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Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides

Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides

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@skillcappedwowpvp Жыл бұрын
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@therealzailon8475 Жыл бұрын
OMG it is so fun to see this video while everyone is hating about the CC changes and saying CC isn't relevant anyways xDD
@MrZoorab Жыл бұрын
I don't get all the fuss about cc, blizz literally didn't change anything, they just made so existing cc reduction would work without pvp trinket set bonus, only thing they did was rogue's blind into sap nerf and made precognition into embelishment. Plus, most of the player base ignore the fact that with the release of Dragonflight all classes gained more cc and utility compared to SL and 4 previous expansions. DH has 2 stuns, 1 fear, 1 sap, 2 personal defensives, 1 group defensive and several pvp talents that allow to reduce dmg or escape cc. Frost mage has 1 stun, 1 polymorph, 1 ring of frost, 1 ice wall, 1 ring of fire, 1 knockback and endless amounts of roots (but that's class fantasy though, so that's ok). All rogue specs now have access to gouge, subterfuge and different utility spells. Shamans have 2 roots, 2 knockbacks, reduced hex cd, lightning lasso and capacitor totem with double stun effect. If not the dr effects, you could potentially coordinate with your teammates to chain cc somebody for 30+ seconds non stop. My point is, all these cc and utility talents make pvp excessively complicated to previous expansions, where you already have a lot of things to track. So it's only logical to try to somehow deal with this problem, i don't understand why everyone is so upset about it.
@therealzailon8475 Жыл бұрын
@@MrZoorab Yeah kinda agree, like there is a slight difference on some cc of I think up to 0.6 or 0.8 sec, but hey, lets be realistic, how many players will actually be able to tell the difference?
@ismaelruiz7413 Жыл бұрын
Yay, but real difference is that rogue needs cc to set up kills, i mean, a dh or monk can kill you through healing, or even can survive while other team es training them, rogues need cc to kill and survive
@therealzailon8475 Жыл бұрын
@@ismaelruiz7413 In previous expansions I would completely agree with you, but assa rogue in dragonflight is busted in every single way, a mirriad of CC which only helps their insane damage and healing reduction. Assa rogues as is currently do not necessarily need any sort of CC to kill someone if they're half decent. I mean kinda fits the assa fantasy when compared to a subtlety rogue, but then it doesnt make sense for them to use sap like a subtlety rogue either. So I guess for assa rogue the blind+sap doesnt imho even fit the assa rogue fantasy. I feel this is something that should be left to the subtlety rogue entirely. As I see it, the subtlety rogue is the CC heavy stealthy one shot guy whereas the assa is kind of more of a brawler type (even though not as much as an oulaw obvioulsy)
@BranBronzebeard701 Жыл бұрын
​@@ismaelruiz7413 monk does need cc to kill tho
@lambey6113 Жыл бұрын
Knowing how to play arena is probably 80% on how to be good, learning a new class 20%. Lots of transferable skills
@scirzzy322 Жыл бұрын
I'd agree, macros are minor, KBs are usually transferred. I'd honestly say it's 90% arena skill vs 10% of new class. If you know arena, you know 99% of all class abilities already, just comes down to your macros and KBs at that point
@cjfoshu Жыл бұрын
One of the best players in the world with insane amounts of game knowledge. That's how he got to 2700 on a new class
@kekwlord69 Жыл бұрын
Pretty much summons it up. Yes, any1 who will start doing these "secrets" will kinda sky rocket in rating but in reality thats not a thing u will learn in 1 week or even 1 ssn. That takes many many years to perfect these kind of things. Also most players have no reference to know how to learn that
@evoknz Жыл бұрын
@Seren Key words here : "One of"
@GaunterODimm666 Жыл бұрын
@xPositionModz3 Yes.
