Message to Bosnian Muslims By Sheikh Imran Hosein

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Sheikh Imran Hosein

Sheikh Imran Hosein

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@MrIndjo 3 жыл бұрын
I am a Serbian Orthodox Christian from Serbia, many greetings and God bless you for advocating for peace and cooperation between Muslims and Orthodox Christians.
@makedon9991 6 жыл бұрын
If you really know what happened in Bosnia 1992-1995,you will be silent forever
@mdifazsorkar2738 2 жыл бұрын
@SheikhImranHosein 9 жыл бұрын
Assalaamu 'alaikum! In the same way that I have continuously denounced the Ottoman Gog and Magog Empire for their centuries-long oppression of the Orthodox Christians (on behalf of Dajjal the false Messiah), so too do I condemn the scandalous attack on the Serbian Prime Minister who courageously attended the ceremony in Srebrenica marking the 20th anniversary of the slaughter of thousands of Bosnian Muslim men and boys. In the same way that I have apologized to our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters for the disgraceful and manifestly sinful conversion of their premier Hagia Sophia Cathedral to a Masjid - to the eternal shame and disgrace of Muslims - so too do I apologize to the Serbian Prime Minister for what appears to have been a pre-planned attack on him. I hope that Serbian Orthodox Christians will not allow this disgraceful event to deter them from increasingly denouncing the unjust slaughter of thousands of Muslims in Srebrenica 20 years ago. Friendship and alliance between the worlds of Islam and Orthodox Christianity will take place Insha Allah, and none (NOT EVEN NATO) can prevent it. Hagia Sophia will be returned to you when the conquest of Constantinople prophesied by Nabi Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) takes place, and none (NOT EVEN NATO) can prevent it.. with sadness, Imran N. Hosein
@geronimobee4349 9 жыл бұрын
SheikhImranHosein He was asked no to come to ceremony by major politicians in Bosnia. Check his history and you will know why. Attack was staged to change the focus and make Serbs appear as victims. Think Imran think my brother.
@adom3642 9 жыл бұрын
SheikhImranHosein Salam respected brother Imran, since the first time I saw your lecturing at youtube a few years ago I was thrilled with it and barely waiting for every new lecturing. I agree with most of your points of view considering of interpreting ayas and hadiths of akhiru zaman. I am from Bosnia ... Believe me sheikh , you have no enough insite in history and realtions between nations here in Balkan. What was happened here in last agression on Bosnia is nothing but sinsiter agenda targeted to bosnian muslims.To be clear , nobody's hand are clean in that agression whether was West whether East countries ... But , brother Imran big crimes ( which you even cannot imagine ) done by serbs in last war are not coincidence.During last 150 years those serbs and their authorities ( goverments ) was doing the same thing a several times , supported by MAJORITY of serbian people.And we must not mixed todays muslims in Bosnia with behaviour of Ottoman empire !!! I'm not aprove bad things wich Ottoman empire done to orthodox christians of this region. Only thanks to ALLAH swt we are not exterminated from these area. Believe me sheikh if you was present here at time of war , serbs wouldn't leave you alone .. they steel have smaller or bigger hateress to bosnian muslims . Sheikh Imran , you are very educated and inteligent , but scientist (alim ) of your caliber should know that in Bosnia was G E N O C I D E on muslims. Russia by puting veto on british resolution infact indirectly supported G E N O C- I D E . If you like to talk about history of serb hateress to bosnian muslims please inform yourself more about it. I wish you that ALLAH continue to send you ilham and nour that you could interpret akhiru zaman events ,and of course good health. Salam aleyk.
@hamzajunakovic4113 9 жыл бұрын
Lijevo Oko 80 procent of serbs are radikal chetniks.. bosnia is our country , nato stoped us in banja luka 1995 year, we have defeat the serbs and croats but nato stoped us... usa give them republik serbia , republik of our blood... 8372 in srebrenica ,, and thousands in other citys .... we will never ever trust them , never ! insALLAH only khilafat ..and otoman khilafat bring here from benining islam..I respect imran but he is not the only one today of thousands sheikhs the smartest..specialy for his suport of serbs and presidend vucic.
@ctrlaltdelete321 9 жыл бұрын
What next? Apologize for attacking Sharon during his "visit" to alaqsa?
@theguywhoasked3435 9 жыл бұрын
Apologise to the man who openly said in parliament for every serb killed we will kill hundreds of muslims, apologise to this "courageous" man who stood on the top of Sarajevo while the people, along with myself and my family, were trapped and bombarded for four very long years. Will you apologise to Sharon and NetAnyahoo as well? Shame, ya shakyh!
@emirbejtagic8872 3 жыл бұрын
Mister, You are gravely mistaken. Serbs are pursuing the same policy since the 18th century. Why is that they can not accept that Belgrade was darul jihad had over 200 mosques. Its a similar story to Andalusia, we all know Andalusia story. Only difference is Bosnia belongs to Bosniaks (Muslim, Jew, Orthodox, Catholic) and not to Serbs. Serbia belongs to Serbs!
@slavazoid8179 2 жыл бұрын
Bro we've went through 3 Genocides in the last 100 years
@mmr1137 4 ай бұрын
All mocques in Belgrade were demolished by Austrians who occupied Belgrade stop spread8ng Lies. Belgrade stayed part of Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918. And until that period all mocques that was demolished were demolished by them not by Serbs or Serbia
@yasser_hussain 9 жыл бұрын
Every passing day this man is showing more of his true colors. He is such a big liar. He says Srebenica is not a massacre because it did not have widespread support, by the way that is completely unsubstantiated, most probably the state did have widespread support. But even if I accept his words, by the same logic European killings of Native Americans is also not genocide because who knows whether the European states had public support. Most Europeans might not have even been aware of such events. I could endlessly extend this logic to prove that no genocide was actually a genocide. Who knows whether Nazis had public support when they were killing Jews. Who knows whether USSR had public support when it was killing the Poles and the Ukrainians. Now, lets turn the table on this bogus and fraud Sheikh. The Ottoman State also probably did not have public support for its killings of Eastern European Orthodox Christians. So that was not genocide. So why does this Sheikh shed his crocodile tears for the death of his backers and financiers, the Orthodox Christians?
@blagojajovovic7128 9 жыл бұрын
Мy respect to you Sheikh Imran! First of all, as a Serb want to pay respect to every innocent Muslim killed in Bosnia. Under Ottoman rule for 400 years many people here were convert to Islam for different reasons, freedom, property, love , so the people were divided (same blood, same language) and that differences are being worm up for long time, from different directions. We Serbs were often harsh to Muslims here with something like "They sold their faith for dinner" speak. It is very simplified and it rise hatred on the other side. That caused some Muslims want to forget their roots. It is our mistake. Maybe we make this mistakes because we are so proud that we survive under Ottomans for so long, as Orthodox Christians. Balkan mentality. But, we do not hate them. One of best writer on this part of world was (and still is) Meša Selimović, he called himself as Muslim and Serbian, we accept him as our. He was, is, and will be in our schools. There are still Muslims here who have love for Serbs, but not so many. And they can not speak that in their society, for sure. As we see here in comments, how many Serbs are prepared to recognize our crimes, and no one prepared for that on the other side. I think that is the hate. And just in last 100 years Serbs had so many victims, so, so many. WW1, WW2, 1990s. Nobody care about that. I want to say it is not invention of Bosnian Muslims, but West. Western powers never wanted to see our victims because of their Serbophobia (Russophobia). We are nothing to them and we used to it. NATO bombing in 1999. just proved that. Bosnian Muslims just follow that western views, form on CNN,BBC.... We have really big enemies in Anglo-Saxons and Germany, we do not need Muslims here as enemies, but they allowed to be used by West for many times. It is a major problem here. And that is about this resolution. It was anti-Serbia, anti-Russia resolution, and not because their care for Muslim victims. Term "genocide", too. West exploit it because of their geopolitical interests. I am glad to see that you understand that, unlike majority of our Muslim neighbors. Wish you long life and all the best!
@blagojajovovic7128 9 жыл бұрын
***** No, we are not Turks, we escorted them form here with war and blood. You know that, i am sure. Yes, we destroyed many mosques, it was not good thing. Did you destroy some churches? It is not excuse, just question. If you called yourself Bosniaks, i call you that way, it is not problem. I just talk about same roots, that you don't recognize. But I can not convince you if you don't want to. Problem here is that you are not our real enemies, they are stronger then you, and they are in the West. And they use you against us. You should stop doing that.
@TsaiVidroVoves 9 жыл бұрын
***** Who loves you other than you nearest brothers? Wake up, don't play the anglosaxon elite's game, you are but a pawn, you will suffer the first.
@TemplarOfTheWolf 9 жыл бұрын
mirnes hukić Da, Bogumili su bili reformska struja unutar vizantijskog pravoslavlja, i šta hoćeš time da kažeš? Bogumili nisu bili nacionalnost, bili su sekta. To na šta ti ciljaš, na masovni prelazak Bogumila na islam je najobičnija budalaština. Čak i da je to istina, opet dolazimo do istog - genetski srpsko poreklo i islamizacija.
@Vajicgaja 9 жыл бұрын
mirnes hukić Врло, врло компликована ситуација. Зар не ? Не пропусти чињеницу да су тада обе цркве третирале патарене/богумиле као јеретике, доласком у Босну добили су миран живот. Ко би могао да зна све наше врлудаве стазе којима смо ишли. Католици, грко-католици, православни, богумили, муслимани и све остале подврсте. Суштина је доказати да си другачији од оних других, да имаш некакво древно право да будеш то што желиш да будеш или што тренутно јеси, а да чак не постоји ни помен чињеници да смо у једном тренутку сви били један народ, један корен, на овој земљи, овде. И какав је проблем што смо се током времена изделили и удаљили ? То се дешава у свакој породици. Ово сам написао не да бих Вас увредио некаквим националним ставом са примесама подсмеха, не дај Боже, написао сам јер је очигледно да смо у неком тренутку сви били породица. То је чињеница потврђена ДНК истраживањима и из тога не изводим било какво српско првенство. Дуже од четири века ратујемо зарад туђих интереса, мислим да је доста. Нека се свако крсти како хоће, нека свако клања како жели и колико жели. Не дирај ме, не дирам те. Ако треба, хајде и да језик толико покваримо до неразумљивости само да се више не кољемо. А да почнемо од тога да смо сви људи ?
@Vajicgaja 9 жыл бұрын
@1HUSEINKAPETAN1 9 жыл бұрын
As a Bosniak muslim this hurts my feelings, having lost members of my family in the genocide that happened in Bosnia, not just Srebrenica but Foča, Trebinje, Prijedor, Bijeljina, Banja Luka and hundreds of other cities. And, yes, we do believe that they support that policy, you should examine the way that the Serb elite has pursued this exact goal since regaining independence. Southern Serbia was majority Bosniak, now there are no Bosniaks in Uzice for an example, which was a majority Bosniak city. And, I will tell you one thing, if Russia is going to be an ally of the muslims, so be it, but that does not make all of their deeds good. A genocide was commited in Srebrenica, and not only in Srebrenica but in the entirity of Bosnia. Shaykh Imran Hosein, you personaly should apologize about what you said, because you are obviously talking out of ignorance, not just about the events that happened in Srebrenica and Bosnia, but also about the history of Serbian politics and the Serb politicians. You do understand that Belgrade had over 100 mosques, now it has 1 mosque which was burnt on numerous occasions aswel. The amount of mosques that was destroyed in Bosnia is huge, you should check that out aswel before defending the Serbs.
@sunaydemirov7318 4 жыл бұрын
ovaj je prodaven sheik. russia nega plati pare . ozbilno ima i dokaz svi znaje to
@eBayNumismatics 6 ай бұрын
​@@sunaydemirov7318 A ko vas plaća? Amerikancima prodane duše.
