Link to the original video
@ektran4205Күн бұрын
metatron react to the difference between france french belgian french and quebecois french video
@framegrace1Күн бұрын
She's speaks Catalan as a native (from Barcelona city)
@ObvsCam93Күн бұрын
Italian is definitely closer to Catalan than Spanish, it's just that the pronunciation of the eastern varieties is a little further away. If a Valencian or somebody from Tortosa, Lleida, or any other western variety were to pronounce those examples, it would be even clearer.
@CapitanGen22 сағат бұрын
As a native spanish speaker (Venezuela) I can understand italian but not catalan Lol ...Please, avoid the word "definitely"
@ObvsCam9322 сағат бұрын
@CapitanGen When I say definitely, I mean in terms of lexicon (look up some studies on the levels of lexical similarity between the two). The reason a Spanish speaker might understand Italian but not Catalan is because the standard pronunciations of Italian and Spanish are closer but the key thing is there's less exposure to Catalan, especially if you're a south american/Caribbean Spanish speaker, whereas Italian has quite a strong influence on Argentinian, Uruguayan and even Venezuelan Spanish.. heck even balurdo is from Italian balordo. I say this as somebody who speaks Italian, western Catalan, and some Spanish (I'm a bit rusty). Where you don't understand Catalan, a lot of times an Italian speaker will and that's due to Catalan being an Occitano-Romance language (southern French language group) and not an ibero one.
@Nissardpertugiu16 сағат бұрын
I was surprised that the valencian have a very close accent to us in some case than barcelona
@Analytical200010 сағат бұрын
@@CapitanGen You're missing the point. For example, Many Spanish speakers have difficulty understanding many South American Spanish speakers due to different linguistic cultural facets that are unique to the speaker's community. You are having difficulty understanding Catalan because you clearly do not immerse yourself in the language or its speakers but if you live in Catalonia, you can take up a free Catalan course from the Catalan Government.
@lluisbofarullros32239 сағат бұрын
@@ObvsCam93 it'much easier: occitan catalan is the source of both italian and Spanish/castilian
@KarlKarsnarkКүн бұрын
"Aprender" (to Learn) is the root of our English word "Apprentice"(to learn), as well.
@cadian101stКүн бұрын
More directly 'apprehend' comes from the same root
@TheMouseandTheWallКүн бұрын
An apprentice is a *learner*, it does not mean to learn
@cadian101stКүн бұрын
@@TheMouseandTheWall you can use apprentice as a verb in English but generally it just means to be an apprentice under someone or in something
@pierangelosaponaro2658Күн бұрын
@@cadian101st Depending on which meaning of apprehend, correct.
@seustaceRotterdamКүн бұрын
Wow thanks 🙏
@octaviantimisoreanu5810Күн бұрын
In Romanian: Aquesta nit el cel esta ple d'estrelles (Catalan) = Aceasta noapte cerul este plin de stele. Mi piace molto imparare le lingue straniere (Italian) = Îmi place mult sa învăț limbi străine. M'agrada molt estuduar alres llengues i cultures (Catalan) = Îmi place mult sa studiez alte limbi si culturi. quest estate faro un viaggiio in Asia (Italian)= Aceasta vara fac o călătorie in Asia Sabies que la ciutat de l'Akgyer, a l'illa de Sardenya, la gent parla catala (Catalan)? = Știi ca in orașul Alger, pe insula Sarda, gintul vorbete catalana? Coudn't get the sentence about the morning, but I partially understood it Dema tin hora al metge a les 10 del mati (Catalan)= mâine ma duc la doctor la ora 10 dimineața Io vivo nel Nord Italia e il clima qui e molto diverso dal Sud Italia (Italian) = Eu stau in nordul Italiei si clima e foarte diversa de Italia de sud.
@andresnunez9514Күн бұрын
Actually Catalan is indeed spoken in Italy. A small town called Alghero in Sardegna.
@alessandrom7181Күн бұрын
Maybe many years ago, i doubt young people speak Catalan.
@EthanAndresSuarezBello-hc4ybКүн бұрын
@@alessandrom7181 you know old people can speak it?