@DoublebrutalCS2 Жыл бұрын
Watching this after getting Legend on my Hunter, was good to see I was doing a lot right ^_^
@justcallmewhat Жыл бұрын
hi mom i'm on tv. i remember that game... dps wouldn't jump off the platform to let me heal them. i told them every game hunter is gonna cc me to africa, nobody would ever jump off to get healed. so frustrating lol
@GrayzBDF Жыл бұрын
Haha 💞
@kekwlord69 Жыл бұрын
What ab healers pov? What can i contribute to win a game? Because i feel like especially at lower mmr dps players often dont even cc the enemie healer or they just press burst randomly, so what can i do then? Im playin prevoker atm. I only have 1 sleep walk. The only thing i can think of is trying to use that on the enemie healer when my party members use offens i guess. I feel like iam a bit lost on prevoker. So to give more context: In the last ss rounds my details has recorded 42 rounds which are 25 rounds lasting more than 2 mins (2-4+min), 15 rounds are bweetn 1-2 min which are closer to 2 min mark and 2 rounds are below 1 min, so i don´t really think its me using my cds wrong. But what it could be the problem then? I feel like me or the ppl in my ss round are lacking offens. I always go 3-3 or 4-2 and sometimes 5-1. yday i had my first lose streak with 2-4 twice in a row im still 55% wr at 1600+ but already at 190+ rounds which kinda feels bad when i check other ppl. I dont honestly understand why the mmr still isnt fixed for healers. So many times i win few more rounds than usual at 1600, then get into 1800 lobby next game and obv lose everyth again...Knowing that im not able to reach 1800 is fine by me but what is tilting the crap out of me is that the game puts me from 1 game to another so much higher than my cr. I didnt had a single 1700 lobby yet, its always 1500-1600 or 1800+ lmao. Imo i should be 1700 rn but its so hard to get there cuz again how it is for me is like im 1600 going 3-3 or 4-2/5-1 get close to 1700cr but then i get 1800 lobby and lose back to low 1600s and repeat. Id like to get small increase in rating. Imo the mmr gains are way too high compare to cr gains which i think is the reason why healers have a harder time and cuz theres way less healers than dps you get put into higher mmr lobbies Im having similar but diff problem in normal 3s, nobody can tell me whats wrong with my gameplay.I really wanna learn and improve so i can achieve what id like to but its really hard. I just hit the wall every ssn which is usally at 2.1k-2.2k in 3s but this ssn obv alot lower to 1600-1800 and dont know what to do. Watching my recorded games dont really help me anymore cuz i feel like i have no reference to know what im supposed to do. When i watch my games i can kinda tell why i lost but i feel like it doesnt help me so i kinda just stopd recording but recently started doing it again. Also with the recent starting of mmr injection its hard to tell if i improved or its just the inflation now. *Not sure whats up with the weird mmr system, I cant renember a single 1700 mmr player its always been 1500-1600 or 1800+ as said before. if i would get full 1700 lobbies i would prob get 1700 and slowly grind to 1800. Also for some reason the game puts many times almost 0cr ppl in my lobby. Sometimes its healer sometimes dps, its weird Just venting out a little bit cuz im frustrated
@R4z0lute Жыл бұрын
My pain point in SS is playing a healer. Yesterday I had a dps run across the map and behind a pillar only to die shortly after, while waiting in the starting area the next game he proceeded to say some very nasty things and call me an idiot. Good times
@therealzailon8475 Жыл бұрын
Hahahaha yeah, I main healers and yup, this is the worst of it all, even when playing 2s or 3s with friends this happens. I feel like all DPS should make themselves at the very least 1 healer, to know what it is like, and what matters when playing a DPS to not make your healers life hell. It seems no matter what its always the healers fault, even tho DPSs run out of line of sight, will NEVER peel for you most of them won't even kite when being destroyed by enemy CDs so you need to spend CDs yourself just to keep them healed so they can put out their non-CD trash damage, etc. This is so frustrating ngl... And in the end its always the healer.... ALWAYS
@nlgamer779gaming2 Жыл бұрын
yeah I don't play healer but was planning on playing one soon, as a WW monk I see my dps teammates always LOS the healer on pillars sometimes to 'get away' from dmg but pretty much get then CC'd into a stun or a direct stun and then 1shot. I always try to stay in vision of the healer or stay close to my healer
@skillcappedwowpvp Жыл бұрын
On Wednesday we have a planned release for a healer specific SS video that addresses this problem and a few others.
