Make Overwatch Great Again

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@eagerinspirit 2 ай бұрын
the next directors take genuinely determines whether the game lives or dies
@rizaadon 2 ай бұрын
The sad reality...
@Strider1Wilco 2 ай бұрын
How many times does the game have to be in a dire state? How many times to you have to be told that they're gonna listen? Why do you still think they care? It's been 7 years. It's been going downhill. Do you recognize a pattern yet? What are you holding out for? The game isn't going to get better.
@Ccscenario 2 ай бұрын
@@Strider1Wilcothis next discussion is either going to be a closing statement or a new beginning. You either will quit or continue playing.
@yuri990 2 ай бұрын
@@Ccscenariofor someone who has played since launch this is the last straw. I have waited enough.
@mattymo841 2 ай бұрын
I'll be back to this reply after the director's take to see if my favorite game is coming back or if it's gone forever
@zappelins8942 2 ай бұрын
As an outsider looking in this all looks so sad. From what I see people saying it seems like all the band aid solutions just piled up until they started tearing each other apart. GOATS a problem? Introduce role queue so we don't have to bother looking at why no DPS were run. People not queuing for tank enough? Remove one of them to improve queues without any regard for how it would affect the tank experience. People queue for tank even less now? Let's try to make them tankier, I guess? I am probably wrong about the sequence of events, and missing a lot of details but god damn. It is sad to see people not wanting to play a game they once loved with no option to return to a version they actually like because they deleted overwatch 1 for some reason.
@swang8862 2 ай бұрын
People queuing tank even less now? Remove the tank role!
@R4ndomHero_ 2 ай бұрын
To be fair, they did consider how the tank experience would be affected by having only one tank. They decided it was worth it. And turns out, it wasn't. Now they just need to accept that it was a bad decision and revert it for the betterment of the game.
@0mrmatheusbr0 2 ай бұрын
"b-but 5v5 has good queue times...right?"
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
9:30 support queue at peak time on a Saturday night is better than OW1... R...Right guys?
@0mrmatheusbr0 2 ай бұрын
@@realth8572 peak 5v5 moment, that last hog meta on season 10 was my limit i cannot play this game anymore and i'm not having any fun on tank, my favorite role to play in any game, i feel i just wasted my time learning ball due to the counterswap *every* f-ing game, i just can't do it anymore.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
@@0mrmatheusbr0 See you Sunday!
@ryanwoods9608 2 ай бұрын
The issue with queue times is you can't divide by 0. Fix tank if you want good gueue times otherwise 5v5 will suffer like the OW2 dead era
@yuri990 2 ай бұрын
It’s good for a times but they are killing of the teaming tank player base by makeing the role real like shit. In OW1 I played tank, as an off tank. Guess what that does not exist any more so I just don’t play the role anymore. More and more people are not playing the role because it’s shit.
@GallusOW 2 ай бұрын
This hit home too hard. Jesus Christ. Here come the doomposting allegations and tidal wave of toxic positivity insisting ‘criticism bad’!
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
I for one welcome the negative engagement 🥸
@coppolationthree 2 ай бұрын
It is in moments like this that I think of Tracer and her line...' "Y'know? The world could always use more heroes."
@inoo2345 2 ай бұрын
I will never not be pissed at blizzard for just deleting my role. offtank imo when played well was one of the most rewarding role since i was doing a bit of every job. Dva/zarya in scrims/high sr lobbies was the most amount of fun i had in this game. I also loved that my impact was noticeable even to my team. Not once have i heard someone thank me for bubbling or dming them in ow2. I"m just forced to use those super cool cds on myself and if I don't, i die myself. I've played only a few tank games in the past 3 months and every time i queue a tank match i get reminded that no matter the skill gap between me and the guy that was back in ow1 plat now masters tank, if he picks the better tank i just need to accept it and go back to spawn if i want to win.
@Mildicadew 2 ай бұрын
This is honestly the hardest video I’ve seen on the current state of this cesspool of a game. I used to be a support forced into the role of tank in ow1 which I actually enjoyed being forced to be, now in ow2 I dread every time I que all roles
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
Don’t queue tank, force their hand. Either sit in queue or play something with devs who care about your experience!
@heiko2255 2 ай бұрын
@@realth8572 This could actually be one way how Blizzard realizes 5v5 is unfixable In 6v6 you had a baseline of Tank players, from like 2021 - 2022 the Qtimes didnt drop much (Not to mention we got abandoned with 0 Content and the game wasnt even F2P) But now, every Season that tries to "Improve" Tanks just makes it lose players. If 6v6 came back with a good patch that tunes down tanks and if the actually gave it the care it deserved, im 100% certain the Qs wouldnt be bad
@user-fb8ge5ni5d 2 ай бұрын
Always dropping bangers, realth. Love the cinematic feel to it and the call to action. Hopefully stuff changes man.
@Guarrow 2 ай бұрын
I stopped playing rank since season 3 : I never felt such rage playing a game where I had so few impact, and I was master/gm in OW1 and 2. I smashed my table at some point and I was surprised at myself, never a game made me feel that way. Usually if I were bored by a game I would just quit, but I love OW so much I couldn't .... And this made me click. It was such a bad experience I just quit competitive altogether. It's just crazy how they wanted the tank role to be « the main character » in some way, yet it feels like it's the least impactful. I feel SO MUCH MORE impactful when playing DPS.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
When the tank is main character, you can get easy value by stopping the tank doing anything. When you only have one big target, all the firing modes which used to fight for angles against the off-tank are now funnelled down main at the solo tank. When you have no resource extension from Dm and bubble for the main tank, there is one health bar which stops them doing anything if you deplete it. When there is nobody contesting angles, all the dps angular solutions end the fights. When there is no offtank to reduce the volatility in incoming damage, all spam sources get worse. There’s hundreds of reasons this doesn’t work!
