Lord Vader Has Returned?! | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 47

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@dominiconeil4693 2 ай бұрын
Shed has to explain why he took so long rescuing Vader. He just blurts out "Ozzel did it" and Vader accepts it. Not because he buys it, but because it gives him an excuse to strangle the idiot.
@jamileingram1365 2 ай бұрын
Lol. That's perfect
@darthkingedededbobo6117 2 ай бұрын
that would be perfect
@be-noble3393 2 ай бұрын
Moff Shed: “Let that old Wizard rot for all I care.” Officer: “Sir, we have located the main Rebel base and the Emperor has requested Lord Vader lead the attack.” Moff Shed: “Excuse me.” (Enters personal quarters) *Barely Muffled Expletives*
@Sigma0283 2 ай бұрын
@brockgundich 2 ай бұрын
@sword4005 2 ай бұрын
love the idea that the emperor not been aware his apprentice was captured
@Darkfire7881 2 ай бұрын
​@sword4005 I imagine Palpatine having an internal debate "On one hand, if my apprentice is incompetent enough to be captured, then he does not deserve to be rescued. However, this new Moff is getting too ambitious. Perhaps I'll send Shed to rescue Vader and they will kill each other"
@sammywhite5127 2 ай бұрын
Considering Vader is on Myrkr they probably kept him from escaping by just dropping him in the jungle with the lizards that mess with your ability to use the force and the wolves who hunt force sensitives and he's just been going Rambo around the forest trying to find a ship to get off planet
@Darkfire7881 2 ай бұрын
This is where the fun begins - Lord Vader
@bamsock 2 ай бұрын
The fact that the game stuck Vader on Myrkyr means the narrative practically writes itself.
@krait5645 2 ай бұрын
“Somehow, Vader returned” Moff Shed, probably
@AdmiralDevil 2 ай бұрын
@timothylong3110 2 ай бұрын
I love the lore that Shed is neurotically annoyed by the gigantic metal space wizard.
@Isometrix116 2 ай бұрын
The "Somehow, Palpatine returned" thing still makes me irrationally angry. Like, they could've spent the last 2 movies building up that Snoke was trying to revive him through some means. When Kylo Ren kills him, he doesn't uncover this plan, so it goes on without his knowing. Meanwhile, Snoke's agents bide their time and see this as their duty to their fallen commander and to the galaxy. They probably see Kylo as a pestilent child pretender to the imperial throne. Make it clear that Kylo killed Snoke for incredibly petty and childish reasons. Make it clear he absolutely manipulated Rey. This would've been so cool. Rey would have had to decide whether to side with her father, who she is told was horrible, or with a person she knows is horrible and who hurt her deeply. Or, she can use Kylo's playbook and try to manipulate them both. Maybe she tries to redeem Kylo after seeing her father is irredeemably evil. Maybe she decides to trust Kylo, much to the dismay of those around her, and he then has to decide if he wants to better or do what's easy and what has become natural. Isn't that actually interesting?! Sorry, I just hate when there are cool ideas buried underneath mountains of bs.
@AgentofLADON 2 ай бұрын
​@Isometrix116 I never saw the issue with that line. Poe said it and neither he nor any other average person in the setting is going to understand Sith necromancy. Plus it's Palpatine the billion year old lightning zombie. Probably has a lot of stories about him doing unnatural stuff. "Oh yeah, where you in the room when he started spitting acid on senators? That guy is weird."
@Isometrix116 2 ай бұрын
@AgentofLADON Poe and others may not understand, and that's totally fine, but we the audience should have some idea of the tensions, goals, motives, and actors driving the plot for a story to be interesting and good. You can have plot twists, but those rely on giving information. They gave none.
@matthewwest7906 2 ай бұрын
I clicked on this so fast The Dark Lord has finally returned!!!!!!
@rulerofeverything6294 2 ай бұрын
You're profile picture says otherwise...l
@deathlord269 2 ай бұрын
@@rulerofeverything6294 I mean all the supporters of you know who had to go undercover after he vanished... wait, wrong dark lord.
@eagle_and_the_dragon 2 ай бұрын
Tony Blair 😨
@matthewwest7906 2 ай бұрын
​@@rulerofeverything6294 It's called deep cover gotta trick dem rebel scum's to think I'm one of them but secretly imperial!!!!!
@matthewwest7906 2 ай бұрын
​@@rulerofeverything6294 It's called deep undercover gotta blend in and make the rebels think I'm a rebel and not imperial all hail the empire
@lyinarbaeldeth2456 2 ай бұрын
Use that huge surplus to build support ships! Eidolon cruiser disablers! Gladiator carriers! Raider corvettes! Your issue is always, always being overrun by medium ships and fighters, you need to support your ISDs!
