13:27 「メンゴ、メンゴ!」は80年代に日本の若者の間で流行したスラングで、「ゴメンナサイ」の短縮形「ゴメン」を当初はジャズミュージシャンの間で流行してその後広くテレビ業界で使われるようになった“業界言葉”のルールに沿って“ゴ”と“メン”の2つの音節の前後を入れ替えて“メンゴ”としました😊 ちなみに業界言葉は他にも寿司のことを「シースー」、東京のハイソサエティーな街である銀座(GINZA)を「ザギン」、タクシーを「シータク」と言ったりします🤭 13:27 "Mengo, Mengo!" is a slang popular among young people in Japan in the 80s. It is a contraction of "gomen" (gomen nasai), and is a slang word that was first popular among jazz musicians and then widely used in the TV industry. The two syllables "go" and "men" are swapped to form "mengo" according to the rules of "industry jargon" that was first popular among jazz musicians and then widely used in the TV industry. By the way, other industry slang is "shisuu" for sushi, "zagin" for Ginza, the high society district in Tokyo, and "seetak" for taxi.🤭
@tama38435 ай бұрын
@ゆうてん-r4b5 ай бұрын
@Mark-Elf5 ай бұрын
8:49 現職警察官の車道横断、今ならコンプラ警察が出動しますね😂
@Mark-Elf5 ай бұрын
5:07 “How does this anime end?” The most romantic ending in the history of Japanese shonen manga awaits you.😭