To follow along, please use the following time stamps: Penitential Act Form B - 0:08 Kyrie Eleison (Penitential Act with Invocations) - 0:52 Gloria (Glory to God with Refrains) - 2:02 Gloria (Glory to God Through-Composed) - 5:07 Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia) - 7:17 Gospel Acclamation (Lenten Gospel Acclamation) - 8:41 General Intercessions (Prayer of the Faithful) - 10:04 Preface Dialogue - 12:16 Sanctus (Holy) - 12:45 Memorial Acclamation A - 13:33 Memorial Acclamation B - 14:03 Memorial Acclamation C - 14:33 Doxology - 15:02 Great Amen - 15:24 Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) - 15:47 Find this setting in the following hymnals offered by GIA: Gather 4 and Ritualsong 2.