse 3 жыл бұрын
HELLO im in england can i email
@BillieJean1974 4 жыл бұрын
I did some karaoke at home and kept repeating the same song to help with my talking and it did help some. But I have been coughing up some black strands in my phlegm and I was wondering if any of you have experienced that?
@paullesho2693 2 жыл бұрын
Take silver colloid
@omarramirezasencio1410 2 ай бұрын
I’ve got poison almost a year ago I don’t remember what the percentage was. But I’ve got treated with the hyperbaric machine. I felt okay during the next months but in the beginning of this year I started feeling really tired like all the time and sleepy, and lately I’ve been having this feeling that like I’m sorting sleeping, like I don’t know how to express it but it has something to do with my eyes it’s like I can’t focus or I feel dizzy I don’t really know but I’m really staring to worry. I don’t know if has something to do with carbon monoxide. Anyone can help me ?
@carbonmonoxide1565 Ай бұрын
Please contact my office at 800-992-9447 if you would like to discuss. Attorney Gordon Johnson
@nathanbenenati7328 3 жыл бұрын
Need to know what to do basically. I have an office and the day they were working on the heater , I later experienced vertigo for 10 min. Never experienced vertigo before. When I came back 2 days later my fish in my fish tank of 4 yrs were all dead. I called pg and e and they said no gas leak. The eye focus and balance still seems to be a problem a week later etc. the heater is an old unit and uses the old style pilot light. My guess when they were working on it , it leaked into my office. Please help. Thank you
@carbonmonoxide1565 3 жыл бұрын
Please call my office at 800-992-9447
@godschildse 3 жыл бұрын
@@carbonmonoxide1565 im in england i need to talk i was exposed 3 months then another month by my housing assoc im living in glue and its been 2 yearsa now
@samirbosamia3044 5 жыл бұрын
So there's no medicine to get out of this poisoning? I mean to remove this carbon monoxide from hemoglobin
@FellowWorldCitizen 5 жыл бұрын
No medicine, but a treatment called 'hyperbaric oxygen therapy'. Your body will get rid of the carbon monoxide itself but the hyperbaric treatment speeds up this process.
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