The Single Largest Siege Battle of the War... | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 48

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@Primearch-GG 2 ай бұрын
Moff Shed to personal log: "I am no longer in command, over" Moff Shed two seconds later: "woohoo! It's not my head that going to roll when Ozzel fails this!"
@andreacaramaschi9056 2 ай бұрын
Lianna is probably the most entertaining planet of the entire campaign, that was really an incredible siege. remember to replenish the lost troops as they were quite important. Maybe also upgrade the barracks so that you can recruit stormtroopers there
@Grz349 2 ай бұрын
Very important, he should have done so immediately after the battle. I may actually stop watching if he doesn't atleast order them at the start of the next episode.
@brenobassocenci6571 2 ай бұрын
Lianna is a literal roadblock to both black sun and Sector forces.
@andreacaramaschi9056 2 ай бұрын
@@brenobassocenci6571 the space above is free so they can easily go over it, if you noticed the black sun fleet that was over the planet didn’t move, it got destroyed by the corsec authority
@michaelferrell7924 Ай бұрын
@@Grz349 so so real
@spacedoutchimp4454 2 ай бұрын
I feel like every one that holds Lianna gets a promotion every time they hold the line
@willpelkey1510 2 ай бұрын
At this point there are at least 30 Generals guarding the planet
@ChrisVillagomez 2 ай бұрын
​@@willpelkey1510 Nah it's better if everyone there is a General now, it's the General Lianna Army Group
@willpelkey1510 2 ай бұрын
@@ChrisVillagomez lol
@Grz349 2 ай бұрын
Let's hope Shack remembers to reinforce the troopers, he forgot to do so after the siege.
@thesentinel1578 2 ай бұрын
@@Grz349 Let's be real. It is INCREDIBLY likely he will forget, haha.
@inductivegrunt94 2 ай бұрын
The Battle of Lianna reminds me of when the Rebels captured Eriadu back in episode 31. But, unlike back then, the Empire held off Corsec here. Each one who fell deserves a medal and each one who survived deserves a promotion. Please do not lose Lianna to Corsec, do not let the sacrifice of those heroes be for nothing.
@dereinepeterpan5637 2 ай бұрын
Lianna is the headquarter of Sienar Fleet Systems, so the Corporate Sector Authority basically tried a hostile takeover.
@Grz349 2 ай бұрын
That's a good lore reason for Shed to send reinforcements. Hope Shack himself remembers
@maryjames8433 2 ай бұрын
One thing shack seems to have missed, is that mykr, at least in legends is home to the yssalamiri. These are 1 meter long lizards that live on the trees that push the force out of a 1m wide sphere. With millions of yssalamiri, the entire planet is cut off from the force. The effects on Vader's pysche would not be inconsequential. Being cut off from the dark side, Vader would be forced to confront himself with all his physical agonies and past regrets.
@porterbrandt755 2 ай бұрын
And thus, Vader takes out his feelings on the local wildlife.
@Isometrix116 2 ай бұрын
​@@porterbrandt755 A classic Anakin/Vader move.
@thesentinel1578 2 ай бұрын
The Siege of Lianna was so hard fought and gripping, it is comparable to the Sieges of Kashyyyk in previous campaigns.
@SolitarySpade_Davon 2 ай бұрын
[ Personal Log ] [ Senior Field Agent 'Cavalier', assigned to Arquitens-XL Class 'Starkeeper' ] "Lianna Stands" The ISB has been keeping a very vigilant eye on the galactic east. Figures. Having a major rebel cell and rampant Black Sun activity can arouse suspicion easily, especially with the board being as paranoid as they are, following the whole 'Enigma' debacle. Thank the force he's gone. The Starkeeper has been moved to Lianna in order to intercept comms coming to and from the Corporate Sector Authority following an unexpected offensive at Lianna. Tensions between the corporations and the Empire have strained following the recent nationalization of quite a few companies. In turn, it boiled over following a false flag operation at Telos with the local conglomerates claiming ISB ships have "breached" their stations. And of course, the corpos state that they had nothing to do with the incident. What followed was a sudden incursion into Lianna's orbit, kicking out whatever fleets there was still up there. Then came the shuttles, sent out to prepare for the days-long siege of Lianna. The men stationed there wouldn't exactly call this their first engagement, nor would it be their last. Despite being mostly consisted of army regulars and penal battalions, they held out yet again against an overwhelming force. The siege ended after more than three and a half days of fighting. The streets of the damn place are covered with craters following all the engagements. Judging by the casualties reported planetside, I do fear it's not exactly going to hold up for the next attack.
@Grz349 2 ай бұрын
Here's hoping they get reinforcements. Shack might even be willing to send them some steal units.
@Kishanth.J 2 ай бұрын
You know, would be terrible if Ozzel was accidentally given the wrong jump coordinates to Hoth and accidentally got to close to the planet and alerted the rebels. Vader may not like that.
@ChrisVillagomez 2 ай бұрын
I'm sure Ozzel feels surprise is necessary to invade Hoth, right?
