الشيخ بسام جرار | في 15 دقيقة خفايا صراع الارثوذكس والبروتستانت والكاثوليك

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Lessons of Sheikh Bassam Jarrar

Lessons of Sheikh Bassam Jarrar

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الشيخ بسام جرار درس عن في 15 دقيقة خفايا صراع الارثوذكس والبروتستانت والكاثوليك
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@عبدالمنعمالجمال-و4م 5 жыл бұрын
انك يا شيخ شمعه مضيئه في ليلة شديدة الظلمه.اللهم بارك في عمرك وانفعنا بعلمك
@mastafaoujdi8477 5 жыл бұрын
احبك في الله يا شيخنا بسام وبارك الله لك في ما رزقك على ما تقدمه لنا من علم
@eddie79119 5 жыл бұрын
اللهم احمِ سوريا من حملات التشيع المسعورة في هذه الظروف الصعبة
@mkq_2008 5 жыл бұрын
Zen Logie امين يارب العالمين
@user-we5ih3gu6n 4 жыл бұрын
اللهم امين
@seeyou4891 4 жыл бұрын
وشفيك يااخي انقرض لخاطر الله
@أبوعمر-ع1س9ض 3 жыл бұрын
@MG-fi4tj 3 жыл бұрын
@mouhamedboucharnoh1781 Жыл бұрын
جزاك الله خيرا يا شيخ واحسن اليكم
@mouhamedreckoos Жыл бұрын
سبحان الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم رب العالمين والصلاه والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
@hippytrippy1254 2 жыл бұрын
متعة الفكر و المعرفة مع الشيخ
@rben2034 5 жыл бұрын
اللهم رحمتك وسعت كل شيء يارب العالمين 🙏
@MahmoudALmardini 4 жыл бұрын
فيديو قصير مليئ بمعلومات دينية وتاريخية وجغرافية وعسكرية وحربية تستحق قبلة من جبينك على هذا العلم ❤❤❤❤ قد لا استطيع ان اضع اكثر من ضغطة اعجاب واحدة ولا استطيع ان اكون بجانبك لأشكرك وجها لوجه ولكن استطيع ان اقول جعل الله كلامك بميزان حسناتك يا شيخنا الفاضل العالم والمفكر
@qsdsss3058 5 жыл бұрын
اللهم احفظ شيخنا السيد بسام جرار وزده علما يارب العالمين
@zakriyalaiche9333 2 жыл бұрын
جزاك الله كل خير شيخنا الفاضل
@سليملعبيد 5 жыл бұрын
لا إله إلا الله
@hadjsaidyouvef8304 3 жыл бұрын
الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا كثيرا على نعمة الاسلام العظيم
@hamadali6576 5 жыл бұрын
للفائده الواحد يحب يعرف الفرق بين البروتستانتيه و الكاثوليكيه و الأرثوذكسيه من الناحية الدينيه و الإيمانيه
@omarboudjira1570 3 жыл бұрын
الكاثوليك اقلهم تعصبا
@Ramses42 3 жыл бұрын
الأرثوذكس هما الأقل
@hadjsaidyouvef8304 3 жыл бұрын
كيف ؟ هل من توضيح اكثر من فضلك؟
@محمدعبدالعزيز-ه6ت 5 жыл бұрын
يقول الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم.....من يرد به الله خيراً يفقهه فى الدين.....ولكن الدين ليس بمعزل عن الحياة الدنيا ومن هنا تجد أن هناك أناس يتحدثون فى الدين ودون ثقافة وفهم الآخر وعلى غير دراية تامة بأحوال العالم من حوله وهؤلاء غالباً عالة على الدين والدنيا معا ويرجع ذلك إلى فقط اغراقهم فقط فى أمور الدين الإسلامي ودون ربطه بالحياة والمعرفة والثقافة وهى زاد كل مسلم يجب الأخذ به والشيخ من القلائل والقلة التى فهمت أن توظف العلم والمعرفة والثقافة والعلوم الانسانيه وغير الإنسانية في خدمة الدين الإسلامي والعقيدة الصحيحة.... عكس معظم فقهاء المسلمين معزولون عن الواقع حولهم وليست لديهم معرفة عامة يستعينون بها فى خدمة الدين...مع أن آيات القرآن الكريم في محتواها شجعت على العلم والمعرفة وكل فنون الحياة.....ن والقلم وما يسطرون..... القلم أداة الكتابة وما يسطرون وهو المكتوب..... والآية الكريمة... إقرأ بإسم ربك.... والآية الكريمة... الرحمن.علم القرآن خلق الانسان ثم علمه البيان. كل البيان الذي تتوقعه من الحق عز وجل.....قالت الآية الكريمة في سورة النساء........إلى الرسول الكريم من الله تعالى. .. مخاطبة إياه.......وعلمك ما لم تكن تعلم وكان فضل الله عليك عظيما.....
