I asked for this... | REACTION | HELLUVA BOSS | S2 EP 8

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@Alchera201 Ай бұрын
The storyboard artist for the IMP vs. Cherubs fight scene shared on Twitter that there was a deeper meaning behind the whole thing: Blitzø's friends are ready to fight anyone for him to the point of toppling buildings and he doesn't even notice. He's too in his head and also can't fathom someone could be invested in his wellbeing.
@MarianaRZMachado Ай бұрын
The problem was that Stolas was not ready to actually listen to Blitz, he was only ready to hear the answer he wanted and once he didn’t get it he immediately shut down and dismissed entirely “like one of his little butler imps”. Meanwhile Blitz shuts down at the thought Stolas could possibly be serious, so he makes a joke of it (his most common coping mechanism) but once it’s evident Stolas meant it Blitz is trying to grapple with the re-shaping of his reality, it’s him realizing he’d been wrong the entire time while also having his own surge of emotions because even though he never admitted to himself before, he does feel something for Stolas. Then Stolas keeps trying to dismiss him and physically walking away from him, and Blitz’s fear of abandonment (shown by chasing after his sister in happy campers, earlier in the episode when loona suggests Stolas is bored of him and his confidence cracks, and in the beginning of that moment when Stolas tells him he doesn’t need to keep coming, thus making him feel not-needed/wanted) he’s trying to force Stolas to stay. Then when Blitz tries to fight it out, to get Stolas to fight for them, Stolas takes Blitz’s words personally (which if we wanna be very analytical might be because he’s off his medication, as shown at the beginning of the episode 🤷🏼‍♀️) shuts down even more to protect his own feelings and literally throws Blitz out if his life.
@sonomifawn8972 Ай бұрын
I'm not sure that what made Stolas shut down was not getting the answer he hoped for. It was feeling humiliated for not being even granted the grace to be taken seriously. The fact that Blitzø didn't believe his feelings.
@MarianaRZMachado Ай бұрын
@@sonomifawn8972 fair assessment, but regardless of the cause he didn’t let blitz have even a fraction of a second to start processing before dismissing him which then got blitz lashing out and this preventing him from that even further 😩
@arrow.flight Ай бұрын
@@sonomifawn8972 I think Stolas was used to rejections and lack of sympathy from others, so he could have convinced himself in advance and expected exactly this reaction from Blitz. Based on this, when he did not receive a serious and clear refutation of his thoughts, he took this as confirmation of his expectations and decided to run away. His main mistake was that he himself was not ready for this conversation and, most importantly, he was not ready to listen to Blitz.
@FoxMoon89 Ай бұрын
I think it's less not being ready to listen and more start-to-finish misinterpretation. Blitz and Stolas are deeply broken people whose perceptions regarding one another are colored by their own traumas and impression of the other as relatively adjusted. Consequently, their whole exchange this ep. is essentially them gut-punching each other's triggers without realizing. Stolas perceives Blitz as self-assured and unshakable, so he cannot fathom Blitz playing his confession off as a joke as anything but rejection. Blitz's perception is similar, but with a hefty dose of self-loathing and self-destructive fear of vulnerability. Honestly, it's one of the most reasonable and nuanced iterations of the "misunderstanding" trope I've ever seen. Because the entire situation isn't as simple as not listening or jumping to conclusions - it's rooted in a mess of past trauma, personal fears and insecurities, poor communication, unhealthy coping methods (including avoidant behavior for Blitz) on both sides and a toxic dynamic as the start of their relationship (as adults). Aaaand further complicated by a class divide that Stolas is both blind and complicit to*. They're both partly to blame and neither handled this exchange well, yet their respective reactions are completely understandable. It's tragic and much more true-to-life than most interpersonal misunderstandings in fiction. *He's never judged Blitz for being an imp nor tries to hide/excuse away their relationship, but he fails to see how his earlier "teasing" of Blitz and casual disregard to imps in service roles play in to the class divide and mistreatment of lower-class beings, Blitz included.
@artluver94c Ай бұрын
​@@arrow.flight I think you're missing the point that Stolas is a very lonely and sensitive person as evidenced in the entire series and Blitzø is his first and only love (and friend, going back all the way to childhood), any way Blitzø reacts is going to hit harder than anything Stolas has ever had to deal with in his life other than perhaps his daughter. And Blitzø's immediate reaction was easily misread as mockery so I can see why Stolas' first reaction is to flee because the pain and embarrassment from that was too overwhelming. But that had the unfortunate consequence of kicking in Blitzø's abandonment and self-loathing trauma that resulted in Blitzø's only response mechanism which is anger where he lashes out at Stolas which furthers Stolas's pain by taking Blitzø's harsh words to heart at a time of pain and vulnerability for Stolas. It's a snowball effect that I think is wrong to blame on either of them individually. It's both of them completely misunderstanding the trauma and communication style of the other person.
@Nitrinoxus Ай бұрын
You aren't ready for this one, Matt. _None of us_ were.
@insertkewlhandle Ай бұрын
im not sure if he's ready for apology tour either.
@Nitrinoxus Ай бұрын
@@insertkewlhandle Again: _none of us_ were. But we'll hop on _that_ emotional roller-coaster _next_ week!
@damianlecumberry7427 Ай бұрын
​@@NitrinoxusFirst thought: I was Second thought: * pilot Moxie saying "Do not agree with him in front of me" *
@watermelonstout6999 Ай бұрын
the songs are soooooooooooo good in apology tour though
@PatriciaRodrigues-bt6wz Ай бұрын
Some things you might have missed/forgotten - written in a Blitz perspective: -Imps are the lower class of hellspawn, only above hellhounds, and if you pay attention, through out the show Imps are always represented as servants - Stola's butlers, the waiters at the restaurant "where the poor pour for you" - Millie's hometown was all Imps too, which might have been a hint on segregation (Fizz is an exception because he is famous, but you could say as known as he was, he wasn't exactly treated with respect with robots versions of him as servants/sex toys too) -Also in the Millie's hometown episode, Stolas says something along the lines "my grimoire is an actually important object and not to be given to little impish creatures like you" (not exactly, but something along those lines), not to mention all the times where Blitz was serious with his work and asking Stolas to use his correct name and Stolas didn't mind it and was just mouthwatering saying he was cute - Stolas is genuine in his feelings for Blitz now, but he didn't show much respect for him through out the show -At Ozzy's Asmodeus takes a jab at him mixing with the lower class, so yeah, it's a thing, and Stolas seemed a bit embarrassed and said nothing to defend Blitz -Even among his family he wasn't respected as we can see when he was bought, he always wanted more respect since his childhood, and after he started the fire that killed his own mother he was rejected by his sister that blames him for ruining his life and (he thought) by Fizz, so he hates himself, hasn't been treated right and ends up projecting this onto other people - he wants to prove he is good enough but he doesn't actually think he is, boy got a good mix of abandonment and self-esteem issues -Before the grimoire I.M.P. used to kill inside hell, Luna can only travel with the grimoire too
@HitchensRAZ0R Ай бұрын
Still doesn't explain Blitz's little nonsensical outburst. He claimed Stolas (and by association all demon royals) treated him like some "butler" and "played with our feelings." But when and where did Stolas ever do such a thing to Blitz? Stolas doesn't appear to mistreat or toy with Blitz in any of the previous episodes. He never ordered Blitz around like a butler, instead he only offered invitations for extra work, going to festivals, etc. If anything, all indicators of their 1v1 encounters should've convinced Blitz that Stolas was perhaps a huge exception to his prejudicial thinking. Beyond their 1v1 meetings as professionals or lovers, Stolas literally ruined his marriage and by extension made Octavia cry and resent her father for not making home feel like home anymore, yet despite Octavia's sour emotions living in a broken home Stolas never resented Blitz for any of it nor did he try to keep Blitz away from Octavia's presence despite how it might make her feel. I doubt the negative image Blitz has of aristocrats would ever do anything close to breaking a royal family to choose a lowly imp, yet Stolas did it for Blitz. All in all, Blitz's outburst seems to be rooted only in prejudice instead of anything that Stolas actually did or say, which makes Blitz's little outburst cringy and utterly moronic
@Yume03 Ай бұрын
@@HitchensRAZ0R​​⁠he called him his little impish plaything in truth seekers many such examples in season 1. and organized a deal where he buys sex from Blitz in exchange for the book. Stolas is essentially soliciting sex from a lower class person with no power. He might not realize full implications of that yet but Blitz for sure does. The book not only gives financial security to Blitz but also to his entire family and in extension provides a reason he can have this family. The only boundary Blitz ever gave Stolas was in Ozzie’s where he asks him to not pretend there is anything between them but sex transaction because he starts to have real feelings for someone he believes is using him for his body and pretending feelings is just too much. And yet in this episode he breaks this one boundary bc he thinks it’s the only thing that would keep Stolas from throwing him out 😢. It’s heartbreaking from his point of view. He is begging and desperate. We the audience know Stolas is genuine Blitz doesn’t know this. Can’t afford to know this because being wrong in assuming his intentions are genuine is too much potential heartache if it turns out to not be true. Stolas has all the power in this exchange and is not handling it with care 😢
@Yume03 Ай бұрын
@@HitchensRAZ0Ralso from Blitz perspective Stolas isn’t divorcing for him but because his marriage is crap and he is just a distraction in the process. In truth Stolas is divorcing bc his marriage is abusive and Blitz gave him courage to stand up for himself. But he isn’t doing it to be with Blitz more like to escape Stella. Also another reason Blitz can’t believe Stolas is saying the truth because he has immense self hate and can’t imagine anyone truly caring for him. In this exchange Stolas controls everything that is happening. He didn’t ask Blitz input on anything and makes his grand gesture expecting gratitude. What he gets instead is confusion and desperate plea. He mistakes the role play as making fun of him where it’s actually desperate attempt to keep the relationship going and walks away. And it’s completely understandable but then Blitz abandonment issues get triggered and his inferiority complex and then his outbursts begins. This confrontation is very easy to predict if you pay attention to both characters through the show. It’s tragic bc both care about each other want to do right by each other but just aren’t healthy enough mentally to be able to communicate effectively 😢.
