Walking In On My Best Friend & His Girlfriend On The Couch RUINED My Life r/Relationships

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@crystalweible152 Ай бұрын
Come on people! When you share a home with someone other than your significant other, take it to the BEDROOM! You know the room with BED in the name?!
@league-of-shadows Ай бұрын
Right? A couch that SHE PAID FOR.
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
It wasn't an accident. It was a power move on April's behalf.
@movicangel88 Ай бұрын
Right?? I'm sitting here just absolutely floored at that witch's actions
@marshawargo7238 Ай бұрын
Yup! April wants out of the dorms!!! She couldn't have setup the couch scene because even OP didn't know she was getting out early. BUT I'm sure she was weaving some nefarious plans & probably thought "how convenient that OP is making it easier"😊!!! I also think that his mom And dad recognize that April is Trouble! He is just thinking with his, little brainless head😂!!!
@agingophelia9812 Ай бұрын
@@kp2223 Yep.
@kanelovec4315 Ай бұрын
He wanted op to be civil? He made op homeless. He cant say op is throwing away the relationship when he kicked op out, said he was going no contract, and more just for a girl he hasnt know for 7 months.
@LittleMaitea Ай бұрын
„Hey you have to go now! I evict you immediately! Ah yes and our family bond? Forget it we will be only acquaintances from now on because my girlfriend says so! … but you won’t tell anyone right? It would make me look like a monster and you wouldn’t be so „uncivilised“ to do that to your brother“
@DrewLSsix Ай бұрын
"I don't want our friendship to change, now here's how I want to change our friendship..."
@One.DeSanctis. Ай бұрын
OP could have told Mike to eff himself and move into the dorm with his GF. Friends do not make friends homeless. OP and Mike should no longer be friends. Bros before hoes apparently does not apply when your bro has a vagina.
@legendarybushidobrown560 Ай бұрын
If I had a nickel for every time I heard a couch story that made me question life, I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but horrifying that it happened twice
@KageAkame Ай бұрын
I got three nickels. The third is from elsewhere.
@SkyEcho751 Ай бұрын
@@KageAkame Same. This one, the one about THE _Couch story,_ & the one about the wife having an affair.
@zachsullivan7352 Ай бұрын
Just build an anticouchstoryinator...problem solved
@alloriavarner8304 Ай бұрын
I’ll give you that third nickel… I don’t wanna talk about it
@nightmare_jeanie Ай бұрын
​@@zachsullivan7352roflmao, I'm so thankful I'm not alone in thinking that.
@catsncrows Ай бұрын
The commenter that mentioned April losing her crap and trashing things was so spot on. Who thinks April wanted frolicking on the couch as a power stomp either passive agressively or ooopsie you caught us (hahaha!)
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
It was definitely intentional. Nobody with roommates has sex in a communal area without expecting to get caught.
@MovableNu Ай бұрын
@@kp2223Yeah and the fact that roommate didn’t realize that? 🤦🏾‍♀️ His youthful mistakes may end up with a friendship that’s seriously cooled down from before.
@bhart3321 Ай бұрын
​@@MovableNuAnd possibly being disowned from his family as she apparently has issues with his parents. She's clearly trying to isolate him.
@One.DeSanctis. Ай бұрын
This story sounds like April wanted to be caught in the act to use it against OP. Which she did Forcing someone who is not interested in being a voyeur, is sexual harassment. April is nutty.
@owl7072 Ай бұрын
Story 1: "It was inappropriate of you to walk in on us!" When you live with other people/know that someone lives with other people, it's actually inappropriate of _YOU_ to be going at it in a communal space where anyone can walk in any time, and it is especially inappropriate to go off on the person who walked in when _you were the one doing that in a communal space._ Edit: "Y'all would be supporting her" I don't think I would actively support someone who did that in a communal space then had a fit when they got walked in on.
@marshawargo7238 Ай бұрын
April wants out of the dorms! I'm sure that she was looking for things about OP to complain to the boy about & when OP walked in, it was too perfect & convenient, not to complain about! Bet, that mom has a problem with April because she recognizes her as a problem! "Son, why don't you look for a nice girl to date, like the girlfriends you had in high school?" He's out of the nest now & going to meet a lot of people who are different from the way he was raised & some are going to seem more mature & worldly😢...