@SterlingWhitehead 2 ай бұрын
Partially agree: half to new ships, half to new production facilities in his borders to replenish losses fast
@sebastiantirado3675 2 ай бұрын
The lancer is more about area denial. You want to put it on top of our next to your important stuff to shoot down ordanance and keep fighters from harassing them The raider is what you send into fighter engagements with your ties. It’s the offensive screener option (that can also kill corvettes)
@simpleviewer1334 2 ай бұрын
Admiral's Log Log 33 Admiral Star Acting Admiral of "Executor" We're getting Vader, I've never seen so many mixed opinions, some terrified, some ecstatic, and some disappointed, we blasted through Myrkr, the size of the ship caused us to be spotted immediately, Pelleon tagged along as he put it "Veterans help veterans," Veers went to retrieve his General on the ground, the force as the republic put it was very weak on this planet, Veers went storming around the place, looking for the Dark Lord. We found the prison... In shambles, we also found Vader, he looked awful, his breather was broken along with his mask, he was missing an arm, his bare cybernetics were exposed, and I thought he was more human than I was, turns out I was wrong, he's almost a droid. We got him onboard the Executor, and I explained my substitute position, Shed's antics, and the state of the 501st, he just remained silent, but thanked, he also said he'd put in a good word for my loyalty to the Emperor and not just the Moffs. For what? A power vacuum. Thrawn's supposed death has triggered many different admirals to compete for his position, Pelleon dropped out stating he isn't as active as he used to be to handle the position, to be honest, medical bills piled up, the Empire doesn't have the funds to handle my health like the Republic did, a promotion might be due. After explaining the premature assault to the south, Vader took the Executor and rushed down there, burning through the system of Contruum.I later figured out that he held the other part of information Ozzel mentioned to complete the southern mission. I'm heading back to the Megador, the Executor provided such exhilaration with firepower, but the Bellator fits better, I'm just at a rest at Kuat from the way down Over who's becoming the next grand admiral, there are a few options, there is Needa, who has a resume and good record, though- wait... what do you mean Vader's here. A meeting ok.... I'm back, that was a meeting all right. Vader made his return known to all admirals, as we were called back to the system, Vader stood at the forefront, he made a speech about traitors, supposedly about how he was sold out by Facio, and the Zaarin becoming a warlord. But then... They brought them onto the stage, despite reports stating their deaths aboard their flagships, Vader held them in the and said "This is what happens when you defy me admiral." Their eyes popped out, they started bleeding from their noses, and then they dropped dead, swimming in their blood, nobody moved for a minute even after we were dismissed, what a start to the return of Lord Vader (WARNING:UNAUTHORIZED CLEARANCE) (CLEARANCE REQUIRED: inner circle) I knew what was going to happen, I planned the whole thing, it was to see the reactions of the Admirals to find any form of dying loyalty, and quell any who may find that in the future, there were a few admirals that showed that they may have thought of it in the past and others who may have been in the process of it. I just need to focus on the front Titan's Blade is facing, then I'll worry about that in the future
@Sigma0283 2 ай бұрын
(Lord Vader walks in) Moff Shack: Lord Vader.... I am honored by your presen... Moff Shack feels an intense tightness around his neck, difficulty breathing and sees that Vader was curling the fingers of his right hand. Shack starts grabbing at his throat and falls to his knees. Darth Vader: NEVER disobey a direct order from the Emperor again. Is that understood? Moff Shack:(Gasping for air) Understood, sir! Darth Vader: Clear? Moff Shack:(Gasping) Crystal.... (Lord Vader lets his grip go. Moff Shack starts breathing heavily when a sudden invisible force pushes him face down to the floor, hard. He gets back up nursing a bloody nose) Darth Vader: I hope for your sake, Moff, that you don't choke on your ego. Next time it will be before the Emperor and he is not as forgiving as I am. (Vader turns and leaves, his cloak billowing behind him)
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
A bit of a correction. The Moff's name is Shed. Though, thanks for the mental image of this buffoon getting choked. I really needed that.
@darthkingedededbobo6117 2 ай бұрын
now THIS is a Vader move
@theelectricgamer9889 2 ай бұрын
After a light cough Shed in a somewhat confused tone says "Dad jokes?"
@kaptaink1235 2 ай бұрын
Storm trooper: you think this is another drill?
@justinpuzin5120 2 ай бұрын
Shack, Myrkr is perfect for holding Vader as it has Yssalimiri(sp?) over the entire planet. Basically an animal that turns off the Force in a large radius around them. So there Vader isn’t a sith lord he’s a cybernetic cripple.
@AgentofLADON 2 ай бұрын
Do the pelts work or would you have to carry one with you like Blofelds cat?
@justinpuzin5120 2 ай бұрын
@@AgentofLADON You’d have to carry them around. IIRC, they’re about the size of a large squirrel and they grow into a tree as a parasite and/or symbiont, so you have to carry them and a synthetic tree branch/ life support system on your back. Upside your in a force void sphere between 10-20m in diameter, so you’d be immune to force choke, lightning, pull, push, etc.. Things can still be thrown at you and the light saber would still work but the force user wouldn’t have any precog powers if they got close enough to use it.
@eagle_and_the_dragon 2 ай бұрын
​​@@AgentofLADONthe force-blocking reptiles are like snakes. Thrawn has one draped over his shoulders, and it makes him immune to Joruus C'baoths' lightning attack.
@WolfMcCullen 2 ай бұрын
I wanted to thank you, Shack; your content is what convinced me to come back to Empire at War, which was one of the first strategy games I ever owned, and start playing it again. I have to say, being able to try out mods through Steam Workshop rather than the old-fashion way has made going back a breeze. XD Here's to many continued, prosperous years for your channel and content!
@SolitarySpade_Davon 2 ай бұрын
[ Personal Log ] [ Reagel Felrin, 457th Tactical Squadron "Dagger", Flight Lead ] "The Welcoming Party" Lord Vader's back, unsurprisingly. The 501st dropped down on Myrkr and got him back rather quickly. He was reportedly in fighting strength the moment our stormtroopers brought him back to our fleet in orbit. The Razor and Dagger Squadron has been dispatched to Contruum afterwards. Let me tell you, this ship is certainly much faster than a Gozanti despite it's mass. We... arrived late to the party though. To describe the furball over Contruum as 'chaotic' would be an understatement. X-Wings, A-Wings, hell, the entire Rebel starfighter corps seemed like it was present in this one battle. On our side, we had an entire wing of picket ships, and even then our squadrons struggled for what felt like hours of dogfighting. Each member of this squadron managed to bag at least ten kills each before Parrel called us back to the Razor to swap out our fighters. By the time we got in a fresh batch of Interceptors, the Rebels had already made their escape to hyperspace. We got our first glimpse of the Executor too. Massive ship, I tell you. It looks like it even dwarfed the Bellator, which itself is already impressive. That Black Sun fleet tearing at our galactic east? They'll stand no chance. For now, Reagel Felrin, signing off.