@seustaceRotterdamКүн бұрын
This was actually mentioned in the video
@giulianorivieri2806Күн бұрын
@@alessandrom7181Not many people nowadays, but old people (or over 50) still speaks it, or understand it. Algueres is different from standard catalan but is the same language of course.
@andresnunez9514Күн бұрын
@@seustaceRotterdam I know my bad hahaha
@osvaldobenavides5086Күн бұрын
She clearly has an advantage because she also speaks Spanish, so she can figure it out from both.
@CortesCansadosКүн бұрын
bro speaks like 5 different latin languages. what you on about.
@brummiesalteno-81Күн бұрын
On the contrary, he has the advantage, he speaks Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and some French. He can pull from so many more romance language sources.
@sabart5Күн бұрын
You can make the Catalan sentences to look more like Italian: "Aquesta nit el cel és ple d'estels".
@Nissardpertugiu16 сағат бұрын
Questa notte nel cielo è pieno di stelle. Nissart : Achesta nüece en lu cel /sel es plen d'estella.
@yorgalescu3248Күн бұрын
Catalan vs Romanian Em temo que no et puc ajudar. - Mi-e teamă că nu te pot ajuta. No puc esperar sis setmanes! -Nu, pot aștepta șase săptămâni! No m'ho puc creure. - Nu pot să cred. La finestra il·luminada - Fereastra iluminată. No, em temo que no.- Nu, mă tem că nu. Em sap greu dir-t’ho però no té gust. -Îmi pare rău să vă spun, dar nu are gust. Tots tenim dues mans, dos peus, un cap. Tots naixem de mare. - Toți avem două mâini, două picioare, un cap. Cu toții ne naștem dintr-o mamă. On són els cavalls?- Unde sunt caii? Vine aquí! - Vino aici! (Vino încoa.) Escolta, vine a aquí. - Ascultă, vino aici. Permeteu-me que em presenti - Permite-mi să mă prezint. Va venir un son profund, sense somnis. - A venit un somn profund, fără vise. La Bíblia sovint compara la mort al son - Biblia compară adesea moartea cu somnul. El diumenge és l'últim dia de la setmana. - Duminica este ultima zi a săptămânii. Només necessitem una carta de joc. - Avem nevoie de o singură carte de joc. En primer lloc, Déu va cobrir tota la terra amb herba verda. - În primul rând, Dumnezeu a acoperit întreg pământul cu iarbă verde. Aquests porcs! - Acești porci! Prefereixen els porcs i les vaques - Preferă porcii și vacile. He caigut d’aquest coi de porca i m’he mossegat la llengua. - Am căzut de pe porcul ăsta și m-am mușcat limba. És un porc. - Este un porc. El pastor coneix cada ovella per separat. - Păstorul cunoaşte fiecare oaie separat. Volia comprar-te la casa. - Am vrut să-ți cumpăr casa. Va comprar aquesta casa per estar a prop d'ella.- A cumpărat această casă pentru a fi aproape de ea. A comprar i a vendre - A cumpăra și a vinde.
@eldeterrassaКүн бұрын
As a native Catalan speaker, I've always asked myself how my language sounds to someone who doesn't understand it. Once, I met a friend who told me it sounds like a mix between Spanish, French, and Italian, but with a Portuguese accent. Is that correct, my friends? What are your thoughts?
@module79l28Күн бұрын
I'm portuguese, besides my language I speak Spanish and French, and I sort of agree of with you: when it comes to sounds, Catalan sounds more Portuguese than Spanish. 🙂
@paulthomas8262Күн бұрын
I believe historically is was as much a French dialect as Iberian. However we think of french a certain way because of a somewhat militant effort to standardise french and therefore Standard French is one of the those most divergent of Latin language IMO because they more often than have a preference for less common root words in the other Latin languages and they were heavily influenced by the Germanic Franc and somewhat Gaulic. Words like Tambe have that Portuguese/Spanish crossover sound. I actual went the Catalan part of Sardinia
@RokspainКүн бұрын
Catalan was pretty similar to provenzal languaje, which was almost lost when France tried to unify all the languages
@kame9Күн бұрын
sometimes soud alot romanian, there are alot words are or sound almost the same, like foc, nou. And catalán, is divided in oriental and occidental.
