Lost interest in everything after awakening.

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Holly's Quiet Space

Holly's Quiet Space

Күн бұрын

After my spiritual awakening, I lost interest in all my previous hobbies like photography, painting, movies, music, decorating, crafts, traveling etc.. Not much replaced them, and it can be depressing, waiting for something to fill that space.
Has this happened to you?
Find my more in depth video about this subject here - • More in depth, losing ...

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@Greengate777 Жыл бұрын
Hard is not the right word for it... in fact nothing is the right word for anything that happens after you see what is. But nonetheless, I shall use it. It is hard. I'm in the middle of what you are talking about now. I don't even dream anymore. So far, the only thing that springs to mind that I would possibly like to pick up again ,is Tai-Chi... probability because when you do that right, it is a meditation.
@daan3593 Ай бұрын
I'm in the middle of it now. Didn't know it happens more often after awakening. Total loss of interest. Only after a year after the awakening. As if nothing matters. Complete emptiness. Also interesting. Painful. Just be with it. Do nothing. It's been going on for 2 months now. Lost weight. Look gray. Also no interest in being with people. Wow, didn't know this existed.
@BlueSkinYogis 3 ай бұрын
Losing interest in the mundane is expected. Embrace the emptiness & space that it’s creating. Sit with it. Feel it. Don’t try to find something to replace it. If you can afford to, just sit in the void with regular meditation practice. Embrace the discomfort. Answers lie within so no need to go out & seek. You will know when you are ready 🙏
@JulianHt17 12 күн бұрын
Hi Holly, I can relate to your story because the same happened to me in 2022. Spiritual awakening is indeed destructive. I also lost interest in my street photography, my color pencil drawings, traveling, movies, tv, my friends even, because I am no longer interested in their small talk. Most things are now trivial to me. What I do instead is taking care of my family. I do the shopping, cleaning the flat, washing the dishes, to the great surprise of my wife. So maybe you can do the same: take care of others who need some care and don't expect anything in return. Good luck.
@fabiogarcia1431 6 күн бұрын
It's good advise. I've been lost for many years. I lost my clients, lost interest in everything. I don't see a reason to work in anything. Indecision is destroying my life.
@ibrahim9611 19 күн бұрын
After 3 years of diving into the void with a total loss of interest in anything. The loss was motivated by knowing that everything was an illusion. The solution for me was to incorporate the dark side together with the light side. To be what you are naturally. To flow with life calmly and peacefully. With an open arm to everything that life brings.
@neue01 6 ай бұрын
I had my spiritual awakening in 2018 and went through a 2 year dark night of the soul. I was a designer, artist, painter, musician with a masters degree in business. I lost interest in everything. I realized that what is happening is a realignment of goals. Where before your goals centered around your ego you are being asked to create new higher goals centered around unity and growth. There is a new passion looking to be released inside you directed toward a new enlightened path.
@hollysquietspace 6 ай бұрын
@@neue01 Thank you for sharing. Has your path been revealed yet? It's been almost 5 years & I still don't have any new passions arising. Everything's still blah. I feel like I'm missing something or not doing something to push me in the right direction.
@hollysquietspace 5 ай бұрын
After 5 years, my path is just now starting to reveal itself. Things are slowly coming back into my life, but they are very difficult. And the things is, our paths are always changing and evolving. Even if we think we see the right path, it may change any moment. We have to be ready to accept, flow, and keep going. Trust the process. 😊
@Seajunkie 3 ай бұрын
@@hollysquietspaceIts been a while for me and I dont see a new path !!!
@Carnetsdenote Ай бұрын
​@@Seajunkie That's the trap : ego wants to see a new path, because this emptyness is one of the most painfull experience for the ego. I'm in it right now so I can relate. In reality it's not emptyness, but just "being". But ego doesn't understand the point of just being. That is a progressive path. Sometimes I have impulsions to do things, sometimes nothing is coming. The nothing (to do, or nothing I want) is still painfull. Ego wants to do things to not feel this hole (wich is not a hole but the thoughts are just telling me a story, that this is sad, boring etc etc.). So I have to learn to be, without paying attention to the story that is happening in my head. And as much as possible, not trying to get out of this Black hole but let it get it out itself.