@HitchensRAZ0R Ай бұрын
@@Yume03 appreciate the reply but still unconvincing. Calling him a pet name one time doesn't hold much weight given Stolas already established Blitz as his "my first ever friend" and such on top of all the actions Stolas did to help Blitz. As for the book, lets not forget that Blitz tried to steal the book from someone who regarded him as a "friend," Blitz could've simply asked an old friend for a favor but instead Blitz was the one who initiated the seductions and the sex upon a royal, which kinda makes the whole thing about "royals have power" and "trading sex for favors" rather pointless given Blitz is the one using both the power of sex AND friendship to take advantage of a royal supposedly above him. Not to mention it crumbles even more given Stolas goes out of his way to invite Blitz to other fun activities beyond their "partnership" and does the many other things he mentioned to Fizz while they were captive, to which even Fizz knew Stolas was legit because "no one cares that much for a cheap lay." While Blitz may not see the whole divorce thing being done for him, on some level how does Blitz not think and wonder what Stolas has sacrificed or even how much Stolas covers for him from Demon Law, to which I ask: however negative Blitz may project upon aristocrats in general, surely none of them would do anything close of such things to then help, protect, and ultimately benefit Blitz .. yet Stolas does I understand Blitz's whole inner pretzel-like turmoil on why he cannot fathom Stolas or literally anyone genuinely liking him .... but that doesn't refute the fact of the matter: Blitz's outburst was irrational + prejudicial, which makes it cringy and moronic that he gets mad at Stolas over nothing. Blame could be pinned on communication, I blame it more on the lack of thinking. Yes irrationality and prejudice can roadblock a lot of people's thought processes, yet thinking is exactly what has shattered many people's irrational views and prejudices all the time. All Blitz had to do was to think, followed by communicate, and this whole thing could've gone a whole better way.
@sonomifawn8972 Ай бұрын
​​@@HitchensRAZ0R Blitzø surely is impulsive and very confrontational, while Stolas is much more submissive; he does not know how to deal with conflict, he avoids it by running away (and sending Blitzø away). That, to me, was not dismissive; it was self defense, Stolas wasn't able to stand that pain and Blitzø 's rage. Still, even through his outburst, Blitzø was trying to reach Stolas; he's confused, but now he's mostly furious because of the complete lack of agency he feels. You can't compare seduction and deception to the very "legitimate", very heavy power Stolas has as a Goetia Prince. Seduction and sex were the weapon of women when we didn't have anything else to rely on; they are symptoms of a stark unbalance in power. Blitzø feels he didn't have a choice, because Stolas makes all the choices in this exchange. And that is the supreme humiliation after the emotional rollercoaster of that night. They have very different personalities and very different backgrounds, and they do the best they can with all their burdens and bias. That's part of what makes their relationship so lifelike and true.
@silentassason Ай бұрын
Blitzø is right that Stolas springing that on him and expecting him to fully understand what's happening without a moment to really think about it then dismissing him the first second he doesn't hear *exactly* what he wanted to hear. Blitzø shouldn't have popped off like he did, but he is valid in feeling the way he does in the moment. I understand Blitzø not believing anyone could actually love him, it's the same reason I haven't had a single relationship last more than 3 months before I broke it off thinking "they could do better than my ass" and refusing to listen because it's just a thought that's been carved into my brain over the years 😂
@WytchKat Ай бұрын
The reason Blitz doesn't take it seriously is that he hates himself so much he can't imagine a world where anyone would or could care about him. Also, Dragon Chainsaw Dildo is a sick band name.
@DoctorOaks Ай бұрын
We've watched him before disregard Stolas' attempts to deepen their relationship. Like how he talks about in the episode where he saves Fizz, and Fizz sarcastically says "Well that's your first clue right there that it's all BS" to which Blitz adamantly agrees
@FoxMoon89 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't even classify it as "not taking it seriously." It seems like his self-loathing and fear of vulnerability/rejection run so deep that his immediate reaction to real emotional intimacy are denial and avoidance. Once awareness of honest affection removes internal denial from the equation, his fears and insecurities manifest as a destructive spiral of aggressive avoidance and self-sabotage.
@dodiswatchbobobo Ай бұрын
Something to note: Blitzø was genuinely excited for the big night. He even dressed up. Just BECAUSE. Which is a first for him. He’s always treated it like a chore up until now. I think it’s because Stolas started giving him the option to opt out of their monthly transaction. That small bit of agency was all it took for Blitzø to be completely comfortable with their arrangement and let his natural affection for Stolas bubble up.
@lilunette9319 Ай бұрын
Exactly, Stolas just needed to give Blitz a bit more time.
@purplelily7764 Ай бұрын
I never thought about that before. Good take
@pantinaprovina42 Ай бұрын
Holy shit, I never thought about it that way. You just blew my damn mind 🤯🔥
Combine that with how stoles also sprung the crystal and breaking of their arrangement on him out of the blue as well. Sure for Stolas it was a big romantic gesture but for blitzo I could be seen as throwing away his agency. Doing this on his own without even asking blitzo. So caught off guard with no time to think of course he falls back on old patterns. Not to say what stolas did was wrong but to quote another great animated series. “Love isn’t about the grand romantic gestures, it’s about putting in the work everyday and being consistently good”. But neither of them can understand this because neither has been in a healthy relationship. Blitzo self destructs every time anyone gets to close and Stolas only has the vaguest idea of what a relationship should be from story’s.
@crowandcherries Ай бұрын
At the same time I think Blitzø kind of needed the alibi of the deal. He does like Stolas but he's too messed up to accept that people can like or love him, a deal was safer and once that went away things were all messy and real.
@purplelily7764 Ай бұрын
I love the way their separate traumas feed into the conflict and miscommunication. Blitzø has abandonment issues and feels like he’s so unlovable that he destroys the lives of everyone who could possibly care about him and stolas is very avoidant and passive. He just shuts down and runs away and that feeds into blitzøs insecurities so blitzo gets confrontational and aggressive which feeds into stolas trauma as a victim of domestic abuse. It’s so well done.
@heavennunya809 Ай бұрын
Why does Blitz not get it? Simple, 2 reasons primarily. 1)self hatred. He hates himself, and doesn't see value in himself outside of sex, so the idea of someone loving him is completely alien. 2) All Blitz's life, relationships usually came with strings. The only exceptions were Fizz, his sister, and his mom, and if you'll notice, he lost all 3 in the circus accident, in some way or another. Even his relationship with his dad came with strings. Loona is somewhat an exception but there's a reason he actively adopted a dog daughter, 2 things known for unconditional love. Even his and Stolas' relationship had strings, so the idea that Stolas is trying to sever those strings is ALSO alien to him. Neither of these things are things he can easily accept. Also, the show has been making you biased towards Stolas. We've been seeing the relationship largely from his perspective. However, anything Stolas is blind to, so are we. Stolas does not truly understand their relationship dynamic. He THINKS he does, but he ignores their difference in class. Everything Stolas has done to seem "cute", Blitz has seen as looking down on him as a plaything. Stolas thinks nothing of the two of them being a thing, but Both his wife and Blitz are aware just how preposterous this is. Stolas is a prince, Blitz is just shy of being the lowest of the low. Think of it as a pauper marrying a prince back in medieval times. yeah, we have fairy tales about it, but it actually happening would be a HUGE scandal. Much more believable to believe your just a toy. Also, Stolas did not prime Blitz, they came with 2 entirely different expectations and Stolas sprang this on him, so of course Blitz isn't going to register this being real, he came for SEX, not THIS. He's not in that headspace. So Stolas taking his immediate reaction after Stolas almost always made every interaction they had about sex, and jsut dismissing him, while it seems great he accepted the "answer", in reality he was treating Blitz like some servant. He didn't get the immediate answer he wanted so he shut everything down. This isn't to dismiss Blitz being shitty, but..... Stolas did make mistakes here. Stolas does not understand nearly as much as he thinks about this.
@Darth_Niki4 Ай бұрын
Good points. This is why the audience should keep the distance and not immerse themselves in the characters. Don't take anything at face value and use contextual analysis. But, more importantly, not just in relation to the content of the product, but the product itself. One might think that Viv and her team don't explore the alienating aspects of class society explicitly enough while heavily relying on them. That they fail to make *the audience* feel alienated (I'm not counting those who consciously approach the topic, but they're still present and contribute to the discussion, so it's not _that_ bad). So I can see why so many people default to siding with someone solely bacause they sympathise with them.
@cyberrainofficial5965 Ай бұрын
At this point Blitzø has so much trauma that he can't see a difference between needed and wanted so if Stolas wants Blitzø to stay just because of choice then Blitzø can't trust that and immediately gets defensive.
@mooniemoments Ай бұрын
It's not that blitz doesn't believe him, he just can't bc of severe trauma. The book represents the relationship for blitz, you can see he's desperately trying to keep this bond he has with stolas. But the only way blitz knows how to do that is through his body. And while stolas had good intentions with this grand gesture, it was not a good match for where blitz is at emotionally right now, he definitely should've talked to blitz about what he wants first. Have you ever considered that blitz is a bit of a liar and maybe doesn't entirely hate the contract they have? He just needed a bit more freedom in the matter. Anyway... these silly goobers desperately need to learn to communicate on the same wave length...
@CandleLight129 Ай бұрын
21:31 Gravity Falls might be the show you were describing. The Owl House would also be a fantastic show to watch next.
@davidthomas3821 Ай бұрын
He was absolutely describing Gravity Falls. I'm sure he'd like it, but I'm not sure I'd hang around for it. I'd love to see him react to The Owl House. After all, it's so fun, like the most fun.
@TheRezro Ай бұрын
Both are worth to watch.
@dudatrov4315 29 күн бұрын
@dudatrov4315 29 күн бұрын
!!!❤❤❤pls watch gravity fallss
@emilymoran9152 Ай бұрын
It seems like Stolas prepped for this so much that he completely forgot that Blitz didn't have the other half of the script, and that there was likely to be at least SOME processing that would have to happen! (And underestimated just how much Blitz hates himself; that he really couldn't see the growing hints that Stolas really cares - we saw earlier that Fizz could see it better than he could! - so this DID feel like it came out of nowhere to him) And then there's the stuff that Stolas clearly thought was cute - like calling Blitz "Blitzy" or "My impish little plaything" in public - but to Blitz probably feels like a microaggression! Because imps ARE of much lower status, so he is more sensitive about that than Stolas realizes.
@mrfanpl Ай бұрын
50:34 - Before the book, I'm pretty sure they were killing demons in hell instead of humans and Loona can't go to the surface without the book either despite having a human disguise for some reason
@supabluepolarbear Ай бұрын
Exactly they were killing demons, but it didn't work well so Blitzø thinks about this book he saw at Stolas's place. And after he get the book, IMP became what we know.
