Matchmaking Has Never Been More Awful in Wild Rift History

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11 ай бұрын

This matchmaking issue in Wild Rift has to be addressed because 90% of the players struggle in solo queue ranked games without any joy due to the terrible teammates they encounter every game. It's demotivating, frustrating, and driving people mad. I do hope Riot will finally pay attention to the most significant problem concerning Wild Rift and work toward solving it.
My IGN: SierraWithLove#4519
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@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
There were also some players who said it's the best ranked season out there... Please, share your secret, I really wanna know how you do this
@Harsh_Pandey0069 11 ай бұрын
This ranked season is good?😮 Who r they?😂
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Some masterminds probably
@Chiefrocka. 11 ай бұрын
​@@Harsh_Pandey0069I think it's better because now it's harder to climb so way less boosted players in top ranks
@kaito3562 11 ай бұрын
Kahahahah i have noops friends and thay sai that that's the best seson hahaha i think thay sai that because onle that seson thay got master ...
@supershenron4688 10 ай бұрын
I bet season 11 is gon be even worse
@taylorchristian2051 4 ай бұрын
It’s obvious that the game artificially forces you to have a 50% win rate regardless of how you play.
@Mario-qc6nf 11 ай бұрын
I could reach gm in 250 games every season but this season I have 150 games and still d3 with 57% winrate and good stats it definitely feels the rank changes, I decided to quit the game for now as there’s no point playing it, It feels like the better you play the worst players you will have in your games
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Yep, this is exactly what I felt…
@findoc9282 10 ай бұрын
exactly, as an KDA 5.0 avg 22k dmg 22k dmg taken jg, I am done after i saw an 1.7KDA 15K dmg adc avg win rate is 57%
@qwerty11112 8 ай бұрын
Thats good decision. 😂
@aqilshamil9633 5 ай бұрын
​@@findoc9282 that feeling when your 70% Graves jungle can't even carry because your support enchanter keep dying inside enemy turret 20 second before dragon up
@DavidMugicTunes 5 ай бұрын
@@sierrawithlove As a Supporter in Wild Rift Platinum only took 1-2 weeks to climb and it was very easy but the game was very coordinated and I got crazy stats almost averaging 20 assists per game with Sona. And then when I reach Emerald these noobs with level 100~200 come and troll just like you said (Not focusing on objectives, ABANDONING A SUPPORTER, taking risky gifts, rushing Baron, etc.. I Just can't win any games as a support if every single adc that I match up with gets killed over 10 times. I even had one game where 3 people were afking, and didn't get a remake.. But when I play with friends I get easy wins and very coordinated and good plays, so I am so confused why this rank feels like playing Iron... (Maybe even worse, I made a new account and even Iron players or bots are better than this...)
@charlesp9449 10 ай бұрын
I am sooo glad that even the best players and youtubers are actually calling this out! This season’s matchmaking is beyond bullsht! It’s ridiculous! And I totally relate to all the things you listed down, too many useless players in this game and it gets to a point where you sometimes gaslight yourself and think maybe YOU are the problem but not really because you end up being the one with least deaths, and being SVP of your losing team. And worse you’re the carry with more kills than the whole enemy team combined but you still lose because of bad decisions made by your team. I did wonder why it was so quick for me to reach master last season and now i’m stuck at Platinum/Emerald where I don’t feel like I deserve to be going with a team that’s very clueless about how the game works in general. It’s frustrating that I might just “delete game”
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
I feel you friend, we all are in this. But even despite all this I’m not ready to give up on wr just yet. I think it’s still redeemable, many of my friends just decided to wait for the next season to grind in ranked, because Wild Rift objectively is the best mobile MOBA at the moment, there are no substitutions. What I decided to do is to try and enjoy what I have. I decided to stop taking all this too personally and just literally stopped pinging my team despite their awful plays. It just doesn’t change anything. Instead I try to improve myself with each and every game, and still I am now at Master with 16 marks so far, and it was mostly solo Q. It’s doable, you just have to change your attitude and it will become way easier, trust me. If you are on EU, we could play together some time. Sending love 💜
@charlesp9449 10 ай бұрын
@@sierrawithlove exactly, despite me getting tilted everyday and nearly losing my sanity, i still play the game 😂 i come from mobile legends year ago and reached a high rank on their as well and moved over to WR when it came out in the EU. I am solo q for 90% of my games and 90% of those games it’s always with the losing team. Well you are right having a bad attitude and deleting the game won’t change anything. I feel like the ranking system just don’t mean anything anymore. I would just play PVP if I could but then again you can’t ban OP champs which takes away the fun even more.