@d3cayingc0rpse 2 ай бұрын
Also, now even DPS doesn't have much fun because they are stuck and forced to play the same meta heroes. So now THEY aren't having fun either.
@luiegiii 2 ай бұрын
2CP used to work because you could have multiple tanks. Holding points was easier and teams were not so squishy. Nowadays it feels like if your single tank dies your whole team is done. I miss 2cp and I feel like they could have done more to make those maps work rather than just scrapping them. Pushing a robot is not fun and flashpoint is just weird. It’s not very fun to have to play around such a weird map layout and it’s hard to know which point is going to come next.
@A_Jetsfan 2 ай бұрын
but wait Realth.... you haven't given the giga giga tank a chance yet?
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
“Just one more health increase I promise guys” 😂
@jammyman7085 2 ай бұрын
​​@@realth8572"90% of developers stop increasing healthpools before their game is balanced"
@wajfan 2 ай бұрын
something about overwatch 2 really just feels worse. back in the day, i used to play for hours and hours, in a good mood the whole time. now it feels like i'm on a timer. how long until they go mauga-reaper-bastion-brig-bap when i just want to play winston? how long until my 2-13 junkrat flames me for contesting the backline as doom? how long until i get teabagged by an immortal orisa after she mindlessly chucks her abilities into me for 45 minutes? back in ow1, and nowadays when i play 6v6 customs, i never feel that way. even when i get flamed, it's easier to keep my mental strong because there's more room to adjust playstyle in a format where there's mathematically twice the depth on the frontline (and in practice it's even more).
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
I agree, the depth of the frontline cannot be understated as a factor. If there is no meaningful frontline trade, we end up in a situation where kings row of all maps isn’t something people are excited to play. What a damning situation to get yourself into, that the most universally loved map is hated because you completely removed all depth in an entire aspect of the game.
@wajfan 2 ай бұрын
@@realth8572 don't worry! when the tanks are tankier, then surely their exchanges will be more meaningful!
@ironman1458 2 ай бұрын
this is exactly how I felt too. used to be able to queue for game after game losing track of time, before I uninstalled I could handle maybe 5 min befoer alt f4ing to go do literally anything else. counter swapping killed the game so much
@zechariahcaraballo8765 2 ай бұрын
I never played ow1 but im shocked that the community let blizzard get away with letting them take that game down, no other games done that that I can think of and its unforgivable
@bull_ow 2 ай бұрын
This is hilarious but also a really good rant, well done 10/10 vid.
@soratm7898 2 ай бұрын
Roxas theme in this video is making this very sad… Kingdom Hearts fan here!
@user-cy6xl3vd3f 2 ай бұрын
This video was unironically breathtaking
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
It was going to be a small thing for the second channel, then I went crazy and spent 6 hours editing 5 mins of footage 😂
@akai_shuichi_x 2 ай бұрын
What upsets me isn't just that they're probably not doing 6v6. It's the tone-deaf communication of tank problems like: - Counterswapping is fine right now and it's just a part of the game - Tanks need to be more tanky - Heroes having no weaknesses is perfectly fine - Mauga/Hog/Orisa are just "unpopular, not unhealthy" Along with that they cancelled PvE, but what have we gotten for PvP? No clans, tournament mode, hell even weapon inspects are just locked behind mythic weapons now. The game itself is just stale with no significant content outside of paid skins. I find it hard to understand when people say going back to 6v6 is a lot of work, as if reworking tons of heroes isn't also a lot of work? If they say "we've put a lot of time and effort into 5v5 and don't want to go back" I'd respond with "if you spent years of work on PvE, why was it ok to go back on that?".
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
To their defence, for the first time ever in the spilo dev interview, they finally admitted that characters like moira shouldn’t be viable for a longer period of time in highest level play. One out of 5 is… progress
@neritantan 2 ай бұрын
3:20 "Before simple kits interacted together within a team to produce deep and interesting gameplay and strategy. But now we have overcomplicated, overladen kits with extra passives to try and imitate a FRACTION of what was removed" Wow, you actually hit a homerun with this video, 10/10
@Shadowsmoke11 2 ай бұрын
That was a tight script along with the Roxas theme.
@void.guedes 2 ай бұрын
I started playing tank on season 3 of ow2, I never played ow1. I quit playing tank this season, the pressure, the madness that this role drives me, it's too much. Even I that never played ow1 know that 6v6 would be healthier for this game...
@Queen_Zatanna 2 ай бұрын
I literally mentioned this on forums the second 5v5 was announced. I made plenty custom games manually rolling back bad updates. The death of Rien Zarya, Winston Dva, Orisa Hog was the beginning of the end.
@zc8673 2 ай бұрын
As a support/DPS OW2 player, I have stopped playing the game entirely until 6v6 returns. I would genuinely play tank ALL THE TIME if there was a second tank. JQ is literally one of my favorite characters to play in ANY game, but the game is so miserable for everyone but dps (which is also pretty mid) so I'm just done.