@MrRabiddoggКүн бұрын
I don't speak it, but based on my knowledge of history this makes sense. the Reconquista of Spain and how close Catalan is to Portuguese and France compared to Madrid, it makes sense it would sound like the Spanish/French/Portuguese. I suppose for the Italian it would depend on which regional dialect they mean. there is a lot of French influence in a few of them
@cadian101stКүн бұрын
I love Catalan. It is the secondary language I am learning (primary being Japanese). It does feel like a mix of its neighbours sometimes but also has its own neat quirks. And yeah the numbers are quite strange in Catalan, especially 8 'vuit'
@jaysterling26Күн бұрын
I was going to ask if anyone here had studied Catalan before Spanish or other romance language and passively understood some of them through it. I didn't have the opportunity to do this but I wonder if it's a ' cheat sheet' , if one enjoys Catalan ( even Valencian, Mallorquín?)?
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
Its just like in french, huit.
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
@@jaysterling26catalan here
@georgezee5173Күн бұрын
@@maxstirner6143 And actually, in the Valencian variety of Catalan it's said "huit" and not "vuit". Same with other common words as "avui" (today), that in the Valencian variety it's "hui", which is very similar to the Spanish "hoy".
@cadian101st22 сағат бұрын
@ I mean that makes more sense coming from latin 'octo' since it doesn't summon an initial v/b sound from the aether
@adrianfm6738Күн бұрын
I am a catalan speaker (the Valencian dialect). When I was in Italy, I just spoke catalan with everyone and I had almost no problem understanding others or being understood by them.
@georgezee5173Күн бұрын
And it also helps that the accent from the Valencian variety is more similar to Italian (and Spanish). When I was a kid and learn Catalan from Valencia watching TV, despite understanding everything after a few months, the first time I got to watch the Catalan TV (TV3) I didn't understand a thing at first because of the accent, to the point I didn't even realise it was the same language for a good 10 minutes 🤣 (I was only 6 years old though 😅)
@ObvsCam9322 сағат бұрын
@@adrianfm6738 yeah Valencian and Western Catalan (especially Tortosí) can be virtually understood without effort. I met a group of people from Lleida and Valencia in Venice and they were doing the same thing.
@DJRotxyКүн бұрын
0:58 For anyone wondering, she 100% sounds like native speaker with a Barcelona accent.
@WeShallOvercome_Күн бұрын
Good to see Catalan getting some love and attention. It’s annoying how it’s usually left out of any discussion on Romance languages when historically it’s very much front and centre. Why is there no Catalan flag on our phones 🤔
@jaysterling26Күн бұрын
I wonder how Romansch or Ladin ( not Ladino) feel ? I don't recall seein them being covered .
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
@@jaysterling26or aragonese
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
Or astur, leonese, etc
@ingo8431Күн бұрын
Hello! I speak Catalan natively, Spanish as well, English, and I'm learning Italian, I just know the basics btw, we could speak about Catalan if you'd like to
@miecraftandmoregames5 сағат бұрын
as someone from Barcelona this will be interesting! gràcies!
@corinna007Күн бұрын
I've been in one of Bahador's videos, and you're right that the participants don't read what the other is saying. In the video I was part of, I had my sentences written down for myself, but the other guests didn't see them, and had to guess just by listening to me speak.
@OldManRiv3r17 сағат бұрын
You should watch the KZbin short "When the Germans first met the Romans" by Pat Mandziy. It's a quick short, but I think you'd get a kick out of it since it combines your love of languages and the Roman Empire. He does some hilarious history related skits.
@Toxicpoolofreekingmascul-lj4ydКүн бұрын
I speak Spanish and understand Italian pretty well, can't wait to watch. I understood the first one. I also thought of aprendere. I understood the second one perfectly. I understood the third one completely. The 4th one was more difficult, only got the last part. I didn't get the tengo/tinc connection until she said it. Tinc hora- I have hour is an unfamiliar construction for I have an appointment. Medge I never would have guessed. I understood about half the long 5th one at first listening. But I got the gist. Reading it was near 100 percent . I think I could actually have a decent basic conversation with a Catalan speaker with a bit of effort and repetition.
