Make 1000+ PER WEEK in SoD Phase 4 - Season of Discovery

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@t2d748 Ай бұрын
restorative potions are absolutely insane for some mc bosses and imo are pretty mandatory to keep people from having to dispell, been making quite a bit of bank from them last few weeks.
yeah restorative is a great call..the raid just has too many curses and magic debuffs. it's like it was designed for twice the number of decursers lmao. thanks for the tip t2d
@ElectroPowerrr Ай бұрын
Message for all the VIEWERS, i've been seen tens of gold farming methods on YT and i can assure you that this video is one of the best IF not the best for all of those that doesen't have much time to play the game, stick with loot that are garanteed ( like daily quest or coins ) and you'll be good to go
thanks so much for saying this electropowerrr, I am glad it is a goldmaking guide that I follow myself daily, sometimes guides are more of a list of options for people, but in this case this is exactly what I do every day for gold with no exceptions lol
@Printzor Ай бұрын
So many ways to make gold it’s so nice. Every morning at reset the guildies and I bust out a strat and scholo and then BRM eruption! Phase 4 is so good!
it's fantastic because my biggest complaint in the past classic has been that time isn't necessarily rewarded with gold. ie you can play for hours and not be guaranteed any profit, methods get saturated fast, you can't just farm for 10 hours. - now you can legit just do dungeons for 5 hours if you want, or BRM on multiple characters, or any number of other things
@scdogg444 28 күн бұрын
My secret was selling my 15k gold and quitting SOD. My life is much better again. I can't believe I tried wow again. 🎉🎉🎉
@NOHITJEROME 27 күн бұрын
ok serious question how did you make the 15k though
@dwarni5968 Ай бұрын
My secret gold making method: Don't raid.
ya raiding costs all my gold and if i didnt raid id have 10k saved up zz..well gotta spend the money on something lol
@lashaxoperia5917 Ай бұрын
My secret, don't play classic wow, it takes longer grind for raid mats than raid itself. Classic Draenor/Legion when ? 2 My favorite expansions by far along with TBC
@KLMR Ай бұрын
@@lashaxoperia5917 first time ive heard someone say draenor was their favourite xpac, a true psychopath
@fp3977 8 күн бұрын
@@KLMR The raids were absolutely amazing in WoD. The rest of the content was the issue :(
@fp3977 8 күн бұрын
Investing as much as you can will most likely be the best option. With the server transfers the resources will start dwindling for consumes and once BWL pops off people will be looking to min-max ASAP for more loot with 3 affixes. Hopefully there's enough people left playing by then though, not looking too hot sadly.
@kyleshortridge94 Ай бұрын
I am making and spending crazy gold playing the game like a hard working gnome. Yesterday I bought up all the shadow power pots at 50s and started with 400% markup for fun so I could try out flipping more. It went very well.
yoooo that's fantastic. i think any sort of consume flip like that will work out most likely. less and less dungeons will be run which means less boxes, less herbs, less everything. and people are still going to want full consumes for their raids, maybe even more consumes than before
@2001trash Ай бұрын
Dire Maul East stealth farming herbs and chests has been a lifesaver for me
how much gph do you estimate that is? i wanted to check out dire maul lasher farming on my priest as well. apparently can do that even with holy nova
@2001trash Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME Honestly i dont even think i could tell you, i have farmed it pretty consistently over the last week and have probably made around 1300g - 1500g mainly from the herbs. On my server (Lone Wolf EU) prices for Dreamfoil, gromsblood and ghost mushroom fluctuate pretty hard but usually but those three herbs are the major gold makers - greens from chests have also done pretty well so long as i get lucky when disenchanting them.
@noerawan4809 Ай бұрын
​@@NOHITJEROMEmining herb and trash. 200g with 3player full run
@dwarni5968 Ай бұрын
I farmed Stormers for 2 hours (4 - 6 am), killed 241 and got 9 essences of air. For 30 minutes I had one competitor, the rest of the time I had the spot for myself only. Probably only worth if you are the only player there. But more than 2 essences an hour.
that's excellent dwarni, i have to say it's amazing to see the spot not packed with players. in 2019 it was always packed, but now players have superior rep farming locations like BWL during the blackrock event
@nataliep6385 Ай бұрын
I have a nephew that is 11 years old - I always pay him money to farm golds for me. He really loves WoW, but his parents won't let him have an account of his own yet.. So I pay him 3 dollars per 100g and he can play on my account. He LOVES it
that's amazing, gonna be honset i think you just completely solved wow goldfarming. im not even convinced this is against the rules lmao
@nataliep6385 Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME Well, sharing a WoW account is against the rules.. well at least it was back in 2006. Not so sure today
@@nataliep6385 not sure if that applies to family members though lol..think you found a loophole
@adamburrows7066 Ай бұрын
Honestly I woulda loved to be able to do that for money as a kid :D
@user-sv6kt7dg9o Ай бұрын
I'll do it for 2 dollars😂
@groweachday155 Ай бұрын
Best part of this video was the gnome kick, but seriously, ty for the tips, will try them out! Essence of air prices change so fast on my server's AH I have to often repost them lol, but still better then essence of water that dropped to 18g atm.