@j.j.juggernaut9709 Ай бұрын
It's so easy to see when ppl relate to April too much when they write such idiotic comments. Like that commenter just ignored everything April did just so they could turn her (and in extension themselves) into a victim lol
@fallingawayfromthenorm Ай бұрын
Story 2 - NTA. You can care about what is happening in Palestine without hating Jewish people - practicing or otherwise, but clearly girlfriend doesn’t understand that concept. She’s all sorts of nuts.
@bhart3321 Ай бұрын
Right! I can't tell you how impossible it seems for these numbskulls to comprehend that. If I a nickel for how many unhinged "woke" idgits I've fought over this I'd be a very wealthy man.
@CanonSkyrissian Ай бұрын
yep, jewish people as a whole aren't responsible for the genocide israel is committing
@wikiwoof9590 Ай бұрын
You are right but genocide tends to make people react strongly. Besides that many cultures do not like jews so it is a perfect excuse. No one can win because hamas is monstrous and there has been major cultural grooming from tv stations in palestine that has peogrammed children to both hate jews and favor things like suicide bombings. Just be glad that you can keep your mind sane in the face of that.
@nightmarefanatic1819 Ай бұрын
Honestly I have seen so many people use this as an excuse to openly flaunt their antisemitism, it's disgusting.
@havocm2011 Ай бұрын
I hate that I guessed correctly what her issue is.
@Floratic Ай бұрын
Story 1: Mike is wishy washy. I don't blame OP for losing trust in him.
@bridgeforthesheep Ай бұрын
I wouldn't even move back in with him if I were OP. He felt comfortable kicking her out once over a girl, what's stopping him from doing it again?
@OtisFlint Ай бұрын
Mike is a loser who is getting decent 😺 for the first time in his life. Can't trust a dude like that.
@DHasty Ай бұрын
April is manipulative, but mike is also a thoughtless asshole for making OP homeless. If a close friend did that to me, theyd be out of my life. He disrespected the living space and OP, let April harass her, kicked OP out of a house SHE PAID RENT FOR, and got mad when she rightfully let people know about his shitty actions. That's one of the biggest things for me.
@yjjbii-hm3kc Ай бұрын
@emanymton7184 Ай бұрын
At least it's not an art room...
@SavagePassion666 Ай бұрын
JD Vance will be devastated.
@HighPhoenix1754 Ай бұрын
We can't outrun the couch.
@habituallearner7680 Ай бұрын
It's been a busy six weeks for couches.
@league-of-shadows Ай бұрын
I think it’s absolutely better for her to move out. She’s lucky she could go home to her parents, what if he pulls this type of thing when she doesn’t have a fall back plan? How can you treat your family like that for a woman you’ve only dated for 7 months? Why would have stay with a woman who calls his sister so many nasty names?
@tiredschizo Ай бұрын
@sniffytheloveablecookie8935 Ай бұрын
What's the couch story?
@tiredschizo Ай бұрын
@sniffytheloveablecookie8935 basically a girl walked in on her parents having sex on the couch while her mom wore OPs clothing
@jayzepickle6637 Ай бұрын
Which video is the couch story from?
@chickensandwich8808 Ай бұрын
Now i gotta figure this out... damnit.
@dr_nuh-uh Ай бұрын
​@sniffytheloveablecookie8935 it's basically parents who decide to fuck while mom is role-playing as the daughter. So the dad pretty much wants to fuck the daughter and the mom allowed it.
@charlie-hart Ай бұрын
how's she gonna get all up in arms about current social issues and then be a total bigot in the same sentence??? people's ability to self-justify always manages to surprise me.
@bhart3321 Ай бұрын
Welcome to most "woke" (stupid meaningless term) people. They don't actually care about these issues it's just something they can exploit for attention & clout online. I'm always amazed at how casually bigoted so many leftists are, I say this as a pretty hardcore lefty myself but I'm not blind to the hypocrisy of my own side. I try to be intellectually consistent at least.
@Cardinal_claw Ай бұрын
Most people are hypocritical with some things, bigots of all sorts are usually just the loudest. Especially when their knowledge is based purely Twitter posts and Instagram edits lol
@alsatful Ай бұрын
2nd story , always place unwanted air tags on garbage trucks or trains
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
That's diabolical I love it
@chickensandwich8808 Ай бұрын
That is fantastic! XD
@BiologicalClock Ай бұрын
We know Markee was foaming at the mouth the second he read the word "couch"
@j.a.y.j.a.y.1107 Ай бұрын
He's never gonna escape from the "couch" stories.