@hannibalking85 4 ай бұрын
So that justifies NATO killing more than 50000 people in Serbia?
@smut_operator1179 3 ай бұрын
He’s trying to help you. To stop the islam fanatic war against everyone that is powered by the ✡️. Mass killings were happening on both sides. Muslim fanatics are only talking about Serbs killing muslims, and Serbian fanatics talking the opposite. This man is trying to stop all that for once. But you want endless fight and endless suffering. Who picks up the sword, from sword he dies!
@emilianozapata2530 Ай бұрын
You guys are limited as a french balcony,you didnt understand one think that sheikh was explaining so patiently,are you blind not to see that zionists are trying to make orthodox and muslims fight in this part of world?
@toontimeSRB 9 жыл бұрын
As an Orthodox Christian from Serbia, I support your cause and hope that we will stop this madness and have alliance between our peoples.
@Traxarab 9 жыл бұрын
Stop lying
@toontimeSRB 9 жыл бұрын
What is your problem?
@toontimeSRB 9 жыл бұрын
Ahirul Zaman They all drink beer and rakia. It's normal on Balkans.
@Traxarab 9 жыл бұрын
You can not take whole nation if one or 1000 of them drink beer. It is like me saying that :all serbs are killing bastards , because Hellish Mladic killed bosnian muslims. Think more....
@toontimeSRB 9 жыл бұрын
90% or more drink beer and rakia. I said that based on real life experience. I meet alot of people of all nations so I know...
@LordMilan85 9 жыл бұрын
At first place I must say that I'm an orthodox christian from Serbia, and I must give a congratulations to Sheik Imran Hosein because what he says is absolutely truth. We are divided so the western nations may play a game with us easely, but if all Balcan people, muslims and christians (whatever nation they belong now), are united no one will may play game's with us. Murat I was said: "divide and conquer, that is how we may defeat the orthodox christians", and so he did so, and after 500 year slavery we are still here, someone like muslims someone like orthodox christians. That not making a diference who we realy are, great people with great hearts. We are making a mistakes, all of us, the history is telling us to do not make the same mistake over and over again.Others divide us, but we must unite like a people with a true belief that good is still exist on this world. If someone want to know history in much more detail he or she must read the historical's records not book from this days, or to try to find out the truth if it hidden. This man tell us that we are blind because of western civilizations games which is for only they satisfaction. War is never was and never will be the solution.
@brezovprut4431 4 жыл бұрын
Your antiwestern orientation escalated too far and demasked your hypocricy and mercenary!!! Bosniaks suffered both from Byzantynes and Romans. We don't like foreign imperialism wheather its Russia or America....
@rimax82 5 жыл бұрын
06:37 The Answer is YES. You can find videos of Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić with the official Orthodox Church Priests 'blessing' their actions. You can also find videos where Radovan Karadžić is saying before the war started: "I will eradicate Muslims in Bosnia". May Allah judge over you and give you what you deserve in this world and in the next.
@ahmmetb3h 9 жыл бұрын
When you go to Belgrade, just say, Kosovo is a free country dear sheikh, and you'll see how much love you'll get
@aladindelic 9 жыл бұрын
ahmmetb3h Kosovo is not a free country. Kosovo is an American (Dajjal's) puppet.
@ahmmetb3h 9 жыл бұрын
Marko Ladavac if you wanna come in peace, you are welcomed, but i'd love to see you taking it by force 😉. As long as there are albanian mothers to give sons, we will be there, with or without NATO.
@hamla 9 жыл бұрын
ahmmetb3h That is where you are hugely wrong. Without NATO support you are gone in few days.
@ahmmetb3h 9 жыл бұрын
Marko Ladavac We have been there for over 5000 years, with or without NATO, but you would've been nowhere without Russia and France, reflect on that.
@hamla 9 жыл бұрын
ahmmetb3h Only place where you have been for 5000(even that is a lie) years was Albanian region in today's Azerbaijan. From there you were brought to balkan(also previously know as Haemus.
Dear Sheikh Imran Hosein, As an Orthodox Christian Serb I am honestly reaching out to you and accept your kindness and friendship. I am impressed by your calm and kind approach. Your lectures indeed reflect peace, love and kindness. God has blessed you with a good character. I as a Serb condemn the war crimes which were committed against Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995. However I have my own opinion about that tragedy. It is not easy to explain the following statement because there is so much deception caused by the western media. The crime which occurred in Srebrenica was not a result of Serbian policy to deliberately exterminate Muslims. If Serbs would wanted to exterminate Muslims in Srebrenica then why did they rescue the Muslim women, children en elderly from the area? The crimes in Srebrenica were a result of the agreement between the president of the Bosnian Muslims (Alija Izetbegovic) and the president of the US (Bill Clinton) to provide to the NATO pretext for military interventions against Serbs throughout Bosnia and Croatia. Before Serbs entered Srebrenica the idea that many Muslims must be executed existed, however, not in the heads of the Serbian leaders, but in the heads of the Bosnian Muslim and American leaders. "In 1998, Srebrenica’s wartime chief of police, Hakija Meholjic told the Sarajevo newspaper Dani that in September 1993 Izetbegovic told him: “You know, I was offered by [Bill] Clinton in April that the Serbian forces enter Srebrenica, carry out a slaughter of 5,000 Muslims, and then there will be a [NATO] military intervention." When Serbs entered Srebrenica in 1995 also a Serbian unit entered which was hijacked by the French secret service. Serbian mercenaries which disobeyed the Serbian regular authorities and operated on behalf of the French secret service executed captured Muslim men. This scenario was part of an agreement between the Bosnian authorities and the US to 1) create a pretext for NATO interventions against Serbs and 2) overshadow the upcoming and planned genocide against Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krajina in August 1995 After the fall of Srebrenica in July 1995, the united military forces of Roman-Catholic Croats and Bosnian Muslims attacked (in August of 1995) the Serbian region of Krajina (the Republic of Serbian Krajina) and ethnically cleansed between 300.000 and 400.000 Orthodox Christian Serbs from the region of Krajina. That was the real genocide in the Yugoslavian war. 300 thousand of Orthodox Serbs were ethnically cleansed in August of 1995 (after the fall of Srebrenica) and during that genocidal operation the Croatian army (supported by Bosnian Muslims) killed thousands of Orthodox-Christian Serbian civilians. 10 thousand of Serbs were killed and disappeared in August of 1995. But the UN and the West will not mark the fall of Krajina as genocide! I admit that crimes were committed also against Muslims during the civil war. But the crimes of the Orthodox Serbs have been systematically exaggerated to demonize Serbs which was a part of the Western policy to deliberately remove the Orthodox-Christian population from Bosnia and Croatia.
@Bhouncer 9 жыл бұрын
Kninska-Krajina you never mentioned 3,287 Serb civillians killed by mujahadeen operating out of the Srebrenica enclave?
They were indeed killed by the pro-US Bosnian government which was supplied with NATO arms..
@Bhouncer 9 жыл бұрын
ДА истина
@likmasaha6149 9 жыл бұрын
+Kninska-Krajina Pa tebi je u krvi laz i laganje. Jel te Alija natjerao da ubijas sve muskarce u zasticemoj zoni Srebrenice!?? Sta su krivi svi ti civili osim sto su bili muslimani? Cuj Alija dogovorio sa Klintonom,izjavio Hakija Meholjic da mu je Alija rekao ovo ne seri taj isti Hakija je komunjara koji je blatio Aliju gdje god je stigao,kao i druge "Hakije!"-placenici cetnickih ispostava u Bosni! U Hrvatskoj nije bilo genocida nad Srbima,nego oslobađanje R Hrvatske od okupatorske cetnicke vojske. Srbima su Hrvati nudili kulturnu autonomiju prije rata u Hrvaskoj,međutim vi ste htjeli Veliku Srbiju i balvan revoluciju! Znas ti dobro sta ste vi htjeli a sta ste dobili u Hrvatskoj a zamalo i u Bosni,samo da NATO nije sprjecio ARBIH 1995.godine svi bi bili danas preko Drine. Na kraju da prokomentarisem ovo o cemu prica Imran u svojim predavanjima (o ujedinjavanju Islama i Pravoslavlja),stim sam se slagao do momenta dok Rusija nije ulozila veto u VS UN-a na rezoluciju o presuđenom genocidu u Srebrenici a od tad pa dok sam ja ziv i svi Bosnjaci dok god ovo pamte nema nista od saveza između nas i vas!! TACKA!
Živio Fikret Abdić!
@natasha.r.m 9 жыл бұрын
SheikhImranHosein I am addressing you with a deep respect for being able to recognize and speak the truth. I am an Orthodox Serb from Bosnia and I do condemn each and every crime ever done, no matter who did it or to whom. No one has the right to take anybody's life (perhaps only in self-defense or defense of one's offspring as all the living creatures do it). Our souls and our lives belong to God and God only, as the one who gives life, have the right to take it. Thus I do condemn the manslaughter in Srebrenica - both the one done from 1992 to 1995 by Bosnian Muslims that Naser Oric and his military group were doing upon Serbian men, women, elder and children who lived in the villages around Srebrenica (3267 burried, with their names engraved on the monument in the village Kravice), and the other one that the Serbian soldiers did afterwards, in July 1995, to the men and boys in the town of Srebrenica. I condemn both the crimes as well as all the others that were done during that horrible war by all the parties involved. Your message has touched me deeply and brought tears to my eyes. I know you are right. I know we've been all played by the Western countries for decades. We still are... The new war can break out in the blink of an eye, unfortunately. I can see it from both the comments on this message of yours and the comments on the social networks following the recent events. And this saddens and horrifies me. Are we stupid enough to bite the same bait once again? Haven't we learned anything in the last 25 years? May God have mercy on us all!!! May we all come to senses before it's too late!!! Thank you for your lecture and your good will. God bless you with a long life and a good health!
@SheikhImranHosein 9 жыл бұрын
Mali Princ This is Imran N. Hosein. That my words should have brought tears to your eyes, indeed touches me as well. I have a very very difficult task ahead of me to try to further the cause of friendship and alliance between Orthodox Christians (in particular) and Muslims, so that we might jointly resist a common Judeo-Christian Zionist enemy. I recognize NATO to be the military arm of that common enemy. Your words have brought comfort to me. Thank you. The blessed Qur'an has prohibited Muslims from ever entering into friendship and alliance with that Judeo-Christian (Zionist) alliance - and hence with NATO. The Qur'an has further warned that whoever from amongst the Muslims turn to them for friendship and alliance, belong to them, and not to us. And finally, the Qur'an has informed us that a Christian people would become the closest in love and affection for Muslims at that time when Jews and others who blaspheme against the Lord-God, would exhibit extreme hatred for Islam and Muslims. I recognize Orthodox Christians to be the people referred to in the Qur'an who would be closest in love and affection for Muslims. I was astounded when Orthodox Christians in Russia received me with such great respect and affection despite the relentless centuries-long oppression of the Ottoman (Gog and Magog) Empire against innocent Orthodox Christians. I am confident that history will now move in a direction which will validate the blessed Qur'an's prediction concerning that Christian people. I am looking forward to visiting Belgrade in October Insha Allah. I hope to meet you there. with love, Imran N. Hosein
@Vajicgaja 9 жыл бұрын
Mali Princ Свака ти је на месту. Колико жучи се овде пролило, колико мржње, колико жеље да се понови све. Језа ме хвата задњих дванаест сати. Не носе ми се чизме поново. А да га оволико опљуну нисам веровао да је могуће. Са толико жеље да га увреде, њега лично. Без жеље и моћи да поднесу став другачији од званичне приче... Све за туђ рачун о свом хлебу и здрављу и о својој крви. Нека нам је Бог на помоћи. СВИМА !