@heavennunya809 Ай бұрын
I'm 90% sure Loona's human disguise comes from a spell IN the book. Also, in theory she might be able to go to the mortal world without the book if she had just memorized the spell, as we have seen Stolas do it when Octavia stole the book. However, I'm assuming it's a complicated spell that isn't easy to just MEMORIZE, vs the human disguise spell which she uses without the book.
@mrfanpl Ай бұрын
​@@heavennunya809 That theory makes a lot of sense actually but then why do the imps never use these disguises?
@12thLevelSithLord Ай бұрын
​@@mrfanplBecause they're little dumbasses. I think that's it.
@ruin421 Ай бұрын
Blitz knows where he falls in the hierarchy. Imps and hellhounds are at the bottom and up until recently Stolas hasn't given him any reason to think he isn't a novelty to him. He calls him "HIS little imp" "Itty bitty imp" like he owns him. It's demeaning and now it feels like out of nowhere, after being SO embarrassed to be seen at Ozzies that night with him to "i WANT you to stay.". It feels disingenuous. Like he is being first dumped, then worst of all DISMISSED. it's confirming every self worth doubt he's ever had. That he WAS a novelty and Stolas is done playing with him. They just needed 10 more minutes to start to understand one another.
@FoxMoon89 Ай бұрын
It's also worth pointing out how much self-loathing colors one's perceptions of other people's actions, especially with false bravado as a defense mechanism. I got the impression that Stolas meant his comments as playful teasing and never intended to be belittling, but he's so lacking in self-awareness and both are such poor communicators that it's no surprise Blitz interpreted it differently.
@ShyChevarie Ай бұрын
dude, you are NOT ready for apology tour, but at the same time, I absolutely cannot wait to see you react to it!
@melcarrianna Ай бұрын
Stolas didn’t get his rom com answer instantly and shut it all down. Blitz absolutely has a point.
@ghostlyexe Ай бұрын
Actually I’m fairly certain that Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss take place in the same timeline, same universe. Theyre just in a different city in the Pride Ring, not the one that the Hotel is in. Edit: I do think that Stolas handled the conversation quite poorly, although not as much as Blitz. He immediately got Blitz on the defense with the worst way to open that conversation possible, then shut it down and assumed the worst whole Blitz was obviously confused and still processing. Blitz’s comment about the butler imp wasn’t far off either. He did treat Blitz quite badly, and spoke down to him constantly in a very demeaning (but sexual) manner bc he’s an imp, all the way up until Ozzie’s. And just bc it’s a new season, it doesn’t take away his actions of last season, that’s part of why Blitz thinks Stolas can’t actually love him He treats his butler imp terribly as well, in very recent episodes too, but none of these are conscious classist behaviors for Stolas, he doesn’t realize what he is doing and how demeaning he is being
@pvtread5207 Ай бұрын
Episode 9 was the only episode that left me in tears. Just.......be ready. This show; though goofy and violent actually has heart
@Silkenray Ай бұрын
Blitz went into the conversation with the belief that Stolas was getting bored of him. When Stolas told him to give the book back permanently, it instantly confirmed his worst fears. Then he gets the good news of the crystal allowing him to travel to Earth freely. Then he thinks Stolas is giving it to him because he no longer wants to see him. Then Stolas tells him he loves him. It’s emotional whiplash for Blitz, and he doesn’t have the time or space to absorb or process any of it before he is put on the spot. No wonder he feels his emotions are being played with, he’s been ricocheted through about ten different strong emotions in 2 minutes. Stolas thinks of it in the sense of a grand romantic gesture in a romcom and doesn’t consider that Blitz doesn’t know where the conversation is going to go and therefore isn’t going to react according to the mental script he’s created. Getting the crystal for him was a beautiful and necessary gesture, and Stolas truly does care deeply, but he gets so caught in his own head and his own feelings that he loses sight of the fact that Blitz has no idea what’s going on. The next episode doesn’t instantly fix the situation, but it does leave me a little more optimistic that they can actually start the relationship over as equals. Eventually. After they do a lot of emotional processing.
@AxolotlLovr Ай бұрын
I just opened the video and I’m so scared even though I already watched it 😭😭
@Annabeth_Chase14 Ай бұрын
Same 😭
@pyromncer410 Ай бұрын
Some points to explain Blitz side: 1. Stolas has all the power in the relationship. He could have gone "actually im bored im taking the book back bye" at any time and there would be nothing Blitz could do about it. Of course he would cling to the "stable" state their relationship was in! He knew what to do to keep Stolas happy (dick him down real good once a month), but now suddenly Stolas wants something NEW? Out of NOWHERE? It's unfair! It's degrading! Blitz could at no point change the relationship in anyway HE wanted, but Stolas can do what ever he want. Because Stolas is a prince and Blitz is just an Imp. 2. Blitz genuinely believes he's unlovable. Stolas doing a grand speech about love isn't romantic, because no one could ever love Blitz, so it HAS to be a joke. As long as Blitz felt USEFUL, and their relationship had a clear give/take dynamic, he felt good. He understood it. But now Stolas is trying to pull some big "romance" shit on him? It has to be a cruel joke. Of course, this doesn't make Stolas the bad guy. He has never been in a proper romantic relationship before, everything he knows about love comes from telenovelas and romance books. He IS genuine and he DOES love Blitz, but he has no idea what he's doing, and when it goes bad, he runs away. They're both damaged in the opposite directions and neither of them cope with a stressful situation well.
@maggiewright1781 Ай бұрын
Side note: I have never noticed the Almond/ sharp nails before and I LOVE THEM. Its my go too look as well
@kylemaclachlan7279 Ай бұрын
In the defense of the middle of the episode, it puts us as the audience in the same place mentally as Blitz for the end scene by giving us a victory and a more lighthearted mood. Without it it would be even harder to appreciate the extent to which Blitz feels blindsided by the more serious emotional appeal from Stolas.
@Kuroro2345 Ай бұрын
There's a lot to unpack with this episode in regard to BlitzøxStolas.... ESPECIALLY since neither of them know the trauma the other had endured in their childhoods (Stolas being neglected by his father as a child and expected to be a "perfect Goetia", all while forced to marry an abusive woman who demeaned and assaulted him. Plus, there was also Striker who nearly killed him, so that's ADDITIONAL PTSD for Stolas. Blitzø's father being emotionally manipulative towards him and treated him like crap for not being "talented enough" - aka exploitative- like Fizz. And then Blitzø accidentally causing that fire that severely injured Fizz and killed his mom). And with how Stolas is as a character, I feel like he could be autistic (I'm also autistic), especially with how he tried to be articulate as possible with how he felt towards Blitzø and wanting him to know that he didn't want to force him into being in their arrangement anymore. So, when Blitzø expressed his disbelief and assumed Stolas was joking, I honestly would've reacted the same way Stolas did; back away and respect that the other person doesn't seem to have feelings for me. With all the hell he endured from Stella? Blitzø's lashing out, cursing him and even kicking the door while trying to confront him must've triggered Stolas (especially when Stolas flinched his head after being called a bitch). It also didn't help that Blitzø referring to him as a "pompous, rich asshole" must've reminded Stolas of Striker, who NEARLY killed him.😢
@mehh.l730 Ай бұрын
stolas really did inadvertently belittle blitz a lot during the first season (as you said) but stolas behaving differently later ? it makes complete sense that blitz was confused & felt like stolas wasnt being genuine lmao (apart from all the self-hate he has yknow). stolas definitely needs to acknowledge what he previously did and apologize for all of that for their relationship to move forward stolas is not very self-aware when he does bad stuff lol (e.g. with his daughter in the loo loo land & seeing stars episodes), the fact that he very thoughtlessly mistreats imps too (squeezing the shit out of one in seeing stars, that one scene in the song at the beginning of the episode where hes crawling in the fridge and all the stuff previously in the fridge is strewn on the ground for his butler whos standing in the corner looking fed up to clean up, etc etc other ppl have more examples) (not out of any malice it just . doesnt register to him i guess) and blitz seeing all that - the way stolas treats his kind - would Not . be exactly comfortable for him lol blitzs self hatred definitely play a part in him not believing stolas genuinely loves and cares about him But stolas past behavior and not acknowledging (nor being aware of) how messed up it was does too lmao. i love them both they just Really Really need to sit and communicate clearly with each other haha also it Was a mutual agreement between both of them but i agree you should give the way the agreement was made in the first episode (and lots of the earlier episodes) another watch bc blitz really didnt have much of a choice in the matter nor was he in a position where he could think clearly about what exactly he was agreeing to lmao n e ways i Immensely enjoy your reactions they always make me very happy. ❤
@jannahmcnece2186 Ай бұрын
Their eyes always glow faintly, but its usually only noticeable in low light levels. Intense emotions cause their eyes to glow brighter in response
@sybariticcupboardrat3763 Ай бұрын
37:58 Blitz can't understand what Stolas is saying because Stolas has literally NEVER SPOKEN TO HIM LIKE THIS BEFORE, so this isn't something he knows how to interpret. Stolas has had months coming to terms with how terrible the power imbalance between them is and the fact that he wants a romantic relationship instead of just hookups. Blitz had no idea about any of it, but Stolas still expected him to be able to instantly be on the same page. This is something marriage counselors talk about, the problem with stewing on a relationship issue silently until your emotions build up to a confrontation that only one of you knows is coming. At best, it's irrational to expect someone to share your headspace like a mind reader, at worst, it's full on gaslighting and playing the victim. Then when Blitz turns it on him and starts talking about his own feelings that he's been stewing on, Stolas is equally blindsided and reacts just as poorly. He doesn't even entertain the possibility that he actually did treat Blitz like an inferior. As you point out, he doesn't even ask why he feels that way. Also it's a big relationship No No to twist someone's words to their worst possible interpretation and then cut off communication so they can never clarify - 'I have my answer, you needn't say anything'.
@jelb4676 Ай бұрын
YESSSSSSSS. And I'm afraid Viviene won't be able to notice this in her own story.