@sakhrabdulaal 5 жыл бұрын
الله يبارك فيك
@malakanmar4160 5 жыл бұрын
الله يحفظك
@mandd7446 3 жыл бұрын
@michaelmonir7279 Жыл бұрын
يا اخي خليك ف السنه والشيعه بتوعك 😊
@b3xl-ws 5 жыл бұрын
صحيح شيخنا الفاضل
@fakhryel-huseini6329 5 жыл бұрын
الدكتور معروف الدواليبي كان ريئس وزراء سوريا ولما كانت سوزيا ومصر يريدون الاتحاد وكان احد شروط خلع د. معروف لانه محسوب علي المسلمين جاء للملك فصيل شهيد القدس ونحسبه كذلك ولا تزكيه علي الله ...كنت محظوظا باني ان طبيه في غرفه العلميات في جده ١٩٨٥ ايّام الملك فهد وقال لي هذه القصه وغيرها كثير ان المسيح لعن اليهود ودعي عليهم وتنبأ وبزوال الهكيل للمره الثانية ولَم يجد اليهود حجرا علي حجر طيله ٥٣ عاما من الحفريات وقال لي د.معروف بعد ان علم بانني من القدس ؛هل قرات صحيفة الشرق الأوسط امس؟ لانني ارسلت رساله له فيها اقول : ان كنت حقا مسيحا فلا تعصي نبوءة المسيح بان المعبد اتخدله اليهود بيت من بيوت الشيطان ولَم يبقي له اثر !
@fakhryel-huseini6329 5 жыл бұрын
روسيا لا تهدد امريكا والعكس صحيح لهذا جن جنون امريكا عندما حاءت طائرات في فزويلايا
@wsemq8 2 жыл бұрын
استغفر الله الذي لا اله الا هو الحي الْقَيُّوم وأتوب إليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه ومداد كلماته
@abdullahabdulrahman7360 4 жыл бұрын
الاية رقم 14 و64 من سورة المائدة تبين ذلك...