@natasha.r.m 9 жыл бұрын
Agan Uzunović With due respect, Agan, I do not support such men. If you think so, then you didn't read the part of my reply which says that, I quote: "I do condemn each and every crime ever done, no matter who did it or to whom"... "I condemn both the crimes as well as all the others that were done during that horrible war by all the parties involved". News also came that Naser Oric played football with a man's chopped head (a Serb civilian from a village near Srebrenica). My point isn't in making difference between "our" or "their" crimes. No crime is MINE. I condemn them ALL. Making such difference would be a crime, too. I have never killed anyone nor supported anybody's killing. I'm not raising my children as "Chetniks" od butchers, but as normal pacific human beings. And I can't feel good living amongst people who call us, Bosnian Serbs, a "genocidal and fascistic nation", thus putting the blame on all of us and not on the ones who ARE to blame. I do not feel safe knowing that a great group (not all) of Bosniaks are willing to "make it even" by killing the innocent Serbs (that's what those "keyboard fighters" are standing for) as a revenge for the manslaughter a certain group of people (and not all of us) did 20 years ago. Do we really need a new war? New bloodshed? I don't think so. We should all try to keep this peace and make common living possible. At least for our children's sake. They deserve a better tomorrow, a better country and a better world. And it can be done only if we (me, you, us, them... everybody) become better. Best regards!
@natasha.r.m 9 жыл бұрын
Agan Uzunović I saw your first comment just now, after I gave you my first reply, on your second one. I am not willing to get into a conflict with you. I do understand what you are trying to say, but you obviously do not (want) to understand what I'm trying to tell you, with the best of my intentions. I said all I had to say (see above) and let's leave it at that. I wish you all the best.
@natasha.r.m 9 жыл бұрын
Veroljub Gajić Ово је страшно! Мени се више не проживљава рат. Никоме живом га не желим, ни душманину најљућем. Нека нам је Бог на помоћи свима! И да ничија мајка више на закука!!!! Амин!!!
@el1vi2r3 9 жыл бұрын
you imran husein have no clue what are you talking about. first of all it was 11 of july not 20 of july. wonder how much serbs have paid you to say nonsence like this, may Allah guide you and open your eyes. even non muslims say its genocide and you say its not. subhanallah
@keneth6389 9 жыл бұрын
You're using a poor logic here about referendum, it's like asking Germans in 1965 to vote if they are for an extermination of Jews in Europe. If Bosnian Muslims did not take arms and fought in 1992., there would be no Bosnian Muslims for you to talk about.
@harismehmedovic9387 8 жыл бұрын
Sheikh great respect from me, I'm a Muslim from Bosnia and follow your lectures more 4+ years. Muslims and Orthodox Christians in Bosnia are good people or policies is the one they quarrel, and Europe is the one who controls the policy in Bosnia we all know, if you would be peace in Bosnia europe we should not. Masons kept Bosnia as a wildcard for the start of the third world war, I hope not to repeat the situation of 1 World War II. Bosnia and Serbia all the more following your lectures, Orthodox Christians follow you from the Ukrainian crisis and the Bosnian Muslims are afraid of your chin think you Wahhabis haha ​​but after a lecture you get all the positive ratings :) vehabiski movement in Bosnia is every day more and more powerful, it worries us because gather drug addicts, drunkards bankrupt people and people who are economically disadvantaged are giving them money because they worship and grow the beard. Money received from Saudi Arabia. Bosnia also has a lot of Islamic university but some universities are Sunni and some selefiski some Sit group, our ulema hiding from us but we learn. Bosnian Muslims following your lectures and they are forcing us to explore the istinu.islam in Bosnia not very strong because of communism that was, or so mosques are full of young people: D
@nijomumin6549 5 жыл бұрын Serb here said '' ''Long live Assad! Long live Syria!''...ok, a Bosnian,...I also say ''Long live Assad! Long live Syria!''...but, did you know that Assad is Muslim,...Syria is 90% Muslim country ??? you can hate and kill Muslims in one place than love in another place,...??? ....
@sask3521 8 жыл бұрын
Although I agree with you on saying what the Ottomans did was wrong. It has nothing to do with the Bosnian Muslims or anyone else in the region. They are not Ottoman nor are they Turkish. It's like blaming Christianity for war between Russia and the Ukraine. Has nothing to do with it!
@tammygallant6004 5 жыл бұрын
He doesn't deny the massacre he just has a different definition for massacre and genocide holodomor was a premeditated genocide by the same people who orchestrated the Bosnian massacre Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
@Niketic88 2 жыл бұрын
It was just a evil trick to try go around the classic way of genocid with the same result. Bosnian muslims saved 3000 serbs from srebrenica being killed in WW2. He should never take out his wrong opinion about genocid in Srebrenica, he should have some compassion for his brothers and sisters from Bosnia. Nobody forced him to speak about that or maybe somone did?
@bobbybeta3967 2 жыл бұрын
Ya and ppl are too damn blind to understand the evil at work and go lambasting the Sheikh.
@1lililililililililililililil1 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobbybeta3967 imran hosein is a big dajjal
@1lililililililililililililil1 2 жыл бұрын
@@Niketic88 imran hosein is a big dajjal
@bihpitbull 7 жыл бұрын
Question to 8.00 did they have the support of all the serbs, Answer is absolutely YES. Milosevic was voted into power, he represents the people, they voted for him. Most of the able men contributed somehow.
@MoroccanDreamz 9 жыл бұрын
I'm from Morocco the only country in North Africa who had resist to the Ottomans and i don't understand why the Bosnian Muslims must pay for what the Ottomans did, the people killed were just innocents so it's actually Serbia who should apologize .. On an other side i'm sure that the majority of both peoples in Bosnia and Serbia have the same problems due to the corrupt leaders of our countries who think only to their pockets... we will find that we have a common enemy who almost managed to control the world with his lobbies...and they want us to bow for them because they think that they are "the chosen people" and we live just for serving actually it deserves a true and honest alliance between us !! By the way a big support to Palestine where Muslims and Christians stand already together against zionism !
@truthseeker8273 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Bosnian and a muslim, and you have to know that you lost the muslims from Bosnia since you gave that shameful interview to the Serbian television. You don't even know how to pronounce Srebrenica, nor do you know the exact date when the genocide happened, it was on the 11 july 1995. You should go to Srebrenica and pray janazah and pay your respect to the victims of the genocide that didn't only happened in Srebrenica, it happened also in Foča, Prijedor, Ključ, Višegrad and other places as well. You are ignorant and persistent in your ignorance. Yes it was a planned agenda and the Serbians are not sorry for it, they are even threatening us with another genocide, but you choose to believe the kufar instead of muslims.
@geronimobee4349 9 жыл бұрын
You sold you soul for three paychecks that you are going to make by visiting Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria. That is probably where you are heading. SHAME ON YOU, SHAME ON YOU. What a pity. I should say five paychecks since you will visit Russia twice.
@ivanajakovljevic7447 9 жыл бұрын
Hvala za objektivnost niko ne mrzi muslimane .... Zelim vam dug zivot i zdravlje
@jasic40 4 жыл бұрын
Blago nama koliko smo voljeni u Bosni, svaka generacija pamti genocid i krvavu Drinu.
@WadeDeAndre 9 жыл бұрын
“...Onoga koga Allah ostavi u zabludi - niko ne može na Pravi Put uputiti, a onoga koga On uputi na Pravi Put − niko ne može u zabludu dovesti...” Ovaj "sejh" je odavno prolupo.
@abdhalimrushdie5962 9 жыл бұрын
I am not bosnian nor serbian ,just muslims ,Sheikh!! you may have a good intention,But you must realize it is not easy for bosnian muslim to forget what happened in the past.The bad tragedy in which most of them lost their loved ones.Just try to put ourselves in their position annd ask ourselves Do we easily forgive our enemies?
@IsaacRizard 6 жыл бұрын
When Prophet Muhammad finally reentered the City of Mecca, how many people were slaughtered? You claim to be a Muslim, yet you don't even follow the example of Prophet Muhammad. So, if we were to follow through with your way, please enlighten me on the outcome.
@streetlamp669 3 жыл бұрын
@@IsaacRizard How do you claim that with the conquest of Mecca so many people were slaughtered? Please let me know about the source that u studied from! Prophet Muhammad had forgiven the very people who forced him into exile.
@IsaacRizard 3 жыл бұрын
@@streetlamp669 You should try to re-read my comment. I posed a question, not making a statement. I know there were very few people who were punished during the conquest of Mecca, not even more than the digits of one hand, if I'm not mistaken. Those who were punished committed very heinous crimes, while most of the Meccans were given amnesty. Please read my comment as a way for the Bosnians to forgive those who wronged them so that they can move forward.
@streetlamp669 3 жыл бұрын
@@IsaacRizard Oh ok ok my bad! Alright here's the deal, since you tell us to be more tolerant and forgiving. Our religion does tell us to forgive the people who have wronged you. There are many examples that you can come across if u research and study the history of Islam. Muslims can and will forgive the perpetrators, the ones who have done wrong but what about the justice that your so called Europeans claim to give? Have they given the justice to Bosnians for the mass murder of their loved ones for absolutely no reason? And if the justice isn't served, people go out to take revenge (that is if) then you term them as terrorists. What is this kind of justice?
@streetlamp669 3 жыл бұрын
@@IsaacRizard Our community has been facing persecution for such a long time. Yet u term them terrorists for the act of few extrrmists who i believe exist in every society under the banner of religion. Don't you believe that too? Or are u of the same view as the others to call all Muslims terrorists. Had it been the other way around that is Muslims carrying out mass executions of Christians that Muslim state should hv made to compensate the people, might have faced sanctions or God knows what! Don't u think this is hypocrisy on the part of one party against the other one?
@edin2934 9 жыл бұрын
At this moment, this video is used as propaganda by same people who are glorifying murderers of 8372 victims of Srebrenica. That is self explanatory.
@misa506 9 жыл бұрын
My dear sir, this is how respect and mutual understanding looks like. And as for I'm concerned, my Serbian Orthodox hands are always open for the people who think the same, and who can see through the "western" fog of hate. And if you do come for that lecture to my country I would see to that I'm present. Thank you once again.
@podzemo 9 жыл бұрын
hvala ti mudri covece
@hakala2022 3 жыл бұрын
Sta je ono sto te je natjeralo da nedokazanu tvrdnju prihvatis preko dokazane. Da li je to mozda licna korist?
@podzemo 3 жыл бұрын
@@hakala2022 ne zasmejavaj me
@mmr1137 4 ай бұрын
​@@hakala2022Koja korist bre izazvali ste rat ubijali Srbe i onda je Srbima puko film i glumite žrtve kad ste dobili po nosu. Da ste sproveli svoja nedela hvalili biste se kao Hrvati kao ala smo im pokazali! Licemerni ste i pokvareni. Vi da možete sutra biste sve Srbe poklali do zadnjeg i ne biste ni trunku griže savesti imali.
@bosnandjero3367 9 жыл бұрын
it is true, we are one people, we need to stop the hatred, we need to forgive and build a future together. We are the same blood, when they came and took orthodox boys away to train them to become janasaries, some of those orthodox boys turned into our muslim grandfathers. Im not an uncle Tom, and the people that did the massacres on all sides will burn in hell, i wont blame an entire people for the actions of radicals. Blood is still blood and to me personally i will always have more in common with my serb and croat brother than any turk, religion or no religion. This goes out to all the progressive like minded people
@JCBDBW 8 жыл бұрын
+elo bosna You are right, i agree with you, whatever happens i will always have more in common with Serbs or Croats than anyone else, same blood language culture music dance food etc....Only religion divides us. This of course doesnt include the hateful Serbian nationalists and the fanatics of greater Serbia who idolize Milosevic Karadzic and Mladic.