@UniquelyCriticalКүн бұрын
This was awesome. I like these kinds of videos.
@MrRabiddoggКүн бұрын
given the different influences in both the various Italian dialects and Catalan I would think the different native regional Italian languages would have different parts that are easier or harder to understand vs Catalan.
@Nissardpertugiu16 сағат бұрын
Most people would have trouble to understand but im a native from Nizza marittima, an aera that is like a bridge part of western liguria, to piemont, annexed like Corsica. I speak italian but i speak nissart, more rustic, arcaic, and i understand a lot Catalan. Also Nissa was like Sardegna or Napoli, we went under Aragon for a time too.
@edgarmaestre6622Күн бұрын
Gràcies per dedicar un video al meu idioma!
@Benito-lr8mz9 сағат бұрын
Me hace gracia cuando dicen que el Catalan es como el Italiano otros dicen que es como el Frances o incluso mezclados pero lo curioso es que gente que no sabe Catalan en España y habla Castellano no Español de America tambien entiende muchas palabras e incluso entender el asunto.del.que se habla es mucho mas parecido al.Castellano que al Vasco evidentemente me pasa a mi cuando he hablado con alguien en Valenciano y el me responde en Castellano y no tiene ni idea de Valenciano y no vive aqui
@framegrace1Күн бұрын
I think there some points things that may explain the closer relationship of Italian to Catalan that to Spanish : - North of itally and Catalonia bordering/including of the Occitan continuum, and its influence. - Both of those zones being of Carolingian tradition, unlike the rest of Spain. (That's noticeable even on cultural festivities and customs even today) - Aragon Crown Commercial power and later conquests in Sardinia, Sicilia and South of Italy. - Oh, and the Borgia family were Valencian, just saying :)
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
Not sure about the festivities, I mean, as catalan I do not do different things, besides castanyera, tió and moreneta, but every region has their own.
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
Well, Saint George and cake of "spring break" too.
@framegrace1Күн бұрын
@@maxstirner6143 Carolingian heritage is quite notebale, there are a lot of small cultural details that come from there and are different that the rest of Spain, for example; Catalans wear the wedding ring on the left hand, like French and Italians. Also on weddings, the separation of assets being the default option. Other parts of Civil Code are pretty similars, and different that other regions. We use Steam Family structure, (Only a single married male per household, and all the older generations), also based (But not exclusive) on the Carolingian tradition... The Boxing Day, Corpus and Sant John festivities are also Typically Carolingian.
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
@framegrace1 as far I know, the rest of the peninsula also wear on the left, celebrate saint John and on. Idk what do you mean by the box day.
@framegrace1Күн бұрын
@maxstirner6143 Valencian? Mist of those traditions ended up there by the conquerors of the House if Barcelona. I know in Castille and Andalucía wear the wedding ring on the right.
@yorgalescu3248Күн бұрын
Catalan vs Romanian -Ella era com foc interior . -Ea era ca focul interior. -Sí, duc el foc - Da, aduc focul . -I veuran sang i foc, i vapors de fum. - Și vor vedea sânge și foc și vapori de fum. -Nascut entre sal i fum? -Născut între sare și fum? -No hi ha fum sense foc. - Nu iese fum fara foc. -No tenia motius per a mentir.- Nu avea motive să mintă. -Et talla la respiració - Îți taie respirația. -Respirava tan bé que no podia dormir.-Respira atât de bine încât nu putea să doarmă. -Caient de genolls.- Căzând în genunchi. -Jesús és viu - Isus este viu. -l’ostatge encara és viu! - ostaticul este încă viu. -Jo, com molts de vosaltres, visc entre la realitat i els videojocs. - Eu, ca mulți dintre voi, trăiesc între realitate și jocuri video. -El meu jurament m'obliga a servir-vos. -Jurământul meu, mă obligă să vă servesc. -Vaig fer un jurament de no casar-te ni tenir fills. -Am făcut un jurământ să nu mă căsătoresc nici fii să am. -Necessitem un cap clar!- Avem nevoie de cap limpede (clar) ! -Cap de mort . -Cap de mort . -A vida d'una formiga comença en un ou - Viața unei furnici începe într-un ou. -Les gallines es defensaven menjant-se les formigues. -Găinile s-au apărat mâncând furnicile. -Fora només hi ha formigues i mosquits.- Afară sunt doar furnici și țânțari. -No totes les formigues tenen el mateix tipus de societats.- Nu toate furnicile au același tip de societate. -Dues persones, ell i jo, i una casa.-Doi oameni, el și eu, și o casă. -Ets un home lliure.- Ești un om liber. -El murmuri del riu - Murmurul râului. -Un altre signe de la primavera.- Un alt semn de primăvară. -Fugiré corrent del palau, sortiré al parc i em llançaré al llac. -Voi fugi din palat, voi ieși în parc și mă voi arunca în lac. -Llac Nègre -Lacul negru. -Aigua des d'un llac de cràter, combinat amb material volcànic en una erupció. - Apa dintr-un lac de crater, combinată cu material vulcanic într-o erupție.
