Mearg Tsgehiwet, እሞ እንታይ ደኣ "ኣነ ኢሪትራዊ'የ" ትብል "ኢ/ኤሪትራ" ዝበሃል ትግርኛ'ዶሎዩ። ወይስ ንሕና ነሓይሽ ናይ ፃዕዳ ንቐድሕ ንስኹምከዓ ናይትፀሊም ሚኒሊክ ትቐድሑ ኢኻ ትብልዘለኻ? እቲሓቂ ንተጋሩ ኣብ ክልተ ምስተኻፋፈሉና እቱ ሰሜን ደሎ “I’m a civilized one ... I’m an Eritrean” ክብል ጀሚሩ ዓርሱ ረሲዑ፣ እታ ዝዓበየት ንቕሓቱ ነቱ ንዕዑ ዝመስል ኣብ ደቡብ ንዝርከብ ትግራዋይ ምኻኑ'ዩ። It’s kind of “to be a civilized Eritrean u have to hate your brother or sister in the south & say “agame” It is really shame history of human beings!
When you tie a hen with long rope ,thinks she is free but the reality is in opposite you are victims of your owen failed plan what you had tried to implement your monopoly in east Africa.The opposite is true now trying to contain you from left and right .Now are you ready to pass this challenge independently as hiwahat ?if the answer yes good luck.If the answer is no give power to great the people of Tigray will figure it out what is good for them selves and for the region to live peacefully because every thing great comes from people to the people.