@alidarwish6805 5 жыл бұрын
Sheikh Bassam Salam , it just hit me , relate this horrible racist act to the UN . When NZ voted against Israel and pro the Palestinian ( I do not recall the event ) Natinyaho called for a revenge from NZ. Please look into it , Your brother Hajj Ali Darwish
@mohammedgamal9945 3 жыл бұрын
@alyelgendy384 3 жыл бұрын
للأسف يا سيدي الاسلام هو الذي يقول في الكتاب العزيز (القرآنالكريم) ولاتذر واذرة وذر أخرى ويقول ايضا ولايجرمنكم شنئان قوم الاتعدلوا لكن المسلمين وعلى الأخص المتمسكين أو الذين يقولون انهم الأكثر تمسكا بالإسلام هم ابعد المسلمين عملا بهذا الذي َورد في القرآن
@atikamadine2450 2 жыл бұрын
{ولا تزر وازرة وزر اخرى}
@seeyou4891 4 жыл бұрын
هذه المعارك اودت ب الالا ف من كلا طرفين
@benamor57 5 жыл бұрын
يا شيخنا هذا العمل تبع مرتزقة جبناء مدعوم سياسيا في داخل البلد حزب متطرف ؟
@nizarnabhan7573 4 жыл бұрын
السبب ذهب من استراليا الى نيوزلندا لانا فى استراليا لا يسمح شراء او بيع اسلحه رشاشه لهذا السبب ذهب لينزلنا اشرى الاسلحه منها هنا كان عندهم القانون يحق له شراءالاسلحه لانه هوا استرالي يحق له ما يحق في نيوزرلندا
@slman-f8o 4 жыл бұрын
استراليا مش مسموح بالسلاح
@fakhryel-huseini6329 5 жыл бұрын
1JournalSunday,Dec 26 2010, 06:37:21 PMWhen Europe was almost to be a MuslimThe Jewish priests built a "religion" the Jewish Torah books only, - says Norman Julb "professor of history and civilization at the University of Chicago in his book" Who wrote theDead Sea Scrolls? "- The first five books of the Old Testament known as the" Genesis " and "Exodus" and "Leviticus" and "Numbers" and "Deuteronomy" - excluded books of the prophets of the likes of "Isaiah."What is the story of "The Book of Isaiah," which was attributed to Jesus, peace be upon him, whether it is stated what promises to last the coming of the prophets of God Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.?Where is this "travel" now?Tag Marouf Dawalibi, a former prime minister in Syria and then became a consultant at the Saudi Royal Court, had told the exciting stages that accompanied Found "Isaiah" and the ensuing events is very strange.The discovery of the Book of Isaiah1953 was discovered in one of the caves in the mountains of Jordan, which amounts to about 600 Mgaoerha a cave he was hiding places by the faithful thousands of years ago .. Discovered an important religious manuscripts. One of these manuscripts have been discovered, "Isaiah" correct as a whole, while the publication in the Torah is part of it.After his studies, he met "the Vatican" for a period of four years - from 1961 to 1965 - and have found that this "travel impact the new rules and concepts of Christianity for Islam, and issued a pamphlet calling for the dialogue between Christianity and Islam, and praise Islam asa religion, and regret of the foregoing of disagreement between the religions, and ask to forget the past, and to enter into a dialogue with the Christian-Muslim.The Vatican document important:In the seventies .. Issued by "the Vatican" is an important document. Was a formal recognition of a Christian religion of Islam, for the first time, which stated:(Each of the safe today after God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the God of Abraham, Moses, is God, and the survivors inside in the safety, notably: Muslims).Vatican extend an invitation to the scientists of Saudi Arabia for dialogue between Christianity and Islam:After issuance of this document, "says Marouf Dawalibi, a sign known and a former adviser to the Saudi Royal Court in the era of the late King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, God bless his soul .. Says:After issuance of this document, seashell that we were in the Hajj season with the late "King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz" in 1965, when the "Vatican" by broadcast - an appeal to congratulate the pilgrimage and spend rituals to Faisal, may God rest his soul and to the pilgrims, the individual Faisal broadcasting on the radio , salute this new spirit. And soon, "the Vatican" that sought to engage in dialogue, and people between the certified and disbelieving, until I got the call to us to engage in dialogue with them and visit them, and for the cooperation: "With regard to human rights." We also, in every place, wondering this new spirit.When invited me late King Faisal to ask me my opinion on the call of the "Vatican" to the scholars of the Kingdom of the visit it from "for dialogue and cooperation is not intended to 2search the assets of religion", but cooperation on what