@g1ankix 11 ай бұрын
all we have to do now is consider the opposite of the ranks. the lower your rank, the better you are at the game😎
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Positive thinking 😎
@hamandchill7128 11 ай бұрын
Yeah true!
@supershenron4688 10 ай бұрын
Fr when I Smurf in gold I can easily win. But to my main account in emerald, oh nah people constantly go in meaningless teamfight and die like bruh
@leonlinn7910 3 ай бұрын
Well, 7 months later, it got worse. Even in pvp, why am i getting level 10 players, going up against level 100+ enemies!??(Im 70)
@Battlebossyasuo 11 ай бұрын
climbing rank queue solo is very easy to me when it was around S8-S9 i always get winstreak with my shen or yasuo and i was former top 8 shen on ssn 9 at the first week of ssn 9 and then the more i play rank the more i realize how bad my teammates were and my efforts were just wasted and for that i stopped using shen because no one Listens to my plans a plans to win the game without struggle and after that im stuck emerald because ssn 10 is just stupid
@danieladijaya8584 11 ай бұрын
Feel it a lot as JG, despite winning in early, somehow my teamates just die in the most stupid way, losing lanes, nowhere to be found when neutral obj is up.
@devilkazumi578 9 ай бұрын
I remember when I played a match I got literally every objective and help my allies kill the enemies in their lane multiple times and they STILL lose lane and kept dying
@Silentpartner2176 4 ай бұрын
I have had your exact experience. A few seasons ago I made it to Diamond 3, and then the next season I had atrocious team mates and couldn't get out of platinum after something like 20 loses in a row. It's like the more I carried, the worse my team mates got until I dug my own grave. The algorithm I believe finally figured me out and is now set this way on purpose. It's awful and unfair. It only boosts lower skilled players into higher tiers and holds skilled players back. I'd love to see how high I can climb, but unfortunately it's impossible because of the rigged matchmaking. Btw, it's not a conspiracy, it's intentional.
@VaxicGaming 14 күн бұрын
6 time Master and didnt play much compared to this season and I have win streak then all sudden I get players who just feed in ways I can't fathom, they play worse then a bot or as if they are new. I'm D1 after triple the amount of games compared of previous seasons played. Yet, I can't climb to Master as I got a plethora of games where I'm SVP and my team is bad, with less then 15% participation by some. Crazy. I am glad it's not me going insane as I started to question myself. I never had huge issues climbing until this season and it's not the enemy that's the issue it's my own team's.
@fbi_cheeznutz4097 6 ай бұрын
The game gets worst in each patch. I was aiming to reach challenger in solo queue but it just seems pointless and time wasting. I have things to do in real life and the game is designed to keep players hooked and always on the grind, hence the shitty matchmaking, and the stupid balance. In my case, the balance is just the worst issue. There's no way in hell, people think a champ like Fizz is balanced, wherein Fizz with 2-3 items can 1 shot a tank with full magic resist items. That's just an example, there's so many stupid things in the game balance rn. Anyways, I got 94 marks last season 9, wherein now it is considered as challenger. Hopefully they will add an update to change the status so at least they can do something good. Hopefully more players will realize how bad the game is right now and they will stop wasting their time in solo queue ranked.
@josecenteno4154 9 ай бұрын
I was a LoL player but i shifted to wr beacuse i can't waste too much time playing on pc and started playing this year. I know very well the basics of the game so my climb become easy on the first half of the year. Suddenly everything went so bad and i instantly noticed it and complaining why no one didnt say anything about it so i decided to quit wr. Never met trolls and so much people dont know the difference between a very bad player and a troll but i understand why, youre on master and playing with people that you wonder how they are able to turn on the telephone. I started playing again two month ago and getting matches with golden and platinum players while im in diamond with 67% winrate even 74% when vladimir was released. Now i have 52.5% wr and perma stuck. Incredible
@kaito3562 11 ай бұрын
Ty ❤ because u added my comment in that amazing video and ty for understanding and sharing your opinion too 🌸
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Glad you had a good time!