@GameStrider-z4u 2 ай бұрын
Lieutenant Victoria Jensen’s log: Week 200 of the Galactic Civil War Imperial Army hospital in Lianna City “Siege of Lianna” I’m typing this one-handed right now, sitting in a hospital bed in Lianna City’s Imperial Army hospital. I suppose I should explain what happened. The Corporate Sector Authority decided to enter the war as another third-party faction, and over the last few weeks, they were pulling out armies of old Clone Wars-era equipment. At the time, we were too busy with rescuing Vader to do anything about it, but today, it came back to bite us. Commander Fel sent me to Lianna a few days before the siege began because he knew it was coming and wanted me there to help hold the world. I got my own TIE Striker when I arrived and waited for something to happen. I didn’t have to wait long. A Corporate Sector fleet arrived in orbit two days ago and swatted aside all our vessels in orbit with an assortment of relic warships and discarded Imperial cruisers. Imperial command went into panic as their armies started mobilizing to land, but they calmed down by the time the landing started. The Lianna Garrison’s air wing consisted of half a dozen fighters, two of which were Strikers, and the rest were your typical TIE Fighters. The battle was short and bloody. Over 2,000 CSA troops, with seven companies of heavy armor and enough air power to fill a small carrier accompanying them, landed on the planet. We managed to muster heavy armor ourselves, as well as the entire garrison, around the command center while the CSA landed just outside the borders and marched inward. Our armor and heavy cannons hammered their stuff into oblivion, but they bombarded us with blastboat barrages and orbital fire support. Still, we surived with surprisingly minimal casualties, and they lost 85% of their entire army. Air power contributed greatly to our success, though they managed to rough us up a fair bit in the fight. I ended up landing my Strike with a hole in the cockpit, gifted to me by a blaster bolt that nearly took off my remaining arm. Shrapnel still got me a bit, though, but I’ll live. I’m stuck here until the Empire chases off the fleet blockading us, but at least I can sleep tonight knowing they won’t try landing on Lianna again anytime soon.
@followerofthemantle3489 2 ай бұрын
I hope Shack remembers to reinforce Lianna, it won't last another siege like that without some more troops. Plus it has an upgrade to the barracks available.
@tkc1129 2 ай бұрын
Hey Shack, remember that a star on the map is a special, capturable building. And you should probably buy more infantry to replace what was lost on Lianna.
@kushpatel1191 2 ай бұрын
Upgrade the barracks on Lianna so you can train stormtroopers there
@andreacaramaschi9056 2 ай бұрын
Corsec authority is also expanding on the other side so please don’t leave Lianna to be taken, those heroes of the empire earned their place in the annals of the empire!!!
@juliuscaesar4802 2 ай бұрын
That was a jaw dropping defense battle at Lianna wow 36:41
@Nitemage1 2 ай бұрын
Farscape is an Aussie production, back when the tv networks actually made tv shows and they had to have 60% Australian made to keep their broadcast license. They added the American actors to sell it to the U.S. Farscape made Ben browder , prior to that no one knew him.
@Availingend924 2 ай бұрын
I think what helped shack at lianna is the enemy was capped at 8 so they focused more on the other landing zone.
@skipper2285 2 ай бұрын
Layer cake offence. Infantry, then air, then infantry, then arty, then infantry, then mechs, then infantry, etc. The enemy failed to take advantage of combined arms as a true combined arms force, and they paid the price for it. Meanwhile, Shack mostly had the right tools in the right place at the right time, except for air defense. That unit was too far back to prevent effective bombing runs. Lastly, his force did not have continuous vision over the kill zone, so the crest of each enemy wave landed closer each time and the enemy eventually had enough vision to drop hot rocks on his troop concentrations. It was a close run thing.
@AaronH865 2 ай бұрын
Not sure if this was ever brought up, but the executor SSD is not able to retreat from a battle and will prevent the rest of your fleet from retreating as well. Learned that the hard way
@jwb_666 2 ай бұрын
wtf that's absolute bull. Some of the decisions this mod team makes really turn me off from playing AOTR
@dreamypizza8458 2 ай бұрын
@@jwb_666 The SSD's don't have lasting damage between battles like it does in TR if you could retreat with the SSD it would be busted because whenever your SSD is in any meaningful danger you run away, get back to full health immediately and jump back in. Obviously in the time it takes to seriously damage an SSD you'd have probably killed half an enemy fleet. It would be so cheesy.
@jwb_666 2 ай бұрын
@@dreamypizza8458 I know it doesn't have persistent damage but it irks me. Also the unit limits :'D.
@diamondq7s124 2 ай бұрын
A SD will take time to retreat but with a SSD it's bigger then a Destroyer it's a super city that is built on a ship. It will take longer to do a u-turn the opposite direction it's facing. Think about it, bigger is slower and something that's larger then a little destroyer WILL be slow.
@dreamypizza8458 2 ай бұрын
@@jwb_666 yeah the arbitrary unit limits piss me off sometimes.
@mikavanpolen8418 2 ай бұрын
Hold Lianna. It is cheaper to break enemy armies there, as you've been doing, than risk them hitting less built up worlds in force. At this point, it is so built up that you just need minimal resources to fill the unit slots and rebuild turrets, meanwhile the surrounding factions have time and time again had their armies slaughtered taking it. Even if it falls later, they will lose a hilarious number of dudes trying to pry it from the garrison commander's cold dead hands.