groweachday thank you for your comment, the fluctuation on essences is wild but really they should stabilize/rise in value even as people get more and more upgrades that need enchants. my suspicion is the average player can't really afford enchants like spellpower anyways yet lol
@aaroncopple6198 Ай бұрын
You almost made it lol then with in the last two mins...there we go poor GNOME DOWN!
it was building cant go 8 minutes without kicking a gnome my friend
@cuzzourt35 Ай бұрын
Ran DM east and West with a guildie tank and got two class books that I sold for over 250g. So I try to add those to my daily dungeon real runs. Got a third that went to someone else. Grab all the tubers to sell the 10int food too.
great tip..are the class books nearly guaranteed? i buy the run tun tuber surprise for my raids. i believe it is the bis food for casters but i never see anyone using it. need a good PR campaign for those tubers to raise prices lol
@scottleon2311 Ай бұрын
ngl.. im always on the lookout for jeromes gold making vids as they are well known to contain secret gold making sauce😈
appreciate you saying that scott, hope you learned a few things from this video. i wish i had taken advantage more of the fused wiring trick before putting this out
@Ikthariusx Ай бұрын
selling portals outside kargath
that's a great one, i buy portals all the time for 4g. how many sales do you get per hour? only problem I see is some bots auto inviting people..that's annoying imo
@Ikthariusx Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME i have a strategy that beat the bots, but i don’t want to give it away. i can make about 100g an hour or more. i’ve gotten 5-10g per portal. pays for all my raid consumes as a warrior main (know this trick from maining a mage forever since private server / classic) -Pwnz
@pepelaugh3993 Ай бұрын
Bro this is crazy i see the same mages on Lone Wolf EU standing there every day all day basically. Myself is easily buying 5-7 portals a day and i can just imagine how much they’re making 😅
@JohnSmith-ez5pw Ай бұрын
BRE dailies and a Full Strat Run (using reals to buy a lava core) nets you an easy 120 gold per day. Pair that with arcanite xmute for 70ish more gold profit every 2 days. That's pretty efficient.
yep exactly, that's the insanely good loop to do right now. what's cool is it rewards you for your time and it's pretty fun too. i don't get bored doing strat and i love the gold
@subaruuuu1 Ай бұрын
I haven't touched dailies in p4 yet, focused mainly on levelling alts for profession CD's, how do you get these dailies? Are there any requirements?
@@subaruuuu1 the blackrock dailies you just pick up at thorium on "even" hours (12 2 4 6 8 10) and you do them in about 20min - get there at the start of the hour and you can find a group easy to get the quests done in 20min for ~46-50g. as for dungeons, you can just spam them and turn the reals into boxes at pix in booty bay - stratholme being my recommendation
@purpleganja2 Ай бұрын
I don't understand why ppl buy the boons from the ah for double price. Too lazy to walk to the reagent vendor across the street?
some people legitimately do not know where to buy them. plus you might be strapped for time and you have a summon pending and you are at the AH anyways and you just buy 10 real quick lol
@purpleganja2 Ай бұрын
Made me imagine ppl going to chromie buying them for 10g and then finding this awesome deal in the ah lol
@schalklubbe8311 18 күн бұрын
Lol, arcanite bars sell for 25g. 80g profit? Realms differ a ton
@NOHITJEROME 18 күн бұрын
definitely prices have tanked. do you think the forced server merginmg coming up will have big economic changes? maybe you can stock up a ton on cheap stuff
@schalklubbe8311 18 күн бұрын
Desperately hope the mega server will breathe new life into it, indeed ​@@NOHITJEROME
@montoneas9618 Ай бұрын
Really great video man! You inspire me!
yoooo thank you montoneas, that means a lot. hope you are having no problems getting gold this phase
@SG-777 Ай бұрын
stop wearing those pants bro please for the love of god
@spk._ Ай бұрын
I got mute for "spamming chat" for selling enchants and not following their set pricing for enchants
@@spk._ daaang wish I had mentions that in the video.. the automated systems mean sellers can mass report competition. Really sucks that they get away with that
@spk._ Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME yes, made 6 k in a weekend but now I can't chat
@gabebanks8102 Ай бұрын
25g per reals box is wild
it's wild, especially since you can pretty much just do 1 strat a day and get ~4 boxes and righteous orbs. i just end up at 600-700 gold per week now without really doing anything. but for some reason most people still aren't doing this
@lukasmischlich1178 Ай бұрын
Idk is it really better to gamble away? Librams of resilience dropped to around 40 on my server and black lotus is nice (I'm rogue and alchy so I can easily make even more use of those) but it still alway feels more worth to just buy a bunch of cores and sell them when they are above 50g at the ah. But maybe I've just haven't been to lucky on my boxes yet
@andycarr-smith9266 Ай бұрын
BRE event farming essence of fire. great for the first 3 days at 60 then they buffed resilience drops and everyone jumped on it
you get essence of fire from BRE event? from the giant molten fellas?
