Mesopotamian Astrology, by Robert Hand

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Sidereus Academy

Sidereus Academy

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@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
It was the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, the other known Morning Star, it rolls with Earth's 365.25 day year, drops below the horizon for 70 days, returning with the seasonal floods, where then rose with the sun for 40 days. The Heliacal Rising of Sirius, Sothic Cycle, which lasts 1460 astronomical or 1461 civil years, the heliacal rising of Sirius occurs again on New Years' Day, on I akhet 1.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Enlil was known as the northern constellation, Ea or Enki was the Southern constellations, Aun was the path the sun took between the two. The head of Draco was the seed cup holding the seed of Damu, known as The Child, they called him the Swine, the Egyptians called Draco Taweret, the goddess of Childbirth, the hippo/lion/crocodile goddess, also called Reret, "The Sow", in Sumerian, 'sah' means "pig", they called Orion Sah, "Sahu the Hidden One", 'sahu' means Boar. My research tells me, they liked to group stars in 7, which is the number of stars in the Big Dipper, the husband of Taweret, known as Thigh of the Bull's Leg, the brother of Osiris, known as Seth, both the Sumerians and Egyptians used a Standing Wolf riding a Plow, the Little Dipper, Ursa Minor, Ur means Dog, sa means Red, Ursa means Red Dog, the Standing Wolf on a plow, is the hieroglyph for Wepwawet, the Wolf Headed son of Seth, and brother of Anubis, Seth is the relative of Horus, the word "damu" means Blood, Brother and Relative. What I wrote above is only part of a cycle, maybe later I'll add some more.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
We now know that it is the alignment between Jupiter, Venus and Earth that modulates the 11 year solar sunspot cycle, that flips the magnetic poles of the Sun
@christopherellis2663 3 ай бұрын
5 times 12 is 60 6:28 the circle is most simply divided intovsix sections. Six times sixty is 360, almost the same as days in the year. ( five fingers and four fingers by two joints and the tip if the thumb.)
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Is he talking about Kullaba, which later turned into Uruk, Kullaba had two temples, one for Anu the other for Inanna, Anu is the path of the sun through the zodiac, Inanna is Venus, she was used to point out omens. Kulla is the divine temple builder, made from a pinch of clay from the primordial mud by Ea (Enki).
@CheKelley 2 ай бұрын
i really wish u woudve explained what ure talking about so beginners coud make sense of this cuz i really wanted to know
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
If you plot the location of the sun at the same time, like mid day, over the whole year, it draws out the shape of the number 8, the X at the center of the 8 is the Equinoxes, the circles of the 8 are not the same size, they point out that the day is longer during the summer than they are during the winter, the winter circle of the 8 is smaller than the one created, plotting the summer sun. The rising and setting sun associated with infinity, the shape the sun makes through out the year, the weaver, associated with the goddess Neith, associated with Virgo.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Neith is a war goddess, she holds twin arrows above her head, she is the protector of Wepwawet, the War God. her symbols, the crossed arrows and shield on her head, the ankh, and the was-scepter, the symbols, the was-scepter has the symbol of Seth at the top, his Set Animal
@lucid_747 Жыл бұрын
Do you know of a good beginner book or series about Mesopotamian Babylonian astrology?
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
A member of the Tuatha Dé Danann who owned a magical spear, the Gáe or Gaí Assail, and seven magical pigs. His spear was the first brought into Ireland. It never failed to kill when he who threw it uttered the word ‘ibar’, or to return to the thrower when he said ‘athibar’ [cf. Ir. ibar, yew tree, yew wood]. T. F. O'Rahilly observed that the Gáe Assail was a lightning spear, like the weapon of Thor, which also returned to the hand that hurled it. When Gáe Assail had been taken to Persia, Lug Lámfhota obliged the sons of Tuireann, Brian, Iuchair, and Iucharba, to retrieve it for him. Another task of those same children of Tuireann was to retrieve the seven magical pigs of Assal ‘of the Golden Pillars’, who could be killed and eaten and would be alive and ready to be slaughtered again the next morning. The bones of the pigs of Assal are in the crane bag of Manannán mac Lir. In Irish, asal means Donkey, the first image of Jesus was him with a Donkey head, and saying Sausage is Jesus spelt backwards Sa-sej, in Hebrew, Saul means "Prayed for", a Sage is a Wise Teacher, the 7 stars of the Big Dipper are associated with the 7 Rishi, Wise Sages, who was saved by Manu riding his magic fish (Vishnu), Manannán mac Lir is the god of the Sea, in Hebrew, 'dag' means Fish, from Dagon the Fish headed grain god, inventor of the Plow, where you find the Standing Wolf, the word Dag is spoken as Dog, an Ur, which means both dog and wolf. What does Rishi spell if you move the last "i" to the front, it spells Irish.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Does he know that the Antikythera mechanism was based on the 223 saros cycle. Saros (/ˈsɛərɒs/) is a period of exactly 223 synodic months, approximately 6585.321 days, or 18 years plus 10, 11, or 12 days (depending on the number of leap years), and 8 hours, that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon. I think it would be more like lost knowledge.
