中國人(全球唐人)不少情緒主義得可以! The Chinese people like to call people as "漢奸" and "賣國賊". I really think many people should upgrade their Chinese history knowledge and education. Just speaking of the Treaty of Shimonoseki (馬關條約, 下關條約) of April 1895, I wonder if there was anyone else in the whole of China who could have negotiated a better treaty with Japan, when the army and the navy of China were all defeated, and Beijing itself was under the threat of double attack from north and south, since Japan had already occupied Manchuria and part of Shantung province. The Japan side, under Ito Hirobumi (伊藤博文), specifically requested China to send an able person such as Li Hung-chang to negotiate a peace treaty. Our "patriotism" should be based on facts, not on ethnic sentiments! In fact, before Li Hung-chang set out for Shimonoseki for the peace negotiation in March 1895, Prince Kung (恭親王) already suggested that ceding territories to Japan was an acceptable option: 『恭親王在朝臣爭執中,奏慈禧太后,云:「若不允割地,則都城之危,即在指顅。以今日情勢而論,宗社為重,邊徼為輕,利害相懸,無煩數計。」』鄭學稼『日本史』. The Treaty of Shimonoseki was negotiated and signed at Shunpanro (春帆楼), now still famous for its 河豚料理. Our "patriotism" should be based on facts, not on ethnic sentiments!