@sybariticcupboardrat3763 Ай бұрын
@@jelb4676 Yeah, I'm worried Vivzie doesn't see the double standard that's forming. Imagine someone telling you that you broke their heart when you didn't even know they had feelings for you. People are expecting Blitz to read between the lines, but not Stolas. Fizz's line in Oops, 'no one pretends to care that much just for a cheap lay', is just blatantly wrong. Someone liking your photos and asking about your day could be just nice friend or upper class gentleman behavior. You could argue that standards of common decency are different in hell, but if you expect Blitz to put it together what Stolas' attention means, then you should also expect Stolas to realize what it means that Blitz didn't take the crystal and ghost him. That whole scene with Fizz was classic 'telling instead of showing'. If Stolas has actually been expressing his affection and Blitz has been willfully ignorant, then SHOW that! Don't just put a vague reference in the dialogue and let people fill in the blanks. It's bad enough that people keep forgetting that Blitz doesn't see what the audience sees, we don't need people imaging scenes that didn't happen.
@KiwiTheWitchOfBlood Ай бұрын
Blitz feels like he needs to work hard towards things to earn them. Without the contract between him and Stolas to keep any right to the overworld, he may feel he doesn’t justly earn/obtain that reward, with the Asmodean Crystal ridding of that ONLY hard-earned connection to Stolas throughout his life of obtaining. - Blitz also has overwhelming self-loathing that looms over him, feeling that he is not worth anything/has a severe sense of neglected self-value. The reason most of the pictures that involve him have his face blacked out is because of this, but unlike his hatred to himself, he in a way cares and loves Stolas, Loona, and his coworkers WAY more to “make up” for what he feels towards himself. A theme and fight of pride against reverse-pride. - Stolas on one hand dismissed Blitz after his “joking remark”, leaving Blitz barely any time to really PROCESS the info and everything new to him, along with the changes that were taking hold. Blitz lashed out in a way to assume this was like an order and dismissal to a just yet another impish servant. Staying with him to allow him to process (amongst other things) most likely wouldn’t have elevated the situation beyond what we have seen. - It’s sad too, that yeah they maybe COULD work out and be together, but they show love and affection so vastly different from each other and both have their own problems and traumas to work through and allay to be able to be compatible again. - Also fun fact, for “Look My Way” and this episode, they never looked each other’s ways when they wanted the other the most in their time of need. It doesn’t matter how much they communicate rn (oddly enough) until they both *need* to *understand* each other and the hurdles that hinder their ability to reconnect.
@Nitrinoxus Ай бұрын
Had to go back through the _pages_ of notes I took in the week after my first viewing of this episode, because _ohhh _*_BOY_* did I have _thoughts:_ - 'When I See Him' was actually premiered at LevelUP Expo before the episode dropped, alongside the first _Helluva Short_ and the trailer for Season 2's back half (which you might consider checking out). I managed to avoid spoiling myself on it, so this episode was my first time seeing just how _wildly _*_nervous_* both Blitzø and Stolas were about the coming night. We've known for a while that Blitzø's go-to tension-breaker is to use crass humor and innuendo to sidestep uncomfortable topics, but this is the first time he's explicitly _acknowledged_ that he uses them as a distraction _on himself:_ he doesn't want to deal with how complicated things have become, and would rather "focus on the sexy stuff instead!" Meanwhile, poor Stolas is trying to drown out "the voice that says [he's] not enough" as he steels himself for what he fears will be a disaster, grappling with overwhelming depression and anxiety while he's out of his prescription medication to take the edge off of both (which ain't a fun experience, trust me). - If you wanted to see what Bryce Pinkham and Brandon Rogers looked like when recording the opening number, Viv actually released a behind-the-scenes recording from the booth. It's a hoot, if you'll pardon the pun! - Wasn't expecting the D.H.O.R.K.S. crew or Cletus, Keenie and Collin to show up this soon into the second half of the season, but I won't complain about a longer team-up between the two jokiest groups of antagonists so far. (Who knows, maybe we'll see Collin actually split from the others in Season 3 -- he's the only one who doesn't seem to be on board with this selfish vendetta, and he was the only one who didn't consider the I.M.P. crew lesser, only being offended that they were being cruel and interfering with C.H.E.R.U.B.'s job.) - It's likely that the fears that Stolas was getting tired of dealing with him were already living rent-free in Blitzø's head, even without Loona reminding him of it. He's got weapons-grade abandonment issues, among an assorted arsenal of _other_ traumas, several of which come up here. (More on that later.) - I could be mistaken, but... isn't that tracking device Agent 2 handed Cletus a modified Gen. I PokéDex? I only just noticed that. - It's good to see that Blitzø and Fizz are back on good terms and rekindling their old friendship, because Fizz might be the perfect person to help Blitzø figure out how he feels about Stolas. Fizz and Asmodeus's relationship is built on the kind of strong communication and mutual understanding that Blitzø and Stolas _desperately_ need to work on, and we saw a couple episodes back that Fizz can clearly see aspects of their dynamic that Blitzø is oblivious to -- if Blitzø can ask him for advice, I'm sure Fizz can be a _huge_ help to him. (Fizz himself is _definitely_ in better spirits, and I'm sure he's been happy to see all his mechanical doubles being cleared out of the inventory.) - I've got a whole page just about the conversation between Blitzø and Stolas. That'll be a comment on its own that I'll drop below, but the short of it is, Stolas started with the wrong statement, putting Blitzø on the defensive, and then tried to shut down the conversation before Blitzø had a chance to process. He had a _script,_ and didn't want to consider any different paths. - From the start, the aspect of both Stolas's and Blitzø's personalities that's messed up their relationship is that _they're both godawful at communicating._ Blitzø's word choice and spelling suggest he's illiterate or self-taught, while Stolas is incredibly verbose when he writes, so it's easy to believe there's a lot that's lost in their text chats -- and of course, _neither_ of them is comfortable talking openly about their feelings or asking others for help, as evidenced by the final scene of this episode being the first genuine heart-to-heart they've had in 25 years... and if _either of them_ had been able to be more honest with the other _sooner,_ things might not have blown up the way they did. Of _course_ Blitzø wouldn't immediately think Stolas was being _genuine_ about his feelings -- he's never been _before,_ very few people _are,_ and most of their prior interactions _were_ innately sexual. (Basically, they _both_ screwed up, and they're _both_ gonna be hurting for a while because of it -- but Blitzø was never going to introspect about how he feels about Stolas _without_ something like this happening, so this pain is _necessary_ for his character development, unpleasant as it is to watch.) - It's been shown in previous episodes, and again at the start of this one, that every photo in Blitzø's apartment has his face blotted out, visually symbolizing his self-loathing and his belief that everyone else would be better off without him in their lives -- and now we see Stolas _doing the same thing._ Every portrait in the hallway leading to his room is covered, in much the same way that one covers the portrait of someone who's just passed away, symbolizing the 'death' of his marriage and of a significant part of his life up to that point; the _only_ person whose face _isn't_ covered is _Octavia,_ the only other good thing to happen to Stolas besides Blitzø -- much like how Blitzø left Loona visible in the photo we saw at the start, Stolas sees his daughter as the one thing he did _right._ They're both messed up in very similar ways. - When Stolas sent Blitzø out, if you listen closely, there's a voice hidden in the rushing _whoosh_ of the warp -- it sounds like Stolas's voice saying, "...I'm so sorry..." - The silence over the credits? *_BRILLIANT._*
@Nitrinoxus Ай бұрын
The part about this episode that hurt _most,_ at least for _me,_ is that it felt like the outcome was _unavoidable_ because of the personality flaws and lingering traumas of both Blitzø and Stolas rearing their heads. Blitzø, as we've seen again and again, impulsively avoids any questions or situations that he doesn't immediately know (or at least _thinks_ he knows) how to deal with -- powerlessness and helplessness are traumatic feelings for him because of his past, so he seems to want to maintain his feeling of control and confidence. He doesn't want to think about the possibility of his deal with Stolas falling through, because losing _that_ means losing his ability to run his business, to help Moxxie and Millie, to support his daughter Loona... he'd lose _everything, _*_again,_* if things changed between the two of them, and that's more than he wants to dwell on if he can help it. That fear of a loss of control came into play when Stolas opened the conversation with an emotional rug-pull. Stolas shares an avoidant tendency when it comes to emotional confrontation, something that's been used against him in the past to manipulate him or steamroll over his feelings, and he's only recently started advocating for his own needs and desires thanks to Blitzø's influence on him -- as such, even though he had _months_ to lay the groundwork for this conversation, he avoided pushing Blitzø to have those discussions because he didn't want to risk hurting them both. By stalling so much, and starting the conversation by completely upending the arrangement upon which Blitzø's entire world is built on now, he all but _guaranteed_ that Blitzø was going to go on the defensive, which set the tone for everything that followed. When Stolas opened up and confessed that he wanted Blitzø in his life, no strings attached, I feel like Blitzø _wanted_ to believe it was true. Every relationship he's been in (as far as we've seen) has been either transactional or manipulative, with very little _unconditional_ affection on display -- the last person to show him that kind of love was his mother, so that feeling of being unconditionally loved is deeply emotional for Blitzø in multiple ways, good _and_ bad... but he's also been hurt enough by people telling him what he wants to hear that, when Stolas does so, his instinctive reaction is to assume it's not _real._ After all, Stolas hasn't been _that_ open with him in 25 years -- why would he just start _now?_ When Blitzø jumped to the conclusion that Stolas's confession was an act, it no doubt triggered some of Stolas's old traumas. We haven't seen a _ton_ of his childhood, but what's been shown of Stolas's life prior to this paints a picture of someone who learned to mask his feelings and put up a facade to avoid being mocked and criticized by those around him, and who only really wears his heart on his sleeve when he feels truly safe from judgment and scorn; he took a _chance_ letting down his defenses, and to see Blitzø apparently making a joke out of his feelings likely dredged up enough unpleasant memories that he felt like he needed to flee. As we've seen, when he feels hurt or threatened, Stolas's instinct is to disengage and hide until the worst of it blows over -- when it's Fight or Flight, he prefers Flight. Blitzø, though, is very much a Fight type of personality. When Stolas just ran out, not giving him a chance to even _begin_ to process his feelings after _ambushing_ him with a confession and _forcing_ this new arrangement on him, it triggered Blitzø's traumas related to his powerlessness and the people who've abused their power over him -- just about every person with any level of authority above Blitzø has either strong-armed him into doing what they wanted (Cash, for instance) or treated him like he was inferior (pretty much every non-Imp, Stolas included). Being told (not even _asked,_ but *_told)_* what he was feeling by someone he actually _does_ care about overstepped a major boundary for Blitzø, which set off two responses: it caused him to start masking his pain behind anger, as we've seen him do before; and it kicked off the start of the most effective means he knows about to clear unpleasant feelings -- a cathartic shouting match, having it out with someone else to get everything off your chest and really get to the core of the issue. (If you think back to 'Truth Seekers', that's basically what happened between Blitzø and Moxxie -- while under the effects of the Truth Bomb, they both got worked up and blasted each other over their flaws, which gave way to them having a healing heart-to-heart after they'd calmed down.) Unfortunately, while having it out might've worked for Blitzø, it was too close to the tone Stella used to take with him for Stolas to handle. We can see how much the escalating tension was breaking him down, until he couldn't take it anymore and forced Blitzø out -- but in the same moment, if you listen closely, there's a whisper in the wind of the warping effect that sounds like Stolas's voice saying, "...I'm so sorry..." Even at the end, he was still blaming himself for letting things end up like this, even while he was shutting out his only social contact to stave off a complete breakdown. TL;DR: it's easy to heap blame on one side or the other, but I feel like they _both_ screwed up in their own ways, both before and during this episode. What's vital from here is what happens _after:_ will Blitzø run from his feelings again, or will he actually take this chance to introspect about how he feels about Stolas? Will Stolas stonewall Blitzø, or will he actually give him a chance to try and explain his emotions once they've both calmed down and Stolas has refilled his prescription? Will they just focus on what the other did wrong, or will they admit to their own mistakes as well? There's still ways to heal these wounds, to redefine and rebuild their relationship into something supportive and equitable (like what Fizz and Ozzie have!), but they've both gotta put in the effort to better themselves in order for it to work.