@smartarsetube Жыл бұрын
Counting in base 60 is natural if you use the fingers + thumb of one hand, and the knuckles of the other, 5 x 12 = 60.
@Prudenthermit 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@TheNewCompatibility 2 жыл бұрын
Does a chart of examples of limiting and non limiting examples of the actions of sect of each planet thorough the houses exist or medical purposes? I do not know if anyone has the time in their life time to compile such examples of sect through the houses? Example: a well dignified Saturn, out of sect, in the 12th house in a nocturnal chart elicits the possibility of a terminal disease.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
I wonder @48:00 the association is their color, Antares is a Red Star, Mars is a Red Planet, the scorpion is associated with death, but also life, the goddesses Serket and Kali are associated with Scorpio, Serket's title is "She who causes the throat to breathe", Libra was seen within the claw of Scorpio. October and November when the sun is crossing the two signs. Find yourself something that will play words in reverse, so you can speak Anunnaki, ha ha ha, don't get scared Scorpio is hard to say, but I find the words I use sounds the closest, so listen close, see if you have the ears to hear them speak. "Her Bid One---Wise Quotes---She Raise Dead---Her Birth God---Heart Beat" played in reverse will echo "Libra---October---Antares---Scorpio---November" the words "Her Message---Say There Is A Guest" will echo "Sagittarius---December" Behind Sagittarius is the center of our galaxy, where stars are born, they called Gods, and this the Golden Gate of the Gods. Does that scare you?
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Not every year has the same amount of Full Moons, some years have 13, it's always followed by two 12 full moon years, which is 37 full moons every 3 years, the 4th year, leap year, we add an extra day, 37+12=49, isn't that 7x7, time it just right, Leap Day is the 50th new moon and the start of the next 49 full moons, would that be a mini Jubilee. The Hebrew month of Nissan is the first month of the Jewish calendar and usually falls in March and April. what's the date 14 days after February 29th (Leap Day)? About a week away from the Spring Equinox. Back in 1754, 11 days were added to the year.
@Egîd1880 2 жыл бұрын
they are not Persians , but the MAGUS they are a median clan that was preoccupied with astrology and spirituality, they are ancestors of the KURDS . MAGU,MAGI≈ magic and there is a Kurdish clan with the same name in same area ..
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Sha of Shamash, is the same as sah (pig), the first sha, means scorch or burn, mash is mas, which is Gemini, like he said, neutral, or half, in between, the sacrifice of the boar, the roasting of it's meat. The swineherd Eumaus slaughters one of his boars in order to feed himself and his guest (Odysseus). He kills the animal, his friends butcher it, and his first action is offer flesh and fat to the gods by burning them in the fire. Then he prepares the rest of the boar for their meal. In Germanic paganism, a boar called the sonargǫltr was sacrificed during Yule celebrations. In some traditions, called heitstrenging, people made solemn vows on the boar's bristles. In Greek mythology, Meleager led a group of heroes to hunt and kill the Calydonian boar after his father, King Oeneus, failed to sacrifice to Artemis. Artemis then sent the boar to ravage the country as punishment. Varaha is associated with the legend of lifting the earth (as the goddess Bhumi) out of the cosmic ocean. When the asura Hiranyaksha stole the earth and hid her in the primordial waters, Vishnu appeared as Varaha to rescue her. Varaha killed Hiranyaksha, and retrieved the earth from the ocean, lifting it on his tusks, restoring Bhumi to her place in the universe.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Do see the hidden meaning of Shamash, meaning Twin Pig, in Irish cupla means Twin, and McCullough means Son of the Boar, Roger means Famous Spear, you can call me Roger Cupps-McCullough, the Boar name is associated with Bow Makers, like the ones seen in the hand of Ashur, Assur or AN.ŠAR The cuneiform sign for ash is 𒀸, and it is part of the sumerogram AN in Akkadian, which also includes MAŠ (𒈦). Twin, in Irish, McCullough means Son of the Hound of Ulster, "ur" means Dog.