@Grz349 2 ай бұрын
Might even be worth moving a few good Stealth unit in as reinforcements.
@jeoveracker 2 ай бұрын
Hold Lianna and never let it go! That fight was so epic!! Don't just rebuild the lost troops, upgrade the base buildings too!
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
Death squadron log: The journey from the south all the way to Cothruum was uneventful and quite boring, they said we should take the chance to relax but our anxiety to reunite with our lord was too high for us to even consider relaxing. The 501st went before us, so I didn't see Naila for at least two weeks, which made the whole thing even worse, even though see was okay, the terror that I might loose probably turned a few hairs on my head grey. Thankfully, this agonizing trip is over, I got to catch up with Naila and her squad and now we finally reunite with Lord Vader, after all this time, I thought I would be happy and I am, but I also have a strange feeling in me, that this is going to be a heavy experience. Log ends. (Death squadron stands at attention in the hanger of Vader's new ISD, like any military formation awaiting a superior, yet it was military obedience that kept them at attention, it was an almost religious relevance that even the more outspoken members of the formation had for Darth Vader. They didn't have to wait for long, for a sith lord is never late. As Vader enters, everyone could feel the chill in the air, his characteristic breath sound emanating across the entirety of the hanger. After an agonizing few seconds the dark figure of their master appears and stands in front of them, uttering two simple words.) Vader: Zagael, report. (Zagael takes a step forward.) Zagael: The squadron has performed in the same capacity as the one you had instructed us, my lord. Though our program was at times imbued with lesser missions, our battle readiness and skill set remained high throughout. (Vader says nothing, though everyone knows he analyzed every word that Zagael said to detail.) Vader: What about the person they placed you under? Zagael: We thankfully were under good supervision. Our caretaker was none other than Grand Admiral Star, a pupil of of Thrawn himself, so we were treated and deployed with respect to our status. (Vader nods.) Vader: Very well, dismissed until further notice. (Death squadron leave the hanger and go their separate ways. Some go to their rooms, some for launch, some to fool around, but one goes directly to Vader's own room. Onéka drops to one knee and bows his head.) Onéka: My lord, your servant has returned. (Vader looks down upon his agent.) Vader: Report. Onéka: Nothing to say lord, Zagael spoke true as always, there is nothing for me to ad other than reaffirm the capabilities our temporary commander during your absence. Vader: I can sense there is something different in you, you are no longer consumed as you were before I left. Onéka: I had a dramatic experience my lord. My faith in myself had waned and the dark side itself was pulling back out. Thankfully I was saved by a man named Sebas. I owe him my life. Vader: Very well. You are dismissed, for now. Onéka: As you wish my lord. (Onéka exists the room. Walking like an automated droid back to his room, ignoring all that he passed by, save one.) Naila: Well, how it go? (Onéka hugs her.) Onéka: Better than I thought.
@ColonelZoren 2 ай бұрын
Vader: "WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE?!" Shed: *puttin on a fake nose and moustache and slowly leaving the command bridge* Ozzel: "Uh? What?"
@ElGreco15 2 ай бұрын
Why, Jenkins here has been killed by Vader 15 times!
@ColonelZoren 2 ай бұрын
@@ElGreco15 ...Good man.
@alexi4829 2 ай бұрын
"Someone in CorSec seems to have decided they didn't like the freedom they've got thanks to the Empire. They attacked Lianna, I presume to hold it for ransom or to alter some deal. what they weren't counting on is how fiercely that world has been defended from multiple invasions and beating the odds every single time. Someone's gonna have to pay for this and it sure doesn't look like it'll be Lianna, it's people, or it's defence force!" Beady tried to supress his restlessness, he was itching for a fight, but the orders were to await lord Vader's arrival.
@onethiccwaluigi2749 2 ай бұрын
Someone promote that AT-AT crew now!
@sixmonthgaze135 2 ай бұрын
The landing platform only repairs when you have a power gen. Also Lianna has a really good bonus, don’t lose it
@neonknight1812 2 ай бұрын
Loving one of those “stupid tanks”, or whatever those tie tanks are called, is like loving a dog because of how ugly it is
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
So, are we conquering the Corporate Sector next? That is, after Hoth is taken?
@ZKP314 2 ай бұрын
Post rescue log 2 After getting myself freshened up, I was interrogated-first by the ISB then by officers who were looking for information on behalf of a Moff Shed-about my time on Myker. While I’m not sure if they expected to hear some kind of key information, the fact that I was one of the few survivors they found was definitely somewhat interesting. While this talk was coming to a close, an Army Officer, haggard and out of breath, came in to deliver some troubling news. The planet Lianna, located in the Borderlands (and one I was familiar with), was attacked by a large force that was only repulsed by a desperate effort of the local garrison. The interrogators attempted to dismiss it, that is, until the Officer clarified who the aggressors were-the Corporate Sector Authority. The CSA were a nominally loyal conglomerate of Mega Corporations allowed to exist in Imperial Space, so long as they paid their dues. That they openly attacked an Imperial Planet implies that they’ve been building a reserve army, away from prying eyes, for the purpose of expanding by force. When the Officer left, there were a few groans from Star Destroyer Captains, which got a glare from the ISB officials until the galactic situation was made clear: Lianna is an isolated Imperial World, and had the CSA taken it, they would’ve had to deal with both the Rebels and the Black Sun. Instead, we have to take the brunt of a nominally important world while Vader is letting off steam hunting Rebels…and frankly, I want to join him down there, rather than listen to these cretans more.