he wants, religion, "human rights", Olhit to accept the invitation, and he told me King Faisal to go to the "Vatican" to reveal what's behind this invitation.I went already to the "Vatican" and was with me, Saudi Ambassador to Rome, met the cardinal "Bimonolli", Minister of State in the government, "the Vatican" with regard to relations between Islam and Christianity, I knew that the call is correct and good and they want to cooperate and forget! The past.The Vatican Radio in its publications focus on the meetings that we have we hold that I am "delegate" King Faisal God bless his soul, and "we agreed on the principle of dialogue."Israeli ambassador to intervene:After 48 hours of my departure, "the Vatican" asked the Israeli ambassador in Rome, Cardinal interview "Bimonolli" Although it was not between "Israel" and "Vatican diplomatic representation, but the visit was a request" on behalf of the Government of Israel. "Why Israel's ambassador to the Cardinal:"We ask you to stop any dialogue between the" Vatican "and" The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia "was rejected Cardinal asked the ambassador.On the second day, the ambassador returned and repeated the request and refused his request.... Thus, over five consecutive days ...!! More than that, it sent a "Pope Paul VI," the letter reverence and respect for King Faisal God's mercy, and Roya he has had what took place between the Israeli ambassador in Rome, Cardinal "Bimonolli" from an insistence on the lackof "encounter dialogue" between Islam and Christianity.Revolution within the Vatican:Day, they announced, we have a revolution within the "Vatican" why.?Because it is not the biblical tradition, that starts with "Pope" to write to any head of state has traditionally been, since ancient times, to direct the "Pope" to answer the letters the Heads of State, is not to be started it by typing messages.The start of the interview:Before we begin the dialogue between the scholars of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the "Vatican" was released for! "Vatican II" brochure located in about 150 pages titled "Guidelines for Christian for dialogue between them and the Muslims." They said that Muslims "Survivors of God in accordance with the actions taken by the highest authority in the Vatican."In this atmosphere, began meetings of the "Muslim dialogue - Christian" in the "Vatican" andthen he called us "the Council of European integration" - a decision based on Vatican II - in Strasbourg and then decide the Kingdom of the call also made against the "World Council of Churches" in Geneva, and also from the French Ministry of Justice, then from the "French-Saudi friendship."And all these meetings are in accordance with the spirit that proclaimed "the Vatican", which had a great bang and influence. It was the first time in history where it leaves a delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the Christian West "to meet the Pope" and the Protestant World Council of Churches, which corresponds to the Catholic Church.Stop Christianization:After dating in multiple occurre
@fakhryel-huseini6329 5 жыл бұрын
3Christianization Catholic in the Muslim world. We ask you to accustomed us, "the gospel."That when Jesus and let them, that their story will come after him "gospel" any prophet telling them the facts. As stated in "The Book of Isaiah" as follows:"After Christ comes Prophet of the Arab country," Paran "- the country Ismail - and" Paran "in Aramaic, is the land of Hijaz," and Jews to follow him, and mark that if he survived a murder he Prophet expected, because the escape of the sword on his neck, and back after that ten thousand a saint. "Applicability on the ground:This is fully applicable to the reality: It says in the Koran (the know - the Jews - as they knowtheir children)* Gave the place: the country Ismail - the Mecca.* Gave described: Escape From sword on his neck, and that when he fled the night of the plotto kill him, peace be upon him.