@chimera_mutant6347 Ай бұрын
Absolutely spectacular analysis, although I am pretty sure the whispered "sorry"s at the end are from Blitz, as, right before he got teleported out, he was saying "Stolas, wait, I'm-"
@Nitrinoxus Ай бұрын
@@chimera_mutant6347 The thing is, we continue to hear the second voice even when we can clearly see Blitzø has stopped talking. It's definitely echoing what he was _about_ to say, but it isn't him _saying_ it -- and Stolas is _absolutely_ the type to apologize for throwing someone out in a moment of heightened emotions. I've seen some speculation that the voice is Stolas's _magic_ mirroring his emotions in the moment he cast that spell, which would be poetic if it's true -- I'm not convinced that Goetic magic has a will of its own, but it's not unheard of in fiction!
@sonomifawn8972 Ай бұрын
@sonomifawn8972 Ай бұрын
​@@Nitrinoxusthank you for putting it into words so well. It's absolutely true that this felt unavoidable and necessary: it's the very essence of a good tragedy, but it's also an extremely important turning point for their relationship. It would be tragic if it were the end; but thank God and Viv and Brandon, that is not the case :')
@Normopath Ай бұрын
I just think the fact that Stolas never communicates beforehand is the biggest problem, he could’ve easily told Blitzø that he wanted to discuss their relationship going forward and to prepare for something important, but instead the radio silence meant he was just going in expecting their usual ‘transaction’, and had this dumped on him unexpectedly really quickly. Basically I’m just trying to say Stolas doesn’t do everything perfectly, he could’ve reassured him that he isn’t giving him a way out because Stolas wants out himself.
@KaterynaM_UA Ай бұрын
Well he did try to communicate, their text messages alone is him constantly trying to talk and to move their relationship away from fucking and into talking and spending quality time together and Blitz constantly shuts him off on that. Stolas communicated very well this time especially, despite the rough start he said everything directly Blitz is just not ready to hear any of that. Stolas haven’t given him a pause to process but next episode shows that no amount of time would have helped either. Im not saying that Stolas is perfect but starting this episode there was zero miscommunication from his side.
@sonomifawn8972 Ай бұрын
Stolas was so terrified he wouldn't have been able to do this "casually", I am afraid. He builds the whole scenario of that night to feel safer and have a modicum of control; but he still fucks it up spectacularly (seriously, I wanted to tear my face off when he started with "Do you have my book?"). And, that all adds up to Blitzø 's feeling of being used, to not be on the same level as Stolas because Stolas directs the narrative, and Blitzø doesn't get to even understand things properly before Stolas ends the story. He's just a character, and not the narrator. And. I'm not sure of how Blitzø would have dealt with something like "We need to talk". I can hear the alarm bells from here 🫠
@DumpyDuckling Ай бұрын
Just pitching in on Blitz's rant at the end. Imps are generally looked down on, seen a few times throughout the series (the Karen at the hospital, Striker commenting on how impressive it is that an imp started their own business) but it's important to note how STOLAS treats imps (especially the butler that Blitz is semi-referencing here, since we don't know how much of the treatment he's actually seen vs assumption). He turns a complete blind eye to Stella tossing their butler, uses him as essentially a stress toy during an argument, and in this episode, is seen tossing all of the food out of the fridge with the butler standing by who is ineviatbly going to have to clean up the mess. On top of that he's refered to Moxxie and Millie as "you littler ones" and even though he clearly loves Blitz, only after realising that the deal is unfair did he stop referring to him as his "little imp" or "plaything". But, I don't think Stolas has any sort of ill intent, which probably just shows how normalised that treatment is amongst the high society of hell, and why Blitz lumps him in with every other royal who looks down on those lower than them (particularly imps)
@lupinrangerjoker Ай бұрын
I believe I have nailed down when both series take place since both series have made their pilots both canon. Jan 1st is the day after extermination and we know that episode 1 of hazbin hotel takes place a week after while helluva boss episode 1 takes place the week of January 8th because of the husband’s birthday. So Hazbin hotel’s first season ends in 6 months meaning that helluva boss is at season 2 episode 5// unhappy campers.
@vampireanime06 Ай бұрын
One thing that broke my heart is that Blitz was actually about to say I'm sorry the moment Stolas threw him out. We've come to know that Blitz lashes out quite easily when he's stressed and overwhelmed, he expresses emotion in a very intense way, but he's still capable of coming down from that. He didn't have time to process so much all at once, and the way Stolas started that conversation was a huge blow even if only momentarily. But I still understand how hurtful the situation is for Stolas and how that pain is also blinding to him. It's a relationship that could be great if they manage to put themselves in the shoes of the other for a moment and give themselves the time to actually grasp everything that is happening
@echolynn13 Ай бұрын
Woah one minute ago, that's early- Also the show you're talking about with mysteries is Gravity Falls
@ilbknight Ай бұрын
Blitzø hates himself. That's why he crosses out his own face in all of the pictures he's in. He can't conceive of someone genuinely liking him because even he doesn't like himself. So once the message finally gets through to him that Stolas is actually being serious he has no time to process what is going on and in general his only emotional response to having feelings is anger (because, again, he hates himself) so that's where he goes.
@soullessdino 29 күн бұрын
I think its so poetic that the room where they had their big fight was the same room they played in as kids together
@professorbutters Ай бұрын
Blitz needs that book. It’s his only excuse for continuing to see Stolas. The Asmodean crystal is only better if Blitz wants to go to the human world. But taking the book breaks his connection, and that’s why he practically bursts into tears.
@Astrocritical Ай бұрын
My favorite aspect that is often overlooked is Stolas taking his hat off when talking to Blitz, but he puts it back on when e decides to dismiss Blitz entirely, almost as if unintentionally showing his status. Stolas unintentionally does a lot of things, like how often he mistreats his butler imps, and Blitz sees that more than Stolas does. I do think Stolas is more in the right, but Blitz is understandable.
@Blitzdannysaur Ай бұрын
Stolas is not more in the right. He has been mistreating imps and Blitz for awhile now. He needs to apologize and actually speak to Blitz without dumping it all on him and then throwing him out
@Razkovniche Ай бұрын
Shows I'd like to see reactions to: Centaurworld, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Uncle From Another World
@erinwasson5341 Ай бұрын
I loved centaurworld so much.
@dudatrov4315 29 күн бұрын
please watch gravity falls!!!!❤❤❤
@StarkKarstVT Ай бұрын
Add up the revelation of Blitz's past we saw in Oops with Fizz, and the pictures in his home with his face marker scribbled out and its easy to tell that Blitz deeply HATES himself and doesn't feel like anyone could truly love him, or is afraid of being loved.
@k.antoniatea4549 Ай бұрын
The hardest part is at the end Blitz was so close to saying I'm sorry when he realized how Stolas was hurt, but he didn't get the chance. 😢
@crowandcherries Ай бұрын
I like that there's no "good guy" or "bad guy" here, this is really just two messy people whose traumas and damage clash in an awful way. For instance, Blitz is absolutely justified in needing a moment and for him having a blow up is a way to work things out. Notice how he ends his tirade with "let's go", as in let's fight it out. That actually worked with Fizz where a fight got them to recognise stuff and then making up, but Stolas isn't the same as Fizz. Fizz is a different type of person and also has a support system in Ozzie, wheres Stolas is a profoundly isolated person who has just come out of a very abusive marriage so that's not a path to working things out with him, it just breaks shit. (Also, Stella was always shouting at him so this is probably a trigger for him.) They're both partially in the wrong but in ways that are so very understandable given where they're at. I really want them to sort their shit out and get together properly but they are so very much not there yet. Also, side tangent, Matt's nails are looking especially gorgeous recently. (He has very nice hands overall but this nail polish and shape is pretty.)
@jammies721 Ай бұрын
A few things to remember here. We know how Stolas actually feels, Blitz doesn't. Blitz hasn't seen the dramatic musical numbers and the pre-date excitement, he's only seen the deal, how Stolas is horny and flirty and playful and untouchable. Blitz thinks about their date as just another "favor for a favor" while Stolas saw it as a step into genuine intimacy. Blitz was expecting this full moon to be like any other, show up, fuck, same as every other time. Maybe he wanted to make sure that Stolas wasn't losing interest but he still went out of his way to make sure Stolas was satisfied as is their deal. He shows up expecting sex and instead is met with (what to him feels like) cold rejection. This situation could have been handled way better on both their parts, but the whole thing could have been avoided if Stolas let him know ahead of time that he wants to have a real conversation.
@КатяЖукова-р7д Ай бұрын
I mean... A lot of people miss this moment when stolas in s1e6 calls blitz "my Imbiss little play thing" That what blitz thinks stolas thinks of him-a plaything And when stolas says here that he wants them to be a pair blitz is highly confused-he wasnt prepared to this and he didn't have even a couple of minutes to think about it
@JFJ240 Ай бұрын
From Blitz' point of view, that confession did come out of nowhere and when he realise its genuine and wants Stolas to explain again, he's told that it doesn't matter anymore and it's all over. Combine the situation with his own self-loathing and it's no wonder Blitz feels that his feeling are not considered and he gets angry of course. I'm not siding with him and I truly feel for Stolas but for me he dealt with it in one of the worst way possible. Again I understand Stolas is hurt but Blitz didnt have any time nor chance to think about it seriously.