@therebelfrogy9287 2 ай бұрын
Aaron Keller needs to speak to the Overwatch community that: Are they going to comeback to 6v6? A lot a lot OW1 players and people who enjoy that specific type of content are still playing this and contribute their frequent appearance numbers in the 100 million mark because they hope the game they love will eventually comeback
@xythiera7255 2 ай бұрын
The problem is as Tank you are the easyest Target to focuse and the biggest one . Supports are untouchabel for ages now and dps are just there to counter swap by haveing to ignore the supports that have so many negating abilitys free get out ability and a second support pocketing another that you just have to go for the tank the entire game funnels you into that playstyl .
@GaaraFPS 2 ай бұрын
My favorite argument against 6v6 are queue times which was not about the health of the tank but the almost 3 years without an update, and my second favorite arguement was double shield was broken yet by the end of the life span across all ranks Winston Zarya and Hog Zarya was ruining the ladder yet people some how people seem to use the same buzzwords over and over again just to defend the fact that this game was created to have a reason to change the monetization and make an objectively “easier” game for the casual fps playerbase whilst saying fuck the rest of the player base that stood with the game.
@kobban63 2 ай бұрын
Honestly yeah. The appeal to casual fps was one of the stupidest things
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
You have to be careful with the argument here. People will purposefully misunderstand and talk past you. The reason why the 3 years abandonment was bad isn’t because of the abandonment. It’s because of the abandonment of the game in a terrible state which disproportionately effects the tank role, leading to more of them proportionately leaving
@arsen4936 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch is in a Worse State than in all of 6v6 history
@kayanono 2 ай бұрын
I dont know about that one
@kayanono 2 ай бұрын
I love playing against 6 winstons, i love how slow and clunky overwatch 1 was in its first few years. Like do yall just forget the first few years of overwatch 1? Or are the nostalgia pills that strong?
@Guarrow 2 ай бұрын
yeahhhhh not too sure about that tbh, goats and double shield are unbeatable
@ondrejlukas326 2 ай бұрын
​@@kayanono okay, now talk shit about the 6v6 format, let me hear what you have
@kayanono 2 ай бұрын
@@ondrejlukas326 read my comment. Thats a start
@CrazyKiwiChan 2 ай бұрын
Overwatch doesn't deserve to die, like at all! It's as if when they created Overwatch 2, they 've putten the Overwatch franchise in a place that would be soon hit by a nuclear missile. Like man, if the project is unsuccessful, at least make it go back to the way it was! At least everyone wins... Ps: Shoutout for using Roxas's theme or "The Other Promise", my favourite gaming soundtrack of all time! Gave you a like my friend, let us keep fighting for this wonderful game that is Overwatch!
@matheusarantes2989 2 ай бұрын
I had stopped playing OW2, i always queued for all roles,came back for the ashe skin, got tank 5 times straight, thought to myself "this sucks, I'm out" and uninstalled LMAO
@FloatingSpaceKitten 2 ай бұрын
My prediction is that they are just gonna talk about how much better 5 v 5 is, OR do something really dumb to make the tanks worse
@ur0b0r0sXL 2 ай бұрын
i hate how they keep flip flopping on if they want countering to be part of the gameplay loop or if they want there to be minimal countering. either way, it's always going to exist in 5v5.
@yellow4525 2 ай бұрын
I don't think I ever played a game that makes the game worse with every update this consistently. I just want the original game back.
@rohunter88 2 ай бұрын
Fr 😔
@duvetboa 2 ай бұрын
As somebody that used to play Destiny 1 with friends religiously, I wish you were right lol
@dun3scorpion 2 ай бұрын
Clash royale
@rohunter88 2 ай бұрын
@@dun3scorpion that's why I've stopped playing both
@dziosdzynes7663 2 ай бұрын
league of legends
@xaan7458 2 ай бұрын
The cuality from the base game remaining from ow1, combined with the fact that it's free to play, means that it will survive as casual garbage no matter what.
@musicxxa6678 2 ай бұрын
Primary problem the tank have and why i don't play the game anymore is that it's extremely team reliant. Solution is very easy. You just give 20% dps passive to tank role as well that will fix most of the problems. Additionally there can be other game changing things like 1- You will nerf the ridiculous healthpool tanks has. Minimum 10% hp nerf. 2- Armor will be minimum 30% dmg reduction that can go up to 50% for high pellets. Currently it does either no dmg reduction or 50%. 3- You will grant dmg reduction buff to tanks (similar to heal reduction passive) when more than 3 enemy deal dmg to tank. If dmg register from 4 different enemy then tank gets 30% dmg reduction. So tank can actually create space in frustrating moments but also weaker in isolated fights just like in OW1.