"FOR THE EMPIRE!!!" Unnamed Imperial solder.
@Freesorin837 2 ай бұрын
47:40 That is a sweet Earth you might say.
@honorless1719 2 ай бұрын
EIDOLON Strike Cruiser's are $1,000 more but have a lower Tact Cap at 11, Longer Range by 250 & more Shielding & HP. 4x Med Lrg Proton TRP 2x Med Lrg Ion TRP 6x Med Dual TL And a 1/1 TIE/IN Squadron.
@lev_master4236 2 ай бұрын
You need to remember to use the repairs that the airfields give while you have the power generator online.
@lev_master4236 2 ай бұрын
Never mind just got to the later part.
@Kreschavier 2 ай бұрын
You should def upgrade Lillianas outpost.
@sully858100 2 ай бұрын
47:40 I aprove of this reference 😂
@milesohalloran8355 2 ай бұрын
Looks like corsec has become a new imperial warlord
@stonethered 2 ай бұрын
Lianna Stands!
@ryanbrady3755 2 ай бұрын
Hell yeah.
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
The Bastion of the Perlemian Run.
@potatoefrie 2 ай бұрын
Please, name the Lianna Ground Commander in the AT-AT, an imperial garrison commander living through 3 seperate bombing runs and like, 2 orbital bombardments, and staying to see the battle through with his men is a man worth a name.
@Marinealver 2 ай бұрын
Shed still owes Lord Vader PERSONAL APOLOGY
@EKVO23 2 ай бұрын
In all fairness, a personal apology has an equally good chance of getting Shed killed by Vader
@TheMock5000 2 ай бұрын
*crack* Apology accepted, Moff Shed.
@AgentofLADON 2 ай бұрын
"I'm sorry you were so incapable of holding your own that I had to divert our forces from other fronts to save your ass. I'm sorry that your need to be the golden boy forced us to delay the operation on Hoth, giving the rebels time to dig in their defences so you can have your photo op moment. I'm sorry that your insistence on calling the shots at all times, while the corporations have just opened up another front in this war, has stymied our response. And I'm sorry that you'll have no defense to your ineptitude other than snapping my neck to end the conversation or stomping off with a veiled threat."
@be-noble3393 2 ай бұрын
*Shack* : Don’t Forget to recruit replacement troops for Leanna. It Must Hold. Lianna Stands!
@ethannader5207 2 ай бұрын
Just released I’ve been subbed to you for 12 years cus republic at work is how I found your channel lol
@Kirkmaximus 2 ай бұрын
That siege was intense!!! Medals all around for the troops. As for shows worth re-watching... Yes, Farscape is a fun & trippy ride. Though, for some reason, I've been bringe watching "Person of Interest". Anyone remember that show?
@jakewilson5418 2 ай бұрын
great episode. I'd love to hear the battle report from the CorSec side; a massive, diverse, veteran army completely destroyed by an Imperial outpost.
@maximomartin2529 2 ай бұрын
That is what I like to call... The Battle of the Empire!
@SamuelJamesNary 2 ай бұрын
Imp Rep 48 - The fight at Contruum has taken a bit longer than expected and that has delayed the official move to go and pick up Shed. I had been discussing things with the officers on the Devastator 2's bridge on how we were expected to separate fleet in the north to supervise Ozzel's attack toward Hoth. The plan was to head to Coruscant to pick up Shed, and I did mention that Lord Vader had thought this to be a means to better police the Commodore. The officers agreed with that assessment and reasoning but noted that Lord Vader was interested in delivering a more immediate punishment to the Rebellion for the destruction of the Devastator 1 and the death of its crew, and since the Black Sun had controlled the other worlds in the region, it made sense for Lord Vader to join the assault on Contruum. The Rebels, however, have dug in quite well and had a massed force of rocket and missile infantry that could do damage to most Imperial vehicles, and when supported with vehicles could probably give Vader some trouble. The droid scouts reported this to General Veers and Lord Vader before the landing was made. There were additional updates on the successes of the Dark Trooper program and the tactical abilities of those droids. The two then came up with a series of strikes that would come in two waves. The initial attack was to secure a base landing area with infantry and thin the Rebel lines, if only slightly, and then prepare for a larger strike... likely using Dark Troopers for it. This preliminary strike was very successful as the Rebels were only able to take out a few scouts... but advanced much of their forces to were Intelligence thinks that a bombing run took out nearly all of the rocket and missile infantry the Rebels had. They're now waiting for arrival of the additional reinforcements for the second wave and more probe droids to confirm the results of the bombing raid. While all this was going on, one of our worlds in Galactic NE... the closest world we hold to Mon Calamari, and one, which according to both the records from my predecessor, Iam Minion, and the ISB, Boss Mann, has suffered repeated attacks from the Rebellion and Black Sun has now been attacked by a new faction. The reports seem a bit garbled, which I'm told is likely a result of attempts by the Rebellion and Black Sun to interfere with the Holo-net, but it would seem that the Corporate Sector has joined in with the Rebels and Black Sun into attacking us... or the criminals have somehow tricked them. It may take time to confirm these things, particularly while we're waiting for the capture of Contruum and then the deployment south... but so far, the reports that reached us also indicated that the world held. A lone AA Walker and a squadron of TIE fighters fought off multiple bombing runs and orbital bombardments while an AT-AT covered for the Imperial Regulars holding the world... and won. This was a major victory, and the deck officers all smiled at this. It clearly raised their morale, which I will report to Lord Vader when Contruum is taken. The world will need to be reinforced... and while we may not be able to go there for a while, they can hopefully raise replacement troops in order to continue to hold onto the world and keep it a fortress in the Galactic NE. - Ensign Jaeger Meister, ISD Devastator 2.