@ohboy-zi1yf Ай бұрын
the word "couch" in a reddit story awakens the sleeper agent inside of him
@kingsqueens3575 Ай бұрын
And Markee only RECENTLY stopped bringing up the couch story every other video. 😂
@holographicwing Ай бұрын
Literally was thinking this is his christmas
@Dithippothingystuff Ай бұрын
The couch story is that one with mother dressing as a daughter?
@CircusoftheMoon Ай бұрын
“Why would I move out if you’re the one with a problem?”
@christiankucera7730 Ай бұрын
"Friendship is like glass: once it is cracked it never rings true again."
@hiroshi7025 Ай бұрын
@Markee Ай бұрын
No clue your honour I plead the fifth 😶
@michaeldavies4186 Ай бұрын
@@Markee Wild that you, an Australian man, are invoking the fifth amendment lol
@alyzu4755 Ай бұрын
April is a whackadoodle. I'm guessing she's not going to be able to move in after the stunt she pulled, even if Mike wants her to. Which, hopefully, he won't. Story 2: Yeah, Lily is also kinda nuts.
@emanymton7184 Ай бұрын
At least he's not building an art room...
@MrsGump Ай бұрын
Hahahaha that was my first thought too - after a flashback of the parents/daughters clothing/couch of course 🤣
@reggiereggiesauce5755 Ай бұрын
There it is
@jabberw0cky13 Ай бұрын
i read the title and i fucking KNEW you were giddy as fuck for this mark! goddamnit not another couch story to traumatize us with-
@chickensandwich8808 Ай бұрын
For the second story. The Ex GF is absolutely an anti-semite. To be at least somewhat transparent. I am what would be considered "leftist" based on contemporary political positioning(I have issues with our current mapping of political ideology, but whatever...) I am staunchly against the current Isreali government/regime, and to an extent critical of the moderate take towards regional political attitudes and viewpoints regarding the legitimacy of and implementation of the Isreali state. That doesnt mean kick the Jews out. Its by far the most complex geopolitical issue in our modern era. I stand with a free Palestine not at anyones expence but in co-existence and lasting peace. That will understandably take a long time to realize fully. All that said... OP's GF is precisely the type of person that would "agree" with me that I would immediately denounce. The fact she is utilizing in some fashion, the war in Gaza as a means to say that being zjewish, even secularly is "innapropriate" is so far off the plot that you have gome right back 'round to being what you hate. I absokutely can not STAND people that think in such shallow means yet claim to support or back something that they clearly dont know about. Its very possible she is a conspiracy theorist. But i wont asign that. What I will say is that if she were truly keyed in, she would know that the the campus protests ib sipport of palestine had a large Jewish contongent of support both on and off site. This tells me she either doesnt know what she is talking about or is looking to hate and justify it. Screw her, glad OP dumped her ass. ETA: this is merely a dump post, because I sincerely can't stand people like OP's Ex. If you disagree with my stances you are more than welcome to, but I will not engage in YT comments.
@draconicfeline6177 Ай бұрын
I wish coexistence could happen but colonialism on one side and festered hate on the other don't seem to leave room for that. It haunts me.
@chickensandwich8808 Ай бұрын
@draconicfeline6177 This is absolutely true. Not apples to apples but one reason why the Irish are so staunchly in support of Palestine is because the same methods used to establish and continue establishing it, were the same methods(albeit updated) used to consolidate British royal power in Ireland around the type of Queen Elizabeth I. So, that bit of history shows that Isreal was not properly set up. There can be made pathways to coexistence, but every time the possibility starts( which will be a long process fraught with struggle), someone, usually isreali political officials, undermines it. I want to be clear, Hamas is NOT the good guys. They are a tyrannical organization, but when you have a colonial power baring down at you, it makes sense why you would want someone with "teeth" to defend you. Sadly, the Palestinians in this situation are the pawns and proxies for other powers. And yeah .. it hurts.