@lukasmischlich1178 Ай бұрын
No just kill the fire elementals. There's alot of spots you can tag like 4 without moving much and they constantly respawn. You get heaps of essences and often resi librams out if it
@@lukasmischlich1178 thanks for this tip, i want to try that now lukas. never considered farming the elementals
@Permuh Ай бұрын
My magical gold farm is called real life work and buying the gold instead. The gold per hour investment is phenomenal!
@idkidgaf Ай бұрын
Hey, this guys just saying what we’re all thinking.
i bet its good but the problem is what if your gold seller isnt online? you need a reliable way to make money if they arent available
@jamesr5440 9 күн бұрын
Nah, ill stick to dropping $100-130 dollars every few months and get 10k+ gold each time and chill. 4 hours of work is worth over 50+ hours of game time to farm for not even near 10k gold lol 😂
@adamburrows7066 Ай бұрын
25g avg profit from the boxes is insane luck haha :D I'm at 27 boxes and an 11.5g avg
@NOHITJEROME Ай бұрын might be the server? megaserver crusader strike has high prices. i didn't consider that you might get much lower average value. i am sorry my friend
@fieswow 27 күн бұрын
I try to make some smart investments
@NOHITJEROME 26 күн бұрын
what are some of your smart investments fies? mats and recipes for ony scale cloak? :D
@CatDad09 Ай бұрын
Too close to TWW to care about making gold in SoD anymore sadly. My server (Wild Growth) is struggling to fill pugs for anything.
understood, hope they server merge us all together soon. this game ONLY works if we are packed with players and TWW will be a big hit
@oTrentx Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME dont know what hes talking about have had no problems finding pugs lolol
@TheRealNenharm Ай бұрын
I've been making a lot of gold off of repair bots, on a typical tuesday I can make 300-600g from just the repair bots and the mats cost me about 1/3 of the cost
have you been getting fused wiring from the normal target dummies? makes the whole process WAY cheaper. i haven't been crafting the repair bots but i want to recipe recently
@TheRealNenharm Ай бұрын
@NOHITJEROME I just buy the fused wiring off the ah
@nickcashmore2627 Ай бұрын
Literally just made a hunter to sit at DM charging 15-20g per person to buff lol
you get a lot of customers doing that? i honestly could do that and should lol
@nickcashmore2627 Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME Yeah its pretty good tbh, lots of people usually looking to buff
@swisskeey4371 Ай бұрын
can you explain, i'm not sure what u mean
@dekelmaroz1488 Ай бұрын
What’s the best way to farm argent dawn rep?
@ElectroPowerrr Ай бұрын
Stratholme with the trinket " Argent of Dawn "
strat/scholo runs. if all 5 are taking the scourgestones strat is more efficient, if it's just you then scholo
@@ElectroPowerrr exactly, also strat is the most efficient with 5 people using the trinket. if you are somehow the only one using the trinket, scholo should be better
@ivanbajic1542 29 күн бұрын
that hunter who sell cynder summon, hes sexy af
@NOHITJEROME 29 күн бұрын
hes good at av defense too
@ivanbajic1542 29 күн бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME i heard he camp ppl in cave
@Unad777 Ай бұрын
nobody is buying my shardtooth ek'o
they will.check at peak times. people undercut since theres no fee if i recall..that's the problem. spam undercuts. sell in stacks of 3 and repost often at peak times
@KPT818 Ай бұрын
Another Jaaaarome video!!!
yooo kpt appreciate you, hope your week is going great
@rayfrileu Ай бұрын
I started selling crack in Goldshire
who is the biggest customer? gnomes?
@aaronrodgers9202 Ай бұрын
​@@NOHITJEROMEthe gnomophobia is real 😂😂
@krzysztoflaba4204 Ай бұрын
Make a new 1-60 leveling guide video please.
id love to, but i havent seen the meta shift that much. so far it still seems like questing -> start pushing incursions at 40, start pushing raids at 50 especially (st)
@plummet3860 Ай бұрын
its £10 for over 1000g who the fuck farms
where the hell do i get 10 dollars lol
@tytygreenrich9407 Ай бұрын
Thank you!