@bradleywoods1999 2 ай бұрын
The AI could of won that battle, they needed to rush all air units to the generator and destroy it.
@ElGreco15 2 ай бұрын
I like to think that they are like the early Trade Federation. All money, no skill
@benlyon5118 2 ай бұрын
Can we get a movie accurate Hoth invasion? Veers Vader ATAT ATST and Stormtrooper companies?
@ryanbrady3755 2 ай бұрын
Veers for the win.
@jonoroba1 2 ай бұрын
Shak the starport could always heal your ties it just required a power generator
@Seresh-j8m 2 ай бұрын
On the note of Farscape. in one of the episodes of SG-1 there was a farscape easter egg proposed by the actress that played Aryn Sun.
@DStabilizer 2 ай бұрын
The scene with the blaster on the Falcon was ESB during the escape from Hoth.
@deathlord269 2 ай бұрын
Alright, this ground battle heavy episode has made up for the space battle heavy episode we had a few weeks ago. (I assume I'm in a minority, but I typically enjoy watching ground battles more than space battles. partially because it's easier to see what is going on, and partially because grounds battles are my favorite part of playing EAW, modded or not)
@ethanahearn9642 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I think that defense group deserves the name "the defiance of lianna" those poor soldiers have been through so much 😂
@qeskill2224 2 ай бұрын
I like to think that lianna gets hidden supples from the empire with gr75 sending it to them
@honorless1719 2 ай бұрын
A great Sector Fleet using 1 Allegiance, 2-3 ISD's with a upgraded complement, 3 Beta Cruisers, 2 Ton Falks with 3 TIE Defender Squadrons, 4 Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers Mark II & 4 Eidolon Torp Boats which replace the need for TIE Bombers. Flexible & Devastating
@Yosef_Marks 2 ай бұрын
Lianna must be protected! Each successful defense is a propaganda win for the Empire. An isolated world, surrounded by enemies but able to hold off any invasion through sheer loyalty to the Emperor. A task force has to be organized ASAP to send relief. The heroes of the Empire shall be rewarded.
@The_Light0001 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, i think Shed would use an interdictor as a flagship, its not exactly a powerful ship but its the most useful. It can move decently quick and it can stop the enemy from running
@demosxn6722 2 ай бұрын
F in the chat for the heroes of Lianna. Holding the line even against impossible ods. We also need some lore on that At At captain, 2 bombing runs and bombardments couldn't stop them from directing the battle.
@ArkAnngel25 2 ай бұрын
Great episode, what a ground battle! love the content shack keep it up. Looking forward to the your pirates play through in the future
@Zaeikil 2 ай бұрын
Field Agent Log: Maj. [ERROR: Unauthorized Clearance] Imperial Intelligence Agent “Harbinger” After liberating the planet of Obroa-Skai Lord Vader was due to head towards Hoth to rejoin Death Squadron. Unfortunately, they were held up at Contruum. The last time I was at the planet was with Grand Admiral Star when Moff Shed attempted to have him “removed from power” so to speak. Down South, I’ve been trying to keep tabs on the Agent Fox situation. She’s been spotted deep into Imperial territory, too deep for the rebels to attempt a raid as the world is too heavily defended. My Squad and I have also been freezing our Bantha hides off searching for any rebel presence on Hoth. We know they’re here, as we’ve spotted many scout patrols but we’ve yet to locate a main outpost or base. It seems they have grown proficient in using the snow as cover. I’ve received word that Star will be sending us to Contruum to assist Vader and the 501st as well as ensure his safe return to Death Squadron. Not like he needs it, I’ve fought with Vader before. Put us Field Agents to shame. I will be happy for the change in scenery however. Agent Harbinger, signing off. [END OF LOG]
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
(At the imperial command post just outside of Torian city, there's a flurry of activity that disrupts the gentle evening. Troops, armor and supplies are brought in for the upcoming attack. Fighting positions are dug and defenses erected. The Pulsar lands in a designated area and Harbinger squad is quickly escorted into the command center to meet with Lord Vader. He turns around slowly to address the squad.) Vader: "Agent Harbinger. It is time to prove your usefulness is not overstated. Grand Admiral Star has spoken highly of you. I trust you will not disappoint him. Or me. I have a task for you." [I have an interesting idea for Harbinger squad, and a way to partly continue the overall story.]