@Jay_Wolfe 10 күн бұрын
35:23 "I can always do better". This is the bit that I really personally understand, and it really gets to me because it shows Blitz really cares even if he doesn't understand it. He's obviously not afraid of upsetting or losing anyone else. Stolas, however, Blitz can't handle thinking he's upset Stolas to the point he's being sent away.
@bitzybatzy8125 Ай бұрын
if you really like the conflict between them both...then youre reeeeeaaaallllly gonna LOVE the next episode. be prepared. next ep is HEAVY
@PoemJunkie Ай бұрын
There’s at least one scene where we see one of the higher demons (I think another Goetia like Stolas) carrying around a very small imp in a purse like he’s a chihuahua, so I think there is precedence for more powerful demons to treat hellhounds and imps like pets, or at least, not autonomous beings.
@NilCaelum Ай бұрын
Blitzo soo thoroughly thinks he’s undeserving of love. In his eyes he’s the problem. And I don’t blame him. In a moment of jealousy he killed his mom, drove his sister to drugs and ruined their relationship, destroyed the family business, covered his own body with scars, and on top of all that he horribly injured his best friend/crush. Fizz lost both arms, both legs, damaged his voice box, broke his horns and damaged his hearing. Then when he went to apologize he was turned away by someone. Before that he was already emotionally abused by his father, literally rented him out to a rich guy for a dollar and a condom and forced him to steal their shit. Blitz feels so undeserving of love that he figured the only way he’d have someone in his life long term was if he adopted a daughter. And even then when he’s drunk he begs her to be by him on his deathbed because he’s not sure she will. He doesn’t think anyone could ever possibly love him, especially someone he views as so much better than him, like a royal demon for example.
@poteaucedar4403 Ай бұрын
Something that the show does touch on about the royals mistreating imps, is how much Stricker hates royals. He mentions at almost every encounter how imps are mistreated, but can be missed
@Idontknowthough Ай бұрын
Theres actually 1 episode left! Viziepop will release more episodes each month after the october epsiode. (Also can you react to the verbalase 50k incident please)
@letigra86 Ай бұрын
@Some_Idiot_Idk Ай бұрын
​@@letigra86 that would be 3
@Idontknowthough Ай бұрын
​@@letigra86didn't know he was talking about the shorts, those aren't episodes !
@doseidamian3977 Ай бұрын
Stolas at the start of the episode; Happy and excited The Fans; Oh No...
@charm0111 Ай бұрын
The whole anxious to excitement is a real thing in neurology the part of your brain that tells you you're anxious is the same part that tells you you're excited
@G.D.G. Ай бұрын
Blitz never saw the romantic gestures, thats the issue. All of this really was out of the blue. Blitz was doing the transactional thing he needed and suddenly he gets basically a better thing for his buisness and there is no price attached. For someone from poverty like Blitz that is sketchy AF. He has to pay up for it, he wants to pay up by being better in bed. Theres always a catch. I think the upcoming episode will REALLY show how actually messed up Blitz is. He's not ok. Not even a little bit.
@FrostFoxTreasury Ай бұрын
The episode that divided the fandom. You weren't the only one to pick sides. A lot of the fandom had a hard time grasping the concept that it was both of their faults and not just one and then they started attacking the other side...it got pretty nasty for a while. Anyway, one thing I'm not sure you noticed but I think is really important is that Stolas, at the beginning of the episode, ran out of Happy Pills. So this, and quite possibly the next episode, take place with him in a bad place mentally on top of all this drama. I love your reactions, I think even more than I love Danny's. So Please keep doing this.
@Effielil Ай бұрын
These is so much to say about this episode, i will just talk about my favourite thing about the “conversation”, the one that hits so close to home for me and that feels so real and raw to me (have to restrain myself bc i could talk about blitz all day). I think its safe to say that blitz has a crush on stolas, and on some level he knows it even if he tries to deny it. That is also why he gets so disappointed at ozzies, when stolas hides behind the menu, why he looks down and away while talking about how ‘its not like that’ to fizz in oops. Because he knows that he likes stolas but he doesnt believe a prince of hell would ever have feelings for an imp. So of course it all has to be about sex right. And hes a stupid (basically) prostitute who caught feelings for a client and he only has himself to blame. So he tries to push these feelings away and creates convoluted reasonings as to why stolas asks him about his day or comments on his pics or why stolas would suddenly tell him he has feelings for him. Theres just no way, right? Because he convinced himself so much that there could not be a way, he just cannot believe what we see is right in front of him. But im digressing (maybe). The thing is, blitz has a crush and he has complicated feelings about it, understandably, that hes trying to squash down. (so complicated i hate when its complicated why do i always end UP IN SITUATIONS THAT ARE COMPLICATED - at first i thought, this is about stolas having feelings for him. Hes a fuckboy and he sussed that stolas might want something more and he doesnt wanna have to hurt his feelings maybe? But no, he genuinely doesnt know that stolas has romantic feelings. So why is it complicated blitz? Hmmm?) He also has a lot of trauma and self worth issues and consequently, intimacy issues. Blitz pushes away everyone that gets too close because he genuinely thinks he doesnt deserve to have happiness, and because he believes he will make their lives worse (did not help that the first person he ever had a crush on, ended up horribly disfigured “as a result of his feelings”). What i love about blitz is that he really really wants to love and be loved, but he just cant accept it. And hes very hesitant with emotional intimacy, and he has a plethora of coping mechanisms, first of all humour (he is just like 17 year old me!). For someone like blitz, who craves love but doesnt think he deserves it so he runs from it, once he had a few months to catch up with himself and understand he caught feelings, this arrangement would actually be the best thing. And he says so in the song. Weve got a nice arrangement and its working out just fine!, and hes so smug as he says it. He has an excuse to be close to stolas without having to put himself out there, without this thing having to actually mean SO MUCH, too much for blitz’s emotional bucket at this time. This arrangement, at this point in time (basically after stolas gave him a few skips), is incredibly enabling to blitz’s pattern. Hes actually been looking forward to this night, he drew a bunch of dicks surrounding stolas on his calendar and triple circled the full moon date, he put effort into it and went on a shopping spree for the night, he was in a good mood all day even complimented moxxie after a job and dressed nicely for stolas. He was expecting some intimacy without emotional intimacy, finally, after so many months! And what he got was very different. After this titanic premise, my favourite thing in the conversation is how he gets so upset when stolas takes away the book. Because that is not about the book. The book is essential to his business, sure, but he got so emotional and begged with tears in his eyes, and that just, i cant believe that was just about the book. The book at this point for blitz is a gimmick to get close to stolas without having to admit he wants to get close to stolas. Someone could say the book represents their relationship, but what i expecially love is that afterwards, when stolas gives him the crystal, confesses his feelings, and gives blitz the choice to stay not because of obligation but because he wants to - blitz just cannot. He cannot take that level of emotional intimacy. He cannot say, i want to stay with you because i like you. He has the crystal now, but he lost his gimmick if that makes sense. When you have the issues blitz has, you thrive on games, you thrive on not saying what you really feel, you thrive on flirting, on fuckery, on gimmicks. He really needed a way to be close to stolas without having to admit he actually wants to be close to stolas, because that is too serious and vulnerable for him, and that was the book. So this is my favourite part, him pleading about the book but really hes thinking please dont take away my only excuse to be close to you!!! And once stolas puts his back against the wall, gives him the crystal and tells him, you dont have to stay but i want you to stay, but only if you want to. You can see it really hits blitz. His eyes get glossy and he looks so stunned and soft. And then it kicks in. The coping mechanism. He CANT. He needs a new gimmick, any gimmick if he cant have the arrangement - and immediately he dives into roleplay. That is such a masterful scene to me. Blitz’s impossibility of being emotionally earnest and having to resort to gimmicks is my favourite thing in the conversation, because i have been there. When they ask you something emotional and you know how youd like to reply word for word but your tongue suddenly weighs a ton. When youre stuck in a cycle with someone you hold dear and you cant seem to break the little conventions that keep you tethered, even if they might hurt you. When someone you like asks you out, and suddenly youre like, do i even like them tho. When someone youre flirting with catches feelings and you go aw damn you had to ruin a good thing. People like (young) me and blitz, you need to let us come to you. Our feelings must get so gigantic and unbearable, that they become undeniable and we must feel compelled to make that emotional step. Until then, we get by on gimmicks, we survive on technicalities, and we run. And you CANNOT demand that we make any kind of romantic commitment before we are ready, we will just shut down (as i believe blitz does with the roleplay. afterwards, he gets mad and yells, because aside from other reasons, this immature reaction gives his frustration an outlet and he would rather fight than admit to stolas he wants to stay, right now). I really hope blitz gets to mature emotionally and evolve, i really do love his ass so much ❤
@jelb4676 Ай бұрын
OMG, I was expecting a comment and left with a thesis and a therapy section. I'm saving this to reading again when I want.
@Effielil Ай бұрын
@@jelb4676 lmfao im so sorry i really did not expect anyone to actually read all that fhdghrgfhg i got carried away
@notsevenzee Ай бұрын
21:16 Gravity Falls is what you’re thinking of I think! The fandom recently had a MAJOR revival due to a book containing new content about one of the characters being released recently so :D. It’s ABSOLUTELY worth the watch (and it’s only 2 seasons), easily one of if not my number one favorite cartoon I’ve ever seen, and everything about it still holds up perfectly despite the show being 12 years old at this point. It’s basically timeless. I’m doing a complete rewatch of it right now and my god I’d forgotten just how funny it is 😂
@ClarePflaum Ай бұрын
Absolutely upvoting for a Gravity Falls reaction!