@rimax82 5 жыл бұрын
it sounds like you make Bosnians responsible for Ottoman emipre?!
@jasic40 4 жыл бұрын
@Raptor HUH???
@srdjanvujosevic88 2 жыл бұрын
@vickvickson4273 Жыл бұрын
@rmx: Your playing stupid will not help. So called Bosniaks, i.e. bosnian Muslims, had even COME into existence by collaboration with Ottoman occupator. By converting to Islam (mainly as Serbs and Christians) they got privileges and land and then practiced feudalism, taking 1/3 of annual crops of christian peasants working on that land, oppressing and terrorising them in many ways (Droit du seigneur law). Sheik explained and mentioned at the end.
@CrysisMan96 9 жыл бұрын
Napokon i neki razuman čovek ! thanks sheik Hosein a lot!
@LordMilan85 9 жыл бұрын
Nikola Radulović Човек је рекао истину, тачно је да нас вековима свађају међусобно, Србе који су муслимани и Србе који су православци на првом месту, само што Срби муслимани, бар већина себе више не зове тако, но то је њихов проблем ако се стиде својих корена. Иначе тачно је да нас уништавају систематски више векова, ал ми смо као коров, никад нас нико неће истребити, Србин никад није започео ни један рат ал их је све завршио јер је истрајао као коректан народ, тако ће увек бити, јер нико од нас не жели рат, само да нас запад остави на миру иначе сам запад ће пропасти од проклетства које је сам себи набацио на грбачу подигавши руку на православце свађајући их са свим у околини.
@beshaa77 9 жыл бұрын
Slusajte vlasi :broj zrtava na Bosnjackoj strani je 80% civila i 20% vojnika a na vlaskoj obratno,pa pogledajte dobro ko je kukavica i ko je pucao u koga
@whysoserioussrb5618 9 жыл бұрын
Asmir Besic Prvo ti procenat u startu nije tacan.Ni jedan ni drugi,znaci LAZES.Drugo,vi ste sami svoje ubijali.Trece,prvo nauci sta su i ko su Vlasi,sa tim nikoga ne mozes uvrediti.
@EsadAmin 9 жыл бұрын
Milan Ciric Pročitaj "Prokletstvo nacije" Miloša Bogdanovića pa će ti biti jasnije ko si.
@whysoserioussrb5618 9 жыл бұрын
Esad Amin Imam knjigu u kuci,dragi moj gospodine.Ja savrseno i u detalje znam ko sam,a ko ste to vi ?
@lejlas1 9 жыл бұрын
There's one thing I don't understand, why would we have to apologize to them, what do we have to do with the crimes of Otomans?
@user-xs7gb3jr4t 3 жыл бұрын
They made your nation.
@ghtey 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-xs7gb3jr4t what about Bosnian Kingdom and ljliani flag? It was there before the ottomans 😲🤫
@user-xs7gb3jr4t 2 жыл бұрын
@@ghtey that is correct.but they were Serbs.before otomans converted them into muslim Serbs.
@ghtey 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-xs7gb3jr4t you don't make sense?? all the Bosnian kings were crowned with the Bosnian Crown (Kotromanic etc) at the same time there was a serbian crown and serbian dynasty nemanjic etc why did the serbs fight with the ottomans to conquer Bosna??? also do you know about the bosnian church?? if the ottomans ruled the greeks for 500 years and the serbs for 450 years and the bosnians for 350 years shouldnt there be more conversions in greece and serbia?? it was the followers of the bosnian church that converted on a massive scale, this is not to say that some individuals didnt convert for personal gain but the majority in Bosnia converted willingly.
@nurudinlujinovic8868 9 жыл бұрын
shame,shame on you. i heard ur message when is the best night,Lailatul Qadr. U are not shaikh,u are nothing.Imran Husain,who pay you????Putin??? shame on you
@AMMA92244 8 жыл бұрын
Sheikh Hosein, I have read some of your books and was very intrigued by your interpretations of the prophecies and Qur'anic ayat. However, the more I read the more I started to believe that there is an agenda in your preaching with a bias of a pro-Russian nature. While I am a person who reads anything, and someone who does not fear reading an opposing point of view, I wish to challenge your claim that there was no genocide committed in Srebrenica. If you look at the definition of what genocide is you will find that it is defined as a systematic destruction of a group of people based on their race, culture, religion, ethnicity, etc. Rounding up men and boys for slaughter in a place is an attempt to exterminate the city of a population. And if you look at the Bosnia as a whole, thousands more Muslim men and boys of all ages have been put in concentration camps. You will say well, why would Mladic come to national television and vouch that no one will be harmed. That is laughable argument really. When my uncle (Muslim) was imprisoned in concentration camp Manjaca, he was imprisoned under a false charge as he was never in an army and was not caught attacking any Serb civilians. When the camp Manjaca was visited by the Red Cross representatives, the Serb guards dressed all prisoners in military clothes (former Yugoslav Army uniforms) to show the world that they imprisoned soldiers. But the truth was, that all those men like my uncle, were taken from their homes as civilians. Also, some of the barns in the camp Manjaca were used for women too who were raped on a daily basis by Serbs. Regarding a claim that Bosnians are not different from Serbs: false. We are of the same race, but many of our people do not share the customs and religion with Serbs. In fact, majority of Bosnian people (who were actually called Bosniacks in the pre-Ottoman Balkan rule) were either Catholics or of heretic Christian religion. Christian Orthodox were mostly moved from Serbia to Bosnia during the Ottoman Empire rule. Further, many Turks resettled in the Balkans and some Bosnian Muslims do claim their heritage back to the Turks, NOT Serbs or Croats. As for the fact that some Muslim men were armed in Srebrenica when they should have been demilitarized: well good for them. We are not talking about tanks or war planes. The whole town was surrounded by the Serbian army and the Serbs frequently stole humanitarian convoys with food and other necessities under the pretense that the Bosnian Muslims were getting armed. This caused a lot of suffering as people were hungry. Muslims in Srebrenica had numbers to fight back but had no arms. When the fall of Srebrenica was about to occur, at least 50% of the men were unarmed. Also, the men who ran for their lives across the wooded area knew very well why if caught they will not be left alive. One example is the video of an older gentleman calling his son, Nermin, to come out to Serbs and that he will be saved. Well guess what: both the father and the son ended up the victims of the genocide. Bosnian men had every right to fire back if necessary to try to survive. In his book "Blood And Vengeance" by Chuck Sudetic, he documents that eye witnesses said that Bosnian Muslims running through woods tied each others' hands. The men who had guns went first and if they fell their companions were to take up the guns and move forward. The Serb Army, writes Sudetic, surrounded an area and highly likely used nerve gas which further prompted the men running to hallucinate and open fire among themselves. Were Bosnian Muslims scapegoated for some unknown goals? Perhaps, but the world has yet to see any concrete documentation or any alleged classified documents showing that the whole thing was a hoax. Serbs would frequently cry out how the Ottoman Empire did awful things to their people. While Ottomans were not perfect and, looking through the eyes of the modern world, probably did many wrong things it certainly did not exterminate Serbs. There are centuries old churches that remained in the Balkans that were never touched by Ottomans or Bosnian Muslims. Yet, everywhere Serbs took control, they sought destruction of Muslim mosques and cemeteries. In the city of Banja Luka, where no war activities ever took place, 16 mosques were leveled one of which was 500 years old mosque Ferhadija. For decades the Serbs cultivated the idea that Bosnian Muslims were responsible for whatever the Ottomans did to Serbs 500 years ago. Among some derogatory terms used against Bosnian Muslims was that they were all called Turks. Bosnia was once a kingdom, had its own interpretation of Christianity and was secular in terms of accepting peoples of different beliefs. It had its own writing script. All of that has been denied to Bosnian Muslims much later. Some of the biggest claims for war by ultra nationalist Serbs were: a. that Bosnian Muslims were either Turks by origin or converted Serbs to Islam who participated in torture of Serbs during Ottomans, b. that all Bosnian Muslims supported Nazis in WW2 (claim that is not true) and engaged in genocide against Serbs, Roma and Jews, and c. that Bosnian Muslims must be reverted back to Christian Orthodoxy or pay the price. Well, regarding Bosnian Muslims being all Turks by origin there is no evidence for that. Regarding all Bosnian Muslims being Christian Orthodox prior to Ottoman rule the evidence supports otherwise (they were Catholics, Christian Orthodox, heretic Christians and pagan peoples). Regarding the Nazis, out of over 1 million Bosnian Muslims only one brigade supported Hitler. Also, in former Yugoslavia Muslims had to declare themselves either as Serbs, Croats or 'undecided." My own grandfather had written in his ID 'Serb' EVEN THOUGH he was actually a Bosnian Muslim. Hence, the supposed genocide of only Serbs, Roma and Jews in Yugoslavia during WW2 is questionable as the actual identity of all victims cannot be correctly confirmed. For all we know, many of those written off as Serbs in concentration camps like Jasenovac, Croatia, could have well been Muslims. Also, traditionally, Roma people in former Yugoslavia would ascribe to a religion that is predominant for a particular area. So, it is not unheard of for many Roma to actually follow Islam or Christianity. And again, perhaps many of the Roma murdered in the concentration camp Jasenovac were actually Muslim too. To claim that Bosnian Muslims all supported Nazis is wrong, but was effectively used by Serbs during the 1990s to further their war propaganda. Sheikh, perhaps you are on Russian payroll to preach what you do, but if you are an honest Muslim I would hope that you will do objective research.
@AMMA92244 8 жыл бұрын
Bos B :) I do not know how to take your comment: as sarcasm or a compliment. Regardless, my English is far from perfect. Having been in the U.S. for the past 20 years, I still got a bit of an accent. And sometimes, my accent comes through much more if I spend a day or two of talking my native language alone/for most of the day. Strange how things like that are. :)
@AMMA92244 8 жыл бұрын
Hvala! :)
@ades111 9 жыл бұрын
You have the love and respect from the Serb now sheikh but you disappointed all of the Bosnian muslims, You are in a Bosnian muslim newspaper called "SAFF" and all the social media sharing your video and in this matter the sufis and vahabis and anyone else sharing the same opinion, you made a big mistake and lost reputation with Bosnian muslims.
@daljinac2 9 жыл бұрын
Ebu Muaz Poslati vam 300 iranskih shiita da vam objasne da ste lazni muslimani ,oni najbolje znaju kako treba sa vama.
@el1vi2r3 9 жыл бұрын
daljinac2 znali bi mi kako s takvim tetama kao ti
@daljinac2 9 жыл бұрын
el1vi2r3 Imali ste priliku 1993. sa ovakvim "tetama" kao sto sam ja,pa se bas niste proslavili tj ostali ste bez drzave,ako mislis da bi danas bilo drugacije ,slobodno pusti poruku u inbox,a ja ti kazem opet da ce vas rafidije resiti gde god vas nadju.
@mariadinkic5229 9 жыл бұрын
He didn"t lose any respect. You just didn"t undetstand the main point of his speach. You don"t see the picture from your hate of Serbs. The point of the Sheik"s speach is that the WEST IS PLAYING WITH YOU. He is not defending Serbs or the massacre. He is trying to help you, not to swallow BBC and CNN false propaganda. They will force you into a war and then leave you. The Sheik knows their games. After NATO bombing, Serbia understands West games. No good, for both sides.