@stevelichtwark4259 Ай бұрын
​@@hollysquietspacehappiness 😊 the less I do the happier I AM
@SydneaSophia Күн бұрын
Every interest i once had lost their appeal quickly after becoming a spiritual seeker. Nothing seems to hold my attention long enough at present, as I often begin questioning its purpose and how it truly contributes to my spiritual growth. I have decided to simply be. For so long, I searched for purpose through indulging in various pasttimes and have now chosen to let go, to embrace BEing rather than constantly DOing and searching out new interests, and to allow life to unfold naturally.
@tsandhage 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the depth of this feeling happened just this past Winter. It seems to continue deepening. All I really want to do is just be in Nature and stare at Nature. I don’t really want to communicate with others. I’m wanting to improve my health which I’ve been working on for years. I have improved some but, now, my body is telling me that what has been working for me is the wrong path and I need to change direction again. I’ve not been given a clear direction yet so I’m waiting. My voice has changed to where it’s difficult to talk. My eyes are changing. I’m noticing a difference in my hearing and ability to smell getting stronger. I’ve always been able to feel things through empathic sensations and touch which is stronger. So, I find Nature, what is happening within me, and sleeping to be the highlights of my day. I’m super exhausted starting about a month ago; very little energy. I feel like I’m floating in a constant meditation. I lose my balance easily. I don’t have anything else to say. I feel unmotivated and I’m not sure that’s a “bad” thing.
@hollysquietspace Ай бұрын
@tsandhage The waiting for something to happen is the worst. I felt like it would never end. I did the same. Just dove into nature, read about spirituality, meditated & focused on improving my health. I lived like that for 3 years while struggling through the dark night. Good luck on the path.
@brianmaguire8254 3 ай бұрын
Yesss I totally get it.. 17 years awakened... There is a caccon stage where we can experience a dark night of the soul.. dealing with the shadiw energies we denied, suppressed, avoided, or minimized.. We are no longer as descensitized, our mind is becoming more coherent with our heart... Instead of running from the pain, we crawl, walk, ot run towards the pain... The integration of concepts that we only at first intellectually understand.. At first the spiritual ego will still be driving the car.. We are socuetally and CULTurally conditioned to beLIEve we are the person stuck in the movie.. We are established in the illusion of separatism- the material-.. This fear based program is very limited perceiving thru the cracked lens of dualism.. It takes time to become establishment in your True Eternal Self- One with Source Consciousness.. takes time to reprogram- unlearn and learn-- integrating dark & Light.. Gradual shift takes place, a merging.. more Presence--- resolving karmatic patterns-- Stillness ❤🙏 I mentor free of charge and love connecting with like minded.
@reneesheridan1020 2 ай бұрын
how to connect?
@KimL101 Ай бұрын
I don’t know what’s happened here but something has. No interest in just about everything which was difficult at first, now I just accept it is what it is. It’s like a flow with life- no plans, no desires, mostly peaceful until some emotion rolls in and wants to be felt fully. THAT also takes some getting use to. This is all just completely insane to even speak on. Only ppl in the community understand- what an absolutely insane adventure ❤
@hollysquietspace Ай бұрын
@KimL101 Yes, definitely only people in the community will understand any of this. It can be frustrating.
@nadronnocojr 5 күн бұрын
As an artist first time in thirty years blocked , been hopefully awakening , I try to force it ,no heart in it , can’t do anything tried paint, clay , wood , card board , writing , photography…can’t find it , and less energy for creativity …… I light the incesne turn the light on I. Studio and nothing happens , except guilt , for not using my talents or skills that I’ve been blessed with ….i walk 9 hours a week exploring , for excercise , mental excercise and inspiration, I find myself as well down sizing , this resonated too much m thank you for sharing your story , sorry if I over shared .but I was walking in similar shoes, nice to know we aren’t alone in this odd stage of life ….grateful and thankful but a twitch confused
@eric-humanappliance 5 ай бұрын
This happened to me too! I had a massive blowout awakening in 2022. Then lost interest in all the things I used to do. I used to love all kinds of music, making art, all sorts of things. It hasn’t really come back.I think much of it was wrapped up in personal identity. a lot of bad habits stopped at the same time. I drank too much. Was a workaholic. All that just evaporated.
