Mercedes CEO removed after UAW accuses him telling staff not to join union

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The Electric Viking

The Electric Viking

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@whowhy9023 4 ай бұрын
20 senior UAW officials including several presidents are in jail for corruption & racketeering…
@switzerlandbase 4 ай бұрын
Im sure the person with stage 4 cancer needed to continue working to keep his health insurance.
@nicepokerface3465 4 ай бұрын
Working with stage 4 cancer Welcome to the beautiful healthcare system of America
@jamesr.9239 4 ай бұрын
The fellow with cancer may have had no choice but to keep working to the bitter end . He may have been out of sick leave and vacation days and had to still pay his portion of Doctor bills as well as keep the household running. Such is the reality of getting ill in the U.S.A these days. Get sick and go broke , even WITH insurance !
@nuricrayton3986 4 ай бұрын
I'm glad Mercedes is disciplining the CEO for breaking American law.
@dabrain22video 4 ай бұрын
UAW is going to raise costs for all legacy car makers and its not good for american workers.
@tonysurber9111 4 ай бұрын
Campaigning against a union is not illegal. A company can campaign, giving their reasons on why they feel that you shouldn't choose a union. I know this because I was in such a situation roughly 20 years ago. However, the approach is key. Some things, like threats are obviously frowned upon.
@HLC64 4 ай бұрын
UAW fired a CEO? Is it good for employee? Is this a threat?
@nickmcconnell1291 4 ай бұрын
How dare the Mercedes guy talk truth about the union! I mean it's like he doesn't want to see the progress of UAW jobs going away as they price themselves out of the market?
@DumpTheDollar 4 ай бұрын
Auto companies entering the usa should automate to the fullest, using more robots, and minimise use of humans, except for using well paid well skilled engineers to manage the robots
@larrysmith8397 4 ай бұрын
There is a tear in my beer--I will bet they gave him a raise-they are going to vote YES
@juliahello6673 4 ай бұрын
Anyone can come up with stories about someone being illegally fired when there are thousands and thousands of workers.
@nerdbikes3841 4 ай бұрын
100% of German autoworkers are union workers. Somehow, in some capacity, German carmakers continue to build cars in union-strong Germany and are still very profitable. German build quality is much higher than non-union workers in the USA. Union-strong Germans don’t have to worry about going bankrupt from being out of work or getting sick or their families going bankrupt trying to pay hospital bills. There is another way to run a successful country and live a successful life without giving everything away to multi-billionaires that can fire you in a split second as we see with non-union Tesla workers.
@tonysurber9111 4 ай бұрын
With respect, what you have said is not 100% true. Most of it is true though. For example, German auto is struggling to compete right now due to having to maintain higher pricing, to pay for all of those benefits you mentioned. In America, Ford and G.M. are going through the same problems, and due to the rise of e.v.'s .
@frederickthegreat1352 4 ай бұрын
Also German car makers are becoming increasingly expensive, uncompetitive and inflexible. Mostly due to suffocating over-regulation by EU and German government, but also in significant part due to the burden that are unions. Each individual should prepare themselves for the possibility they might get fired, real life is not kingergarten, and if you try to make it so, you get crap for results. There will be no jobs to unionize when hardcore capitalist chinese autoindustry streamrolls over the unionized utopia that is the German auto sector.
@leiflillandt1488 4 ай бұрын
​@@frederickthegreat1352Compared to the German Unions, the Swedish Unions are said to be weak... 😯🥺 But at least there are few striking days in Sweden. In Sweden the export industry determines the level of the salary rises each or every second or third year, when the agreements are made. Everyone else follows suit. Almost no exceptions. If the personnel must be reduced for any reason, it's normally no problem to solve, last in , first out. So if you are "last in" you don't buy a new house or a new car in that position...
@evitoonbundit2453 4 ай бұрын
Tesla Germany is not unionized.
@whowhy9023 4 ай бұрын
German car industry is in crisis.
@Michael-yi4mc 4 ай бұрын
We wouldn’t need the union if management played fair.
@TheBooban 4 ай бұрын
Should always have a union. For the companies sake. Knowing what your employees think is a good thing.