@TemplarOfTheWolf 9 жыл бұрын
Ebu Muaz Pa vi koji o šejhu imate takvo mišljenje niste pravi muslimani, vi ste politički muslimani, druže moj. U tome je problem. Samo među "političkim" muslimanima ovaj čovek može da izgubi poštovanje (zapravo ga nikada nije ni imao, jer su "politički" muslimani obični licemeri a ne vernici). Interesantno je kako svi vi ovde (komentatori koji su protiv ovog mudrog čoveka), uzimate sebi za pravo da sudite o njemu, a da ne vidite sebe i svoje reči, koje su sve samo ne u duhu islama.
@srpskadijaspora8906 9 жыл бұрын
This is so clear! I'm Serbian and i never got a problems with the muslims peoples in Serbia,in Bosnia,even in Kosovo.The Croatian push the Serbians and Bosnians brothers to kill ich other! But, there was some war criminels like Karadzic und Krajisnik, the Ex President of Serbian Republic in Bosnia, Madame Biljana Plavsic explain all of this in his interwew in 2014.I apologise in the name of Serbian peoples for all Bosnian muslim victims but it wasn't the real politic of Serbian people,please try to understund it.We are closer to muslims peoples than catolic Croatians and genocid Vatican politics!
@arven979 9 жыл бұрын
Srebrenica massacre is the biggest single mass crime in Europe since the WW2, but it was not a genocide. It doesn't make it less of a crime (not one bit!), but someone does play on that one word to still incite the enemy between local Serb Christian and Bosniak Muslim population of Bosnia. For 50 years after the WW2, the Serb Christians wore the mark of the victims of genocide (Serb Christians were victims of genocide politics of Croatian Nazi-allied occupation of Bosnia, in which a certain amount of local Bosniak Muslims participated) and have historically blamed local Muslims for supporting the 5 century Turkish rule of the area. Now, the tables have turned, and in this recent war Serb warlords did their share of crime, often calling it 'revenge', and the biggest of them was Srebrenica massacre. It's a very complex situation, the people of the area are generally poor, aggressive, and undereducated on both sides, and the hatred is the only thing that flourishes. The irony is that Serbs and Bosniaks aren't really two different peoples, but one ethnicity, with one language, one culture, and one physical appearance. The only difference is that Serbs are Greek-Orthodox Christians, and Bosniaks are Sunni Muslims, living together for 5 centures under Turkish rule, who introduced Islam in the area in 15th century. They both formed their 'nations' and parallel linguistic and political institutions around their faith. They even formed two separate historical schools, giving two different historical background of how they became. Former Yugoslavia was a chance for smaller Yugoslavian 'nations' to overcome their egocentric micro-nationalisms and unite into one nation with different religions, but it failed. And it's always complicated to explain to strangers that both Serbs and Bosniaks originate from the same Slavic people from the region of Bosnia-Serbia, and who in 15th century were one people, with the only difference of who converted to Islam, and who didn't. And now this 'genocide-or-not' feud is preventing them to finally start over and initiate an era of peace.
@leea.3096 Жыл бұрын
May Allah rewards for speaking the truth. Orthodoxies are our brothers in faith
@NagornoKarabakhAZ 9 жыл бұрын
Subhanu Allah! It was difficult for me to abstain from insulting you and stay with in the ahlaq in my respond after I have listened to you. Allah prohibits to speak without the knowledge! Genocide and its criteria has rigid Legal basis. To categories events as genocide or not genocide you need to have that knowledge. And obviously from your speech you have non of it! Competent people made the tribunal, examined the evidence and gave legal categorization to that. You are not qualified to disregard legal derision because you have no legal knowledge. May Allah give you some modesty and brains so you stop preach "your opinion" on the matters that you have no even a little clue about!
@commercialandresidentialpl7337 5 жыл бұрын
Competent people installed Israel in the Holy Land. When it suits u, u listen to what comes out of zionist Europe and when not u do not.
@tammygallant6004 5 жыл бұрын
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un he doesn't deny the massacre he just has a different definition for massacre and genocide holodomor was a premeditated genocide by the same people who orchestrated the Bosnian massacre and the same people murdered Armenians
@BoyDaniel 9 жыл бұрын
u don"t know nothing about srebrenica or bosnians or serbians and u shoud not talk about that
@gilbert2097 9 жыл бұрын
***** This man is one of the most educated Muslims that I know, and Im not a Muslim. He has told the truth in this video. It is the west that wishes to divide us so it can rule us.
@BoyDaniel 9 жыл бұрын
***** he talk about thing that he don"t know nothing about
@gilbert2097 9 жыл бұрын
He did his research that is clear as daylight.
@TemplarOfTheWolf 9 жыл бұрын
***** A ti znaš? hahahhahahaha
@mariadinkic5229 9 жыл бұрын
First, chetnik doesn"t have a shamefull or bad meaning. Every normal Serb is proud to be called that. The word exists in this region even before WW 1. In it"s true meaning it stands for the best forces of the Serb army, which are famous for great bravory, but also for the fact they helped a lot of injured foreigners, even enemies. Draza Mihajlovic, the most famous chetnik, saved American pilotes in WW 2 , for which deed he got an American orden. And this is how USA returns are ppl, but that"s another story Second, in WW 2 Serbs were the victims of real genocide from Croats and Muslims in Bosnia, who were on Hitler"s side. About a milion Serbs were killed, burried and never to be found, including women and children. It was a lonely and non political remomiral, unlike make uped Srebrenica. Third, THE TRUTH ABOUT SREBRENICA. Muslim armies first destroyed Serb villages around Srebrenica and killed 4000 ppl, including women and children. Then revolted Serbs did the massacre in Srebrenica, and killed only MEN, NO WOMEM AND CHILDREN. You conclude what is a bigger genocide, in it"s true meaning
@mariadinkic5229 9 жыл бұрын
@fluffilydoo6137 9 жыл бұрын
why is he even talking anything about SREBRENICA if he doesnt even know the exact date of the anniversary , hes talking only about some stories he read about online , he wasnt there when it happened !!!!
@litosalitos5545 9 жыл бұрын
bravo shikh imran!!!!!!!! i am a greek orthodox. u r a man of god and honer.u speak the truth. bravo i love u. u r my brother.
@Oliverapejoviccc 5 жыл бұрын
Bro i am serbian ortodox
@GALAKTIKOS93 9 жыл бұрын
You must admit Balkan isn't great place for building good relationship between Orthodox Christians and Muslims. But nonetheless, thank you for yout kind words from Banja Luka from the evil chetnik as my muslim compatriots like to call us. I saw invitation from one of many Bosnian Muslim comments for you to find out more about war and Orthodox Muslim relationship in last 150 years and i totally agree with that, speak with both sides, read both histories (sad but true), hear both opinions and then bring your own conclusion about last war and previous events where we were on opposite sides. One more thing, be careful when visiting Bosnia, Imam Beganovic who condemned those who went to Syria to fight for ISIS was stabbed on two occasions and attacked on few more. Once more thank you for your kind words. Long live Assad! Long live Syria!
@DjJk4eva 9 жыл бұрын
Ebu Muaz why do Muslims claim that the Serbs committed aggression against Bosnia if we have all of the listed data and they are easily verifiable and accessible to anyone on the Internet.public opinion in the whole world should know that the Serbs were the owners of 64% of the land in Bosnia,It is a fact that many Muslims do not know even though living in Bosnia.the war in Bosnia did not start the Serbs against Muslims or Croats.War began the Croatian Army attacked Serbian villages in Kupres 1991year. Croatian army attack on Bosanski Brod 15.09.1991.y. the massacre of Serbs 26.03.1992 in the village sijekovac in Bos.brod. The first refugees from Bosnia were Serbs from Bos.Brod then 15 thousand Serbs were expelled and all their property was set on fire and destroyed, 2,000 civilians were captured and tortured in town odzak and Bos.brod and 400 civilians were killed and buried in mass grave.all this happened up to 12 May 1992, when yet there is no war in Bosnia nor in Sarajevo.
@GALAKTIKOS93 9 жыл бұрын
Ebu Muaz No war started when you against the law of Yugoslavia didn't ask Serbs, one of constitutive people of ex Bosnia do we want to part our ways with Yugoslavia. On referendum in 1992 Bosnian Muslims and Croats voted for separation from ex Yu while Serbs didn't partake in that charade. Constitution of Yugoslavia and Bosnia as part of it forbid overvoting like it happened in 92 and like it happens today in this so called country. Second, so Celo didn't fire shoots and killed Serb on the wedding of his son? Your own war government accused the murderer but after he joined your army they withdraw it. Third we didn't say that all the Muslims wanted was Islamic state, but your president was Islamic State kind of Muslim. Ah Srebrenica was truly demilitarized? Naser wasn't truly there? I won't talk about numbers because i don't know shit ( i am from the other side of Bosnia, from Bihac which once was multi ethnic city with around 20% Serbs in it and now there is 150 Serbs left in a city of 60k inhabitants) about it just like you, but the fact is that Naser and his troops killed Serbs in a ''demilitarized'' zone and that many of 6377 until now buried victims are soldiers of ABiH who died in a push toward Tuzla. I am truly sorry for every civil victim but i want cry for Nasers monosters. Yep there was Serbs fighting for you just like there are Muslims that are loyal to Republic of Srpska. (what do you say about Muslim guy from Bijeljina arrested two days ago on the day of Srebrenica that called for referendum and glued Ratko Mladic pictures across the town?) What about Fikret Abdic guy who actually won the most votes, almost 50% on elections in 1990? He was a normal man who could be agreed with on many things. He should have been president of the country but SDA (radical Muslim party) decided that a guy who was second by votes Alija Izetbegovic, guy who is main cause of the war becomes the president. What about Ismet Djuheric who had high position in VRS controlled Bosnian Brod? He was leader of Muslim forces in Serbian Army during the war. Many Muslims from Banja Luka fought alongside with Serbs, while we all know how Serbs from Sarajevo ended like. See Sheikh why Balkan is biggest challenge in building good Orthodox Muslim relationship. I hope you stay as neutral as you can be, like Muammar Gaddafi said one time: Serbs are my friends, but Muslims are my brothers i can't choose a side. (my rough translation)
@ades111 9 жыл бұрын
***** I understand that propaganda is very strong in the serb, because it is much easier to belive that the others are the bad and you are good and if some say the victims were soldiers and not civilians u belive it and thats why i ask those 2 questions bud you answer everything just not this... one more time answer me please....WHY DID U HEVENLY GOOD PEOPLE WITH MUSLIM FORCES IN YOUR LINES DESTROYED EVERY SINGLE MOSQUE IN THE TERRITORY OF THE "REPUBLIC OF GENOCIDE" 534, NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS LEFT. U cant say this time the mosques were not civilian... THIS WAS AN STRUCTURAL ETHNIC CLEANING OF THE MUSLIM POPULATION AND NOTHING ELSE.
@ades111 9 жыл бұрын
***** I know your way of thinking and do not want to prove anything to you, anyone who seek the truth will find it easily. btw the international court in DenHaag proved it vas a genocide but u deny it and you will deny it for ever and most probably we will meet each other on the bettelfield, what i hope it will never happen but everything is telling me we are going in that direction.
@ades111 9 жыл бұрын
Marko Ladavac I did not expect any other answer on my question than that. But next time someone ask you, say that we muslims destroyed them ourself to accuse the serb, sounds better. Nepise se nama dobro a bome ni vama ovaj put ako zapuca...