@One.DeSanctis. Ай бұрын
GF is on some new-wave antisemitism. These pro-Palestinian American youths clearly do not recall the P.L.O. They did an excellent re-branding job. I have spoken to numerous Americans who believe "we" gave Israel their land. Unless one is a Palestinian or an Israeli, have family there or a degree in this conflict, I highly advise them to stay out of this sectarian mess. There are millennia of complex issues involved that the uninformed should keep their noses out of. Yes, everyone of those idiot Americans got called out as anti-Semitic by me. Of course, they decided I was a "closet Jew". (I was raised Catholic).
@ZombieSazza 26 күн бұрын
@@chickensandwich8808​​⁠just wanna thank you for wonderfully explaining everything! Theres a lot of strong support around Scotland for Palestine, similar colonialist tactics were used against us during the Clearances by the English, and it still hurts our country to this day where wanting to be independent and govern ourselves is seen as an act of rebellion, when we are literally a country wanting to care for ourselves and care for our people, which shouldn’t be viewed as controversial but England still wants to firmly grasp onto countries they believe they ‘own’ and will continue to stomp their colonial boots down on us. It’s just painful, and I totally get what you’re saying about needing someone with teeth to protect Palestine even if they aren’t the good guys, because at times of war you need men who will bite because war is messy and you need to protect your people.
@robinronin Ай бұрын
Oh god. Not the couch. Not again. I'm not ready for this.
@teddychu1177 Ай бұрын
holy crap both stories were pretty wild... a Toxic Girlfriend Double Feature!
@b.c.9358 Ай бұрын
Mr. President, a second couch story has hit the Markee channel!
@SamasBananas1 Ай бұрын
Story 2: It feels antisemitic because she IS antisemitic. Antisemitism isn't always Nazi propaganda and conspiracy theories
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
@jboy804 Ай бұрын
She was antisemitic because of her likely exposure to said propaganda and conspiracy theories. The Airtag thing proves she was wading in the coolaid.
@katie6731 Ай бұрын
Agreed. I have been to several Seders, and the experience was positive each time.
@sharyebethancourt3660 Ай бұрын
2:00 that’s a bold move for someone with anxiety….
@jr5557 Ай бұрын
Sorry so they tried to kick you out of the house you pay rent in?
@christiankucera7730 Ай бұрын
I can't imagine telling my partner "I really don't mind that you're not a Christian" - like what sick mindset is that even expressing?
@featherskaijay3060 Ай бұрын
JD Vance rn: 👀
@cb9825 Ай бұрын
Story 2 story is wild. She tracked his car to see if he goes to a temple 😂 wtf!
@3picZo Ай бұрын
1000 yard couch stare 😐
@QuayHollywood Ай бұрын
@catsncrows Ай бұрын
I'm going to develop a couch aversion😭
@SasoAkasuna Ай бұрын
I saw the word couch on the thumbnail and had flashbacks
@MMChoza Ай бұрын
Why??😂 did I forget a story? Oh shit....I just got reminded what it is😂😂😂😂nooooo
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
Just as an FYI Markee, seder is pronounced "say-dr" not cedar like the tree.
@MrsGump Ай бұрын
As he was reading it I was actually thinking - omg I wouldn't know how to pronounce any of these words! What would people do without google? How did I survive my teen years/the 90s without google & the internet!
@warloc66 Ай бұрын
Thank you. The way he was pronouncing seder was driving me crazy
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
S2. No big mystery here. Just good old-fashioned racism.
@CanonSkyrissian Ай бұрын
and antisemitism
@kentario1610 Ай бұрын
"take off my uniform, April" why did you have to make it MORE traumatic
@hvymax Ай бұрын
OP brought a non member to a religious family ceremony. Family was welcoming and tried to explain the significance of the religious ceremony and what was happening.
@notevenlistening6072 Ай бұрын
Lmao, giving me a couch complex
@FormerChildProdigy Ай бұрын
OP (walking in on Mike & April f-ing on the couch): Sir, this is a Wendy's...
@troubleinthevalley5884 Ай бұрын
Why is he so worried about making somebody happy and how can he see a future with somebody who cares nothing about his happiness?
@AngryReptileKeeper Ай бұрын
S1: OP absolutely needs to get her own place. Mike has shown what his judgment and priorities are like. Things are fine now that April is gone, sure, but what happens when the next April comes along and Mike starts thinking with his pecker again? Living with people like this will put you in a position of instability, not to mention the drama.