* "And return with ten thousands of a saint." He returned peace be upon him to Mecca with ten thousand faithful.These texts and crystal clear in the fourth day, therefore, considers that what passed for "Vatican II" in the era of "Pope Paul VI was" a good step and new.The mystery of the death of Pope ... Cardinal:"But with regret" - adds d. Mohammad Maroof Dawalibi -, the "Pope" was soon died in circumstances not Ndriha, also died shortly thereafter of the Cardinal "Binmonolli" which was the link between us and the "Vatican."And death their, turn off the dialogue between Islam and Christianity.Jews ... Jews:Asked Dr. "Dawalibi": - Do not you think that the death of "Pope Paul VI," the sudden, and shortly after Cardinal "Bimonolli" which was the idea of "dialogue between Christianity and Islam" was planned by the Jews.?He replied:When we separated, we dated to be a second symposium in Riyadh, and in this period went "Pope," and a "Cardinal" ... I do not want to say more on it!!.Asked Dr. "Dawalibi":Talking about the inevitable showdown between Islam and you'll be behind the West, the Jews?He replied: Father, "Mubarak" of Lebanese descent, known as the feelings good, a senior churchmen and a professor at the "Catholic University" in Paris, published an article in a magazine Arabic - and I keep a copy of it - in the same year that explained the invitation, "theVatican" to dialogue, which warns of the impact of Zionism on the "Vatican", and confirms that the "elements" inside "the Vatican" return it for a new policy - that day -.Why do not preach among the Jews:He adds Dr. Dawalibi, saying:"I told explicitly Cardinal" Bimonolli "in a special session during the dialogue," that I have the Diploma in Law Church ", were perplexed and said:" The testimony of "rights in the church can only be given for a Christian, how I got it."?I answered him: I have you received from the University of Paris, "Kdblom jurisdiction", not "Catholic University" and I was in during my reading of "Angel" and "Torah" and "Bible" in 4depth, I could not understand some of the texts that came in the "Gospel", a profound way I have, and I did not even now ask him this question, because it was asking a deep, should be the official, who will answer from the highest authority in the Church, and the first time where he met the second man in the "Vatican", will allow me to to ask a question? ".He said: you prefer.I said: those who sent Jesus Christ.?Said: "Doctor, you say a degree in" rights in the church. " The first of the conditions for obtaining the certificate holder to be an in-depth study of the Bible, how can you ask such a question, and in the "Gospel" The answer is frank and clear jumps to the eyes.?I said: "the words of Christ: but rather sent to the lost sheep of the children of Israel" This is problematic, which means that the mission of Jesus Christ were limited to proselytizing among the children of the Jews, what does it mean that you are sending missionaries among Muslims do not you send one missionary to the Jews??."I added - and what is still to Dr. Dawalibi - that" the Jews "accusing Jesus Christ as the son of weight, though his mother, Mrs. Mary" adulteress. "And assert that they do not consider that the birth of non-marriage.However, Islam: the purity of Christ, and defended him, and the holy mother the Virgin Maryand the miracle was born, and that Christ is true and I'm not the son of a *****. When Christ says: "The only sent to the lost sheep of the children of Israel - ie - the Jews - it means that the missionaries who Thbtaathm Church in the countries of the Muslim world was s must be sent to the Jews, not Muslims."And what was his answer?D. DAWALIBI: said tomorrow I will be able."The next day, announced the decision," Vatican II ":" The Vatican "has decided to stop the Christianization of the Christian Catholic in the world."... And that was on the day and by
@fahd6478 4 жыл бұрын
ي قرار اين القات
@calfaye2135 5 жыл бұрын
اصل البروتستنت هم يهود اجبروا على اعتناق المسيحيه من زمن بعيد
@ahmeddip3501 4 жыл бұрын
ما فهمت شي 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@faresla6733 2 жыл бұрын
بس كلامو طلع صح ....اليوم امريكا و بريطانيا و أستراليا عملو تحالف ضد فرنسا الكاثةليكية
@azizj8400 3 жыл бұрын
معلوماتك بطيخ
@فؤادمحمد-ج1ت 5 жыл бұрын
هو القضاء على الاسلام واجب بس انتو امكبربن الموضوع وليس لها أي داعي عادي جدا بناء الهيكل قيام إسرائيل الكبرى نهاية الاسلام بس الغرب هم انفسهم يريدون الاسلام وحتى خرب الغرب انته كام ايلعبون ايضا لعبه تعبانه اتروح حسبالك تأمن وتعيش بعد ما تأمن يرجعون ايلعبون لعبه سخيفه مع من مع كبار السن ماله داعي ابد المفروض يابه لتدخل لأن احنه هم نلعب تره وانت رجل تقدم بك السن وما متعود على شي وترف وراحه يعني عادي عندك لتجي لبلادنا لأن تصرف افلوسك ووتباها انك خرجت وتدرس وحر بعده تره انهبك ونرجعك وتنذل وتشبع قهر ارجع لتجي لو اشوف بلاد غير بلادنه يابه شكرا مع السلامه لا قامو يعملو مصائد مغفلين لأجل النهب وبعده يله ولي
@LeavingIslam 5 жыл бұрын
🚨🚔 مؤلف القرآن مات، ولم يستطع منع انتشار المسيحية..