@ninner196Күн бұрын
Very nice comparison. I liked the last explanation, reminded me of my linguistic testing which was all spoken and no writing. Me agrada que pude recordar Catalá y retenerlo. ¡Grazie Tony!😊
@joanalosmСағат бұрын
Being a native catalan speaker, I do understand italian. I've never studied Italian, but I regularly resd books in italian and watch videos from Italian channels. I've visited Rome, Firenze, Sicilia, Napoli, Sardegna and it was not difficult for me to understand the language.
In Marseille, we had a great doctor whose name was Metge.
@georgezee5173Күн бұрын
He was destined to be one 🤣
@lluisbofarullros32235 сағат бұрын
@georgezee5173 for sure, significants seems to play an important role... even in the comments on youtube you can foresee or deduce the nature of the comment according to the nick of thr commentator
@JoeSmith-wr7miКүн бұрын
The Valencian variety has even more similarities with Italian: volta/vegada (volta), eixir (uscire)... and the pronunciation is probably more intelligible for Italians than Catalan from Barcelona...
@Aixopluc_bcnКүн бұрын
There are different dialects within Catalonia, and some of them are closer to Italian than the Barcelona variety.
@georgezee5173Күн бұрын
It also has an accent that is more similar to both Spanish and Italian. Vocabulary-wise, it actually depends on the word, to be honest. For instance, Valencian variety uses "este/a", like in Spanish, whereas the Catalan variety uses "aquest/a", which is more similar to Italian. But, yeah, as a Spanish-speaker that learned Catalan from Valencia as a kid, Valencian words such a "eixida" (exit) helped me to instantly identify its Italian counterparts that sound less similar to Spanish.
@JoeSmith-wr7miКүн бұрын
@@georgezee5173 este/esta are the shortened forms of aquest/a, and they were in use in medieval times just like in Catalan. Even to this day, you will hear me say "est home" without -e, (you do this if the following word starts with a vowel). Btw Valencian (meridional variety, not as heavily influenced by Spanish as apitxat) is my first language. But the thing is, I even heard Italians sometimes say "esta sera" instead of "questa sera", I think it´s just a question of the dialect and maybe cognitive economy...
@CortesCansadosКүн бұрын
her mic is very bad indeed. she should've used her phone
@Unpainted_HuffhinesКүн бұрын
Yeah, even with my passing familiarity with Romance languages, I understood the sentence about the weather perfectly.
@alexh3158Күн бұрын
Hey Metatron, I love your videos. I was wondering if you teach languages like Sicilian/Italian anywhere or if you have like a course or something similar? If not I would be super interested in something like that thanks!
@lugo_996916 минут бұрын
Hi metatron. North catalan is very different to southern Valenciano.....please make a video. Which is closer to italian ?
