生産課程が面白く感じられます Production process feels interesting. YS-11は旧日本軍などの経験をもとに実現、頑丈な設計は自衛隊などで重宝された要因です YS-11 was realized based on the experience gained by Japanese military before World War II, and its sturdy design was a factor that made it useful in the Self-Defense Forces. 旧軍の技術者は鉄道などへ羽ばたき、新幹線などの大成功につながったのは皮肉です It is ironic that engineers from the former military branched out into railways and other fields, leading to great successes such as Shinkansen. YS-11は初期から幾多の苦労や課題を乗り越え、日本の航空技術を向上させました YS-11 overcame many hardships and challenges from the beginning and improved Japan's aviation technology. これからも、日本の航空史で語られるでしょう It will be remembered forever in Japanese aviation history.