THANK YOU TYgreenrich, hope your goldmaking has been going well my friend
@rimonshamon8607 Ай бұрын
What a rip off the price on salt and other mats 😊
hmmm...well people are happy with what you pay them so thats all that matters really
@CSyoutube5673 Ай бұрын
SoD players be like: Farm for a week and get 1000 gold? Or swipe for $20 and get 1000 gold? Hmmm 🧐
i bet 1000 gold costs like $200 theres no way
@austinbyrd531 Ай бұрын
It's like 17 bucks as of today lmao
@@austinbyrd531 17 dollars for 1000g? i dont know if that means the game is dead or its just easier to make gold
@infinitepool1672 Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME It's been that cheap since P1
@@infinitepool1672 hmm..It may have made sense in p1 but it’s a lot easier to get gold now. Dungeons are really chill
@itztoravisu Ай бұрын
Made 1500g just today selling the 20fire res. easiest gold i ever made lol
yooo that's amazing, do you main a rogue where you can easily refill burning essence? or just joining pugs
@Davehww6w6qq Ай бұрын
@@Davehww6w6qq you can do it too dave, take advantage of peoples laziness :D
@itztoravisu Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME I have a guildie that mains a rogue, and we just spend about an hour collecting them in brd, and kill angerforge for a chance at a freebee libram first kill we ended up getting one. Depending on who has the key it’s faster and easier to duo with a rogue
@itztoravisu Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME can get free Libs and 20 essences an hour, split between 2 so 10 each 1-2k a day depending on lib price and up charge and supply and demand, you can 100% solo but it takes a massive amount of time
@pepelaugh3993 Ай бұрын
Thanks Jerome. Where does the burning essence drop from?
@grissebasse99 Ай бұрын
Dark Coffer chest in BRD. It's in the loot table
it's the relic coffer thing in brd, sorry for late response
thanks grisse for helping sorry i didnt get back to him in time
@pepelaugh3993 Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME no worries. Great video.
@@pepelaugh3993 thanks Fred hope you are having a great weekend
@user-tr3wg7qd6h Ай бұрын
Phase 5 hype!
phase 5 hype lmao..hope we get that new raid. kara crypts?
@Sulamanjansulttaani Ай бұрын
Break the loop: quit wow and actually be happy
i tried that, i don't have anything else to fill the time right now. i guess just watching shows. i dont really go outside
@Daftslave Ай бұрын
Break the loop, stop blaming the things you love for your depression
break the loop, exercise, sleep, fulfilling dreams, have you considered restoring the former glory of the roman empire lately?
@Sulamanjansulttaani Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME Gym + Muay Thai did it for me. Im am introvert but not being online 8h a day has really upped my social skills too. Wow is like poison to me 😅
@Sulamanjansulttaani Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME Only you can decide what to fill the time with. Hobbies are 100 times more fulfilling than gaming endlessly.
@xDeathBySpikesx 28 күн бұрын
Buff warriors
@NOHITJEROME 27 күн бұрын
what's the buff you think? i'd say increasing cleave target cap
@xDeathBySpikesx 27 күн бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME increase cleave target cap, increase whirlwind target gap, give them back their damage runes that were gutted end of phase 3
@NOHITJEROME 27 күн бұрын
@@xDeathBySpikesx if you give them more aoe I don’t think you have to go too far rebuffing their single target damage imo
@xDeathBySpikesx 27 күн бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME they should be top dps in raids considering they are the worst class in every other aspect of the game
@NOHITJEROME 27 күн бұрын
@@xDeathBySpikesx give them top 3 at least. Or buff prot warriors so they can tank again lol
@BeatRock253 Ай бұрын
hi beatrock hope u are having a good phase 4
@jamesrobertson6205 Ай бұрын
grats on first that means you will be the richest player here because you get the tips first. are you a millionaire james?
@jamesrobertson6205 Ай бұрын
@@NOHITJEROME Give me a few hours to pump and I'll send you your cut ;)
thats what i like to hear my friend. kick a few gnomes along the way
@YankeeAngler Ай бұрын
yeah but you farm thousands of gold for what? just to do it again on the next version of classic +. seasonal server is a bust. its a raid logging experience. Are they expecting us to keep playing slightly different versions of classic fresh over and over again? Are we expecting them to do something different than what they did with SOM toons?
hmmm.. i guess for me i farm gold for raid consumes mostly, i want to perform highly and i dont want my raid to fail. i see your point though, i guess we are sort of doing the same thing over and over lol. i enjoy it at least, maybe you will again one day my friend
@anytown3821 Ай бұрын
😂 some of us just enjoy playing the game, alts and raiding on multiple characters.
@Ludydobry Ай бұрын
@@anytown3821 nooooooo, stop having fun !!!!!!
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