@Zaeikil 2 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Harbinger and his squad snap to a quick salute before quickly assuming a parade rest stance.) Harbinger: “I assure you, what the Grand Admiral says is not overstated my Lord. We’re always ready and willing.”
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
@@Zaeikil Vader: "While I did not request your presence, Grand Admiral Star has sent you to aid in the final conquering of Contruum. Inside Torian city is a General Airen Cracken. The Rebellion's Chief of Intelligence. This is his home city and Intelligence has confirmed his presence commanding the local rebels. I want you to infiltrate the city before the assault begins and capture the General alive at all costs. The Emperor wishes to make an example of him once he has told us everything he knows. Grand Admiral Star believes General Cracken has intimate knowledge on all rebel Intelligence operations across the galaxy. Use any methods and resources necessary to complete this mission. Failure, will not be tolerated. The General and Contruum will serve as an example to all what rebellion against the Empire will bring. The planet may have escaped complete destruction from the Death Star, but it will not escape its final judgement. Dismissed." (After Harbinger Squad exits a data slate is given to the agents detailing everything known about their target. Subject: General Airen Cracken. Born: 46 BBY Age: 50 Height: 1.67 meters Skin: White/fair Hair: White. (Formerly red) Eyes: Sea-green Spouse: Josta Cracken Children: Pash Cracken/ Dena Cracken Position: Chief of Intelligence Rank: General "Considered an expert machinist almost to the point of myth, Airen Cracken grew up in Torian city... He would go on to organize a rebel cell called "Crackens Crew". They would wage a brutal guerilla war against local imperial forces and the sector Moff until forcing his abandonment of the world to rebel forces in 2BBY. Originally slated for destruction by the Death Star after Yavin, Contruum has served as a beacon for rebellion across the galaxy. Considered a primary target for the Imperial military. Currently commands and organizes all rebel Intelligence operations galaxy wide. Considered extremely dangerous and targeted for capture or elimination. Believed to be in hiding on Contruum monitoring Lord Vader's imprisonment on Myker." [Okay, I'm throwing this entire thing to you Zaeikil. This is all agent story stuff. However you want to go about it is up to you. I see this as payback for Nightswan hitting imperial intelligence. Cracken would likely have a team of his best agents with him so there's that. If you want to know more about him look him up on wookipedia. I wasn't planning on this but it fits too perfectly to pass up. I'll do my best to help if you can't come up with anything. Nothing is off limits here. I hope this makes up for the lack of screen time for Harbinger.]
@Zaeikil 2 ай бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (Already forming a plan, Harbinger sets off for the command tent of the 1st Company of the 501st with his squad following behind.) Kevel: “So, seems we have a simple snatch n’ grab op.” August: “That’s how Lord Vader put it.” Kevel: “Honestly hopes it would’ve been something more exciting.” Tash: “Man you must have gotten really used to this stuff, this IS exciting.” Atto: “You’re just tired of freezing your ass off on Hoth.” Tash: “True. But hey, he could’ve given us guard duty.” Harbinger: “The Grand Admirals word made sure of that. Let’s make sure he wasn’t wrong in his assessment of us. General Cracken is to be captured alive, his family is optional. If we can take them maybe we can use them against him. Use your own judgment for anyone else. And if the family resists, kill them.” August: “Yes sir.” (Reaching the command tent, Harbinger knocks.) [I don’t remember is it’s Lt. Caster or Capt. Sledge that would be the CO of 1st Company, also pretty sure Triton is in 1st Company right?]
@billygrantham5380 2 ай бұрын
@@Zaeikil (Inside a meeting with the company's lieutenants is wrapping up.) Caster: "Casualties were relatively light. Most were superficial wounds. Those wounded should be back in the ranks by tomorrow and ready to continue the fight." Sledge: "Good, next time we'll have armor to cover our advance across that field." 2nd Lieutenant: "It's almost stagging to think those rebels just abandoned their defenses like they did." 3rd lieutenant: "Nobody ever claimed rebels were smart." 4th lieutenant: "Don't get overconfident. The last Moff who thought that here got pushed out of the system entirely. These rebels know how to fight." Caster: "Except in a pitched battle like this. That's their mistake and it cost the dearly today." Sledge: "Too right. It may have even cost them the entire battle for Contruum. Rest assured though, they won't be so careless next time. These are experienced guerilla war fighters. They'll probably try to fall back on that once we enter the city. I would since they don't have enough troops to effectively hold the city anymore. So be prepared for all the usual tricks. No quarter is to be shown here. Everyone with a blaster or hiding rebels, or aiding them is to be eliminated. These people have claimed too many imperial lives and it's time that justice is brought upon them." Caster: "So we're razing the city?" Sledge: "Just like the Colonel would. Lord Vader wants to make an example of the planet for it's defiance. It's a beacon of hope and resistance. If it falls, so does rebel morale." 2nd Lieutenant: "Do you think the rebels know what's coming?" Sledge: "They drove the Empire out completely years ago. They knew we'd be back eventually, and with Lord Vader leading the assault, I think they know exactly what's coming." (A private enters) Private: "Sir, Agent Harbinger is here and wishes to speak with you." Sledge: "Harbinger is here? I guess things are about to get more interesting. Send him in." (Harbinger enters and the troopers salute.) Sledge: "Agent. It's surprising to see you here sir. Is there something you need?" [Sledge is the captain of First Company. Caster is lieutenant of First platoon. Triton is in First platoon as First squad. Real simple. Sledge - First Company captain. Caster - First lieutenant of First platoon Triton - First squad of First platoon I guess based on the lore and situation we're going full imperial on Contruum. It's like Lothal almost in cannon. A symbol, and there's no way Vader would let this stand.]