@kaito3562 11 ай бұрын
@PhoenixHS 10 ай бұрын
I can't even make it to Diamond this season and i was already 3 times Master. This is awful. As a support main i rock 5-10 losing streaks and being SVP with Sona is a huge ooff. I dont know whats up with the MMR right now. But it gets worse.
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
Yesterday on my livestream I lost 7 games in a row… went down from Master 17 marks to 10
@PhoenixHS 10 ай бұрын
@@sierrawithlove you know whats funny? I tried to just "troll" my next game as an adc. (I never play adc). First round Jhin got a 20/4 game - and I was completely tilted with the situation losing all the time. So what youre gonna tell me? Is it just me or is Riot Bamboozling all of us xD
@DEVA0507 9 ай бұрын
Girl I know I'm late to this comment but I can relate sooo much. I play with MAX effort when using Sona since she's my main/best at her but OMG every single time I use her I get 0/4/0 adcs that won't stop going all in and diving during laning phase despite having already died 3 times to no avail and making the enemy adc as fed as a gold mine in less than 10 mins :) and then when I get assigned some other role I'm not confident in such as top/jungle I suddenly get teammates that all know what they're doing and get carried despite not contributing much lol
@Kyokka 6 ай бұрын
4 months ago we didn’t know what the next (the current) season would bring us xD
@Yuenix 4 ай бұрын
EXACTLY SISTER! I said the same thing! Its exactly whats been happening to me too , seriously riot is obviously rigging the game. everything youve said is right on point!
@zemmarahaj7400 11 ай бұрын
You are right Sierra
@Mr.Ryudan 6 ай бұрын
i cant even get pass diamond .. trolls and ppl feeding for no reason .. sometimes i swear even afk is not detected ... and even if im a winning streak the games i think intentionaly makes me play with lower elo player to drag me down ... the game is getting worst
@Arfath33 11 ай бұрын
Last season I was master this season after playing 300+ games still in dia 4
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, it’s so frustrating
@LowIQinHQ 3 ай бұрын
I don’t really play ranked. I got gold season 4,5,6 I did it in like less than 15 games. Season 14 I got placed in bronze four and took me 74 games to get back to gold. I went from a 74% win loss to 59% ending at 44/30 around plat 4 MMR. Yeah ranked is broke. They split the season, and made it so you have to play more to do the same thing. It’s super broken!
@alifraimulan7328 9 ай бұрын
Yups s10 matchmaking is the worst imagine getting 4 teammate witg 1.9 - 2.5 kda my brain wanna go explode last season hit master mark 10 with only 120 match but this season 250 match still dm 4 always get matched with low elo 😞
@fadedflame9953 7 ай бұрын
3 months and 1 season later, problems still the same and situation doesn't seem to improve. I quit the game, I play to win and get better, not to carry new players
@Mak-17 8 ай бұрын
Hopefully im not alone..Worst matchmaking in gaming history,they destroy the game day by day... Every season was bad, with noobs, especially in Diamond+ but this is the worst by far.. Im starting to think that they dont really care about the game,they just care for skins etc. How can they "beat" mobile legends with these mistakes? #sad
@5Muffy 7 ай бұрын
I agree.Wild rift developers are stupid enough not to notice it. The game slowly dying. Their new formula for their matchmaking is really dumb. If you are good player and dominate every game, they are stopping you to win next game by pairing terrible teamates vs great enemy team. They punishing good players and rewarding unskilled players. The game is rigged
@doesntW Ай бұрын
its a nightmare every game
@anirecorder2555 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes you just cant fix stupidity and thats the majority of all the teammates we are getting
@sorenkair 4 ай бұрын
absolutely agree
@ETFsinner 11 ай бұрын
As always i see some people with bad kda and stats doing well and climbing the same as last season. Im struggling i think i could be playing better but it sucks you need to 1v9 to win games and you cant just play well and win
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely you can’t. It doesn’t matter even if you do everything right and don’t die your team will make everything in their power to drown you down
@DoporaBHe6o 6 ай бұрын
I had 75% winrate in season 10. 51% in season 11. this is FOR SURE not the skill issue. it's the soloq that matches with WORST players if you have kda >2. gg, wild rift deleted. this is not playable.