@h.r.k.7111 Жыл бұрын
@@skillcappedwowpvp looking forward to this one!
@therealzailon8475 Жыл бұрын
@@skillcappedwowpvp thats really cool and all, but I think this is partly due to a psychological reason... Noone is ever at fault, people will not try and look for their mistakes and rather blame it on whoever else, this is quite a bit of a mentality issue which quite honestly I am unsure if it is even possible to change that in the WoW community (or most gaming communities for that matter). And with how younger generations be, nothing is their fault and everyone else is to blame for everything that goes wrong in their life, same is kinda the case for WoW, people will always blame others instead of looking inward to improve themselves... Such a shame tbh
@donkoiot Жыл бұрын
0:34 top dmg in all rounds
@wipes47 Жыл бұрын
rip reckful. miss u
@GrayzBDF Жыл бұрын
@DownsyMB Жыл бұрын
Came for the thumbnail, stayed for the content
@dariollanos Жыл бұрын
can this be done on a survival hunter???
@GrayzBDF Жыл бұрын
Fundamentals. Long time since guides went into the fundamentals. Thanks Especially since it was done WITHOUT having 10++ minutes of tooltip reading 🤣
@meaniehead17 Жыл бұрын
What is the website that shows average dps per spec in the video at around the 5:46 mark?
@Formonn Жыл бұрын
Watched xaryu ss guide, went from hardstuck 1600 to 2000 after taking his advice not ever pressing poli. Just doing max dmg even if my instinct tells me to cc works in df
@STXT Жыл бұрын
@@3lgring0 Thats exactly why its not odd, he thinks CC is bad so making CC even worse is just the wrong direction to go obviously
@Las3rzor Жыл бұрын
@@3lgring0 he is playing the game at its actual state now, but he prefers when CC are valuable because it is more skill based
@fancen Жыл бұрын
what if im 3450 do i get a refund if i dont get to 3850
@GregerMoek Жыл бұрын
Love the mage icon popping up when they mentioned "favorite class" rofl.
@Flatfootsy Жыл бұрын
You should probably provide links to Palumor if you're going to make a video based off him.
@myracle001 Жыл бұрын
@zanejackson8532 Жыл бұрын
rdruid tankiest healer? if they dont have trinket theyre great targets
@beauneale4414 Жыл бұрын
RIP Reckful ❤
@koenbreet9876 Жыл бұрын
As a healer solo shuffle is barbage, no comms or accurate target calling and no time to actually make a strat whatsoever. I keep trying but see myself LFG far more often than q'ing solo
@Omdus123 Жыл бұрын
Thats why you got to pay attention to swaps and follow them, same as cc.
@koenbreet9876 Жыл бұрын
@@Omdus123 Wow, this is a late respond, but thanks. I stopped playing WoW all together because the PvP is so unbalanced thats its almost unplayable imo. Like, how are the devs tweaking every other week. Since there's always a meta en loads of metagamers, WoW isnt it anymore for me
@heroictesticles6870 6 ай бұрын
It's mostly about outplaying the opposing healer who is the only one you never get to play with. He goes through exactly the same as you are, with the same players. If you lose the first couple of rounds then adjust what you are doing.
@grumpydinosaur2347 Жыл бұрын
it all good and well, but i have feelin that even with some 25% versatility, i just getting killed in 10 seconds.. mybe im unlucky or maybe elem lightning shammy is unplayable =/
@barty1995 Жыл бұрын
This entire vid can be summed up as "Healing is really hard right now, so make healing EVEN MORE miserable than it already is". At this point nothing short of a complete PvP rework is gonna fix this sadly.
@cjfoshu Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised anyone but the top players even bother healing now.
@mrjujuice5484 Жыл бұрын
Healing isn’t hard at all. It’s just the fact that people get blue gear and jump straight into a shuffle without doing skirmishes or watching any videos. Then rage and blame dps.
@henlo1910 Жыл бұрын
@@mrjujuice5484 Healing is hard... But yeah, a little from column A, a little from column B. The biggest problem I've seen with newby healers is bad positioning, not bad gear. Like, raging at a DPS for LOSing them, when they (the healer) were the one who decided to stand next to the two ranged DPS on the other team, and not their teammates. Or raging at the warlock for porting or gating out of their immediate range, when they (the warlock) had two melee DPS on them. You have to be able to position yourself in ways that make sense.