@Zaeikil 2 ай бұрын
Field Agent Log: Maj. [ERROR: Unauthorized Clearance] Imperial Intelligence Agent “Harbinger” We’ve received an emergency order from the Emperor. Lord Vader was to be rescued immediately. Star swiftly sent a battlegroup to the area along with the 501st legion to rescue their lord commander. Seeing as all of the 501st were sent, the Grand Admiral held Harbinger squad behind to ensure his remaining forces were still up to scratch should the rebels attack. My hunt for the Alliance Intelligence Agent known as Nightswan has gone cold. Far too cold for me to follow. There’s no trail, no leads, nothing. However, I do have a new target to keep track of. A former colleague of mine and a traitor, formerly Agent Heretic, now Agent Fox under the Alliance. She’s been identified stalking around the Expansion Region, more specifically an Imperial facility known as Ord Vaug. The facility itself is far too defended for the rebels to hope to crack it, the world harboring it being a fortress world with many surface-to-orbit emplacements to ward off enemy attacks. With Vader being successfully secured by the 501st, I wonder what he’ll think of what Grand Admiral Star has done to his battlegroup, or even the Grand Admiral himself. Despite their differences, I believe they could be an effective team. Agent Harbinger, signing off, [END OF LOG]
@Sigma0283 2 ай бұрын
Personal Log Grand Admiral Sigma, ISD Vesalius, Commander of the 5th Fleet Status: In orbit of Kuat For the past month, the Vesalius has been undergoing an extensive refit and upgrade. I've been using the new resources granted to me by my new rank in order to do so. The Vesalius' fire power has been upgraded to match that of an Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer. Originally, I was given the honor of taking command of one of the new Executor Class Star Dreadnoughts, but I turned it down. Sure the starship has greater firepower, but I've decided that a ship that size is too much an obvious target for the rebels to go after, I'm also rather attached to the Vesalius as she has served me well over the years. Word has reached me that Lord Vader has been liberated from the planet Myrkyr and is lashing out against the Rebels with a vengeance.
@goldenguardian8753 2 ай бұрын
Personal report Commodore Turner IV Enterprise So, from the reports from Star is that lord Vader made his return…memorable, and that he will soon be making his way down south, to our opporations area. I have not been under his command since the days aboard the Ironsides, a position where I held no power, and now, with his return I feel the same, he will whip the deserting ideals of the admiralty back into the Emperor’s vision, the one that many see the cracks forming even with victory after victory, that fear continues to breed rebellion, and that the rewarding of politics over merit such as Ozzel will see to the degradation of the fleet. I of course won’t be making this report to the wider fleet, no one outside my own ship or those that come aboard would even have the chance to glimpse this, but with the lord’s return…I am afraid of what is to come.
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
[As I have suspected since the Hapes campaign, Star and Vader would end up working together. I do have an idea as to how to manage this narratively. Star and Vader will be working as a team. For Vader's failure the Emperor will put him under Grand Admiral Star's command. (This is how I avoid the mess ups Shack will do in game so Vader doesn't kill Star.) Star, not being a fool, will treat Lord Vader with respect and the two will operate like Thrawn and Vader would. Star the brains, Vader the brawn. Slowly the two will gain respect for each other. This inspiration is taken from multiple lore sources and mixed together. In the Legends stuff, this is actually how Thrawn and Vader worked together to find Hoth. I'm following the same style. In cannon, the Emperor put Vader under Tagg's command but he was arrogant to Vader and Vader offed him after he put the Emperor at risk. Star will not make that mistake. Vader can, and does respect officers that are competent and aren't cowards that fight selflessly for the Empire and their troops. It's difficult to write Vader as his interactions with characters are so up and down across the lore. Sometimes he's smart and reasonable, sometimes not. Personally I like to think, that around the right people, he wouldn't act so cruelly. That's why his troops like him so much. They can relate to, and respect him. I hope I can portray this as the game continues.]
@goldenguardian8753 2 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 cool
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
Death squadron log: More rebel hunting, more preparations, more planning, more of the same. Things have been as fast paced as ever, but apparently some incredibly important mission up north has drained our recourses, more of Shed's idiocy I'm sure. Still, we keep our minds sharp and our weapons ready, the moment the order is given, we fight. Log ends. (Door knock.) Onéka: Yes? (The door opens and Zagael enters.) Zagael: The Grand Admiral, wants to see us. Onéka: About time for a mission briefing. Zagael: I don't think it's a mission briefing, it's an announcement more likely. Onéka:... Either way, I'm right behind you, let's see what surprises Star has for us.
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
(The pilots of Vader's former squadron are summoned to the Darkstar's briefing room. As they walk there they notice an increase in activity as several squads of the 501st, lead by shouting clones, rush down to the hangers. Including Naila's squad and Triton squad.) Caster: "Let's go troopers! On the double! Move it, move it!" Blue Star: "Triton squad, to the hangers now!" (The quick, rhythmic thumping of boots on the metal floor is loud as the troopers pass. Eventually the pilots enter the briefing room where commander Barrick is waiting. He looks up at them.) Barrick: "Good. You're here. Your TIEs are being prepped and checked. Grand Admiral Star will be addressing you directly in a moment. Take your seats." [I couldn't remember what Onéka's girlfriend was called, could you remind me so I can edit that correctly?]
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 [Naila] (The pilots look around perplexed) Zagael: What is going on here? Joyce: Did we loose another deathstar? Onéka: I have a really bad feeling about this.
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
@@NP3GA (The doors open and Star walks in. The pilots stand at attention.) Star: "At ease. Pilots, most of you were members that flew escort for Lord Vader as his personal squadron. I am proud to say that you have kept that high standard and even surpassed it since my appointment as commander of Death Squadron. As of today I have received a message from the Emperor himself. Lord Vader is going to be rescued and will be joining us for the offensive against Hoth. I'm sending the 501st legion to affect this rescue, and you will be returning to your roles as his personal squadron. Your TIEs are being prepared and you will take a carrier to act as escort for the 501st as they travel back to the Core to rendezvous with a Captain Pelleon who will take you to Myker. Then, you, Lord Vader, and the 501st will return to Death Squadron. Understood?"
