AI 是革命性的技術,有顛覆人類社會的重要影響力。老白所提供的分析把這個專業性極高的科技產業用淺白易懂的語言普遍地介紹給國人和網友,使我們對整個產業的發展,投資,和應用,有起碼的認識,實在是非常重要的貢獻!比如對於AI 產業的能源消耗和綠色碳排放之間的抉擇,是每個現代公民都應該深知的。謝謝你的努力,繼續加油! 對於博主勤奮不懈去傳播正確的科研信息,我們深表敬佩!
By transitioning to solar energy and battery storage-as envisioned by Elon Musk-we could avoid the dangers of nuclear energy and fossil fuels, creating a more sustainable and resilient civilization. Solar power, supported by advanced storage solutions, offers a path to clean, renewable energy that doesn’t carry the same risks of environmental destruction or technological catastrophe. Following this approach would not only support human civilization in the long term but also reduce our environmental impact and the potential for large-scale energy-related disasters. In Musk’s vision, solar energy and battery storage are key to a safer, more prosperous future.