@Paimonology 9 ай бұрын
I encounter some silver and gold III in Plat I,some silver in emerald last month.its pretty bad and weird what kind of matchmaking system is that. and I don't like the items and runes,it's a wack up job really.i play league PC for 10 yrs.after playing wildrift seeing the runes and items is kinda lacking,not enough to fully set up your champ to adapt against the enemy comp.
@sierrawithlove 9 ай бұрын
As for matchmaking - yes, it’s incredibly bad now, and you can’t do anything if all of your team sucks. As for runes and items, riot try to add new and new ones each patch, and I thing eventually it will look very similar to lol PC
@tankster27 5 ай бұрын
Hey there. I won't keep you long. I've been playing since season 2. I have nothing else to use my blue emotes on. Season 4 I was thrown into diamond after being hardstuck emerald and winning a coupleof games in an all platinum room. Season 4 was also when Riot announced their vision for the entire playerbase to be at a diamond level. While this is truly unfair for all of us that is grinding rank they have been planning for rank to become as casual as possible, hence why full premades are still allowed at master level at least. It's been over 3 seasons since i did rank. 3 seasons since i hit masters. 60% of my games are now decided by who surrendered. I'll accept if you decided to quit by now. It's understandable. Otherwise, if you still have friends that you play with why don't you continue to play and maybe help them to get into masters/grandmasters at least? That's just my thoughts.
@thefallen7939 6 ай бұрын
From climbing solo in one week to gm a few seasons ago to being hardstuck emerald. Time to find a new game tbh...
@ddmxd4631 3 күн бұрын
Yupp I agree match making is unfair after introducing the mark system. I'm an Adc main constantly dealing the stress of bad teammates every game. I'm admitting that doing some mistakes and be more careful to improve my gameplay, but pairing with a bad teammates after winning the previous game is not fair at all. from 87% win rate to 50%. While my teammates are 40% and worst 0%. I climb up to grand master way back season 3 and 3 marks away to reaching the challenger. dealing with the system that wants to help other is kinda hard to play. Yes we play for fun but others are playing to improve and reach their dream ranks. From league pc to wild rift players gotten worst every match. poor match making, broken champs, etc. And still devs still stating that we're pairing based on your mmr. It doesn't make sense at all for competitive players to climb while other inting, feeding, trolling, are getting the rank they want while others are stuck dealing on it. kinda sucks
@getrekt3647 10 ай бұрын
The better stats you have, the worst teammates u gain. While the opposite side have balance players. I play jungle, almost 60-70% of my games, im having a bad teammates. Like almost all my game, all are losing lane. While me, trying my best to gank, rotate, get objectives, push, farm well and try not to die to carry the game. Sometimes you can 1v9 the game. But not all those games are winnable even you perform well. Imagine in high elo, players dont know the objective will respawn. Others will reset at very late time while you having a hard time to contest the objective on your own (sometimes lacking teammate in team fight). And the solo laner doesn't give a sh*t, trying to push his losing lane while his opponent rotates to help his team to get objectives .Most of the high elo (trash stats) solo laner push and doesn't care what the situation is. Split pushing at the wrong time (Most of the games) And me? Still wondering how this players got to high elo 😅Then you stalk their profile high turret dmg, trash gpm and kda even his champion has most deaths than kills. This matchmaking mechanic is broke, not fun anymore
@getrekt3647 10 ай бұрын
Having a matchmaking mechanic like this, and some sh*t draft picking champs. You know the team is not balance and still theyll force their pick even though the synergy of the team is not balance. Thats why most of the junglers are getting to blame because of the draft also. You are the only front, while the rest at the back with the worst positioning. (Sometimes theyll wasting their skills and normal attacks at tank champion 😂) And here i am still wondering how this monkeys got to high elo with that skill level.
@oldsonyboy1526 3 ай бұрын
I have enaugh. Deleting this p. of s-t, game is horrible, any rank, you have total idiots, who do not react to pings, do not play safe, do not help team and have 1/10 score
@BruceSwain. 10 ай бұрын
Matchmaking in wr for now is stupid. All of my allies are feeding. Wtf is happening in matchmaking so. I have to quit no. Bullshit game
@tadantandadan9107 6 ай бұрын
I just got teamed up with a duo of bronze and platinum on a Platinum Lobby. WR sucks. All skins releases weekly and no improvement to rank system. The fact that there's no option for Solo/Duo rank and a 5 man rank makes it way more annoying and the restrictions on how high or low of rank you can invite is a stupid implementation. I honestly think the player base on this game is just on a rapid decline and they're just milking it off for what it has left.