@النجمالثاقب-ز6د 5 жыл бұрын
الله حي لايموت أيها الفاني
@fakhryel-huseini6329 5 жыл бұрын
لاديني بدون دين أتصرّف على فطرة الله Idiots like you may not understand this Shawl Paul Altarosy who killed Jesus dispel who never see Jesus as he claimed on Syrian Sky on the🤥✝️ ended dead 💀 by Roman by axe Scroll of the dead see discovered in Caves close to Dead Sea expose the truth that Cohen Calvin who follows Paul (Shawl the liar 🤥) Zionist Christian Anglican: 1JournalSunday,Dec 26 2010, 06:37:21 PMWhen Europe was almost to be a MuslimThe Jewish priests built a "religion" the Jewish Torah books only, - says Norman Julb "professor of history and civilization at the University of Chicago in his book" Who wrote theDead Sea Scrolls? "- The first five books of the Old Testament known as the" Genesis " and "Exodus" and "Leviticus" and "Numbers" and "Deuteronomy" - excluded books of the prophets of the likes of "Isaiah."What is the story of "The Book of Isaiah," which was attributed to Jesus, peace be upon him, whether it is stated what promises to last the coming of the prophets of God Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.?Where is this "travel" now?Tag Marouf Dawalibi, a former prime minister in Syria and then became a consultant at the Saudi Royal Court, had told the exciting stages that accompanied Found "Isaiah" and the ensuing events is very strange.The discovery of the Book of Isaiah1953 was discovered in one of the caves in the mountains of Jordan, which amounts to about 600 Mgaoerha a cave he was hiding places by the faithful thousands of years ago .. Discovered an important religious manuscripts. One of these manuscripts have been discovered, "Isaiah" correct as a whole, while the publication in the Torah is part of it.After his studies, he met "the Vatican" for a period of four years - from 1961 to 1965 - and have found that this "travel impact the new rules and concepts of Christianity for Islam, and issued a pamphlet calling for the dialogue between Christianity and Islam, and praise Islam asa religion, and regret of the foregoing of disagreement between the religions, and ask to forget the past, and to enter into a dialogue with the Christian-Muslim.The Vatican document important:In the seventies .. Issued by "the Vatican" is an important document. Was a formal recognition of a Christian religion of Islam, for the first time, which stated:(Each of the safe today after God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the God of Abraham, Moses, is God, and the survivors inside in the safety, notably: Muslims).Vatican extend an invitation to the scientists of Saudi Arabia for dialogue between Christianity and Islam:After issuance of this document, "says Marouf Dawalibi, a sign known and a former adviser to the Saudi Royal Court in the era of the late King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, God bless his soul .. Says:After issuance of this document, seashell that we were in the Hajj season with the late "King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz" in 1965, when the "Vatican" by broadcast - an appeal to congratulate the pilgrimage and spend rituals to Faisal, may God rest his soul and to the pilgrims, the individual Faisal broadcasting on the radio , salute this new spirit. And soon, "the Vatican" that sought to engage in dialogue, and people between the certified and disbelieving, until I got the call to us to engage in dialogue with them and visit them, and for the cooperation: "With regard to human rights." We also, in every place, wondering this new spirit.When invited me late King Faisal to ask me my opinion on the call of the "Vatican" to the scholars of the Kingdom of the visit it from "for dialogue and cooperation is not intended to 2search the assets of religion", but cooperation on what he wants, religion, "human rights", Olhit to accept the invitation, and he told me King Faisal to go to the "Vatican" to reveal what's behind this invitation.I went already to the "Vatican" and was with