@ChielOnYoutubeКүн бұрын
My native language is Dutch, and I was taught French and Latin in high school, but I don't remember all the vocabulary of either. I have been exposed to some Italian and to a lesser extent Spanish through travel and media, but have never studied either. The Italian sentences were generally easier for me to understand. From the doctor appointment sentence almost nothing. The Asia sentence was difficult because I immediately got Quest' and in Asia, and farò struck me as a first person singular verb, but estate made me think of things like land, from viaggio got something to do with roads, I would expect Italian to use a word more similar to English and French for travelling. With more time I would have probably figured out everything except estate. In the black cat sentence I only didn't understand piaccino, but could understand it from context. The North and South sentence I understood fully. For the "I like studying/learning other languages" sentences the Catalan was easier to understand because of estudiar and cultures, but I didn't know M'agrada, piace (again), and imparare, and wasn't immediately confident about straniere, but it was still clear what the words meant from context. I think I may have gotten the night sky one with more time, but nit, cel, and estrelles were just foreign enough that it didn't click immediately.
@osvaldobenavides5086Күн бұрын
Catalan first speakers are from Barcelona, Spain.
@cadian101stКүн бұрын
Eh, I have heard that Barcelona is probably the place in Catalonia with the lowest usage of Catalan. Someone from Girona or Tarragona would probably be a better sample
@mrx0088Күн бұрын
Catalans speak Catalan everywhere. The only thing that changes is the constant and growing flow of people from abroad decade after decade, who usually cling to Spanish. The percentage of speakers is reduced by this factor. In the Barcelona area this phenomenon is dramatically noticeable, where the flow of immigrants results in the natives becoming a minority. And the trend does not stop, but even increases. This is one of the many dramas that take place in this changing world, with virtually no international echo.
@Aixopluc_bcnКүн бұрын
@@cadian101st Per què, millor exemple? Els barcelonins que parlen català, també parlen català. No té gaire sentit el que dius.
@Analytical200010 сағат бұрын
@@cadian101st That makes no sense. What evidence do you have to support your statement, other than your bias. You are aware that all Catalan school (including in Barcelona) only use Catalan.
@chrisamies21412 сағат бұрын
@@mrx0088 so you have the issue that in Barcelona everyone speaks Spanish but not everyone understands Catalan, and people might as well speak Spanish. Same occurs in Wales - everyone speaks English but not everyone speaks Welsh.
@seustaceRotterdamКүн бұрын
I have heard Catalan a lot and generally understand most of it because I speak Italian. In this video I had more trouble understanding her!
@CriticalNuanceКүн бұрын
The woman said she is from Barcelona. I take it she is a native Spaniard but ethnically Persian.
@ivanovichdelfin8797Күн бұрын
Puedo decirte que físicamente también parece española de la costa este, así que no, no es étnicamente persa en mi opinión
@dls6994Күн бұрын
Just curious: how should she look like for you?
@georgezee5173Күн бұрын
Why are you so obsessed with ethnicity, my mixed race friend?
@CriticalNuanceКүн бұрын
@@georgezee5173 Raf/metatron said he wishes they had done the video with a native speaker of Spanish and Catalan. My point is that I believe she is a native speaker based on what she said. No one is obsessed with race aside from you.
@CriticalNuanceКүн бұрын
@dls6994 Who else in this comments section is going to clown themselves looking for racism? My only point is that I think she is a native speaker of these languages despite raf/metatron suggesting she may not be.
@miquelcanosasanteularia1678Күн бұрын
As a catalan I can say that this is quite good video
@danvasii9884Күн бұрын
A question for you, Metatron, because you are in an unique position to answer: is the diversity of Chinese dialects greater than the one of the Romance languages? Are Chinese dialects as inter-intelligible one with another as Romance languages (as Romanian, for me Italian and Spanish are quite intelligible - I do not expect the viceversa, of course- and French as I studied it and culturally it influenced Romanian the most of all other languages). Or the unique inter-intelligibility is only ensured by common system of writing - Ideograms?
@Wandsworth1Күн бұрын
Yeah, I started to watch the Alast video before this one and the first thing I thought was that Alberto's knowledge of Spanish might affect his understanding of Catalan. I know a smidgen of Spanish and it was that that helped me work out some of the woman's first sentence, NOT my intermediate knowledge of Italian.
@danvasii9884Күн бұрын
In Romanian we would say În (in) această noapte cerul este plin de stele.