@sawrooney8989 8 ай бұрын
Never in my life had a 8 loss in a row with SVP and plus I was playing pantheon and carrying so hard. This season is by far the worst and I’m stuck in gold 2. It took me 3 weeks to go from gold 4 to gold 3 and I constantly get bad teammates. And after all the losses I got good teammates again. The cycle is repeating in gold 2 and now i will never even see plat. 😢
@qwerty11112 8 ай бұрын
Feel you. Win 2-3 games then all of the sudden 5-8 games someone will die 1-2 times per minute. And no matter how much you ping and ask to play safe they will still engage like they are fed. I dont know if they are AI or just brain dead players😂.
@animu5 8 ай бұрын
I have 11 loses 1win 6loses 2win and 4loses, i love riot
@user-vd2cg5lc1g 8 ай бұрын
At gold 2 I stopped playing because I thought I was getting a bots on my team, it was ridiculous like people just keep dying over and over.
@aqilshamil9633 5 ай бұрын
The first time I tryhard ranked I get Emerald playing top Sett and Renekton with 56% , when Aatrox released , everytime in Ranked I get inting bot and mid , nowadays I only play ranked for the skin the Xin Zhao skin takes only 12 games to get and yet still over 60 % of the games are inters , the fact that you even need to try hard to have 50% wr 6 win 6 loss is so disgusting , 14 season not even a thousand ranked games played , because 1 game lost due to inter is already mentally exhausting
@aqilshamil9633 5 ай бұрын
58 % wr with Sett after over 330 games ,quite good right ?? Wrong , I honestly can say that 50% of the remaining 42% percent should never be but win if the game is actually rewarding for good player .
@jikumo2483 10 ай бұрын
Its hard but you just have to enjoy the game.
@zackkurs9134 6 ай бұрын
Deleting and perma quitting this game was the most life beneficial choice period. This matchmaking system for a long time now is in place to 100% create a gambling dependency.
@alzacksd4761 10 ай бұрын
Well said
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
Thanks friend
@hamandchill7128 11 ай бұрын
Yes true I've been looking for these types of video because I think I don't even the only one who felt like this😮‍💨☹️
@hamandchill7128 11 ай бұрын
I was almost loose my insanity I thought I am the only one who experiencing these things
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
We all are in the same boat 💜
@moisesmedina6807 5 ай бұрын
That was really good 🎉
@bigdolph5818 7 ай бұрын
I left diablo immortal because of the poor unplayable(unless youre rich$$) ranking system, to play wildrift, only to get a fairly playable ranking system at times..
@josrielaltairmagbanua4315 10 ай бұрын
This season gonna play sion ad baron lane ruim my kda but increase my tank
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
Tell me later how it goes ✌🏻
@phipham5407 3 күн бұрын
Commenting in 2024 season 14 and it still hasn’t improved, at some point, I stopped having fun with the game and just get really mad at these players that make me hard stuck in the hell elo. My KDA as a support main is about 8-9.6 and I’m always paired with the worst adc who has no macro and keeps going goku mode 1vs5 😢
@fremzter 10 ай бұрын
Its really odd how s10 is so much worse than s9. I dont know what they did but the gap between the seasons is a massive difference. I've been GM supp for 5 seasons, I cant even get out of diamond now like wtf? Like why am I playing with/againts current plats when I was GM last season? Like the lobbies are so gapped and messed up. So many of them have no basic understanding of how to play and its frustrating to deal with it every other game. Losing sucks but winning doesn't feel good either since you won againts a bad team while fighting with your team. Wtf is goin on....
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
It’s Riot making the game noob-oriented 🤓
@fremzter 10 ай бұрын
@sierrawithlove tbh I don't mind if they make it "easier" to play. That would honestly help the majority to not suck at the game. But making the game easier has nothing to do with how bad rank is atm. That fact that we are allowed to play with duo, trio, and 5 man is ridiculous. It's season 10 and we're still mixing solo players with groups. If they want this game to be competitive, there should only be pure solo and pure 5 man, no in betweens.
@joshua1846 8 ай бұрын
I literally getting burned out from noob team mates i cannot go 1v5.
