May 住的居所家具光线一切都很好了,应该不需要再添加些什么了吧, 如果是真的需要建议可以放一副画什么的在May背后那副墙上,会生色不少❤ (只供参考,也可以不要)。 May一个人在異地, 记得一定要锁好门窗,照顾好自己(也希望May妈也一样❤), 谢谢这期的分享,也更期待妳接下来拍更多的视频😘😘😘
@jazzenthuiagirl Жыл бұрын
I've watched your videos off and on since I lived in Taipei for almost 3 years during the pandemic. Surprised to see you in NYC! I grew up in Flushing and my parents had a store in Manhattan until they retired recently. I'm currently in NJ, about a 30 minute train ride away. If you ever have any questions or need help with anything, let me know. I'm from Taiwan too. I'm actually going back to Taipei for a few months soon. First rule of advice, do your shopping online, it'll be a lot cheaper. If you don't have it yet, get a rakuten rebate account to help save money too. Chinatown will have the cheapest veggies and restaurants in Manhattan. My parents used to have a jewelry store there so I'm very familiar with the area. NYC is not at all like Taipei, be very careful of your surroundings and your belongings. Wear your purses crossbody, don't walk around at night by yourself. Once you get sick of the city, which you will, I recommend you do what most people do and move to a city just outside of NYC in NJ by the train so you can get a new, large apartment for half the price, get a car and have a better quality of life. Many people commute to school and work daily as it's a lot cheaper and convenient. If you have any questions, let me know, all the best!
@MayFit8572 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful tips from a local perspective. I’ll take that. Much Appreciated❤
nice studio , good video made , i love the sharing part that u're presented , it clearly stated that u're a person with a strong inner heart. i wish u all the best in the city. Hope u find peace , joy and wealth in life ! God bless you ~
想當初我們住進internaitonal house near Columbia University, 一個月一千多美元的房租,而且是一房一廳已經嚇得我倒退好幾步,中下城區的房租一定更高,我之前認識的一個日本女生租一個月3000的房子(也是念NYU),當時覺得很誇張...不過經過疫情過後,我有聽說房子越來越難租了...可以租到這樣的房子,四千美元我不意外...有機會去一下Queens和Brooklyn,還有另外一種感覺,加油!
@annabelliuartstudio7155 Жыл бұрын
Great vlog! 曼哈顿能擁有這庅大一塊立足之地!真的不贵!maybe你可以在你的牆上掛一些畫/海報!那就是锦上添花了And even you give up a long time relationship! You will find it is worthy! You will have most memorable life in N.Y.C. Good luck for everything ! ❤