@christopher7692 2 ай бұрын
They should remove the dps passive revert health pools and just actually nerf healing numbers and burst dammage instead of this stupid round about way of doing itb
@P-39_Airacobra 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad the developers have finally put themselves in a position they can't walk away from. Either they keep the format as is, and lose all of their playerbase that wants 6v6, or they add some sort of 6v6 mode and rekindle our passion for the game. It's their choice, and they have to make it soon. On a hopeful side, I don't think they would mention 6v6 if they weren't going to revisit it. They should know that doing so would only anger the community.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
They would only do it for 3 reasons. 1. Maybe it’s possible 2. It’s not possible and they have a good reason why (switch can’t handle 12 players, etc) 3. It is possible and they have enough hubris to think that hand waving at queue times will be enough
@Regular_Cat 2 ай бұрын
Ngl this actually is making me wanna stop playing the game to achieve the goal
@HalfAryanHunterGatherer 2 ай бұрын
We need to protest. All the big creators just encouraging everyone to fuck blizzard over until they change back to ow1
@tffffbj5978 2 ай бұрын
Nah just don’t play tank or barely play it so Que time continue to jump
@bad1boy34 2 ай бұрын
Imo the devs are ruining the game trying to make stats look better. Like the stricter leaver penalties make people leave less games but that's because people will just chill and do whatever until the game ends instead of leaving. If they go afk, that's worse than them leaving, but the devs only see the statistic that less players leave games instead of realizing it reduced match quality due to would-be leavers giving up without leaving. Also, allowing the matchmaker to make such wide matches improves the queue time statistic but again worsens the match quality. I say all that because I'm plat and at least half of my matches are against MASTERS players. I just tell my team sorry im plat getting forced into masters lobby and they don't give me trouble for it but its genuinely so unpleasant to me that the matchmaking quality has been intentionally degraded by the devs to such an extent that I have seen value in preventing my teammates from tilting by letting them know asap I am platinum trash. Some of the matches are so bad that my team and I agree to just chill and let the enemy team have it instead of playing respawn simulator for 8 mins lol.
@RIP_ZYZZ1738 2 ай бұрын
If Freedo wants to call people flat earthers, I’ll lean into it and scream MOGA!
@MarvelousButter 2 ай бұрын
lol based
@ziggos9810 2 ай бұрын
Its not longer Overwatch, its Over.
@TigerBlood-m4b 2 ай бұрын
Ill sum up everyone issues with one sentence. Overwatch created am entiely new genre i used to joke with my friends about as being an fpm (first person moba) and now its an fps. It really is as simply as that, theyve removed the moba aspects and if all we wanted to play was a shooter back in 2016 when it won goty, than we wouldnt have played overwatch and we would have stayed playing halo, cod and other shooters and the game wouldnt have won goty. Overwatch still wasnt the vision i had for a fpm but it was close and instead of refining the new genre they had stumbled upon, they slowly made it more like a shooter. So if you trully want your old feeling back, its not 6v6 (although two tanks would help so 6v6 definitely is apart of it) its that we gotta stop leaning into the fps side, i mean they replaced rein with mauga and mercy with kiri and illari and thats all you need to know to see the shooterification of the game.
@magic_arrow 2 ай бұрын
Fuck Overwatch 2, I want Overwatch back, loot boxes and everything
@dergr7283 2 ай бұрын
Would you please elaborate more on the tank boycott? I'm all for a movement but we would need to organize better.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
Samito has said he’s willing to consider the boycott if the 6v6 dev response goes well, we hold out till then. The best part is that we can tank the format and send a clear message, not by quitting the game but by queueing support and dps to ruin their queue times. Nobody likes playing tank regardless, let the role die.
@bstad4321 2 ай бұрын
"accelerate the demise of overwatch 2"
@cakeu 2 ай бұрын
this is poetry... this is cinema!
@chaoscatdrive 2 ай бұрын
they should throw 6v6 it into experimental and see the reception. Oh wait experimental is OW1... Maybe they'll get some content creators to their job for them again. Great video, making me question how much more of this game I can take, and I've been playing since 2017 lmao. Marvel Rivals looking mighty fine.
@iamthemintman448 2 ай бұрын
Since the dps anti-heal passive was introduced I keep thinking about what the point of role que is. Originally its a response to the goats meta, 3tank 3support, but if a dps passive can be made that specifically counters that without making dps overpowered. Why have role que? Throw this game right back to where it was when it launched. when it was goofy chaotic and fun.
@ullr1438 2 ай бұрын
Feels like the game is at a big turning point, all this negativity in the community either slowly stops and the game moves to a better spot or the game becomes stagnant and quiet again
@Mocha_Bui 2 ай бұрын
Unironic MOWGA video.
@notlewis8872 2 ай бұрын
Haven’t played ow since the end of last year and since then I’ve genuinely been enjoying life more (I used to play tank)
@aparuvlad51 2 ай бұрын
in my 7 years of playing overwatch never have i taken more than a month off the game without touching it or looking up ow content. now it feels like a mere shell of its former self
@164Gamin 2 ай бұрын
The year is 20XX. Hardly anyone plays Overwatch because the developers tried to force a format shift. Because of this, the winner of a match depends solely on which team's Tank plays Rock Paper Scissors better. The Rock Paper Scissors Tank metagame has evolved to ridiculous levels due to it being the only remaining factor to decide matches. Humanity has reached its pinnacle. The competitive metagame has gotten to this point where everything is determined by which Tank can counterswap the best, so Tanks play Rock Paper Scissors without leaving spawn for the entire round, and that’s the game. The leaders of the anti-20XX movement aim to keep 20XX from coming. These warriors include one-tricks, busted Supports, and the DPS passive. They are all fighting to keep the apocalypse at bay. But their efforts are futile. Their silly increased projectile sizes are no match for Rock Paper Scissors, the only viable way to play Tank in Overwatch. Try as you will, but 20XX is coming. Or maybe, it’s already here.