@princessbackgammon3359 Ай бұрын
I’m not Jewish but ever since I was nine years old and I learned about Anne Frank I became highly interested in Judaism. When I was a teen I loved passing by orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. I really enjoyed seeing the Jewish families walking to Chabad on shabbos. At the time I was a teen and I really wanted to go inside a Chabad but I was too shy. Now as a adult I started dating a Jewish man. Last year his dad invited us to a Siddur dinner at a Chabad. I was very excited about going to Chabad for my very first time. And I absolutely loved it. A few days after the dinner I called the rabbi and asked him if I could go to the Chabad services even though I’m not Jewish. The rabbi was very nice and we talked a bit over the phone. Now the boyfriend and I have been going to the Chabad for over a year every Saturday and we go to their special events/parties and I absolutely love it. We do plan on getting married and I will be converting after. And btw Siddur dinners are very beautiful and special. I had a wonder experience my first Siddur dinner and I also enjoyed this years Siddur dinner. Good thing the op broke up with that woman.
@nyxspiritsong5557 Ай бұрын
That lemon linguine does sound delicious
@annhans3535 Ай бұрын
Yes, it does. Now I am hungry. 😍
@MovableNu Ай бұрын
I just printed out the recipe. Even though I’m lactose intolerant, I may have to brave the heavy cream in it! 😅
@annhans3535 Ай бұрын
@@MovableNu 🤣. enjoy
@ladydamiana6841 Ай бұрын
Story 1: OP (or someone) needs to tell Mike that when problems of any type come up, he needs to handle it the EXACT SAME WAY he would do if it were his actual biological sister involved. Would he have made his bio sister leave? Story 2: I kind of wonder if OP's girlfriend thought (or was told by the parents) that she would have to convert if marriage came up, and she didn't want to or felt pressured. Even if no one said anything, she might have worried about it. Doesn't explain the Air Tag, though.
@Ace_AloneWolf Ай бұрын
No one will ever get over the couch trauma ☠️
@rhiannoncarney9380 Ай бұрын
Story 1: NTA, but something tells me that Mike is secretly in love with op and doesn't realize it himself, like how Colin was in love with Penelope and didn't realize it until another man came VERY CLOSE to proposing to her!!
@rachaeldumas7432 Ай бұрын
Justice for couch!!!
@BeardyBaldyBob Ай бұрын
You do NOT have sex on the common furniture in a shared apartment ffs! What is WRONG with some people?!!
@jqdsilva Ай бұрын
As a Christian, I never understood why lots of Christians have a backwards view on jews and/or Judaism.
@michal31131 Ай бұрын
It's easier to blame a minority for all the bad things than taking responsibility and fixing the problem. Same with the Romana people (Gypsies). When the jews finally came back home, the hatred shifted towards their country.
@yellit1975 Ай бұрын
So, Markee saw some people having sex on the couch and freaked out. Was that when he was locked in the basement?
@IgrisBloodRed91 Ай бұрын
He read a story about a mom about to go at it with the stepdad and the daughter walked in noticing that her mom was wearing her clothes.
@ZombieSazza 26 күн бұрын
[AGGRESSIVE VIETNAM FLASHBACKS] Not the couch… anything but that couch…
@crazypyp5871 Ай бұрын
@ferael0013 Ай бұрын
markee has ruined couches for me
@kateemma22 Ай бұрын
The Couch 2: Electric Boogaloo
@comradetortoise Ай бұрын
For education purposes: When we say "Next year, in Jerusalem" We're basically hoping that the Messianic Age will occur, finally. And then depending on the Jew, That will mean different things. Really religious Orthodox Jews actually think that the messiah's arrival will be a literal thing and the herald of a Divine act that magically whisks us into Israel without the need for... Well, the war in Gaza. Others take it literally, and that the Messianic age must be accompanied by us being in Jerusalem by way of a political project. This lends itself very well to Zionism. Others, like me, think its a euphemism. With the Messianic Age (Jerusalem) representing the world of justice, free of exploitation, That we are called by God to be his partner in creating. In this case, Jerusalem is basically a global Star Trek Utopia. And that's before you even get into the entirely secular Jews for whom it is just a cultural ritual we've been doing for over a thousand years in its current form.
@draconicfeline6177 Ай бұрын
I've interpreted it as a wish for peace.