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
​@@billygrantham5380(the pilots freeze and contemplate what they just heard.) Bolfer: What? Joyce: We... We've just gotten used to operate without him... Why now? Zagael: No matter, we have to be ready for the transfer. Sülker: We can't be just tossed around like that, we received no notice. Qelce: If lord Vader wishes it, then it must be done. Joyce: He's been gone for so long, he can't just come in like that and shake everything down. Zagael: Watch your tone Joyce. Sülker: He's right, we aren't weapons, we're soldiers, we deserve respect. Bolfer: Guys let's not... (As all this goes on, Onéka just stands there, not knowing what to do or say.) [Some new names here, I wanted to make the argument a bit more alive.]
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
@@NP3GA Barrick: "Quiet! This IS your notice. You're not transferring fleets, you're transferring ships." Star: "Lord Vader requires skilled and competent pilots. You will more than fulfill that requirement. As for the chain of command, I have been informed that further instructions from the Emperor will follow once Lord Vader arrives. Until then you will show Lord Vader the same respect and dedication that you have shown to me. Your actions will reflect either positively or negatively on me as your Commander. All I ask is that you continue to live up to the standards that you have reached. If you feel you cannot maintain those high standards serving directly under Lord Vader, then Commander Barrick can have you transferred to Admiral Ozzel's ship instead. Are we clear pilots?" [Remember, I'm going to have Vader be under Star's command, but the two will work more like partners. That's the idea anyway.]
@inductivegrunt94 2 ай бұрын
Vader is back and is immediately put in charge of the fleet. Moff Shed probably just saved his skin with that action. I do like how Vader has the 501st with the voices from the original Battlefront. That is so amazing.
@TT-Rex Ай бұрын
In the Previews shown on the AOTR Discord, they've shown that the Clone legions will exist as pseudo hero groups, that are limited (you can only build 10 or so at a time), but they all feel unique (212th, 501st, Nova Corps, Coruscant Guard and so on)
@lightspeedvictory 2 ай бұрын
If you’re going to invade Hoth, you gotta do it right. Send both Vader AND Veers
@nikolamodric6947 2 ай бұрын
This is a MUST!
@ShiftersMidnightsun 2 ай бұрын
My head cannon is that vader spent his time on that planet establishing his Domino's over all of the force hunting wolves making them his personal bitches just so he can use them to hunt even MORE jedi
@odinthewan 2 ай бұрын
Somebody has a favorite pizza place ;D
@batuhangocer6642 2 ай бұрын
I remember reading a comic where he was stranded on a planet and became the leader of a pack of wolves.
@ShiftersMidnightsun 2 ай бұрын
@odinthewan nah, just a typo. I was watching the episode while going to sleep. I think I'll keep it, though 😆
@nonya1366 2 ай бұрын
Vader: "I am going to kill the next person I Kriffing see I swear to The Force." Bob: "Hello, Hi, I am so happy to see you :)" Vader: "Hey, oh my force, oh my force what's going on?" Bob: *unintelligent able positive sounds :)*
@unit-zero 2 ай бұрын
I understood this reference! guessing Vader now has to protect Bob from now on?
@nonya1366 2 ай бұрын
@@unit-zero Or Vader Vengeance V2, Vacation to Vacuum ™
@ZKP314 2 ай бұрын
Day 1 of freedom I never thought I’d ever write this ever again-when those pirates captured me, the Empire was still whole, and there wasn’t a rebellion going on. Now, there’s a larger war going on, and now the criminal gangs have decided to profit from chaos-would explain why they broke my leg. After getting shaved, and getting a leg brace, I was briefed on what was going on-someone named She’ad had been looking for the Rebel Base, found it, and was going to assault it, but the Emperor gave a direct command to lead that assault-no one knows why Vader was sent to Myker (probably something to do with the damn wolves). I’ve been running long-deserved overtime to ferry Lord Vader to and from engagements while he makes his way to the Hoth System. I’d imagine he’s venting his frustrations on the enemy. And frankly, that makes me feel joy like never before.
@brianwilson8561 2 ай бұрын
This is great! Just started reading "Heir to the Empire" again, last time was over 10 years ago. Myrkr is where Grand Admiral Thrawn gets his Ysalamir that protects him from force users.
@Darkfire7881 2 ай бұрын
Moff Shed: Vader! Ol' buddy! Ol' pal! Ive rescued you! Vader: *Stares with the intent to Force choke*
@ColonelZoren 2 ай бұрын
4:00 --- Meanwhile, at the Disney HQ: "That's it. The rebels are there." "My lord, there are thousands of uncharted KZbin video..." "That is the video. And i'm sure a copyright infringement is there..."
@vianocturne 2 ай бұрын
-Bob the Stormtrooper"S..Sir?...You there?Lord Vadeeeer?We ve come to rescue you...Helloooo?" -Darth Vader"(Heavy Breathing)Who are you?" -Bob the Stormtrooper"I am Bob,1st class Stormtrooper sir!" -Darth Vader"Thank you for recuing me...General Bob" -Bob the Stormtrooper""^ ^"
@AonghasMcTavish 2 ай бұрын
I imagine the black suns used their cheapest pirates to operate a blockaded world full of anti force wielder wolves in order to keep Vader contained, it makes a lot of sense. Vader definitely would be pissed but not aggressive towards the imperial group who rescued him. He would go up the chain to figure out why it took so long. If shed is being force choked in the next intro it would be amusing. Perhaps palpatine made shed wait for so long to test vader.
@Isometrix116 2 ай бұрын
Vader is like a minotaur. You can't kill him, you can't lock him in a cell, so you have to instead make a massive, complex labyrinth and hope to whatever higher being(s) you believe in that he does not escape.
@deathlord269 2 ай бұрын
One of these times I want the thumbnail to just be a serene landscape with a title like "a nice hike through the mountains" after a mission just goes extremely easy.
@odinthewan 2 ай бұрын
17:11 Shack: "This is really dumb but I'm going to do it" sends e-webs unsupported to take a dropzone... 18:50 said e-webs are eaten alive by very-specifically-anti-infantry Vornskrs in 3 seconds flat. So very Empire.