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Emmanuel Velikovsky wasn't right, he's the Thunderbolt Foundation's hero is all, that don't mean he's right. Seems to me, all the planets resonate with the number 7, even our sun, that dances like Shiva, that's Hebrew for Seven, my favorite number, twin sevens even better, Shiva dances like our Sun, it's tilted 7 degrees, at it's equator, a 25 day spin, 2+5=7, the poles of the Sun spin much slower, 35 days each, 35+35=70, a point on the 7 degree tilted Sun takes 79 years to complete one full rotation, and a 79 year cycle is seen when Mercury and Mars are together like twins, next to each other, Mercury retrogrades 22 times every 7 years, having a 88 day year, 8+8=16, hiding a 7, which the number of Triangle Mercury makes every 7 years, each retrograde takes place 120 degrees from the last, after 3, a triangle can be outlined, another 7 is found in the number of days Mercury has every Earth year, Mercury has 6 days every Earth year, but if you count Mercury's mid-day double sunrise, it makes 7 days, and the 7 is found with Mars as well, Mars retrogrades 70 to 79 days, loops around the Sun and back to the same spot in 707 days, conjuncts with Venus 3 times in 9 months, on a 77 month cycle, and Venus retrogrades 43 days every 77 weeks, 7 weeks hidden behind the Sun, a Jupiter year is 11.86 years, 11+86=97, that equals 16, a Saturn year is 29.5, equals 34, all the way out to Pluto, 124+124=248, a Pluto year, 1+2+4=7. Whose movement is in the shape on an egg, it takes Pluto longer to get around the Silver Gate of Man, between Gemini and Taurus, where Orion stands in the center, and shorter time to get around the Golden Gate of the Gods, between Sagittarius and Scorpio, behind Sagittarius is the center of our galaxy, where stars are born, out of the black hole, Sagittarius is the hips and thighs, which holds your butt, where you find another one, ha ha ha Do you want to see Inanna's eye, search for Jeanne crater, located on Venus, a Pyramidal crater with an eye in its center, at the bottom, looks like tears rolling away, I call it "The Weeping Eye of Venus". The Triangle hieroglyph is the sign for Venus meaning "Sharpe One". Its located at 40 degrees N Lat, Venus retrogrades 40 to 43 days every 77 weeks, 7 on the 77 week, Venus is Hidden by Utu, the Sun, 3 sevens (777) create a 60 degree triangle, 3x60=3 hours, 3x7=21hours, the 60 degree triangle equals 24 hours, 7 hours to sleep, 7 hours to work, 7 hours to play, with 7x60=420, ha ha ha 40 N Lat by 331 Lon, 3+3+1=7 Venus was known as Sopdu, sometimes spelt Septu, in Latin, 'septem' means 7, Sopdu is a male, his wife is Chensit, her name means Placenta, September is when the Sun is in Virgo, in astrology, your Belly Button, your first scar cut from the Placenta (Chensit). Sopdu was a god of war associated with the eastern borders and the eastern Desert, known as the “lord of the east”. Each time Venus retrogrades, we see the same face, that eye looking at Earth, is that why its weeping. Mars is the Roman god of War, Mars and Venus know each other well, Mars descends down upon Venus on her first day of retrograde, will conjunct with Venus 3 times in 9 month on a 77 month cycle "The Remarkable Dance of Venus and Mars", search for it In English Gematria, 77 is the value for Christ.
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
Why did the ancient Greeks call Polaris "The Dog's Tail", both the Egyptian and Babylonian star maps show a Standing Wolf in the center. Our Sun is tilted 7 degrees, Polaris is 0.7 degrees off Earth's axis. Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees towards Polaris, 23.4 degrees the other side, points to Vega, the She Goat, our old Pole Star from 12,000 years ago, associated with Bau-Gula, mother of Gods, mother of Damu the dying and rising god of healing, the Goddess of Dogs. Bau Bau the barking dog, long is her healing togue, known as Gula the First Physician, seen in the healing effects of the dogs tongue, long like the one seen on Taweret, goddess of Rebirth. Between Scorpio and Sagittarius is the Golden Gate of the gods, the Silver Gate of Man is found between Gemini and Taurus, Orion and his Club standing in the center, where you find his club pointing to the sun on the day of the Summer Solstice, and the Silver Gate speaks too. "Say Oath---They All Rule---Beyond The Mist", played in reverse they echo "Gemini---Orion---Taurus" Missing in my comments, is the Gate Keeper, if you know who the Sumerian Door-Keeper is, than you'll find his wife
@MrBlazingup420 5 ай бұрын
When you were young, learning to count, did you use your fingers, well they did too. Hold one hand up, use your thumb, to count the joints on the four fingers, you keep track of how many times you counted to 12 with the 5 digits on the other hand, 12x5=60, to count days the used the moon, Sabattu or sapcittu was the time when the moon reached fullness and apparently rested. it's where we get the word for 7, and the 7 day week, creating a triangle (pyramid) the 3 sevens (777) create the 60 degree triangle, three 60 degree corners, 3x60=3 hours, 3x7=21 hours, 7 hours to sleep, 7 hours to work, 7 hours to play, with 60x7. ha ha ha, 60x7=420, code for time to get stoned and look at the stars, ha ha ha
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