@sunaydemirov7318 4 жыл бұрын
he is a pay actor. russia is paying him . everybody knows this . this is not a sheik
@ismoomy745 7 жыл бұрын
You are s(h)itting in Kuala Lumpur all the way in Malasiya and talking about our situation and you want to tell us how it all went. You want us to believe you, instead of the things that we have seen and have experienced during the many wars that have been fought on these lands. If the Ottomans where Gog and Magog, like you say, via the Ottomans we got the religion of Gog and Magog NOT ISLAM. Question to you is how can I be your brother if I am the descendant of Gog and Magog? If the Ottoman Empire was really that cruel against the Orthodox Christians, how is it possible that after 5 centuries of rule over Serbia there are still Orthodox Christians alive in it? Compare that to 4 years of war in Bosnia were the Orthodox Christians almost wiped or expelled all of the muslims from the lands that they controlled. Your understanding of Islam is peace, because of this you say Ottomans were Gog and Magog because of the many wars that have been fought against the Orthodox Christians. Again question to you, the Companions of the beloved Prohet Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him have conquered Egypt in the time that it still was under Christian rule, do you want to say that the best Muslims that will ever be on this planet were Gog and Magog? IDIOT!!!! STOP EATING SO MUCH SHITTT!!!! Kind Regards
@beshaa77 9 жыл бұрын
selam alejkum.....why are you talking about things you don't know nothing about? Because of this shameful message you have to apologize to bosnian muslims. Something isn't really allright with you...
@kokoiduhovi65 9 жыл бұрын
In Bosnia, before the first multiparty elections, the law was that the elected president has the right to voluntarily donates his presidency to whomever he wants. In Bosnia, in the first multiparty elections, the winner was the Muslim Fikret Abdic. America has done a lot of pressure on him, and he leave his presidency to Alija Izetbegovic. During the war in Bosnia Orthodox Serbs and Muslims (followers of Fikret Abdic) didn’t fight against each others,, not even one bullet. But, during the war in Bosnia Muslims (the followers of Alija Izetbegovic) hardly fought against Muslims, followers of Fikret Abdic. It was very hard war.
@galbisabdi5807 6 жыл бұрын
Subhan'Allah, knowledge is so liberating. To my Bosnian Muslim brothers I say we feel your pain and loss and a terrible thing has happened to you but just look at Syria how 700,000 people have been massacred yet the west blames another sect of Muslims (Shia) for it so that we may go and kill and hate each other for eternity with no end in sight. I've no doubt they've similarly exploited some Serbs so that we may hate each other for eternity but Allah has different plans. As a kid I still remember the nasheed "Sarajevo tunaadiikum" " Sarajevo is crying out for your help" and it sends shivers down my spine to remember the pictures of the killings on TV. Let's forgive each other because Dajjal has really played a big role in this and I thank Allah that this blessed sheikh has enlightened us all so much. Much love to the Christian brothers and Sisters here and I say to them never let the mischievous west make you hate your Muslim brothers in Bosnia and else where in the Balkans beware and be on guard because the Anti Christ wants enmity between us so that we remain divided. Imran Hosein I will be forever grateful for this knowledge because I was confused and disappointed with the fake saudi so called religious scholars for a long time. May the almighty bless you and your family.
@miloskuruzovic660 9 жыл бұрын
Your Highness and my dearest Sheikh; Allow me, first and foremost, to express my deepest respect towards your noble personality and towards your extraordinary power of will that makes you such a dignified representative of the Dar-al-Islam. When I first saw your video, a while ago, about Eastern Orthodox monasticism, I was absolutely fascinated, not just by your remarkable intelligence, but also, by your rock solid determination to speak about topics that not many Islamic theologians are willing to talk about publicly, or, should I say, with all due respect, the topics that create fear for life in many Islamic theologians. I also must admit that it was not primarily my humble ability to recognize one's intellectual profoundness that created my initial sympathies and deep respect for the very character of yours, but it was my inner feelings from the very bottom of my heart that undoubtedly told me that you are definitely someone who is worth listening to, because you love the truth and the grace of God is upon you. I am an Orthodox seminarian, currently writing my master's thesis about religious tolerance, at the University of Belgrade, Orthodox Theological Faculty, and it will be my personal pride to mention you as one of the great modern examples for building tolerance on the solid foundations of the pure truth. It is also my great wish, if I ever become an Orthodox priest, to bring you to Banja Luka, my hometown, so that I can show many, and by many, I also include Muslims, Roman Catholics and every single one of the pure hearted ones, that live in my country, what a true open-mindness and a true love for the truth can do in order to preserve peace and respect for each other's, regardless of ratial, religious or any other distinction. If you decide to come to Belgrade, please, let many of us know the exact date, so that we can have a privilege to hear from you, personally. عيد مبارك Yours respectfully, Miloš Kuruzović {Millosh Kuruzovich}
@shaklla369 9 жыл бұрын
Drugs are bad for your health !
@muriscabaravdic8461 9 жыл бұрын
Just like all of your lectures, you start with a hypothetical assumption, and bild a haus of theories on it. Of course that the haus will fall apart. You start with an assumption that there was no state policy of genocide, and that is exactly what you are wrong. There WAS and still IS a policy of ethnic cleansing, and the serbian part of Bosnia has its name "Republic of Srpska", meaning that it is a republic for Serbs. Almost all non-serbs (not only Bosniaks) are there either killed or deported. ALL, but really ALL but one mosque on this teritory was ground zero by the end of war. The head of their state has before the beginning of the war, Radovan Karadzic, has publicly in Parliament threatened to Muslims that they could get eradicated....and you say there was no genocide policy? From far Trinidad or Malaysia? Really, I think you should publicly repent for those words, if you have any islamic charachter...
@KristijanWL 9 жыл бұрын
I am pleasantly surprised by the visions of things as they really are with this distance this gentleman , and also disappointed that in spite of much evidence , people in Bosnia they can not see that they were fooled by Clinton and NATO . The war broke out because of others and led by others , Yugoslavs were the sacrificial lambs .
@CLOGCTV 3 жыл бұрын
First you address the Muslims of Bosnia and then you tell them mythical stories about what happened in Bosnia. We don't seem to know what happened in Bosnia. We know well and keep your mythical stories to yourself. "Only he to whom evil has been done can speak of evil" and evil has certainly not been done to you. Since you call yourself an Islamic scholar you would know that this is the LAW. You have no right to talk about evil that has not been done to you! We know very well who is NATO, who is Russia, who is Greece, who is Britain, who is France, etc ... Because everyone came and killed Muslims. Out of decency, we ask you not to take us into your mouth anymore! We did not seek help when it was difficult for us from people and we know how to defend ourselves with the help of Allah from tyrants.
@meerbalutch4075 9 жыл бұрын
we miss you sheikh
@mahomedhaffajee9710 2 ай бұрын
As the Muslim from South Africa I have realised that most Bosnians have a serious lack of knowledge and without analysing the Sheikhs words in bringing two people together. He did not Deny the massacre. He categorically stated that unthinkable unforgivable massacres took place and should be punished. When he talks about the term “genocide” he is trying to bring you two people together in saying it was NOT Christian policy but a foreign policy to demonise Christians and create more friction between Muslims and Christians. This is why he asked for a referendum to bring people together to face one common enemy the Jews. He is simply explaining to you guys if u keep mourning this to be a Christian massacre and inflate the tensions further amongst both Muslims and Christians we will all be sitting ducks for the Jews. I think most people commenting here are just speaking through emotion which is understandable but he DID NOT Deny the Crimes of the Serbs acting as agents for outside forces. I think the stupidity is astounding in misconstruing that he denied a massacre or mass human slaughter. He is just careful in how people use the term genocide of Christians on Muslims . I hope Some tools get it that he never denied the horrific crimes. He has a problem in how we label Things which has resulted in decades of enmity which serves neither us or Christians. Please listen carefully
@Wlayco 9 жыл бұрын
Nice speech Sheikh. But everyone needs to now all muslims in Bosnia were Serbs and orthodox, before Otomans. Regards from Bosnian Serb in Serbia
@daweedaqua 9 жыл бұрын
***** One of first serban kingdoms was Kingdom of Bosnia 1250-1500... Kotromanić rulers and all of them with name Stefan...
@0Dragunov 9 жыл бұрын
Electro Lies, before the Ottomans, there was no Orthodox in Bosnia, they were settled there by Ottomans to replace Catholics because the Sultan was at war with Rome and was friendly with Orthodoxs.
@Wlayco 9 жыл бұрын
Christianity in Balkan = 8th and 9th century Islam in Balkan = 15th century
@cupkocupkovic5925 9 жыл бұрын
Electro Yes, this is truth.
@Wlayco 9 жыл бұрын
man, paganism was everywhere. but that is civilization, evolution. paganism was a long time ago, like 10th century b.c., 3rd c.b.c, 5th century...then finished with religions, all nations decided which religion they will be. almost every change was forced, violent. like Orthodox in Balkan forced by Otomans. that is just truth, nothing else.
@geronimobee4349 9 жыл бұрын
Why don't you try to build good relationship on blood of your family, not blood of Bosnian people. Shame on you. You are talking about people who bring alcohol on funerals and get drunk and end up signing songs. So mach for their Christian believes. Imran you do not know jack about orthodox Christians of Balkan.
@keneth6389 9 жыл бұрын
And, of course, when you're talking to Bosnian Serb Government, you're talking to a greatest ally of Israel in this part of the world, so yeah, go on.
@n.g.4648 4 жыл бұрын
That's wrong, Serbia and Bosnian Serb government always supported the Palestinian people. By the way, your Muslims brothers Albanians are supported by the US and the sionist
@cupkocupkovic5925 9 жыл бұрын
Clever man.
@Baseskija1 9 жыл бұрын
"A lie, trait of our patriotism" “We lie to deceive ourselves, to console others, we lie for mercy, we lie to fight fear, to encourage ourselves, to hide our and somebody else's misery. We lie for love and honesty. We lie because of freedom. Lying is a trait of our patriotism and the proof of our innate intelligence. We lie creatively, imaginatively and inventively." written by: Dobrica Cosic the Serbian writer,
@MohammedMohammed-bj7oj 8 жыл бұрын
mr hossein. do u think we should hand over the kaaba/ holy city of mecca back to the idolaters? and apologise to the descendants of the quraish?
@dadom8615 7 жыл бұрын
The Kaaba was built by Prophet Ibrahim (as) and it wasn't taken over by the idolaters until after the death of Ishmail (as). Prophet Muhammad (saw) only took back the house of Allah which was originally built for Allah and not for idol worship that it was used for during his time.
@bobbybeta3967 2 жыл бұрын
@@dadom8615 Excellent reply!
@abubakrhusain0181 8 жыл бұрын
I am really thankful to my Prophet Mohammed Mustafa Sallallahu Ali We Salam for showing me the Noor of interior and exterior knowledge (light) when i was in the darkness and hopeless, from the day when Rasool Allah's noor was created by Allah, Rasool Allah is merciful and justice on every thing which was created after Rasool Allah's noor for example: angels, Heaven and hell, human, good or bad, everything and leaving creature is created by Allah Only for his Habeeb Mohammed Rasool Allah Sallah Hu Ali We Salam, Ya Rasool Allah is not present in my space and time but Rasool Allah is helping me, Rasool Allah will help me in my grave, after i rise from my grave and even on the day of judgement only Rasool Allah is my Helper, pease and blessing on the parents of Mohammed Rasool Allah Sallah Hu Alai Wa Salam (abdullah and Bibi Amina) who are True Faithful Muslims and the Rulers of Paradise, They are my Lord and i am they servent and Prophet Mohammed Habib Allah Sallah Hu Alai Wa Salam is my Rab and i am his slave and blind follower, i prostration my head to allah the most beneficial and mercifull and my heart bow to my Rab Prophet Mohammed Rasool Allah Sallah Hu Ali We Salam
@kerimsarajlic9070 9 жыл бұрын
What will you answer to Allah for speaking about something you don't have clue about, and humiliate Muslims in front of enemies if Islam? What do you think if Prophet s.a.v.s is alive, what would you say to him, why Imran, why you humiliate Muslims and make their suffering minor. Do you know that Allah's will is above your will, and if Allah wants he will make alliance amongst nations. We don't need Muslims to minimize our suffering we have enough enemies here. Don't defend us from West or East now, now we live in peace, we needed you 20 years ago.