@ZeroOne130 2 ай бұрын
I uninstalled it yesterday. Don't even have to queue anything anymore. If a lot of players does it. They will have bring in OW3 with 4v4 1 tank, 1 support & 2 dps. When that doesn't work announce OW4 with 3v3.
@Cardinalriv 2 ай бұрын
If 6v6 comes back, I will continue playing. If 5v5 stays, I am quitting and will move on to marvel rivals. I say this as a t500 player who's dedicated thousands of hours to the game. I am so done...
@cirno9349 2 ай бұрын
My favorite part is content creators refusing to have this conversation and not even acknowledging the argument because then they make their blizzard contact uncomfortable. Wanting a game that feels fun to play to me is definitely equivalent to flat earth or spreading hate totally.
@xchallengerxl6590 2 ай бұрын
I give up on the game tbh. I loved OW1 to the point I'd rush home from school to play it with the bois for hours on end. Now I dread to load it up for more than 10 minutes.
@mokivalera3563 2 ай бұрын
Can’t stop playing tank man, ball is to close to my heart
@TravelerAvi Ай бұрын
Same with me and Ram honestly. ;_;
@ElloboFreak26 2 ай бұрын
the next directors take will be something like "we hear you, but we don't care we are too far deep into 5v5 suck it up tank players"
@Mikuroko69 2 ай бұрын
We can fight for format all we want. Slowly but surely.... Everyone is realizing reverting back to 6v6 would cause less problems. Even the most plausible argument, Queue times, isnt plausible as an argument anymore. "What did our players not like in S8? Immortal Mauga? what about S9? Immortal Orisa? Okay what about S10? Immortal hog? Well then let's fix that issue by making all tanks immortal then. Surely then players will enjoy our game!"
@Soda_Drunka 2 ай бұрын
As much as I want to see OW rise again, it's not really possible in my eyes anymore, as fun as it was with my friends, it's became unplayable for one and just boring for the others We need the Destiny 2 treatment, push it as low as it can go for it to only shoot back up and prove to us it has one last spark left into it
@isaacheredia4126 2 ай бұрын
Tbh I hated tank synergy in OW1. I hope if 6v6 returns the emphasis on synergy diminishes
@conradgunther7562 2 ай бұрын
The Roxas sad boy music is killing me lol
@shadespo 2 ай бұрын
I cried watching this, I hope team4 sees this
@mazali2455 2 ай бұрын
I just want my 6v6 and reaper being able to kill tanks a
@Guarrow 2 ай бұрын
I'm writing a post on Reddit, trying to tackle what are the issues of the tank role and some suggestions. It's going to take a while but I might send it to you, would love to have your opinion Most people say « they need to fix counter swap » but in my opinion, it's just the symptom of the many issues that the tank role has. They really didn't gave enough thought when they decided to have a single tank. It's not really a bad idea in my opinion, but they barely touched Reinhardt or DVa and it shows. Playing tank in a soloQ setting feels like playing flip coin : either your team follows you and you have a good time, or they don't and you're doomed
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
Shoot me up in discord DM's whenever
@elitexxguy 2 ай бұрын
I feel like counterswapping is bad but not the real worst part. The worst part is just how many characters on dps and support you just can’t really interact with on tank. Sombra, tracer, fliers, Hanzo, cass, Bap, zen etc. like I’d rather play Winston vs a reaper bastion cause they have clear weaknesses than a Bap zen poke comp cause you just get shredded anywhere on the map. Even if u do hit a good dive you’ve got like 3 seconds before you are low health and need to get out.
@RyuNoZero Ай бұрын
thing is OW2 also brought alot of downgrades, Portrait Border Progression is gone, no more free lootboxes.. Battle Pass doesn't even matter when you reached Rank 200 and all of it would be okay if they delivered on the Promise of PvE.. and then they scrapped it... that was the straw that broke the Camels Neck. What is Aaron doing the whole time.. being silent and hiding.
@brandonray4493 2 ай бұрын
5v5 is absolute garbage, format doesn't work. Twice as many dps characters as tank and support and they wonder why there's too many dps players... brain dead devs
@AbbyOW2 2 ай бұрын
Top tier video on the topic, Realth my GOAT.
@thedukeconiosantiago9180 2 ай бұрын
if we going back to 6v6 just know.. that i as a rein will absolutely be a menace
@gi1kxsy908 2 ай бұрын
i can't understand how anyone could defend 5v5 when they have literally nothing to stand on yet i see a new video everyday talking about how bad ow2 is, even people like frogger are making half hour long videos talking about how bad 5v5 and ow2 is
@yesnt8314 2 ай бұрын
Well he was loud so he must be right
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
Damn right
@yesnt8314 2 ай бұрын
@@realth8572 Don’t forget the dramatic music, that made you really right 😂
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
@@yesnt8314I can yell louder 🎉
@tffffbj5978 2 ай бұрын
like this video guys so it spreads !!!
@jonathonhood8593 2 ай бұрын
Yes sirrr
@quirrel3335 2 ай бұрын
This is an amazing video! Definitely worth the subscribe. Hopeful to see more god content from you!
@eleazarmendoza797 2 ай бұрын
Just be like me and play junker queen. Jk but I understand the frustration.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
The one universally acknowledged hero to be unproblematic. Goes to show how unforgiving designing in the format has become!
