Looking forward to the results from testing. I bought a used Mokose camera a while back and it would be interesting to put it to use especially since you can use different C/CS-Mount lenses with it.
@LynkSpyder6 ай бұрын
That would probably be a good use case for those cameras. We have several and will try to test them. Keep in mind, if it works at all, it will most likely require the Mevo Pro subscription since they are not a Logitech device.
@LynkSpyder6 ай бұрын
Just wanted to follow up to say that we tested the Mokose C100 and it does work with the Mevo MultiCam Beta app. You have to use the bulky blue Mokose USB cable. But it works with either a USB Hub (with a USB-A port) or a USB-A to USB-C adapter. Thanks for suggesting. This has a lot of potential.
@styner836 ай бұрын
@@LynkSpyder Thanks so much! I tested yesterday with my iPad mini 6 and the Mevo Go app just to check the connectivity. I was able to get it to work but needed a hub with USB C into the iPad and then a USB A to USB A between the camera and the hub. USB cables always confuse me. I have so many but never know which ones have both power & data.