@psyche.9262 11 ай бұрын
i did this in mobile legends... i always have noob team mates in rank so i played dumb in classic for several matches, then i played rank i got teamed up with strong players 😂😂are
@invincible-io7009 3 ай бұрын
mods are removing comments about match making on reddit
@leaguegb11 7 ай бұрын
I must carry all games all the time no game where others carry i Was last season Master with 100 games this season its brutal bad players should play with bad ones and good with good done there is a reason bad players cant climb and they should stay were they belong in they dont get better
@bryantinnin27 5 ай бұрын
Today I've become thoroughly fed up. I'm wild rift afk until it's fixed.
@user-pm7ox1hg6l 11 ай бұрын
Ah yess, the classic 1 v 9 game mode
@eddi2565 10 ай бұрын
I don't think bad decision making is still the main issue. The amount of ACTUAL trolls intentionally inting and not getting banned. That's what got me to stop. The first time I reached GM at 230 I thought it would've been a little easier to climb since I was in a pretty high rank. I was wrong. I'd get DIAMOND players in grandmaster games with 44% winrate. Grandmaster players intentionally inting and giving enemy team gold at GRANDMASTER. This is why I stopped playing ranked. I reached GM twice and that was enough for me. I got my top17 Jhin in EUW and my top 61 Samira. That was enough to make me satisfied and now I just play aram and SOMETIMES normal. If trolls aren't getting banned in ranked then I have 0 motivation to play ranked.
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
I feel sorry for you. Maybe I was lucky not to meeting trolls and inters too much, my main problem in rankeds is the lack of game understanding and poor champion mechanics of my teammates
@sapography6097 7 ай бұрын
So 2 days ago I was 66% win rate diamond 3 now I'm diamond 4 60% win rate and I can't win a single game. I'm being matched with subhumans and I'm about to quit. I just wish there were a better mobile game to play.
@ETFsinner 11 ай бұрын
They really need to do a hard reset for ranked but that wont happen ever
@ETFsinner 11 ай бұрын
Master is still pretty bad with the skill level gap and people getting autofilled im trying not to demote back to diamond 😢 though it's better than diamond for sure. It took me 2 weeks to go from d1 6 marks to master. 4x promos
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Wow that’s rough. I hope my promos will be less painful 😣
@FFNOJG 9 ай бұрын
@kaito3562 11 ай бұрын
I wasn't joking In the comment that I wrote because I really suffer from this problem, i have a matchs witch i lose and i haved 2 penta and kuadras and carrying really hard and then i just lose the match and hit my phone from this because my team are the half time masters and me emerald and thay do a reall noop mistake it feels like thay really just download the game thay make a mistakes that bronz players do and thay just sai that i have stupid team and and his kda is 1.13 like for reall i really hate that like if u never now wen is ure bad then u well never learn from it.
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
I feel you mate 😪
@PerRosales 11 ай бұрын
So hard to rank unlike before. It sucks! In the words of Kesha RIOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
@alifraimulan 5 ай бұрын
Im platinum n got matched with iron, n silver 🤡 and the enemy team its ex master, GM, how i suppose to do if i the only know the macro in the match. wildrift matchmaking cringe
@blueinside4709 7 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree less, so me and my girlfriend came back to wild rift recently, and it took us only 10-20 games to get out of gold with really good wr like 70%+ but then all of sudden our matchmaking started becoming much worse experience. It would start taking like 4-5mins to find a game, and most of the time when we play together we get really bad teammates. However if I'm going to que up with someone other, a slightly worse player it's gonna find match almost immediately, same if i change from my main role to any other role. What i think when we came back to game after break matchmaking thought we gonna perform bad so it was matching us in team with good players, we started winning a lot and now we get worse players on ours team and it expect us to carry. Which is understandable it tries to makes game even and balanced so it feels like every game is 50% chance to win or lose. However it feels like I'm being punished for performing well, also I don't like that I'm being forced to play at my best every game in order to win.
@qwerty11112 8 ай бұрын
9 straight win. All of the sudden every next game one or two team mates are brain dead. No objective, 1v2, regardless how much chat and ping it seems like they dont hear anything. Now im becoming more casual player. And i will never waste any penny even though i like new skins. 😂 My only wish is that fair gameplay with at least someone who hear pings and know objective. But i dont know how they can reach higher ranks with there gameplay.