@fredericoduvel3092 4 ай бұрын
Why have your company ruled by a foreign entity?
@user-de1fu4vi9s 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, USA workers tend to not want to unionize. It goes against individual freedom and responsibility. But the companies caused unions to become popular again. They thought the workers wouldn’t notice their paychecks were not keeping up with inflation. Uh Duh?
@rhettoracle9679 4 ай бұрын
Car Unions are creating the financial incentives for humanoid robotics.
@Shane-zl9ry 4 ай бұрын
Ford and GM seem to be successful despite being unionized. Depends on how it’s managed.
@DaxVJacobson 4 ай бұрын
Ford and GM have both been bailed out with 4 Billion each in the last year or so. GM used the money for a stock buyback. Ford probably used it to pay for one year's worth of recalls.
@Shane-zl9ry 4 ай бұрын
@@DaxVJacobson Yeah, I know they’ve been bailed out in the past. But I thought they had to pay it back. 🤔
@DaxVJacobson 4 ай бұрын
I can't remember what the recent bailout was called so I'm not sure what the terms were
@wilfredvanvalkenburgh2874 4 ай бұрын
​​@@Shane-zl9ryGM still owes from the 2008 bailout. GM, Volkswagen and Toyota owe 100s of Billions of dollars in debt.
@stevemarquardt3217 4 ай бұрын
Unions are only needed when companies [and their managers] treat employees poorly. In my 40 years experience, most companies NEED unions!
@p38cobra 4 ай бұрын
Fired for telling the truth which is why we are all going down while UAW Plays a putrid fiddle.
@joergmaass 4 ай бұрын
That's right, and the reason why your kids should work too, after elementary school and for at least 12 hours a day. And since you are such an educated, well balanced individual, I'm sure you and your family don't need medical care or a home either. You will be able to handle that all on your own! How delusional and ignorant can one be...
@teebone2157 4 ай бұрын
They are going down because prices are too d*** High and interest rates are astronomical. Aren't you paying attention to what's really going on in financial world? When it comes to automobiles and houses, along with credit.
@p38cobra 4 ай бұрын
@@joergmaass using context from over 100 years ago is a flaccid argument. Hey, did you hear? We put a man on the moon 🌙!
@p38cobra 4 ай бұрын
@@teebone2157 you can pay attention for both of us. All you do from your basement.
@fredericoduvel3092 4 ай бұрын
Now that EU gas prices are way too high for car manufacturing, all the car makers have to choose to go to the US or China for manufacturing. well, China has no Unions!!!😉
@raymondschembri5042 4 ай бұрын
Yes China has unions,it’s called Communism 😃
@MrDisasterboy 4 ай бұрын
In some places/industries, employers just have to deal with unions. In the US workplaces get to choose, but the deal is employers don't to muddy the deciision with implied threats or intimidation. Its not terrible for employers, they give up the lobbying to get some non-union workplaces. Its a compromise, other places have other compromises, but places without some give and take usually have very bad industrial relations.
@davyminor5457 3 ай бұрын
Not true he never said our plant would close
@barriewhiteley1692 4 ай бұрын
End of Mercedes absolutely ridiculous
@MrGMawson2438 4 ай бұрын
Afternoon mate
@Muricans1776 4 ай бұрын
‘Murican Pride … work for your country until last breath and then let your heirs get taxed on what you were already taxed on… ‘Murica #1
@kylerobinson7572 4 ай бұрын
It is too bad that the CEO was fired for expressing his opinion. I agree with him. Working in a union shop was not fun. Everyone should have the right to express their opinion, especially when data is readily available from previous companies that have gone bankrupt, significantly due to excessive unionized employee compensation. I would also include excessive executive compensation as part of the problem. Both are bad!! It is much better to have management and labor work together for the betterment of the company, instead of fighting each other. China and Russia are elated when we are unable to work together for the good of everyone.
@nicepokerface3465 4 ай бұрын
Wow that’s a whole mouthful of nothing
@davidlife4983 4 ай бұрын
Many OEMs have been put out of business by unions and this will continue as long as greed is the primary driver. Worker or executive greed are not different.