@mrjujuice5484 Жыл бұрын
@@henlo1910 You're right on positioning, but you learn at least the basics doing arena skirmishes or even queing 2s with another new player. I don't find healing hard at all. I started healing in S4 of shadowlands and it's become very easy in a short time for me personally. I currently have 3 healers at 2200-2400 highest being rdruid of course. My initial suggestion for solo shuffle was that the person would need at least 50 games played in 2v2/3v3s rated before even unlocking solo shuffle. Shuffle should not be a rated gamemode because you're relying on chance not skill. I recently made a hunter which I have never played before besides some MM back in pandaland...On my survival spec I have 90 games played and 90% of those games are 3/3 to where 0 cr was awarded, because we had a healer who had zero clue what they were doing and just like you said 'blaming the dps for LOSing or them getting stunned across the map because they used their trinket on a rogue sap at the start of the round'. I even tried telling them exactly what to do for us to win but it increased their rage more. I believe I had 10 games so far where we lose the first 3 with a healer they decide to say how I lose them the game and suck...then when I am on the opposing team we destroy them in 5 seconds. I have had games where I play bad as well, but a lot of them revolve around a blue geared healer who just watched pikaboo get 3k rating on a priest so they think it's easy sauce. Also, by 'not hard to play' I just mean if you properly practice it becomes quite easy to heal..but you have more to do than a dps because you have to keep 2 people alive while also keeping yourself healthy. A lot more goes into healing than dps so it is harder than dps of course... However, DPS just train one person the entire game and have no clue how to cc..switch..interrupt. Shuffle is a mess and has given players a false sense of skill level imo.
@michaelalbano3459 Жыл бұрын
As an enh shaman... We're ignoring the lack of an MS . Just ignore our tears...
@Daantjer Жыл бұрын
I just decided to give wow a try again last week, got to 70 got my full honor gear now queued up for rated solo shuffles 2 days in a row and even though it's been saturday and sunday the Q times have been horrible? Nobody is playing even solo shuffle or what? I'm talking 15 mins plus and I just started so I'm not 3k rated.
@kach0937 Жыл бұрын
if you pick a popular dps spec your queue will be longer, it rarely puts 2 of the same spec in the same game, my queues times on sub rogue are shorter than assa rogue, or you can play a healer and get instant queue
@mitchellwilley7208 Жыл бұрын
I havnt played wow in forever I can't wait to come back to the game. I thought this was common knowledge though?
@Icydragon1989 Жыл бұрын
biggest painpoint, not finding a fcking game :D
@a.a.6464 Жыл бұрын
Nice upload! Could you make a 1o1 guide pls? :D
@mariogame_dev8004 Жыл бұрын
Too answer for you guys: How? He plays NA
@mightystronk4361 Жыл бұрын
i wouldn't lump dk into the "has little cc" crowd
@jpoker9294 Жыл бұрын
Pain Point = Queue times
@sfarsitulumi Жыл бұрын
Skill Capped hoping to teach "the average player" what CC is so they end up hating the 10.1 changes and blizz would have to revert them.
@LogRobin Жыл бұрын
I watched this as a healer and made me laugh so hard: rather pop a trinket to get rid of all the weak auras. 😂
@vittezorge507 Жыл бұрын
For me the biggest problem is zugzug baboons
@dovahkiindragonborn3564 Жыл бұрын
please make some content about mm hunter in website. there is just a solo shuffle gameplay guide by a guy that i don't understand 1 single word of him . really bad accent
@daftileuca4140 Жыл бұрын
@fancen Жыл бұрын
@KjellKasin Жыл бұрын
1h queue makes me not play solo at all.