@Vanya111 10 ай бұрын
everything that the author of the video said is absolutely true but riot will still not do anything to fix problems with the matchmaking system but they will release new skins from gacha do you like it so much right? 🤗🤗
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
What skins exactly are you referring to?
@qwerty11112 8 ай бұрын
I just put 1 star in play store and will never buy skin again.😂
@PatrickTCY 5 ай бұрын
oh my god.. so true.. lol
@TheLostAngelus 3 ай бұрын
this game is dead in NA game is nearly impossible to play when games are rigged and expected of you to carry
@mafusa 11 ай бұрын
Most who peaked master last season and the season bwfore think they deserve to smoothly alide into master again. I think boosting already began two seasons before. Now we have a huge amount of people who feel entitled
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
I hope they will never crawl back
@vitordark21xx 4 ай бұрын
Still shit to this day
@justinlvoire7457 10 ай бұрын
Mm keeps you engaged, and there is a script in game to help people who don't play frequently. And there are bots.
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
You think? What bots?
@mohitdehankar550 9 ай бұрын
What if those stupid players are bots?
@imissvainglory6216 10 ай бұрын
Lol master the last four seasons. Mostly Solo Q. Now I can't stay in Diamond... the game is not going to last long when the devs realize there are Gold players in Grandmaster for the first time when grandmaster players are stuck in diamond.
@dcngaming001 11 ай бұрын
I was emerald and now i demoted to gold. Im always with iron, bronze and silver players these past few days because of chinese players are literally pissing me off.
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Chinese players are pissing you off? Because they are bad or?
@devilkazumi578 9 ай бұрын
​@sierrawithlove Chinese players are usually good so idk what he's talking about......I'm in the NA server and 90% of my matches are with LATAM players they usually just troll and trashtalk everyone in Spanish 😂😂😂
@mtojtom4189 Ай бұрын
the game has been death for a long time i played from its launch, then paused and jumped back into it, the state it is in right now is ridiculous, you can get slight advantage only if you completely stomp your opponent, im talking from top POV but played all the lanes, its incredible how u can solo kill enemy on cd, dont let him farm waves, than he kills u with team and hes the same level apparently, sooo many things like these that reward mistakes, its just not competitive at all, and so many boosted players bc of that.... oooh and dont get me started on lux mains in high elo, the champ they vs might be called luxcounter they still wouldnt connect the dots, the dumbest demographic out there
@jmoneyshmurdazoid2714 6 күн бұрын
@Ghostleeee 7 ай бұрын
I have a theory: If u spend money on skin at the start of a season…,the game will also match u with good players. I created a new account to prove it…. With 2 skins! Till I got to emerald I stomped every game. My main Champions with this account has a winrate of 61+. 2 months later, the game is matching me with bad players. So I spend again money on skins! And I started to climb again.
@usni777 6 ай бұрын
so it goes either 1. ur a 'good' player and riot will bring you down to keep you playing and thinking that you are performing good and when you start getting better teams, you will climb high up. 2. ur an average player and is about to go 'good' or 'bad' status 3. ur a 'bad' player and riot will boost you to keep you engaged. and when you become a 'good' player again because of riots boosting, the cycle continues...
@grimz5539 11 ай бұрын
Play with duo/trio/5man
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
This also sometimes doesn’t help 😶
@AcceleratorVel 11 ай бұрын
Yup it’s to keep it “balanced” and keep you at a certain win rate lol it’s gross 😂 plus no one wants to win these days ugh I had a Nami top lane also a bunch of afk mid and adc. I play jungle and support. And when I finally don’t get trolls or inters I GET TRASH AUTOFILLED TEAMS
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Yeah all this is just insane
@BLUE-qj4iv 6 ай бұрын
Stupid riot thats why they cant even get million views in tournament ever mlbb has a tournament like M series has over 2m views and riot turnament is dead in asia server.
@patrickwhat3710 5 ай бұрын
Well i stopped the Game, i like to play competitive, i cant do that in wildrif
@Go_away__ 7 ай бұрын
It's literally unplayable at this point. The game has fundamentally broken champions. Brand, Fiddlesticks, Caitlyn, Nunu, the list goes on.
@A_DVI_UZ 11 ай бұрын
@kevinberg4623 6 ай бұрын
Aram is same
@playertou 2 күн бұрын
It’s not it truly is rigged in fact predatory 5 games in a row on my promo I go auto filled jungle after dominating my lane 😂it’s so fucked
@Joyce-he9vm 9 ай бұрын
worst season ever, match gold with master, riot is a fking genius.