@jackleith3502 Ай бұрын
Couch stories are fast becoming Markee’s niche in the KZbin Reddit world 😂
@cannibalculture4499 Ай бұрын
Never heard of the Elders of Zion thing. I find crazy conspiracy theories fascinating, like I find abnormal psychology interesting. I'll never understand how people get sucked into those. People that actually believe them.
@julife.ka.3899 Ай бұрын
"She wanted to know where i was going to... If i was going to the temple" oh my GODDDDD💀💀💀💀💀 she's being300% weird about it
@kaykay8855 Ай бұрын
Will we ever escape the couch story?
@b.c.9358 Ай бұрын
@annhans3535 Ай бұрын
Better than the art room stories. 🤣
@kaykay8855 Ай бұрын
@@annhans3535don’t remind me. At least this wasn’t as bad as the mom dressing up in her daughter’s clothes.
@annhans3535 Ай бұрын
@@kaykay8855 🤣
@salomerodriguez5145 Ай бұрын
The Airtag proves she is already past the "she's just parroting what she sees on social media" 😬
@lalvarez5151 Ай бұрын
Story 2-ESH. (Before the update where she went crazy)Unpopular opinion, but op went from seemingly not religious, to taking the gf to an event where it seemed like a religious event. He should have first told her what to expect, instead of shocking her and letting his dad explain it all. This seems more of a shock response. This goes for any religion/culture
@nikkismith2998 Ай бұрын
Yeah.. I am definitely having flashbacks to all of the stories that involves a couch especially the one with the parents roleplaying……
@owl7072 Ай бұрын
Something tells me Markee highlighted the word "couch" in that thumbnail on purpose. Couldn't know why though, that's crazy.
@catandrobbyflores Ай бұрын
I know, right?! Can't imagine why he would do that!
@Mathilde1469 Ай бұрын
Wait- OP purposefully walked into her own living room to see them. Nope.
@projectjupiter5523 Ай бұрын
i never want to see or hear the word 'couch' again 💔
@thezilch7227 Ай бұрын
I clicked on this expecting it to be a story about JD Vance.
@kristlthompson4721 Ай бұрын
😂 I was going to comment on the lemon pasta recipe! SO glad OP included a link!
@adamkaufman724 Күн бұрын
Ironically, i have multiple nickels that i found in the couch.
@jonathanheffernan9186 Ай бұрын
Op s girlfriend got lucky,he would have just stolen her families land
@Sensansenkai Ай бұрын
Now I want to go make that pasta recipe and eat it on a special couch with a special someone 😂
@angierucinski5694 Ай бұрын
Story 1: This is a Venn diagram of true couch-related horror!! 😨😊
@keepdancingmaria Ай бұрын
The mental image I got from the title was JD Vance having a 3 way...
@Marstic666 Ай бұрын
Oh I 100% called it that the war in Gaza had something to do with the girlfriends sudden crazy. I almost expected it to come out the ex was Arabic but never said anything.
@nigelis2345 Ай бұрын
Or the exe was one of those wokies who assume Jew have ties to the current Israel goverment.
@ubertips4890 Ай бұрын
Who else noticed the shrimp themed art on the wall in the thumbnail?? Markee is telling even through photos lol
@shainasawyer4649 Ай бұрын
Story 1: I’m sorry,maybe I’ve read too many romance novels, but does anyone else wonder if OP’s friend secretly has feelings for her, but didn’t realize it until she left and blocked him?
@paperkay Ай бұрын
So, after a few days, OP crawled back to the 'brother' like a simp, until the NEXT time his sidepiece convinces him to throw her out/break all contact?
@heatherdickau5335 Ай бұрын
STORY 1 - If they stay together they need to have be house rules. Rule number 1 no sex in common areas. Rule #2 no sex in common areas. Keep repeating this rule till it is law.
@bhart3321 Ай бұрын
Someday very soon April will be gone & Mike will have absolutely nobody cuz he allowed himself to be cut off from everyone that cared for him & had his best interest at heart, all for a piece of @$$. You see this happen to waaaaay too many men, they give up friends & family for woman only for said woman to use, abuse, & then discard them like paper. I can't feel too sorry for these types of guys, anyone man or woman makes you choose between them & your family/friends choose the family/friends cuz they aren't wanting you they're after what you provide.
