You are right on health care only if you are a poor Black, Asian, or Hispanic. But if you are a rich white, you are fine enjoying the finest health care that the entire universe can offer. Looking at one metric could be deceiving because the system in US like health care or legal system is built for rich people. Immigrants legal or illegal are there to serve the riches in US. Why would the rich whites in Washington have the incentive to improve the quality of health care for the poors?
Well analyzed and spoken indeed. Another approach to look at the same issue. In terms of GDP, for US it is made up of 70 pct by personal consumption. Can US nationals continue to consume? Let us see how an individuals get its cash for the consumption, from the scratch. US is running an annual fiscal deficit of USD1.5 trillions, and at the same time, on the basis of a debt of some USD35 trillions, and at the prevailing interest rate, the interest expenses each year is another USD1.5 trillions. In other words, US needs at least an annual new fund of USD3.0 trillions. On the assumption that this additional fund flows to US individuals for personal consumption. Thus, can this money musical chair going on? Look at the words scrippled on the USD banknotes, In God We Trust. But, if one day, since God is fair and just, He might pull the plug, then you and me would no longer trust the almighty USD banknotes. So, what would happen to US GDP? In history, all empires crumble because of failed financial. US Empire no exception, following the Roman, the Mongolian and the British too.
Money supply = Money stock X money velocity...the de-dollarization hurts USD$ money velocity, no volume of money stock printing can compensate...the incresing demand on USD$ world wide comes from the servicing needs of the huge USD$ debt outstanding, increasingly difficult for USD$ debtors to service when USD$ money supply shrinks...USD$ 1 trillion debt at 5% interest requires USD$ 50 billion per year , this is known as debt deflationary spiral