@jedancovek987 9 жыл бұрын
It is good to hear a voice of hearth, from a man of God. Adnan Bosnjak How come Serbs "attacked Bosnia"? Serbs were majority in Bosnia for centuries until 1980th? Even at the time of war, there were 1.9 milions of muslims, and 1.35 milions of Serbs, living on their land, together in Bosnia. Whould they attacked themselves? Second, only genocide, a REAL GENOCIDE is comited in ww2, against Serbs by Croats and some muslims of Bosnia, supported by Hitler and Vatikan (600 000 Serbs are slaughtered in most brutal ways). And that, my friend, is the truth...... Forbidden by communist Yugoslavia, but it is the truth. Regards to all good people of all religions. We all should live in peace.
@jedancovek987 9 жыл бұрын
Adnan Bosnjak Sir, you are a liar. To be honest, if you'd ask you grandfather who are the Bosniaks? He would not know the answer, because term "Bosniak" is newly used (from 1991, onwards). On the other hand, Serbian presence in Bosnia is more than 14 centuries long. Long before Otomans etc. Please read wikipedia, of for example Britannica : "The first recorded mention of Bosnia was written during this period by the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, who described "Bosona" as a district in "baptized Serbia.
@milutinmicic2941 9 жыл бұрын
Adnan Bosnjak CITAT iz Katolicke enciklopedije pisane 1907. godine gde se spominju rezultati popisa iz 1895. qgodine u Bosni i Hercegovini kao delu Austrijskog carstva: BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA Prema popisu stanovništva od 22. aprila 1895, Bosna ima 1.361.868 stanovnika, a Hercegovina 229.168, dajući ukupan broj populacije od 1.591.036. Brolj ljudi po kvadratnoj milji je mali (oko 80), manji nego u bilo kojoj drugoj austrijskoj carskoj provinciji, osim u Salcburgu (oko 70). Ovaj prosek ne varira mnogo u šest oblasti (pet u Bosni, jedna u Hercegovini). Broj osoba po kvadratnoj milji u tim oblastima je sledeći: Donja Tuzla -- 106, Banjaluka -- 96, Bihać -- 91, Sarajevo -- 73, Mostar (Hercegovina) -- 65, Travnik -- 62. Postoji 5.388 naselja, od kojih samo 11 ima više od 5.000 stanovnika, dok 4.689 ima manje od 500 osoba. Ako izuzmemo nekih 30.000 Albanaca koji žive na jugo-istoku, Jevreje koji su se skoro doselili iz Španije, malo Turaka Osmanlija, trgovaca, službenika i austrijskih vojnika, ostatak populacije (oko 98%) pripada narodu južnih Slovena, Srbima. Iako pripadaju jednoj rasi, narod čine, prema religijskom verovanju, tri jasno odvojene grupe: Muhamedanci -- oko 550.000 osoba (35%), grčki šizmatici -- oko 674.000 osoba (43%) i katolici -- oko 334.000 (21,3%)... Muhamedanci čine većinu populacije u regionu koji se zove Krajina na severo-zapadu, u oblasti Sarajeva i u jugo-istočnom delu teritorije. Grčki šizmatici su u većini u oblasti Banjaluke. Katolici latinskog reda su brojniji u odnosu na druge dve denominacije samu u oblasti Travnika i u severnoj Hercegovini. Postoji još 8.000 Jevreja i 4.000 protestanata. APA citation. Klaar, K. (1907). Bosnia and Herzegovina. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved December 13, 2011 from New Advent
@jedancovek987 9 жыл бұрын
Adnan Bosnjak Moron.
@SadieMirsade 9 жыл бұрын
Shameless! Ignorant! Arrogant and crass!
@zmaj54 9 жыл бұрын
Who paid you to make this video? Russia?
@cupkocupkovic5925 9 жыл бұрын
zmaj54 No, Bosnia...:)>
@bihpitbull 7 жыл бұрын
19:20 did it ever occur the ottomans might have been countering the crusaders? over 8 crusades were launched each one resulting the crusaders invading the Turkish lands and killing their people, ever think of that?
@georgevlavianos1401 3 жыл бұрын
Did it ever occur to you that during the crusades the lands invaded by the crusaders belonged to the Byzantine empire and the Arabs (the Caliphate), not the Turks, killing their people, ever think of that???
@marolli16 9 жыл бұрын
Selam alejkym Sheikh.I do have e great respekt for you.There are so many Videos i looked and did agree with you.I am Albanien from Kosovo.But this time you diseapointed me.When you speak about Ottomans Your voice is very loud but wen you speak about the serbs you are not so loud.It was religious war and in deed there where serbian people in that army.I do agree that the Ottomans did Not do everything ok but they have done so much for Islam No Arab Contry did bevor them and after them.YES they did transform this katedral into e mescid but there is a story about that.But they never burn churches or transform another one .Do you want to know hoe many mosques were only in Belgrade more then 700 hundred and today there is only one.And in your lovely GREECE try to find one and there were thousands.They wanted to delete everything what have to do with islam People they were forced to convert to christianity or to leave the land and go to Turkey.So if I do understand you the serbs have the right to revenge because of wat the Ottomans did for centuries. You have no idea what we Albanians and bosnians have been throw sinds Ottomans did leave the ballkans. BY the way in Srebrenica were also the murderers from Greece. And the President of Serbia bevor 20 years he said for one serbian we will kill one hundred.I do understand what you are trying to do but for that love is to Early.With all do respekts Sheikh .I pray to allmighty Allah for you. Selam Alejkym Hamit
@galbisabdi5807 6 жыл бұрын
Hamit Marolli brother the sheikh wants to bring people closer to each other. He is loud about the Ottoman crimes because they were committed in the name of his religion and is cemented in the psyche of the Orthodox Christians everywhere and because of its magnitude all the while he is trying to reach to their hearts because as humans we all distrust each other. On the other hand he knows the Muslim might think he is wrong or even misguided or may be even crazy but no Muslim would think the sheikh hates Bosnians or Muslims.
@okljezcivokodj1993 9 жыл бұрын
Killing anybody is obviousely wrong, but i want to point the facts about Srebrenica. At the most 3000 men were killed in Srebrenica and about 2000 of those men were brutally murdered by Serb forces and the rest were killed in legitimate battles around Srebrenica. I want peace with Serb muslims of that region who suffered a lot because of Izetbegovic politics and western politics. I don't mean offence when i say Serbian muslims because ethnicity is not the same as religion. Muslims killed 35000 Serbs in the surronding vilages. Obviousely the "bosniaks" are Serbians who took muslim faith and i approve of that. I have nothing against islam but i am agaiinst portraying Bosnian muslims as seperate ethnic group because that is ridiculous. If you don't agree with me, fine, research the topic your self and then comment here. I don't belive in Serbian propaganda because it's mostly bullshit just as Bosnian propaganda but the truth is somewhere in the middle. Just read on the topic and educate your self just like i did and then we can finaly forgive each other and move on with our lives. Thats the only way. If you believe western propaganda then i don't even want to speak to you because your intelect is obviousely inferior to mine and to everyone who read on the subject and not just watched the news and believed that bullshit. I don't watch news anymore.
@VisinskiRadoviBeograd 9 жыл бұрын
Dear Sir! Brother! Thank you for these words of truth and hope. May Allah bless you and count you among those who speak the truth. Welcome to Belgrade and in my home and in my heart.
@mikailmuhammad8793 9 жыл бұрын
no word about criminal Nasser Oric? no word about Kravica? Sheikh, please study subject as a whole... and don't speak about 7000 - 8000 people, many of whom normally physically came to monument and found their names appeared on it. :-)
@ibranavdic6634 9 жыл бұрын
Dear Imran i belive you are lost your mind...
@selfawakeningtranscendenta6153 9 жыл бұрын
On the day of Judgement Allah Will Judge You for This.
@gropiusBar 6 жыл бұрын
Kuala Lumpur je magičan Grad! Ko god može neka putuje i neka se ubjedi! Nečudi me nimalo da ovakav čovjek iz tog grada se obraća nama svima!
@imrankhan7111 9 жыл бұрын
JazakAllah Sheikh Imran. Allah blessed you with great knowledge. Hope we learn more from you.
@buzziimm 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe knowledge about Islam as a religion, but not the history of Europe
@ojkiuy 4 жыл бұрын
@@buzziimm this imaran hussein is both ignorant on history and religion
@mesudmellebratic 9 жыл бұрын
Assalaamu 'alaikum, I really like you Sheikh Imran, but on this subject, trust me you have no idea what happened, what is happening and what will happen, you have no idea...
@habe941 9 жыл бұрын
Wesalaamu Alaikum brother !! u just got answer here on youtube just translate few comments and u will see they hate against all muslim world not only Bosnian Muslim. "if any one killed a person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind" Quran 5:32
@setko3901 9 жыл бұрын
The people of Srebrenica after all they went true are still willing to reconcile, live together and forgive the evil deeds even after hole generations of family’s were murdered by the next door butchers! Is there any nation more forgiving more peaceful than the Bosnians? Have there been any attacks of any kind on the Serbs living there? There are still even some of the perpetrators living among them and threatening them with another massacre! I have much respect for the dear Sheikh and believe his noble intentions but I have to ask. I am amazed at the language used to condemn the massacre. Is it not appropriate to say the least, that it is, cowardly, shameful, utterly sinful to massacre unarmed boys and men!? To kill indiscriminately people fleeing the city that previously had been disarmed by the UN. Where has the powerful language disappeared all of a sudden? If the Orthodox Christian people are ashamed of the acts of their army why then were the key perpetrators being hidden and protected for so many years and called heroes? And why haven’t we hear any orthodox christen worth the name condemning it publicly? Yes we want peace and reconciliation with any people living in Bosnia based on truth and mutual respect! No our people is not getting prepared for another slaughter!
@DjJk4eva 9 жыл бұрын
@hamla 9 жыл бұрын
Setko Such a liar and hypocrite.
@salemaw 9 жыл бұрын
بارك الله فيك شيخنا. May Allah bless you and further your cause Sheikh Imran. Peace,
@jasic40 4 жыл бұрын
Cause of betrayal and playing Putin's puppet?
@imrannavrange710 9 жыл бұрын
I am from India. Assalamaleykym. Allah Hu Akbar.
@krajinaball 8 жыл бұрын
Firstly - I have to say that those MEN slaughtered in Srebrenica were *NOT innocent*. Don't close your eyes on what those Islamists did in the years before 1995 (1992-1995) Slaughtering *Serbs and Croats* in the *110* Bosnian villages, such as Kravice, Visnjica, Bratunac, Orahovica, Vlasenice, Orovica, Poretak, Jadar, Bujakovići, Kiprova, Stopovi, Jasik, Bibići , Bojna, Debelo brdo, Kovačice, Sarići, Kožilje.... Why not CONDEMNING muslim war crimes & ethnic cleansing of non-muslims in Bosnia?
@hellothere9407 6 жыл бұрын
There you go again: "He did it, why can't I?"
@salahuddinayubi4064 9 жыл бұрын
Abu Dhar said, "I was with the Prophet (SAW) one day and I heard him saing: "There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal." It was then that I became afraid, so I said: " Oh Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?" He (SAW) said; "Misguided and astray scholars." Recorded in Musnad Imam Ahmad (no.21,334 and no.21,335). Sheikh Shu'ayb al Arna'ut graded it sahih li ghayri (authentic due to corroborating narrations) in his tahqiq of the Musnad (1999 ed., 35:21,296-97).