@heatherdickau5335 Ай бұрын
First story - Op needs to just move out. Most college girls are going too be immature to deal with a friendship like this. If he was stronger, he could handle it better, but he is weak.
@KE-hr4sb Ай бұрын
Oh no. Not another couch story! Nope. They should have taken it to the bedroom, not a shared, common area. It doesn't matter how long you think they'll be gone. (Speaking of trauma responses, my bio dad once dropped me off at my mom's early and she yelled at me to "never come home early again." It still makes me sick thinking about it.) Secondly, she doesn't want him living with you, then HE'S the one that needs to move out. "He's upset that I couldn't be civil." Translation: "I wanted you to keep my shitty actions a secret so I didn't get heat for it. So what if I never asked you to keep it a secret, you should have known!" Nope. They asked, you told the truth. These are part of the consequences of his choices.
@YuumiMa1n Ай бұрын
Wow poor guy
@nightmarefanatic1819 Ай бұрын
"You wout have supported April if it were her story" No, people would call her out for being a controlling manupulator and an idiot. I've seen this happen
@BraveryWing26 Ай бұрын
So glad Lily outed herself as a bigot. GREAT.
@stephieshappymadness Ай бұрын
Love the sound proofing 🤣
@floatyMcSpace Ай бұрын
It's........ It's the same couch isn't it.
@fletcher0411 Ай бұрын
Relationships that are unequally yoked don't work.
@Ospyro3em Ай бұрын
You need an intervention, Markee- no more couch stories for you!
@MizMorgue1 Ай бұрын
Dang. These OPs really dodged the crazy bullets! I can't decide which gf was nuttier. Lol. Really glad S1 OPs friend came to his senses, but he probably needs therapy to figure out why he was so easily manipulated by an 8 month romance.
@nondisclosure3920 Ай бұрын
I feel proud that I called April a bunny boiler from early on. I know people like her, you reading this Trish?
@jemimahkendall6579 2 күн бұрын
Fact is this is always going to happen everytime Mike gets a girlfriend because you're not really his sister and the girlfriend will always be uncomfortable about it, brothers and sisters really dont live together once they leave home, i have 3 brothers and I'd rather be homeless than live with them again, its not a usual thing and its even stranger when you arent really related
@IzzyPR2010 23 күн бұрын
April screwing Mike in the living room was on purpose, April was trying to express her idea of dominance in the relationship. Also her calling Op a ho, B you were the one who decided to screw in the living room your BF shares with other people. Also has anyone considered that April went with Mike to get the apartment so she could move out of resident housing?
@hubbachubba1 Ай бұрын
I’ve walked in on people getting it on multiple times & while it’s slightly embarrassing, it’s not such a big deal IMO.
@ondank Ай бұрын
Story 1 : the distance is probably good here. Let's be real, whilst April is being horribly immature about this it's because everyone in this story is too immature to work out how to deal with this. Alot of friendships like this quite rightfully cause potential partners to steer clear and in your 20s, hell many in their 30s, aren't equipped to navigate that.
@chanaleahsteinberg2645 Ай бұрын
So I’m Jewish and I’m really curious about what conspiracy theories that girlfriend believed. Like what does she think goes on in Shuls (sinagogs). Mostly what goes on in there is learning, prayer, food, and more food depending on if someone in the shul had a kid or someone became bar/bat mitzvah.
@yellowflash2801 Ай бұрын
OP and Mike should get married already! 🙄 I'd like to hear April's POV
@Marstic666 Ай бұрын
This whole situation just gives me the ick. I think they are waaaayyyy too codependent and I really hope the two of them distance.
@kp2223 Ай бұрын
Agreed. They definitely need some distance
@hennessya96 Ай бұрын
As soon as I saw any jewish communities come out in support of Isreal during this war, i knew their would be backlash in the form of a rise in anti-semetic shit like this. Really sucks how people associate blame in their minds.
@katherinehutton9870 Ай бұрын
We all scared by that couch!
@Ospyro3em Ай бұрын
Being in the "honeymoon" phase of a relationship really seems to cause people to make the most irrational of decisions
@barfrodgers1202 Ай бұрын
I swear the world literally revolves around these people
@nineblackgoats Ай бұрын
Oh no, the couch strikes again! 😱
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