@daltonyoung8694 2 ай бұрын
Fun fact: those hovering artillery ships are from revenge of the sith, specifically on utapau during the order 66 scene where an airborne trooper tells Cody that no one could survive the fall.
@jerehelenius523 2 ай бұрын
that was fun fight in lianna took about half hour and shack just in the end of fight remembered that landing platform can repair his tie lol those AT-AT and AA thing were heroes of the fight with that repair/grenadelauncher tank lol hopefully shacks upgrade baracks and train better units to replace those losses there lol its gonna be attacked many times still lol funny that auto resolving eadu fight got sand crawler lost for AI lol
@maxstormkrautwald1076 Ай бұрын
31:10 Shack: "i would love to know what the kill count of these guys are, droppin those big ol'... crap baskets!" 😂
@johnathanhinz7184 2 ай бұрын
Speaking of death troopers. I've just started a campaign of age of rebellion with a few friends and the prologue to the main story was based around a rebel strike team that was captured and had to find a way to escape the compound they found them selves in, only after They found a severed arm with a data pad with a holo recording on it did they really start to be careful and stealthy. In the end there team got swarmed but undead imperials and undead bothens. Needles to say didn't make it, and now there about to start the main storyline.
@samorellistudios7586 2 ай бұрын
I came to see if the Hoth invasion was on its way, and instead I witnessed PURE CINEMA on the making
@ElGreco15 2 ай бұрын
This entire siege was the epitomy of "Beware the Old Man in a Young Man's profession."
@Kenneth_A_H 2 ай бұрын
One of the most impressive battles of the campaign this episode.
@TheOnlyBritishGuy 2 ай бұрын
That was one hell of a siege, Shack, really well managed
@xavierchen7054 2 ай бұрын
At this point, Moff Shed better promote Lianna w/ better equipment and troops. Think it of it as giving the survivors better armor and gear; they deserve it!
@Ryder0001 2 ай бұрын
It hurt when you said no one would get the reference “Hok ze earth round….” I got it … I was there…. Fire ze missiles….😢
@Sp4rt4nSl4ya 2 ай бұрын
Just a reminder Shack that the landing pad repairs air units when you also have a power generator on the ground, so all your TIEs can get repairs mid battle to prolong your air superiority.
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
Captain's Log Week 200 Orbit of Contruum Well, it's been a week since my last log, and things have been uneventful. Actually, that's not really true. Things have been happening, just not really involving us. We landed on Contruum to try and take it. Vader led the invasion force and my team and Triton Squad were dropped alongside him, along with a bunch of other regular scouts. The whole battle was apparently a trap to eliminate local troops in the defense force. It worked, a bombing run took out a couple hundred rebels. After that, Vader ordered us back to the landing zone and into orbit. We were only planetside for a couple of hours. In other news, other parts of the galaxy are facing invasions. Lianna withstood an attack by the Corporate Sector. Most of the Corpos were funneled into a kill zone. Even with overwhelming numbers, bombers, and an orbital bombardment, they still failed to take the planet. I'm bored. I was hoping we'd take Contruum and head south towards Hoth. Voss and Fortress picked up the lizards and vornskr pups for us though, and brought some fresh food supplies.
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
(A knock is heard from the door.) Onéka: Hey Roland, it's Onéka, can I come in? Some of friends of mine want to talk to you and your team. [Said friends are Zagael, the big brother of the group, and Joyce.]
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
@NP3GA (No noise comes from the other side of the door. Gray and Jace just so happen to be passing as Onéka moves to knock again.) Gray: Oh hey, Onéka, right? Are you wanting to talk to Roland? Jace: Yeah, not a good time. I'm pretty sure he's asleep. The last time someone woke him up, even Harbinger was impressed. Gray: And before that, there was Terephon. Got water splashed on him, and he shot a probe droid out of the air while he was spazzing out. Jace: Yeah, there's three occasions where the message can be summarized as "Keep out of my face before I blast you." Food, sleep, or quality time with Val. By the fact we just came back from checking on Val, who's working in the medbay, it's the second option. Gray: I mean, if you still want to try and talk to him, go ahead. It's your funeral.