@shivarajh1756 Жыл бұрын
Hi I lost interest in everything too after listening and practicing lot of meditation and spiritual thinking and learning many philosophical theories.. so came here to search is that only me or anyone else is there who had experience like this I don't know what to do next guide me please
@SydneaSophia 6 ай бұрын
Experiencing the same
@CassandraGarcia1 6 ай бұрын
Same position idk what to do either
@corliadreyer7249 4 ай бұрын
Both brilliant, would add Rupert Spira's work...
@burgerchris1 Ай бұрын
I lost interest in everything after mine. And a year later nothing, don’t have interests anymore. Living in an rv after a divorce alone. Even meditation has lost all of its use for me now. Everyday just blah like life lost its color. I wouldn’t wish my life on anyone. Two wars, bullying as a kid, stage 4 cancer. Not looking for pitty, I still eat well and don’t release energy not looking for solace but life just seems grey or devoid of any purpose.
@andresmorales7228 21 күн бұрын
Man, I'm sorry to hear about that. I think life in itself is pretty cruel, more for some than others.
@alecbruyns4490 2 ай бұрын
Another awakening to come. Acceptance of everything, gratitude, empathy and kindness, appreciation of the beauty of creation. Treat yourself as well as you treat others. Namaste.
@bmcbmc156 11 күн бұрын
Also cried for months and never been a cryer. Always been a seeker but had a specific incident that changed everything. I was dreaming that I was asking was there anyone out there in the universe that cared. A hand reached down and touched me saying "I Am here" and a vibration went from the top of my head down through my feet and I vibrated for two years after that. I first freaked out and started doing lots of research to see if others had experienced weird stuff. My granddaughter who was 4 at the time was hugging me and said to me , "You are shaking." I was so happy that someone else had been able to feel it and I was not imagining it. Many odd things after that
@Lumealuiovi 2 ай бұрын
Hey Holly, I tought there is something wrong with me at first, i almost went crazy, and after doing exactly what you did, simplified my life, stopped going places, walked around my town more and found it incredible, never saw it like this before. Still keeping my job, but nothings from "outside" seems to intereset me anymore.. nothing material, i see them all as distractions or illusions since they are temporary. After a while i accepted that this is it, and now I understand there is only the "now", the present moment. I'm waiting and waiting and waiting.. it feels like the only thing left is to surrender the idea of waiting.. It is confusing tbh.. :?
@Carnetsdenote Ай бұрын
I can relate !! Surrending the idea of waiting, this is it
@MASTERTEAMUSIC 10 күн бұрын
Be a Tourist in your own town QUOTE OF THE DAY Thank You 💎💛
@bmcbmc156 11 күн бұрын
It is as though you are telling my story. Have always been very creative and active but lost interest in absolutely everything. Hobbies, building, even my business. Almost five years now. I live in Northwest Florida and love the outdoors as well but everything just seems pointless. Still amazed at creation but just have no inspiration
@tanyaskopitz8921 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. Knowing that Im not the only one feeling exactly this, is so comforting. Thank you 🙏🏻
@eyesopendream 10 күн бұрын
Yep. It was over a year for me doing what became my favorite thing... Nothing. What is there to desire when you are already everything and it seems the essence of everything is nothing?
@alessandracampelli6090 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video Holly. I lost interest in many things, I'd say almost everything, and it feels a bit crazy. This losing interest after the awakening is a recurrent thing. Stuff arises and I get excited about it for a while, generally a short time, and then it fades aways, constantly. It seems like people and situations are moving like the waves of a tide, always coming, always going, there is no time to catch them, and in the end the is no more reason to catch anything. Stuff happens and that's all 🤷‍♀️. I guess that's so very different from what we've been told that we can't easily grasp it. But children do, you can see that, I remember that. So projects lose any sense, purpose is no more. Just stuff, just life 😮😮😮 I'd say a leaf on a tree gets it all: it sprouts, it grows, it dries, it falls. It feels the air, the wind, the insects, other leaves, the night and the sun, the rain and the moist. It's an amazing experience, it's rich and full. No meaning, just what happens
@caseymoore3224 Күн бұрын
Yes it's a strange process to go through because nothing seems to mean anything anymore & I do mean nothing. Very numbing. Like even when your doing something I feel like I'm watching someone do it. As if I'm not fully emerse in the activity, conversation, etc. I'm just waiting for everything to snap back to normal.. or maybe it will begin to happen slowly, maybe it will never feel normal again?