@DinceManijak 9 жыл бұрын
Sheik Imran! If you are so schooled and you as a Muslim deny the genocide upon Bosnian Muslims during 92-95. Have i mind that the last genocide against Bosnian Muslims was the 11 genocide act against Bosnians committed trough our history in the balkans. So with that in mind. I hope that Allah will find a suitable punishment for you. First of I don't think you are in any position commenting on Bosnian Muslims, the Bosnian genocide etc. Explain to all of us how come Muslims slaughter Muslims in your own backyard. What Israel is doing to Palestine since late 50's is not a genocide according to you? Allah knows best!
@kriglakriglich7679 8 жыл бұрын
My friend you dont know what you are talking about. If ou are saying that majority of Serbians condemn the genocide in Bosnia you are obviously not living here. The Serbia is very proud of what they have did in the last 80 years, and Srebrenica genocide is a top of the victory cake. If this is true what you are saying. Then why are serbians not condeming the genocide in Bosnia publicly ? Right now. They play to be victims and at the same time they, use Russia and it's influence in the world to stop any talk about Bosnian genocide. To my eyes you are just another international Serbian lobbist. Maybe you should come to Bosnia and visit the eastern part of this country that was more that 70% Bosniak, see the architecture, ask for the names of the cities and the hills what they were called and how are they called now. Maybe you as a Muslim sheikh should visit some of the 3000 mass graves that are still being uncovered and help the people there to uncovered the mass graves of your fellow Muslims....maybe then you will get a better idea of what has happened. ..maybe while yuo are at it you should read Serbians and Croatians school books and see what they are teaching their children about their neighboors the Bosnian, Albanian and other Balkan Muslims...
@MsSlava1953 9 жыл бұрын
Assalamu 'alaikum, Sheikh Imran Hosein! Me as orthodox christian, listening your wise words for over one year.You are rare ray of lights in this world.Good Bless you dear Sir !!!
@ss-xm4tc 9 жыл бұрын
Miss Glorius As a Muslim I say may the God of Abraham unite the true Muslims and Christians once and for all. This Sheik is so honorable and taught me many things and it is so refreshing to see a Sheik for once trying to unite us! In my country, Christians and Muslims have always been one and this is how I grew up. It does not feel right to be hostile to one another and when I see Sheik Imran Hosein talking about this unity, it really gives me hope in times of evil and destruction.
@MsSlava1953 9 жыл бұрын
ss8315275 Totally agree with you.He is honorable and his teaching I am listening very often.He is speaking the truth , love and compassion.For that alone I can just say God Bless him with health and long life.
@abisbaris9997 9 жыл бұрын
We need a forum for people like us who are in unity where we can converse in a mature manner.. Without people exploding in rage and hatred.
@ss-xm4tc 9 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree and those that want to continue to be filled with hatred can be left behind. There will be peace because this is what Allah swt wants.
@milutinmicic2941 9 жыл бұрын
Greetings and respect to the Sheikh Hosein, I want to be there when you come to Belgrade to hear your lecture. I am ethnologist and anthropologist, my self deep in subject in Balkan relations! Милутин Мићић
@NBGD22 9 жыл бұрын
SheikhImranHosein I will be in Belgrade on the 9th October on your lecture. Is there a chance to meet you and shake your hand?
@Gottham8 2 жыл бұрын
Don't ever ask Bosnian Muslims to condemn something that Turks or Ottomans have done. You are not welcome in Bosnia self proclaimed sheikh. Tell those fake stories to someone else. I bet there are some people that can be deceived by your propaganda. Bosnians love our brothers Turks.
@edinbabic789 3 жыл бұрын
Mr. Imran Hossein, this is one of your black spots for sure about war in Bosnia, you are definately with this actions representing some new alternated facts about history happenings causing confusion and trying to glue your "version" into the " end of times" philosophy. Sorry i can not accept this version of yours and never will. War in Bosnia was not civil war but was agression especially towards muslims, splitting of Yugoslavia (including haull nations in it ) was an western act, but splitting Bosnia was and act of interests of the neighbours ! i will tell in one simple school case, looks like you are defending the zio israelis and trying to make peace like that with palestinians in the state as it is and to say that 3rd party is to be blamed for all and please make peace. no no no sorry i dont buy this stuff from you.
@adnanahmetovic 9 жыл бұрын
Vi sto pisete da su Bosnjaci nastali od srba... Glupi ste jer govorite sto vasa vecina prica jer se loze na to.. Procitajte prvo kada je kraljevina Bosna bila na balkanu gdje su srbi bili.. Jeste bilo prelazaka na islam za vrijeme Otomanskog carstva na balkanu.. Ko vam je kriv sto niste pripadnici najljepse vijere. I danas ljudi diljem svijeta prelazi na islam..
@mystoryontour9975 2 жыл бұрын
you were in malaysia when speaking on this topic. you know how malaysian armies fighting for bosnian pple. you should not be here then.
@clericaltotalitarian 6 ай бұрын
You were fighting for the interests of America and Israel along with NATO occupiers, not for Bosnians.
@MacaMilenkovicXytmn 9 жыл бұрын
And the Bible in the Koran are very wise book. Read what they say about hatred among people. If you are true Muslims read the Koran. I read the Koran, a very wise book, I have it translated into Serbian language. I got it as a gift from my great friend Hoxha. God or Allah is the same, not have two Gods. But two gods and mother earth on Earth, you call it Allah, we, call him Jesus. We never in Serbia, we not learned that we do not like other people. A Muslim is with you always segregating the people and religion. We're all just people? What's so great hatred? the truth will be proven but need time ? And what will happen then when the truth comes to light? Muslims have always hated the Serbs in Serbia? What dawned world? Life is one, God is God and God is one God, Allah, Allah is One God
@eccosarka5021 9 жыл бұрын
This is the Memorandum of Serbian Inteligencia headed by their former Predident Dobrica Ćosic (deceased) Your statements are helping them with quite few of these and now if you look below you have a quite a Serbian following because you just reinforced those 9 points! Isa a.s. said God forgive them for they do not know what they are doing and I hope the same for you. Memorandum of SASA is designed in nine points. Dropped the violence and "battles that can be armed." The nine points of the second memorandum are: Reduce the first responsibility of Serbia for the crimes and devastation, and indictments, arrest warrants and staged court trials against citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian and Kosovo was put on an equal footing with the neighboring countries. 2nd distract regional and international media with the final process of former members of the Serbian political, intelligence and military leadership and political leadership of the Republic of Serbian who is on trial at the Hague tribunal 3. Neighboring countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo in the lead position to abandon the announced lawsuits in international courts. 4th remorseful actions bring Serbia into the same position with the casualties and damaged the neighboring countries. 5th insist on the closure of the Hague Tribunal in the trial of General Ratko Mladic before local courts. 6th destabilize the governments of neighboring countries, provoking internal discontent and unrest and weaken the blade charges against Serbia. 7. Help the breakaway Republic of Serbian. Insist on the 8th constituency of the Serbs in Croatia, Montenegro and Kosovo and Serbian communities make the transition in the countries of the region in a unitary, a Serbian community. 9th Stop separation of Vojvodina, to prevent the further regionalization of Serbia and the debilitating effect of the Islamic community in Sandzak.
@SalmaiChicken 9 жыл бұрын
Ekrem Sarkic read surah rum also
@eccosarka5021 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the article and suggestion of Surah. Read it multiple times. ;)
@kokoiduhovi65 9 жыл бұрын
Ekrem Sarkic That's what you call memorandum SASA never existed. That is cheap propaganda. That's what you call a memorandum SASA, it was a transcript of a session of the SASA. Then the speakers spoke very differently. It was just a discussion. It was not planned make any document of these discussions. They had no any common conclusion from these discussions. Anything for public. At the trial in The Hague, Slobodan Milosevic asked the prosecutor to find and show the document. The prosecutor said he would. After a month, the prosecutor said he can not find the document. He agreed that the document does not exist. You, the Muslims of Bosnia, are completely with America and CNN. A basic policies of America and CNN is a lie.
@eccosarka5021 9 жыл бұрын
kokoiduhovi65 so if i understood correctly, you stated that SANU was supposed to talk about 9 points, but they talked about something else. I am assuming you were at the meeting and can tell us what diverted their attention. That was not a serious statement, but this is...Which one of those 9 points is not in practice/use today in that region? Second point was a very good one and very true. Respect! IWTC had an abundance of documents linking Milošević to war crimes! US did note that NSA did have a recordings, but later refused to hand them over as you said. They claimed that the nature of the way this information was gathered was at risk and reveling it could place future intelligence collection at risk. When first revealed, US stated that it had recorded Milošević and Mladić coordinating political and war strategies about Srebrenica. I did not hear those conversation, but relied on statement made by Chief Justice of IWTC. However, if you think that US is not capable of listening in, ask Angela Merkel and at least 3 French presidents. Needless to say, IWTC was provided with an abundance of evidence which would have resulted in his conviction therefore tying him to Genocide in Srebrenica, agree? Or you don't he was guilty? Or perhaps it was not Genocide since it would really make Serbian people look bad? Not all Serbian people, though! You appear to be intelligent, informed and educated, do keep writing if you find this exchange beneficial.
@kokoiduhovi65 9 жыл бұрын
Ekrem Sarkic there were no any "9 points"-. It is all propaganda imagination, my friend. They were just discuss what will happened with Serbia if Yugoslavia is broken? Will Kosovo and Vojvodina get right to become independent countries or not? And they were compare autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina with various kind of autonomy in ex Yugoslavia in past. At least, in any country in world Academy of science and art is not what determines the policy of a country. For example- Muhamed Filipovic in Bosnia can say whatever he wants, it can not be reason to destroy country Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is not politician, but he is Academy member. It is so in all countries in the world. Your reference to the academy's ridiculous and uneducated. And even, memorandum mentioning never existed. It is completely invented for propaganda purposes.
@bajramradoncic7309 9 жыл бұрын
ASA Brother Imran Hosein i have listen allot of your videos and i have respected you and your vision for last days on earth and allot of other videos that you talk about eschatology But talking about Srebrenica and telling the mothers that they lost there sons husbands grand sons and everything ells they lived for with out of any knowledge I ask you to come over to small town of Potocari and check 8372 graves of innocent boys and if you have any hart tell your orthodox friends that there condemnation will not bring their sons back and listening you talking i'm getting sick ,i need to apologize for something that Otoman empire have done 600 years ago if you like them that much you can go to university of Beograd and talk to there students but im shure you and people like you will never walk the same path like the mothers of Srebrenica
@lunamorino8785 8 жыл бұрын
Sir sheikh you have chosen the evil side.
@Expatnema 4 жыл бұрын
This is not either white or black. Its complicated as it may seem. Not all catholic christians are bad per se. Not all orthodox christians are bad per se. So do muslims who are not all Islamic. Believe me, there are muslims who pray and went many times to hajj but their attitude are disgusting than a catholic christian i have known. Allah knows best. May Allah help us and grant us understanding!
@ifangunawan8094 8 жыл бұрын
god bless you syeikh imran hosien takbir allah huakbar
@ReminderOfAllah 8 жыл бұрын
God embarras him! We have our own daees and shaykhs to teach us how to deal with our genocidal neighbours. Moreover, our neighbours themselves taught us how to treat them, and they will get that treatment accordingly. We don't need some delusional "shaykh" from the Middle East who knows SHIT about Bosnia and Bosnian Muslims!
@jasic40 4 жыл бұрын
May Allah judge him for this betrayal.
@sunaydemirov7318 4 жыл бұрын
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