@mrbigwheel11 Жыл бұрын
They should have a mode you can select that has no cc. A no cc lobby. 🤔 lets see how popular that would be😂
@chasespruill8323 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I beat him on his rogue in 2s and commented on his stream and he banned me LOL
@sharoxxx6660 Жыл бұрын
cant do shit if i get 1 clapped from every enemy in 0.2 seconds or they force all my defensive spells and i get 1shotet 15 seconds later.. :D
@mrjujuice5484 Жыл бұрын
Haha that’s cute. Especially when I am the only one CCing and my partner is breaking all my CCs. Palu just played at the perfect time and got lucky with teammates. It’s often that at the end of the shuffle I have top damage and 10-12 interrupts.. while the next best is 3 interrupts. You just roll the dice and hope you get a 52% win rate
@wkndxotv Жыл бұрын
Be decent at the game & also play it for a living
@anacronrealz Жыл бұрын
I am so happy that they gonna reduse cc times.. this is not fun gameplay
@alexanderhanley1554 Жыл бұрын
It's funny how the whole question was "so how did Palumor do this? well he chain cc'd" whilst having the religious, salty soy boy revolution cult like leaders, Pika and Xaryu screaming "BUT CC ALREADY DOESNT MATTER" like this shit just makes me laugh dude...
@comradeshmoo Жыл бұрын
trap, pet stun, scatter, etc are all instant ranged cc. not remotely the same thing as casting a polymorph.
@alexzund6266 Жыл бұрын
The biggest pain point in solo shuffle is the extremely (!) toxic egocentric community of elitists and a bunch of r1 players on their 1001th alt. Solo shuffle was a mistake and should be removed.
@Rhoeny Жыл бұрын
Over the hundres of games ive played, people rarely whine or are toxic. Of course this could be due to MMR, higher up it doesnt happen much. To me it is you whos being toxic and flaming now. Are you sure the mirror isnt the issue? SS is great, it has been a success based on how many people participate and how long it keeps their attention. From business side of view, your point is absolutely wrong.
@jonathancham7788 Жыл бұрын
damn right
@alexzund6266 Жыл бұрын
@@Rhoeny From a consumer's side of view it's like diving into a bath filled with steaming manure, and then the manure tells you you're one. Few shuffles was enough to see that with people flaming each other and leaving when their defeat is obvious.
@Orisha1990 Жыл бұрын
This would be true in other expansions not in this one. Casted CC is dogshit basically poly is garbage on its way to being worse, so is cyclone lock fear etc hardly ever worth casting in solo. It's all about them micro CCs and pumping baybeeee.
@Jigzawi Жыл бұрын
no lol there is no reason to pay for this shit its not that hard lmao
@timhauer4081 Жыл бұрын
He is Not one of the best Players in the world hahaha xD love this Dude but He aint even Close to be in the top 300 xD
@jaxore4067 Жыл бұрын
Polymor played hunter, its not that hard
@mrjujuice5484 Жыл бұрын
He is also starting in 1550 mmr.. which means he has escaped the beyond horrid players. There are still bad players in 1600 but they at least have some sort of idea.
@Marcel-ls8yz Жыл бұрын
everyone starts at 1550 mmr
@ernestocortez7 Жыл бұрын
And everyone is absolute garbage until 2200 anyway
@mrjujuice5484 Жыл бұрын
@@Marcel-ls8yz No they don't...Your mmr on a new spec is only rated higher if your other spec has high rating. Literally just made a new class and had 0 mmr. After I wont 6 rounds it jumped to 1350 mmr.
@Bio-Logical-Ai Жыл бұрын
Because streamer accounts are padded with easier matchmaking just like gambling streamers win 40% more of the time than the average gambler. everything is a scam.
@iseemike Жыл бұрын
do you even play this game?
@andrewpalka5810 Жыл бұрын
@Bio-Logical-Ai Жыл бұрын
Wait, this is a game? This isn't how to bake with Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart?
@iseemike Жыл бұрын
@@Bio-Logical-Ai what are u saying rn
@pjtyra2106 Жыл бұрын
You're insane lol
@tugayarslan566 Жыл бұрын
i mean palumor is a dog thats only r1 cause of rmp =)
@besklucas Жыл бұрын
this video came out few days too late. After the announcement on CC pretty much being removed from the game hahahahaha
@chasespruill8323 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I beat him on his rogue in 2s and commented on his stream and he banned me LOL
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