@nicepokerface3465 4 ай бұрын
Usually the greed is on the employer end
@johnfrancis4401 4 ай бұрын
Power resides with the Union. Of course the final arbiter will be the customers. If the Daimler cars are value for money sales will continue and improve.
@JoeyBlogs007 4 ай бұрын
On that basis Mercedes could be doomed.
@ronaldjszymoniak162 4 ай бұрын
You should have both sides to make it a better Company! Workers need information to be able to build a Strong American Company! Good Luck who ever wins this Battle! When in the Union they want you to only vote union, what is f you don’t agree?
@fredericoduvel3092 4 ай бұрын
One Union to rule them all…
@ivygeorge5342 4 ай бұрын
@whowhy9023 4 ай бұрын
Unions are pointless today. 3 % unemployment, if you don’t like your job just get another job. Also US car manufacturing is doomed , Ford & GM has been shrinking for decades. Borrowing money to give to shareholders & getting government grants & cheap loans is the only way they can make a profit. Not a sustainable model.
@kevint7994 3 ай бұрын
Yeah unionize the DOD. Army,Navy,Air Force,Marines and Coast Guard.
@kennedyracing7527 4 ай бұрын
He’s right!!
@sunrisejak2709 4 ай бұрын
The sad fact is that unions generate animosity between "management" and the hourly work force. Creating such discord and actually referring to management as the "enemy" is 100% the wrong culture to foster. As long as this atmosphere of division exists with unions driving hatred among its members in despising people of its own company I'll never support the unions. The scenario goes like this: ask a union worker on the assembly line, "who is your #1 enemy"? and they will answer "management". Ask a line worker at a non union shop, "who is your #1 enemy"? And they will refer to their most ardent competitor. (such as Chevy vs Ford). Union attitudes suck. Also unions protect and defend bad workers and inappropriate behavior. I've worked in automotive union run shops and I've seen the practice of protecting horrible workers which rewards low productivity. Union workers boast how little they work and what they can "get away with" while reaping huge benefits and pay raises. Demotivates the good hard working conscientious employee. Unions,,,, a concept that has outlived its usefulness and thrives on corruption. We need more leaders like Ronald Reagan who busted the air traffic controllers union as the strikes were inappropriate and not good for anyone. My father who was involved with negotiations as management representative opposing the unions demands had his car shot up with bullet holes in Detroit! 👎 With unions.
@sunrisejak2709 4 ай бұрын
​@@oscarjohnson9156I never said things were great under Reagan. Just that his busting up of a union was appropriate. (learn how to read). 50 years ago nearly 1/3rd of US workers belonged to a union, today it's about 1 in 10. That's a massive decline. (do your homework as you simply don't know what you're talking about). If management is so bad to employees the response is very simple. Go find another job. No one is forcing you to stay at a job you feel is not treating you well. It's called freedom of choice. It's this incessant whining and moaning that turns people off to unions. Cry me a river or just adopt a better work ethic. If you're unhappy with your working life perhaps start your own company. And then you'll realize how inept and unnecessary unions are. But,,, I can see you're not very educated on anything.
