所有偉大的成就,都是滿滿的熱情,這部電影也是一樣。我是資深莫粉,非常喜歡這部電影,原聲帶也是百聽不厭,我很欣賞Sir Neville Marriner, 還特別去倫敦St Martin in the Fields 聽莫札特音樂會。另外海牛介紹的布拉格看唐喬凡尼,真的很值得去,歌劇院華麗精巧,而且舞台設計及服裝都有新設計,很有創意。海牛的介紹很精彩,莫粉按一萬次讚都不夠!
This is a marvelous video about Amadeus. I’ve watched this movie countless times since small but I only watched the Director’s cut last year. Thanks for letting us know about the Mozart marathon event in Feb! Wish I could be there and participate!
@@jessicachiu5953 莫札特的魔笛就有在某種程度上借鏡音樂至上中的ucuzza cavatina了(還有wiki裡面的帕帕奇諾口哨源自降 B 大調克拉維琴巴洛協奏曲),薩里耶利是真的不會輸,所以我懷疑他看魔笛看到很爽其實還有一部份是被莫札特這個神童借鑑借的很爽www
@曹惠康2 жыл бұрын
@aiofilms5 ай бұрын
@pixewang2 жыл бұрын
@ykwoo532 жыл бұрын
I found you are the best explaining great musician, Never heard such megnificent narration , personally loving music , reciting symphonies , yet not the profession , after retirement , used previous piano training , even one summer 10hours per day , then trained several Mozart sym later playing only Chopin yet very difficult to reach his spirit , this Mozart movie , already viewed more than 10 times many operas very difficult to understand even bought his all collection , today able to understand some spirit of this movie , thanks