@R3LOADlikesgames 2 ай бұрын
Myrkr was such a perfect planet to trap Vader on. Not only from the stand point of Shed saying "I don't wanna, its out of the way" but the fact Vader couldn't really escape due to the species that are anti-force user just straight blocking his abilities. Good to have him back though. lol Also Snow Armored Royal Guard is pretty neat looking (32:37)
@alexi4829 2 ай бұрын
"There have been rumours spreading around that Lord Vader's finally returned to the front lines. The speculations as to where he's been all this time are wild, ranging from covert black ops to training a new generation of "force users" to combat the rebels. My personal favourite, not because I think it's true but because it's blatantly untrue, is the idea he'd been captured by the Black Sun and somehow imprisoned.... I don't think anyone's actually taking that one seriously, it's just a joke spreading around the ship, I certainly couldn't believe it. I doubt we'll ever find out exactly what he's really been up to for these last few years. "In other news, there's been a development with the Black Sun: A push to cut off supplies and eventually engage their new Lucrehulk and its support fleet has begun, they took Myrkr and Obroa Skai just recently and are headed for Contruum. This is supposedly where Vader re-entered the public eye but given he's supposedly about to re-join with our fleet I doubt that... then again we weren't stationed fare from that region when we were sent all the way over here..." It was at this point a shiver ran down Beady's spine, something about the idea of Vader returning to the fleet made him uneasy.
@MandalorV7 2 ай бұрын
Hi Shack. I do appropriate you sharing your table top tales. It's another thing that makes this series fun to listen too. Also I do think it would be fun for you to use Darth Vader and the Emperor in a ground battle near the end.
@DeadlyNightshadeZ 2 ай бұрын
"Why didn't we come sooner to rescue you? It was my belief, and the Emperors expectation, that you would have broken out and returned weeks ago. Pulling resources from the frontline to devote forces to an *unnecessary* rescue operation. It seems I may have thought too highly of you."
@ChrisVillagomez 2 ай бұрын
Shed better hope he's got a sturdy enough foundation for the absolute hurricane of anger coming his way when he speaks with Vader again
@yodaman1131 2 ай бұрын
Vader has been away on a “mission” for the Emperor.
@MrAdamArce 2 ай бұрын
I like the idea that when the troopers come and free Vader, they would approach cautious but trying to remain firm in their respect. Of course he can sense their fear. Vader would only ask who was in charge of the rescue, and after receiving an answer he would say something along the lines of, "You have done well." Vader isn't angry at the soldiers who freed him, or the commander that lead this mission. In fact he's thankful because that place was more difficult than expected to escape. He would want to kill whoever was in charge of the mission where he was caught... and if he's dead don't be the one to deliver the message
@Ogre-zr5zk 2 ай бұрын
1st Raider corvette appeared as the Empire's counterpart to the CR-90 in the 'Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game' a 'fighter' scale tabletop game as the largest miniature models to support the X-wings, Tie Fighters, YT & Action IV & Gozanti freighters, etc...
@danielestoppa2260 2 ай бұрын
Btw the same space ships construction as isd2 and victory2 is probably caused by the game from adding the default outpost and advance shipyard choice and not removing the duplicate
@novagalaxy420 2 ай бұрын
Yes shack, the Raider was used as a Spec Op HQ in Battlefront 2
@FCCrewgar 2 ай бұрын
It was actually created by FFG for the X-WING game first, working with Lucasfilm, as they needed a smaller ship than the Lancer that could be anti fighter and be an Imperial version of the Corellian Corvette that was also out in that game. Just after that it was released in Battlefront, which is why folks think it came from there.
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
Captain's Log Week 199 Orbit of Contruum Lord Vader is back in the Imperial military. I don't remember how long exactly he's been a prisoner of the Black Sun, but he's in good condition. Chief wasn't exactly mad to hear that the Emperor had given an order to finally rescue him, but he wasn't happy about it either. He sent me and a couple of platoons of the Fourteenth to join in the rescue. Things on both of the worlds we recently took were not too exciting. Mykyr was a mess once the main base was destroyed, just us chasing pirates around the jungle for a couple of days. Chief also sent me along with Triton Squad and the rest of the 501st troopers to collect some local fauna, some weird lizards. Val found a few orphaned Vornskr puppies as well, four to be exact, all of them about three months old. The meat in the food supplies we brought along is good enough for them to eat. Chief will be happy to see them and the lizards.
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
@@sonofjack6286 (As the invasion force prepares to assault the Black Sun forces in the capitol of Obroa-Skai, Lord Vader surveys the area silently as the First Company moves up behind him. Captain Sledge moves to his side.) Sledge: "My Lord, General Veers reports that the main force is ready to move out on your order. There is a large concentration of troops mustering inside the city center. There is a route towards our extreme right flank that will take us around the city and circumvent their defenses and cut off any retreat at the same time. Although we are prepared to mount a direct assault. Your orders?" Vader: "We take the right flank Captain. Send word for General Veers to follow. First Company, with me." (Sledge turns back to his men.) Sledge: "First Company, forward! Captain Chas, you're with us! We'll need your rifles. You have the point with Triton squad. Move out!" (Vader begins walking towards the route indicated as Triton and Roland's team move forward ahead of him to scout. Kale looks over at Roland as they move ahead.) Kale: "Your armor working over there? Scout armor can't be the warmest kit to wear in the cold." [What does Roland have in cold weather. Also, since my comment only appears on newest I thought I'd repost it too and see if it works.]
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Roland looks over at Kale as he leads his team alongside Triton Squad. He shrugs as he lifts the black fur cloak he wears, showing off a similar suit of armor to the regular troopers. As he lowers the cloak, the others can see that it's clearly one from a vornskr, a couple of smaller furs helping keep him warm around his chest and arms. The rest of his team and the other marksmen wear furs over their armor as well, though none of theirs are as large as his.) Roland: We have cold-weather suits just like you guys. Gray: And the furs help provide just a little more protection. Jace: We look cool too. Guy: I mean, some of us look better than others. Also, Cap'n, with Valencia saving those pups, wouldn't wearing that cloak be in poor taste? Roland: Like they can tell, or even care, that I'm wearing a vornskr pelt. [Looked it up to make sure, scouts have their own cold-weather gear. The vornskr pelt of his would look like a wolf's pelt, his is also larger since he's the commander of the marksmen, it's the only black one as well. Also, hate to be a downer, but the reupload of your log for Kale is still only on newest.]
