Alcryst is definitely a marked step above other lyn users assuming you aren’t attempting to speed fix one of your favorites. Luna can activate on astra storm and while you discredit it, I do feel that the additional range is incredibly valuable. You’re able to activate bosses much earlier for turn conscious playthroughs, it helps when your army needs to be split up, and then there are shenanigans like FX5 where it can be used on the wyverns. It’s incredibly flexible. The speed fixing also helps him since his speed is okay at best and really helps to unlock brave bow + Luna builds. Additionally the extra skill she gives means additional chance to activate that Luna.
@SuperSoyajin Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: speed stacked up by Speedtaker remains even after you engage with Alear. I expected it to disappear since you technically lose the skill while engaged with Alear, but I tested it and you actually keep it. Being engaged with Alear only loses you the ability to accumulate more stacks.
@ThePandaByte Жыл бұрын
Lyn on a warrior is fun cause you can combo break staff => astra storm with warrior passive to take out threats at a huge distance
@razorsharp5643 Жыл бұрын
As far as I know, the 1st Fire Emblem game released in the west was Lyn (and Eliwood and Hector)'s Blazing Blade. And god damn did they make her strong. Alacrity, Speedtaker, Speed +3 to +5 and even Astra Storm were all useful tools.
@Blood_Ronin Жыл бұрын
Lyn with some of the new units you get from DLC are really good. (Looking at you Rafal)
@sphyxsairiss Жыл бұрын
Lyn, emblem of speed fixing. Edit: much like Ivy, Zelestia also enjoys having Lyn equipped. However, unlike Ivy her strength stat is very respectable. Chrom's Surprise Attack also kind of negates the need for alacrity on crit builds while also making crits do 4x damage instead of 3x.
@ThePurpleKnightmare Жыл бұрын
Her engraving is best for Axes, which suffer from lower hit, and high weight, while having high enough might that losing 3, while still a very very big deal, is not as bad. I haven't done too much with engravings to know what my ideal weapon for it is, but I think a Tomahawk is one of the better weapons to use it on that pops into my mind atm. It has the awful 60 hit and 16 weight, which just makes it really bad despite it's 1-2 range necessitating it. 20 crit is a huge bonus on top of that, meanwhile your average endgame axe ranges from 6-19 Might without upgrades. Tomahawk has 14. It's not the highest but it is super high, losing 3 brings you to 11, which is still higher than Hammer/Poleaxe/Brave Axe and makes you equal to Killer Axe. 10 less crit, equal might, 35 more hit, 1 more range. If you are running a Killer Axe build on someone, Tomahawk with this engraving is a very nice secondary weapon.
@leoerus Жыл бұрын
My main use for lyn in my first maddening playthrough was to bait paralogue bosses I did this with all but lyn herself and lucina, it was way easier focusing on enemy phasing until they inevitably ran into my team and I got the one turn kill rather than pushing into certain maps (like Sigurd or Celica) I'm doing my 2nd maddening run rn and am not going to use that strategy, sort of want to see how it would be to tackle the maps more 'normally'
@enric0392 Жыл бұрын
I always thought that Lyns Paralouges might be useful for grinding a unit with Lucinas Parthia but I haven’t tested it.
@TheMoris Жыл бұрын
One pretty good usage for alacrity is for one-rounding wyrms without taking damage, and without needing to rely on the wyrm missing its attack. In my iron man, I combined it with a brave lance and the Eirika ring on Chloé, and it made a lot of encounters much easier, as I didn't have to account for at least one of my units taking a bunch of damage that ignores def/res on player or enemy phase. There are certainly much more optimal builds for dealing with wyrms, but it is a fairly cheap solution that leaves an open skill slot.
@goroadachi9489 Жыл бұрын
Why does Mage Knight Anna make the Levin Sword look like a Toy?
@taranoreilly5101 Жыл бұрын
Mage Knight Clanne does the same thing 😅
@eduardogheranandez Жыл бұрын
I can confirm that Reprisal + with vantage++ is really good. I run those 2 skills on Panette in warrior class with Roy as the emblem ring. I gave her the A rank axe we get from the well with Byleth engraving. I found Lyn's engraving usefull on the great sliver axe. I used it on Penette in a different play through as her primary weapon. On that playthrough I made her a general 😂 with Ike for wrath
@curtcoyote369 Жыл бұрын
My favorite usage of Lyn is using her on the new unit Rafal. It bumps up his okay speed to excellent. He has additional range due to his dragon type bonus, gets an additional clone and has better damage with the Mulagir Astra Storm due to his high strength. I prefer that over using a covert Lyn.
@marcellusveneziano2130 Жыл бұрын
I had a meme-y build where I ran speedtaker alacrity on Marth Alear with a brave sword. It was hilarious watching her hit them 6 to 8 times before they could counter attack. Granted, they were dead by hit 4 or 5 most of the time, but it was really funny.
@eustacemcgoodboy9702 Жыл бұрын
I found this one very easy on maddening with a full team. And I ran 5 fliers. I find a high avoid unit makes the best use of Lyn's doubles because they also avoid attacks and can counter for serious damage. Currently I'm running her on Anna as Mage Knight which seems suboptimal in theory yet is working out just fine.