@inevitableanarchy4203 2 ай бұрын
The history of Overwatch and Blizzard attempting to fix it is like the story of the boy with his fingers in the dike. Every decision to try and patch up a problem just keeps creating more and bigger problems.
@wvlfboyy 2 ай бұрын
I put north of 2k hours into OW1 and quit the game with GOATS. Just a couple weeks ago I graduated from Uni and had a few free days and decided to reinstall. My love affair with OW2 lasted less than 2 weeks. The game is beyond broken... I just want OW1 Season 2 back man...
@Tkdean 2 ай бұрын
I really miss overwatch 😢. I long for the days of old back in 2016-2019 when the game was perfect. Sure it had its flaws but it was my version of a perfect overwatch.
@drewsiemusic 2 ай бұрын
So many people quitting a game they've played and loved for years, it's honestly sad. Overwatch isn't even that old of an IP and at this rate I don't see the servers lasting another 2 years. As a tank player I don't even queue tank in ranked anymore, it's so goddamn boring. Someone link this vid to the devs fr
@RenciaFennaas 2 ай бұрын
2:30 the anime protag and his speech before the final battle
@ikhalid1418 2 ай бұрын
believing OW will get better, at this point it's delusion not hope
@Samsjunk 2 ай бұрын
Audio levels. The music is the same volume as your voice and it's harder to hear you than I'd like it to be.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
I did a fair bit of tweaking on different setups but may have overcooked, luckily classic is a cure all solution to hearing loss!
@heiko2255 2 ай бұрын
Brother, i have been talking about how shit 5v5 will be since it was announced I tried it in the beta, hated it and went back to play OW1 After OW2 released, i played Tank for S1, but after that i boycotted it, I actively dont play tank but rather DPS and Supp because the role has not once been fun in 5v5 I truly wish, they would just accept this format is dogshit and go back to real Overwatch, go back to what made it stand out between all the other FPS that are just a mindless deathmatch like 5v5 You could really strategize in 6v6, go for more plays and have bigger pop-off moments. They took a lot away from casuals with Counterswaps, Solo Tank Pressure and not being able to play the Hero you want. But also from Pros, because the Skill Ceiling of the game got lower and even with an active balance team you see the same 8 Heroes every day. They have to try it, they just have to finally do it, i want to love this game again and grind it daily, but i cant do it in 5v5, its just so bad.
@detbenji1610 2 ай бұрын
this video feels like brainrot tiktokers and christopher nolan united
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
I could expect no higher praise
@shmixedNshmooved 2 ай бұрын
2:48 "Comp*pop*"
@alpakapucuf3394 2 ай бұрын
@EmmaxoOCE 2 ай бұрын
As someone who was criticising 5v5 before it came out, it’s nice to see people finally wake up a bit. But it took way too long
@quirrel3335 2 ай бұрын
for me I gave 5v5 a chance for about 3 seasons, but I knew deep down I was always lying to myself. 5v5 was a mistake. I miss the game I payed full price for and I hope we go back someday. :(
@kobban63 2 ай бұрын
My friends called me crazy for saying before launch that it was going to be bad. Looks like I was proven right. I went back to tf2 and I have enjoyed my time
@EmmaxoOCE 2 ай бұрын
@@kobban63 The crazy ones always get proven right in the end. Glad you’re enjoying tf2, I never played that myself. Ow is my first and only multiplayer FPS apart from trying paladins for a couple of months prior to overwatch
@kobban63 2 ай бұрын
@@EmmaxoOCE I started my pc gaming with tf2 around 2018 after blue moon then around late 2019 I switched to overwatch cause my friends were playing it then after the late August patch in 2021 I went back to tf2
@kobban63 2 ай бұрын
It’s been going well with valve maybe doing something but I doubt they will continue to do it
@patcfg930 2 ай бұрын
I think the best state overwatch has been was in the last months of ow1, sure it wasnt perfect but it felt like everything was in harmony I don't know what you think guys
@SocialDesignFlaw 2 ай бұрын
lol, lmao even. Like a political ad before an election. I will say, there's a lot of hurdles for them to surmount to be able to accomplish a "return" to 6v6 (and to say OW1 was functioning perfectly well is pretty hyperbolic), but one of the main ones is 5v5 designs (missions/maps, heroes, etc.) are now on par with the amount of 6v6 designs. There would need to be a boatload of Pre-launch development (the sort of resources devoted to a game before it launches) to have a chance at re-designing the 5v5 structures-- and the team's already been hit hard by multiple rounds of lay-offs with the year not even half over. It also goes beyond just creators/high level player input. The majority of the playerbase (the bottom 90%) needs to have the game re-vamped for ease of access/clarity of play to have a hope of getting any of it's numbers back. It can't just be tweaked for people who know the game to every last technical spec and detail. It has to work for everyone, including drawing in new players who've never played before (and those who haven't played for years). That means Tutorials, Clearer UI + Visual learning (update the Ping, FTUE, and Status effect systems), better Hero kit clarity, and a host of other 'For Da Noobs' development. There's an underlying problem as well; 5v5 has taught an entire generation of players to play OW in a fundamentally different (read: selfish or "individual impact") manner. Returning to a heavier team-oriented gameplay is not only going to be jarring for those who came to OW via 5v5, but downright hostile and might see the numbers slump pretty hard (especially if the old playerbase doesn't come back as one might hope). It's complicated. All of it, honestly. Getting it right is going to need way more resources than I think are available right now.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, shameless unapologetic cringe propaganda was the theme I was aiming for, glad to hit the nail! Queue times are getting longer by the day, and are already throttling the playerbase like they were at the end of OW1. The question is can the devs fix the problems with the tank category to a sufficient degree that the role not only stops slipping in players compared to other roles, but recovers. Do you think they can appropriately respond to the problems to achieve this? If no, the only action is to improve the tank experience through another means, or remove the tank role entirely. 6v6 is at the very least a proven product in which tanking was never treated even close to the same as the other roles. Its indeterminate if innate trends in people’s preferences in and of themselves would’ve resulted in a differing playerbase number without the other factors. If you do think the tank experience can be made better, then we are only then talking about the lesser of two evils in terms of dev time. I’ll argue to you that to make the tank experience reasonable, 15 heroes at a minimum need significant changes. Is that less work than reverting the mode and making some common sense needs to aoe based abilities?