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
@@sonofjack6286 Oz: "Taking in strays now?" Ace: "Heh, don't show them to Lord Vader. He'd probably put them down. I wouldn't blame him. After being stuck on a planet like that for a couple years I'd hate everything about it too." Blackburn: "Enough to kick puppies?" Saunders: "This is why I prefer droids..." Misty: "I doubt he'd care about a group of puppies. Especially those, they just look ugly." Cristy: "Why do you think they're used as attack dogs." Misty: "Fair point." Kale: "At least you guys won't freeze. Although the coat might be a bit much." [Of course it is... It was due I guess. Admittedly I'm a little annoyed, that guy that does that admiral character stole Star's name and switched to Star instead of Royal. I'm pretty sure that's not a coincidence. Even promoted the character to Grand Admiral.... I'm not salty about it... Nope, not all... At least we had a good storyline that built up to the promotion. That's good.]
@Zaeikil 2 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 [Not sure if it would do much good, considering I’m not sure if they read our stories or not, but you could always bring it up. There’s also two other options, the first being that the galaxy is a large place so they may have similar names but are certainly not the same person. Only hiccup would be the same rank. Other option is disregard it completely, not all the logs need to be canon to our stories especially if it breaks our canon to this extent. Also, not sure why but I feel the need to explain this, I had Harbinger Squad be kept back as if both the 501st and the Tanarithians are going to rescue Vader, I could absolutely see Star keeping them back to make sure he still has substantial ground presence.]
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
@billygrantham5380 (Roland simply shurgs.) Roland: Don't blame me, blame Chief. He was the one that decided I needed this big fur. It is comfy, though, even if I'm wearing my armor. Guy: I mean, you're a captain, and the marksmen helmets don't allow for those crests the officers have. The coat is a decent alternative. Jace: As for the pups, that's why Val's keeping them in her and Roland's quarters. I'm more interested in those lizards Chief had us collect. Despite them being, you know, wild animals, they like being held. Gray: Yeah, it's weird, but also kinda cute. The pups are, too, in their own way. Besides, they were orphaned after Veers blew up their pack's den. It was either she adopt them or leave them to die. Mason: Val using her best puppy dog eyes helped convince Roland too. That, and whatever she whispered in his ear. Roland: Oi! [I actually looked up art of the vornskrs before I began using them in this stuff, they actually look better than the in-game model. The Tanarithian ones would like more like Irish Wolfhounds in size and build, the head still looking similar to a regular vornskr. Well, the jaw probably doesn't jut out under the nose, but that's it. As for the guy renaming his character Star, I'm a bit annoyed about that as well. Like, "Bruh, that name's taken. Why would you change yours to that? It's rude.]
@rufusdoodle7501 2 ай бұрын
Maybe take that cash and look for a new shipyard location if somewhere has a discount.
@mandonz 2 ай бұрын
I like the idea that ozzel was such an inept and pompous pain in sheds ass, insisting that he oversee the Hoth operation, that shed went to fetch Vader specifically or his unique discipline methods. "They deserve one another" or something to that effect.
@austinguthrie5528 2 ай бұрын
When Shack accidently reenacts the Battle of Myrker from the original Thrawn series, peak Shacknanigans right here! Love you Cap!!
@brandonciglar5232 2 ай бұрын
Hoo boy Shed might be in for a patented Vader neck massage if the Emperor himself doesn't step in xD
@mythicMusical 2 ай бұрын
@39:11 what he's talking about reminds me very much of the OG SWBF2 Galactic conquest mod. Other than faction reskins I haven't seen any map/Galactic layout mods.
@mikavanpolen8418 2 ай бұрын
Looking at the ground army, you should def keep producing army troopers. If nothing else: Nobody feels bad when you use them for a screen or delaying action. Stormtroopers, too.
@michaelarmstrong9722 2 ай бұрын
I wish you could board enemy vessels, kind of like ground battles but maybe every time you do this you are either tasked with blowing up the ship from the inside or capturing it. Would be cool, but probably time consuming.
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
I think this is a mechanic in Thrawn's revenge.
@TurKlack 2 ай бұрын
Hope you know how to talk yourself out of Vaders Force Grip, when he inevitably asks you why your rescue took so long.
@oathkeeper65 2 ай бұрын
Better pick up a few Ysalamir while they pick up Vader.
@AgentofLADON 2 ай бұрын
"Fifty other Moffs in this galaxy and you expect me to manage the whole thing and abandon the front to save you? Kiss my ass Vader. Go explain to the Emperor why you needed me to bust you out."
@Kirkmaximus 2 ай бұрын
"I don't like getting torpedoed. Make it go away!" Lol Oh wow, I own Stardrive and really enjoyed the music from that game. Surprisingly, some mad lads made over haul mods for that game. Namely "Black box" and "Combined Arms". Anywho, thank you for the AOTR video Captain Shack.
