1. Football gate high should be 10 feet, not 10 inches? Width should be 18.5 feet, not 18.5 inches? 2. What is the starting point of kick off? 3. What is the location when kick the field goal?
不要一下學太多, 先學一些球员名稱, 職位, 簡單的規則, 譬如: 四次機會將橄榄球推進10碼, 第一試 (first down), 叫 "first and 10", 如果球只球推進了四碼, 第二試叫 "second and 6" - 第二試 (second down) 需要推進球六碼才能換成 "first and 10", 如果球只推進了一碼, 第三試 (third down) 叫 "third and 5" - 必需推進球至少五碼才能換成 "first and 10", 如果推進球少五碼, 只推進了三碼, 可以選擇第四試 (fourth down), 但是第四試很 risky, 叫 "fourth and 2", 如果不成功, 你的對手拿到球權, 從你失敗的 fourth down position 開始他們的 "first and 10", 糟糕的是那可能離他們的 end zone 很近, will be an easy touch down and score 6 points. 要學美式足球, 最好是跟懂得人一起看球賽, 邊看邊讓他們一點一點解釋給你聽