me, Saudi Ambassador to Rome, met the cardinal "Bimonolli", Minister of State in the government, "the Vatican" with regard to relations between Islam and Christianity, I knew that the call is correct and good and they want to cooperate and forget! The past.The Vatican Radio in its publications focus on the meetings that we have we hold that I am "delegate" King Faisal God bless his soul, and "we agreed on the principle of dialogue."Israeli ambassador to intervene:After 48 hours of my departure, "the Vatican" asked the Israeli ambassador in Rome, Cardinal interview "Bimonolli" Although it was not between "Israel" and "Vatican diplomatic representation, but the visit was a request" on behalf of the Government of Israel. "Why Israel's ambassador to the Cardinal:"We ask you to stop any dialogue between the" Vatican "and" The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia "was rejected Cardinal asked the ambassador.On the second day, the ambassador returned and repeated the request and refused his request.... Thus, over five consecutive days ...!! More than that, it sent a "Pope Paul VI," the letter reverence and respect for King Faisal God's mercy, and Roya he has had what took place between the Israeli ambassador in Rome, Cardinal "Bimonolli" from an insistence on the lackof "encounter dialogue" between Islam and Christianity.Revolution within the Vatican:Day, they announced, we have a revolution within the "Vatican" why.?Because it is not the biblical tradition, that starts with "Pope" to write to any head of state has traditionally been, since ancient times, to direct the "Pope" to answer the letters the Heads of State, is not to be started it by typing messages.The start of the interview:Before we begin the dialogue between the scholars of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the "Vatican" was released for! "Vatican II" brochure located in about 150 pages titled "Guidelines for Christian for dialogue between them and the Muslims." They said that Muslims "Survivors of God in accordance with the actions taken by the highest authority in the Vatican."In this atmosphere, began meetings of the "Muslim dialogue - Christian" in the "Vatican" andthen he called us "the Council of European integration" - a decision based on Vatican II - in Strasbourg and then decide the Kingdom of the call also made against the "World Council of Churches" in Geneva, and also from the French Ministry of Justice, then from the "French-Saudi friendship."And all these meetings are in accordance with the spirit that proclaimed "the Vatican", which had a great bang and influence. It was the first time in history where it leaves a delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the Christian West "to meet the Pope" and the Protestant World Council of Churches, which corresponds to the Catholic Church.Stop Christianization:After dating in multiple occurre
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الإسلام لم يأتي لفرض الإسلام، لا إكراه في الدين، كان في عصور النبي محمد صلى عليه وسلم و الخلفاء كان في مسيحيين و يهود و غيرهم، عمر بن الخطاب رضي ألله عنه لما اخذ القدس كان ضيف للرهبان المسيحيين و طلبوا منه أن يصلي في الكنيسة، لكنه رفض خوف من أن المسلمين يقولون هنا صلى عمر بن الخطاب ويحولوا الكنيسة إلى مسجد، فصلى ابعد من أكثر من الأمتار وصلى هناك وبني مسجد عمر، ثما رأى زبالة قرب حائط المبكى فسأل لماذا موجود هذه الزبالة فرد عليه رهبان المسيحيين قالوا لأنه هناك يصلون اليهود، فأمر عمر بن الخطاب رضي ألله عنه بتنظيف الموقع و قال دعوا اليهود ان يصلوا، المسييحية هي من اتهمت اليهود بصلب ودم المسيح، مش الإسلام، وكان في ذلك العصور حتى ملحدين، اقرأ قصص هارون الرشيد مناظرات معهم، من أسلم أسلم نفسه، لو اراد المسلمين تحويل الكنائس إلى مساجد في تلك الايام من كان قادر ان يمنعهم، إلا الإسلام نفسه لأنه لا يسمح بذلك، وعلى فكرة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال بأن الإسلام سوف يعود كما بدأ يعني انه سوف ينقرض، اطمن ما تخاف الإسلام سوف يزول، ليس أكثر من بشير و نذير، وكل واحد حر باختيار ما يريد،
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