@sierrawithlove 9 ай бұрын
Yes, and it’s awful! Only queuing up with your buddies would help, because solo Q is unplayable
@william4ng23 11 ай бұрын
skill issue
@weller1016 9 ай бұрын
I quit the game 2 weeks best decision I've made all my life.
@sierrawithlove 9 ай бұрын
You can always quit… but maybe try and change your overall attitude? I know it’s hard not to take it personally but I really try to lately… sometimes it works!
@weller1016 9 ай бұрын
@sierrawithlove No, it completely takes over my time, and worse, I was playing aram during work hours lol. But, I do love the game for sure. I just can't have it on my phone. I rather watch people play it.
@devilkazumi578 9 ай бұрын
Well tbh when a moba is constantly losing players the matchmaking gets worse
@sierrawithlove 9 ай бұрын
Maybe, but the numbers show the opposite - pretty decent monthly growth of the player base. This way or the other though, the overall experience feels really sad
@devilkazumi578 9 ай бұрын
@sierrawithlove depends what server are you in? Because I'm in NA and its pretty bad here everyone went back to mobile legends or the league PC version
@natanelgoodman9479 6 ай бұрын
Shit game im master q with chall and sor
@danielpita7324 7 ай бұрын
It's the exact same case as MLBB 😂
@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu 8 ай бұрын
Matchmaking is dead takes more than 5 minutes I can't hold my phone 5 minutes to wait
@sierrawithlove 8 ай бұрын
Because nobody is playing this shit anymore
@cgreenqb6 5 ай бұрын
It’s a special combination of adolescent adult children that think it’s cod free for all, get as many kills as you can! I recently played a match that we were leading in kills 41-17 and took down one whole tower lololol to top it off the team surrendered because they weren’t getting any kills. SAD so so SAD. It’s become a common theme of leading in kills but lost the match. Message to tools…it doesn’t matter how good you’re at getting kills when you lose. Nobody remembers the loser 😘. It’s not hard to tell who these players are before the match even begins
@itsmeaz4061 11 ай бұрын
I had a bronze and an iron in my match earlier. 0/10 and 1/11. I’m Emerald and this was in ranked. Me(yuumi), Darius and Vladimir pulled it off still but damn wth!
@itsmeaz4061 11 ай бұрын
The system used to be only one rank below or one rank above your rank could be in the match
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Bronze and iron with emerald?? Wow that’s brutal 😨
@nanheroforfun4777 11 ай бұрын
I have a smurf account and I get teamed-up with plat to emerald :D
@devilkazumi578 9 ай бұрын
I remember when I was in emerald I won 3 rank games in a row and the 4th match I get matched with 4 gold ranks who played like new players lol I had Soraka so I was pretty much helpless 😅
@lololo2270 10 ай бұрын
it aint a conspiracy its real
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m thinking it’s not
@kerbstomp2484 5 ай бұрын
W change inting sion on top !
@jasonb4706 6 ай бұрын
you mean its not a positive experience when you are playing with 4 vegetables?
@hibari759 6 ай бұрын
It's simple the playerbase is bad (and I'm challenger)
@user-lq3dp4hz7s 7 ай бұрын
Rigged matchmaking thats it, i had yesterday 10 game winstreak got dia1/2 marks, today 12 losses in a row back to where i was , just uninstalled it , done with this dogshit riot games company, gonna play another game ., The secret for climbing nowdays are a buy new skins in game and u will get good teameates and also u need spam 15 games per day to climb, this game is just like casino.
@Caballero_Sombra 9 ай бұрын
The bottom line is, quit Wildrift.... for the sake of your sanity....
@sierrawithlove 9 ай бұрын
Or… change your attitude :)
@arsyerwin3828 10 ай бұрын
This season the worst than before...I already lost interest in this game
@sierrawithlove 10 ай бұрын
Yeah this is sad indeed. What was you highest rank?
@kshitijpchavan8248 11 ай бұрын
This game is dead. I am tired of getting trolls. I hope it will change the next day new hope, but it keeps happening same trolls and inters. Well done, Rito!
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
@yassinebwih2202 11 ай бұрын
Well Saïd girl
@sierrawithlove 11 ай бұрын
Thanks 🫶🏻
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