@r28hi72 2 ай бұрын
LETS GOOOOOO, Ive literally checked twice a day since the last upload of this series, i cant get enough of AOTR, Thank you captain shack! ❤
@ryanduarte2447 2 ай бұрын
I thought those Wolfs where cannon because their mentioned in clone wars when their breaking into that prison
@SamuelJamesNary 2 ай бұрын
Imp Rep 47 - The rescue of Lord Vader has been successful, and with that the duty of recording the Imperial campaign returns to those on the front lines. I am Ensign Jaeger Meister, historian for Lord Vader's efforts at the head of the Empire's military forces. I would like to thank secretary Boss Mann and his work within the ISB to maintain these records when the Devastator I was destroyed and my predecessor, Iam Minion, was killed in its explosion. His work was extensive, and I will probably be going over a lot of these reports with Lord Vader just to let him get caught up on all that has happened... and no doubt also catching him up on the complexities of Imperial politics. Thankfully, I am well versed in this and have memorized the Emperor's political treatise, "Overthrowing Democracy in 66 Easy Steps." This will surely let Boss Mann return to his normal work in policing the loyalty of Imperial citizens. The fighting that has freed Lord Vader has been relatively heavy in the area around Myrkr and Obroa-Skai. The Executor Class Star Dreadnought ISS Sith Rules was able to bully its way into the Myrkr system with relative ease and only needing a few light escorts to destroy the missile platforms the Black Sun had placed around the system. The land battle was tougher as General Veers lead the ground assault. Lord Vader was found in a cell near one of the bars on the planet, though he was also surrounded by trees with little yellow lizards on them. After they were shot, he was able to explain that these animals were able to create bubbles in the Force where the Force did not exist. He also stated that he sensed that this was likely more to defend themselves from the wolflike creatures that were battling Black Sun troopers on one edge of the battle area. I cannot say much... as I was born after the fall of the Republica and the destruction of the Jedi, though I would take the word of the Dark Lord. Even in a semi-weakened state from his imprisonment, the Dark Lord remained imposing and powerful. From there, he was informed on Shed's campaign and how his forces under Admiral Ozzel had discovered a major Rebel base in the Hoth System. This seemed to revitalize Lord Vader, and he immediately took action to secure Obroa-Skai and then secured the orbit of Contruum. Obroa-Skai was easily secured, though ground troops reported minor damage to the planet's central library, showing the Black Sun's hatred of culture and intelligence. For a historian and student in political philosophy... those actions were terrible, and I suggested that those captured on Obroa-Skai face the death penalty for this desecration. Lord Vader seemed unconcerned and ordered the fleet to move on to Contruum. The fight there was far fiercer in orbit. The Rebels had a massive number of carriers and an ion cannon. Which enabled them to take out a few Nebulon B2s and Raider corvettes and did do damage to the Devastator 2, but without major capital ships and the presence of both Lord Vader and several TIE Defender squadrons, they were defeated and we are now in orbit of the world. From there... I believe the following orders will be for Veers to oversee the capture of Contruum and secure what has been liberated in the fights to free Lord Vader. From there, Lord Vader informed me that the Devastator 2 would take over Shed's campaign against Hoth. I informed Lord Vader that Shed was arrested by the ISB for refusing to rescue him and was declared insane by the Emperor. Vader assured me that Shed is likely sane and loyal to the Empire. However, like many officers in the Imperial Navy, it is likely that he has been promoted due to political connections or name recognition and is fearful of being involved in any campaign where his failures may be made obvious and thus feared that he would be punished had he rescued Lord Vader. Vader stated that fear was a powerful motivator, and to a degree, it was understandable. To my surprise, as the Devastator 2 left orbit... we set course for Coruscant where Lord Vader has offered to give Commodore Shed command over the ship and provide him with new ways to work past his fears. - Ensign Jaeger Meister, Devastator 2.
@txems05 2 ай бұрын
Build the large shipyards over Hapes with the extra cash. Then, you can build long-range ion dragons. Combined with the Executor, great for the Rebel shields.
@masongodofthegamez 2 ай бұрын
Grand moff shed imperial high command and our glorious emperor is most pleased with your work on hunting down these traitors and that you have rescued lord Vader now our enemies will know the true full power of the empire and the dark side long live the empire!
@ValWinter8 2 ай бұрын
I feel like Bob from Accounting is just gonna hand Vader a bill with the fuel cost and go about his day.
@FunkThompson 2 ай бұрын
Sword of the Stars I / II is another that was like Stardrive. Very cool shipbuilding.
@lloydtransom8525 2 ай бұрын
After Hoth you should seek out and destroy/capture enemy capital ship yards (Mandalore, Mon Calamari, etc). Cripple your enemies' ability to build capital ships and you will reign supreme. Or it'll just be really cool. Long live the Empire!
@Marinealver 2 ай бұрын
COMMANDER Shed still owes Lord Vader a "personal" apology.
@nathanoutdoors7981 2 ай бұрын
Before you take dark Vader to the print you should use him and the superstar destroyer to hunt down the donut 🍩
@jarensmiarowski5493 2 ай бұрын
I feel like Vaders release from captivity was ordered by the emperor behind shed's back because he knew vader would play an important role in turning luke to the dark side on hoth
@stilgar-xg9nc 2 ай бұрын
I kind of love the idea of Vader just going on a rampage and sacking Mandalore out of anger before he moves onto his mission in Hoth. sort of revenge for disabling his ship and crashing it on Myrkr
@pokemonstarfighter2295 2 ай бұрын
great video don’t be over aggressive with your battles Take them nice and slow
@carsenhomer2951 2 ай бұрын
I know others have said it but just so our lovely cap is more likely to see, Myrkr is perfect for holding vader because some of the lifeforms "cancel out" the force in an area around them. Luke was held captive by a criminal organization on myrkr in one of the books
@akumafighter3402 2 ай бұрын
I would suggest to build up a lot of infostructure, maybe some golan platforms or the civilian structures? Building up Moff Shed's territory.
@andrewnotyet8825 2 ай бұрын
That really is the best place to keep Vader a prisoner though, because the wolves use the force to hunt there is another animal that has the ability to completely negate the force within an area around itself.. Luke and his wife got stranded on that planet when I first met and it was so debilitating for Luke he had to lean on her extra skills
@Seresh-j8m 2 ай бұрын
Honestly Myrkr is the perfect planet to keep Vader. Because it has force absorbing lizards and dangerous predators.