@AC-he8lnСағат бұрын
Also, Catalonia, Naples, Sicily, and Sardinia were parts of the Crown of Aragon, so they probably influenced each other linguistically for a while.
@ivanovichdelfin8797Күн бұрын
He estado en las regiones rurales de Cataluña donde el acento catalán es mucho más notorio. En estas regiones, muchos comienzan a hablarte en catalán y si ven que no entiendes, te hablan en español Como español que no sabe nada de catalán, cuando la gente me hablaba en catalán, solo podía entender de media el 35% de lo que decían
@RogerMataCostaКүн бұрын
Comprensible, sobretodo si escucharas el Catalán de mi abuelo, a vezes la gente mayor habla tan rapido y con un acento tan pronunciado que questa seguirles el ritmo. Es un poco similar a lo que pasa con gente mayor de andalucia. Saludos!!
@paulthomas8262Күн бұрын
@metatronacademy try some non romance language like insula celtic. or maybe crossover like Gaulic.
@serfin01Күн бұрын
I love the Romance languages reactions. The sentence about the doctor I think that was kinda hard to understand.
@walkir2662Күн бұрын
2:44 That's what I had with Ecolinguist's Old English videos as a native German speaker. Spoken - no real idea (or a wrong idea). Written - suddenly it makes a LOt more sense.
@erkkinhoКүн бұрын
Médico, medge, metge (I believe this is the path of evolution of the word)
@tiapina7048Күн бұрын
I would have liked 2 Italians: the second from Sardinia. Somehow I think there would have been some differences.
@pierreabbat61574 сағат бұрын
"Metge" took me a while to figure out. Fetge=foie=hígado, metge=*moie=*mígado?
@alavaster69184 сағат бұрын
If she's from barça, she speaks catalan as native language (I'm Mexican, but it would make sense for someone from Catalonia to learn catalan right). Barcelona is in Catalonia (I'm not the best with geography, but of this I'm sure.)
@Aixopluc_bcnСағат бұрын
"Barça" is the football team, I think you mean "Barna".
@TheMouseandTheWallКүн бұрын
Barcelona is in Catalonia and approximately 30% of its natives speak it as a first language, so I don’t see why she couldn’t be a first language speaker
@maxstirner6143Күн бұрын
Accent. She has Spanish accent even for Barcelona accent. Not thick but recognoscible by native speakers.
@Lo_Ratpenat15 сағат бұрын
Native Catalan here. Her pronunciation isn't really native, but it could be worse. "Està ple d'estrelles" is a sentence full of hispanisms... In Catalan it's "és ple d'estels/esteles". Catalan is a minorized language that is mostly under constant Spanish influence, so we struggle a lot to keep it natural, specially the newer generations (they mostly speak a mix), so you can't trust anyone from Catalonia to be a good representation of the language.
@michelefrau6072Күн бұрын
It's the time to react to the sardinian challenge of Ecolinguist ;)
@Fadogar911Күн бұрын
she is a native speaker of catalan, she's from barcelona. what she's studying is Farsi :
22 сағат бұрын
tinc - tengo?
@josephinegeoghegan291322 сағат бұрын
I don't think her sentences are harder hahahaha. We just assume that they should be similar all the time, I found some of the Italian ones very hard.
@RicoFerrariКүн бұрын
The Catalan spoken in Valencia (VALENCIANO!) is the most beautiful romance language there is.
@CortesCansadosКүн бұрын
as a portuguese speaker, I second that.
@ektran4205Күн бұрын
@jaysterling26Күн бұрын
Unless actually going to Valencia you're probably not going to learn it (?) - & then it's probably more used in the countryside ( at least some years ago )? I knew a Valencian from the city hated learning ( 'why not another language?! ' wss her mantra on the topic) it & didn't speak it ( I'm sure passively she knew it (?)). I agree with Antony Burgess about the seductive daughters of romance on british Anglophones .
@Aixopluc_bcnКүн бұрын
You mean "valencià".
@Analytical200010 сағат бұрын
If you believe that the Catalan spoken in Valencia is the most beautiful romance language there is, then why do you describe it with the Spanish name of 'Valenciano', rather than the Catalan name of 'Valencià' . Secondly, how can the Catalan version in Valencia be the most beautiful romance language there is? Clearly you mean dialect as you point out, it is a version of the Catalan language which is a romance language.