@bodhimartina6985 24 күн бұрын
How great this is! You put this out there.. In the confusion. and here I am picking it up a year later. You didn’t even know the gift you were giving. I would like to know if you have another video out after a year. I’ve been going through this now, string changes as I’m sure you are talking about. The need shifted to something not yet created. I dropped everything I’ve been doing seemingly overnight, this forced me deeper into silence. And in that silence, one known as Christ consciousness began to feel the space. Where has it taken you?❤
@paulrichard9919 Ай бұрын
Thank you Holly so much for sharing this! I suppose I'm more or less in the same space ~ lost interest in everything that used to interest me before. I've essentially completely stopped following "what's going on in the world," and avoid getting together with others who still seem to be obsessed with the external. I've always been an introvert anyway, but now it's a necessity to spend most of my time alone reading, writing, and meditating, and trying to listen to my inner voice because having lost interest in everything, I don't know "what to do" next. What am I meant to do with what I've learned, etc.? It's very frustrating and disconcerting being stuck in limbo. It's helpful to share experiences though so we feel less alone! ❤
@hollysquietspace Ай бұрын
@@paulrichard9919 This is exactly 3 years of my life up until 6 months ago when I apparently left the void. It was hard, but when I stopped trying to force my way out of it, it got netter.
@MilkForASnack 10 күн бұрын
Going through it myself as well! A big part of it is really exciting. Another part of me wonders if I would feel this way with the absence of the internet. I am really careful not to just contract Ideas because they are fed to me, but I DO fell something. A big shift of energy, and I am not alone. It feels like a scream from a voiceless god. A calling even. I am on the verge of change, not all bad either.
@clarkkent3730 12 күн бұрын
It has been almost 25 years after spiritual awakening... I feel nothing... I fear nothing... i want nothing... I desire nothing... I am nothing I can go days and days without food or water... I can sit for hours and meditate and watch squirrels and birds in nature for a 12 hour day I have no ambition... I have no aspirations... No drive... Just an overall contentment... But Inwardly overflowing with bliss and joy
@svetlanakokorina1238 8 күн бұрын
This! Completely disconnected from all outwardly desires, but feeling the bliss inside ❤
@davidcadogan9478 16 күн бұрын
Totally resonating with this right now!!!!
@bebebearxx 3 ай бұрын
Hi Holly, I relate to this very much. Just recently I now reside in my awareness and have lost all desire to do many things that I was so motivated to do before and that felt so influential before. It has been such a curious journey. I have been filling my time with meditations, sitting with my true nature, cooking, and being curious about the experience. Thank you for posting it as I was unsure it was my individual experience of awakening but I am pleased to see it reflected in others.
@hollysquietspace Ай бұрын
@bebebearxx It still amazes me that after awakening, so many of us have similar if not exact interests. It's definitely a focused & specific path. It's our true nature.
@Christopher-d9m Күн бұрын
Think of life as a real huge library. Not all learning is from books. Sometimes the "field trips" are the best part of school.
@cosmicsky111 Ай бұрын
Awe! Thank you for that beginning advice!
@ckarpins 2 күн бұрын
Sunya's video,"I lost all motivation, drive and purpose after spiritual awakening" (12:45 minutes long) might be of some help. He guides others that are experiencing the different phases through his videos and free community.
@TruLight-Sujato-Damita 4 ай бұрын
Its the cat/panther energy. Just not caring at all like you could stare at a wall for 10 seconds. Or have the wildest aliens and beings come to you and just forget a few minutes later. No Passion Even though you know you can create love and fun in your heart and hologram, your knowing is so deep that it is all ready perfect so you just stare at a wall instead lol. Well the phrase ive been using for it is “dont wast your life” That way you just aknowledge your alive and that you can activate your love to make it a better life.
@terrigabriel582 24 күн бұрын
Don't even wanna Clean House , Take Shower , 😝 , I Nap so Much, oh well. . & I used to be Perfectionist lol....Gets there's a Balance somewhere along the line According to Comments....so just going with the Flow for now, thanks Everone 💞
@dorothysymonds5801 2 ай бұрын
Had a NDE 22 years ago and lost interest in everything I used to do love is all that matters and now l just want to go home my only hope is that they will accept me even though I feel I am not worthy of such love and affection
@Agui007 Ай бұрын
It's like we've done what we needed to do. Many people are still engaged in the game of careers, ego, money. I'd rather carry on growing my own with solitude and nature. 😇
@cathryndeyn9 Ай бұрын
This is your mission... to discover the truth of how lovable you are.