@Admiral_Grufus 2 ай бұрын
Shack, do you put the KOTOR music while editing or do you have a custom mod adding that music? I’ve been curious for a while
@scott7173 2 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure he has it playing in the background in a web browser or something while playing, he actively changes the volume in the episodes sometimes
@milamberpuc7059 2 ай бұрын
Shack choking on his words as Vader is a requirement for the Hoth attack lol but i enjoyed the return of Vader as he struts of into combat, loved the episode! :) 🤩😛
@ShiftersMidnightsun 2 ай бұрын
6:21 bird sir
@jacyjohnson8636 2 ай бұрын
Door opens* Bob: you are rescued! Darth vader: IT TOOK HOW LO- o hi Bob good to you
@aalen4663 2 ай бұрын
I hope he doesn't start chocking someone who left him in prison 😂😂😂
@bradleywoods1999 2 ай бұрын
I think shack has reached a point now where he's snow balling and it's gonna be hard for the AI to counter him. He has so much income and money saved and forces at his disposal that even a total wipe on a fleet or army won't affect him. Pretty sure we've reached the turning point in this campaign. I hope he focuses on the black sun next and allows the rebels time to rebuild themselves cause there looking shakey right now. I'd love to know what difficulty he's playing on cause I dont think its the hardest and if its not it should be, he's a pretty good player and I want the AI to really challenge him.
@demosxn6722 2 ай бұрын
i'd like to believe that vader wasn't stuck in prison for that entire time, but broke out before the battle and was running around the planet trying to recover his gear and escape. All the while dropping the life expectancy of everyone that worked on that planet considerably.
@Guardian14Acky 2 ай бұрын
Shack really needs to retake Fondor. That's a major shipyard a couple jumps from a lot of important worlds
@ninjamasterbuilder8675 2 ай бұрын
*transmitting from Venator Opression over the Hoth sector* So lord Vader has returned and been freed from imprisonment, heard he was able to take back what the Black Sun took from the Empire and saw that we captured Mykyr and this might be the chance i was hoping for, wiping out the Black Sun's base at Mandalore and nearly to the fall of both Bespin and Hoth where me and the Oppression is, Vader's anger will most likely destroy Mandalore along with the executor in that same fleet and will be the crippling blow to the Black Sun I was hoping for then Vader can come down to Hoth and the command staff of the Rebels can be wiped out which is what I was hoping for before, ah this war might soon end even if it takes more imperial bloodshed both myself and my flagship Oppression are ready to win this war!! *Transmission ended from Commander Erick*
@danielhuston7575 2 ай бұрын
I think that planet is pronounced "controom" but it doesn't matter. Cap you're awesome and keep doing your thing. Love your content. For the Empire!
@Guardian14Acky 2 ай бұрын
Vader wasn't being held in a cell. Its Myrkr, they probably dropped him in the middle of a jungle and had drones/satellites keeping tabs on him as he was hunted by the local wildlife. and tbh were betting on how long he survived.
@Vandicoup 2 ай бұрын
"*frustrated gurgle noises* Why I gotta go get him??" I mean, he was part of the Battle of Hoth in the lore itself, so yeah. If you had tackled that issue several episodes ago, it wouldn't have been nearly as big of a problem as it is now....
@matthewwest7906 2 ай бұрын
I already know the story for the next episode Vader loyalist secretly rescue Vader without Moff shed knowing
@darthkingedededbobo6117 2 ай бұрын
7:02-7:30 is Vader gonna be mad? silly Shed, go prepare a bacta tank or at least some throat medicine for after your next meeting with the dark lord
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
15:26 Myrkr has some anti force fauna, maybe this way?
@AgentofLADON 2 ай бұрын
Obroa Skai. Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy. - Moff Kreese
@Generalvondrake 2 ай бұрын
The Emperor ordered Vader be left there for his hubris and to let him stew in anger and the Emperors word is law
@qoraisjkhodabaks 2 ай бұрын
LOLLLLLL😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 *Ahem* Vader: I will not seek for your forgiveness, fool
@tkc1129 2 ай бұрын
No, the Raider is from the X-Wing tabletop game.
@timspivy7463 2 ай бұрын
I hope they add a bunch of really niche ships in the clone wars mod cuz the republic especially when it comes to just mainline cannon really doesnt have a lot of variation maybe even some non cannon ships like the fan made Rothana Battlecruiser
@Cornflakes1991 2 ай бұрын
there's Sword of the Stars 2 for real time combat with multiple planets at the same time and its a 4X. i just wish it worked better than it does :D
@SuperExtremeTNT 2 ай бұрын
The Raider II was later used in sw_squadrons as a screening ship. That game also let you use the quasar as an imperial, its a shame this mod doesn't let you build it as the empire. I have suggested it but its work for the sake of visuals not gameplay so they don't add it
@Hinokassaudifan1 2 ай бұрын
Vader could vouche for moff shack in front of the emperor and the other moffs.
@Sigma0283 2 ай бұрын
I think Vader would be more pissed at Moff Shack for deliberately leaving Vader stuck on Myrkyr for a long time.
@Hinokassaudifan1 2 ай бұрын
@@Sigma0283 he would be. but after all, he saved his burnt ass after all.
@juliuscaesar4802 2 ай бұрын
Vader was hiding in the closet with that guy from the benchwarmer movie
@andrewclark7559 2 ай бұрын
Let’s be honest, the emperor probably made Vader stay there for some slight. Also I did the math, assuming the in-game weeks are the same as Earth weeks, Vader has been in jail for four years.
@Letusplay12 2 ай бұрын
Strongest ground unit/space unit "mannnnn i guesss ill save vader to a mission"
@sammywhite5127 2 ай бұрын
The Raider actually isn't from the new canon it's originally from legends like almost all of the good stuff from the new canon
@sammywhite5127 2 ай бұрын
The Raider is originally from the x-wing tabletop game
@TeeC5508 2 ай бұрын
A planet full of force dampening wildlife? What better place to keep Vader?
@archangel6676 2 ай бұрын
212th the best pfft! Galactic marines all the way buddy!
@Thechannelthatexistsforcontent 2 ай бұрын
@stevenkey2343 2 ай бұрын
If the enemy ai took a hero it should build up defenses whatever planet there on just saying better fight immersion
@MB-dn1fx 2 ай бұрын
How Shed will dodge Vaders rage, throw Ozzel under the bus after Vader kills him.
@shadetalon4918 2 ай бұрын
Hey cap go to rendili and order up some of those dreadnought mk2
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