Very good soundtrack. I don't know Japanese but I enjoyed this as a cryptic video. Thank you. For some more cryptic goodness please consider the generalization of sign. For instance if -1+1=0, and we were to call these 'two-signed' numbers, then wouldn't three-signed numbers obey -1+1*1=0? And doesn't their geometry follow as three rays emanating from the origin equally spaced at 120 degrees apart? The simplex as fundamental; the ray as fundamental; the product is so easy, and you'll find that P3 are the complex numbers in a new suit! Yes, P2 are the real numbers, and P1 obeys the paradoxes of time, being both unidirectional and zero dimensional. Yes, P4, P5, and so forth do exist as well, and so general dimensional algebra can be found by generalizing sign. Emergent spacetime as mathematical in nature can be pursued when you discover the breakpoint in behavior: P1 P2 P3 | P4 P5 P6 ... Each of these number systems stands freely as its own type. They form a family of number systems known as the polysign numbers. How they have gone overlooked by so many great mathematicians I have no idea, and I do not claim to be in their midst. It's just dumb luck I guess that I bumped into them with my free time. Break the real number open, and you'll realize that the ray is more fundamental than the line. If you refuse to go here then I must call you out as a Cartesian fraud, and yet Descartes had nothing to do with it.