@dudatrov4315 29 күн бұрын
@Maxlikessnax99 8 күн бұрын
Yo, sometimes I just really appreciate when you decide to go all therapist mode. The whole thing about nervous means excited sounds like something my therapist would say
@ThePhantomNomad Ай бұрын
I wonder if the conversation between Blitzø and Stolas would've been different if Loona didn't put ideas in his mind
@letigra86 Ай бұрын
Misunderstanding because blitz struggles with selfworth, which is seen in "bad trip" and because of his struggle with self worth, he cant see his ever being something to somone as important as stolas. Stolas is a beauty of perfection, as seen in bad trip, his only person who can chain him down and maybe commit to. The fear of being nothing to stolas was stronger than his ability to see his love was reciprocated
@daydreamdragon22 Ай бұрын
A lot of people are actually hating Stolas' character now because he exhibits hypocritical behavior here. When he misinterprets Blitz's reaction as him seeing the relationship as purely sexual, he doesn't really register that he unintentionally caused the relationship to go in that direction and it stayed that way throughout season one. While I can understand that this does sound hypocrital and unfair, I woul like to set the record straight that these characters are not supposed to be flawless! Being written as flawed doesn't make a character terrible; you're not a bad person just because you have flaws.
@jelb4676 Ай бұрын
54:35 You see Matt, this part is really interesting: if you wanna see how imps are mistreated socially, you just need to come back to the song clip and see stollas thrown away all the stuff he has in the fridge, while the butler waits patiently besides him. The imps are always in service positions all along the cartoon, so invisibly that whe don't even notice them.
@SparrowNR Ай бұрын
The thing to always remember about Blitzo: Blitzo HATES himself. He literally cannot fathom anyone actually having feelings for him, much less a noble like Stolas. And in that light: Stolas's only experience with romance is through soap operas, which means he doesn't have the tools to understand the MESS of Blitz's many, many issues. So, he takes Blitzo at face value when Blitzo's defense mechanisms are at max power. Both are hurt and reacting in ways the other can't understand; that is the tragedy of this relationship as it currently stands.
@SparrowNR Ай бұрын
The thing to understand about the end scene? It totally does make sense from Stolas's POV. But from Blitzo's? Give it a second look from what you know about the character. Stolas OPENS with asking for the book back... *permanently*. Understandably, that sets Blitzo on edge immediately, because he does need this book, and it's also the excuse he's been using (to himself) to come back to Stolas. And that context sets his tone for the rest of the scene. Oz crystal? (Did I miss something that you want to disconnect from me?) No need to see me again? (Does that mean I'm not worthy of you?) "I have my answer. You needn't say anything." (Give me a SECOND to process!!!) And Stolas is so quick to take Blitzo reacting badly as a message that this only feeds both fires. BOTH were at their worst here, speaking on entirely different levels and unable to understand the other. Most people blame Blitzo for this, but this dysfunctional tango is a two-way street.
@marithflugelhorn7352 Ай бұрын
It's so painful and they both screwed up so badly, but I'm struck every time by how _hard_ Blitz is trying. The idea of taking the crystal and leaving never crossed his mind. He feels rejected and dismissed, and then he gets angry because anger is his primary defensive reaction, but he's running after Stolas! If you strip out the insults, he's saying don't walk away from me, face me as an equal and let's fight about it, let's _talk_ about it. As for what IMP did before the book, we'll probably find out in a flashback but my guess is they used to be a more traditional assassination biz within Hell. But there have to be tons of those, run by more powerful and higher-status demons. Blitz's idea to find a way to Earth and market to sinners was inspired. When Blitz begs that he'll do anything for the book, he must be imagining M&M leaving and the company folding. The cherubs are very irritating but I do think we needed that break. A full episode of that emotional intensity would've been too much.
@sandracarnegie2871 Ай бұрын
@starrlea8291 Ай бұрын
I love Stolas (I have a plushie and a shirt from Look My Way even!) but I will say he didn't give Blitzø a chance to process. That's a pet peeve of mine, but thats my own trauma speaking lol. Both parties are at fault in my opinion. Being called "My Impish little Playmate" might not be something that someone would like to hear. I think the next episode is really important. Also; definitely Gravity Falls. And might I suggest Hilda? Such a sweet series that definitely has some lessons.
@kathysewell3382 Ай бұрын
....and here we go. Oh you need to watch the voice actors singing this song it's so much fun to see their faces as they sing this song.
@artluver94c Ай бұрын
I think what you're missing is just how much Blitzø hates himself. He blames himself for the fire, his family breaking up, his sister's problems, Fizz's injuries; all of it. Which I think is what makes him scratch his face out of everything because he doesn't believe he deserves anything good so he genuinely can't fathom that a prince of hell could want him for anything more than a s*x toy. So even though he also has feelings for Stolas, he feels like the only way he can get close to him and have value to him is s*x.
@animecris10 Ай бұрын
27:20 we lost him, also, just to remember Stolas' did not take his happy pills, the bottle was empty and there is a hierarchy in hell, at the verry bottom are imps and hellhounds and Goetias are 4 tier up, just under the sins and the Morningstar family
@nickyschou4343 Ай бұрын
Blitz' traumas and self-loathing runs deep. As you picked up on he has scribbled himself out in every picture. Looking forward to hearing what you think of next episode, Apology Tour. 😁
@ohsnap7216 Ай бұрын
I loved your reaction to this episode and how open-minded and understanding you were about the whole thing 💙 trying to see both povs. I am so impressed by how this relationship is portrayed bc it is really layered and while people might pick sides it's important to still try and see the situation from both perspectives. Neither of them is flawless, they both had moments when they hurt the other person (It doesnt necessarily mean the fault lays directly in the middle - just that it is not black and white and different people may look at it differently). We gotta remember it makes a lot of sense, given their personalities and experiences, why they each react this way. They both care but have really bad luck since their coping mechanisms mash horribly.
@bakayaroonna8 Ай бұрын
Many people have already made some very intelligent comments here so I am going to give you a fun fact, @Mattables. The two books where Stolas kept the crystal box stored between are a book on plants and a book on pirates, two books he held in his hands as a child when he was talking to child Blitzø during the birthday play date. Stolas also puts the Grimoire into that blank spot between those two books when returning it to the bookshelf. Stolas is actually holding onto those children's books because of Blitzø and the one happy childhood memory the poor owl has of his depressing life (excluding Octavia) before Blitzø showed up again. I agree with a comment below: you should watch the video of Brandon and Bryce recording the "When I See Him" song. Brandon's body language lends itself to the lyrics and Bryce is so focused! And one more thing - Brandon and Bryce's acting at the end was SO FANTASTIC! These characters feel so REAL because of their VOs!
@benjaminwolfe500 Ай бұрын
I wish Stolas could have let Blitzø think and process without immediately ignoring him/running/refusing to let him have say. He just says "thanks bye I'm not gonna face you anymore" But Stolas didn't tell him that this wasn't a normal night, he didn't start with his crystal speech, he didn't let him think about it. And to put him outside like that is such a horrible way to do that specifically for Blitzø who's been banished from the lives of so many people he's cared for or hurt bc he's broken
@CJT96 Ай бұрын
Here's my perspective on Blitz. When he was a child and Stolas came to the circus, Piamon (stols dad) bought Blitz through Bucko (blitz dad) Bucko told Blitz he was being "bought out as his play thing" So there's a notion from when they were children that he could only be around under some sort of trade off. Granted, Solas knows nothing of this. With that situation having happened and Buckzo thinking money is so important and his kid is not, I'm sure this happened with other people. There's been talk of Buckzo having put Blitz into some shitty situations for money like sex work maybe drugs and we already know theft based on what he stole from Stolas family. Blitz hates himself for most the things he's done in life even if he was a child and didn't know better while he was under the giaze of just helping get money for his mom and the circus.
@gremalien Ай бұрын
Great reaction!! In season 2 episode 3, you find out more that the business did use to be killing in Hell and that probably Blitzø meeting Moxxie was a start of that business from the beginning. At the end of season 1 episode 7, in Blitzø’s photos, there’s the picture of Blitzø and Moxxie actually starting the business. And in season 2 episode 1, Blitzø and Stolas as kids are talking about their futures and Blitzø remembers that Stolas has passage to the human world so revisits Stolas 25 years from then and tries to steal it but instead the deal is made. He even tells Stolas that he kills people now (but probably only in Hell at this point)
@KittyEX Ай бұрын
I don't really watch to a lot of reactions videos, but you're the first youtuber that I enjoy watching.
@lauracarta5087 Ай бұрын
Since I watche the episode the first time, I've been thinking that Blitz fucked up or behaved poorly whatsoever, and I empathized only with Stolas. But whatching it for the second time made me realize that, although his reaction is aggressive and abusing, Blitz's not wrong. Right in the moment he starts expressing his feelings, Stolas shuts him down and ignores him because he's too hurt by his words and plays the victim card without listening to the deeper meaning of what Blitz's saying. I can't believe I didn't notice it before.
@JailBreakFiend Ай бұрын
I recommend watching Over The Garden Wall, kinda feel like you'd enjoy it.
@toxicdreamer2 Ай бұрын
"The Owl House" is a good one for reactions
@ivym7661 Ай бұрын
Show of hands who'd like to see Mattables react to the Making Of of "When I see him"? ✋
@arulo848 Ай бұрын
Blitz can't see himself as lovable by anyone. His dad didn't care, he never got to confess how he felt about Fizz (the birthday card envelope had a heart on it), and after inadvertently causing the death of the one person who possibly saw any good in him, he hates himself as much as his sister does, which is why he blacks himself out of all those pictures (go back and check the Ozzie's episode after he comes back from dropping off Stolas). This could also explain why he's so hung up on Moxxie and Millie's relationship: they have what he's never had and might be afraid to admit he wants deep down. The *idea* of a royal seeing him as anything other than a "lowly imp" would be so astronomically far from his mind, to be suddenly presented with that fact would make zero sense to him, so he thinks it's a joke and plays along. To then have it taken away with literally zero time to process the situation, given what he's gone through, his rage is understandable. Part of him cares, though: the tears, seeing Stolas' reaction to his outburst, the almost-apology -- he has what he wants to do the job he needs to do, but only realizes when it's too late that he's lost what he needs. Stolas, meanwhile, has daddy issues like Blitz, was in a loveless relationship with someone who screamed at him (notice he was hugging himself while Blitz did his best Estella impression), and he's intimated several times that the only good thing to come out of it all was Octavia (who is the only one in the pictures not hidden by curtains). But for all his high-minded talk of thinking highly of him and being suddenly averse to the subject of sex -- HE initiated the terms of the deal for the grimoire in the first place, he HAS done some talking down ("Blitzy"/"itty bitty imps" in the harvest festival episode, "my impish little plaything" in "Truth Seekers", the shame of being seen with him at Ozzie's) and largely treated him as a sexual plaything and little else. Admittedly, Stolas came to all their rescue against the D.H.O.R.K.S., but it was tainted by concern for his own reputation. He attempted to move past what their relationship was at the end of Ozzie's, but Blitz had ZERO reason to think it was anything other than a prelude to sex, because why would he? Concern for their daughters overrode their disagreement, and that was great, but then it was back to business as usual, and he wasn't able to help Stolas against Striker. That scene with the text messages, the message that got deleted and no follow-up, told Stolas right then what to expect, AND STILL, he goes through the trouble of getting him an Asmodean crystal. Despite all the red flags and warnings and history, he still has hope that MAYBE there can be something. But we saw Blitz's reaction. He only sees himself as worthy of anything from Stolas as long as the transaction is in place. He wants to earn this freedom to go to and from Earth. To be put on the spot, to be told "I want you to stay because *you* want to" would mean having to question his feelings. Being vulnerable and open is not his forte, but before his blowup, he tried to make up for what he PERCEIVED the problem to be because, as far as he knew, that was the only thing that had changed. On the whole, this was inevitable. They're both dealing with incomplete knowledge (which, considering some of the stuff Stolas has pulled off, is a shock), and with no reason to see or speak to each other outside of a moonlight rendezvous, when or why would they compare notes? Lack of communication is an absolute relationship killer. We'll see where it goes from here.