@sunrisejak2709 4 ай бұрын
​@@oscarjohnson9156I'm a self made 1%er. I built my career and wealth (now retired at 70vyrs old) with hard work and building opportunity for me and those within my charge. People get paid what they are worth. Nobody should be guaranteed any certain hourly wage. It's what the market will bear. I built large organizations and the workers didn't need to hold companies hostage and make irrational demands. Yes it is a free job market. If you're unhappy you know where the door is. I'm an example of a strong work ethic. I don't expect any of my staff to work any harder than I do. Those who are not interested in putting out an honest effort or are interested in seeing how little they can do for as much money as possible can go work for the company's competitor. Those who are loyal and work diligently with great attitudes get raises, promotions, and they are proud of there efforts and take "ownership" of their contributions. No need whatsoever for a union. It's not collective bargaining in and of itself it's that unions create a hatred within the same organization. It's the old saying, "why bite the hand that feeds you". Look at the attitude of any union leader. Including Sean Fain and the UAW. Creating hatred of "management" is not good in any organization. I suppose you think it's ok for health workers to collectively strike? What if you're sick and about to have surgery? But,,, the union says "nope we're on strike" you can go pound sand and die for all I care" or police decline to respond when a robber is at your house and the police say "sorry we're on strike". Or your house is on fire and the fire department says "until we get a new contract you're on your own" Of course I think these actions are not allowed. But the concept of holding a knife to someone's throat and demanding a higher wage is just obscene. Collective bargaining and threats to destroy the very opportunity that's putting food on the table is simply nuts. Yes, it's a free job market. I came from nothing, meager beginnings and created not only wealth and opportunity for myself but for thousands of others who made a great living and raised wonderful families while contributing to society. All thankfully accomplished without the BS of unions. The workers and management were together like family. No animosity. With the massive decline in union membership it's proven great cooperation and productivity can enhance the lives of everyone without joining a negative atmosphere of hatred. It's clear I'm seeing life from a position of wealth I created through hand in hand cooperation with a circle of employees all happily pulling in the same direction. You seem to be a disgruntled failure that need a "crutch" and support of others to assist you in your subpar efforts. In the "land of opportunity" if you embrace a strong work ethic with good values you will find happiness and success without the need of joining a gang of thugs. Oh well,,, my results speak for themselves. A company with wonderful culture that grew and succeeded without the heavy dead weight of an anchor being a union that simply artificially seeks to disrupt the normal pay "what your worth" mentality. Minimum wage is determined by the market not by bureaucrats thinking it's "nice" to over pay for work that can be done by the conscientious hard working, great people who spouse good values. Most people who pay their union dues are simply being duped into believing there is a shortcut to more money and benefits just buy threats. Unions were benefucial in the age of industrialization for worker safety. I fully agree with that. However, that's not needed these days as enough laws and guidelines exist to protect workers. Unions have now outlived their usefulness and are struggling to grow. I would never join an organization hell bent on destroying the culture of mutual cooperation and benefit. People often find a level of success for them and their families through their contribution. You want to hide behind the thugs of a union means you don't possess the values that will be helpful to your success in your life. The companies I ran at a senior leadership level all had wonderful people top to bottom and a shared sense of working together for the common good. (medical products industry) All thriving thank goodness without the destructive nature of most unions. Simply not needed.
@sunrisejak2709 4 ай бұрын
​@@oscarjohnson9156Most recent predictions are that humanoid robots will assume most of the labor related jobs. This will certainly spell the end of labor unions. The over compensated and over benefitted workers considering productivity and rising employee labor cost products simply become prohibitively expensive. Demanding unreasonable labor compensation accelerates the pursuit to replace human labor. I suspect the humanoid robots will not be collectively unionized. Good bye to unions once and for all.
@DumpTheDollar 4 ай бұрын
Anyway, it makes no difference. All these factories will shut down when these ICE car factories get wiped out by the EVs.
@mnhsty 4 ай бұрын
I worked under German management for a while once. They had disdain for American law and thought it was smart to circumvent it.
@stevey_z 4 ай бұрын
These mercedes people will be sad when their jobs go to the United Mexican States. I am not anti-union.
@killedbycoconuts 4 ай бұрын
Higher wages equals few jobs. Period.
@gaithercain5636 4 ай бұрын
I do not like it.
@tommycollier9172 4 ай бұрын
The UAW president is a great man Kudos to him
@benzclan63 4 ай бұрын
A lot of things are passing in the automotive world that are news but it seems you're not seeing what really matters, only thrash news no one cares, do you know what is new Mercedes-Benz G580 EV? the new Mercedes-Benz EQS?, the new Mercedes-Maybach EQS SUV?
@FrankGallagherr 4 ай бұрын
Abolish unions
@FWrulesful 4 ай бұрын
USA, USA, USA 😂😂😂😂
@Victic005 4 ай бұрын
Boycott Mercedes.
@amandagrant4331 4 ай бұрын
Long Live UAW
@MrGMawson2438 4 ай бұрын
Wow that guy should retire
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