@ProtoTypeFM Жыл бұрын
If you put Lyn on a non-bow user, you'll need less bow users overall than if you put her on a unit that already has bow access, that might be something to consider. In future runs I wont run dedicated bow users anymore, its just not worth it, and I think you can get away with that more easily if you run someone with Lyn in addition to something like 1-2 warriors, rather than of 1-2 warriors and Lyn on one of them.
@TheJaredPunch Жыл бұрын
Sweep Across! Emblem of Blazing! It’s my birthday!
@IcedCoffeeGaming Жыл бұрын
Awww ye, happy birthday : )
@TheJaredPunch Жыл бұрын
@@IcedCoffeeGaming thank you 😊
@saggsman Жыл бұрын
Lyn is such a high demand emblem which is technically the only con I think of meaning that almost everyone wants. Especially considering she is…wait for it……..PURE UPSIDE! Seriously though, Lyn does make someone like Kagetsu, Ivy, Timmerra, etc, really does appreciate the speed boosts as well as access to Mulagir for OHKOs on Wyvern Knights. But a number of people really could use some speed fixing. Except for units like Merrin or Lapis who really don’t need it per say but wouldn’t say no to it either.
@DragonGamer64 Жыл бұрын
Maybe a bit niche but Lyn users can uniquely utilize charm off chrom with your doubles for a slight increase in accuracy
@rhettmitchell Жыл бұрын
The only unit I can think of that can really take advantage of everything Lyn has is Alcryst for more speed and Luna procs on Astra Storm but that’s really it
@shujinkydink Жыл бұрын
Have you made a video on the best abilities to pair with units?
@IcedCoffeeGaming Жыл бұрын
Not yet, but that will be a great one to do. I will need more experience with builds and have only personally tested so many but I would love to more build videos or ability unit pairing videos.
@kiretan8599 Жыл бұрын
Lyn on mage knight anna lucina levin sword, trust me guys, you won’t even need bonded shield cause she becomes a dodge tank 😂 (well technically still needs bonded for enemy phasing like whole map sections) but you can just have her charge in solo for the most part like 95% 😂 You can kindah already see it at the start of the video, she has 85 avoid, with sigurd which only gives 20 avoid, and sword power is -10 avoid . Speed taker also gives her 20 more avoid at +10 speed bonus! You will have enemy hitrates in the 20 to 30% (w/dlc is even more disgusting cause of starsphere and her high speed, high build)and generally have to be only mindful of sword enemies since they have high hitrates but with alacrity you just one round them first and let the axe and lance enemies just charge into her .
@DarkflameEmperor Жыл бұрын
Chloe as a general with Speed +5 would have 40 SPD if you get the speedtaker 10 SPD. Not the best way to use Chloe but an interesting route to take a class I never use.
@rhettmitchell Жыл бұрын
Lovely Lorca
@pketr5 Жыл бұрын
From my experience, alacrity allows bow users to kill mages and ranged flyers (Levin sword, spear, tomahawk) that you need to double to kill without getting hit. They tend to be squishy. Other than that, not much.
@MasterStacona Жыл бұрын
Lyn is op on high strength users of 40/45/50% strength users so that her ultimate skill can one shot units on Maddening, the clones are pretty busted on Maddening since the AI will attack them, speedtaker and Alacrity++ is pretty good, and her ring gives a bunch of speed and dex which pairs well with all of the high strength users in the game and really makes them pop off to absolutely nuke everything they touch. Also, I just realized Madeline would be a really good Mage Cannoneer. She is will be low damage, but very high accuracy on it which the biggest weakness to them is their low accuracy. She also just functions the same role as Louis and can be S tier as a General, screw Bonded Shield, let's go GENERAL NATION!!
@joshuameek8007 Жыл бұрын
How do clones work with the hero class? they don't get the double chain attack passive right? realizing i haven't tried it yet
@ayylmao633 Жыл бұрын
In before "my etie/boucheron was fixed with lyn!!"
@IcedCoffeeGaming Жыл бұрын
Lmao, has this become a meme now
@ThisIsntAYoutuber Жыл бұрын
Tbf Etie falls into the high strength category. There are definitely other users of Lyn that can use it better, but Etie is high on the list of people who destroy shit with her, behind Amber and Panette(Rosado’s base Str is awful despite his 45% str growth) Boucheron on the other hand… he’s literally the opposite of someone who needs it. Although he can use it, his godawful strength and surprisingly high speed and build means that he doesn’t need Lyn, he needs someone like Roy or that one Bond Ring that gives Lethality.
@lunamaster123 Жыл бұрын
Greetings Mr. Gaming. Could you possibly tell me how you make your videos? I'm wanted to make a FE video, but I realized that I don't have any knowledge on capture and editing. Any advice is appreciated.
@IcedCoffeeGaming Жыл бұрын
You will need some kind of recording software on your computer and a thing to connect the switch to the computer. There are different free screen recorders you can get and tutorials on how to connect your switch to a PC to get the output.