@SocialDesignFlaw 2 ай бұрын
@@realth8572 At this point, shameless propaganda is probably one of the better options for pointing out 5v5s (many) flaws given the same non-sensical "counterpoints" keep coming up in it's favour, 2 years on now. - re: Queue Times Queue times are, imo, part of the on-going issue with Overwatch as a franchise. It isn't (just) about the format, as much as it is about the various attrition-based frictions in the game. No Tutorials/On-boarding systems to keep new players engaged and willing to spend 100+ hours learning how to play, is the biggest of these, which has been an issue for the entire game's lifespan. Boils down to just a massive swathe of empty accounts and little engagement. 6v6 won't fix that, but it will ease the responsibilities of those in the lobby to the point of making learning more comfortable (though not clearer). - re: The Tank Experience As you pointed out to a degree in the video, Tank design has largely been...disappointing. Not just in OW2, but throughout the franchise. Very few interesting or engaging designs worth talking about (and the two I could argue for, JQ and Wrecking Ball, are more good Hero Design, with minimal Role execution). It is hard, as a Tank Player, to get excited about releases like Ram, Mauga, Orisa, and even Sigma, in the same way people got excited for a Bap, Ashe, Echo, or Ana release. The steady decline of Tank Players is just as much about the lack-lustre design decisions (which, in OW1, felt more about answering in game damage/healing numberrs, than genuinely interesting designs) as the frustration of the Role, and I'd argue is more important to address. To do that though, you're right, there would need to be major re-works for a bunch of them (months/years of work) even going back to 6v6. - re: Making it better I'd ask the following for clarity: 1) How much of the foundations of OW2 would need reverting? Just adding a Tank back? Pre-season 9 numbers? No more passives or keep some? Current Damage/Healing numbers ok? 2) How many OW2 mechanics are problematic? Immortalities, are one thing, but there are a host of varied kits with "nullifying" mechanics attached. Does Mauga's rush lose it's unstoppable trait? Ram ult/Kiri ult lose their cooldown manipulation? Does the 50% dmg reduction cap come back for Ram/DF Block? Where is the line drawn or would you expect them to remain as is? Is it a case by case? 3) How much grace does the fanbase (current and retired/quit) provide the Devs to get 6v6, right? If any at all? Can they get a version out the door that is functional? Probably, but for how much of the population? Is there enough left for OW to survive the switch? Does it become the next TF2 with a small but dedicated playerbase (comparatively)? Does the company continue supporting it?
@heiko2255 2 ай бұрын
@@SocialDesignFlaw 6v6 OW is a more team oriented game sure, but up until like Diamond or in OW1 Quick Play you could get away with a more selfish playstyle, so i think the switch wouldnt cause that many Issues And if we do go back to 6v6, we would have to tune tank down to OW1 Levels: - Lower HP - Remove all the Tank Role Passives - Go back to a Squishy Hero having baseline 200HP not 250HP, that just makes the Game slower and fucks with breakpoints that have been established for years OW2 mechanics are interesting, Id say stuff like Mauga being unstoppable or Ram/Kiri Cooldown manipulation can stay ingame, but need to be tuned down. Damage reduction needs to drop a lot though, Ramattra blocking 75% of damage is absurd, id throw that down to maybe 40% in 6v6. It kinda is case by case since Doom and Ram have other needs, other healthpools and other heroes they synergize with, i guess it would need testing. But the Community already made a workshop code to bring the OW2 Heroes into a 6v6 format, this code is often used for PUGs by High Elo Streamers or sometimes even pros (Code: 7HSKW) In this Code Heroes like Mauga are less probelmatic, he has a 2nd Tank sure but he is way squishier but because he gets peel has more options to flank or pressure the enemy without instantly exploding. I even saw some dumb shit like Hog/Mauga being played by T500 players and they were pretty equal to the other team running Rein/Zarya. Its not a perfect Code, but the Community balanced it pretty well The Devs will probably not get a good 6v6 patch out instantly, but as long as they get a patch out that keeps the fun Heroes good (Queen, Rein, Winston, Dva, Zarya, Ram, etc.) and doesnt cause a 2x Shield meta (Which cant really happen) i think the community will accept 6v6 back. They just need to show that Counterswaps are way less of a thing and that you alone can make more plays and dont get bombarded with all the CC, you also will have less Pressure and thats very noticeable to all players.