@La.máñosКүн бұрын
Catalan is a Gallo-Romance language, like Occitan (Oc) and French (Oil). For quite some time, Catalan even been considered by Spanish authorities as an Occitan dialect ratter than a language on its own. As French and Spanish speaker, without much linguistic gymnastic I understand almost everything in Catalan... unlike Italian. 😅
@jaysterling26Күн бұрын
What did the Spanish authorities classify Aranés as - a French dialect?
@juanfran579Күн бұрын
Entenc prou bé les frases en italiá però no tinc clar si pug comprendre la llengua cuan la gent parla de presa.
@Slothface22 сағат бұрын
i wonder if italians even understand other italians
@manitheman08067 сағат бұрын
standard Italian is understood by everyone.....When you get into local dialects, that's another conversation
@afrocyberdeliaСағат бұрын
French helps too
@brunolima7402Күн бұрын
As a Portuguese i didn't understand a single word of Catalan( the spoken part, the written one is very similar to Portuguese), it sounds as difficult for me as Romanian. Interesting. Thanks for the video.
@RogerRamos1993Күн бұрын
Kistu nokto, le sielo estas plenu de stelos. Mi gustas multu studias lingos estranieru. Mi gustas multu studias altru lingos etu kulturos. In kistu verano, ego viagias al Asio.
@piafounetMarcoPesentiКүн бұрын
Lombardo e sei apposto.
@BobbyBermuda1986Күн бұрын
She IS a native speaker. There are no more Catalan only speakers left in Spain thanks to the tyranny of Spanish.
@armandocristos2137Күн бұрын
@RogerRamos1993Күн бұрын
Why would you speak only Catalan, if you can also speak Spanish and be able to communicate with people from over 20 countries? Catalan has never had as many speakers as it has now. At other times illiteracy was high, and many speakers couldn't write in Catalan. Nowadays, there are million of Catalan speakers, who can also read and write fluently in the language.
@Analytical200010 сағат бұрын
@@RogerRamos1993 You are aware that is nonsence and it is common knowledge that Franco banned the use of the language.
@Aixopluc_bcn55 минут бұрын
@@RogerRamos1993Why would you not speak only Catalan, if you want to? You seem to have a linguistic prejudice: the value of a language depends on the number of speakers it has. Be careful with that type of thinking, as by undermining a language you're also undermining the people that speak it. Please educate yourself on linguistic prejudices.
@RogerRamos199311 минут бұрын
@@Aixopluc_bcn I'm not underming anyone and not undermining Catalan. I'm just stating a fact that is that if you only speak Catalan you can communicate with only a third of a country, at best, whereas if you also speak Spanish, you can talk to people from over 20 countries. Even more, if you include parts of the US, and limited conversations with Brazilians and Portuguese. The more languages the merrier. I just see it a very unwise idea to force yourself to speak and understand only Catalan if you are from Catalonia. But sure, you are free to not speak Spanish if you want. I'm not saying everyone should be forced to learn Spanish. If it depended on me, noone would be forced to learn anything. And like I said, Catalan is thriving. There are many TV series in Catalan, many books, it has many articles on Wikipedia, it's not a dying language, like many make it out to be. I for one, a Brazilian, am one of those who decided to learn Catalan even if I live in Brazil and had no other reason to learn it than to read literature in it and add yet another romance language to my collection.
@Toxicpoolofreekingmascul-lj4ydКүн бұрын
@Diego-co2vfКүн бұрын
@WanderingWriterКүн бұрын
There are many native Catalonians, especially in Barcelona, that will speak English before they will ever speak Spanish due to the preference for autonomy
@felipegonzalez1934Күн бұрын
This is not true
@Aixopluc_bcnКүн бұрын
I don't think you have spent much time in Barcelona.
@WanderingWriter23 сағат бұрын
@Aixopluc_bcn i currently live in barcelona actually
@Analytical200010 сағат бұрын
@@WanderingWriterSo do I and that is BS. You are clearly inventing that😂🤣😂🤣😂