@NickIurato 21 күн бұрын
Uhhh no, nothing has filled this void. In 2017 God put the pressure on me. I realized I needed to do something and I needed help. I got help (I didn’t feel like I couldn’t breath anymore) which was good, and continued to pursue my dream of being in music. Until six years later. 2023. I made an album, it was pretty mediocre and it fell completely on deaf ears. Given how much effort I put into it and how long I pursued this thing only to have it yield nothing, I gave up. And not just on music, but on life. I am still in this place right now as I’m writing this of I have no idea what the f*** I’m doing. 👍 It’s funny too. I really don’t care that music didn’t work out. In fact I’m glad it didn’t, I probably would have hated that (too many eyes on you). What I don’t like is that nothing has come in. Nothing has taken its place. Just solitude. Uncomfortable questions / things about myself I don’t know how to deal with. That’s difficult.
@denise1176 6 күн бұрын
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin"
@AlvynVillanuevaart Жыл бұрын
same same same. I quit dancing for 2 years(duting lockdown), I quit painting, I quit the painting club I was in, I worked in animation now I dont even work, I used to drink alot now hardly ever. I used to scour new House music everday but that stopped too. I stopped bc I realized all my passions were really to get something else, acceptance, or to prove something. Until recently. Its slowly returning. My artistic passions shifted from painting to video editing and typography, and I am dancing again, in a different style and community. I paint and draw every now and then.
@hollysquietspace 8 ай бұрын
It's so scary & confusing when this happens. I get why it has to happen to shed your old self & beliefs. But when all of it disappears in that period of nothingness & boredom, it's the worst! I'm so glad some of it started coming back to you. Same here, only in different forms. They aren't joking when they say you go to sleep 1 person, and wake up another.
@iamwe7035 3 ай бұрын
Interesting, I never lost my need to create, I actually feel like we are able to translate the experience into our work as creators or with anything we do. Tapping into the flow trough action and discipline. That is what I learned and I never stopped doing what I LOVE. I always feel as if the experience upgraded my talents. I also learned how to sing. It didn't take me long before I found my singing voice, after the experience. It HAS BEEN 11 years.
@justinfrisbie2706 13 күн бұрын
It has happened to me. But then. I went into my Cave. Meditated and healed. For 15 years. I would love to talk with you. I can help for sure.
@Agui007 Ай бұрын
Hello Holly, yes, something MASSIVE has come through in the last few years. I have had very similar hobbies to you so, I can certainly relate to what you are telling us! I had a big spiritual interest during my awakening in 2008 until 2019/20. I am not bothered by it now. Personally, there is this feeling of moving out of the ego spectrum to the next level now. The SPEED of which the cycles of the weeks repeat is alarming as well!
@truthseekeersss 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I can relate that, you loose interest in everything, not in a bad way. Just simply it’s like, you don’t need anything, or desire anything any more. Cause you have everything within you. But yeah sometimes it’s not so fun, cause you are like, what am I to do now ? But the best answer I can give is just being.
@CassandraGarcia1 6 ай бұрын
This is happening to me and idk what to do about it. I have felt like this for years now . I had a spiritual awakening in 2018 and by 2020 my interest in things is gone. I love my husband and family but I am so depressed to live in this world. It’s been 4 long years of this and I beg god everyday for an answer of what to do idk what that answer is.
@User98681 5 ай бұрын
Surrender is the only way
@JackPenningtonFilmmaker 3 ай бұрын
I felt like this for the last three or four years. Every night, deeply searching my consciousness through meditation, angry and frustrated that the answers weren't available to me. I found that once I shifted from "asking" to "listening", the answers came to me easily. As another user said, "surrender is the only way". I would whole heartedly agree with that sentiment.
@consciousfractal 2 ай бұрын
​@@JackPenningtonFilmmakerthe problem is that people always at first misunderstand the meaning of surrender, it means trust or stop interfering with your mind to the natural processes😊
@cathryndeyn9 Ай бұрын
I have a theory and an instinct - that we are here not to 'do' anymore but to 'be' for a profound purpose, that is to exist in the peace of surrender, which creates a pool of beautiful energy, an oasis of calm.... and this acts as an antidote, a balance for all the chaos in the world. Seeing through the illusion means we no longer need to toil away at activities, but the sense of emptiness that occurs is much to do with the mind judging our lack of motivation incorrectly. To be an oasis of peace is the greatest occupation, the most necessary and valuable task.