@pvtread5207 Ай бұрын
Ahem Looloo land- the perfect episode to show Stolas's hypocrisy. As are a few more season one episodes
@sonomifawn8972 Ай бұрын
It's not hypocrisy. He actually doesn't realize he's biased.
@that-one-gay-hufflepuff Ай бұрын
58:19 Just want to say, this is one of my fav youtuber outros, I watch it through every time. I get so hyped every Thursday and I’m starting to branch into your other reactions and playthroughs. Keep doing what you’re doing, cuz you’re spreading joy
@themindofdirge3809 Ай бұрын
I've been looking forward to you watching these last few episodes so much! Hope you enjoy them! Edit: Your facial expressions when Fizz showed Blitz the toys made my day, thank you. 😆 Edit 2: I'm also so glad you didn't immediately think Blitz was in the wrong here and want to learn more about his story. So many people I've talked to seem to write Blitz off as the problem. Though he sure as hell didn't help the situation, he for sure is a rather damaged and tragic character and seems to have reason for the shit way he acts. Not to excuse him of course, I just like his complicated character and can't wait to see how he and Stolas interact from here on out.
@jacksmith-vs4ct Ай бұрын
yeah and stolas does belittle him a lot in the first season which slowly stopped or at least mostly so to blitz it seems like these feelings are fake at first.
@themindofdirge3809 Ай бұрын
@@jacksmith-vs4ct I agree totally. That's not to mention the difference in class as well which only goes to further a lot of misunderstandings and a sort of stereotyping that can come from classist mindsets that seem to be rampant in hell (It's hell, of course this happens) We also have to take into account that Stolas is also heavily emotionally damaged too as he has no idea how relationships seem to work due to his own upbringing and father. They're both, in my opinion, rather well written tragedy cases trying to figure out a relationship that honestly shouldn't work. I do hope it does, though. I hope it flourishes like Oz and Fizz. I do admittedly like horrible depressing tragedy though and even if in the end they (Blitz and Stolas) don't work out, id still think it's a great story.
@shadowking1380 Ай бұрын
I met Brandon Rogers (blitz) and Bryce Pinkham (stolas) at a convention a couple of weeks ago and they were so sweet (btw I totally got a selfie and autograph 😂)
@JasVsTheWrld Ай бұрын
So while I mostly agree with your thoughts on this I do have two things regarding stolas that I feel can’t be over looked. 1. It WAS stolas who established the entire sexual transaction, granted that may have been the only way to get his book back even temporarily but still it was him who established the deal. 2. I will argue stolas did not execute this confrontation as well as he could of. If two parties have an established plan to go through a certain deed on this exact day, it’s absolutely understandable for one party to react in a negative way when the plans have been changed under their nose with no prior communication and they are just supposed to accept it? I think that stolas properly laid out his emotions after the fact but I don’t think I can blame a hurt individual for reacting negatively to a rug pull
@cutey9268 Ай бұрын
50:34 For a better comprehensive look at their mutual arcs, stories, tramua, etc., I'd personally recommend Georgia Dow's videos and KyraTries's videos on these episodes (both this and the next episode). Cause both of them give a very in-depth breakdown of these two individuals and how their arcs have brought them to this moment.
@rolandpeterson836 Ай бұрын
Brilliant reaction as always! If you are thinking of what to watch after you're finished, I have 2 suggestions: If you want another online series, I would suggest Sander Sides. It's done by Thomas Sanders and is a fun look into human psychology. You'll look at the Playlist and think it's way too long, but the Playlist includes bloopers, promotional videos, and such that doesn't have anything to do with the main storyline and many of the early episode are very short and multiple episodes could easily be fit into 1 video if needed. The more mainstream one is 'Good Omens' there are 2 seasons with 6 episodes each. It's a zany and hilarious story about an angel and a demon losing and then trying to find a boy who's the antichrist. You very well could have already seen either or both, but those are my suggestions. Also might I suggest after the last episode, maybe in a separate video in compilation with the shorts, you watch a couple of hellova boss discussion or theory videos? There are quite a few that go more in depth into Blitz' perspective and it might help with the 'only seeing things through Stolas' perspective' thing. Hope this helps! 😊
@DarkAura16 Ай бұрын
I work at Barnes & Noble and let me tell you the Gravity Falls all anyone is talking about now lol. We're completely sold out of the new book. It's INSANE how much love for the show and the characters still exists after all these years. Highly recommend watching the show. You'll love it :3
@liongus Ай бұрын
List of possible next series/ videos i'd personally be cool with you reacting: -Gravity Falls -TADC -Lackadaisy -Legend of Vox Machina -RWBY -
@Trooper43G Ай бұрын
The breakdowns are great. I find this way more interesting than someone just watching the episode, then dipping out. I would argue 60-70% of the content in a reaction video should be the reaction, so don't feel bad about doing it. You're doing great! I don't think Blitz, nor Stolas are the bad guys here. Blitz is always defensive and afraid to open up, so it was inevitable that he couldn't just BE vulnerable. In the same vein, when Stolas hits his breaking point and teleports Blitz out, sure, he COULD have engaged further, but I understand why he didn't. Blitz was his childhood crush, and he was nervous to the point of throwing up at the start of the episode over how this moment could go. He was clearly hurt and trying to stay dignified, but as Blitz went on a long, hurtful rant for over a minute, all rationality left him, and Stolas, after leaving himself vulnerable and his feelings on the table, felt too burned to try to continue. The short version: This needed to happen for them both to progress. It couldn't have gone any other way.
@Jzgamer5762-rtb2 Ай бұрын
27:10 bros face was just pure shock
@ZUnknownFox Ай бұрын
Here's my thoughts on blitz and stolas, Remember how Stolas was portrayed in the pilot? I like to think that that is how blitz has always seen him, meanwhile from episode 2 onward we are looking at stolas from his own perspective. as the series goes on we're seeing both of them as how they view themselves. Stolas sees himself as a noble, good, and kind hearted person while blitz sees stolas still as how he acted in that pilot, just some rich, fancy, royal who looks at others as lower/inferior beings. it's not until this episode that both of them start to see each other and themselves from the others perspective.
@MisterPunch19 Ай бұрын
When you make a big confession or apology to someone you care about, the hardest thing to do, and the biggest failure of Stolas' here, is giving the person, you came clean to, the space to digest and process what you said. You need to walk away and give them room to reevaluate their feelings and perspective. It's very analogous to coming out of the closet. Close friends and family might have bad reactions because they are in a bit of shock, and you have to let them unpack it for themselves and not pressure them to respond on the spot. Also Fizza Rolls Blowout sale is for the Robot Fizzes he had to sell because of Mammon, now that he broke the deal with Mammom he does't have to keep making them.
@sweatygoblin2335 Ай бұрын
Blitz doesn't understand grand gestures. He barely even understands that Stolas is being serious. It's pretty evident from the way he acts that he has zero self-esteem and thinks he only has value to others if he can do something for them. He was happy with the arrangement as it was with Stolas - he didn't feel used, as evidenced by how he was excited for their 'date' night at the beginning of the episode. It's further reinforced when Stolas takes the crystal away, and Blitz immediately goes on the defensive and says he'll do better. Also Stolas never once shared any of these feelings he had directly with Blitz, and Blitz is patently unable to believe that anyone truly values him for who he is, rather than what he can do for them. S'why he never picked up on the very unsubtle hints Stolas was dropping. They were just never on the same wavelength - and that's both of their faults. Stolas should've been more blunt about his feelings, and Blitz should've been more attentive to the way Stolas had changed over time. Neither is good at communicating, and that resulted in this blowup - which was made even worse by their continued failure to communicate. So yeah, everyone here sucks a little bit and the only path forward for them together is to learn to talk openly and honestly with one another.
@Number1Irishlad Ай бұрын
21:42 I have 3 recommendations: Way of the House Husband (15 episodes), Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting (12 episodes), and Ghost Stories english dub (20 episodes). These are all (mostly) comedies. The first two are yakuza based. First is a former Yakuza who is trying to live as a house husband, and the second is a yakuza enforcer who's put in charge of taking care of the boss's daughter. Two of my favorite animes recently. If you wanna do the Ghost Stories english dub, youu are in for incredibly _bat shit crazy._ HOWEVER, the dub is early 2000s, and the cast was told basically to do whatever they wanted, so it is incredibly offensive at times. But it is just so absolutely wild and off the cuff there might as well not be a cuff in the first place.
@KazeTheCursedOne Ай бұрын
Absolutely go for the Amazing Digital Circus, there's literally only two episodes out, it will be quick to catch up with and it's really good!
@hannahpinson4361 Ай бұрын
Stolas and Blitzo are an example of a couple that loves each other but are terrible at communicating. Even when they are being open and serious, like this episode, they either misinterpret what the other is saying or only hear the bad parts.
@spider-monki Ай бұрын
21:23 its called gravity falls
@Traumaqueenamy Ай бұрын
21:15 I think the cartoon you're talking about is Gravity Falls and that would be a great show to check out. It's from the 2010s but has become popular again due to a new book that came out a few weeks ago. I definitely recommend. It's one of my favorite cartoons.
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