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
​@@sonofjack6286(Onéka smiles at them like a goblin.) Onéka: Glad to see you guys haven't soften my fellow Corasante up. I know better than to disturb someone's sleep. Zagael: (clears throat.) I just wished to apologize for my behaviour when your friend Sebas saved our little menace over here. (He points at Onéka.) Zagael: Hope we have cause any inconvenience. Joyce: Do you guys know where those guys that saved Onéka are? I have something really personal to ask them.
@sonofjack6286 2 ай бұрын
@NP3GA Gray: Oh, you mean Sebas? He's back with the rest of the fleet at Allyuen. Jace: Yeah, he's head of Chief's household guard, so he never really leaves the Lance much. Gray: More like he's never far from Chief. Him, his wife, and their kids.
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
​@@sonofjack6286 (Onéka and Zagael nod.) Zagael: A dedicated man. Much deserving of praise. Send him my thanks next time you guys come into contact with him. Onéka: I suppose everyone that can be there is there. Makes sense considering what they preparing for. Joyce: Oh damnit, now I have to wait until we are back south.
@lucascarlson3819 2 ай бұрын
Those AT-AT drivers should both be promoted to general after that siege
@ThatOneBullet 24 күн бұрын
Im pretty sure the Airfield Repair idea was implemented because of your idea Shack!
@harrisondansie9542 2 ай бұрын
After losses that high and expensive for the CSA I think a big push on their space would be fitting
@diamondq7s124 2 ай бұрын
That's a super close call with that attack!
@Party_Almsivi 2 ай бұрын
He held the line at Gjallerbru.
@dreamypizza8458 2 ай бұрын
that "I am no longer in command" sounded so SALTY.
@Availingend924 2 ай бұрын
Maybe you could train more inf then replace the barracks with a base shield on lianna.
@ecophreak1 2 ай бұрын
"Fire ze missiles" "But I am le tired"
@Merax306 2 ай бұрын
loved the end of ze world reference🤣
@JamesSarantidis 13 күн бұрын
what an amazing siege. Awesome! Well done captain.
@RozielTV 2 ай бұрын
It seems i am not in command of that mission anymore... @ Lost the most advanced and brilliant research facility to a pirate raid @ Let a Vader to get captured @ Deliberately turned his nose other way when was ordered to save Vader @ Builded his own little Empire on the North @ Let that little Empire to secede, followed with waste of human lifes and resources to return it @ After all of that pointed to the Emperor that we need to get Hoth Gary Sue power is strong with this one=)
@NP3GA 2 ай бұрын
@frankiesan_FT23 2 ай бұрын
Hey Shack, Have you seen the 'Bombing Run' for the Tagge Battlecruisers? Super cool models IMO.
@milamberpuc7059 2 ай бұрын
besides the entertainment value of Lianna i think it would be a pain taking it back when you are ready to take it back so please keep it like a hero planet in the far regions
@Paludion 2 ай бұрын
I understand Lianna is a liability, even though the various sieges have been interesting. Retaking it back would be a harduous task however, given how tough the defenses can become with enough investments. As other commentators said, don't forget to create new troops to hold the planet, otherwise the next invasion is going to be the last.
@Monoace 2 ай бұрын
How dare you think nobody would get that reference, but I am le'tired
@danteinferno117 2 ай бұрын
About time you remembered landing pads heal
@JGZiggy90 2 ай бұрын
47:42 was that a "End of ze World" reference?
@true_shermanator1129 2 ай бұрын
who ever is in charge of the forces of Lianna deserves a promotion
@Cordearva 2 ай бұрын
"We just have to worry about California breaking off from the US. It can hang with Hawaii. Alaska can come too."
@ciaranmack9949 2 ай бұрын
The troops on Lianna wouldn't be battle hardened veterans since almost all of the trained troops die in each invasion.
@konnigkratz 2 ай бұрын
Upgrade that barracks on Lianna and recruit more troops! Bleed them
@-NR-SirLimbo 2 ай бұрын
Ok, you gotta reinforce that planet. The next wave is going to arrive soon I bet.
@Darqshadow Ай бұрын
Funnily enough i just took that world as the Empire back from black sun.
@kineuhansen8629 2 ай бұрын
if we ever see air units in a sequel to empire at war i would not mind if we could land the units and if we had a star destroyer in orbit call in new fighters and bombers from the ship
@Labyethan 2 ай бұрын
We're getting a Total War version of Star Wars if that tickles ya right.
@kineuhansen8629 2 ай бұрын
@@Labyethan proberply if the leak is true
@garicb9271 2 ай бұрын
That's LORD Vader to you.
@josephehlers2007 2 ай бұрын
Shack, please upgrade the barraks at Lianna, storm troopers would give an amazing boost to the continued defense!!
@nathanoutdoors7981 2 ай бұрын
What you need to do is take dark. Vader do the mission. And then go after the donut 🍩 with the superstar destroyer I really want to see the donut, and the superstar destroyer fight each other that would be so awesome
@roguejoe 2 ай бұрын
26:30 Farscape is the best!!!!
@odmcclintic 2 ай бұрын
That was such a fun battle to watch!
@cornblaster7003 2 ай бұрын
god damn the army on lianna got wiped again, idk how tf the empire is convincing anyone on that planet to sign on anymore with that kind of casualty rate
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