@denise1176 6 күн бұрын
@@cathryndeyn9 That’s Beautiful 🥰 and I agree. There has to be a reason it’s happening this way…reminds me of a bible verse “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin"
@TheAffrojutty 25 күн бұрын
I can relate. If we were devising a sense of identity out of the things we ‘enjoyed’ then as that identity shifts so do the interests. Society would say your depressed and to go out there and join new groups etc. it’s not easy and I definitely thought I had a problem but plenty of teachers talk about it which has been helpful. Adyashanti has a lovely talk in this somewhere 🙏❤️
@ahrimanic7 22 күн бұрын
The Matrix movie highlights, for me, the knowing that you can’t go back to sleep. The things I was once interested in doing are all part of the dreamer and dreamt world we once inhabited. The way we related to others in our dream discussions hold nothing for us now except perhaps wistful melancholy, but even that goes. Nothing sticks anymore, as if teflon coats our heart and mind. The term “spiritual” is used to describe the awakening process, but now it feels to me to be part of dream language, a word that points to so much yet nothing at all. No answers to my unending questions, but these too fall silent. The surety and security of knowing evaporates like morning dew. This silence runs counter to absolutely everything culture and world is trying to sell; I am a stranger in a strange land.
@irvingg.1437 21 күн бұрын
Had my awakening and was in a high then I was leveling out and basically now I'm like, "What now?"
@daveschauweker7375 4 ай бұрын
To Holly and others with this problem, please look at these video on the subject by two great spiritual teachers: Mooji on the Concept of 'You Must Have a Purpose' Sunny Sharma on "Losing Interest In Life Activities Due To Spiritual Path, What To Do?"
@corliadreyer7249 4 ай бұрын
Both brilliant 🙏
@richardsnyder6413 8 ай бұрын
Gratitude 🙏
@venusluv981 10 күн бұрын
your voice is beautiful
@DreamKeeper369 3 ай бұрын
It’s a Journey 🤍🩶🖤💙✨
@ZlObLiViOnLz414 28 күн бұрын
Good video!
@jesuschristiamstoned 2 күн бұрын
Hi Holly ❤
@thomasweiler1680 2 ай бұрын
Exactly the same experience here 🙌🏻 Would love to have an exchange with you about it 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@wordbird711 22 күн бұрын
Patience and perseverance will probably help to continue functioning normally in the material world after awakening spiritually. In the Gnostic text, The Apocryphon of John (translation by Marvin Meyer), the Savior is asked about what happens to souls and answers "Those upon whom the spirit of life will descend and whom the spirit will empower ... They are affected by nothing but being in the flesh alone, and they wear the flesh as they look forward to a time when they will be met by those who receive them. Such people are worthy of the incorruptible, eternal life and calling. They endure everything and bear everything so as to finish the contest and receive eternal life."
@aribamanjudevi3368 22 күн бұрын
I m experiencing the same thing.
@TheTruthBeyondMaya 2 ай бұрын
I’m experiencing and going through the same deep down situation of loss, deep sadness, lack of any purpose. In my case I think it is because my real big last impulse to my awaking, was triggered by the loss of my beloved fiancé at december 2018. A loss, a trauma, a shock, a pain that I’ve never overcome. Since then my life fell down in an involutive downward spiral from which I never got back. And it's getting even worse in the last at least two years, till nowadays where actually and honestly my only thought and hope is leaving soon this world The lack of any sense for this existing, plus the amount of failures experienced so far many times in many areas, plus the lack of any ambition, plus the absence of a partner for all these years (actually six)... is so frustrating that is killing me, has killed me... and made me losing any will to still living in so sad and bad conditions of extreme emotive-psychic deep unsolved distress
@death_to_tyranny Ай бұрын
I'm in the same boat, I wouldn't worry too much though, this life is just a moment.
@gameofthrones5655 2 ай бұрын
I think noone really can helph one like that= a too deep drive in the unknown. All u can do= listen 2 urself....tune back in ur origin Self... prior all the chaos...where all still was magical. Being more in the intellect= more devastating...mind can come strong after silence.