@branBRippin 2 ай бұрын
They either start putting in the effort to make 6v6 work or continue putting effort into 5v5 in vain. Players will continue to leave especially when new games like rivals release. OW is notorious for always adding new game modes to the mix even (even if temporary they still expect players to learn them) so I can't imagine adding 2 extra tanks, which a lot of us are already used to will be that jarring for people anyway. A UI update is the least of their concerns if people don't have fun playing the game. And with all the backlash they've gotten forcing them to finally address 6v6 after 2 years of gaslighting and censorship, it's only a matter of time before they go back to 6v6 or the game dies.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
@@SocialDesignFlawThanks for the response. In terms of design and diversity of playstyle. One of the biggest problems in OW1 was the lack in initiating tanks and the abundance of poking tanks they designed. Current with a conversion to 6v6, all but a couple of the tanks can fulfil the initiating role, and one a couple of the tanks are resource giving off-tanks. We need to bolster the ranks of Zarya and dva with another large burst of resources to give the initiators, my image is hog being able to give his old 300hp breather and dr effect to another player. That way we have the game formatted perfectly for maximum playstyle diversity and options, whilst minimising the low synergy comps of poking tanks/offtanks (sigma orisa hog/Zarya dva) This is naturally hard to explain without a whiteboard, but I suggest you look at the 6v6 video on my second channel for more discussion on this. Most of the pigeonholing and lack of playstyle diversity is already fixed by the better numbers due to evenly producing all roles, and the doomfist conversion has also massively helped.
@tamooz6649 2 ай бұрын
I was a support main in OW1 but I still played dps and tank but now I dont want to play tank if Im just eating every single cooldown 😅
@nemil2898 2 ай бұрын
DQT!!! (Don’t Queue Tank!)
@Hraesvelg 2 ай бұрын
Someone edit this so it matches ‘Gandhi Mate, Gandhi’ - Enter Shikari
@karmasmessenger3815 2 ай бұрын
The shills that say 5v5 is better only quick play, look at fats and emongg freedo is low diamond on his main, svb doesn’t like people saying it’s the easiest role, the rock paper scissors match up just means play to counter not to have fun, you guys now know what it feels like to play genji
@BabaYa9a 2 ай бұрын
I don’t understand why people say tank isn't a fun role. Tanks are not the issue. The issue are supports, who can do double value and risking their lives less than any other role. Of course they are more funnier! Because they die less than anyone else, cant get punished, have another support to heal them, stays safe in back line, has the most impactful abilities and can do kills. As master tank&support player I can only play tank in QP, because I know what waits we in comp. Also I decided to start learning tracer :3
@PlatinumAltaria 2 ай бұрын
I quit Overwatch a little while after Role Queue was added, and the smug sense of superiority I feel seeing the entire community slowly come around to my perspective is almost enough to make me forget that Blizzard ruined one of the most beloved games of all time for no reason.
@talkaboutnowt6644 2 ай бұрын
I've personally stopped playing the game. The futility of playing tank just made the game absolutely bleak and miserable to play. They consistently make the boring tanks meta and the fun ones meh. Bring back 6v6 for the love of God. Born to off tank, forced to main tank.
@realth8572 2 ай бұрын
I’ll see you on Sunday at 4pm! 😎
@stottpie 2 ай бұрын
Back in 6v6, most of the time both 'tank' players would both choose off tank
@quirrel3335 2 ай бұрын
@@stottpie and crazy enough it was more fun and always winnable with two off tanks compared to whatever we are playing now.
@buck7271 Ай бұрын
Ima be real, 6v6 won’t solve literally anything. So long as ranked remains broken forever, the game will keep being unplayable forever.
@jrollio 2 ай бұрын
5v5 was on purpose so they can release ow2...however the real reason for ow2 was to siphon as much money as possible from the aging community and from the new gen who have parent money. The promises were to lure in the aging community. The accessibility and easy game play was to lure in new gen, then sell them on skins because this is what the new gen does. Don't support slimey tactics. Hell, even if they do release 6v6, if you all celebrate it then you are part of the problem. These companies slap you around because they can, then when they offer what you want they pretend they did it alll for you. STOP BEING PLAYED BY BLIZZARD. Honestly, one of the most F'd up companies......
@humblecanadian4206 2 ай бұрын
Kingdom hearts i love you
@JakeTheMan784 2 ай бұрын
As a rein main. I was inspired 🥹
@CERESx3 2 ай бұрын
6v6 kids are going to be the casue of this game dieing even more.
@EmmaxoOCE 2 ай бұрын
We are why this game even was a success because we supported it back then, but ok
@CERESx3 2 ай бұрын
@@EmmaxoOCE "we" you're so entitled. Grow up
@EmmaxoOCE 2 ай бұрын
@@CERESx3 we, because you’re talking about people who like 6v6. How’s a pronoun entitled?
@utk8718 2 ай бұрын
Putting aside comp, my qp queue times for support are worse then it ever was compared to ow1 lmao and this is after their shitty matchmaking that puts gm tanks against a silver tank
@africansofttaco8166 2 ай бұрын
Darkness has come for our games. There's no light that can escape the Black Hole of greed. Overwatch is dead
@tantesoos6310 2 ай бұрын
We need Overwatch OG or Overwatch Classic like Fortnite OG or World of Warcraft Classic
Overwatch Tanks are Broken
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