I have connected with the 7th dimension, angels and spirits. I have captured light angels in flight and I am able to speak with the deceased. I am about 90% contact. I have several videos about my connections. You enjoy photography. Try a new journey with the unseen! Capture in photography.
@vidi2602 Жыл бұрын
Still crying, don't know what next? Married to tf , from 21 years with one daughter. Sexually non compatible partners. He never got attracted to me but someone else. So now I don't know,tf or karmic But he is the one and only man i feel in my lifetime I guess. Don't know what exactly going on in my life 😭
@ericdavis8875 19 сағат бұрын
It's not a waste. We are human doings before we become human beings. It was all about impressing others wasn't it? Even the creative stuff has some of that. Can't say decisively as I'd been really stubborn concerning blacksmithing, but I see tools were stolen, damaged and sold kinda because it's not why I'm here. Identification with doing is 3d. There's so much more than being a meat suit, but not for most. Some don't even get there they just live off others. You know, it's kind of a frontier. Many have gone, but the matrix can't feed off the one's that get to 5d so...we gotta find our way. Which is actually pretty cool. Just lonely is all, but cats dogs nature and other folks on KZbin help. Just stay true to your heart cause that's all we take with us. That's the point. Picasso didn't take his paintings, Enzo didn't take his Ferraris.
@Typeher 21 күн бұрын
Nothing is going to happen, you have to just "be"
@wladddkn1517 2 ай бұрын
Looks like something gone wrong
@antonkuruc8282 Ай бұрын
Have you found an interest?
@hollysquietspace Ай бұрын
@antonkuruc8282 Took 3 years after the dark night and some time in the void. I started 2 side hustles and quit my corporate job. I do very satisfying service work now. Purpose work. As for my interests, nature, spirituality & peace. I think the hardest part is losing the old ego self, the 3rd dimensional persona we created, and realizing there doesn't have to be something that replaces it all. It's just simply being and being at peace with that.
@andresmorales7228 21 күн бұрын
@@hollysquietspace The simpler we live the better. Enjoying the simple things in life can be a great source of pleasure. Trying to avoid the best we can anything that takes away our peace and freedom.
@NA-me6sh 6 ай бұрын
be careful what you wish for once you peek behind the curtain....
@garycollingwood4002 23 күн бұрын
ignorance is bliss
@alexmarques2398 2 ай бұрын
Why is that awakening?
@RyanVoorhies 2 ай бұрын
so that only your deepest and most authentic interests come to you.
@Christine-j7b 10 күн бұрын
Jesus calls us to be in the world but not a prat of it. all who seek find, knock and the door shall be opened to you, Jesus is the way the truth and the life.,
@wthomas5697 5 ай бұрын
That's not awakening. Being awake means being aware. Reality is fascinating if your eyes are open and you're actually seeing it for a change. Reality replaces the nonsense you've had in your head. If you're crying all the time and getting depressed, this is not "awakening".
@PaulZelic_MITM 4 ай бұрын
Crying is definitely a big part of it. Also if you “owe” tears they’re coming whether you like it or not…
@wthomas5697 4 ай бұрын
@@PaulZelic_MITM No it's not.
@wthomas5697 4 ай бұрын
@@PaulZelic_MITM Do you really believe the Buddha sat there crying and depressed for months on end? You're not talking about awakening.
@PaulZelic_MITM 4 ай бұрын
@@wthomas5697 show me anyone who’s enlightened and I’ll show you someone who’s been through some serious hardship and trauma. Empathy/compassion/understanding and other traits often stem from these experiences. In fact show me someone who sits in comfort and I’ll show you someone who has experienced little growth. Our hearts are meant to first break at the state of it all… but it follows by joy/peace and understanding of our true nature. To say no pain happens in awakening id say go look at the people breaking going through it. The surrender process can be brutal. But to say they shouldn’t feel it could almost come across as gaslighting to what they’re experiencing and feeling as if something is wrong with them when in truth they’re navigating it often amazingly. Nothing but love and respect for the ones doing the work 👊❤️
@PaulZelic_MITM 4 ай бұрын
@@wthomas5697 do you understand the process and intention of the dark night of the soul and alchemy?
Why Awakening Happens To Only A Few? Does The Source Discriminate?
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